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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

PÅVERKAS ORGANISATIONSKULTUREN AV ARBETSPLATSFÖRÄNDRINGAR? : En kvalitativ studie av en organisation och ett urval av dess medarbetare.

Hansius, Agnes, Sjösten, Emelina January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en kvalitativ studie där syftet var att undersöka hur arbetsplatsförändringar till följd av covid-19 pandemin påverkar en organisations kultur. De arbetsplatsförändringar som står i fokus är när vissa medarbetare fortsätter arbeta på plats och andra börjar arbeta hemifrån. Tillvägagångssättet var sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med medarbetare i organisationen. Vi har analyserat det insamlade materialet med hjälp av en tematisk analys där vi skapade två huvudteman med tre underteman till respektive huvudtema. Det insamlade materialet och tillhörande analys har i huvudsak diskuterats med bland annat strukturperspektivet, symbolperspektivet och Scheins kulturteori. Vi har dragit slutsatserna att organisationskulturen påverkas av förändrade arbetsplatsförhållanden, detta i form av infört distansarbete. Vi kunde exempelvis se förändringar som sociala band, stressnivåer och effektivitet. Att införa distansarbete kan ge många goda effekter på organisationskulturen, detta bland annat genom minskad stress och större produktivitet och vi kunde även se negativa effekter som mer uppdelad kultur och försämrad kommunikation. Organisationens ledning har däremot upprätthållit delar av organisationskulturen genom att arbeta med spridning av kommunikation, information och värdeord. Därmed blev riskerna som kan införas på grund av distansarbetet inte lika påtagliga.

Psychosocial correlates of drug adherence among patients with affective disorder in Hong Kong.

January 1998 (has links)
by Mak Wing Fun, Ingrid. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 58-64). / Questionnaire also in Chinese. / Abstract --- p.ii / Acknowledgments --- p.iii / Table of Contents --- p.iv / List of Tables --- p.vii / List of Appendix --- p.viii / CHAPTER / Chapter 1 --- Introduction And Literature Review --- p.1 / Adherence(Compliance) --- p.1 / Pattern of Non-adherence --- p.1 / Health Belief Model and Adherence-Related Attitudes --- p.2 / Non-adherence and Psychiatric Disorder --- p.2 / Drug Adherence and Affective Disorder --- p.3 / Bipolar Disorder and Lithium --- p.3 / Methods for Assessing Adherence --- p.4 / Clinical Factors Associated with Lithium Non-adherence --- p.6 / Drug Adherence of Hong Kong Chinese Patients with Affective Disorder --- p.9 / Individual Factors --- p.10 / Attitude and Belief --- p.10 / Health Locus of Control --- p.15 / Socio-Cultural Factors --- p.15 / Explanatory Model --- p.15 / Illness Attribution --- p.16 / Attitude Towards Western Medication --- p.17 / Somatisation and Social Stigma --- p.18 / Family Support --- p.20 / Purposes of the Study --- p.22 / Chapter 2 --- Method --- p.23 / Subjects --- p.23 / Outcome Measures --- p.24 / side Effect Measure --- p.25 / Attitude Measures --- p.26 / Support Measure --- p.27 / Mood State Measure --- p.27 / Memory Function Measure --- p.28 / Procedure --- p.28 / Chapter 3 --- Results --- p.29 / Non-Adherence Rate --- p.29 / Intercorrelations of Adherence Measures --- p.30 / Mean Lithium Level and Adherence Status --- p.31 / The Reliability of the Instruments --- p.33 / Comparison of Fully Adherent and Non-adherent Patients --- p.34 / Discriminant Analysis --- p.39 / Comparison of the Patients' Attitudes and Social Support by the Number of Non- adherence Criteria Met --- p.40 / Comparison of Patients' Attitudes and Perceived Support by Patient's Self-report of Adherence --- p.43 / Comparison of Patients' Attitudes and Perceived Support by Family Member's Report of Adherence --- p.45 / Comparison of Patients' Attitudes and Perceived Support by Case Psychiatrist's Report of Adherence --- p.47 / Chapter 4 --- Discussion --- p.49 / Single vs. Multiple Criteria. --- p.49 / Predicting Non-adherence --- p.51 / Other Variables Associated --- p.53 / Limitations of the Study and Recommendations --- p.56 / Chapter 5 --- References --- p.58 / Chapter 6 --- Appendix --- p.65

