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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution of Farm Forest Plantation Management to the Livelihood Strategies of Farm Households in the High Forest Zone of Ghana / Beitrag kleinflächiger Forstplantagen zu Lebensunterhaltsstrategien der Kleinbauern in der „High Forest Zone“ Ghanas

Nsiah, Bernard 11 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ghana has experienced a remarkable degradation and depletion of its forest resources over the last 100 years. This process has undermined the socio-economic and socio-cultural importance of the forests for millions of rural people who depend on the resource to support their livelihood. Many rural households have over the past three decades developed strategies to minimize the effects of forest depletion on their livelihood. The establishment of smallholder forest plantation on agricultural land has emerged as an important form of land-use for households to diversify their sources of income and also improve their socio-economic well-being. The main objective of the study was to identify and analyze the endogenous and exogenous factors inducing farm household’s decision to establish farm forest plantation and to analyze its financial contribution to household’s income and livelihood strategies. The study involved a survey of 280 randomly selected farm households from five communities in the Offinso district in Ghana. The multi-stage stratified random sampling technique was used to select as many as 165 households with farm forest plantation as well as 115 without farm forest plantation. A mixture of tools including semi-structured questionnaire, focus group discussions, wealth ranking, forest inventory and market surveys were used to collect the required data. Results from logistic regression analysis revealed that the age of the household head, the number of years of education of the household head, the amount of household labor, the size of household landholding, the ownership of permanent land, the availability of non-agricultural land and household’s participation in past forest plantation development projects are the most important endogenous factors influencing the farm household’s decision to establish farm forest plantation. On the other hand, exogenous factors such as the availability of market and buyers for farm forest products and farm household’s satisfaction with market prices for farm forest products positively influenced the household’s decision to establish farm forest plantation. Prohibitive rules and regulations relating to the harvesting of trees and transportation of timber from private lands and uncertainty in tree tenure as a result of ambiguous policy framework, however, negatively influenced the decision to establish smallholder forest plantation on their agricultural land. The results from household income portfolio analysis show that cash income from selling farm forest products contributed an average of $273.6 to total household’s income in one agricultural season. This amount accounted for 17.6% of total household’s income and represented the second most important source of income after agriculture. The profitability of different land-uses practiced by the households was analyzed using a conventional economic method (Net Present Value). The results from a comparative financial analysis show that the establishment of teak plantation on agricultural land inter-cropped with food crops is the most profitable form of land use for the households compared to pure teak plantation and maize-plantain cultivation. The results of the study underscore the potential contribution of smallholder farm forest plantation to increase the overall household’s income and thereby improve household’s well-being. / Ghana hat während der letzten 