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In vivo gene transfer into mobilized hematopoietic stem cellsRichter, Maximilian 27 September 2017 (has links)
Die Gentherapie hämatopoetischer Stammzellen (HSCs) besitzt das Potenzial, verschiedene erbliche, nur symptomatisch behandelbare, Erkrankungen dauerhaft zu heilen. Die Mehrheit der aktuell angewandten Verfahren dazu, basiert auf der Isolation von hämatopoetischen Stammzellen, der ex vivo Modifikation dieser Zellen durch retrovirale Vektoren und der Reinfusion der modifizierten Zellen in den immunsupprimierten Patienten. Dieser Ansatz ist mit einer Reihe von Nachteilen verbunden, unter anderem einem teilweisen Verlust des Rekonstitutionsvermögens der Stammzellen nach ex vivo Kultur oder der Gefahr der Transformation durch Integration des retroviralen Vektorgenoms. Darüber hinaus sind aktuelle Gentherapieansätze mit hohen Kosten und großem logistischem Aufwand verbunden, was den Zugang zu diesen Behandlungen für potentielle Patienten stark einschränkt. Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt einen neuen Ansatz zur Gentherapie von HSCs, der auf der Mobilisierung von Stammzellen aus dem Knochenmark in den peripheren Blutstrom und der Transduktion dieser Stammzellen mit adenoviralen Vektoren basiert. Hierbei codieren die Vektoren sowohl ein Transgen als auch eine Integrationsmaschinerie. Der erste Teil der Arbeit belegt in einem humanen CD46-transgenen Mausmodell, dass adenovirale Vektoren der ersten Generation in der Lage sind, mobilisierte HSCs im Blut zu transduzieren und dass es den so transduzierten Stammzellen möglich ist, zurück ins Knochenmark zu migrieren und dort das Transgen zu exprimieren. Allerdings wurde im Verlauf von zwei Wochen ein Rückgang der Transgenexpression beobachtet. Um dies zu umgehen, wurde ein adenovirales Vektorsystem der dritten Generation genutzt, das eine hochaktive Sleeping Beauty Transposase, zum Zweck der Transgenintegration, codiert. Dieses System ermöglichte die stabile Genmodifikation mobilisierter hämatopoetischer Stammzellen nach intravenöser Injektion. Die Expression des Transgens konnte über längere Zeitspannen (bis 12 Wochen) beobachtet werden. Die modifizeirten Stammzellen waren darüber hinaus in der Lage, genmodifizierte Kolonien in vitro zu bilden und das hämatopoetische System letal bestrahlter Mäuse nach Knochenmarkstransplantation zu rekonstituieren. Es wurde somit gezeigt, dass HSCs nach in vivo Modifikation weiterhin funktional waren. / The gene therapy of hematopoietic stem cells holds the potential for curative treatment of several otherwise incurable inherited diseases. The majority of current gene therapy treatments relies on the collection of hematopoietic stem cells, their ex vivo modification with retroviral vectors and their transplantation into a myeloconditioned patient. This approach entails several disadvantages, including a reduction of stem cell engraftment potential after ex vivo culture and the potential danger of integrational mutagenesis. In addition, the high costs and complex logistics of this approach limit the access of patients to gene therapeutic regimens. This work explores an alternative approach to hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) gene therapy, termed stem cell in vivo transduction. This approach is based on the mobilization of HSCs from the bone marrow into the peripheral blood and the transduction of the stem cells with adenoviral vectors delivering a transgene as well as a transgene integration machinery. In the first part of this work, it was shown that first-generation adenoviral vectors could be used for the transduction of mobilized HSCs in the periphery of human CD46-transgenic mice. Further, the transduced HSCs were able to home back to the bone marrow and express the transgene. However, over the course of 14 days, a loss of transgene expression in HSCs was observed. To ameliorate these shortcomings, helper-dependent adenoviral vectors encoding a hyperactive Sleeping Beauty transposase for transgene integration were used for stable gene modification of hematopoietic stem cells following intravenous vector administration in mobilized human CD46-transgenic mice. Using this improved vector platform, gene marking of bone marrow HSCs could be observed for extended periods of time (up to 12 weeks). Further, the functionality of the modified HSCs was demonstrated both in colony-forming progenitor assays as well as through the transplantation of gene-modified HSCs into lethally irradiated recipients. Transplantation of modified HSCsled to long-term multi-lineage reconstitution showing that gene-modified stem cells were fully functional. Subsequently the safety of systemic vector administration in mobilized hosts as well as of the Sleeping Beauty-mediated transgene integration was assessed in human CD46- transgenic mice. Lastly, the stem cell in vivo transduction approach was employed in NOG mice transplanted with human CD34+ cells, as well as in Macaca nemestrina non-human primates.