Conflitos sociais socioambientais em comunidades tradicionais: Marinha do Brasil e o Quilombo do Alto do Tororó em Salvador/BA

Jesus, Daiane Batista de 06 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiany Feitosa (fabiany.sousa@ufba.br) on 2016-04-27T13:34:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Jesus, Daiane Batista de.pdf: 1695330 bytes, checksum: 98abbd10cf3319d1a17591aa65fdc761 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2016-07-05T20:30:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Jesus, Daiane Batista de.pdf: 1695330 bytes, checksum: 98abbd10cf3319d1a17591aa65fdc761 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-05T20:30:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jesus, Daiane Batista de.pdf: 1695330 bytes, checksum: 98abbd10cf3319d1a17591aa65fdc761 (MD5) / O presente trabalho tem o objetivo central estudar a dinâmica do conflito socioambiental entre os atores Marinha do Brasil e a comunidade remanescente de quilombo do Alto do Tororó, localizada em São Tomé de Paripe, Salvador/Ba, em torno da apropriação e uso do território na extensão da Baía de Aratu, a partir da chegada da Marinha em 1970. A metodologia aplicada foi um modelo de análise, baseado na etnografia dos conflitos socioambientais (Paul Little, 2004), com a finalidade de identificar a dinâmica dos conflitos a partir do território, dos interesses e estratégias de enfrentamento dos seus atores. Identificamos como os processos de desenvolvimento têm contribuído para a exploração dos recursos naturais e dos territórios das comunidades tradicionais, principalmente das comunidades negras, reforçando os estigmas da invisibilidade e da criminalização da identidade desses grupos. Como principais resultados percebe-se a utilização pela Marinha do Brasil das estratégias da soberania e da garantia de segurança nacional, tanto na sobreposição dos seus interesses nos territórios em conflito, como na legitimação das construções de grandes projetos de desenvolvimento do Estado brasileiro, interferindo na reprodução do modo de vida e da cultura das comunidades quilombolas. / This thesis major objective is to study the social environment conflict dynamics between the stakeholders Marinha do Brasil ( Brazilian Navy) and the quilombola community of Alto do Tororó, located in São Tomé de Paripe, Salvador-BA, with regards to the appropriation and use of the territory around the Aratu´s bay, from the arrival of the navy in 1970. Data for this study was obtained through a model of analysis based on the ethnography of social environment conflicts (Paul Little, 2004), aiming to identify the dynamics of the conflicts from the territory, the interest and the fighting strategies of its stakeholders. It was identified how the processes of development has contributed to the exploitation of natural resources and territories of traditional communities , mainly black communities, reinforcing the stigmas of invisibility and identity criminalization of these groups. On the basis of the main results of this research, it can be observed the use of strategies of sovereignty and guarantee of natural security by the Marinha do Brasil (Brazilian Navy), in both the superposition of its interests in the territory under conflict and in the legitimation of building of great projects of development for the Brazilian State, interfering in the reproduction of lifestyle and culture of quilombolas communities.


DERENOWSKI, JULIE MARGARET. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.

The effects of 2004 European Union enlargement on mortality development for joining countries

Lipska, Katarzyna January 2013 (has links)
The life expectancy development during the past 150 years has been remarkable in many parts of the world. These developments, however, have been very different across countries. In Europe, the diverse historical and political changes lead to clusters of regions that followed different mortality developments. The aim of this study was to examine how countries that entered the European Union in 2004 and 2007 differ in terms of mortality from continuous members of the EU and from Eastern European countries that have never joined the EU. Moreover, I studied a possible convergence in mortality indicators between these groups of countries. The data used to explore mortality conditions in those groups of countries was derived from two sources: The Human Mortality Database and European Health for All Database. Descriptive statistics and calculations of average yearly pace of change for groups of countries have been applied for each mortality indicator. Furthermore, regression models have been conducted to estimate the impact of belonging to a country group on mortality indicators, adjusted for some macro-level indicators of economic progress and health expenditure. The results verified previous research implying the importance of period factors which can affect mortality in the short term. For all mortality indicators, accelerated improvements between 1995 and 1999 have been found in countries who became EU members in 2004. Moreover, life expectancy convergence was observed for life expectancy at birth but not for the older ages which could imply that the positive progress affected older ages to smaller degree. My findings confirm the importance of social environment and imply that the process of joining the EU possibly could reduce social stress and affect mortality conditions positively.