100 Jahre eine bemerkenswerte Degradation und Verminderung seines Waldvorkommens erlebt. Dieser Prozess hat die sozio-ökonomische und sozial-kulturelle Bedeutung des Waldes als Einkommensquelle zur Unterstützung des Lebensunterhalts für Millionen ländlicher Einwohner geschwächt. Während der letzen 30 Jahre haben viele Kleinbauern Haushalte Strategien entwickelt um den Effekt, den die Verminderung des Waldvorkommens auf ihren Lebensunterhalt hat, zu minimieren. Die Anlage kleinflächiger Forstplantagen auf Ackerland hat sich dabei als wichtige Form der Landnutzung erwiesen, da sie eine Einkommensquelle zusätzlich zu den vorhandenen bedeuten. Sie haben das Potential, die sozio-ökonomiche Situation der Bevölkerung zu verbessern. Ziel der Studie war die Identifizierung von internen und externen Faktoren, die bedeutend zur Entscheidung von Haushalten über die Errichtung kleinflächiger Forstplantagen beitragen. Desweiteren sollten der finanzielle Beitrag der Forstplantagen zum Einkommen und zu Strategien der Kleinbauern analysiert werden. Für die Sudie werden Datensätze von 280 zufällig ausgewählten landwirtschaftlichen Haushalten aus fünf Gemeinden im Offinso Distrikt in Ghana erfasst. Die mehrstufig aufgebaute zufällige Auswahltechnik wurde benutzt, um die 165 Haushalte mit Forstplantagen und 115 Haushalten ohne Forstplantagen für die Studie auszuwählen. Mehrere Instrumente, wurden genutzt um die benötigten Daten zu sammeln darunter vor allem semi-strukturierte Befragungen, fokusierte Gruppendiskussionen, Wohlstandsranking der Haushalte und eine Forstinventur. Ergebnisse einer logistischen Regressionsanalyse ergaben, dass das Alter des Haushaltsvorstands, die Anzahl der Ausbildungsjahre des Haushaltsvorstands, die Anzahl der im Haushalt vorhandenen Arbeitskräfte, die Größe des dem Haushalt zur Verfügung stehenden Ackerlandes, das Eigentum an Ackerland, verfügbare nicht-landwirtschaftlich nutzbare Flächen und die Teilnahme der Haushalte an Projekten zur Forstplantagenentwicklung die wichtigsten internen Faktoren für die Entscheidung der Kleinbauern zur Errichtung von kleinflächiger Forstpantagen darstellen. Andererseits beeinflussten externe Faktoren wie das Vorhandensein von Markt und Käufern für Produkte der Forstplantagen und die Zufriedenheit der Haushalte mit den gebotenen Marktpreisen für diese Produkte die Entscheidung der Kleinbauern zur Errichtung von Forstplantagen positiv. Demgegenüber beeinflussten Verbote und einschränkende Regelungen zur Ernte und zum Transport von Bäumen auf Privatland und die Unsicherheit bezüglich des Eigentums an den Bäumen als Ergebniss unklarer politischer Vorgaben die Entscheidung zur Errichtung von kleinflächiger Forstplantagen auf Ackerland negativ. Das Ergebniss der Analyse verschiedene Haushaltseinkommensquellen zeigt, dass das Jahreseinkommen der Haushalte mit Forstplantagen höher ist als das der Haushalte ohne Forstplantagen. Der Beitrag zum Jahreseinkommen aus dem Verkauf von Produkten der kleinflächiger Forstplantagen betrug im Durchschnitt 273,6 USD in einer landwirtschaftlichen Saison. Dies entsprach 17,6 % des gesamten Haushaltseinkommens und stellte somit die zweitwichtigste Einkommensquelle nach der Landwirtschaft dar. Die Rentabilität der verschiedenen Landnutzungsarten wurde mit der Kapitalwertmethode (Net Present Value) ermittelt. Diese vergleichende Analyse zeigte, dass kleinflächiger Forstplantagen auf Agrarland bei gleichzeitigem Anbau von Nahrungsmittel die profitabelste Art der Landnutzung für die Haushalte im Vergeich zu ausschließlichem Teakanbau und zum Anbau von Mais mit Kochbanane ist. Die Ergebnisse der Studie unterstreichen das Potential kleinflächiger Forstplantagen, einen Beitrag zur Steigerung des gesamten Haushaltseinkommens und zur Verbesserung des Lebensstandards der Haushalte leisten zu können.

