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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reflexe tvůrců a děl světové výstavy 1958 v Bruselu v československém odborném, kulturním a oborovém tisku / Reflection of the creators and works of the 1958 World Exhibition in Brussels in the Czechoslovak professional, cultural and specialised press

Švamberk, Erik January 2019 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the analysis of statements about the authors and works of the Brussels World Exhibition in 1958 in the Czechoslovak specialized, cultural and professional press. As the first world exhibition after World War II, EXPO 58 was also the first cultural confrontation of the newly organized world. But in the turbulent year of 1958, standing at the very top of the "atomic age", it wasn't a superpower, but Czechoslovakia who was unexpectedly awarded the highest competition award and recognition. This success was one of the greatest breakthroughs of domestic cultural history, and fundamentally influenced the lifestyle and aesthetics of the following decades. The thesis focuses on magazines whose specialized focus informed the professional public about the events of the exhibition, while the selection of fields of these magazines copies the award-winning parts of the pavilion and program. The thesis also includes a historical excursion focusing on cultural and political events between the years 1948-1958 and setting the analyzed event in the context of world exhibitions with an emphasis on the 20th century. The detailed research of the articles follows the method of qualitative content analysis in the texts firstly reflecting on the success of Czechoslovak participation. It also...

Recopilación y estudio de las unidades léxicas de la lengua alemana de la bioquímica. Aspectos terminológicos y lingüísticos

