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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Vi förmedlar inte bara ett ämnesinnehåll, vi förmedlar ett sätt att tänka" : En intervjustudie om ämneslärares förståelse av kritiskt tänkande i samhällskunskap / “We do not only convey a subject content, we convey a way of thinking” : An interview study on subject teachers' understanding of critical thinking in social studies

Gustavsson, Tilda January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Den nya teknikvågen: : En kvalitativ studie om lärare i samhällsorienterade ämnen och deras attityder motartificiell intelligens / The New Wave of Technology: : A Qualitative Study on Teachers in SocialStudies and Their Attitudes Towards Artificial Intelligence

Fällman, Axel January 2024 (has links)
This study explores the attitudes and adaptations of social studies teachers in Sweden towardsthe integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in their teaching practices. As AI becomesincreasingly prevalent in educational contexts, this research aims to understand both currentviewpoints and anticipated future developments regarding the use of AI tools in education.The rapid advancement of AI technologies presents both opportunities and challenges withinthe educational sector. Teachers are at the forefront of integrating these tools into theirteaching methodologies, striving to enhance educational outcomes without compromisingpedagogical integrity. This research primarily focuses on how these educators perceive andadapt to the incorporation of AI, particularly within the context of social studies, a fielddeeply intertwined with critical thinking and societal analysis.By conducting qualitative interviews with a select group of teachers, this study delves intotheir subjective experiences and attitudes towards AI. It examines the potential of AI tosupport teaching tasks such as assessment and planning, while also considering thetechnology's limitations in providing feedback and personalized learning experiences

Perspektiv på Samhällskunskap : En studie av lärarstudenters uppfattningar vid Umeå universitet / Perspectives on Social Studies: : A Study of Teacher Students Attitudes at Umeå University

Ålander, Emma January 2024 (has links)
This research investigates the viewpoints of Umeå University's teacher students regarding social studies, particularly their attitudes toward the various subject conceptions outlined in Lindmark's (2013) theory. The objective is to understand how these future educators perceive and value social studies education, as well as the factors influencing these perceptions. Through quantitative methods, the study analyzes survey data from students to discern their attitudes toward different subject conceptions and the reasons behind these attitudes. The findings reveal a strong preference among students for socially analytical and civic skills-oriented approaches, whereas attitudes toward fact- and concept-oriented and value-based conceptions display more variation. This trend reflects a deviation from previous studies, highlighting a newfound emphasis on socially analytical aspects, which were previously less prioritized. This study contributes to educational research by offering new insights into the preparation of teacher students for social studies instruction and the educational ideals they espouse. The results underscore the complex and multifaceted nature of social studies as perceived by the respondents. Additionally, this research suggests future investigative directions, particularly regarding the factors shaping these attitudes, as current theories do not fully clarify the bases for these subject conception preferences.

Leadership skills : teaching collaboration through the fourth grade social studies curriculum

White, Megan C. 01 January 2007 (has links)
Throughout secondary education, students are given opportunities to hone their leadership and collaboration skills with one another. Unfortunately, these opportunities are few and far between in the elementary school classroom. Since there are few leadership curriculum options available for teachers of elementary students, this study attempts to offer a fourth grade curriculum on leadership and collaboration within the context of the social studies curriculum. The study is comprised of a piece of historical fiction, journal prompts, and group activities. The text taught students about the colonization of Jamestown with a unique focus on collaboration between the Native Americans and Jamestown colonists. Small groups of students worked together to complete group activities where they were able to improve upon their ability to collaborate. This thesis provides insight toward the need for leadership curriculum in the elementary classroom and one curricular option with which to do so.

Att förstå pengar är att förstå makt : -En idéanalytisk studie av nordiska kursplaner gällande ekonomiundervisningen i gymnasieskolans samhällskunskap / To understand money is to understand power: : An idea analysis of Nordic curriculum regarding economic education in upper secondary social studies.

Hansson, David January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to examine economic education in Nordic upper secondary education within the subject of social studies. Specifically, the study investigates how the concept of financial literacy is included or excluded in the curriculum for basic courses in social studies through a idea analysis. The study then compares this comparatively to identify similarities and differences in the countries' economic education. In this context, the study also explores the epistemological relation to financial literacy in the curricula to discern the goals of economic education. The results reveal variations in the extent to which the concept of financial literacy is incorporated, with Finland clearly integrating it most prominently into its curriculum. Additionally, the findings indicate that Denmark places greater emphasis on socio-economic phenomena, while this aspect is less prominent in Norway, with a greater focus on personal finance. Sweden presents a mixture, including most aspects but not to the same extent as Norway. Regarding the epistemological perspective, there is a variation between the traditional and instrumental perspectives in the material. It is noted that the instrumental perspective receives greater emphasis overall, particularly concerning aspects related to personal finance awareness and attitudes toward economics.

