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“Because their feet also used to be swollen... For those people their feet don’t use to fit in the shoes, so they used to tease them.” : - A qualitative study on the experience of being a pregnant teenager and young mother in Rundu, Namibia. / "För deras fötter brukade vara svullna... deras fötter brukade inte passa i skorna, så de brukade bli retade." : - En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av att vara gravid tonåring och ung mamma i Rundu, Namibia.Samuelsson, Jonna January 2012 (has links)
Namibia, as most countries on the African continent, is facing a high rate of teenage pregnancies. It is one of the biggest social issues challenging contemporary society, contributing to social problems such as illegal abortions, baby dumping and suicide attempts. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to focus on young women and their experiences of being pregnant teenagers and young mothers. During this research process young mothers have elaborated on their own life situation discussing ideas that could have helped them during the pregnancy. They also give ideas on what could be helpful for them today. The research also pays attention to the attitudes that the young mothers face in their communities. The town were this research was carried out, Rundu, is situated in the Kavango region, which has the far highest rate of teenage pregnancies in the country. This is a qualitative research and data was collected through daily observations, conversations and semi-structured interviews. In the understanding of my results, I have used gender theory, social exclusion, social construction, stigmatisation and an intersectional perspective. According to the results six of my seven respondents were struggling during pregnancy and still do today. They struggle/struggled mainly due to lack of resources and money as well as not having enough people helping them taking care of the baby. Most of the young women left school at an early stage of the pregnancy. This either because school policies would not let them proceed or because school uniforms and shoes were getting too small. Attitudes present and the discourse on pregnant teenagers among young and old people in Rundu prevented some of the pregnant girls from taking part of a social life. They got blamed for falling pregnant. Some of them were feeling very ashamed over their condition and started living more isolated lives, not going in to town anymore and thereby missing health controls at the hospital. / Namibia har, som de flesta afrikanska länderna, en hög grad av tonårsgraviditeter. Tonårsgraviditeter är ett av landets största sociala bekymmer, eftersom det leder till andra sociala problem så som illegala aborter, ”baby dumping” och självmordsförsök. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att lägga fokus på de unga mödrarna och deras upplevelser av att vara gravida tonåringar och unga mammor. I uppsatsen får de unga mammorna möjlighet att resonera kring sina egna livssituationer och kring vad som hade kunnat hjälpa dem under tiden då de var gravida. De berättar också om vilken sorts stöd de behöver idag. Uppsatsen lägger vidare fokus på attityder som de unga mammorna möter i de olika sammanhang där de befinner sig. Staden Rundu, som är platsen där empirin har samlats in, är belägen i Kavangoregionen, som har den absolut högsta siffran tonårsgraviditeter i hela landet. Detta är en kvalitativ studie och empiri har samlats in genom dagliga observationer, samtal och semi-strukturerade intervjuer. I analysen av resultaten har teorier kring genus, social exklusion, social konstruktion, stigmatisering samt ett intersektionellt perspektiv använts. Resultaten visar att sex av de sju informanterna hade det svårt under sin graviditet och fortfarande har det svårt idag. De har det kämpigt främst på grund av att de saknar ekonomiska tillgångar och människor omkring dem som kan hjälpa dem att ta hand om barnet. De flesta av informanterna lämnade skolan vid ett tidigt stadium av graviditeten. Det berodde antingen på att policies på de olika skolorna inte lät dem fortsätta eftersom de var gravida eller för att deras skoluniformer och skor blev för små. Attityder mot tjejerna och diskursen kring tonårsgraviditeter i Rundu hindrade en del av informanterna från att ta del av ett socialt liv. De fick skulden för att ha blivit gravida och vissa av dem skämdes väldigt mycket över sin situation. Detta ledde till att de började leva mer isolerat och inte gärna vistades inne i centrum. Vissa av tjejerna missade därmed kontroller på mödravården.
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New Actors Of New Poverty: The " / other" / Children Of CukurovaOzbek, Aysegul 01 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to analyze the socio-economic characteristics, living and working conditions, educational profiles and the future expectations of the child workers, who have been living in tents for many years and working as agricultural workers at Karagö / ç / er and Kapikö / y areas of Tuzla Municipality (KarataS District) of Adana Province since the early 90s after having been forced to vacate their villages in Sirnak. Thesis tries to expose the poverty, deprivation and social exclusion experienced by families and children presently living in tents in Karagö / ç / er and Kapikö / y. It is also aimed at exposing the ways in which these people are deprived of their social and political rights as citizens.
