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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Tobias, Fläder January 2021 (has links)
The Covid-19 disease has a large impact on life across the globe, and this could potentially include impacts on crime. Using SARIMA-models, the current study describes how crime has changed in Sweden during a twelve-week period after the first governmental measures was undertaken to limit the spread of the disease. Compared to most other countries, Sweden has undertaken smaller interventions and is therefore an interesting case from a comparative perspective. The findings show that most measure points are within a confidence interval of what is expected from the forecast, indicating that common assaults have not been heavily affected during the study period, contrary to what is expected from a routine activity perspective.

Den nya generationens trivsel på arbetsplatsen : En kvantitativ undersökning av vilka faktorer och värderingar som påverkar digitala infödingars trivsel på arbetet / The Work Satisfaction of the New Generation : A Quantitative Study of Which Factors and Values That Affect the Work Satisfaction of Digital Natives

Urbäck, Carl January 2021 (has links)
This is a quantitative study that investigates how various factors affect the job satisfaction for digital natives, comparing the results with their older counterpart digital immigrants. With the use of data from six various surveys which amounts to more than 160 000 individual participants, the researcher has compiled, studied and analyzed the grand total. An analysis was also made on a more detailed level, examining every single question that was selected as relevant for this study. The six surveys used in this research were all conducted between the years 2015-2020 and contained the key question about the respondents’ job satisfaction. Since the surveys were carried out in several countries the researcher of this study also had to take this into consideration. As a result of this there is a section in the result and analysis section dedicated to comparing the data from the various surveys. From a theoretical standpoint the study is based on Karl Mannheim’s theory of generations and the researcher’s own theory named Theory of working life related values which in turn is inspired by the works of renowned social psychologist Shalom H. Schwartz. In order to be able to evaluate the national or cultural differences, the researcher has also made use of Geert Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory. The purpose of the study is to identify differences between which factors and values there are that affects the job satisfaction for digital natives and digital immigrants. Through this study, the researcher shows that there seems to be some clear differences between the two age groups, yet it cannot be ruled out that they appear due to age instead of generation.

“There is no point in trying”: Conformity & Resistance : An anthropological study of student attitudes in a Swedish upper secondary school.

Nissander, Sam January 2018 (has links)
Based on a two month-long fieldwork in a Swedish upper secondary school, this thesis examines student attitudes and strives to increase the understanding of how they are formed, how students and teachers are positioned to the collective habitus, as well as how the students’ views of their attitudes relates to their practical expressions of them. The study is placed in a scientific debate regarding student resistance and conformity but shifts the focus from the implications they have to the motivations they are the result of. The analysis is grounded in research suggesting that the main factors for the formation of attitudes is the means to obtain what you desire as well as the freedom to choose that you desire. The conclusion settles around speculations to why the student attitudes look like they do, such as lack of symbolic capital or adoption of social roles given to them, as well as a need to fit in to the collective habitus or experiencing feelings of shame and hopelessness. It is also suggested that there is a disjuncture between the students’ narratives and practices of the attitudes and that the reason behind this might be feelings of shame and hopelessness created by not fitting in.

"Polisens larm: 50 gäng härjar i Stockholm" : En kvalitativ textanalys av konstruktionen av kriminella nätverk

Eriksson, Linnea, af Trolle, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker hur kriminella nätverk konstrueras i tidningen Aftonbladet med kvalitativ textanalys, för att därigenom förstå den diskursiva makt som reproduceras om kriminella nätverk. Det empiriska materialet består av 59 debatt- och nyhetsartiklar från Aftonbladet som analyseras utifrån diskursteori, gestaltningsteori samt avhumaniseringsteori. Resultatet visar att kriminella nätverk konstrueras som en homogen grupp, särskilda från andra medborgare. Särskiljandet skapar ett "vi och dem" där kriminella nätverk objektifieras och tillskrivs attribut såsom ständigt våldsamma och egna kulturella värderingar vilket kan förstås som ett sätt att avhumanisera dem. De konstrueras som strategiska i sina utföranden av kriminella handlingar, vilket är en anledning till det stora politiska engagemanget. Hur politiker och media gestaltar kriminella nätverk, genom de språkliga val som görs, innebär en makt att beskriva dem på vissa sätt vilket kan leda till reella konsekvenser. Vissa politiska åtgärder har därför varit mer aktuella än andra, såsom strängare rättspolitik, vilket ofta konstrueras som en lösning på denna typ av kriminalitet. / This study examines how criminal gangs are constructed in the swedish newspaper Aftonbladet using qualitative text analysis, in order to understand the discursive power reproduced on criminal gangs. The empirical data consist of 59 debate and news articles from Aftonbladet. It is analyzed on the basis of discourse theory, framing theory and dehumanization theory. The result shows that criminal gangs are constructed as a homogeneous group, special from other citizens. The distinction creates an idea of "us and them" where criminal gangs are objectified and attributed to traits such as constantly violent and with their own cultural values which can be understood as a way of dehumanizing them. They are constructed as strategic in their execution of criminal acts, which is a reason for the great political commitment about them. The linguistic selections politicians and media choose about criminal gangs frame them in particular ways, therefore politicians and the media possess power to describe them in certain ways which can lead to real consequences. Some political actions, like strict law policies have been more highlighted. It is framed as a solution to this kind of criminality.