An Evaluation of Junior High School Social Studies

Wyatt, Rose Benton 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to determine as accurately as possible the needs of adolescents in the junior high school and the extent to which these needs are being met by certain social-studies programs.

Samspel, gemenskap och delaktighet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om inkludering av nyanlända elever i samhällskunskapsundervisningen / Interaction, community and participation : A qualitative interview study on the inclusion of newly arrived pupils in social studies

Larsson, Lisa January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen syfte är att öka kunskapen om vilka olika arbetssätt lärare använder för att inkludera nyanlända elever i samhällskunskapsundervisningen. Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie med inspiration från en fenomenologisk livsvärldsansats. Genom en kvalitativ forskningsintervju med grundskollärare i årskurs 4–6 har data samlats in och sedan kategoriserats. De tre teman som resultatet består av är: verktyg för inkludering, svårigheter vid inkludering och vikten av samhällskunskapsämnet. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är sociokulturell teori och utifrån detta perspektiv har resultatet analyserats och teoretiska tolkningar har skapats. Resultatet i undersökningen visar att lärarna använder sig av flera olika verktyg för att inkludera nyanlända elever i samhällskunskapsundervisningen. Det framkommer att inkludering är ett svårtolkat begrepp som är väldigt beroende av individen vilket betyder att inkludering kan se väldigt olika ut. Samarbete med studiehandledare, ämnesövergripande arbetssätt, digitala verktyg, placering, att skapa förförståelse hos eleverna, gemenskap och samspel är alla viktiga delar i inkluderingsprocessen. I resultatet tas även svårigheter vid inkludering upp och dessa är bland annat abstrakta ämnesbegrepp, brister i svenska språket, svårigheter vid socialt samspel, missförstånd, elevernas olika erfarenheter, elevernas verklighetssyn, samhällskunskapsämnets breda innehåll och det faktum att ämnet är kontextbundet. Lärarna i studien är eniga om att samhällskunskapsämnet är en viktig del av de nyanlända elevernas inkluderingsprocess i det svenska samhället. / The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge of different working methods teachers use to include newly arrived pupils in social studies. The study is a qualitative interview study with inspiration from a phenomenological life-world approach. Through a qualitative research interview with primary school teachers in grades 4–6, data has been collected. The collected data has been categorized based on three themes. The three themes that the result consists of are: tools for inclusion, inclusion difficulties and the importance of the social science topic. The theoretical starting point of the study is socio-cultural theory and from this perspective the result has been analyzed and theoretical interpretations have been created.   The results of the study show that teachers use several different tools to include newly arrived pupils in social studies. It appears that inclusion is a difficult-to-interpret-concept that is very dependent on the individual, which means that inclusion can look very different depending on the individual. Collaboration with study supervisors, interdisciplinary workingmethods, digital tools, placement, creating understanding of the students, community and interaction are all important parts of the inclusionprocess. The result also show difficulties with inclusion and these include abstract subject concepts, deficiencies in the Swedish language, difficulties in social interaction, misunderstandings, the students 'different experiences, the students' view of reality, the broad content of the social science subject and the fact that the subject is contextual. The teachers in the study agree that the subject of social studies is an important part of the newly arrived pupils' inclusionprocess in Swedish society.

Hur blir man bättre på att analysera? : En studie om elevers uppfattningar av en analysmodell i samhällskunskapsundervisningen. / How might one improve the ability to analyze? : A study of student´s conceptions regarding an analytic model in Social studies.

