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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

AutoCrear v2.0: automatische Luft- und Kriechstrecken Analyse auf 3D-CAD-Daten

Simmler, Urs 05 July 2019 (has links)
Elektrische Baugruppen enthalten Netze unterschiedlicher Spannung, zwischen denen sich Kurzschlüsse entweder durch Funkenüberschlag durch die Luft (Luftstrecke) oder über die Oberflächen von Isolatoren (Kriechstrecke) bilden können. AutoCrear bietet eine robuste und effiziente softwarebasierte Analyse aller Luft- und Kriechstrecken auf CAD Daten elektrischer Baugruppen. Entwickler von elektrischen Baugruppen steht damit erstmals ein robustes Werkzeug zur Verfügung, um sämtliche Normverletzung bereits in der Designphase zu erkennen und gezielt zu beseitigen, sowie eine umfassende und einheitliche Dokumentation hinsichtlich Luft- und Kriechstrecken zu erstellen und damit den Produktionsprozess massiv zu optimieren. AutoCrear ist eine Standalone-Lösung, die den kompletten Workflow einer Luft- und Kriechstreckenanalyse in einem einzigen Programm vereint.

AutoCrear v2.3: automatic Clearance and Creepage Analysis

Simmler, Urs 24 May 2023 (has links)
Electrical assemblies contain networks of varying voltages between which short circuits can form either by sparkover through the air (clearance) or across the surfaces of insulators (creepage). AutoCrear offers a robust and efficient software-based analysis of all clearances and creepage distances on CAD data of electrical assemblies. For the first time, developers of electrical assemblies have a robust tool at their disposal to detect all standard violations already in the design phase. A comprehensive and uniform documentation regarding clearance and creepage distances is automatically created. AutoCrear is a standalone solution that combines the complete workflow of a clearance and creepage distance analysis in a single programme. / Elektrische Baugruppen enthalten Netze unterschiedlicher Spannung, zwischen denen sich Kurzschlüsse entweder durch Funkenüberschlag durch die Luft (Luftstrecke) oder über die Oberflächen von Isolatoren (Kriechstrecke) bilden können. AutoCrear bietet eine robuste und effiziente softwarebasierte Analyse aller Luft- und Kriechstrecken auf CAD Daten elektrischer Baugruppen. Entwickler von elektrischen Baugruppen steht damit erstmals ein robustes Werkzeug zur Verfügung, um sämtliche Normverletzung bereits in der Designphase zu erkennen. Es wird automatisch eine umfassende und einheitliche Dokumentation hinsichtlich Luft- und Kriechstrecken erstellt. AutoCrear ist eine Standalone-Lösung, die den kompletten Workflow einer Luft- und Kriechstreckenanalyse in einem einzigen Programm vereint.

Confinement micrométrique des décharges pulsées nanosecondes dans l'air à pression atmosphérique et effets électro-aérodynamiques / Microscale confinement of nanosecond pulsed discharges in air at atmospheric pressure and electrohydrodynamics effects

Orrière, Thomas 06 June 2018 (has links)
Les plasmas froids d’air à pression atmosphérique sont très utiles pour un grand nombre d’applications grâce à leur chimie hors-équilibre et leur souplesse d’utilisation. Leur intérêt réside dans la production de certaines espèces réactives ou chargées avec un coût énergétique plus avantageux que la chimie à l’équilibre. L’objectif de cette thèse est de combiner les décharges nanosecondes répétitives pulsées (NRP) avec une géométrie micrométrique. Par cette combinaison, nous souhaitons palier au chauffage excessif des étincelles qui génèrent pourtant des fortes densités d’espèces. Notre étude se concentre en trois points principaux. Dans un premier temps la phase de claquage est étudiée ; c’est pendant cette étape que l’énergie est déposée et que les espèces sont produites. La combinaison des diagnostics électriques et de spectroscopie d’émission optique montrent que l’air est presque complètement dissocié et ionisé. Ensuite, nous nous intéressons à la phase de recombinaison qui conditionne la durée de vie de ces espèces. Les résultats mettent en évidence une réaction à trois corps comme mécanisme de recombinaison principal. Et enfin, le dernier point concerne le transport des espèces vers un substrat conducteur. En lui appliquant une tension, celui-ci nous permet de générer un écoulement de vent ionique provenant de la décharge. L’écoulement est étudié par vélocimétrie d’images de particules et imagerie Schlieren. Ce travail a permis de démontrer la capacité des NRP micro-plasmas dans la production contrôlée d’espèces réactives et chargées, mais aussi dans leur transport vers une surface par panache électro-aérodynamique. / Non-thermal plasmas generated in air at atmospheric pressure have numerous potential applications due to their non-equilibrium chemistry and ease of use. Their main advantages lie in the cost-efficient production of reactive and charged species compared to that of equilibrium chemistry. The aim of this thesis is to combine nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges (NRP) with a microscale geometry. Using this combination, we seek to reduce the excessive heat release of NRP sparks, while nonetheless reaching high densities of reactive species and electrons. This work is comprised of three main parts. Our first goal is to study the breakdown phase, in which energy is deposited and charged species are produced. We employ both electrical characterization and optical emission spectroscopy in order to show that the NRP microplasma fully ionizes and dissociates the gas. The second part consists of the study of the recombination phase, in which the produced species recombine or survive. Results show that three-body recombination can explain the electron lifetime in this phase. Finally, we study the transport of plasma chemical species from the microplasma to a DC-biased conductive plate representing a substrate. By applying a voltage to this third electrode, we drive an electro-thermal plume via an ionic wind from the microplasma to the plate. This flow is investigated mainly by particle image velocimetry as well as Schlieren imaging. This work shows the capability of NRP microplasmas to produce high densities of reactive and charged species and transport them to a surface using an electrohydrodynamic plume.

