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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vaikų raumenų ištvermės, laikysenos ir stuburo paslankumo kitimas taikant kineziterapiją vandenyje / The changes of children‘s muscles endurance, posture and spine flexibility applying physiotherapy in water

Aleksejevaitė, Giedrė 18 June 2008 (has links)
XXI amžiuje skausmas yra rimta problema. Vis daugiau jaunų žmonių skundžiasi nugaros skausmais. Nugaros skausmai dėl mažo fizinio aktyvumo, netaisyklingos laikysenos yra viena labiausiai paplitusių ligų. Iškėlėm hipotezę, kad pratimai vandenyje pagerins vaikų stuburo paslankumą ir laikyseną. Tyrimas buvo atliktas LKKA baseine. Tyrime dalyvavo 12 vaikų, iš jų 10 berniukų ir 2 mergaitės. Tiriamųjų amžiaus vidurkis buvo 10,88 ± 2,10 metų, svorio - 46,2 ± 1,54 kg, ūgio vidurkis 156,9 ± 2,04 cm. Tiriamiesiems 8 mėnesius 2 kartus per savaitę po 1 valandą buvo taikoma KT vandenyje. KT pagrindą sudarė tempimo, atsipalaidavimo, liemens raumenų pratimai bei pratimai laikysenai gerinti. Buvo vertinama tiriamųjų laikysena, stuburo paslankumas, liemens raumenų statinė ištvermė bei gyvensenos ypatumai. Visi minėti rodikliai registruoti 3 kartus ( KT pradžioje, KT viduryje ir KT pabaigoje). Darbo tikslas – nustatyti vaikų, kuriems buvo taikyta KT vandenyje, stuburo paslankumo, raumenų ištvermės ir laikysenos pokyčius. Iškelti uždaviniai: nustatyti ir palyginti vaikų liemens raumenų ištvermę, stuburo paslankumą, laikyseną prieš ir po kineziterapijos vandenyje, bei nustatyti ir įvertinti vaikų gyvensenos ypatumus. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad pratimai vandenyje patikimai (p<0,05) padidino liemens raumenų (pilvo, nugaros, kairės bei dešinės pusės) ištvermę, stuburo paslankumą, pagerino pečių, liemens ir pilvo laikyseną. Taip pat nustatėme, jog vaikų fizinis aktyvumas nėra pakankamas, nes... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Pain is a very serious problem in the 21st century. More and more young people complain of backache. Because of reducing amount of physical activities, incorrect posture, backache is one of the most common diseases. A hipothesy is that exercises in water will improve spine flexibility and children posture will improve as well. A research was made in LKKA swimming pool. 12 children – 10 boys and 2 girls – took part in this research. The average age of those who were researched was 10,88 ± 2,10 years, the average weight 46,2 ± 1,54 kg and height 156,9 ± 2,04 cm. They were in physiotherapy in water for 8 months 1 hour twise a week. Aquatic therapy consisted of posture, stretch, relaxing exercises and exercises for waist muscles. Posture, spine flexibility, waist muscles static endurance and particularities of lifestyle of the researched people was evaluated. All indicators are mentioned three times (in the beginning, in the middle and at the end of physiotherapy in water). The purpose is to find spine flexibility, muscle endurance and posture changes of kids who were in physiotherapy in water. Targets: to measure and assess children‘s trunk muscle endurance, back mobility and posture before and after aquatic therapy; to assess the lifestyle of the participants. The research results showed that exercises in the water increased waist muscles (stomach, back, left and right side) endurance, spine flexibility, improved shoulder, waist and stomach posture. Moreover, we realised that... [to full text]

The roles of vertebra and vertebral endplate in lumbar disc degeneration

Wang, Yue Unknown Date
No description available.

The Effect of Skin and Soft Tissue on Spinal Frequency Response Measurements

Decker, Colleen Unknown Date
No description available.

The effect of differing clinical settings on chiropractic patients suffering from mechanical low back pain

Richardson, Grant Walter January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Chiropractic)-Dept. of Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, 2007 xviii, 140 leaves / Each healing encounter, and every treatment, has specific and non-specific treatment effects. Non – specific effects, or placebo effects, are the benefits felt by the patients because of the nature of the healing encounter. Although difficult to quantify and control, a number of authors recognize that the non-specific component of management has an additive effect on the overall clinical outcome. It has been reported that due to the physical interaction and social nature of chiropractic, there is a strong non-specific component in the management process, but to what extent it facilitates in the healing encounter is unknown. It has also been shown that spinal manipulation has a clinical effect which exceeds that of placebo; therefore it is possible for its effect to be muted or amplified, depending on the presence or absence of non-specific effects. For the above reasons this study was conducted in an attempt to map the size of the non-specific effect in the healing encounter by manipulating the practice setting in which the patients were treated.