López Mateo, Coral 18 April 2023 (has links)
[ES] Es indiscutible la relevancia de las investigaciones en el ámbito de la bioquímica en la actualidad. Las aplicaciones de sus avances en otros campos como son el de la medicina y el de la farmacología, entre otros, son de suma importancia. La innovación en técnicas experimentales, así como en el desarrollo de la ciencia base de la bioquímica, implica además de enormes beneficios para la humanidad, la aparición de nuevos conceptos que hay que denominar y caracterizar. En esta tesis se aborda el estudio sistemático monolingüe de la terminología de la bioquímica en alemán a través de un objetivo general doble: recopilar las unidades léxicas de la lengua alemana de la bioquímica y estudiarlas desde un punto de vista terminológico y lingüístico. Para ello se revisan, por un lado, el marco teórico de la terminología y las lenguas especializadas con la finalidad de sentar las bases del presente estudio y, por otro, los fundamentos de la lingüística de corpus para planificar la recopilación y elaboración del que es objeto de estudio. Se recopilan 528 textos especializados de investigaciones originales de una revista de química aplicada con un índice elevado de impacto, de los que se extraen los términos reales del campo. Se procesan y revisan todos los textos para la extracción semiautomática de candidatos a términos y se elabora un árbol de campo para la selección de los términos y su posterior ubicación, dentro de la estructura conceptual. Se realiza un estudio sobre la disponibilidad de fuentes lexicográficas monolingües, bilingües y plurilingües en línea, para abordar las equivalencias de los términos al español, así como su definición en alemán. Se diseñan las fichas terminológicas en una BBDD que contienen todos los datos necesarios para realizar un trabajo terminográfico riguroso. Y, finalmente, se analizan y describen las unidades terminológicas recogidas desde el punto de vista formal, con la finalidad de caracterizar lingüísticamente la lengua especializada de la bioquímica. Los resultados muestran, por un lado, la necesidad de crear un recurso lexicográfico bilingüe alemán-español de la bioquímica y, por otro, aportan 895 unidades terminológicas del subcampo de la bioquímica humana para su publicación. / [CA] És indiscutible la rellevància de les investigacions en l'àmbit de la bioquímica en l'actualitat. Les aplicacions dels seus avanços en altres camps com són el de la medicina i el de la farmacologia, entre altres, són de summa importància. La innovació en tècniques experimentals, així com en el desenvolupament de la ciència base de la bioquímica, implica a més d'enormes beneficis per a la humanitat, l'aparició de nous conceptes que cal denominar i caracteritzar. En aquesta tesi s'aborda l'estudi sistemàtic monolingüe de la terminologia de la bioquímica en alemany a través d'un objectiu general doble: recopilar les unitats lèxiques de la llengua alemanya de la bioquímica i estudiar-les des d'un punt de vista terminològic i lingüístic. Per a això es revisen, d'una banda, el marc teòric de la terminologia i les llengües especialitzades amb la finalitat d'establir les bases del present estudi i, per un altre, els fonaments de la lingüística de corpus per a planificar la recopilació i elaboració del qual és objecte d'estudi. Es recopilen 528 textos especialitzats d'investigacions originals d'una revista de química aplicada amb un índex elevat d'impacte, dels quals s'extrauen els termes reals del camp. Es processen i revisen tots els textos per a l'extracció semiautomàtica de candidats a termes i s'elabora un arbre de camp per a la selecció dels termes i la seua posterior ubicació, dins de l'estructura conceptual. Es realitza un estudi sobre la disponibilitat de fonts lexicogràfiques monolingües, bilingües i plurilingües en línia, per a abordar les equivalències dels termes a l'espanyol, així com la seua definició en alemany. Es dissenyen les fitxes terminològiques en una BBDD que contenen totes les dades necessàries per a fer un treball terminogràfic rigorós. I, finalment, s'analitzen i descriuen les unitats terminològiques recollides des del punt de vista formal, amb la finalitat de caracteritzar lingüísticament la llengua especialitzada de la bioquímica. Els resultats mostren, d'una banda, la necessitat de crear un recurs lexicogràfic bilingüe alemany-espanyol de la bioquímica i, per un altre, aporten 895 unitats terminològiques del subàrea de la bioquímica humana per a la seua publicació. / [EN] The relevance of research in the field of biochemistry today is indisputable. The applications of its advances in other fields such as medicine and pharmacology, among others, are extremely important. Innovation in experimental techniques, as well as in the development of the basic science of biochemistry, implies the appearance of new concepts that must be named and characterized, in addition to enormous benefits for humanity. This thesis deals with the monolingual systematic study of biochemistry terminology in German through a double general objective: to compile the lexical units of the German language of biochemistry and to study them from a terminological and linguistic perspective. Thus, on the one hand, the theoretical framework of terminology and specialized languages are reviewed in order to lay the foundations of this study and, on the other hand, the principles of corpus linguistics to plan the compilation and elaboration of this corpus. To this aim, 528 specialized texts of original research from an applied chemistry journal with a high impact index have been compiled, from which the real terms of the field have been extracted. All texts have been processed and reviewed for the semi-automatic extraction of term candidates, and a field tree has been created for the selection of terms and their subsequent location within the conceptual structure. A study is carried out on the availability of online monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual lexicographical sources to address the equivalences of the terms in Spanish, as well as their definition in German. The terminology files have been designed in a database that contain all the necessary data to carry out rigorous terminographic work. Finally, the terminological units collected from the formal point of view are analyzed and described in order to linguistically characterize the specialized language of biochemistry. The results show, on the one hand, the need to create a bilingual German-Spanish lexicographical resource for biochemistry; on the other hand, they provide 895 terminological units from the subfield of human biochemistry for publication. / López Mateo, C. (2023). Recopilación y estudio de las unidades léxicas de la lengua alemana de la bioquímica. Aspectos terminológicos y lingüísticos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/192877

Benelux-Fachinformation an der fluiden Grenze zwischen Forschungsinfrastrukturen und Fachwissenschaft

Riek, Ilona, Liemann, Bernhard 28 April 2023 (has links)
The ‘Specialised Information Service Benelux / Low Countries Studies’ (FID Benelux) of Münster University and State Library (ULB Münster) is one of at present 41 ‘Specialised Information Services’ (FID) funded by the German Research Foundation. Founded in 2016, the FID Benelux is designed as a one-stop provider of specialised literature and research-specific information about the culture and society of the Benelux countries as well as research supportive services. This article illustrates by means of various examples that the FID Benelux not only deals with border regions and crossing boundaries in the territorial-spatial area, but that it also focuses on the socio-spatial boundary area between scholars and research infrastructures. In this context, aspects such as (cross-border) networking with scholars, research groups and research infrastructures play just as important a role as for instance boundary spanning and knowledge exchange across organisational boundaries in the field of research data management. Last but not least, the ‘Bibliography of Benelux Borderlands Histories’, a current FID-project also dedicated to the topic of borders and boundaries, is presented.