Contract farming in oil palm : the case of Ghana and the Philippines

Huddleston, Paul Stephen January 2007 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] This thesis reviews the role that contract farming plays in the development process through an examination of the oil palm industry in Ghana and in the Philippines. It contributes to ongoing debates concerning agricultural liberalisation in developing economies. The general view is that while the private sector can provide access to capital, technology and markets, the transition to a market-led system will increase the financial vulnerability of farmers, particularly smallholder farmers, through unequal power relationships. Of particular concern is the capacity of the private sector to alleviate poverty and promote social equity amongst small rural landholders. At the heart of much of the debate is the issue of contract farming, which has increased rapidly in line with structural adjustment in the agricultural sector. One of the central difficulties in drawing any conclusion on whether contract farming should be encouraged or discouraged, is the lack of comparability between the large number of types of schemes, crops being contracted, the `actors' involved and the socio-economic, political and institutional environments in which contract farming schemes are nurtured. This study has focused on the role that contract farming plays in the pursuit of development through an analysis of the key socio-economic issues involved with the adaptation of contract farming in the oil palm industries in the Philippines and in Ghana. This analysis allowed for the identification of conditions under which the impacts of contract farming schemes can either be augmented or mitigated. The research found that cultivating oil palm has the propensity to reward outgrowers with increasing income and a better access to knowledge, information and technology, capital and credit, agricultural inputs, markets and other services. ... The two outgrower programs are presently successful and do not show signs of the major problems identified by researchers in other areas. However, both governments need to ensure that a comprehensive policy and regulatory framework for private sector agricultural development is put in place. A strong private sector could provide the vehicle for agricultural development and the reduction of poverty in the countryside, however, both governments and the various private sector companies engaged in oil palm production need to work in partnership with each other and the outgrower community towards the goal of a diversified and expanded agricultural production base.

