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Příprava staveb a BOZP / Preparation of Construction and OSHVaculík, Jakub January 2022 (has links)
This study investigates the management of a construction project from the building contractor’s point of view. The main aim is to describe the construction readiness process, including the technical drawings, risk assessment and OSH solutions. The literature review provides an overview of the key terminology used in the management of a construction site, contractor readiness and OSH. The practical section of this study then describes order preparation, construction readiness, risk assessment, OSH solutions and fire risk assessment for the I/43 Milonice intersection turn lane.
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Stavební spoření - právní a ekonomická problematika / Building savings - legal and economic issuesKaplanová, Ivana January 2015 (has links)
Building savings - legal and economical issues The aim of the thesis is the analysis of selected problematic issues - crucial to the functioning of building savings and also in relation to consumers and protection of its rights. The thesis is composed of six chapters which are dealing with legislation of building savings, especially with amendment in historical development with inheritance, with deposits of minors and valid way of terminating the contract of minors, with the bank charges in the context of preparatory transposition of 2014/17/ EU Directives on housing loans, and compares the economic aspects of both component of building savings with competitive products in the financial market. In the thesis I use the method of analysis, synthesis and induction in chapters in which I work with jurisprudence and in which I advocate a position of building savings in the banking market. In anticipation of the upcoming law on housing loans I require to include information obligation into the proposed legislation with emphasis not only on formal form but the content of communication. I confront the selected issues with valid jurisprudence and mention the original statutory framework and its new version after the recodification of private law and I pointed out the differences which the recodification...
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Stavební plastika administrativních budov první Československé republiky / Sculptural Decoration of First Czechoslovak Republic's Administrative BuildingsČervený, Marek January 2011 (has links)
We can consider the sculptural decoration of first Czechoslovak Republic's administrative buildings to be one of the typical manifestations of its time. In its iconography it translated to its contemporaries, as well as to the future generations, the basic ideological motives which the representative, artists and major part of the society considered to be the most important for the existence of the young democratic state. Their message is so clear that even today it can be understood. This thesis discusses in the first chapter the roots of basic iconographical circles (labor, working people) in the Czech art of the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century. Afterwards it focuses on the wider conditions of European art leading to the growing interests in realistic, neo-classical art and new objectivity. Following parts are aimed on arrival of civilism into the Czech interwar art scene and discuss the terms social art, social realism and social civilism and its possible use in the scope of sculptural decoration of administrative buildings. Then continues the overview of the most important iconographical motives which penetrated into the field of the sculptural decoration with special focus on the Czechoslovak pavilion at the International exhibition of decorative arts in Paris 1925. The following...
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Účastníci správního řízení s důrazem na účastenství v řízeních vedených dle stavebního zákona / Participants in administrative proceedings with emphasis on participation in proceedings conducted according to the Building ActMatysová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
Participants in administrative proceedings with emphasis on participation in proceedings conducted according to the Building Act The Master thesis deals with a topic of participants of administrative proceedings, in which participation in proceedings conducted according to the Building Act is strongly emphasized. The author chose this topic because the participants in proceedings are irreplaceable procedural parties of every administrative proceedings without their existence no administrative proceedings could be conducted, and therefore they form an integral part of administrative proceedings next to administrative authority. The meaning of statutory legal regulation is to guarantee participants in proceedings mutually equal position and rights to prove a claim sufficient in administrative proceedings. The thesis introduces contemporary interpretative and application conclusions altogether with their gradual development and it evaluates in which way these conclusions brought about solutions and in which way conversely there were disputable questions in consequence of these conclusions. The Master thesis is divided into two basic parts dealing with definition of the circle of participants in proceedings according to the Administrative Act and participation in administrative proceedings conducted...