Design of a Haptic Simulator for Pedicle Screw Insertion in Pediatric Scoliosis Surgery

Leung, Regina 04 December 2013 (has links)
The following work presents the design of a haptic training simulator for pedicle screw insertions in pediatric scoliosis surgery. In particular, the haptic simulator simulates the haptic sensations associated with probe channeling through the pedicle using the free-hand technique. The design includes 1 DOF custom haptic device, haptic model, and controller. The design is tested and evaluated for feasibility through a small pilot studying involving 5 expert surgeons. Significant agreement across expert surgeons was obtained regarding the feasibility and potential for the simulator to be a useful training tool.

Design of a Haptic Simulator for Pedicle Screw Insertion in Pediatric Scoliosis Surgery

Leung, Regina 04 December 2013 (has links)
The following work presents the design of a haptic training simulator for pedicle screw insertions in pediatric scoliosis surgery. In particular, the haptic simulator simulates the haptic sensations associated with probe channeling through the pedicle using the free-hand technique. The design includes 1 DOF custom haptic device, haptic model, and controller. The design is tested and evaluated for feasibility through a small pilot studying involving 5 expert surgeons. Significant agreement across expert surgeons was obtained regarding the feasibility and potential for the simulator to be a useful training tool.

Vyrų, patyrusių stuburo traumą, biografinio ,,darbo“ patirtys taikant meno terapiją / Biographical “work” experience of men who have suffered spine trauma by applying art therapy

Gavelienė, Larisa 14 June 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo aktualumas. Apie 80 procentų pacientų su stuburo smegenų pažeidimais yra vyrai, paaugliai ir jauni suaugusieji. Dauguma jų yra aktyvūs, socialūs asmenys, kurių reabilitacijos tikslas po nugaros smegenų pažeidimo – grįžti į normalų gyvenimą pas šeimą, draugus, bendraamžius. Mokslininkai teigia, kad tradicinis vyriškas vaidmuo visuomenėje – tokie bruožai kaip stiprumas, emocijų kontrolė, savarankiškumas, jėga ir dominavimas trukdo vyrams ieškoti pagalbos. Be to, tradicinės vyriškumo savybės, įskaitant nepriklausomumą, sėkmę darbe, yra susijusios su bendru savęs vertinimu, todėl pakitimai gali turėti žymų poveikį. Teorinėje dalyje pristatoma identiteto samprata, tapatumą aiškinančios teorijos, kentėjimo trajektorijos samprata. Skiriamas vaidmuo nehegemoninio vyriškumo aptarimui, vyriškumo ir negalios sankirtų perspektyvai. Remiantis autorių įžvalgomis bandoma apibūdinti skirtingas vyriškumo formas. Analizuojama vyrų, patyrusių stuburo traumą, biografinė perspektyva, kaip įvykis, pertvarkantis ir perstruktūruojantis visą jų gyvenimą, keičiantis vyrų identitetą. Analizuojamas socialinis darbas, komandinis darbas reabilitacijos įstaigose. Darbe apžvelgiami fiziologiniai procesai, kurie aiškina fiziologines stuburo smegenų pažeidimo pasekmes, be kurių negalima paaiškinti psichosocialinių aspektų. Baigiamasis darbas nagrinėja vyrų, patyrusių stuburo traumą, patirtis, jų biografinę situaciją. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti vyrų, patyrusių stuburo traumą, biografinio ,,darbo“... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Topicalityoftheresearch. Approximately 80 percentofpatientswhohavesufferedspinalcordinjuries are men, teenagersoryoungadults. Majorityofthem are active, socialpersonswhoserehabilitationaimafterthespinalcordinjuryis to return to normallifeintheirfamilies, withtheirfriends, andcontemporaries. Scientistsstatethatthetraditionalman's role inthesociety - suchfeaturesasdiligence, controlofemotions, independence, poweranddomination - preventsthemfromsearchingforhelp. Moreover, thetraditionalmasculinitycharacteristics, includingindependence, success at work, isrelated to thegeneralself-evaluation,thus, changesmayhavesignificanteffect. Thetheoreticpartpresentstheconceptofidentity, theoriesexplainingpersonalidentity, theconceptofsufferingtrajectory. Attentionispaid to non-hegemonicdiscussionofmasculinity, theperspectiveofmasculinityanddisabilitycrossing. Onthebasisoftheauthors' insightsattempts are made to describeseparateformsofmasculinity. Thebiographicalperspectiveofmenwhohavesuffered spine trauma isanalyzedasaneventrearrangingandrestructuringtheirentirelife, changemen’sidentity. Socialworkandteamworkinrehabilitationinstitutions are analyzed. Theworksurveysthephysiologicalprocessesexplainingtheconsequencesofspinalcordinjurywithoutwhichthepsychologicalaspectscannot be explained. Thefinalworkanalyzestheexperienceofmenwhohavesuffered spine trauma, theirbiographicalsituation. Objectoftheresearch – to revealthebiographicalworkexperienceofmenwhohavesuffered spine trauma byapplying art... [to full text]