Djursholm, ett svenskt livsstils- och grindsamhälle : - en antropologisk studie

Arsenian Henriksson, Emilie January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera hur människors val av boplats påverkar segregationen i Stockholm ur ett antropolgiskt perspektiv. Jag har valt att använda den välkänt fashionabla Stockholmsförorten Djursholm som exempel. Vad utgör exklusiviteten? Hur ser Djursholmarna på sig själva? Jag har använt mig av antropologisk litteratur och exempel från intervjuer ur professor Mikael Holmqvists bok Djursholm: Sveriges ledarsamhälle. I samband med detta har jag gjort egna observationer och fotograferat. Djursholm bygger på tradition, förutsägbarhet och en symbolisk gemenskap. Många villor har stora parkliknande trädgårdar omgärdade av häckar, staket och grindar. Min tes är att Djursholm kan betraktas som ett grindsamhälle – en översättning från det kända engelska begreppet "Gated Community" – och bidrar på så vis till segregationen vilket jag kommer att utforska.

"Vad PK du är" : En etnografisk studie av åsikter om politisk korrekthet i ett samtida Sverige.

Lygdman, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Politisk korrekthet är en komplex term. Den här uppsatsen undersöker hur åsikter om denna term uttrycks och hur detta påverkar oss i sociala sammanhang. Empirin består utav djupintervjuer med totalt åtta informanter. För analys av materialet så har teoretiska verk av exempelvis Pierre Bourdieu, Michel Foucault, Emile Durkheim, Erving Goffman använts som verktyg. Resultatet av studien visar att det existerar varierade uppfattningar om vad politisk korrekthet innebär och att hur dialogerna ser ut påverkar vår interaktion och förmedling av åsikter.

To Eat an Idea : On the transformative potential of engaging with local cereal in a mountain territory

Béthaz, Marzia January 2020 (has links)
This study investigates the values expressed and implemented through local cereal and cereal-related products such as bread and flour in the alpine region of Valle d’Aosta (north-west Italy), contributing to the existing body of literature on food values. It is based on anthropological fieldwork among people engaging with cereal both professionally and non-professionally (such as bakers, farmers, agronomists and other categories of people involved in the cereal sector) and on theories drawn from food and economic anthropology, anthropological theories of value and literature on social movements. This research aims at understanding the values that inform cereal-related practices in Valle d’Aosta and that precede the relationships its inhabitants generate around cereal. Such values are intended as moral standpoints from which people engaging with cereal organise their action and conceptualise their own understanding of their practices. Values of tradition, community and individual place identity, health, environmental and socio-economic values serve as spectacles through which to grasp the vision that people engaging with cereal in Valle d’Aosta have of society, of the role of the economy, of the relationship between the community and the individual. Ultimately, cereal-related practices, based on a particular conception of the economy which puts into question the neoliberal system, are represented as tools bridging past, present and future, as the past serves as a source of inspiration to bring about a better future and to materialise it into the present, through a deeply moral endeavour.