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Érotisme pudique et dissolution des limites dans Hamaguri d’Aki Shimazaki ; suivi de Probablement personneBérard, Marie-Jeanne 08 1900 (has links)
Recourant volontiers au voilement ou à un jeu de paravents, l’écriture pudique est marquée par la précaution – souvent troublante en soi – d’éviter de provoquer le trouble chez son lecteur. Hamaguri d’Aki Shimazaki se construit autour d’un noyau apparemment contradictoire qui transcende le tabou de l’inceste. L’étude de ce roman, mis en parallèle avec L’amant de Duras et Les belles endormies de Kawabata, permet de mettre en relief un érotisme pudique dont la principale caractéristique consiste en une remise en cause de son principe transgressif, découlant de la dissolution de la limite tracée par l’interdit. Dans un phénomène de coïncidence des opposés, l’érotisme pudique aplanit le rapport dualiste entre des éléments donnés comme inconciliables : chair et esprit, Éros et Thanatos, licite et
illicite. Empreint de ce type d’érotisme, Probablement personne met en scène une jeune femme et son professeur de peinture sumi-e, de quarante ans son aîné. Une passion indéfinissable, à la lisière de la hantise, les lie de plus en plus étroitement l’un à l’autre. Leur relation se joue dans le non-dit, les regards, la gestuelle; elle se révèle graduellement à travers des traits d’encre sur le papier et la symbolique de la fleur : fascinante, cueillie, flétrie… Leur drame se joue dans la zone grise entre ce qui a eu lieu et n’a jamais eu lieu. / With its active usage of veils and folding screens, modesty writing is characterized by a certain precaution – often unsettling in and of itself – that is intended to avoid exciting readers. Aki Shimazaki’s Hamaguri is constructed on such a seemingly contradictory core that transcends the taboo of incest. A comparative analysis of this novel using Duras’ The Lover and Kawabata’s The House of the Sleeping Beauties allows one to uncover a certain erotic modesty, whose defining characteristic is that it undermines transgression when the boundaries of the forbidden are broken down. In a phenomenon where opposites collide, erotic modesty bridges the dualistic gap that exists between elements once considered incompatible: body and soul, Eros and Thanatos, that which is permitted and the forbidden. Infused with this particular form of eroticism, Probablement personne acquaints readers with a young woman and her sumi-e painting professor, who is forty years her senior. An incommunicable bond develops, bordering on haunting, and ties the two closer together.
Their relationship transpires in the unspoken, looks as well as gestures, gradually unveiling itself through strokes of ink on paper and floral symbolism: captivating, picked, wilted. Their drama unfolds in the grey area between what really happens, and what does not.
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Facteurs socioculturels et contrôle de la trypanosomiase humaine africaine en République démocratique du Congo / Sociocultural factors and control of human African trypanosomiasis in the Democratic Republic of CongoMpanya Kabeya, Alain 26 June 2015 (has links)
RESUME<p>La Trypanosomiase Humaine Africaine (THA) appelée également « maladie du sommeil» est une maladie parasitaire provoquée par un protozoaire du genre Trypanosoma dont deux sous-espèces (T. brucei gambiense et T. brucei rhodesiense) sont pathogènes à l’homme. La stratégie de lutte contre cette maladie est essentiellement basée sur le dépistage précoce et le traitement des malades, complété avec le contrôle du vecteur. Cependant, l’utilisation du service de dépistage de la THA par les communautés exposées représente un défi majeur. L’adhésion aux campagnes de dépistage actif avec des équipes mobiles spécialisées était en-dessous de 50% dans certains villages endémiques fin des années nonante. De surcroît, l’utilisation des services de santé fixes en RDC est si faible que ceci compromet le dépistage passif dans les formations sanitaires fixes. Notre hypothèse est que cette faible utilisation des services de santé pourrait elle-même être due à un problème d’acceptabilité du dépistage et traitement de la THA par les communautés vivant dans les zones de transmission de la THA. Tout ceci compromet l’élimination de la THA comme problème de santé publique, un but que s’est fixé la communauté internationale d’ici 2020.<p>Ce travail a comme objectif d’explorer cette dimension socioculturelle de la maladie qui est souvent négligée dans le contrôle de la THA et générer une meilleure connaissance de ces aspects.<p><p>Nous avons réalisé cinq études en total pour adresser la question de la sous-utilisation des services de dépistage et traitement de la THA par les communautés et sa relation avec l’acceptabilité des services. Nous avons d’abord développé une première étude qui évalue les résultats du traitement de la THA en analysant rétrospectivement les données de routine du programme de contrôle de la THA pour l’année 2006 à 2008. Ensuite, nous avons réalisé trois études qualitatives par focus group (groupe focalisé) et entretiens individuels pour documenter la dimension socioculturelle de la lutte contre la THA. D’abord une étude qui a exploré les perceptions sur la THA dans la communauté, suivi par une étude qui explore les perceptions sur le traitement de la THA et une autre qui se concentre sur les pratiques diagnostics des professionnels de santé face à un syndrome neurologique en contexte de ressources limitées. <p><p>Une cinquième étude combine une enquête-ménage avec des focus groups et des entretiens individuels pour explorer les perceptions de la communauté sur la santé en général et les services de santé. <p>Nous avons comparé les obstacles à l’utilisation des services de dépistage et traitement de la THA identifiés dans ce travail avec les messages de sensibilisation sur la THA utilisés au programme de contrôle de la THA en RDC et nous avons développé des recommandations stratégiques.