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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza současných názorů na mutismus v odborné české i cizojazyčné literatuře / Analysis of current views of mutism in specialized Czech and foreign literature

Páleníková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with mutism from the perspective of specialized czech and foreign literature. The character of the thesis is theoretical and the thesis is divided into three parts. In the first chapter, there is mutism described based on the study of czech specialized literature as well as etiology, symptoms, diagnostics and treatment. The second chapter describes the same categories but based on the study of foreign literature. The last part is dedicated to the analysis and comparison of acquired knowledge in particular areas. The most signifiant differences can be found in the area of diagnostics and therapy of mutisms, which are more elaborated in foreign literature than in Czech literature. Some differences appear in all other areas of mutism. The learning theory is the characteristic feature of foreign literature in the field of etiology of mutism, also the social enxiety is the characteric feature in the area of symptoms and treatment; overall we can see a dominant influence of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The Czech literature provides a number of different views not only on the definition of mutism, but also on the etiology and symptomatology. The diagnostics and the therapy of mutism is not further elaborated in the Czech literature.

Pohybová skladba pro děti s poruchou autistického spektra / Motion Composition for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Menšíková, Marcela January 2014 (has links)
Topic: Motion Composition for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder Objectives: The aim of this thesis has been to find out the degree of mastery for individual performance of Motion Composition performed by children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Methods: Observation method was supplemented with video-recording that was conducted monthly. This was used to determine the degree of self-reliance. Also, feedback from other individuals has been used. Results: Outcomes of this survey indicate that children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are able to individually perform Motion Composition. Some children need more time to perform perfectly, but they are able to memorize components of Motion Composition, arrange them in the correct order and after some rehearsal they are able to perform Motion Composition correctly. The level of performance for individual components is raised proportionally when children can see visual execution of each element and also hear its description. Evaluated results of a second scientific question, which was related to the level of performance difficulty of individual components of Motion Composition for children with ASD, have brought unanticipated results. We anticipated that isometric exercises would be the most difficult components of Motion Composition. According...

Hra v roli ve spontánních činnostech dětí předškolního věku / Role play of spotaneons activity of childern in the preschool age

Luňáková, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
The thesis adresses the play in role during spontaneous activities children of preschool age in the theoretical and practical dimension. In my mind I have play and activities, where children are not organized or managed and have possibility to freely decided what to do. The introduction of theoretical part of thesis focuses on the importace and meaning of play in human life with insight into the history of games and lists some of its theories. The work is based on theory pf Jean Piaget, who conect the child's play with its intellectual evolution. The second chapter deals with the specific personality of the child of preschool age from the perspective of developmental psychology and development of society focusing on current needs of child to play. The next part of the thesis is related to basic characteristics of current- day nursery schools with respect pre - revolutionary period. The fourth chapter focuses on the meaning of spontaneous activities in nursery school. It identifies the role of adult in these activities, the influence of individual and social differenties of children on play and how influence heterogeneity and homogeneity of this group. The theoretical part concludes with a chapter about the game in the role and its significance for pre-school child. The practical part of the thesis...

Pedagogický projekt a jeho uplatnění při osobnostním a sociálním rozvoji dětí v mateřské škole / Educational project and its application in personality and social development of children in the pre primary school

Leškaničová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on a preschool-aged children and on possibilities of their personality and social development through the educational project in preschool education. The first, theoretical part, deals with the process of socialization which is broadly developing after the start of preschool education. It also presents pieces of information about educational process in pre-primary school related to the importance of the process of socialization in educational practice as well as in relation to contemporary personality approach and comprehensive integrated approach in preschool education. The main focus remains on the possibilities of educational projects in this area. The second, practical part, explores via observation and questionaire methods the personality expressions of children in social interaction and relationships between children. But first and foremost it verifies the benefits of educational projecting for the possibility of intentional work on personality and social development of children in pre-primary school. KEY WORDS socialization, personality of a preschool child, pre-primary school, preschool education, personality model of preschool education, pre-primary school teacher, educational project

Hodnota vzdělání z pohledu žáků různých typů škol / Value of education from the perspective of pupils of different types of school

Vojtová, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
Values, especially the value of education, can be called a timeless theme. Changing historical periods brought about changes in the concept of educational value. Originating in Ancient Greece, the concept of educational value is as relevant as ever even today. This paper is devoted to this topic. In the Introduction - theoretical part - we aimed to look at the common values from the perspective of different disciplines. The following part discusses such terms as the system of values, its hierarchy and value orientation. This thesis also focuses on socialization and transmission of values, mostly in the family. This inherently includes parent-child relationships and educational styles. We did not avoid the issues of perceptions of moral standards specific to adolescents, their choice of vocational preparation etc. Also mentioned are the concepts related to education and educating. In the practical part, we discuss research methodology, conducting the interviews and their coding according to predetermined criteria. After this analysis, the thesis deals with the comparison of personal students' testimonies across individual classes as well as entire schools. The results of the research are presented in the Conclusion, which summarizes and compares the general and personal views on the value of...

