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Automatizované měřicí pracoviště pokusných článků olověného akumulátoru / Automatized measuring apparatus for lead acid battery cellsČapek, Ivo January 2008 (has links)
This presented work deals with the development of an automated station for the measuring of experimental cells of the Lead Acid Battery. The principle is to design a measuring station and make programs for cycling of cells in standard and PSoC modes.
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Měření zkreslení signálu EKG / ECG Signal Distortion MeasuresPožár, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with electrocardiogram and its distortion, which causes errors, due to which a doctor can make a wrong diagnosis. In the theoretical part electrocardiogram is briefly described, further theory of wavelet transform, introduction to the signal compression and some information about ECG delineation. Methods used for the signal evaluation and therefore determination of the distortion size are described in the main theoretical part. This thesis contains known methods and also a method of own design based on the ECG delineation. Some of the described methods are checked in the practical part. These methods are tested for two different compression algorithms, which cause various distortion. In the final part distortion was tested on the influence on setting the wrong diagnosis.
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Projekt datového centra - strukturovaná kabeláž / Data centre project - structured cablingHejtmánek, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
This master’s thesis is concerned with analysis of cabling and cabling systems in data center and with their projection as follows. The part of the work is aimed at the measurement parameters of metal cables which are used in data center with noise. The first part is focused on analyzing the structure of the data center and cabling used in it. The structure of the data center is based on the TIA-942 and consists of an entrance room, main distribution area MDA, horizontal distribution area HDA , zone distribution area ZDA and the equipment distribution area EDA. Divided into backbone cabling and horizontal cabling and use standard and pre-terminated cabling. The measurement results of structured metal cabling with noise are discussed in the next part. There were used these types of cables UTP, FTP and S/FTP. The measurement was performed in the electricity substation and in the laboratory of electromagnetic compatibility. The third part of this work deals with the actual design of structured cabling for the data center. In the first design we use the standard installation, the second preterminated cabling. For both types of installation cost statement is processed (CAPEX). Thesis is also completed with DC design drawings and rack drawings.
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Vlnkový wienerovský filtr EKG signálů / Wavelet Wiener filter of ECG signalsJanů, Joshua January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the use of wavelet wiener filtration to remove muscular interference from ECG signals. As part of it, a filter has been implemented in the MATLAB programming environment. The main part of the thesis deals with the optimization of numerical parameters of the proposed filter. The results of the filtration are compared with the results reported by other authors.
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Vyjadřování nejistoty výsledku zkoušky / Expressing uncertainty of efficiency valueKňava, Miroslav January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this work is to analyze the methodology for executing examination heat transfer tubes of steam generator by method of eddy currents on EDU, to create the model for the estimate of standard combined uncertainty of efficiency value, quantify the individual components of standard uncertainties, analyse the influence of different components on the expressing of uncertainty, to make the final estimate of standard combined and enlarged uncertainty of efficiency value and as of minor objective to evaluate the suitability of the use of this method .
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Rozvoj letiště LKHK - zavedení IFR provozu za podmínek RNAV / Airport Development LKHK - implementation IFR operations for RNAVHornych, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is development study of airport Hradec Králové for IFR traffic on the basis of RNAV, with instrument approach, and it’s evaluation. Thesis contains author’s methodology for problem solving, description of the airport, determination of the lifting factors and study, including inputs analysis, description of the work and evaluation.
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Automatické rozměření signálů EKG / Automatic delineation of ECG signalsVítek, Martin January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation deals with QRS complex detection and ECG delineation. The theoretical part of the work describes basics of electrocardiography, QRS detection approaches, ECG delineation approaches, the standard CSE database and the wavelet transform theory. The practical part of the work describes designed methods of QRS complex detection and ECG delineation. The designed methods are based on a continuous wavelet transform, appropriate scales, appropriate mother wavelet, cluster analysis and leads transformation. The introduced algorithms were evaluated on the standard CSE database. The obtained results are better, than directly comparable results of other methods and accomplished given database criteria. The robustness of designed algorithms was successfully tested on CSE database signals modified by compression and filtering. The proposed ECG delineation algorithm was successfully used as a tool for evaluation of diagnostic distortion of ECG signals modified by compression.