尼克拉斯‧史派克羅曼史之女性愉悅研究: 以<<手札情緣>><<瓶中信>>與<<分手信>>為例 / Female Pleasure in Nicholas Sparks' Romances: The Notebook, Message in a Bottle and Dear John

張廷伊, Chang, Ting Yi Unknown Date (has links)
基於生理、心理與社會因素,女性愉悅較男性複雜。本論文試圖藉由美國當代暢銷作家尼克拉斯‧史派克的愛情小說為文本,結合許多性別相關的理論去探討女性愉悅。史派克的羅曼史是當代文本,唯美的純愛是其特色,然而,這些帶來美好感受的愛情故事,是否是讀者們真心嚮往的美好愛情? 讀者在享受閱讀文本的當下,或許也默默地被一種僵化的愛情公式所限制,所謂的快樂,也許只是一種暫時的麻痺。 本篇論文從幾個不同角度切入去分析女性愉悅和羅曼史的關聯,第一章以丁尼斯坦的理論為切入點,就心理與社會層面探究為何女性在選擇伴侶上比男性有著更多限制,其理論也連結到嬰兒期由母親養育對於不同性別成年後伴侶關係有影響 ; 第二章以史派克這三本羅曼史<<手札情緣>><<瓶中信>><<分手信>>文本為主,並結合性別理論去分析羅曼史,探討其女性在羅曼史中的真相為何,文本裡也有許多部份展現出女性的許多壓抑;第三章以讀者回應為主要分析,藉由社群網站臉書的讀者真實回應,並結合過去其他做過相關讀者回應的理論與實際田野調查,分析不同時候讀者都藉由羅曼史得到快樂,不同的讀者群有共同與相異的讀者回應;第四章從這三本羅曼史的書信體形式,研究他者的缺席如何帶來快樂與痛苦,遠距離的愛情造就書信的存在,這其中的等待與期待,盼望與失望,主體不斷找尋失落客體的過程,都不斷創造失落與愉悅;第五章結論綜合前四章論點,提出女性要真正愉悅的努力方向。 / Due to biological, psychological and social reasons, female pleasure is seen as much more complicated than male pleasure. In this thesis, I try to analyse female pleasure by applying gender theories to the romances of Nicholas Sparks. Sparks is a contemporary writer mainly producing pure love stories. Are these love stories the ideal that readers pursue? When readers get pleasure from reading romance, they may be brainwashed unconsciously and limited by a fixed pattern of love. So-called happiness might be a temporary escape. This thesis attempts to analyse the relationship between female pleasure and romance from several perspectives. Chapter 1 assesses Dorothy Dinnerstenin’s viewpoint that women face more psychological and societal constraints when choosing a partner. The mother takes care of children when they are infants, leading to differentiation of the opposite sex as they grow up. Chapter 2 examines three of Sparks’ romances – The Notebook, Message in a Bottle and Dear John – in the context of various theories to analyse the truth in romance and how repression is reflected in these texts. In Chapter 3, readers’ responses are the main focus. I have used readers’ responses gathered from Facebook and have made a connection with other romance reader responses. I have also attempted to combine both the similar and different viewpoints in Radwan’s Reading Romance and Linda K. Christian-Smith’s Becoming a Woman through Romance with my own analysis. In Chapter 4, I have used the epistolary form of these three romances to research how the lack of the other brings pleasure and pain. The epistolary form stems from long distance relationships, and during the process of waiting letters, the subject keeps finding the lost object and acquires pleasure and pain again and again. Chapter 5 is my conclusion and proposes a way for women to find real pleasure.

Roles of PMCA Isoforms in Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Homeostasis and Contractility of Bladder Smooth Muscle: Evidence from PMCA Gene-Ablated Mice

Liu, Li 27 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Über die differentielle Regulation von Ionenkanälen in spezifischen Nanodomänen atrialer und ventrikulärer Kardiomyozyten / Differential Regulation of Ion Channels in Specific Nanodomains of Atrial and Ventricular Cardiomyocytes

Brandenburg, Sören 29 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Pohybové divadlo a pantomima na Slovensku / Slovak mime and physical theatre

Henzelyová, Rita January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is Slovak mime theatre. It begins with the connections to the period of its foundation and introduces topic about founder of Slovak mime theatre - Milan Sládek. The next part of the thesis focuses on Slovak amateur theatre artists and their work at the time when professional mime theatre didn't exist in Slovakia. These artists used to experiment with different kinds of theatre technics, including mime theatre. Last part is based on analysis work and performances of the modern authors - Miroslav Kasprzyk, Štefan Capko, Juraj Benčík, Tomáš Kasprzyk, Valéria Daňhová, Barbora Debnárová, Pavol Seriš and modern theatre companies - Puppet Thetare Žilina, Debris Company, Teatro Tatro and Theatre Silent Sparks. It describes how the character of Slovak mime theatre has changed within more than fifty years of existence.

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