Některá specifika vnímání rodičů jejich dospivajícími dětmi / Perception of Parents by Adolescent Children: Selected Specific Characteristics

Vávrová, Rút January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the perception of parents by their adolescent children. Since the topic is very wide the thesis considers only selected specifics. The theoretical part is divided into three chapters. First part describes parenthood especially in the time with adolescent child and the next topic is adolescence, its history and main characteristics and the change of personality of adolescent. The next part is devoted to describing the social context which influences the adolescent child and forms their perception of parent. The examples of variability of this relationship are presented in the last part. The research target was to find how Czech adolescents perceive their parents. A questionnaire was used as a means to reach this aim. Gained data were sorted and the outcome is presented in the thesis.

Výuka lyžování předškolních dětí / Skiing instruction pre-school children

Petrová, Daniela January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is divided into two main parts, theoretical and practical. It deals with the solution to assess the level of physical skills combined with preschool children, as a higher level of organized skiing helps training organized by kindergarten and what effect this can have skiing skills training on cognitive abilities and social side of the child's personality. The first section contains theoretical information drawn from the bibliographic sources of pedagogy, psychology, antropomotoriky, physical education and sport. Proceeds from the general content of the first chapter of her kindergarten educational concepts of the system, organizational forms of physical education and movement preschool child. It is followed by the second chapter a more specific topic for skiing children. Based on the development of motor skills through learning to its evaluation of motor skills on skis. Linkages between individual chapters see you in finding criteria for assessing the level of motor skills, cognitive skills and socialization in FEP PE curriculum. The practical part describes the action research group involved in preschool children with processed results of a detailed assessment of the level of motor skills on skis. At each level of subchapters is compared to skiing skills between age and sex of children,...

Sourozenci v předškolním věku v mateřské škole / Siblings in pre-school age

Rindošová, Milena January 2012 (has links)
ANOTACE: Rodina je místem, kde dochází k prvním sociálním vztahům a vazbám. Každý jedinec, má potřebu kontaktů s jinými lidmi. Ještě před dovršením tří let věku dítěte roste v každém touha být ve společenství vrstevníků. Tyto první kontakty dítě zažívá v rodině se sourozenci a v mateřské škole. Sourozenecká skupina vymezuje osobnost jedince, má vliv na jeho osobnostní charakteristiky a chování. Vědomí sama sebe se buduje prostřednictvím vztahů k druhému. Jakou roli bude dítě v rodině mít, je spjato s mnoha faktory, kterými jsou: počet sourozenců v rodině, pořadí narození sourozenců, věkový rozdíl a pohlaví. Následně záleží na výchovném přístupu rodičů. Vstup dítěte do mateřské školy je velkou životní změnou pro dítě i pro celou rodinu. Aby vstup proběhl hladce, musí být dítě připraveno odloučit se od rodičů, zvykat si na nové prostředí, na společenství vrstevníků, najít si svou vlastní identitu. Jak proběhne vstup a adaptace do skupiny vrstevníků, záleží na stupni socializace předškolního dítěte. V diplomové práci se zabývám na základě poznatků z rozhovorů, dotazníků a pozorování porovnáním schopností a dovedností sourozeneckých dvojic při nástupu do mateřské školy. Ve výzkumu se soustřeďuji zejména na to, zda ovlivnilo adaptaci mladšího sourozence vědomí, že v mateřské škole má staršího sourozence a jakým...

Sociálně výchovné působení a systém pomoci v prostředí romské komunity / Socio-educational Influence and System of Assistance in the Roma Community Enviroment

Beňák, David January 2019 (has links)
The work focuses on the models of work with ethnic minorities and especially the process of social inclusion of Roma through the social pedagogy. The dissertation consists of two parts: The first part examines the theoretical approaches. The social education plays a key role in an effective process of social inclusion of the Roma. Other disciplines also offer specific inputs in the work with minorities, which cannot be overlooked; nevertheless, there is no definite model to replicate. Roma inclusion is a process that is influenced by many variables. The key factor is the mutual relations with the Non-Roma population and their historical development. Although the integration process has been ongoing for more than 20 years, we are still looking for an answer to the success of Roma inclusion projects and activities. The key question, then, is how do the project implementers perceive the key moments that make their project and its activities successful. Thus, the research focuses to identify specific approaches, activities, inclusion principles. The survey shows that the social and cultural context, that is Roma-specific, perhaps generates certain preconditions that make pro-Roma projects successful. Emphasis on individual approach and complexity at the same time makes the assistance in the process of...

Domácí vzdělávání žáků 1. stupně ZŠ v České republice / Home education for primary school in Czech Republic

Burgerová, Karolína January 2018 (has links)
This Master's thesis deals with homeschooling in primary school students in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part provides information of homeschooling as an alternative to fulfilling compulsory school attendance. This thesis is answering questions about the history of homeschooling in the Czech Republic, its development in our country, the way home education works, what are the reasons for choosing home education, what are its positives, negatives and risk factors. And in the end the thesis is also concentrating on homeschooling in secondary school or information how home education works in the world. The research section deals with two areas. The first area is devoted to quantitative research - a survey among students of teaching. The second area is high-quality research - this area deals with case studies. The aim of the research part of the diploma thesis is to find out the opinion, experience and awareness of the given topic from the study among the students of the who are training to be teachers. Using interviews and observations to analyze how the relevance, opportunities and risks of home education are changing from a time perspective. Based on questionnaires, interviews, and professional literature, identify the reasons why the Czech population chooses homeschooling as a form of...

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