<p><p>L’évaluation des indicateurs de performances sur l’issue de traitement montre que le taux de suivi post-thérapeutique est faible dans son ensemble :25 % pour le premier suivi de six mois et moins d’un pourcent des patients revient pour la dernière visite de contrôle au mois 24. Nous avons aussi observé dans cette étude un taux d’échec au mélarsoprol et à la pentamidine respectivement de 30% et de 22 % au Kasaï Oriental qui sont cependant difficilement interprétables, car le dénominateur est incomplet. Comme très peu de patients reviennent au contrôle post-thérapeutique, cette proportion est probablement biaisée vers ceux qui sont en échec de traitement.<p><p>L’étude de perception de la THA montre que la maladie est bien connue dans les communautés vivant dans les zones à risque. Par contre, plusieurs obstacles au dépistage et traitement de la THA ont été identifiés. Les plus importants sont :la toxicité des médicaments de la THA, les obstacles financiers, l’inadéquation entre le programme de dépistage des équipes mobiles et les occupations des communautés, les interdits qui accompagnent le traitement de la THA, le manque de confidentialité et la peur de la ponction lombaire. <p>L’étude sur la perception du traitement de la THA a montré que le mélarsoprol est perçu comme un médicament toxique et est surnommé « médicament des interdits ». Par contre, le régime NECT est perçu comme un nouveau médicament moins toxique qui a rendu les interdits liés au mélarsoprol obsolètes sauf un seul, celui de ne pas avoir de rapport sexuel pendant la période de traitement et de suivi post thérapeutique qui est de 6 mois. Les interdits ont été instaurés de manière empirique par les professionnels de santé et les communautés pour mitiger les effets indésirables du mélarsoprol. Leur violation pourrait entrainer des conséquences graves et mortelles. Ces interdits sont fortement ancrés dans les croyances de la communauté et constituent aujourd’hui un obstacle au dépistage et traitement. <p><p>L’étude sur les pratiques diagnostiques des professionnels de santé en matière de syndrome neurologique en contexte de ressources limitées a montré qu’en zone rurale le diagnostic est principalement clinique. Les obstacles perçus au diagnostic de confirmation sont essentiellement d’ordre financier puisque le patient doit tout financer de sa poche. Autres obstacles évoqués sont le manque d’outils de diagnostic et la perception de la communauté qui voit le clinicien comme un devin (petit dieu) ou oracle capable de « deviner » directement la maladie sans passer par un processus diagnostique de laboratoire.<p>L’étude sur les perceptions de la santé et des services de santé a montré que les capacités de travailler (82%) et les capacités de se mouvoir (66%) sont les signes de bonne santé les plus perçus. 90% des responsables des ménages perçoivent positivement la santé de leur ménage. Les opinions sur le service de santé sont partagées.<p><p>Les études présentées dans ce travail ont généré des nouvelles connaissances sur la dimension socioculturelle de la THA. L’analyse des messages de sensibilisation sur la THA utilisés par le programme de contrôle de la THA en RDC en termes de comparaison avec les obstacles au dépistage et traitement de la THA identifiés dans ce travail montre que ces aspects socioculturels bien qu’étant des véritables goulots d’étranglements dans la dynamique de la lutte contre la THA ne sont pas bien ciblés par la communication sur la THA. <p>Les perspectives des communautés exposées au risque de la THA doivent être adressées par un dialogue continu entre professionnels de santé et communautés adapté aux réalités locales. Ainsi il sera possible d’améliorer de manière opérationnelle les stratégies d’information, éducation et communication, et de façon plus large, le dépistage et traitement de la THA en intégrant la dimension socioculturelle de la THA dans la politique de lutte contre la THA. <p><p>SUMMARY<p>Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT), also known as “sleeping sickness” is a parasitic disease caused by protozoa of the species Trypanosoma. There are two types that infect humans, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense and Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense. The strategy used to control sleeping sickness consists of early case detection and treatment of patients, together with vector control. Meanwhile, utilization/access to HAT screening by the affected communities remains a major challenge. Adherence to active screening programs with mobile units was below 50% in certain endemic villages end of the 90’s. Moreover, utilization of fixed health facilities in DRC is so low that it compromises passive case finding. Our hypothesis is that this low utilization of health services is caused by a problem of acceptance of case detection and treatment of HAT by the communities living in the HAT transmission zones. This compromises the target of the international community to eliminate HAT as a public health problem by 2020. This thesis wants to explore and tries to generate more knowledge on the