The main research question of the study is the motives behind the child labour observed in Karagö / ç / er and Kapikö / y. The study has found that the phenomenon of child labour in this area is the direct consequence of poverty, deprivation, social exclusion and denial of citizenship rights that these families had to face as a result of forced migration early in the 90s. Therefore, the study underlines, in conceptual terms, how their unfavourable circumstances lead to deep child poverty and consequently child labour and thesis also tries to bring attention to the children& / #8217 / s situation by referring to their families& / #8217 / poverty, deprivation, social exclusion and lack of citizenship rights. In this respect, the theory section of the thesis focuses on the relation of child labour and child poverty within the conceptualization of new poverty, internal displacement (forced migration), social exclusion and citizenship rights.
One of the main argument of this thesis is that children from Sirnak who work in fields in Tuzla constitutes a different category of child labour. Even though they are paid child workers working in the agricultural sector and they live like migrant seasonal agricultural workers, they are not, since they are settled in the region for a long time. Another important argument of the study is that families of these children after the evacuation of their village did not migrate to urban areas like most of the internally displaced people did but moved to rural areas. In this sense, they are also in disadvantaged condition compared to other internally displaced people since they can not benefit from many social services, which is easy to reach in urban settings. Therefore, this study makes clear that the children and their families examined in this study are the part of the worst form of poverty in Turkey.
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Dynamics Of Social Citizenship And Identity Perceptions: Immigrant Turks From Bulgaria In Northern CyprusIsmail Tefik, Eliz 01 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this research thesis is to analyze comparatively migration experiences in reference to changing citizenship rights of Turks from Bulgaria in northern Cyprus. Out-migrations in Bulgaria occurred in various historical chronologies out of different motivation for migration factors, and to places of different destinations. Despite the fact that mass migration flows of Turks from Bulgaria happen to be directed to Turkey, northern Cyprus was selected as a special case for this thesis, where Turks from Bulgaria immigrated during 1990&rsquo / s in great numbers.
For the fieldwork, conducted in northern Cyprus in 2006, a research sample of 30-immigrant households of Turks from Bulgaria was interviewed with a qualitative in-depth and face-to-face interaction interview technique. The interview questionnaire was directed either towards one female or male member from each household. During the interviews, lived experiences of immigrant Turks from Bulgaria in both the countries of origin and also destination were asked. Therefore, a comparative before and after migration analyses was aimed. In the light of this, specified socio-economic and socio-cultural research themes referred to the overall interpretations of whether citizenship status of immigrant Turks from Bulgaria was inclusive or exclusive of both into the Bulgarian and northern Cypriot societies.
The thesis draws a conclusion of notably revealed relationship between citizenship experiences and the shifting identity perceptions as a result of migration. Interview findings indicate that related to the conditions of their socio-economic and cultural environments in both Bulgaria and northern Cyprus, they were either included or excluded from social citizenship status. Immigrant respondents perceived themselves as excluded in the areas of employment and educational opportunities, cultural activities and in establishing associations in Bulgaria. On the other hand, in northern Cyprus they have perceived themselves as excluded in terms of work life and finding an occupation, high-income opportunities, finding decent accommodation and neighborhood relations. Besides, in the former they perceived themselves as discriminated because of their Muslim-Turkish identity and in the latter because they have been accepted as migrants and a marginally subordinate group in the social hierarchy.
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Sociological Analysis Of New Trends In Vocational Education And Training (vet) In TurkeyOzaltan, Asli 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to put forth the relationship between the transformation of the labor market and the production process and the vocational education and training in Turkey. The Study will reflect the effects of transformation on the individual and society. The research is conducted through interviews with social partners. The study touches upon the reflection of the understanding of new vocationalism adopted in line with the flexibilisation in the organization of work on the vocational and technical education in Turkey. It tries to explain how this new educational approach is shaped on the basis of the main three discourses such as lifelong learning, employability and flexibility. Consequently, the research focuses on the idea that transformation of vocational education and training in Turkey has occurred at discursive level and also based upon the prevailing opinion on the necessity of developing human resources in compliance with the needs of the economy / that the transformation process. Contrary to expectations of the new vocational education and training system, it produces individual who feel themselves anxious and uncertain about the future, fear and feel in insecure, and accordingly, experiences deprivation and social exclusion.