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PODNIKATELSKÝ ZÁMĚR / PROSPECTUSHellerová, Hana January 2006 (has links)
Ve své práci, jak již název napovídá, se zabývám využitím řepkového oleje jako alternativního paliva na místo nafty. Díky vyčerpatelnému zdroji: ropy, ze které se nafta vyrábí, je toto téma v dnešní době velice diskutované, prozatím jsou s ním malé zkušenosti, avšak do budoucna je jednou z mála variant náhrady fosilních paliv. Z tohoto důvodu aplikuji šetření do praxe, provádím výzkum ve skutečně existující společnosti, která denně provozuje několik mechanizačních strojů poháněných litry a litry nafty a zkoumám ekonomický dopad na náklady při nahrazení nafty alternativní pohonnou hmotou - řepkovým olejem. Pro větší zajímavost volím výrobu vlastního filtrovaného oleje z nakoupeného řepkového semene, na novém lisovacím zařízení, to vše mimo jiné za pomoci dohledu zaměstnanců na chod strojů.
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Analýza vybraných spořících a investičních produktů poskytovaných českými bankami z hlediska výnosů, nákladů, rizika a likvidityFelzmannová, Hana January 2007 (has links)
Cílem práce ?Analýza vybraných spořících a investičních produktů poskytovaných českými bankami z hlediska výnosů, nákladů, rizika a likvidity? je předložení přehledu možných způsobů zhodnocení volných finančních prostředků prostřednictvím vybraných spořících a investičních produktů nabízených na českém finančním trhu. Praktická část se zabývá analýzou a následným porovnáním termínovaných vkladů, stavebního spoření, penzijního připojištění a investic do hypotečních zástavních listů, dluhopisů, akcií, investičních certifikátů a penzijních fondů. Pozornost je věnována především jejich výnosnosti, daňovému zatížení, rizikovosti, likviditě a nákladovosti. Dílčí cíl práce spočívá ve vybrání nejvýhodnějšího a nejméně výhodného produktu na základě výsledků provedené analýzy.
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Prachatice od války do "sametové" revoluce. Stavební vývoj města / Prachatice since second world war to "velvet" revolution. Building developmentSTAŇKOVÁ, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation deals with building development of the town of Prachatice in second half of the twentieth century. In the initial chapters briefly outlines the development of the town from its foundation to the mid of the twentieth century and describes the changes in architecture and civil engineering after the communist party took control over the country in 1948. The core of the dissertation is introduced in following chapters in which the author aims to the building development of the town in second half of the twentieth century and the demolition works which done for the purpose of building new administrative and residential houses. The work also deals with several particular buildings in Prachatice and public art staged during socialist normalization era. The ending of the work is dedicated to the impact of socialistic urbanization on present-day town.
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Souvislost mezi charakteristikami trhu práce a trhu nemovitostí / The relationship between the characteristics of the labor market and real estate marketLUKŠÍKOVÁ, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is the relationship between the characteristics of the labor market and real estate market. The basic objective is to identify and assess the close ties between these markets and market influence on the volume of sales of real estate types. The work is divided into two parts, the first part is a literature review, which are clarified and explained selected basic concepts relating to the issue. The second part is a practical part in which the property itself divided into three segments and to family homes, apartments and building plots. Each segment that contains the values of the purchase prices and the number of deposits in the Land Registry. Other data obtained unemployment and wage. Individual data are divided, both within the Czech Republic, but also within each region and are listed in the resulting summary table, which is evaluated verbally.
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Hodnocení konkurenceschopnosti vybraného podniku / Evaluation competitiveness of the selected companyMAŠKOVÁ, Romana January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the evaluation of the competitiveness in the construction company HOCHTIEF CZ a.s. on the basis of strategical methods and processes.
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Analýza vlivu spořících produktů se státní podporou na rozpočet státu / An analysis of a savings products with state support impact on state budgetJanovská, Jana January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals saving products with state support and analyses their impact on the state budget. In the theoretical part presents housing policy and social policy of the Czech Republic. Provides saving products with state support. This includes building society account, earlier pension insurance and current complementary pension saving only. These forms of savings are analysed in practical part of this thesis. It introduces the development of the state contribution and introduces the changes, that affect the behaviour of savers. Presents a list of advantages and disadvantages of these products. In closing studies the direct and indirect impact on the state budget.
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