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Real, disclosure and spillover effects of U.S. state-level climate change regulationsKorganbekova, Aliya 20 May 2024 (has links)
Given the barriers to national and global climate change regulations, what are the real, disclosure and spillover effects of subnational regulations? Using the staggered adoption of U.S. state-level greenhouse gas (GHG) regulations as a natural experiment, I find significant reductions in corporate GHG emissions in adopting states. Affected firms report more representative GHG emissions information and reduce GHG-related 10-K risk disclosures. Furthermore, I document large spillover reductions in GHG emissions for treated firms’ affiliated operations in non-adopting states. These findings suggest possible alternate pathways to reduce GHG emissions and improve GHG disclosure if national or global policy coordination is not possible. / 2026-05-20T00:00:00Z
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How does digital finance affect industrial structure upgrading? Evidence from Chinese prefecture-level citiesRen, X., Zeng, G., Gozgor, Giray 27 September 2023 (has links)
Yes / Digital finance is playing an increasingly prominent role in economic development. This paper examines the impact of digital finance on industrial structure upgrading based on panel data from 289 Chinese prefecture-level cities from 2011 to 2020. The paper adopts fixed effects, mediating effects, and spatial econometric models and the findings are as follows. First, digital finance development significantly boosts industrial structure upgrading in Chinese cities. The evidence remains valid after various robustness tests. Second, digital finance and industrial structure upgrading exhibit positive spatial spillover effects. Third, digital finance indirectly affects industrial structure upgrading through innovation, entrepreneurship and the structure of household consumption channels. Fourth, the influence of digital finance is more significant in cities with more developed economies, less financialization and lower income inequality. Finally, among the sub-indicators of digital finance, the breadth of coverage plays the most significant role, inspiring policymakers and financial institutions to speed up the digitization infrastructure in backward areas. / This work was supported by the Natural Science Fund of Hunan Province (2022JJ40647).
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Effects of Interparental Conflict on Taiwanese Adolescents’ Depression and Externalizing Problem Behavior: A Longitudinal StudyHsieh, Chih Han 01 July 2015 (has links)
The link between interparental conflict and adolescents’ maladjustment has been well established among European Americans; however, relatively few studies examine these relationships in Chinese societies. This study used longitudinal data from the Taiwan Youth Project (TYP), an on-going longitudinal panel research project focused on adolescent development, in order to examine the relationship between interparental conflict and depressive symptoms and externalizing problem behaviors of adolescents. In addition, this study examined parental warmth as a mediating variable for the relationship between interparental conflict and adolescents’ maladjustment. The results showed that interparental conflict predicted depressive symptoms among adolescents two years later. Mediation analysis indicated that parental warmth partially mediated the relationship between interparental conflict and depressive symptoms. However, findings indicated that there was no direct effect between interparental conflict and adolescent externalizing behaviors two years later; rather, the association was indirect through the mediating variable of overall parental warmth. Thus, overall parental warmth fully mediated the relationship between interparental conflict and subsequent externalizing behaviors. These results yield valuable information for clinical intervention and further research.
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A Meta-Analysis of FDI Spillovers in China / A Meta-Analysis of FDI Spillovers in ChinaHerman, Dominik January 2017 (has links)
Assessment of the foreign direct investment (FDI) spillovers in the People's Republic of China (PRC) has become a lively area of research in the past decades; nonetheless, the existing primary literature seems to be inconclusive. The present thesis revises the literature through a meta-analytical approach using Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA). Considering that the previous liter- ature reviews are of either inferior quality or incomparable focus, our research is based on a collection of 1081 estimates from 14 primary studies published between 2007 and 2017 comprising data from 1995 to 2012. A variety of 85 characteristics of the observations is coded whilst we employ at least 30 of these within each BMA estimation. Through separate testing of individual spillover measures (horizontal, forward, and backward), an extensive evidence of publication bias is collected for horizontal spillovers in PRC-exaggerating the mean magnitude of the reported estimates. Finally, the thesis identifies that the spillover effect from FDI inflows originating from the area of Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan is systematically different from the others. JEL Classification O1, O3, O4 Keywords FDI, spillover effect, China, PRC, meta- analysis, publication bias, BMA Author's e-mail hermandominik@gmail.com Supervisor's e-mail...
