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Le dôme (nouvelles) suivi de L'espace narratif et l'évolution identitaire des personnages dans Cet imperceptible mouvement de AudeAsselin, Pierre-Luc January 2010 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, j'explore différents aspects de l'espace narratif et le rôle que celui-ci peut jouer dans le recueil de nouvelles Cet imperceptible mouvement, de Aude. Je montre qu'en dépit de la brièveté du genre, les personnages évoluent en fonction de leur expérience spatio-temporelle, ce qui est rendu perceptible par l'étude de l'espace narratif. La partie critique de ce mémoire comporte deux chapitres. Dans le premier chapitre, je prends appui sur les travaux de Jean Weisgerber et de Fernando Lambert pour mieux comprendre comment se met en place l'espace narratif dans les nouvelles de Aude et pour dégager l'influence que cet espace exerce sur le pacte de lecture. Dans le deuxième chapitre, je poursuis l'analyse, en me basant cette fois sur un récent article de Jaap Lintvelt, qui met en lumière l'expérience spatio-temporelle du personnage. Après avoir défini les différents concepts liés à cette expérience, j'étudie d'autres nouvelles du même recueil pour montrer que, peu importe le type de narration, l'évolution du protagoniste s'observe à partir du rapport qu'il entretient avec l'espace. Dans la partie création, quatorze nouvelles abordent différents thèmes, de l'isolement à l'espoir, et de la noirceur à la clarté. Confinés dans une gigantesque ville qu'ils surnomment le dôme, les personnages doivent franchir des portes derrière lesquelles ils s'étaient, depuis trop longtemps, cachés, afin de s'ouvrir au monde et de pouvoir mettre derrière eux des souvenirs révolus et la guerre passée. Chaque nouvelle propose une expérience différente entre les protagonistes et leur univers. Influencé en cela par Aude, je suis en quête d'expressions épurées et de descriptions concises. Isolés et fragiles, les personnages devront affronter leurs démons pour évoluer. Sous le dôme, tout est à reconstruire.
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Automatic regularization technique for the estimation of neural receptive fieldsPark, Mijung 02 November 2010 (has links)
A fundamental question on visual system in neuroscience is how the visual stimuli are functionally related to neural responses. This relationship is often explained by the notion of receptive fields, an approximated linear or quasi-linear filter that encodes the high dimensional visual stimuli into neural spikes. Traditional methods for estimating the filter do not efficiently exploit prior information about the structure of neural receptive fields. Here, we propose several approaches to design the prior distribution over the filter, considering the neurophysiological fact that receptive fields tend to be localized both in space-time and spatio-temporal frequency domain. To automatically regularize the estimation of neural receptive fields, we use the evidence optimization technique, a MAP (maximum a posteriori) estimation under a prior distribution whose parameters are set by maximizing the marginal likelihood. Simulation results show that the proposed methods can estimate the receptive field using datasets that are tens to hundreds of times smaller than those required by traditional methods. / text
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Muskuwaari, immigration et mutations spatio-agricoles en pays guiziga (Extrême-Nord Cameroun)Watang Zieba, Félix 13 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
RESUME Ce travail qui porte sur les mutations spatio-agricoles en pays guiziga dans la région de l'Extrême-Nord du Cameroun a pour objectif de comprendre la dynamique actuelle de cet espace longtemps qualifié de zone d'émigration. Aujourd'hui, l'on y constate le défrichement des derniers espaces inoccupés et l'occupation des zones interstitielles entre les différents terroirs guiziga, par des immigrants originaires du sud de la plaine du Diamaré en quête d'espace de culture de muskuwaari. Si leur ampleur est relativement faible par rapport à celle des autres courants migratoires encadrés au Nord Cameroun, il faut souligner qu'il s'agit de l'installation de plus de 400 familles de migrants depuis 1990, dans plus de 20 terroirs situés en pays guiziga, repartis dans 4 lamidats (Moutourwa, Midjivin, Mindif, Maroua), 3 arrondissements (Maroua, Moutourwa, Mindif) et un district (Dargala), bref dans le dernier espace ethnique homogène guiziga. C'est dire que le phénomène des nouvelles mobilités spatiales n'est pas négligeable parce qu'il se déroule dans un espace au peuplement ancien. Il est question ici de mettre en exergue cette nouvelle orientation de la mobilité dans la plaine du Diamaré tout en redéfinissant tout le système migratoire ruro-rural du Nord Cameroun avant d'analyser la relation conséquente entre ces nouvelles mobilités spatiales de la population à l'intérieur de la plaine du Diamaré et les mutations spatio-agricoles actuelles en pays guiziga. L'analyse des informations qui résultent de l'observation de terrain (enquêtes, entretiens, levés au GPS, prises de vue effectués entre 2003 et 2007) et de l'exploration des documents (archives et ouvrages scientifiques) montrent que mutations agricoles, foncières et territoriales sont en relation avec les mobilités spatiales récentes observées à l'intérieur de la plaine du Diamaré. Elles