SpecialBVC : En hjälp för barn och föräldrar vid uppfödningsproblem?

Lindahl, Ulrika January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Upp till 25 % av alla barn har någon gång under uppväxten någon typ av uppfödningsproblem.  Begreppet uppfödningsproblem brukar innefatta någon form av svårighet med att suga, tugga och svälja och delas ofta in i olika kategorier beroende på symtombild eller tänkt orsak. Symtomen eller den möjliga orsaken får sedan avgöra hur man väljer att behandla problemet. Spektrumet är stort vid uppfödningsproblem, alltifrån svårigheter som inte leder till några egentliga hälsorisker för barnet till allvarliga svårigheter som leder till undernäring och behov av alternativ nutrition.                                         Syfte: Beskriva gruppen barn med uppfödningsproblem vars föräldrar sökt hjälp hos Specialist Barnavårdscentral (SpecialBVC) och att jämföra föräldrarnas upplevelse av problemet före respektive efter avslutad kontakt med denna. Även att undersöka om medicinska och sociala faktorer hos barnet och föräldrar eller olika vårdprocessmått hade samband med föräldrars upplevelse av uppfödningsproblemets svårighetsgrad efter avslutad kontakt.                                                                                                                      Metod: Deskriptiv, komparativ longitudinell studie på redan insamlat material.         Resultat: Det fanns en skillnad i upplevelsen av uppfödningsproblemets svårighetsgrad hos föräldrar efter avslutad kontakt med SpecialBVC. Analysen visade en signifikant positiv förändring av föräldrarnas upplevelse av problemets svårighetsgrad vid jämförelse före respektive efter avslutad kontakt med SpecialBVC. I populationen för den deskriptiva analysen hade 13  % av mödrarna depression och 17  % annan psykisk ohälsa. Många familjer (32 %) hade ett sviktande nätverk. Förekomst av dessa faktorer hos föräldrar vid uppfödningsproblem hos barn stöds i annan forskning.                                            Slutsats: Föräldrarna upplevde att uppfödningsproblemets svårighetsgrad minskade både för barnet och för familjen efter kontakt med SpecialBVC. En förklaring kan vara SpecialBVCs arbetssätt. För att kunna förstå patienten rätt och därmed kunna hjälpa behöver enligt Joyce Travelbee (1971) en relation uppstå mellan patient och behandlare. SpecialBVCs arbetssätt att genom hembesök med noggrann anamnesupptagning, planering av behandling utifrån familjens resurser samt uppföljning på det sätt som passar familjen ligger väl i linje med Joyce Travelbees Interaktionsteori. / Background: Up to 25 % of all children have at some time during childhood some type of eating difficulties. The concept of eating difficulties usually include some form of difficulty with sucking, chewing and swallowing. Eating difficulties are often divided into different categories depending on symptoms or the supposed cause. The symptoms or the possible cause to, decides how to treat the child. The spectrum is wide for eating difficulties, ranging from difficulties that do not lead to any real health risk, to severe difficulties leading to malnutrition and the need for alternative nutrition.                                                 Purpose: To describe the group of children with food problems whose parents sought help from specialist Child health (SpecialBVC) and comparing the parent's perception of food problems before and after completion of contact with SpecialBVC. Also see if the medical and social factors in the child and parent, and various health care processes measures related with the parent's perception of the difficulty of the food problem after finishing the contact. Method: Descriptive, comparative longitudinal study on the already collected material. Results: There was a difference in the experience of the severity of the food problem of parents after completing contact with SpecialBVC. This difference was significant. The study population had a high percentage of maternal depression or other mental illnesses. Many families had a failing network. These factors among parents supports the already done research on breeding problems in children.                                                        Conclusion: Parents perception of the severity of the food problem for both the child and family decreased after contact with SpecialBVC. One explanation may be SpecialBVCs approach that can be transferred in Joycee Travelbees interaction theory. To properly understand the patient seeking care, and thus able to help must first be a relationship-interaction occur. The result is a mutual contact and understanding that health care is based on forward.