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Price response in multiple item choice: spillover effects of reference priceKwak, Kyuseop 01 January 2007 (has links)
In this thesis, we develop a SKU level market basket model and apply the model to investigate cross-category reference price effects. This research extends previous work on the category-level multivariate logit model (Russell and Petersen 2000). Our model is a generalization of the multivariate logit model which allows for both complementarity and substitution effects at the brand level.
The modeling effort in this thesis allows us to use conditional probability distributions of individual items to construct the final joint-distribution of all possible basket selections. The resulting model is very flexible and accommodates a large variety of market structure patterns. The model structure implies that the changes in brand-level marketing variables directly affect category incidence (by altering category attractiveness) and indirectly determine market basket composition. Because the model can be written in a closed form manner, we can easily study the pattern of brand price competition by computing a matrix of cross-price elasticities. We use scanner panel data for the yogurt category to demonstrate the structural flexibility of the model. The results from this application reveal asymmetric competition consistent with price-tier competition literature.
We use this model to investigate how consumers' responses to reference prices within a category spillover into their choices across multiple categories. The notion is that a consumer's subjective judgment of the fairness of the price levels in one category influences the choice decisions of related items in other categories. We begin with building within-category SKU-level model based on previous findings from single category reference price models (i.e., internal versus external reference prices, asymmetric response due to loss aversion, and heterogeneity in response across consumers). We then develop four alternative model specifications for cross-category spillover effects and test competing theories about those effects. Using scanner panel data for detergent and softener categories, we discover valuable implications for reference price effects. First, SKU-level reference price effects exist and improve forecasting ability. Second, those reference price effects influence category attractiveness, but do no spillover across categories. Finally, category-level reference dependent evaluation may exist but not be important in forecasting.
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政府效率支出、外溢效果與環境政策許義忠, Hsu, Yi-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
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贈品促銷深度與品牌形象對知覺價值與價格知覺的影響效果與外溢效果之研究 / The Influences and Spillover Effects of Gift Promotion Depth and Brand Image on Perceived Value and Price曾忠蕙, Tseng,Chung Hui Unknown Date (has links)
研究主題三則想瞭解消費者心中對贈品免費的印象是否會外溢出去影響到贈品同類產品的其他品牌(同品他牌)、或者外溢出去影響到贈品同品牌的其他產品(同牌他品),而貶低對同品他牌或同牌他品的評價? 研究結果發現:贈品促銷的確會產生外溢效果,且隨著合理深度加深,外溢效果降低,但隨著誇張深度加深,外溢效果增加。透過本研究,一方面可更豐富贈品促銷效果的相關學術研究結果,另一方面可提供實務界相關建議。 / Gift promotion is taken as a common technique in most industry for a long time. It is believed that the higher the gift price is, the more successful gift promotion works. But, must it be true? In this study, gift promotion was defined as “buy A, get a free gift B”;that is, A and B were different products. Furthermore, promotion depth was taken as a main independent variable and defined as a percentage of gift price by main product price. By experiment design, promotion depth was manipulated as ten groups (10%, 20%,..., 100%), and brand images of main product and gift were chosen to be two moderators in this study. An 10x2x2 between subject design was further held, and totally 975 valid questionnaires was gathered.
Three themes were arranged to further investigate effects of gift promotion. Inferences and discussions were based on literature of reference price and anchor-adjustment theory. In the first research theme, it is proposed that there is a turning point in promotion depth—50% of promotion depth, and the turning point was fluctuant in accordance with brand image. If the brand image was high, the turning point was 50%;however, if the brand image was low, the turning point was downward to 40% under low brand image of main product and downward to 20% under low brand image of gift. Based on these findings, promotion depth was divided into two categories—reasonable (depth before turning point) and exaggerated (depth after turning point) promotion depth—in order to do further investigations.
The second research theme focused on the effect of reasonable or exaggerated promotion depth and its interaction with brand image of main product and gift. Findings were (a) In the range of reasonable promotion depth, the deeper the promotion depth was, the higher the perceived value of product bundle was (eg. positive relationship). However, in the range of exaggerated promotion depth, negative relationship was exhibited. (b) The deeper the promotion depth was, the higher the price perception of gift was. In the range of reasonable promotion depth, as the depth increased, value-adding level of gift decreased. In the range of exaggerated promotion depth, as the depth increased, value-discounting level of gift increased. (c) The brand image of main product and gift did show significant moderating effect.