Metacognitive strategies for learning disabled adolescents in specialised education

Masureik-Berger, Arlene Roslyn 1 January 1994 (has links)
Learning disabilities are a life-long problem for many individuals. Besides the adjustments all adolescents experience in life, learning disabled adolescents must contend with academic problems at school which have a drastic effect on their selfesteem. This becomes particularly evident when these pupils face the demands of the secondary school syllabus where they have to be able to concentrate, read for information, memorise facts, answer questions and solve problems, and write assignments. By the time learning disabled adolescents reach secondary school they have already experienced so much failure that they become passive towards their studies. Teaching these pupils metacognitive learning strategies covering these skills helps them to become more independent learners. Through executive training procedures they are assisted to become more involved in their studies, the promotion of better self-regulation and self-monitoring is fostered, and as their scores improve, so does their motivation and selfconcept / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Orthopedagogics)

Tvorba specializovaného korpusu banátské češtiny a jazyková analýza vybraných jevů / Building a Specialised Corpus of Banatian Czech with a Linguistic Analysis of Selected Features

Vyskočilová, Karolína January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to build a specialised corpus of Banatian Czech. The theoretical section describes the historical and language situation in the Banat area focusing on its development since the 1990s to the present day. This is followed by a presentation and description of specialised corpora focusing on a corpus of spoken Czech. Building a specialised corpus named BANAT is documented in detail (method of collection, processing and transcription of records, building of corpora and publishing). The analysis of possessive pronouns, negative pronouns and adverbs and enclitics confirms a statistically significant difference between Banatian Czech and the present state of Czech language (in all observed phenomena except enclitics). Keywords Banat, Banatian Czech, Bigr, corpus BANAT, corpus building, Czech language abroad, pronouns, specialised corpora, spoken language

A critical analysis of the investigative capacity of general detectives in handling fraud cases