socio-cultural aspect that is often neglected in the control of HAT. <p><p>We conducted five studies to address the lack of community participation in HAT screening and treatment activities and the relation with acceptance of these services. <p>The first study evaluated the results of HAT treatment by retrospectively analyzing data of the routine HAT control program for the period 2006-2008. <p><p>Afterwards we performed three qualitative studies consisting of focus group discussions and individual interviews to document the socio-cultural dimension of the fight against HAT. The first study explored the community perceptions regarding sleeping sickness. The second study explored the perceptions regarding HAT treatment and a third study focused on diagnostic practices of health professionals in low-resource settings facing a neurological syndrome. <p><p>The fifth study consists of a household survey, focus group discussions and individual interviews to explore community perception regarding health in general and health services. We compared the identified barriers to screening and treatment of HAT with awareness messages on sleeping sickness used by the HAT control program in DRC and we developed strategic recommendations. The evaluation of performance indicators for treatment showed that compliance with post-treatment follow-up is very poor: 25% for the first post-treatment follow-up examination at six months and less than 1% of the patients returns for the final examination at 24 months. In this study we also observed a treatment failure rate of respectively 30% and 22% for melarsoprol and pentamidine in Kasai-Oriental. However, these date are difficult to interpret because of an incomplete denominator. As only few patients return for follow-up visits, this proportion is probably biased towards those in treatment failure.<p> <p>The study on the perception of sleeping sickness shows that the disease is well known amongst the communities living in the endemic areas. However, several screening and treatment barriers were identified. The most important are: drug toxicity, financial barriers, the incompatibility between the itineraries of the mobile screening teams and the local communities’ activities, the prohibitions related to HAT treatment, lack of confidentiality and fear of lumbar punctures. The study on the perceptions regarding HAT treatment show that melarsoprol is perceived as a toxic drug and is nicknamed the ‘taboo drug’. On the other hand the NECT regime is perceived as the new drug that is less toxic and that has abolished all the taboos of melarsoprol with the important exception of sexual intercourse during the treatment period and the post-treatment follow-up period of six months. <p><p>The prohibitions have been established empirically by healthcare providers and communities to mitigate the side effects of the melarsoprol regimen. Violating these restrictions is believed to cause severe and sometimes mortal complications. Communities adhere strictly to these prohibitions and this constitutes a barrier for HAT screening and treatment.<p><p>The study focusing on diagnostic work-up of neurological syndromes in low-resource settings by health care providers has shown that in rural areas diagnosis is usually clinical. Barriers to confirmation of diagnosis are mainly related to the purchasing power of the patient. Other reported barriers are a lack of diagnostic tools and the communities’ perceptions associated with the care provider. Clinicians are perceived as diviners being able to directly identify the cause of the illness without using laboratory tests. The study regarding the perceptions on health and health services has shown that ability to work (82%) and ability to move (66%) are the most perceived signs of good health. 90% of the household responsibles positively perceive the health of their family. The opinions on the health services are divided. <p><p>The studies presented in this thesis have generated new insights on the socio-cultural dimension of HAT. The analysis of the awareness messages on HAT in DRC compared with the reported HAT screening and treatment barriers have shown that <p>although these sociocultural aspects are real bottlenecks in the dynamic of the fight against HAT, they are not targeted by the communication on HAT. <p><p>The prospects for communities at risk of HAT should be addressed through continuous dialogue between health professionals and communities adapted to local realities.<p><p>It will thus be possible to operationally improve the information strategies, education and communication, and more broadly, screening and treatment of HAT by integrating the socio-cultural dimension in the fighting policy against sleeping sickness.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Previous issue date: 2007-03-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The enzymes dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase (DHFR-TS) and pteridine reductase (PTR) are involved in the pterin/folate dependent metabolism; together they
represent an important target for chemotherapy of parasitic leishmanias and trypanosomes. Xray crystallography was used to elucidate accurately the structure of the PTR1 enzyme from
Trypanosoma brucei in complex with inhibitors which are analogous to the substrate. The ligands assayed for crystallization were the substrate folate and the inhibitors
melamine, 6-thioguanine, WSG1012, WSG1034, WSG3065, WSG3066 and WSG3067. Of these, four yielded crystals with diffraction patterns sufficient for a complete dataset.