Nersäter, Åsa January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur elever i årskurs 1 på gymnasiet uppfattar att de, inom ramen för kursen Samhällskunskap 1b, kan använda en samhällsvetenskaplig analysmodell för att analysera ett samhällsproblem. Studien utgår från två forskningsfrågor: Hur uppfattar elever på gymnasiets högskoleförberedande program att de ska använda analysmodellen? Vilka olika kvaliteter kan skilja mellan en utvecklad och en mindre utvecklad uppfattning av hur analysmodellen ska användas? Undersökningen tar sin utgångspunkt i en yrkeserfarenhet av att elever ofta undrar hur de ska bli bättre på att analysera. Metoden som använts är att 50 elever besvarat en analysuppgift som syftade till att analysera varför ungdomar inte engagerar sig i det formella, demokratiska arbetet. Till hjälp att utreda frågan hade elevgruppen tillgång till analysmodell och källmaterial från den senaste demokratiutredningen, Låt fler forma framtiden! De svar som samlades in analyserades med en fenomenografisk metod, som syftar till att kategorisera olika uppfattningar som undersökningsgruppen har kring hur analysmodellen ska användas. Resultatet, utfallsrummet, är 6 beskrivningskategorier som skiljer sig avseende hur analysmodellen behandlas, strukturell aspekt, och i vad som behandlas i svaret, referentiell aspekt. Den mest avancerade hanteringen av analysmodellen ser dess delar som en helhet och som en struktur, samt väver in material från källor som stöd för sin argumentation. Den minst avancerade hanteringen behandlar, utan koppling till källor, endast en enstaka del av analysmodellen. I analysarbetet kartläggs också de kritiska aspekter som undervisning behöver fokusera på för att hjälpa eleven från en mindre avancerad uppfattning till en mer avancerad uppfattning, det vill säga för att lära sig att analysera med mer kvalité. Den mest centrala kritiska aspekten visar sig vara att se hur källmaterial är bas för en mer vetenskaplig analys. / It is the writer’s professional experience that upper secondary students often wonder how to improve their skills in analytic reasoning. The aim of this study is to examine conceptions of Swedish upper secondary school-students when it comes to use a model for analytical reasoning in the course Social studies 1b. The research questions are: How do upper secondary student perceive the usage of a model for analytic reasoning? Which qualitative differences can there be between a less complex and a complex conception of the model for analytic reasoning? The research method has been to give an analytic task to 50 upper secondary students aiming to analyze the problem with the diminishing engagement among Swedish youth in the formal democracy process. The participantswere asked to analyze this problem by using the analytic model and a number of sources originating from the Commission on Democracy Report (2014). The student´s answers where analyzed by a Phenomenographic method aiming to find categories of student´s conceptions of the skill of analyzing according to the model. The result, called the learning outcome, was 6 hierarchically structured categories of conceptions, differing from one another in how the analytic model was perceived, the structural aspect, and of how the content of the analysis was handled, the referential aspect. The most complex conception of the analytic model was to perceive it parts as a whole and also use its disposition as a model for the structure of their answers. The least complex conception only handle singular parts of the analytic model and does not use the source material as a factual base for their reasoning. The most central critical aspect to consider when designing teaching for improving the student´s analytic skills is to make them discern the need for source based reasoning if the aim is to develop a more scientific approach.

Progressão da aprendizagem do conhecimento histórico nos currículos prescritos de Social Studies dos Estados Unidos da América (1995-2012)

Nascimento, Maíra Ielena Cerqueira 23 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This dissertation approachs Social Studies states prescribed curriculum at United States of America, produced between 1995 and 2012 - specifically in regard to the learning progression of history. Using the concepts of "school subject‖ (Chervel), "curriculum" (Silva; Apple) and content analysis tools as Microsoft Office Access software, this dissertation analyzes public documents captured at the departments of education of the 50 states of US, which indicate what should be taught in terms of historical knowledge, skills and values. By the chapter I, I describe the decentralized USA education system and its impact on history education. By the chapter II, I indicate the relations between teaching history and Social Studies, as well as the nature of this school subject and the importance conferred to the historical knowledge in these curricula. By the last chapter, I describe how history learning expectations are organized, and I also discuss the learning progressions principles that conduct their careful organization. Finally, this research indicates that historical knowledge is the integration core of Social Studies curricula, and supports the relation between the study of history and the ability of decision-making and self-government. Furthermore, history contents are organized mainly according to the learning progression model known as "expanding horizons", called "círculos concêntricos" (―concentric circles‖) in Brazil. / Este texto trata de currículos estaduais prescritos para os Social Studies (Estudos Sociais) nos Estados Unidos da América produzidos entre os anos 1995 e 2012, especificamente no que diz respeito às formas de progressão anunciadas para a aprendizagem da história. Empregando os conceitos de ―disciplina escolar‖ de André Chervel, ―currículo‖ de Tomaz Tadeu da Silva e Michael Apple, e os instrumentos da análise de conteúdo com uso do software Microsoft Office Access, o trabalho analisa uma série de documentos públicos capturados nos endereços eletrônicos de departamentos de educação dos 50 estados da aludida nação, os quais indicam o que deve ser ensinado em termos de conhecimentos, habilidades e valores. Na seção I, descreve-se o funcionamento do sistema educacional descentralizado dos EUA e seus impactos sobre o ensino de história no país. Na seção II, indicam-se as relações entre o ensino de história e os Social Studies, bem como a natureza desta disciplina escolar e a importância adjudicada ao conhecimento histórico nos currículos. Já na última seção, se descreve como as expectativas de aprendizagem relativas à história são elaboradas, bem como se analisa os princípios de progressão da aprendizagem que regem a disposição das mesmas. Por fim, a pesquisa indica que o conhecimento histórico é o núcleo integrador dos currículos dos Social Studies, e preconiza a relação entre o estudo da História e a formação da habilidade de tomada de decisões e autogoverno. Outrossim, seus conteúdos são organizados majoritariamente conforme esquema de progressão ―horizontes em expansão‖ (expanding horizons), no Brasil denominado de ―círculos concêntricos‖.

Examining Social Studies Teacher Candidates' Economic Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Kieninger, Katherine 10 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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