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An empirical investigation into the time-use and activity patterns of dual-earner couples with and without young childrenBernardo, Christina 23 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the time-use patterns of adults in dual-earner households with and without children as a function of several individual and household socio-demographics and employment characteristics. A disaggregate activity purpose classification including both in-home and out-of-home activity pursuits is used because of the travel demand relevance of out-of-home pursuits, as well as to examine both mobility-related and general time-use related social exclusion and time poverty issues. The study uses the Nested Multiple Discrete Continuous Extreme Value (MDCNEV) model, which recognizes that time-decisions entail the choice of participating in one or more activity purposes along with the amount of time to invest in each chosen activity purpose, and allows generic correlation structures to account for common unobserved factors that might impact the choice of multiple alternatives. The 2010 American Time Use Survey (ATUS) data is used for the empirical analysis. A major finding of the study is that the presence of a child in dual-earner households not only leads to a reduction in in-home activity participation but also a substantially larger decrease in out-of-home activity participation, suggesting a higher level of mobility-related social exclusion relative to overall time-use social exclusion. To summarize, the results in the thesis underscore the importance of re-designing work policies in the United States to facilitate a reduction in work-family conflict in dual-earner families. / text
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Sociala företag och arbetsintegration : En studie om hur sociala företag kan bidra till att möjliggöra och begränsa arbetsintegration för arbetsmarginaliserade individer / Social enterprises and work integration : How social enterprises enable and restrict work integration to marginalized individualsEriksson, Josefine January 2015 (has links)
Social enterprises are in some contexts considered to be a solution of social exclusion. Studies have tried to reach a deeper understanding of the relatively new phenomenon 'work-integrating social enterprises' by asking questions like 'what is a social enterprise?'. The purpose of this research is to create a greater understanding of how social enterprises can enable and/or restrict work-integration. Data is collected through qualitative interviews conducted on six social enterprise managers. The research focuses on how and to what extent organizational structure components (including functions, target group, leadership and control, along with recruitment and specialization) can lead to work-integration. The research shows a discrepancy of what the social enterprises say they are and what they say they do. I find it to be an effect depending on them being similar to other common enterprises. This is evident in their being located on the regular labor market, having the same demands in competitive and effective production. This research shows how social enterprises restrict individuals just as a common enterprise. By only recruiting individuals with desired abilities and knowledge, the social enterprises reproduces exclusion of individuals and thereby restrict work-integration for the most marginalized individuals. The research also shows that by actually giving a chance of work-integration to marginalized individuals (even if it is a limited chance), social enterprises are an alternative to common enterprises. / I flera sammanhang anses sociala företag vara en lösning på utanförskapet. Tidigare studier har sökt en djupare förståelse av det relativt nya fenomenet "arbetsintegrerande sociala företag" genom att ställa sig frågor som "vad är ett socialt företag?". Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en större förståelse för hur sociala företag kan möjliggöra och/eller begränsa arbetsintegration. I studien har en kvalitativ metod använts i form av intervjuer med sex verksamhetsledare på olika sociala företag. Studien fokuserar på hur och i vilken utsträckning som organisationsstrukturens komponenter (funktion, målgrupp, ledarskap, kontroll samt rekrytering och specialisering) kan leda till arbetsintegration. Studien visar hur sociala företag begränsar individer precis som ett vanligt företag. Genom att bara rekrytera individer med efterfrågade förmågor och kunskaper reproducerar de sociala företagen exklusionen av individer och därmed begränsar de arbetsintegration för de mest marginaliserade individerna. Resultatet visar också att genom att de sociala företagen faktiskt ger en chans till arbetsintegrering för marginaliserade individer (även om det är en begränsad sådan), så är de ändå ett alternativ till de vanliga företagen för individerna.
