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Computational Modeling of Cancer-Related Mutations in DNA Repair Enzymes Using Molecular Dynamics and Quantum Mechanics/Molecular MechanicsLeddin, Emmett Michael 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation details the use of computational methods to understand the effect that cancer-related mutations have on proteins that complex with nucleic acids. Firstly, we perform molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of various mutations in DNA polymerase κ (pol κ). Through an experimental collaboration, we classify the mutations as more or less active than the wild type complex, depending upon the incoming nucleotide triphosphate. From these classifications we use quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) to explore the reaction mechanism. Preliminary analysis points to a novel method for nucleotide addition in pol κ. Secondly, we study the ten-eleven translocation 2 (TET2) enzyme in various contexts. We find that the identities of both the substrate and complementary strands (or lack thereof) are crucial for maintaining the complex structure. Separately, we find that point mutations within the protein can affect structural features throughout the complex, only at distal sites, or only within the active site. The mutation's position within the complex alone is not indicative of its impact. Thirdly, we share a new method that combines direct coupling analysis and MD to predict potential rescue mutations using poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 as a model enzyme. Fourthly, we perform MD simulations of mutations in the protection of telomeres 1 (POT1) enzyme. The investigated variants modify the POT1-ssDNA complex dynamics and protein—DNA interactions. Fifthly, we investigate the incorporation of remdesivir and other nucleotide analogue prodrugs into the protein-RNA complex of severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus 2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. We find evidence for destabilization throughout the complex and differences in inter-subunit communication for most of the incorporation patterns studied. Finally, we share a method for determining a minimum active region for QM/MM simulations. The method is validated using 4-oxalocrotonate, TET2, and DNA polymerase λ as test cases.
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The investigation of innate immune system memory in rag1-/- mutant zebrafishHohn, Claudia M 03 May 2008 (has links)
The innate immune system in vertebrates is considered to lack specific memory. To investigate innate immune system based immunological protection mediated by cells that are not part of the acquired immune system the Tübingen recombination activation gene1 (rag1)t26683 mutant (MT) zebrafish was chosen. Molecular analysis demonstrated MT zebrafish kidney cells expressed Non-specific Cytotoxic cell receptor protein-1 (NCCRP-1) and Natural Killer cell (NK) lysin but lacked T cell receptor (TCR) and immunoglobulin (Ig) VH1, VH2, VH3 and VH4 expression. Differential counts of peripheral blood leukocytes indicated that MT fish had decreased lymphocyte populations (34.7%) compared to rag1+/+ wild-type (WT) fish (70.5%), and increased granulocyte populations (34.7%) compared to WT (17.6%). Further, endocytic functions of phagocytes from MT fish were compared to WT fish. No significant differences in the selective and non-selective mechanisms of uptake in phagocytes were observed between MT and WT zebrafish. For the first time it was shown that zebrafish phagocytes utilize macropinocytosis and Ca2+ dependant endocytosis mechanisms for antigen uptake. These characterization studies suggest that MT zebrafish provide a unique model for investigating innate immune responses because fully functional innate defenses are present without the influence of lymphocytes and lymphocyte associated acquired immune responses. To conduct such large scale investigations the first ongoing rag1t26683 mutant zebrafish breeding colony was established. To meet special husbandry needs of immunodeficient MT zebrafish, standard rearing protocols were advanced and the information was made available to the zebrafish community at: http://www.cvm.msstate.edu/zebrafish/index.html. Multiple trials were conducted to evaluate the potential for memory of the innate immune system. Significant reduction in mortality was observed in MT vaccinated zebrafish upon secondary exposure to Edwardsiella ictaluri when compared to unvaccinated, MT fish. This documents for the first time, that MT zebrafish, lacking an acquired immune system, are able to mount a protective immune response to Edwardsiella ictaluri and generate protection upon a repeated encounter to the same pathogen. The observed protection is long lasting and mediated by the innate immune system, but a specific mechanism is not yet defined.