Creating buyer-supplier commitment in food supply chains at the base of the pyramid

Chouan, Camille Aliénor Rebecca 26 November 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Camille Alienor Rebecca Chouan (camille.chouan@gmail.com) on 2013-12-26T18:28:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MasterThesis MPGI 2013_Camille Chouan.pdf: 2070374 bytes, checksum: 32f42327d40884fd86be03a1ae2c4ee1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luana Rodrigues (luana.rodrigues@fgv.br) on 2013-12-26T19:16:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MasterThesis MPGI 2013_Camille Chouan.pdf: 2070374 bytes, checksum: 32f42327d40884fd86be03a1ae2c4ee1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-12-26T19:57:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MasterThesis MPGI 2013_Camille Chouan.pdf: 2070374 bytes, checksum: 32f42327d40884fd86be03a1ae2c4ee1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-11-26 / This research analyzes the role of relational aspects such as trust, commitment, power usage and interdependence in the framework of inclusive business strategies that engage agribusiness MNCs and smallholder farmers in food supply chains in Brazil. Inclusive business strategies that seek direct sourcing from smallholders in emerging countries have been acknowledged as a promising market-based approach to create social impact and improve the livelihoods of rural producers at the 'base of the pyramid', all the while enabling companies to strengthen their position in local markets and source quality raw materials at lower costs. Studies on this topic widely focus on the competitive and commercial advantages that food companies derive from directly sourcing from smallholder suppliers, presenting value chain models that can be tailored to fit their global business strategy, however there remains little theoretically-grounded knowledge on the inter-organizational and relational challenges of these buyer-supplier relationships. Moreover, little attention has been paid to how asymmetries between MNCs and smallholder suppliers in terms of power, dependence and value-orientation can affect the evolution of these relationships. The objective of the study was thus to describe the factors that enable these asymmetrical partners to build long-term and mutually beneficial business relationships. A grounded theory methodology was used, which was particularly appropriate to examine relationships and collect experiences from the field through interviews of both company executives and field staff and smallholders in three key sectors dominated by family agriculture in Brazil, namely dairy, poultry/swine husbandry and horticultural production. Key theoretical concepts from the field of Relationship Marketing were used to back the results from the field research. The main finding of this research is the importance of going beyond trust-building in the relationship management strategy and designing dyadic partnerships based on mutual interdependence in order to reduce asymmetries and enhance commitment between the MNC and the smallholder. / Esta pesquisa analisa o papel dos aspectos relacionais tais como confiança, comprometimento, interdependência e uso de poder âmbito das estratégias de negócios inclusivos que envolvem pequenos agricultores nas cadeias de valor de multinacionais dos agronegócios no Brasil. Os negócios inclusivos de abastecimento direto por empresas com pequenos agricultores em países em desenvolvimento têm sido reconhecidos como uma abordagem economicamente viavél e promissora para criar impacto social e melhorar as condições de vida de produtores rurais da 'base da pirâmide', ao mesmo tempo permitindo que as empresas reforçar as suas posições nos mercados locais e adquirir matérias primas de qualidade a custos mais baixos. Estudos sobre este tema focam amplamente sobre as vantagens comerciais e competitivas que as empresas derivam do abastecimento direito com pequenos fornecedores, apresentando modelos de cadeia de valor customizados e ajustados estratégias globais de negócios, no entanto ainda há pouco conhecimento teoricamente fundamentado sobre os desafios organizacionais e relacionais da relação entre o comprador multinacional e o fornecedor de baixa renda. Além disso, pouco foco tem-se prestado sobre como assimetrias entre multinacionais e produtores de baixa renda, em questão de poder, dependência e de valores pode afetar a evolução dessas relações de negócios. O objetivo do estudo foi descrever os fatores que permitem a esses parceiros assimétricos de construir relacionamentos comerciais de longo prazo e mutuamente benéficos. A metodologia da teoria fundamentada foi usada e foi particularmente adequada para examinar as relações entre comprador e fornecedor e para recolher experiências de campo em três setores principais dominados pela agricultura familiar no Brasil, ou seja laticínios, avi-suinocultura e produção hortícola. Os principais conceitos teóricos da área de Relationship Marketing foram usados para apoiar os resultados da pesquisa de campo. A principal conclusão desta pesquisa é a importância de ir além da construção de confiança na estratégia de gestão do relacionamento entre comprador e fornecedor e de criar parcerias diádicas baseadas na interdependência mútua, a fim de reduzir as assimetrias e melhorar o comprometimento entre a empresa e o pequeno agricultor.