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Vlnková filtrace elektrokardiogramů / Wavelet Based Filtering of ElectrocardiogramsSmital, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation deals with possibilities of using wavelet transforms for elimination of broadband muscle noise in ECG signals. In this work, the characteristics of ECG signals and particularly the most frequently occurring type of interference are discussed firstly. The theory of wavelet transforms is also introduced and followed by design of the simple wavelet filter and the more sophisticated version with wiener filtering of wavelet coefficients. Next part is devoted to the design of our filter, which is based on wavelet wiener filtering and is complemented by algorithms that ensure full adaptability of its parameters when the properties of the input signal are changing. Suitable parameters of the proposed system are searched automatically and the algorithm is tested on the complete standard electrocardiograms database CSE, where it achieves significantly better results than other published methods.
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Porovnání potřeby sounáležitosti ve zdravotnickém týmu na jednotkách intenzivní péče a standardních odděleních / Comparison of need for cooperation in a medical team at a unit of intensive care and standard departmentPolívková, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
Téma: Porovnání potřeby sounáležitosti ve zdravotnickém týmu na jednotkách intenzivní péče a standardních odděleních. Cílem diplomové práce je zjistit míru uspokojení potřeby sounáležitosti ve zdravotnickém týmu na jednotkách intenzivní péče a standardních odděleních. Ve své teoretické části se zabývám podrobným rozborem potřeby sounáležitosti. Charakterizuji problematiku lidských potřeb a jejich důležitost při působení v pracovním kolektivu na jednotkách intenzivní péče a standardních odděleních. Poukazuji na příčiny a projevy frustrace této potřeby. Zabývám se fluktuací zdravotnických pracovníků a pohlížím na narušení potřeby sounáležitosti, jako na jeden z důvodu proč sestry mění pracovní místa. Praktická část práce je zpracována formou kvantitativního výzkumu. Metodou dotazníkového šetření jsem získala data od 142 respondentů (všeobecných sester, sanitářů, fyzioterapeutů ve fakultních a krajských nemocnicích). V dotazníku jsem sledovala tyto oblasti: základní faktografické údaje, frustraci potřeby sounáležitosti a její projevy, důvody fluktuace, motivaci v pracovním kolektivu. Zpracováním dat jsem došla k závěru, že sestry znají význam výrazu potřeba sounáležitosti. Subjektivně více vnímají frustraci sounáležitosti zdravotničtí pracovníci ze standardních oddělení než zdravotníci z jednotek...
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Modelování fázových transformací v materiálech s tvarovou pamětí / Modeling of phase transformations in shape memory materialsFrost, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
Title: Modeling of phase transformations in shape memory materials Author: Miroslav Frost Department: Mathematical Institute of Charles University Supervisor: Prof. Ing. František Maršík, DrSc., Mathematical Institute of Charles University Abstract: This thesis presents a new thermomechanical three-dimensional con- stitutive model of NiTi-based shape memory alloys. The model was formulated within the framework of generalised standard models and it features a novel form of the dissipation function, which combines contributions stemming from the phase transformation between austenite and martensite and from the reorienta- tion of martensite. The change in the material response associated with the phase transformation between austenite and R-phase as well as material anisotropy and tension-compression asymmetry are also covered. The time-evolutionary problem of a quasistatic mechanical loading of a NiTi body with prescribed temperature evolution was formulated and analyzed within the framework of energetic so- lutions. The corresponding time-incremental minimization problem provided a conceptual algorithm utilized in the numerical treatment. The constitutive mod- el was implemented into the finite element package Abaqus. Several numerical simulations were performed and compared with experiments. Keywords:...
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