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SNPs and Indels Analysis in Human Genome using Computer Simulation and Sequencing DataChakrabortty, Sharmistha January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Identification of Molecular Markers Associated with the <i>Rps</i>8 locus in Soybean and Evaluation of Microsporogenesis in <i>Rps</i>8/<i>rps</i>8 Heterozygous LinesOrtega, Maria Andrea January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Analysis of genetic variation in microrna-mediated regulation and the susceptibility to anxiety disordersMuiños Gimeno, Margarita 18 December 2009 (has links)
We have investigated genetic variation in microRNA-mediated regulation as a susceptibility factor for anxiety disorders following two different approaches. We first studied two isoforms of the candidate gene NTRK3 by re-sequencing its different 3'UTRs in patients with Panic (PD) and Obsessive Compulsive disorders (OCD) as well as controls. Two rare variants that altered microRNA-mediated regulation were identified in PD. Conversely, association of a common SNP with OCD hoarding subtype was found. Moreover, we have also studied a possible involvement of microRNAs in anxiety disorders. Consequently, we have analysed the genomic organisation and genetic variation of miRNA-containing regions to construct a panel of SNPs for association analysis. Case-control studies revealed several associations. However, it is worth remarking the associations of miR-22 and miR-488 with PD; two microRNAs for which functional assays and transcriptome analysis after microRNA overexpression showed significant repression of a subset of genes involved in physiological pathways linked to PD development. / Hem investigat la variació genètica a la regulació mediada per microRNAs com a factors de susceptibilitat pels trastorns d'ansietat seguint dues aproximacions diferents. Primer vam estudiar dues isoformes del gen candidat NTRK3 mitjançant la reseqüenciació dels seus diferents 3'UTRs a pacients de pànic (TP), a pacients amb trastorn obsessiu compulsiu (TOC) i a controls. Dues variants rares que alteren la regulació mediada per microRNAs foren identificades per TP. D'altra banda, es trobà associació d'un SNP comú amb el subtipus acumulador de TOC. A més, també hem estudiat la possible implicació dels microRNAs als trastorns d'ansietat. Conseqüentment, hem analitzat l'organització genòmica i la variació genètica a regions que contenen microRNAs per construir un panell d'SNPs per fer anàlisis d'associació. Els estudis cas-control van revelar algunes associacions. Tanmateix, val la pena destacar les associacions del miR-22 i el miR-488 amb TP; dos microRNAs pels quals assajos funcionals i anàlisis de transcriptoma després de la seva sobreexpressió han mostrat una repressió significativa d'un grup de gens implicats en vies fisiològiques lligades al desenvolupament del TP.
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The Human Y chromosome and its role in the developing male nervous systemJohansson, Martin M. January 2015 (has links)
Recent research demonstrated that besides a role in sex determination and male fertility, the Y chromosome is involved in additional functions including prostate cancer, sex-specific effects on the brain and behaviour, graft-versus-host disease, nociception, aggression and autoimmune diseases. The results presented in this thesis include an analysis of sex-biased genes encoded on the X and Y chromosomes of rodents. Expression data from six different somatic tissues was analyzed and we found that the X chromosome is enriched in female biased genes and depleted of male biased ones. The second study described copy number variation (CNV) patterns in a world-wide collection of human Y chromosome samples. Contrary to expectations, duplications and not deletions were the most frequent variations. We also discovered novel CNV patterns of which some were significantly overrepresented in specific haplogroups. A substantial part of the thesis focuses on analysis of spatial expression of two Y-encoded brain-specific genes, namely PCDH11Y and NLGN4Y. The perhaps most surprising discovery was the observation that X and Y