se caractérisent surtout par une orientation sud/nord. Les mutations agricoles sont considérables à l'échelle de l'exploitation, d'un terroir d'immigration à un autre. Ceci tant au niveau de l'évolution de la taille des parcelles que de la production du muskuwaari. Quant aux mutations foncières, elles sont visibles à travers la transformation des modes d'accès à la terre et les stratégies mises en place par les acteurs immigrants et autochtones. L'exemple des terroirs d'immigration témoins de Barawa Laddé, de Foulou et de Mobono méthodiquement choisis, illustre parfaitement ce point de vue. Par ailleurs, l'échelle régionale nous permet de voir une construction de territoires agricoles par les migrants au-delà des limites centenaires des lamidats. C'est le cas du petit terroir de Mobono qui s'est construit sur deux lamidats (Moutourwa et Mindif). Les frontières des lamidats sont alors de moins en moins considérées comme des obstacles à l'extension des espaces agricoles. On note aussi une recomposition du territoire d'immigration à travers sa « toupourisation ».
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Interprétation de Scènes : perception, fusion multi-capteurs, raisonnement spatio-temporel et reconnaissance d'activitésBremond, François 02 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Scene understanding is the process, often real time, of perceiving, analysing and elaborating an interpretation of a 3D dynamic scene observed through a network of sensors. This process consists mainly in matching signal information coming from sensors observing the scene with models which humans are using to understand the scene. Based on that, scene understanding is both adding and extracting semantic from the sensor data characterizing a scene. This scene can contain a number of physical objects of various types (e.g. people, vehicle) interacting with each others or with their environment (e.g. equipment) more or less structured. The scene can last few instants (e.g. the fall of a person) or few months (e.g. the depression of a person), can be limited to a laboratory slide observed through a microscope or go beyond the size of a city. Sensors include usually cameras (e.g. omni directional, infrared), but also may include microphones and other sensors (e.g. optical cells, contact sensors, physiological sensors, radars, smoke detectors). Scene understanding is influenced by cognitive vision and it requires at least the melding of three areas: computer vision, cognition and software engineering. Scene understanding can achieve four levels of generic computer vision functionality of detection, localisation, recognition and understanding. But scene understanding systems go beyond the detection of visual features such as corners, edges and moving regions to extract information related to the physical world which is meaningful for human operators. Its requirement is also to achieve more robust, resilient, adaptable computer vision functionalities by endowing them with a cognitive faculty: the ability to learn, adapt, weigh alternative solutions, and develop new strategies for analysis and interpretation. The key characteristic of a scene understanding system is its capacity to exhibit robust performance even in circumstances that were not foreseen when it was designed. Furthermore, a scene understanding system should be able to anticipate events and adapt its operation accordingly. Ideally, a scene understanding system should be able to adapt to novel variations of the current environment to generalize to new context and application domains and interpret the intent of underlying behaviours to predict future configurations of the environment, and to communicate an understanding of the scene to other systems, including humans. Related but different domains are robotic, where systems can interfere and modify their environment, and multi-media document analysis (e.g. video retrieval), where limited contextual information is available.
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Statistical Regular Pavings and their ApplicationsTeng, Gloria Ai Hui January 2013 (has links)
We propose using statistical regular pavings (SRPs) as an efficient and adaptive statistical data structure for processing massive, multi-dimensional data. A regular paving (RP) is an ordered binary tree that recursively bisects a box in $\Rz^{d}$ along the first widest side. An SRP is extended from an RP by allowing mutable caches of recursively computable statistics of the data. In this study we use SRPs for two major applications: estimating histogram densities and summarising large spatio-temporal datasets.
The SRP histograms produced are $L_1$-consistent density estimators driven by a randomised priority queue that adaptively grows the SRP tree, and formalised as a Markov chain over the space of SRPs. A way to select an estimate is to run a Markov chain over the space of SRP trees, also initialised by the randomised priority queue, but here the SRP tree either shrinks or grows adaptively through pruning or splitting operations. The stationary distribution of the Markov chain is then the posterior distribution over the space of all possible histograms. We then take advantage of the recursive nature of SRPs to make computationally efficient arithmetic averages, and take the average of the states sampled from the stationary distribution to obtain the posterior mean histogram estimate.