Structure of Aggression among Urban Youth: Competing Factor Models of Subtypes of Physical and Relational Aggression

Helms, Sarah W. 01 January 2007 (has links)
Aggression has been demonstrated to pose a serious threat to the adaptive development of youth, with decades of research demonstrating the negative associations between aggression and other problem behaviors, both concurrently and predictively. However, despite this body of research, the current psychological literature continues to suffer from a lack of an overarching organizational framework from which to structure the construct(s) of aggression. Furthermore, existing discrepancies across the literature, particularly in the definitions of and outcomes associated with non-physical forms of aggression (e.g., relational aggression, social aggression), exacerbate the complexities facing prevention and intervention specialists. Insofar as research can isolate the unique subtypes of aggressive behaviors that best predict maladjustment outcomes, researchers can focus resources and efforts on those subtypes of aggression identified as being particularly relevant for prevention efforts. To this end, the purpose of the current study was to develop a measure that encompassed the structure of physical and relational aggression and to test competing structures of aggression based on the hypothesized relevant dimensions of mechanism of action (i.e., confrontational action vs. nonconfrontational action) and vehicle of harm (i.e., physical harm vs. relational/social harm) using confirmatory factor analyses. Additionally, this study examined relations between aggression subtypes and hypothesized correlates, including peer deviancy, delinquency, drug use, and social intelligence. Further, this study assessed both the factor structures and unique relations among aggression and its correlates separately for boys and girls, and identified unique structure and relations by gender. Participants included an urban, predominantly African American sample of 280 youth ages eleven through seventeen, who were sampled from an ongoing longitudinal study of violence, substance use, stress, and coping. As hypothesized, the mechanism of action and vehicle of harm dimensions did represent relevant conceptual distinctions in the structure of aggression. Although models did not reach objective standards for goodness of fit criteria, comparatively, the mechanism of action model best represented the structure of aggression for boys, whereas the vehicle of harm model best represented the structure of aggression for girls. Both boys and girls had significant positive correlations among their respective subtypes of aggression and other indicators of maladjustment, including peer deviancy, delinquency, and drug use. Overall, these findings confirm that structures of aggression tested were problematic for urban African-American youth, and suggest that further attention should be paid to disentangling those aspects of aggression that might be most relevant for addressing prevention and intervention efforts.

Sociální prostředí a lokální komunity: město, suburbium, venkov / Social environment and local communities: city, suburb , countryside

Špačková, Petra January 2011 (has links)
Since the 19th century, the processes of modernization, industrialization and urbanization have fundamentally impacted the spatial organization and the actual contents of social ties. In particular, the role of place of residence in everyday life has significantly changed. Compared to the past, the spatial distance is less relevant for maintenance of interpersonal ties and non-local social relations are of growing importance. This process has been recently enhanced by development of communication technologies and the Internet in particular. The Internet has transferred many social ties into virtual communities without any spatial reference. The dissertation deals with the consequences of the above indicated changes for the social environments in urban, suburban and rural localities and it is built on the geographic perspective of social network research. The theoretical framework of the research is based on combination of the concepts of social environment and the concept of local community. Further, the conceptualization of the study of local social environment is presented. In addition, the factors undermining the differentiated social environment and the character of community ties in various types of geographical contexts are discussed. The attention is also paid to the importance of population...