transcripts of both gene pairs are mostly expressed in different cells in human spinal cord and medulla oblongata. Also, we detected spatial expression differences for the PCDH11X gene in spinal cord. The main focus of the spatial investigations was to uncover genetically coded sexual differences in expression during early development of human central nervous system (CNS). Also, investigations of the expression profiles for 13 X and Y homolog gene pairs in human CNS, adult brain, testes and still-born chimpanzee brain samples were included. Contrary to previous studies, we found only three X-encoded genes from the 13 X/Y homologous gene pairs studied that exhibit female-bias. We also describe six novel non-coding RNAs encoded in the human MSY, some of which are polyadenylated and with conserved expression in chimpanzee brain. The description of dimorphic cellular expression patterns of X- and Y-linked genes should boost the interest in the human specific gene PCDH11Y, and draw attention to other Y-encoded genes expressed in the brain during development. This may help to elucidate the role of the Y chromosome in sex differences during early CNS development in humans. / <p>chinese, finnish, norwegian, schizophrenia, bipolar, bipolar disorder, msy, male specific region Y, PAR1, PAR2, pseudoautosomal, male-biased, female-biased, male biased, female biased, ashkenazi population, structure, variants, YHRD, Elena Jazin, Björn Reinius, Per Ahlberg, brain, hjärna, CNS, central nervous system, IR2, inverted repeat 2, isodicentric, genetics, genetik, padlock, rolling circle, amplification, PCR, sY1191, sY1291, STS, DDX3Y, DAZ, AZFa, AZFb, AZFc, AZF, Repping, haplogroup J, rearrangements, DE-M145, I-M170, E-M96, Q-M242, R-M207, O-M175, G-M201, D-M174, C-M130, NO-M214, N-M231, poland</p>
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Genomic Prediction for Quantitative Traits: Using Kernel Methods and Whole Genome Sequence Based Approaches / Genomische Vorhersage für quantitative Merkmale: Verwendung von Kernel-Methoden und Verfahren, die auf vollständigen Genomsequenzen basierenOber, Ulrike 28 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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The Visual Impairment/Cognitive Impairment Co-morbidity : Examining the Genotype-Structure-Function RelationshipMurphy, Caitlin 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Режије Боривоја Ханауске у Српском народном позоришту / Režije Borivoja Hanauske u Srpskom narodnom pozorištu / (1945-1967)Leskovac Milena 09 May 2016 (has links)
<p>Позоришни редитељ Боривоје Ханауска незаобилазан је у проучавању делатности Српског народног позоришта у периоду после Другог светског рата. Ханауска је од 1945. до 1967. (са прекидом од 1948. до 1952) у Српском народном позоришту режирао тридесет представа. Овај рад приказуке редитељски рад<br />Боривоја Ханауске у СНП, једног од најзначајнијих редитеља СНП-а, и на најбољи<br />начин показује његовог значај и допринос развоју режије у српском послератном<br />позоришту. Методи истраживања били су историјски, театролошки, реконструкција и<br />анализа свих тридесет представа које је Ханауска режирао у СНП, као и синтеза<br />добијених резултата. Овај рад на основу доступне грађе обухвата сваки сегмент<br />његовог рада на представи. У раду му је био важан сваки детаљ представе, залагао да домаћи драмски текст буде што више присутан на сцени, да се са сцене чује домаћи текст, а посебно је водио рачуна о визуелном аспекту. Један је од зачетника новог приступа драмској режији. Из сваке његове представе, у мањој или већој мери, излазила је поетичност, коју је носио дубоко у себи. Рад је илустрован палкатима и фотографијама из представа, а доноси и попис свих представа које је режирао са пописом свих актера, бројем извођења у СНП и на гостовању, као и бројем гледалаца.