WSG3065 (later revealing the lack of the ligand), WSG3066 and WSG3067 are three of the several structures presented in this work which came from the cited crystallization assays;
added to these are the refined structures complexed with triamterene and cyromazine, proceeded from two other datasets already available. The datasets were processed with the programs Mosflm / Scala and Xds / Xscale, the structures were refined using the programs CNS and Refmac5 and validated with the programs Procheck, Whatcheck, Sfcheck and ValidationPDB. All refined structures belong to the space group P21 with unit cells around a = 79, b = 90, c = 82, b = 115, 4 monomers each of 268 residues per asymmetric unit
and complex active sites. Besides the inhibiting ligands (except WSG3065) present in the structure, other ligands were found either near or outside the active site: dithiothreitol, glycerol, ethylene glycol, sodium and acetate ions. Analyses on the ligand positions and corresponding interactions with the protein were carried out to understand modes of inhibition and to guide the design or the discovery of new compounds which are potent, but selective to
the parasitic enzyme, inhibitors. Thereby, initial docking studies were performed aiming at identifying new molecules or lead compounds with inhibitory capabilities. / As enzimas dihidrofolato redutase-timidilato sintase (DHFR-TS) e pteridina redutase (PTR) estão envolvidas no metabolismo pterina/folato dependente; juntas, representam um importante alvo para a quimioterapia de leishmanias e tripanossomas parasitas. A Cristalografia por Raios X foi utilizada para elucidar acuradamente a estrutura da enzima
PTR1 de Trypanosoma brucei complexada com inibidores que são análogos ao substrato. Os ligantes ensaiados para cristalização foram o substrato folato e os inibidores
melamina, 6-tioguanina, WSG1012, WSG1034, WSG3065, WSG3066 e WSG3067. Destes, quatro forneceram cristais com padrões de difração suficientes para um conjunto de dados
completo. WSG3065 (mais tarde revelando ausência do ligante), WSG3066 e WSG3067 são três das estruturas apresentadas neste trabalho derivadas dos ensaios de cristalização citados; somadas a estas estão as estruturas refinadas dos complexos com triantereno e ciromazina,
provenientes de dois outros conjuntos de dados anteriormente disponíveis. Os conjuntos de dados foram processados com os programas Mosflm / Scala e Xds / Xscale, as estruturas refinadas usando-se os programas CNS e Refmac5 e validadas com os programas Procheck,
Whatcheck, Sfcheck e ValidationPDB. Todas as estruturas refinadas apresentaram grupo espacial P21 com celas unitárias aproximadas a = 79 = 90, c = 82 , b = 115, 4
monômeros de 268 resíduos cada por unidade assimétrica e sítios ativos complexos. Além dos ligantes inibidores presentes nas estruturas (exceto WSG3065), outros ligantes foram
encontrados próximos ou fora do sítio ativo: ditiotreitol, glicerol, etilenoglicol, íons sódio e íons acetato. Análises das posições dos ligantes inibidores e correspondentes interações com a proteína foram realizadas a fim de se entender modos de inibição e, em particular, assistir ao planejamento ou à descoberta de novos compostos que sejam inibidores potentes, mas seletivos, para a enzima parasitária. Assim, estudos iniciais de atracagem (docking) foram realizados visando identificar novas moléculas ou arcabouços com capacidades inibitórias.
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Synthetic strategies for potential trypanocidesCapes, Amy January 2011 (has links)
Human African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) is a devastating disease which is endemic in parts of sub-Saharan Africa. It is caused by the protozoan parasite T. brucei, which are transmitted by the bite of infected tsetse flies. Although the disease is fatal if left untreated, there is a lack of safe, effective and affordable drugs available; therefore new drugs are urgently needed. The aim of the work presented in this thesis is to develop novel trypanocidal compounds. It is divided into two parts to reflect the two distinct strategies employed to achieve this aim. The first part focuses on the inhibition of glycophosphoinositol (GPI) anchor synthesis by inhibiting the Zn2+-dependent enzyme, GlcNAc-PI de-N-acetylase. Trypanosomes have a variable surface glycoprotein (VSG) coat, which allows them to evade the human immune system. The GPI anchor attaches the VSG to the cell membrane; therefore inhibiting GPI synthesis should expose the parasite to the immune system. Initially, large substrate analogues were synthesized. These showed weak inhibition of the enzyme. Zinc-binding fragments were screened, and small molecule inhibitors based on salicylhydroxamic acid were then synthesized. These compounds showed modest inhibition, but the excellent ligand efficiency of salicylhydroxamic acid indicates this may be a promising starting point for further inhibitors. The second part details the P2 strategy. The P2 transporter is a nucleoside transporter unique to T. brucei, which concentrates adenosine. The transporter also binds and selectively concentrates compounds that contain benzamidine and diaminotriazine P2 motifs, which can enhance the potency and selectivity of these compounds. The sleeping sickness drugs melarsoprol and pentamidine contain P2 motifs. Compounds comprising a P2 targeting motif, a linker and a trypanocidal moiety were synthesized. Initially, a diaminotriazine P2 motif was attached to a trypanocidal tetrahydroquinoline (THQ) protein farnesyl transferase (PFT) inhibitor, with limited success. The P2 strategy was also applied to a non-selective, trypanocidal, quinol moiety. The quinol moiety was attached to diaminotriazine and benzamidine P2 motifs, and an increase in selectivity for T. brucei over MRC5 cells was observed.