Konsten att måla upp Kina : En antropologisk studie om hur kinesisk kultur porträtteras i studiematerial

Simu, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Chinese language textbooks play an important role in the chinese classroom, but how much do they influence the reader? This study examines how chinese society is portrayed and percived by swedish students who studied chinese during upper secondary school. How is the image of China and its culture reproduced in Swedish upper secondary schools, partly through the Confucius Institute, and without the influence of the chinese government, and what role does textbooks play in students perception of China? This study was conducted through anthropological interviews through the video call program zoom. Four interviews where conducted with three students and one former chinese teacher, wich resulted in six hours of material. Two textbooks where used, New Practical Chinese Reader by Hanban and Kinesiska språket I Mittens rike by Björksten to compare a government issued textbook, and one independently produced one. The theoretical concepts used in this study are: Intercultural competence, sociocultural authority and sociopragmatic relations. The study found that multifaceted representation of culture is important, especially in cases where the students have a narrow understanding of the culture represented. Both textbooks used in this study lacked representation in this regard, however, the govermentaly issued book New Practical Chinese Reader had a much clearer absence of culture and authentic communication wich was perceived in different manners by different interview subjects.

(Becoming) Strong Women in Sweden : Japanese Female Immigrants in the Greater Stockholm Area

Kikuchi, Yuka January 2019 (has links)
This thesis investigates how the Japanese women who were born and grew up in Japan experienced their migration to Sweden. Three things are examined. The first regards the Japanese female immigrants’ (re)interpretation and practice of gender. Differences in policies and social systems of Sweden and Japan to pursue a gender-equal society are illustrated through contextualization of social and historical backgrounds of the past few decades and informants’ lived experiences. The second regards their (re)construction and performance of ethnicity. Various meanings and experiences of Japanese cultural space were highlighted in transcultural settings of Swedish society and (re)constructed Japanese ethnicity in Sweden. Having these perspectives as components, thirdly, their multiple, complex and flexible ways of being and sense of belonging(s) are scrutinized by employing translocational positionality framework. This analytical framework permeates all chapters of this thesis and discusses how Japanese female immigrants multiply constructed and flexibly shifted their ways of being and sense of belonging(s) in addition to their positionality in Swedish social stratification depending on situations and contexts they were exposed to. This thesis is an attempt to contribute to burgeoning ethnographic studies on gender and migration by revealing female immigrants’ construction of corrective identities in their contry of settlement. / 本論⽂は、筆者の2018 年3 ⽉から10 ⽉に及ぶスウェーデン王国⾸都ストックホルムとその近郊における⺠族学的調査によって、⽇本⼈⼥性の⽇常⽣活に焦点を当て、移⺠かつ⼥性という彼⼥たちの集団的属性が移住先での暮らしと社会的位置性をどのように形成するのかを⺠族誌的に明らかにすることを主題とするものである。そして最終的に、当該地域における彼⼥たちのジェンダー意識の再形成とその実践の過程、⽇本⼈という⺠族性の現地での再形成とその体現のされ⽅、そして彼⼥たちの状況に応じて多様かつ複合的に形成される集団的属性と帰属意識を明らかにすることを⽬的としている。本論⽂は次の5 章で構成されている。第1 章では研究動機、研究⽬的、理論的背景の考察、調査の概略などについて述べ、第 2 章では調査対象の⼈々の労働⽣活、第 3 章では家庭⽣活を始めとする私⽣活、そして第4 章ではストックホルムでの⽇本⽂化の体験と再現に焦点をあて、個別的テーマに関する⺠族誌的データを検討し、第5 章において本論全体にかかる考察を⾏っている。本論⽂は、近年増加するジェンダーと移住に関する⼈類学的調査に則りつつ、先進国間での移住に焦点を当てた調査である。

In (H)Arm's Way : A Look Into the Culture of the Defense and Security Industry

Tesoro, Stephenie January 2019 (has links)
Through an examination of the businesses and people that support war-making, collectively known as the defense and security industry, this thesis reveals the controlling processes at work that make the business of war palatable to those who work within the industry. Three controlling processes are examined: (1) The industry’s culturally specific language; a barrier built with syntax, preventing both entry from outsiders and exit by insiders, allowing for institutionalized insanity to set in while also legitimizing the business pursuits of these companies as normal and acceptable; (2) The scientific pursuit and technology itself, supported and maintained by the exalted position the pursuit of science holds in Western society, and the assumption that technological innovation is always an intellectual and noble pursuit, which is critical to the industry’s survival; (3) The ideologies of Western liberal democracy that buttresses the industry; defined primarily by insecurity, assumed moral authority, and neoliberal capitalism/short-term self-interest. The terrorist attacks on the United States in 2001 served as a springboard for the industry to imbed itself into domestic settings, and carry-out acts of war in faraway countries without the consent of the people, thereby threatening the democratic ideals it claims to protect.

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