</p> / <p>Pozorišni reditelj Borivoje Hanauska nezaobilazan je u proučavanju delatnosti Srpskog narodnog pozorišta u periodu posle Drugog svetskog rata. Hanauska je od 1945. do 1967. (sa prekidom od 1948. do 1952) u Srpskom narodnom pozorištu režirao trideset predstava. Ovaj rad prikazuke rediteljski rad<br />Borivoja Hanauske u SNP, jednog od najznačajnijih reditelja SNP-a, i na najbolji<br />način pokazuje njegovog značaj i doprinos razvoju režije u srpskom posleratnom<br />pozorištu. Metodi istraživanja bili su istorijski, teatrološki, rekonstrukcija i<br />analiza svih trideset predstava koje je Hanauska režirao u SNP, kao i sinteza<br />dobijenih rezultata. Ovaj rad na osnovu dostupne građe obuhvata svaki segment<br />njegovog rada na predstavi. U radu mu je bio važan svaki detalj predstave, zalagao da domaći dramski tekst bude što više prisutan na sceni, da se sa scene čuje domaći tekst, a posebno je vodio računa o vizuelnom aspektu. Jedan je od začetnika novog pristupa dramskoj režiji. Iz svake njegove predstave, u manjoj ili većoj meri, izlazila je poetičnost, koju je nosio duboko u sebi. Rad je ilustrovan palkatima i fotografijama iz predstava, a donosi i popis svih predstava koje je režirao sa popisom svih aktera, brojem izvođenja u SNP i na gostovanju, kao i brojem gledalaca.</p> / <p>The theatre director Borivoje Hanausca is an unavoidable figure in the study of the Serbian National Theatre (SNP) activities in the period after the Second World War. Hanausca directed thirty plays in the Serbian National Theatre from 1945-1967(with a break from 1948-1952). This study describes the work of the theatre director Borivoje Hanausca in the Serbian National Theatre being one of the most significant directors in it and in the best way presents his contribution to the development of directing in the Serbian post-war theatre. The research methods in this work are historical and<br />theatrical; reconstruction and analysis of all the thirty plays Hanausca directed in the Serbian National Theatre as well as the synthesis of the results that were obtained. This study includes each part of his work in his plays, on the basis of the material which was available. He considered every single detail of his plays important; he supported Serbian plays to be both present and heard from the stage as much as possible and he particularly took care of visual aspects. He is one of the<br />creators of the new approach to theatre play directing. Poetics he had deep within himself came out and was present, more or less, in his plays. This work is illustrated with posters and photographs from his plays and there is a list of all plays he directed and the names of all the people involved in the performances, the number of performances in the Serbian National Theatre and performed on tour, as well as the number of audiences.</p>
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Alternative strategies for deciphering the genetic architecture of childhood Pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemiaHealy, Jasmine 06 1900 (has links)
La leucémie lymphoblastique aigüe (LLA) est une maladie génétique complexe. Malgré que cette maladie hématologique soit le cancer pédiatrique le plus fréquent, ses causes demeurent inconnues. Des études antérieures ont démontrées que le risque à la LLA chez l’enfant pourrait être influencé par des gènes agissant dans le métabolisme des xénobiotiques, dans le maintient de l’intégrité génomique et dans la réponse au stress oxydatif, ainsi que par des facteurs environnementaux. Au cours de mes études doctorales, j’ai tenté de disséquer davantage les bases génétiques de la LLA de l’enfant en postulant que la susceptibilité à cette maladie serait modulée, au moins en partie, par des variants génétiques agissant dans deux voies biologiques fondamentales : le point de contrôle G1/S du cycle cellulaire et la réparation des cassures double-brin de l’ADN. En utilisant une approche unique reposant sur l’analyse d’une cohorte cas-contrôles jumelée à une cohorte de trios enfants-parents, j’ai effectué une étude d’association de type gènes/voies biologiques candidats. Ainsi, j’ai évaluer le rôle de variants provenant de la séquence promotrice de 12 gènes du cycle cellulaire et de 7 gènes de la voie de réparation de l’ADN, dans la susceptibilité à la LLA. De tels polymorphismes dans la région promotrice (pSNPs) pourraient perturber la liaison de facteurs de transcription et mener à des différences dans les niveaux d’expression des gènes pouvant influencer le risque à la maladie.