Whiplash injury : a clinical, radiographic and psychological investigation

Pettersson, Kurt January 1996 (has links)
Whiplash injury is a common and troublesome disorder and approximately 10-40 per cent of its victims develop chronic symptoms. The annual incidence is estimated at 1/1000 inhabitants and the prevalence at 1%. The cause of chronic symptoms after whiplash injury is still unknown and no effective treatment has been presented so far. The present study is divided into two parts; the first part includes clinical, radiographic and psychological investigations, and the second part the effect of surgical intervention as well as intervention with medication. MRI studies (n=39) showed a larger proportion of pathologic findings compared to normal subjects, but no correlation with initial neurologic deficits was found. At the 2-year follow-up all patients with disc herniations with medullary impingement had persistent symptoms. Three patients had disc herniations that deteriorated from slight and moderate initial changes on the MRI to severe changes with medullary cord impingement. This deterioration might be a first sign of disc degeneration. Thus our results indicate that disc pathology is a contributing factor in the development of chronic symptoms. Measurements from standard lateral radiographs taken in neutral position were evaluated (n=48). A graphic digitizer connected to a microcomputer was used and the sagittal diameters were determined. Multivariate analysis of variance showed that the spinal canal was significantly smaller in patients with persistent symptoms indicating that a narrow spinal canal is unfavourable in patients subjected to whiplash injury. A psychological investigation (n=70) revealed no relationship between pre-existing personality traits and persistent symptoms. In our study, whiplash patients showed no differences in personality traits compared to normal controls. Our results after discectomy and anterior cervical fusion (n=20) because of chronic symptoms after whiplash injury were not satisfactory. We noticed that about half of the cases had less headache and neck pain but no beneficial effects on radicular pain, vertigo, visual and auditory symptoms were observed. Based on the criteria of a surgical evaluation, two patients were classified as good, nine as fair and nine as poor. A prospective randomised double-blind study of high-dose methyl-prednisolone compared to placebo was conducted (n=40). A clinical follow-up with repeated neurological examinations and a standardised questionnaire including VAS-scales and a pain sketch form were used for the evaluation of initial symptoms, before drug administration and at the follow-ups at 2 weeks, 6 weeks, and 6 months after the injury. At the 6-month follow-up there was a significant difference between the actively treated patients and placebo concerning disabling symptoms defined as inability to return to previous work, number of sick-days and sick-leave profile. All the actively treated patients had returned to work and none had multiple symptoms though three of them complained of intermittent neck pain. Our conclusion is therefore that acute treatment with high-dose corticosteroids might be beneficial to the prevention of disabling symptoms after whiplash injury. / <p>Härtill 6 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu

Paauglių laikysenos vertinimas ir gyvensenos veiksnių įtaka laikysenos formavimuisi / Evaluation of Adolescents’ Posture and the Influence of Lifestyle Factors on Posture