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Looking Past the Mess: Māori Homelessness and Mental Health CareJohnson, Diana January 2009 (has links)
Homelessness is a pressing social and health concern that affects Māori disproportionately. This research explores the provision of mental health services to Māori who are homeless. The thesis has two primary aims. First, to document the experiences of Māori homeless people who live with mental health concerns and their relationships with mental health professionals. Second, to document the experiences of mental health professionals and how they interact with, provide care for, and build relationships with Māori Homeless. The skills of, and the difficulties faced by these professionals in provisions of quality of care are also considered. Three male and three female homeless participants were recruited from the Waikato and Auckland regions. All participants had received care from Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and/or District Health Board services (DHB). Participating mental health professionals included one female and five males. Mental health professionals included counsellors, therapists, psychologists, social workers, crisis team coordinator, and a cultural advisor. All participants took part in individual semi-structured interviews conducted in an open and conversational manner. Key themes for homeless participants included their general life histories of mental illness, mental health service use, relationship with professionals, cultural issues, and concerns that Māori homeless wanted to discuss. Key themes for mental health professionals included their approaches when working with homeless people, relationship building, barriers to working with this group and possible solutions, linking with other professionals or organisations, and issues mental health professionals wanted to discuss. Findings highlight the importance of strong therapeutic relationships between homeless clients and mental health professionals, the need for more joined up (multi-level agency) approach to service delivery, and the importance of Māori ideology in restoring wellbeing and dignity. Findings suggest that the effectiveness of mental health service delivery relies in part on information provided by stakeholders. Information provided by homeless people and mental health professionals informs both service delivery and the ways in which practitioners can best support the needs of homeless people.
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Ecologia e comportamento de Callitrichidae (Primates) no Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro / Ecology and behavior of Callitrichidae (Primates) in Rio de Janeiro Botanic GardenCristiane Hollanda Rangel 25 February 2012 (has links)
Espécies exóticas são consideradas a segunda maior ameaça ao meio ambiente, sendo
um risco às espécies nativas devido à predação, competição, hibridação e transmissão de
patógenos. Callithrix jacchus e Callithrix penicillata são espécies exóticas amplamente
difundidas no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. No presente estudo, dados comportamentais e
ecológicos foram amostrados entre Setembro de 2008 e Agosto de 2009 usando-se o método
animal focal com amostragem instantânea, acompanhando sete grupos mistos de Callithrix
spp. no arboreto do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro (JBRJ). A densidade dos saguis foi
estimada em cerca de 130 indivíduos por Km2. Na dieta, foram identificadas 51 espécies
arbóreas fontes de exsudatos e 39 espécies fontes de frutos, folhas, flores e néctar. Os saguis
se alimentaram também de invertebrados, pequenos vertebrados, e alimentos direta ou
indiretamente fornecidos por visitantes do JBRJ. O consumo de exsudatos foi maior na
estação mais seca, e de frutos e insetos na estação mais chuvosa. Os saguis utilizaram mais os
estratos verticais intermediários e sub-bosque nas suas atividades diárias, e áreas protegidas
por epífitas no dossel de 30 espécies diferentes de árvores como locais de dormida. Os saguis
apresentaram relações interespecíficas harmônicas, neutras e desarmônicas com diversas
espécies de aves e mamíferos. A dispersão de sementes de árvores exóticas e o uso exagerado
de espécimes vegetais para gomivoria pelos saguis podem afetar a integridade da coleção do
JBRJ. A alta densidade de saguis e predação de espécies da fauna local podem afetar o
equilíbrio da comunidade faunística. Com base nas observações in situ, as espécies alóctones
C. jacchus e C. penicillata causam danos e necessitam de manejo, que deve ser estudado e
implementado para o controle criterioso de suas populações. / Exotic species are considered the second biggest threat to the environment,
representing a risk to native species due to predation, competition, hybridization and disease
transmission. Callithrix jacchus and C. penicillata are exotic species widely spread out in the
Rio de Janeiro State. For this study, behavioural and ecological data were sampled between
September 2008 and August 2009 through the use of focal animal method with instantaneous
sampling, following seven mixed groups of Callithrix spp. in the Arboretum of Rio de Janeiro
Botanic Garden (JBRJ), Rio de Janeiro. The marmoset density was estimated on 130
individuals per km2. We identified 51 tree species as exudate sources, 39 species as sources of
fruits, leaves, flowers and nectar. The marmosets can also eat invertebrates, small vertebrates,
and food offered by visitors of JBRJ. The consumption of exudates was concentrated in the
dry season, and fruit and insects in the rainy season. The marmosets used most intermediate
strata and understory in their daily activities, and areas protected by epiphytes in the canopy
of 30 different species of trees as sleeping sites. The marmosets showed interspecific
relationships as harmonic, neutral and disharmonious with several species of birds and
mammals. The diffusion of exotic tree seeds and the overuse of plant specimens for
gummivory of marmosets can affect the integrity of the JBRJ collection. The high density of
marmosets and predation of native fauna can affect the integrity of the fauna. Considering the
potential and observed damage caused by exotic species Callithrix jacchus and C. penicillata,
management measures should be studied and implemented to control their populations.