We also show that SRPs are capable of summarizing large datasets by working with a dataset containing high frequency aircraft position information. Recursively computable statistics can be stored for variable-sized regions of airspace. The regions themselves can be created automatically to reflect the varying density of aircraft observations, dedicating more computational resources and providing more detailed information in areas with more air traffic. In particular, SRPs are able to very quickly aggregate or separate data with different characteristics so that data describing individual aircraft or collected using different technologies (reflecting different levels of precision) can be stored separately and yet also very quickly combined using standard arithmetic operations.
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Système de vidéosurveillance et de monitoringDahmane, Mohamed January 2004 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Distribution spatio-temporelle des cas de rage rapportés chez le raton laveur et la moufette au Vermont (1994-2004) et leurs associations avec des facteurs écologiques et démographiquesMichel, Jean Kesner January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Gait Analysis in Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Systematic ReviewBains, Mandeep Kaur January 2015 (has links)
Title Gait Analysis in Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Systematic Review. Aim The role of spine is vital as a gait stabilizer. Gait analysis may provide a more holistic view of how the body behaves to idiopathic scoliosis among adolescents. The aim of this thesis is to review the effectiveness and validity of gait analysis in examining AIS, and secondly to assess how the gait of AIS patients differ from adolescents without scoliosis. Method A systematic review of the topic was conducted. Information was gathered from six e-databases, and seventeen articles were selected, of which seven focusing solely on AIS subjects (i.e. non-comparative) and ten were focusing on AIS in relation to control subjects (i.e. comparative). Results Spatio-temporal (STP), kinematic, kinetic and EMG parameters show significant changes in AIS subjects during walking. But variations between results, lack of data for certain parameters and no significant relationship between gait parameters and scoliosis was also seen. Furthermore, AIS subjects differ in performance compared to non-scoliosis adolescents in at least one gait parameter across all studies. This includes abnormalities in muscle activity, less economical use of the body, poorer performance in kinematic parameters and differences in STP such as step...
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Padrões espaciais de abundância e dinâmica populacional em longo prazo do camarão sete-barbas Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Heller, 1862) na Enseada de Ubatuba, SP / Long-term pattern of spatial abundance and population dynamics of the seabob shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Heller, 1862) in Ubatuba Bay, São Paulo State, BrazilHeckler, Gisele Salgado 29 August 2014 (has links)
A análise de uma população em longo prazo permite a identificação da ausência ou presença de variações nos padrões de ciclo de vida, de distribuição espaço-temporal e dinâmica populacional. O ciclo de vida do camarão sete-barbas Xiphopenaeus kroyeri foi investigado na Enseada de Ubatuba, litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo (23º25\' - 23º27\'S / 45º00\' - 45º03\' W) ao longo de um intervalo de treze anos. Amostras de material biológico, de água de fundo e de sedimento foram coletadas em quatro pontos de amostragem em três períodos de 12 meses cada: janeiro a dezembro de 1998, julho de 2006 a junho de 2007 e setembro de 2010 a agosto de 2011. Dados obtidos em 1999 foram incluídos para as análises de crescimento individual, de longevidade e de idade de maturação. Altas abundâncias de fêmeas maduras e de jovens foram respectivamente associadas a valores de temperatura da água de fundo acima e abaixo da média da região. Indivíduos adultos predominaram em pontos com variação temporal da composição granulométrica do sedimento enquanto que os jovens se estabeleceram naqueles em que o sedimento permaneceu fino entre os períodos. Em 1998, a abundância de jovens, o peso individual de machos e fêmeas de todas as categorias demográficas, a idade de maturação morfológica e fisiológica e a longevidade foram maiores do que nos outros períodos. Os parâmetros da função de crescimento de machos e fêmeas variaram entre os períodos, sem apresentarem uma tendência temporal clara. Os padrões anuais de reprodução e recrutamento foram bastante semelhantes entre os períodos. As alterações nos fatores ambientais provocadas por variações na dinâmica de massas de água, pela ocorrência de El Niño e alterações na intensidade de pesca foram consideradas como possíveis agentes relacionadas às variações nos padrões do ciclo de vida da espécie na região / Long-term studies on a population provide detection of the presence or absence of interannual variation in patterns of its life cycle, spatio-temporal distribution, and dynamics. This study investigate the population of the seabob shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri within a period of 13 years in Ubatuba Bay, northern coast of São Paulo state, Brazil (23º25\' - 23º27\'S / 45º00\' - 45º03\' W). Shrimp, bottom water and sediment samples were collected from four sampling sites during three 12-month periods: January-December 1998, July 2006-June 2007, and September 2010-August 2011. Monthly data collected in 1999 were included in growth, longevity and maturation age analyses. High abundance of mature females and juveniles were associated to the occurrence of temperature values below and above the region average, respectively. Adults predominated in sites that showed temporal variation of sediment texture while juveniles occurred in sites where sediment remained fine between the study periods. In the 1998 period values of juveniles were more abundant, individual weight of all demographic categories was higher, both morphological and physiological maturity was attained later and lifespan was longer than on the following periods. Growth function parameters of males and females varied between periods with no clear temporal trend. Monthly patterns of reproduction and recruitment were similar between the study periods. Changes in the environmental conditions caused by variations in the dynamics of the local water masses, occurrence of El Niño and fishery intensity were considered as possible factors related to the interannual variations in the life cycle pattern of X. kroyeri in the study region
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Um estudo sobre a distribuição da raiva no Estado do Paraná de 1981 a 2012 / A study on the rabies distribution on Paraná State from 1981 to 2012Sandri, Thaisa Lucas 17 March 2014 (has links)
A raiva é uma zoonose viral que afeta o Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC) causando encefalite e meningoencefalite, de evolução aguda e fatal, que acomete mamíferos carnívoros e morcegos, e periodicamente se manifesta sob a forma de epizootias ou surtos epidêmicos em populações humanas. Neste estudo foram analisadas 16.190 amostras de bovinos, equídeos e morcegos, e menos frequentemente de outros mamíferos durante o período de 1981 a 2012, provenientes do Estado do Paraná. Desse total, 2.766 amostras foram positivas para raiva; 81,74% foram de bovinos, 10,34% de equídeos, 4,05% de morcegos, 2,31% em animais de produção não bovinos, 1,52% em caninos e 0,04%em outros animais. Ao longo da série histórica, há, para os bovinos, uma tendência de aumento das notificações e não foram observadas variação sazonal e cíclica. Na análise espaço-temporal foi detectado um aglomerado mais provável de notificações de raiva em bovinos, envolvendo 20 municípios da região litorânea e metropolitana de Curitiba entre 1981 e 1987. Além dele, foram detectados seis aglomerados secundários sugerindo uma migração da raiva ao longo do tempo no Estado do Paraná. Ao longo da série histórica dos equídeos há uma tendência de diminuição das notificações e não foram observadas variação sazonal e cíclica. Os clusters encontrados na análise espaço-temporal da raiva nos equídeos corroboram com aqueles encontrados na análise dos bovinos localizados nas mesmas regiões durante no mesmo período, sugerindo a migração do vírus da raiva no mesmo sentido da observada na análise dos bovinos. Durante o período de 1981 a 1997, os casos de raiva em morcegos acompanham o trajeto da migração dos aglomerados dos bovinos e dos equídeos, o que demonstra que a raiva ocorre endemicamente no território do Estado do Paraná em herbívoros e morcegos. / Rabies is a viral zoonosis that affects the central nervous system (CNS) causing encephalitis and meningoencephalitis, acute and fatal outcome, which affects mammalian carnivores and bats, and periodically manifests itself in the form of epidemics or outbreaks in human populations. In this study 16,190 samples of cattle, horses and bats, and less frequently other mammals were analyzed during the period 1981 to 2012, from the State of Paraná. Of this total, 2,766 samples were positive for rabies; 81.74 % were bovine, equine 10.34 %, 4.05 % of bats, 2.31 % in livestock no bovine, 1.52 % in canine, and 0.04% in other animals. Throughout the time series, there is, for cattle, a trend of increased reporting and no seasonal or cyclical variations were observed. In spatio-temporal analysis, more likely to notifications of rabies in cattle, a cluster involving 20 municipalities in coastal and metropolitan Curitiba between 1981 and 1987 was detected. Besides this, six sub clusters were detected suggesting a migration of anger over time in the state of Paraná. Throughout the historical series of equine there is a downward trend in notifications and no seasonal and cyclical variations were observed. Clusters found in the spatio-temporal analysis of rabies in horses corroborate those found in the analysis of cattle located in the same regions during the same period, suggesting the migration of rabies virus in the same direction as that observed in the cattle analysis. During the period from 1981 to 1997, cases of rabies in bats follow the migration path of clusters of bovine and equine. This shows that rabies is endemic in the state of Paraná in herbivores and bats.
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