Mobile Phone Technologies and their Impacts on Household Welfare and Rural Development in Uganda

Sekabira, Haruna Ahmad 29 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Caractérisation des réponses adaptatives à la contrainte hydrique dans le Sud-Est de l’Amazonie chez trois espèces fourragères cultivées en monoculture et en association : brachiaria brizantha, Leucaena leucocephala et Arachis pintoï / Characterization of adaptive responses to drought stress in South-eastern Amazon of three forage species grown in mixed crops

Bertrand, Georges 15 December 2009 (has links)
En Amazonie orientale, l’agriculture familiale contribue significativement à la transformation des écosystèmes forestiers en pâturages. La mise en valeur pastorale se fait généralement de manière monospécifique avec une Poacée pérenne d’origine africaine (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) qui constitue la principale offre fourragère. Mais les pratiques pastorales mises en oeuvre sur une exploitation conduisent souvent à une dégradation des pâturages, qui se manifeste par une prolifération des plantes adventices. Le pâturage a été modifié par l’introduction de deux Fabacées pérennes fourragères originaires d’Amérique Latine, l’une herbacée (Arachis pintoï cv. Amarelo) et l’autre ligneuse (Leucaena leucocephala). Pendant la saison sèche, nous avons étudié les interactions entre B. brizantha et des Fabacées fourragères implantées. Cette étude est la première approche intégrée (écophysiologie) qui étudie les caractéristiques adaptatives et les effets des Fabacées sur la capacité de résistance à la contrainte hydrique des pâturages à partir des évolutions des échanges gazeux foliaires, du potentiel hydrique et de l’état hydrique du sol. Le dispositif expérimental était composé de cinq parcelles de 100 m2 isolées du bétail correspondant à cinq traitements différents. Les trois espèces étudiées ont été cultivées seules et en association. Trois répétitions ont été réalisées pour chaque traitement afin de valider statistiquement les résultats et prendre en compte la variabilité spatiale du sol. En monoculture, les valeurs de conductances stomatiques de B. brizantha sont relativement élevées au regard des conditions climatiques par rapport à des valeurs habituelles de plantes C4 au champ alors que les valeurs d’assimilations nettes sont celles mesurées couramment. A. pintoï et L. leucocephala possèdent des valeurs de conductances stomatiques et d’assimilations mesurées habituellement sur les plantes C3 au champ. En situation de sécheresse, les trois espèces étudiées en monoculture adoptent un mouvement de fermeture stomatique 30 jours après l’arrêt des pluies et ajustent ainsi leur conductance sur l’épuisement de la réserve utile du sol. Cette stratégie permet le maintien de l’activité photosynthétique indispensable à la survie cellulaire et de maintenir une transpiration suffisante pour réguler leur température. Les trois espèces survivent par évitement de la sécheresse, en réduisant leur surface foliaire active et en fermant leurs stomates dès l’abaissement du potentiel hydrique. B. brizantha a le même comportement lorsqu’il est cultivé seul ou associé à A. pintoï que ce soit au niveau de la conductance stomatique, de l’assimilation de CO2 ou de l’efficience instantanée de l’eau. Cependant, son potentiel hydrique est affecté plus précocement au cours d’un stress hydrique lorsqu’il est en concurrence avec A. pintoï. Dans le cas de cette association, notre étude montre que la présence de B. brizantha a un effet négatif sur les activités photosynthétiques et donc sur la production de biomasse d’A. pintoï, espèce considérée pourtant comme sciaphile. Enfin, les fonctions métaboliques de B. brizantha sont réduites lorsqu’il est associé à L. leucocephala du fait de l’ombrage. L. leucocephala évite la sécheresse en réduisant sa surface foliaire. L’augmentation d’insolation en fin de saison sèche affaiblit cependant les plantes associées aux strates inférieures et réduit la quantité de fourrage disponible sur pied. Nous proposons aux agriculteurs de mettre en place une gestion durable de leurs pâturages par la création d’associations végétales fourragères adaptées aux contraintes biotiques et abiotiques. / In the Eastern Amazon region (Pará, Brazil), smallholder farming significantly contributes to the transformation of the Amazonian rain forest ecosystem into pasture land that typically includes a single species, generally a perennial fodder grass (Poaceae) originating from Africa (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu). Such pastures rapidly lose their sustainability and get invaded by weeds. To prevent these effects, two imported perennial fodder species of the Fabaceae family (Arachis pintoï cv. Amarelo and Leucaena leucocephala Lam.) have been mixed with the African grass Brachiaria and the interrelations between B. brizantha and the Fabaceae species have been studied. In this unique ecophysiological study, plant parameters, such as gas exchange and plant water potential have been correlated with soil parameters, such as soil water content. The final goal was to assess the impact of the Fabaceae plants on pasture tolerance to water deficit. The experimental setting included five treatments applied to 100 m2 fenced plots to keep cattle away. Treatments corresponded to various combinations between the grass and the two Fabaceae species. Three biological repeats were set up for each treatment for statistical significance and in order to account for soil structure variability. In monospecific plots, B. brizantha exhibited stomatal conductance values higher than those expected from typical C4 species whereas net CO2 assimilation rates were normal. A. pintoï and L. leucocephala had usual stomatal conductance values for field-cultivated C3 plants. In response to drought, a general adjustment in stomatal conductance was observed 30 days into the dry season (i.e. without rain), suggesting that the plants limited transpiration rates according to the progressive decrease in soil water content. This strategy allowed them to maintain photosynthetic activities and to supply photosynthates to their tissues while limiting rises in temperatures. Upon exhaustion of soil water cotent, decreases in leaf water potentials were observed and plants escaped drought by reducing their leaf area and by abruptly closing their stomata. Brachiaria’s responses to drought were similar in mixed and monospecific plots regarding stomatal conductance, net CO2 assimilation rate or real-time water efficiency. However, when grown in mixed plots with A. pintoï, Brachiaria’s leaf water potential decreased rapidly after the onset of drought, due to the competition for water. In a A. pintoï ! Brachiaria plot, Brachiaria had a negative impact on A. pintoï photosynthetic activities and biomass production, even though the latter was considered as a shade plant species. On the other hand, Brachiaria metabolic activities were reduced in L. leucocephala ! Brachiaria combinations, due to the interception of light supply by L. leucocephala. L. leucocephala avoided water deficit by reducing leaf area. The resulting increase in light intensity reaching the lower strata, toward the end of the dry season weakened the shortest plants and limited fodder production. In conclusion, we propose that farmers implement pasture sustainability by developing crop mixing, using fodder species adapted to abiotic stresses. Furthermore, our results show that several crop combinations represent viable solutions to the perpetuation of new pastures. Each fodder species presents specific drought adaptation features. Combining them could be beneficial if pastoral pressure was allowed to develop according to the plants tolerance level. Improvements in fodder production and diversity could extend the life-span of smallholder settlements and as a result slow down deforestation

Market participation of smallholder sunflower farmers in North-West province, South Africa