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Ecologia e comportamento de Callitrichidae (Primates) no Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro / Ecology and behavior of Callitrichidae (Primates) in Rio de Janeiro Botanic GardenCristiane Hollanda Rangel 25 February 2012 (has links)
Espécies exóticas são consideradas a segunda maior ameaça ao meio ambiente, sendo
um risco às espécies nativas devido à predação, competição, hibridação e transmissão de
patógenos. Callithrix jacchus e Callithrix penicillata são espécies exóticas amplamente
difundidas no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. No presente estudo, dados comportamentais e
ecológicos foram amostrados entre Setembro de 2008 e Agosto de 2009 usando-se o método
animal focal com amostragem instantânea, acompanhando sete grupos mistos de Callithrix
spp. no arboreto do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro (JBRJ). A densidade dos saguis foi
estimada em cerca de 130 indivíduos por Km2. Na dieta, foram identificadas 51 espécies
arbóreas fontes de exsudatos e 39 espécies fontes de frutos, folhas, flores e néctar. Os saguis
se alimentaram também de invertebrados, pequenos vertebrados, e alimentos direta ou
indiretamente fornecidos por visitantes do JBRJ. O consumo de exsudatos foi maior na
estação mais seca, e de frutos e insetos na estação mais chuvosa. Os saguis utilizaram mais os
estratos verticais intermediários e sub-bosque nas suas atividades diárias, e áreas protegidas
por epífitas no dossel de 30 espécies diferentes de árvores como locais de dormida. Os saguis
apresentaram relações interespecíficas harmônicas, neutras e desarmônicas com diversas
espécies de aves e mamíferos. A dispersão de sementes de árvores exóticas e o uso exagerado
de espécimes vegetais para gomivoria pelos saguis podem afetar a integridade da coleção do
JBRJ. A alta densidade de saguis e predação de espécies da fauna local podem afetar o
equilíbrio da comunidade faunística. Com base nas observações in situ, as espécies alóctones
C. jacchus e C. penicillata causam danos e necessitam de manejo, que deve ser estudado e
implementado para o controle criterioso de suas populações. / Exotic species are considered the second biggest threat to the environment,
representing a risk to native species due to predation, competition, hybridization and disease
transmission. Callithrix jacchus and C. penicillata are exotic species widely spread out in the
Rio de Janeiro State. For this study, behavioural and ecological data were sampled between
September 2008 and August 2009 through the use of focal animal method with instantaneous
sampling, following seven mixed groups of Callithrix spp. in the Arboretum of Rio de Janeiro
Botanic Garden (JBRJ), Rio de Janeiro. The marmoset density was estimated on 130
individuals per km2. We identified 51 tree species as exudate sources, 39 species as sources of
fruits, leaves, flowers and nectar. The marmosets can also eat invertebrates, small vertebrates,
and food offered by visitors of JBRJ. The consumption of exudates was concentrated in the
dry season, and fruit and insects in the rainy season. The marmosets used most intermediate
strata and understory in their daily activities, and areas protected by epiphytes in the canopy
of 30 different species of trees as sleeping sites. The marmosets showed interspecific
relationships as harmonic, neutral and disharmonious with several species of birds and
mammals. The diffusion of exotic tree seeds and the overuse of plant specimens for
gummivory of marmosets can affect the integrity of the JBRJ collection. The high density of
marmosets and predation of native fauna can affect the integrity of the fauna. Considering the
potential and observed damage caused by exotic species Callithrix jacchus and C. penicillata,
management measures should be studied and implemented to control their populations.
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Dynamic network adaptation for energy saving / Adaptation dynamique des réseaux sans fil pour économiser de l'énergieShehadeh, Dareen 04 December 2017 (has links)
Notre travail s'inscrit dans le cadre des recherches sur le Sleeping mode. Notre contribution est structurée principalement autour deux axes : l'étude et l'évaluation de la performance des processus de mise en veille/réveil des points d'accès et la sélection du nombre minimal des points d'accès dans un milieu urbain dense. Dans un premier temps, nous étudions les processus de mise en veille/réveil des points d'accès dans un scenario classique de réseau domestique. Ce scenario suppose que le point d'accès mis en veille doit détecter la présence d'un utilisateur potentiel dans sa zone de couverture et réagir par conséquence d'une façon autonome pour se mettre en état de fonctionnement normal. Nous avons choisi quatre processus de réveil du point d'accès, et nous avons ensuite étudié chacun de ces processus, et proposé un protocole de communication qui permette à un utilisateur d'envoyer l'ordre au point d'accès de s'éteindre. Lorsque cela était possible, nous avons utilisé le protocole COAP qui est prévu pour établir des sessions de commande pour l'Internet des Objets. Nous avons ensuite mesuré les performances du point de vue de l'économie d'énergie qu'il permet de réaliser et du délai entre le moment où un utilisateur potentiel est détecté et le moment où le point d'accès devient opérationnel. Nous avons aussi étudié un réseau dense dans un milieu urbain (le centre ville de Rennes) où la zone de couverture d'un point d'accès pouvait être partiellement ou totalement couverte par d'autres points d'accès. Pour évaluer la redondance dans le réseau, nous avons collecté des informations réelles sur les points d'accès en utilisant l'application Wi2Me. Le traitement de ces informations nous a permis d'identifier les points d'accès existants dans la zone étudiée et leurs zones de couverture respectives démontrant ainsi la superposition de ces zones de couverture et le potentiel d'élimination d'un certain nombre de points d'accès sans affecter la couverture globale. Nous avons alors proposé un système centralisé qui collecte les données de couverture des points d'accès observée par les utilisateur. Nous avons donc utilisé ce simple fait pour centraliser la vue du réseau de plusieurs utilisateurs, ce qui permet d'avoir une vue assez précise de