Stanaitytė, Eglė 17 July 2014 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe vertinama 8 klasės moksleivių laikysena stovint sagitalinėje ir frontalinėje plokštumose ir stuburo mobilumas/paslankumas. Tyrime dalyvavo vienos Šiaulių progimnazijos 26 aštuntos klasės moksleiviai. Iš jų 10 merginų ir 16 vaikinų. Tyrimas vyko 2013 metų lapkričio 11 – 15 dienomis. Tyrimu buvo siekiama: 1) įvertinti paauglių statinę laikyseną ir stuburo mobilumą naudojant ZEBRIS CM10 WinSpine Pointer diagnostinę įrangą; 2) atskleisti paauglių subjektyvaus sveikatos vertinimo ir fizinio aktyvumo aspektus. Duomenims įvesti ir rezultatams apdoroti buvo naudotas specializuotas duomenų įvedimo ir statistinės analizės programinis paketas SPSS (20 versija). Atlikta statistinė (vidurkių, Mann – Whitney ir Kruskal – Wallis kriterijai) duomenų analizė. Vertinant paauglių laikyseną buvo remtasi mokslininkų (Arcinavičius, 2004; Muckus, 2006; Neumann, 2010; Saniukas, 2007) nurodytomis normomis. Anketa buvo siekiama atskleisti paauglių subjektyvų sveikatos vertinimą ir fizinį aktyvumą, laisvalaikio pomėgius, kurie buvo lyginami su gautais laikysenos vertinimo duomenimis. Taip buvo siekiama atskleisti gyvensenos veiksnių įtaką paauglių laikysenai. Vertinant paauglių laikyseną statinėje padėtyje nustatyta, kad visiems tiriamiesiems yra pečių ir dubens asimetrija. Tyrimo metu buvo nustatyta, kad dviem paaugliams yra skoliozinė deformacija į dešinę pusę ir dviem paaugliams – į kairę pusę. Nustatyta, kad septynių paauglių krūtininė kifozė yra per daug išreikšta. Tai reiškia, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the Bachelor's work is evaluating 8 class pupils’ standing posture in the sagittal and frontal planes and the spine mobility. In the investigation participated 26 eighth class teenagers one of Šiauliai progymnasium, 10 girls and 16 boys. The investigation took place 11 th – 15 th of November, 2013. When conducting the investigation goal was: 1) to evaluate static posture and spine mobility of teenager using ZEBRIS CM10 WinSpine Pointer diagnostic equipment; 2) reveal teenager‘s subjective assessment of health and physical activity aspects. Statistical analysis of results was implemented (means, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis criterions). Evaluating of teenager posture was based on scientists (Arcinavičius, 2004; Muckus, 2006; Neumann, 2010; Saniukas, 2007) specified rate. Using questionnaire the aim was to reveal teenager‘s subjective assessment of health and physical activity, hobies of leisure witch was correlated with postural data assessment. Thus, it was intended to reveal lifestyle factors on teenagers posture. In evaluating the situation in the static position of teenagers posture found that all teenagers have the asymmetry of shoulder and pelvic. Two teenagers have scoliotic deformation of right side and two teenagers have left side scoliotic deformation. In the investigation was found that seven teenagers have too big thoracic kyphosis that exceed the rate. It means that these pupils have kyphotic posture. The analysis of lateral flexion revealed that no one of... [to full text]

Klinische und radiologische Ergebnisse nach ventraler Spondylodese mit stand - alone - Cages bei degenerativen Halswirbelsäulenveränderungen

Franke, Anne-Catherine 03 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die retrospektive Auswertung der operativ mit ventraler Dekompression und intersomatischer Fusion (ACDF) durch stand alone Cage versorgten Patienten und die Diskussion, ob eine postoperative Sinterung Einfluss auf das Outcome hat. Material und Methoden: Es wurden 33 Segmente operativ durch ACDF mit standalone-Cage bei 17 Patienten (11 Frauen und 6 Männer) Durchschnittsalter 56 Jahre (33 bis 82 Jahre) versorgt und nach durchschnittlich jeweils 8 und 26 Monaten klinisch, radiologisch und durch Scoreerhebung nachuntersucht. Ergebnisse: 70,6 % der Patienten (12/17) und 50,5% der Segmente (18/33) zeigten eine Sinterung. 36,3% der Sinterungen (12/33) bereits zur 1. NU nach 8 Monaten. Zur 2. NU nach 26 Monaten fand sich bei 100% eine Fusion ohne Pseudarthrose. Zusammenfassung: Die Sinterung des Cages hat keinen negativen Einfluss auf das Outcome. Wesentlich für das Outcome sind das Ausmaß und die Dauer der vorbestehenden Symptome. Es sollte besonders bei festgestellter Myelopathie frühzeitig eine operative Intervention erfolgen.

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