Abafe, Ejovi Akpojevwe January 2021 (has links)
In South Africa and other parts of sub-Saharan Africa, market participation of smallholder farmers are rapidly being advocated as a means to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda’s (SDGs): zero hunger and no poverty. Yet little is known about market participation in the sunflower industry. The study therefore, examine market participation of smallholder sunflower farmers in Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality, North West Province, South Africa. A quantitative research approach was developed to address the research objectives, and a proportional stratified random sampling technique was used to select 177 sunflower producing households. Respondents information were captured using semi-structured questionnaires, data were then entered and coded using statistical software computer programs (MS Excel, SPSS, and Stata). Socio-economic characteristics, level of market participation, and factors influencing households market participation within the district were analyzed using descriptive statistics, household commercialization index, and probit regression model. Overall, the result indicates that respondents exhibited high level of commercialization (90.1 % market participants). While, the result of the probit regression model shows that eight (8) of the regressors were statistically significant. Variables such as age (Coef = 0.103, p<0.01), gender (Coef = 1.267, p<0.05), market outlet (Coef = 1.351, p<0.01), access to information (Coef = 1.298, p<0.05), and quantity sold in tons (Coef = 0.015, p<0.010) were found to have positive and statistically significant influence, while household size (Coef = -0.409, p<0.01), market distance (Coef = 0.618, p<0.010) and land tenure system (Coef = -1.541, p<0.05) were found to have a negative but statistically significant impact on market participation among respondents. The pseudo R2 of the probit model is 0.5199, indicating that the model matches the dataset and the regressors accurately explains 51.99 % of the variation. The overall goodness of fit measures of the probit model was determined using postestimation test for predictive margin. With a high significant chi-square value of (p<0.0001), the result correctly predicted a 90 % likelihood of respondents to participate in the market. The findings suggests that rural-based initiatives and intervention programs be developed to boost households' access to finance, grants, and diversified markets for effective market competitiveness, while there is a greater need for proper awareness, supports, and partnerships focused on promoting women and youth participation in the sunflower sector across the district. / Agriculture and  Animal Health / M. Sci. (Agriculture)

Assessment of comprehensive agricultural support programme to the smallholder producers of Lejweleputswa District, Free State Province, South Africa

Manari, Ndishavhelafhi 01 February 2016 (has links)
Institute for Rural Development / MRDV

Socio-economic impact of smallholder irrigation projects on household food security in Vhembe District of Limpopo Province, South Africa

Obadire, Olusegum Samson 07 1900 (has links)
MRDV / Institute for Rural Development / See the attached abstract below

Gender dynamics in water use and management at Nyanyadzi Smallholder Irrigation Scheme in Zimbabwe