la disponibilité des points d'accès dans une zone géographie. Nous avons alors proposé une représentation de ces données de couverture à travers des matrices qui traitent les différentes erreurs de capture (coordonnées GPS non précises, réutilisation des noms de réseaux, etc). Enfin, nous avons ensuite proposé deux algorithmes permettant de sélectionner l'ensemble minimal des points d'accès requis fournissant une couverture identique à celle d'origine. / The main goal of the thesis is to design an Energy Proportional Network by taking intelligent decisions into the network such as switching on and off network components in order to adapt the energy consumption to the user needs. Our work mainly focuses on reducing the energy consumption by adapting the number of APs that are operating to the actual user need. In fact, traffic load varies a lot during the day. Traffic is high in urban areas and low in the suburb during day work hours, while it is the opposite at night. Often, peak loads during rush hours are lower than capacities of the networks. Thus they remain lightly utilized for long periods of time. Thus keeping all APs active all the time even when the traffic is low causes a huge waste of energy. Our goal is to benefit from low traffic periods by automatically switch off redundant cells, taking into consideration the actual number of users, their traffic and the bandwidth requested to serve them. Ideally we wish to do so while maintaining reliable service coverage for existing and new coming users. First we consider a home networking scenario. In this case only one AP covers a given area. So when this AP is switched off (when no users are present), there will be no other AP to fill the gap of coverage. Moreover, upon the arrival of new users, no controller or other mechanism exists to wake up the AP. Consequently, new arriving users would not be served and would remain out of coverage. The study of the state of the art allowed us to have a clear overview of the existing approaches in this context. As a result, we designed a platform to investigate different methods to wake up an AP using different technologies. We measure two metrics to evaluate the Switching ON/OFF process for the different methods. The first is the energy consumed by the AP during the three phases it goes through. The second is the delay of time for the AP to wake up and be operational to serve the new users. In the second case we consider a dense network such as the ones found in urban cities, where the coverage area of an AP is also covered by several other APs. In other words, the gap resulting from switching off one or several APs can be covered by other neighbouring ones. Thus the first thing to do was to evaluate the potential of switching off APs using real measurements taken in a dense urban area. Based on this collected information, we evaluate how many APs can be switched off while maintaining the same coverage. To this end, we propose two algorithms that select the minimum set of APs needed to provide full coverage. We compute several performance parameters, and evaluate the proposed algorithms in terms of the number of selected APs, and the coverage they provide.
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Caractéristiques du profil développemental et des interactions des jeunes enfants agressifs : étude comparée des facteurs environnementaux, du tempérament, de la sensorialité et du jeu chez l'enfant / Developmental profile's characteristics and interactions' characteristics in young children with physical aggression : compared study of the environmental factors, child's temperament, sensory processing and playUrbain-Gauthier, Nadine 14 October 2016 (has links)
L'agressivité excessive chez les jeunes enfants est un problème important en santé mentale, entraînant des dysfonctionnements en famille et en collectivité. Les objectifs de cette étude sont de : a) spécifier les troubles cliniques chez 70 jeunes enfants âgés de moins de 5 ans, orientés pour de l'agressivité physique excessive ainsi que leur profil développemental (tempérament, langage et développement psychomoteur) ; b) cerner les caractéristiques des attitudes éducatives parentales et celles des interactions maternelles et les articuler avec les profils développementaux des enfants ; c) comparer ces données avec celles recueillies auprès d'une population de 80 jeunes enfants typiques du même âge. Les résultats montrent que 60% des enfants cliniques (Age moyen = 3,5 ans) présentent un trouble de la régulation sensorielle. Les enfants cliniques manifestent fréquemment des troubles du sommeil concomitants et un retard de langage. Leur tempérament est caractérisé par une impulsivité importante et des difficultés de contrôle inhibiteur. Les attitudes éducatives parentales sont à la fois laxistes, surréactives et hostiles. Les interactions mère-enfant semblent perturbées et ceci, dès le plus jeune âge. Les résultats sont discutés en termes de stratégies thérapeutiques adaptées qui peuvent être proposées pour aider ces jeunes enfants et leurs parents. / Excessive aggression in young children is of major concern in the field of child mental health. They often disturb family and social life. The first aim of this study is to specify the clinical troubles and the developmental profile (temperament, language and psychomotor development) of 70 preschool children under 5 years referred for excessive physical aggression. The second aim is to define parenting characteristics and mother-child interactions and to articulate them with the children's developmental profile. The third aim is to compare these data with a typical population of the same age. The results show that 60 % of the clinical children (Average age = 3,5 years) present a disorder of the sensory processing. The clinical children show frequently concomitant sleeping disorders and delay of language. Their temperament is characterized by an important impulsiveness and difficulties of effortful control. Parenting is characterized by laxness, overreactivity and hostility. Children with excessive aggression evolve in disrupted mother-infant interactions from the youngest age. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for the therapeutic interventions that may be designed to help these young children and their family.
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