Motsepe, Lesiba Lolly 02 1900 (has links)
This study investigates the question of investigative capacity of South African Police Service general detectives at the local station level with regard to fraud investigation. The research presented in this thesis is based on a qualitative thematic analysis of the systemic investigative capacity of the detectives handling fraud and related offences. Fraud related crimes are consistently dismissed and perceived as less serious than violent crime, yet the impact of fraud affects individuals, organisations, and society. This study includes interviews with n = 15 (83%) participants out of 18 (100%) using a semi-structured interview schedule for data collection. The available literature indicates the increasing incidents of general fraud being inadequately investigated at the local police stations because of investigative incapacity. The complexities of any criminal investigation require sufficient resources to achieve the highest level of investigative performance. In this regard, criminals are gradually outwitting the conventional methods of fraud investigation, especially in terms of technological advancements. The study’s findings reveal how general detectives are systematically tested to their capacity in relation to fraud investigation – inter alia, participants identified the following challenges to meeting investigative objectives: ambiguous general fraud investigation directives, poor training, limited resources, abuse of available resources, unreasonably high workloads, and human resource shortages. These institutional factors need consideration to allow progress in criminal investigation procedures. This study creates the context for the recommendation that a series of systemic reforms be introduced, based on a professional model, pertaining specifically to fraud investigation at the local police station level. This means some of the distinct investigative practices that are effective be inverted and strengthened in recognition of the scope and complexity of general fraud, and the influence this complexity has on investigative methodology. For example, setting up proper and recognised station-level fraud units to handle incoming “general fraud” cases, staffed with trained detectives, who have access to adequate resources. This would create an opportunity to address institutional issues around training to rectify general detectives’ core skill deficiencies prior to them being assigned to criminal cases. Training should include case management, investigative procedures, and the use of technology (to effectively combat digital fraud). Moreover, it is vital to maintain an oversight over the fraud mandates which differentiate the scope of practice between vii specialist and general detectives, with a thorough understanding of what constitutes general fraud and complex, organised fraud. It is furthermore suggested that local and international best practice trends be implemented by general detectives in their fraud investigations. / Thutopatlisiso eno e sekaseka ntlha ya bokgoni jwa go batlisisa jwa matseka a kakaretso a Tirelo ya Sepodisi sa Aforikaborwa kwa legatong la seteišene sa selegae malebana le dipatlisiso tsa boferefere. Patlisiso e e tlhagisitsweng mo thesising eno e theilwe mo tshekatshekong e e supang, e tlhatlhoba le go kwala ditiragalo tsa bokgoni jwa go dira dipatlisiso jwa matseka a a dirang ka ditlolomolao tsa boferefere le tse di amanang le tseo. Bosenyi jo bo amanang le boferefere gantsi bo kgaphelwa thoko mme bo tsewa e le bosenyi jo bo sa tsenelelang go tshwana le bosenyi jwa tirisodikgoka, fela ditlamorago tsa boferefere di ama batho, ditheo le setšhaba. Thutopatlisiso eno e akaretsa dipotsolotso le banni le seabe ba le n = 15 (83%) go tswa go ba le 18 (100%), go dirisiwa sejule ya dipotsolotso e e batlileng e rulagane go kokoanya tshedimosetso. Dikwalo tse di gona di supa koketsego ya ditiragalo tsa go se batlisisiwe go go lekaneng ga boferefere jwa kakaretso kwa diteišeneng tsa selegae tsa sepodisi ka ntlha ya tlhaelo ya bokgoni jwa go batlisisa. Marara a patlisiso epe fela ya bosenyi a tlhoka ditlamelo tse di lekaneng go fitlhelela tiragatso e e kwa godimo ya patlisiso. Mo ntlheng eno, disenyi di tlhalefetse mekgwa ya tlwaelo ya dipatlisiso tsa boferefere, bogolo segolo mo ntlheng ya tswelelopele ya thekenoloji. Diphitlhelelo tsa thutopatlisiso di bontsha ka moo bokgoni jwa matseka bo lebaganang le teko e e boitshegang ka gona malebana le dipatlisiso tsa boferefere – gareng ga tse dingwe, banni le seabe ba supile dikgwetlho tse di latelang malebana le go fitlhelela maitlhomo a dipatlisiso: dikaelo tse di sa tlhamalalang ka kakaretso malebana le dipatlisiso tsa boferefere, katiso e e bokoa, ditlamelo tse di tlhaelang, tiriso e e botlhaswa ya ditlamelo tse di gona, selekano sa tiro se se kwa godimo moo go sa amogelesegeng mmogo le tlhaelo ya badiri. Dintlha tseno tsa mo setheong di tlhoka go lebelelwa go kgontsha gore go nne le tswelelopele mo ditsamaisong tsa dipatlisiso tsa bosenyi. Thutopatlisiso eno e tlhoma bokao jwa dikatlenegiso tsa gore go itsesewe diphetogo tsa thulaganyo di le mmalwa, di theilwe mo sekaong sa porofešenale, se se totileng dipatlisiso tsa boferefere kwa legatong la seteišene sa selegae sa sepodisi. viii Seno se kaya gore ditiragatso dingwe tsa dipatlisiso tse di dirang sentle di rulaganngwe sešwa le go maatlafadiwa go lebeletswe bogolo le marara a boferefere ka kakaretso, mmogo le tshusumetso ya marara ano mo mokgweng wa dipatlisiso. Seno se kaya, go naya sekai, go tlhoma diyuniti tsa boferefere tse di siameng le tse di lemogwang kwa legatong la seteišene go samagana le dikgetse tse di tsenang tsa "boferefere jwa kakaretso", di na le matseka a a katisitsweng, a a kgonang go fitlhelela ditlamelo tse di maleba. Seno se tlaa dira tšhono ya go samagana le dintlha tsa setheo malebana le katiso go lolamisa tlhaelo ya bokgoni jwa botlhokwa jwa matseka a kakaretso pele ga ba ka rebolelwa dikgetse tsa bosenyi. Katiso e tshwanetse go akaretsa tsamaiso ya dikgetse, tsamaiso ya dipatlisiso le tiriso ya thekenoloji (go lwantsha boferefere jwa dijitale ka nonofo). Mo godimo ga moo, go botlhokwa go nna le tlhokomelo ya dithomo tsa boferefere e e farologanyang tiro ya matseka a baitseanape le a kakaretso, go tlhaloganngwa sentle pharologano magareng ga boferefere jwa kakaretso le boferefere jo bo marara jo bo rulaganeng. Gape go tshitshinngwa gore matseka a kakaretso a diragatse mekgwa ya tiragatso e e gaisang ya selegae le ya boditšhabatšhaba mo dipatlisisong tsa ona tsa boferefere. / Police Practice / D. Litt. et Phil. (Police Science)