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Examining transportation's role in social vulnerability : São Paulo, BrazilMcGue, Mary Colleen 07 July 2011 (has links)
The City of São Paulo is one of the largest cities in the world, with 11,244,369 people living in the metropolitan area and over 19,672,582 people living in the greater metropolitan region, which is made up of 38 cities in the surrounding area (IBGE, Census 2010). Ten percent of the population in the entire country of Brazil lives in São Paulo, and 15.6% of Brazil’s Gross Domestic Product comes from São Paulo. There is an average of 38.1 million trips taken per day in the metropolitan region. Most of the city’s low-income population lives in the periphery of the city, where the land is least expensive, yet most job opportunities are concentrated in the city center, creating a spatial mismatch. Spatial mismatch occurs when low-income residents live in one area of a city, but their places of employment and job opportunities are located in another part of the city. In a spatial mismatch situation, low-income residents often travel long distances to find work and suffer from isolation based on the disconnect between where they live, where they work, and the difficulty in getting from one place to another. The current transportation infrastructure is insufficient to transport the number of commuters from the periphery to and from the city center to work on a daily basis. In this study I will explore this spatial mismatch through an analysis of both qualitative and quantitative travel data for the entire São Paulo Metropolitan Area, with a specific focus on the Zona Sul of the periphery, in order to understand the limitations of transportation infrastructure and spatial mobility for residents of the city. / text
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NVO kaip vaikų socialinės atskirties mažinimo agentas / NGO as agent of lowering children social exclusionVaitkevičius, Valdas 24 September 2008 (has links)
Darbe siekta atskleisti NVO kaip vaikų socialinės atskirties mažinimo agentą. Mokslinės literatūros, dokumentų analizė ir atlikti du ekspertiniai tyrimai išryškino NVO veiklą vaikų socialinės atskirties aspektu. Ištirtos Panevėžio, Šiaulių ir Klaipėdos VDC kaip vaikų socialinės atskirties mažinimo agentų veiklos problemos ir galimybės, parengtos veiklos tobulinimo gairės. / The purpose of the research work is to reveal NGO as an agent of lowering children social exclusion. The analysis of scientific literature, documentation (legislation) and two forensic examinations which were accomplished highlighted the work of NGO in the aspect of children social exclusion. Children day-centres as the agents of lowering children social exclusion were investigated in Siauliai, Panevezys and Klaipeda. The problems and possibilities of the work that children day-centres do were revealed. Points of reference for the improvement of NGO work were prepared.
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Rizikos šeimų poreikių tenkinimas / Meeating the needs of families at riskDirsienė, Loreta 14 December 2006 (has links)
Families which tend to face various problems are commonly called the families at risk. This term is widely used both in official acts of law, both by public institutions ensuring the protection of rights of children and giving social support for families. Social Services act of 2006 provides the definition of family at risk which we are using in this Work. We could exclude such risks: addiction, lack of responsibility or social skills as well as psychological, physical and sexual abuse against children.
The analysis of the needs of families at risk is extremely relevant nowadays, when support of families at risk ensuring rights of children they are growing is priority field of the Country. It was expected that qualitative research of the needs of families at risk would induce the deeper recognition of families at social exclusion because we would try to look to various expressions from their point of view. Deeper perception of the needs of families at risk would help social workers in preventive and interventional work with these families.
The aim of this Work is on the ground of qualitative research to disclose the needs of families at risk, the causes of dismissal of those needs and the support provided for families at social exclusion.
During the analysis we use the ethnographic qualitative research method. For the collection of documents two methods – interview (group and individual) and observation – were used. Eight families participated in the analysis and twelve... [to full text]
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Transformation Of Public Space: The Case Of Migros Akkopru Shopping CenterTunc, Gulcin 01 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Today, it is observed that shopping centers that are increasingly growing in number, especially in metropolitan cities, are used as public spaces by many urban inhabitants. Shopping centers have become places where social life is experienced and leisure time is spent through a wide range of activities offered besides shopping. On the other side, city centers that can be regarded as the most essential public spaces of urban areas are in a process of deterioration both in terms of physical quality and functional features.
These two developments are essential indicators of a change and transformation concerning the public space&rsquo / s role and its features like openness to everyone&rsquo / s use, high accessibility and social integration. Within this context, in this study, finding the direction of this transformation and the extent that shopping centers possess the characteristics of public space are aimed.
In this respect, after a literature review about public space, city center and shopping center within the context of the aim, the development of city centers and public spaces of Ankara is examined. After the development of shopping centers that flourished within the last ten-fifteen years in Ankara and their socio-spatial effects upon the city are discussed, hypothesis is tested through the findings of the questionnaire survey made in Migros Akkö / prü / Shopping Center.
Lastly, findings and conclusions are summarized and interpretations for future and policy proposals are made concerning the changing functions and uses of public spaces and shopping centers.
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