En combinant différentes méthodes analytiques, j’ai évalué le rôle de différents mécanismes génétiques dans le développement de la LLA chez l’enfant. J’ai tout d’abord étudié les associations avec gènes/variants indépendants, et des essaies fonctionnels ont été effectués afin d’évaluer l’impact des pSNPs sur la liaison de facteurs de transcription et l’activité promotrice allèle-spécifique. Ces analyses ont mené à quatre publications. Il est peu probable que ces gènes de susceptibilité agissent seuls; j’ai donc utilisé une approche intégrative afin d’explorer la possibilité que plusieurs variants d’une même voie biologique ou de voies connexes puissent moduler le risque de la maladie; ces travaux ont été soumis pour publication. En outre, le développement précoce de la LLA, voir même in utero, suggère que les parents, et plus particulièrement la mère, pourraient jouer un rôle important dans le développement de cette maladie chez l’enfant. Dans une étude par simulations, j’ai évalué la performance des méthodes d’analyse existantes de détecter des effets fœto-maternels sous un design hybride trios/cas-contrôles. J’ai également investigué l’impact des effets génétiques agissant via la mère sur la susceptibilité à la LLA. Cette étude, récemment publiée, fût la première à démontrer que le risque de la leucémie chez l’enfant peut être modulé par le génotype de sa mère.
En conclusions, mes études doctorales ont permis d’identifier des nouveaux gènes de susceptibilité pour la LLA pédiatrique et de mettre en évidence le rôle du cycle cellulaire et de la voie de la réparation de l’ADN dans la leucémogenèse. À terme, ces travaux permettront de mieux comprendre les bases génétiques de la LLA, et conduiront au développement d’outils cliniques qui amélioreront la détection, le diagnostique et le traitement de la leucémie chez l’enfant. / Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a complex and heterogeneous genetic disease. Although it is the most common pediatric cancer, its etiology remains poorly understood. Previous studies provided evidence that childhood ALL might originate through the collective contribution of different genes controlling the efficiency of carcinogen metabolism, the capacity of maintaining DNA integrity and the response to oxidative stress, as well as environmental factors. In my doctoral research project I attempted to further dissect the genetic intricacies underlying childhood ALL. I postulated that a child’s susceptibility to ALL may be influenced, in part, by functional sequence variation in genes encoding components of two core biologic pathways: G1/S cell cycle control and DNA double-strand break repair. Using a unique two-tiered study design consisting of both unrelated ALL cases and healthy controls, as well as case-parent trios, I performed a pathway-based candidate-gene association study to investigate the role of sequence variants in the promoter regions of 12 candidate cell cycle genes and 7 DNA repair genes, in modulating ALL risk among children. Polymorphisms in promoter regions (pSNPs) could perturb transcription factor binding and lead to differences in gene expression levels that in turn could modify the risk of disease.
To better depict the complex genetic architecture of childhood ALL, I used multiple analytical approaches. First, individual genes/variants were tested for association with disease, while functional in vitro validation was performed to evaluate the impact of the pSNPs on differential transcription factor binding and allele-specific promoter activity. These analyses led to four published articles. Given that these genes are not likely to act alone to confer disease risk I used an integrative approach to explore the possibility that combinations of functionally relevant pSNPs among several components of the same or of interconnected pathways, could contribute to modified childhood ALL risk either through pathway-specific or epistatic effects; this work was recently submitted for publication. Finally, childhood ALL is thought to arise in utero suggesting that the parents, and in particular the mother, may play an important role in shaping disease susceptibility in their offspring. Using simulations, I investigated the performance of existing methods to test for maternal genotype associations using a case-parent trio/case-control hybrid design, and then assessed the impact of maternally-mediated genetic effects on ALL susceptibility among children. This published work was the first to show that the mother’s genotype can indeed influence the risk of leukemia in children, further corroborating the importance of considering parentally-mediated effects in the study of early-onset diseases.
In conclusion, my doctoral work lead to the identification of novel genetic susceptibility loci for childhood ALL and provided evidence for the implication of the cell cycle control and DNA repair pathways in leukemogenesis. Better elucidation of the genetic mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of ALL in children could be of great diagnostic value and provide data to help guide risk-directed therapy and improve disease management and outcome. Ultimately, this study brings us one step closer to unraveling the genetic architecture of childhood ALL and provides a stepping-stone towards disease prevention.
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