Řešení kázeňských problémů začínajícím učitelem ve spolupráci s kolegy, odborníky a poradenskými zařízeními / Solutions of disciplinal problems by early teachers in co operation with colleagues, specialists, advisory rooms.

ŠTĚCHOVÁ, Iva January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation deals with how to solve different kinds of disciplinal problems in a class, about an atmosphere in the class, relations between a teacher and pupils, a teacher and parents and also about the relations between pupils themselves. In this work is written how disciplinal problems should be solved, as well as how some problems are solved in real situations. The thesis is concerned especially about beginnings of the profession, which is connected with early years teachers and their possibilities how to deal with school conflicts, moreover their options for cooperation with their colleagues in a school or outside of it. This is also focused on general knowledge of beginning teachers about the possibility of cooperation with specialised centres for schools. The thesis shows the mentioned topic through situations from the Czech Republic as well as from Spain, Portugal and China.

Factors that cause poor performance in science subjects at Ingwavuma Circuit

Ngema, Mbalenhle Happiness 11 1900 (has links)
This study investigated factors that cause the poor performance of learners in the science subjects at the Ingwavuma Circuit. Using a mixed method design, samples were chosen purposefully in four high schools in the Ingwavuma Circuit. The schools identified were schools that underperformed in the science subjects in the year 2014. Grade 12 science teachers and Grade 12 science learners participated in this study. The data were collected by means of two closed-ended questionnaires. One of the questionnaires was designed for completion by the teachers (3) and one by the learners (98). In addition, structured interviews were conducted with eight teachers and eight learners. The data were analysed using SPSS and manual analysis. The data were recorded and summarized by means of descriptive statistics and was interpreted using literature review. The results of this study indicate that factors that contribute to poor performance are, namely a change in the curriculum, the time allocated for each science topic, the teachers’ teaching load, resources, the educators’ lack of specialized content knowledge, the medium of instruction, the involvement of the parents, poverty, and motivation. From these results recommendations for policy were suggested. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Natural Science Education)

Metacognitive strategies for learning disabled adolescents in specialised education

Masureik-Berger, Arlene Roslyn 1 January 1994 (has links)
Learning disabilities are a life-long problem for many individuals. Besides the adjustments all adolescents experience in life, learning disabled adolescents must contend with academic problems at school which have a drastic effect on their selfesteem. This becomes particularly evident when these pupils face the demands of the secondary school syllabus where they have to be able to concentrate, read for information, memorise facts, answer questions and solve problems, and write assignments. By the time learning disabled adolescents reach secondary school they have already experienced so much failure that they become passive towards their studies. Teaching these pupils metacognitive learning strategies covering these skills helps them to become more independent learners. Through executive training procedures they are assisted to become more involved in their studies, the promotion of better self-regulation and self-monitoring is fostered, and as their scores improve, so does their motivation and selfconcept / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Orthopedagogics)