Os efeitos de aspectos contextuais e individuais na autopercepção de saúde, em adultos de São Leopoldo – RS

Cremonese, Cleber 14 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T20:06:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O objetivo foi investigar efeitos do contexto sociodemográfico e ambiental na autopercepção de saúde. Realizou-se um estudo transversal de base populacional com uma amostra aleatória de 1100 adultos em 38 vizinhanças (setor censitário/IBGE) de São Leopoldo-RS. Utilizou-se regressão logística multinível . As médias de renda e anos de estudo do chefe do domicílio, e o número de residentes por vizinhança foram R$955 (DP=586), 8anos (DP=3) e 746 (DP=358), respectivamente. Maiores prevalências de autopercepção de saúde razoável/ruim foram encontradas em vizinhanças mais populosas e nas com renda e escolaridade baixas. Após o controle pelas variáveis individuais, as chances de possuir autopercepção de saúde razoável/ruim eram cerca de 2 vezes maiores em vizinhanças mais populosas (RP=2,04;IC95%:1,15-3,61) e nas com baixa renda (RP=2,29;IC95%:1,16-4,50), quando comparadas as com baixo número de residentes e alta renda. Resultados sugerem que a autopercepção de saúde depende da interação das características do nível / The objective was to investigate the role of sociodemographic and environmental variables on self-rated health. A cross-sectional study was carried out using a random sample of 1100 adults in 38 neighborhoods (defined as census tracts) of a Brazilian city. Data analyses used Multilevel logistic regression models. Higher prevalences of fair/poor self-rated health were found in the most populous neighborhoods and in those with low income and low education. After controlling for the individual variables, the odds of fair/poor self-rated health were 2 times larger in more populous (OR=2,04;IC95%:1,15-3,61) and in poorer (OR=2,29;IC95%:1,16-4,50) neighborhoods as compared with those with better-off characteristics. For the population studied, results suggest that self-rated health depends of the interaction between individual and contextual features of neighbourhoods.

Meio social e surdez: um estudo sobre trajetória sócio-educacional no município de Tocantinópolis-TO

Silva, Maria José dos Santos 28 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:32:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Jose dos Santos Silva.pdf: 769619 bytes, checksum: a8ca1d0a58834f5e39d8191ebc46133b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present study aims at investigating and analyzing, in a geographical space previously determined, how the journey of deaf teenagers has been formed considering familiar, social and cultural aspects that are part of their lives. This research presents an approach that is essentially qualitative, although quantitative data has been used. Five deaf people from a small town in the countryside of Tocantins state were selected, since it is considered as a small-sized town and has a very particular social organization. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews, daily activities observation and school documents from the research participants. As a guiding tool to the data organization, the investigation was based on the cultural and social concepts developed by Pierre Bourdieu (1975, 1997, 2000 e 2005), such as the special education studies developed by Bueno (1998, 1999, 2007); Soares (1990, 1996); Mendonça (2007) and Ferrari (2010) who have their points of view arising from the fact that deafness, definitely serves as a symbol to characterize this population, however, these social identities and trajectories are also formed through the social and cultural relationships established in every social space. In other words, the meaning of the social practices and relationships that the participants have kept is related not only to age, gender, social positions and social-geographical space questions, but also to their condition of being deaf / Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar e analisar, em um determinado espaço geográfico, como se constituiu a trajetória de jovens surdos, a partir dos aspectos familiares, sociais e culturais presentes nessas trajetórias. Esta pesquisa apresenta uma abordagem prioritariamente qualitativa, embora também faça uso de dados quantitativos. Foram selecionados cinco sujeitos surdos de um município no interior do estado do Tocantins, em razão de caracterizar-se de pequeno porte e, possuir uma organização social peculiar. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, observação das atividades cotidianas e documentos escolares dos sujeitos participantes da pesquisa. Para nortear a organização dos dados, a investigação teve como base os conceitos de capital cultural e social desenvolvidos por Pierre Bourdieu (1975, 1997, 2000 e 2005), assim como os estudos da educação especial desenvolvidos por Bueno (1998, 1999, 2007); Soares (1990, 1996); Mendonça (2007) e Ferrari (2010); os quais partem da perspectiva de que a surdez, indiscutivelmente, é uma marca que caracteriza essa população, mas, no entanto, essas identidades e trajetórias sociais também, se constituem, a partir das relações socioculturais estabelecidas em cada espaço social. Ou seja, o significado das práticas e relações sociais mantidas pelos indivíduos relaciona-se, tanto às questões de idade, gênero, posições sociais e espaço sócio-geográfico, quanto à condição de serem surdos

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