Muchemwa-Munasirei, Priscillah 21 September 2018 (has links)
PhDRDV / Institute for Rural Development / Throughout the world, irrigation is appreciated because of its immense contribution to agricultural production, food and nutrition security, combating poverty and enhancing development, especially in rural areas. The worsening effects of climate change on rainfall patterns as well as food and nutrition insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa are elevating the importance of irrigation schemes in smallholder farming. However, studies conducted in sub-Saharan Africa indicate that the performance of irrigation schemes remains suboptimal. In addition, the studies are highly skewed towards technical and physical dimensions of the schemes and ignore social aspects such as gender. Consideration of gender imperatives would help define and structure who uses water, when and how. This situation necessitated carrying out the PhD thesis research, aiming to explore and explain inherent gender dynamics in water use and management. The ultimate aim was to propose intervention strategies anchored on differential gender power dynamics embedded in irrigation water use in smallholder irrigation schemes. Specific objectives adopted for the study of the Nyanyadzi irrigation scheme in Manicaland Province of Zimbabwe were to: 1) assess the gendered nature of irrigation water use; 2) determine the gendered nature and extent of participation of male and female members of the irrigation scheme in water management; 3) identify the gendered challenges and constraints to irrigation water use; and 4) propose strategies for improved access and management of water. An exploratory sequentially integrated mixed method research design was used in the two phased PhD studies. Seventy three farmers (26 men and 47 women) were the respondents in the first phase in which qualitative data were collected. The gender analysis matrix and activity profile were used to gather and document the perceptions of men and women farmers relating to use of irrigation water. One hundred and nine conveniently sampled respondents (47 men and 62 women) were the source of data in the second phase of the study, which was quantitative and confirmatory in nature. A questionnaire, requiring responses on a Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) was used to collect data. Qualitative data collected during the exploratory phase were analysed using the Cresswell (2013) Thematic Content Analysis technique. Pair-wise ranking was conducted to determine the major constraints to access, use and management of irrigation water. The Predictive Analytics Software Statistics 18 for Windows (PASW Inc: Chicago, IL, USA) was used to analyse quantitative data. Gender, age, marital status, location of irrigation plot, plot ownership and level of education were the independent variables used. Dependent variables included nature of water use, participation in water management and constraints to water use. Cross-tabulation was carried out and the iii Pearson’s Chi-square test for association used to establish if relationships existed between variables. Statistical significance was considered at P < 0.05. The Cramer’s V post-hoc test was performed to measure the strength of association of the perceptions which the Chi-square test had determined to be significantly different. The uses of canal water were found to be varied and gendered. More women than men used canal water for reproductive purposes such as laundry and bathing. Highly significant positive associations (P < 0.01) were observed among gender, age, marital status, ownership of irrigation plot and level of education with use of irrigation water for laundry, bathing, livestock watering and other communal uses. However, location of plot was not associated with different types of water uses (P > 0.05). With respect to farmers’ participation in meetings, contributing in meetings, repair of canals, provision of labour in canal maintenance, hiring labour for canal maintenance and contributing cash for canal repairs and maintenance, highly significant positive associations (P < 0.01) were observed with gender, age, marital status, level of education, and ownership and location of irrigation plot. Level of education of the farmer was observed to be not associated with his/her attendance of meetings (P > 0.05). Plot location was negatively associated with participation, provision of labour for maintenance, contribution of cash and hiring labour for canal repairs (P > 0.05). Exorbitant payments for using water were regarded as the major constraint to performance of the smallholder irrigation scheme. Highly significant positive associations (P < 0.01) were observed between gender and plot location, and all the constraints to water use that the farmers identified. The constraints ranged from unequal water distribution between and within men and women, and upstream and downstream farmers; unfriendly water delivery times; conflicts and corrupt practices in water distribution; and discrimination with respect to schedules of delivering water. Overall, gender imbalance in the use and management of irrigation water existed. This was evident in the disparities in uses and users of canal water that followed gender and social lines. Men dominated decision making in water management, especially in meetings. In contrast, women dominated in implementation stages mainly in relation to provision of labour for cleaning and maintaining water canals. Considering all the results obtained in the current study, it can be concluded that a combination of socio-economic and socio-cultural factors caused the water problems that the Nyanyadzi irrigation scheme experienced. The need for introducing gender-sensitive interventions in use and management of irrigation water was evident. Thus, gender needs, roles and responsibilities should be reconceptualised so as to align them with the socio-cultural context of the Nyanyadzi community. In addition to this, the fact that both men and women iv are not homogeneous interest groups should be factored into irrigation water management. Lastly, it is crucial to incorporate various social hierarchies that interact with gender to influence irrigation water use and management. How this can be done deserves further scientific investigation. / NRF

There's More Than Corn in Indiana: Smallholder and Alternative Farmers as a Locus of Resilience

Virginia F Pleasant (10290812) 06 April 2021 (has links)
<p>This dissertation is a policy driven ethnography of smallholder and alternative farmers in Indiana that centers food justice and utilizes interdisciplinary frameworks to analyze the adaptive strategies that farmers use to address the specific challenges they face. Through the implementation of adaptive strategies such as regenerative growing practices, the cultivation of community, stewardship of the land, and an emphasis on transparency, the smallholders I worked with over the course of this study negotiate complex agricultural spaces and build the resilience of their farmsteads and the communities they serve. Smallholder and alternative farmers in Indiana are reimagining the agricultural spaces they occupy and driving transformational change of dominant narratives and local food systems. Critiques of conventional agriculture and commodity production are not intended to reify binary perceptions of the agricultural paradigm, but rather to demonstrate that the critical role of smallholder and alternatives farmers should be valued as well. </p> <p> </p> <p>This research draws on four years of ethnographic research, archival sources, and close readings of policy measures and media reports to illuminate the historical context that has positioned smallholders in juxtaposition to large-scale conventional agriculture, and the critical role of smallholder farmers in driving food systems change while centering food justice and community resiliency. The driving research questions for the following essays follow: Why have small scale and alternative farmers chosen to farm (and farm differently)? What specific challenges do they face and how might these challenges be better addressed by existing support systems and new legislation? What can be learned from the alternative narratives and reimagined spaces smallholder farmers engage with? This work joins the growing body of research that challenges agricultural meta-narratives by presenting a counter-narrative of smallholder resilience and the <i>a priori</i> notion that posits agricultural technology as a panacea for everything from world hunger to economics to environmental concerns. </p>

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