Caractérisation de l'anglais comme lingua franca professionnelle à travers une analyse de corpus de courriels échangés en entreprise : une étude de registre / Characterisation of English as a professional lingua franca : a corpus-based, register study of corporate emails

Millot, Philippe 15 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est une contribution à la branche professionnelle de l'anglais de spécialité et au domaine de l'anglais comme lingua franca. Le contexte de la recherche est le milieu de l'entreprise où les employés échangent des courriels dans le cadre de la réalisation d'actions professionnelles routinières. Dans ce contexte, l'anglais est considéré comme une langue internationale et, dans la situation où les employés sont natifs d'autres langues que l'anglais, la lingua franca. La première partie traite des quatre concepts fondamentaux de cette recherche : l'anglais comme langue internationale, le registre, la phraséologie et les discours professionnels. De ces quatre concepts émerge l'hypothèse selon laquelle l'analyse du discours professionnel en général et des courriels professionnels en particulier reposent sur la modélisation de situations professionnelles récurrentes en situations professionnelles typiques d'échange. Cette modélisation permet ensuite une analyse de registre. La seconde partie présente la démarche méthodologique dont l'objectif estla constitution d'un corpus de 500 courriels professionnels à partir d'une base de données plus large que nous avons constituée lors de notre enquête de terrain dans le monde de l'entreprise. Le corpus est tout d'abord défini selon quatre situations linguistiques que nous présentons ci-dessous : 1. scripteurs natifs et destinataires natifs 2. scripteurs natifs et destinataires non natifs 3. scripteurs non natifs et destinataires natifs 4. scripteurs non natifs et destinataires non natifs Il est ensuite défini selon les quatre situations professionnelles suivantes : 1. achats et ventes de produits 2. management d'équipes distantes 3. administration des ressources humaines 4. résolution de problèmes techniques A partir de ce corpus, nous menons une étude de la variation sur trois ensembles de traits linguistico-discursifs et paralinguistiques qui nous permettent d'évaluer le degré de minimalisme dans les courriels, le degré d'imbrication du texte dans le contexte ainsi que de mesurer le caractère interpersonnel et intime de ce type d'échange. Notre étude nous mène tout d'abord à confirmer que l'analyse de registre est une approche efficace pour la caractérisation des discours ordinaires et routiniers dans les entreprises. Elle interroge ensuite la solidité des normes et du concept de communauté de discours en présentant l'anglais en circulation sur les réseaux professionnels, éphémères et mondiaux, comme une variété fluide. / This dissertation is a contribution to both the professional branch of English for Specific Purposes and English as a lingua franca. The research takes place in the corporate world where employees exchange emails during the course of their professional routines. In this context, English is considered as an international language and, in the situations where employees are natives of other languages than English, the lingua franca. In the first part, the four fundamental concepts used in this study are introduced: (1) English as an international language, (2) register, (3) phraseology, and (4) professional discourse. From this introduction emerges the hypothesis that professional discourse analysis in general and professional emails in particular are based on modelising recurrent, professional situations into typical exchange situations then allowing for register analysis. The second part deals with the methodological approach which consists in building a corpus comprising 500 messages extracted from a larger database which was collected while we did fieldwork in the corporate world. The corpus is defined by the four following linguistic situations : 1. native professionals writing to native professionals 2. native professionals writing to non-native professionals 3. non-native professionals writing to native professionals 4. non-native professionals writing to non-native professionals It is also defined by four professional situations, namely : 1. selling and purchasing 2. team management 3. human resources management 4. technical problem solving The situations are then used to conduct a corpus-based, register analysis alongthree linguistic and paralinguistic dimensions. Each dimension seeks to characterise professional emails as a form of minimal, embedded, and interpersonal discourse. More generally, this thesis explores and challenges the solidity of traditional norms and that of the concept of discourse community by presenting the English used in global, ephemeral and professional networks as a fluid variety.

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