The third research theme was going to investigate whether the discounting perception toward gift would spill to other products with the same brand of the gift, or spill to the same product with other brand. In this study, we defined the phenomenon as a “spillover effect” of gift promotion. Findings were: (a) No matter in the range of reasonable or exaggerated promotion depth, gift promotion did cause discounting of perceived value toward other products with the same brand of the gift and to the same product with other brand. That is, spillover effect did exist. (b) As the promotion depth increased, the spillover effect would first go downward then upward. In other words, the relationship between promotion depth and spillover effect showed a type of U-shape. Findings of this study will enrich literature of promotion as well as offer practical suggestions to managers implementing strategies of gift promotions.
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台灣股市的波動外溢效果之研究吳旻容, Wu, Min Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用相關係數隨時間變動的雙變量GARCH(1,1)模型(time-varying correlation bivariate GARCH(1,1) model),討論台灣股票市場中,大公司與小公司之間的報酬、衝擊(shock)、波動(volatility)是否互為影響為主軸。其次,為了了解不同估計方法、相關係數的設定和解釋變數對結果造成的影響,亦設立了3種模型,作為本研究的比較模型。
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外人直接投資與政治遊說 / Foreign direct investment and political lobbying余光弘, Yu, Kuang Hung Unknown Date (has links)
政府制訂政策時往往有許多考量,尤其是面對外人直接投資時,政府的政策規範常會因為國內發展情況不同而有所調整,本文嘗試站在政府的角度,以兩種情況討論關稅的訂定與開放外人直接投資的決策。首先,我們以Grossman & Helpman (1994) 之政治獻金模型為架構,考慮兩國廠商各種遊說的情況,藉以訂出最適關稅。我們發現,政府將會選擇兩國廠商一起遊說。其次,我們考慮本國政府可以開放外國廠商進入本國直接投資,同時我們假定外國廠商擁有技術優勢,進入本國直接投資後,對本國廠商會產生一技術外溢效果 (Spillover effect),使得本國廠商邊際生產成本下降。最後,我們比較上述兩種情況之下之政府效用大小,並發現本國政府越重視國內福利相較於政治獻金時,將會傾向開放外人直接投資。 / Since the domestic government can choose the optimal policy instrument to maximize the social welfare, this paper analyzes how a domestic government sets the policy about foreign direct investment. In the beginning, we use Grossman & Helpman (1994) political contribution model to endogenize tariff policy in a duopoly composed of a domestic firm and a foreign firm, where both firms affect the domestic government’s tariff policy via their contributions. It is found that the domestic government will choose both the domestic firm and the foreign firm apply contributions. Then, we consider a spillover effect when the domestic government decides to let the foreign firm with superior technology undertake foreign direct investment. Finally, we compare the government’s utility in the two situations above and find that the domestic government tends to open FDI when it puts much weight on the social welfare.
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住宅整建之不動產價格外溢效果分析 / The spillover effect of refurbishment on housing price王姿尹, Wang, Tzu-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在社會資源有限分配下,住宅整建已逐漸成為市容景觀改造方法之一,成為都市更新重要的一環,鑑於以往文獻可知,建物整建會增加該不動產的市場價值。僅有Yau et al.(2006)及Yau et al.(2008)藉由視覺的虛擬變數代表受影響範圍,研究建物整建後對鄰近不動產價格的影響,卻無法證實整建之價格外溢效果確實影響範圍。
本研究採用具空間變數的空間迴歸模型,預期能解決一般迴歸模型中空間自相關與估計偏誤的估計問題,並以台北市都市更新整建維護實施辦法通過的補助案例及營造股份有限公司所提供的整建案例,與房地產交易價格簡訊資料為對象進行實證。實證結果發現,台北市住宅整建後確實會產生價格的外溢效果,影響鄰近不動產,且不以視野可及之處為限,距離整建案例半徑200~500公尺內的交易樣本皆會受到影響,顯見加強策略性的地區整建,將能為都市再生帶來更顯著的影響。 / Housing refurbishment has become more important in congested living environment like Taipei. There are some studies focus on refurbishment will enhance the market value of the property. However, there have been a few empirical studies investigating the value enhanced by the refurbishment of neighborhood buildings.
As a result, this study aims to empirically estimate the spillover effect of housing refurbishment in Taipei. We find that spatial hedonic model is more accuracy than traditional one, and that the refurbishment brought a significant increase in price of the buildings which located within 200~500 meter radius from the refurbished buildings. Obviously, to enhance house refurbishment is helpful to urban renewal.
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