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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reactions to Profit Warnings at the Stockholm Stock Exchange

Hanning, Samuel, Ottersgård, Magne January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how profit warnings affect company valuation on companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange and what factors contribute to the valuation effects. Using an event study approach, we compute the cumulative abnormal returns following profit warnings between 2016 and 2022. Our findings show that companies issuing profit warnings experience substantial abnormal returns at the time of the announcement but that there are no cumulative abnormal returns the days after the issuance of profit warnings. Company-specific characteristics and properties of profit warnings do not explain the abnormal returns. However, the state of the business cycle does. The study provides insight into what factors mediate the market participants’ reaction to profit warnings. Also, it considers how current market contingencies impact abnormal returns the days after profit warnings are released. A key limitation is that the study does not consider the financial information disclosed in the profit warnings in any quantitative detail. The results of the study are partly inconsistent with previous studies on profit warnings regarding the effects of company-specific characteristics, properties of profit warnings, and abnormal returns after the issuance of profit warnings.

Indexeffektens inverkan på reviderade aktier i OMXS30 / The impact of the Index Effect on revised stocks in OMXS30

Broman, Albin, Nilson, Albin January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker indexeffektens påverkan på reviderade aktier i OMXS30 under åren 1995–2023. Shleifer (1986) är en av pionjärerna att finna stöd för denna anomali. Shleifer fann stöd för indexeffektens existens på S&P 500. Detta resultat går emot vad effektiva marknadshypotesen av Fama (1970) som menar på att detta inte ska vara möjligt på en effektiv marknad. Problematiken med denna teori är antaganden om hur samtliga intressenter på en marknad besitter samma kunskap, vilket studiens resultat likt Shleifer (1986) visar på inte stämmer i praktiken. Stockholmsbörsen är inte en effektiv marknad och vilket gör det möjligt för denna typ av anomali att existera. Shlefiers studie visar hur det är indexfonderna som handlar upp stora delar av utbudet av aktier tillgängliga på marknaden, vilket leder till ett minskat utbud. Det nya utbudet kan inte bemöta efterfrågan, vilket resulterar i att priset stiger. Denna studie visar på en positiv avvikelseavkastning för aktier som inkluderas i OMXS30, där den stora förändringen sker mellan dag -3 och -1 från eventdagen, det vill säga från att revideringen sker. Studiens resultat visar att mellan dag -3 och -1 har aktier som inkluderats en positiv kumulativ avvikelseavkastning på 3,118%. Detta i enighet med tidigare studier som på andra index funnit liknande resultat. Som förklaring till denna avvikelseavkastning har studien även funnit stöd för att det sker en förändring i antalet investerande inhemska institutioner. Likt Shleifers (1986) resultat visar även denna studie att indexfonders ökade intresse vid inkluderingar är en bidragande faktor till prisförändringen som uppstår, detta trots att ingen ny information om framtida avkastning tillkommit marknaden. Det som skiljer denna studies resultat från föregående studier är att denna även finner stöd för en negativ avvikelseavkastning för exkluderade aktier ur indexet under hela eventfönstret. De exkluderade aktierna har en signifikant negativ avvikelseavkastning mellan dagarna - 3 till -1 som är -2,125%. Dock ingen signifikant förändring i antal investerande institutioner. / This study examines the impact of the index effect on revised stocks in OMXS30 during the period 1995 to 2023. This study demonstrates a positive abnormal return for stocks included in OMXS30, with the greatest change occurring between day -3 and -1 from the event day, which corresponds to the inclusion. The results show that during this period, included stocks have a positive cumulative abnormal return of 3.118%. This is consistent with previous studies on other indices. The study also finds support for a change in the number of domestic institutional investors as an explanation for this abnormal return. Similar to Shleifer's (1986) findings, this study shows that the increased interest from index funds in the event of an inclusion contributes to the observed price change, despite no new information about future returns being introduced to the market. What sets this study apart from previous ones is that it also finds evidence for a negative abnormal return for excluded stocks throughout the event window. Excluded stocks have a significantly negative abnormal return between day -3 and -1, which is -2.125%. However, no significant change in the number of investing institutions is observed when it comes to excluded stocks.

Adopting Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)in Metro-Manila Railway system : Considering Sweden’s Experience and Learning

Arian Far, Farhad January 2019 (has links)
Transit-oriented development (TOD) or as it is referred to in Sweden ABC (Arbete, Bostad,och Centrum which means work, housing, and city center) is the highly prevailing and excitingconcept of integrating urban communities, activities, people, buildings and public places together.This idea is primarily focused upon the creation of walkable, pedestrian-oriented communities andcycling connections, which are centered among the high-quality train systems.This research has been conducted to provide a comprehensive analysis related to theimplementation of the TOD model within Metro-Manila, by enhancing its railway network toreduce the problem of high traffic congestion and to provide a better service to a larger number ofpassengers. To carry out this research, various ideas were taken from the TOD projects that havebeen implemented within the metro system of Stockholm as an example to be used for Metro-Manila.In order to conduct this study, both quantitative and qualitative research approaches wereutilized to conduct an in-depth analysis of the current conditions of the railway transportationsystem in Metro-Manila. Within the qualitative part of this research, a SWOT analysis and adetailed comparison was also carried out to determine the efficiency of Metro-Manila and the areaswhere it needed significant improvements. Whereas, for the quantitative analysis, a survey wasconducted from both the people of Metro-Manila and Stockholm (i.e., 226 respondents) tounderstand the current situations of these railway networks more appropriately. The survey wasdesigned based on close-ended five (5) points Likert Scale questions. The results of the surveysrevealed that the respondents were mostly satisfied with the metro system in Stockholm andimplementation of the TOD concepts but usually dissatisfied with Metro-Manila railway system.An interview was also conducted with the officials of the Stockholm transport organization (SL)to gather more insight related to the problems within the railway networks.It was revealed from the analysis that Metro-Manila railway network has been facingsevere problems in terms of limited capacity, poor facilities, unavailability of trains, andmismanagement. The analysis also revealed a few problems within the Stockholm metro systemas well. However, to eradicate or mitigate these problems, several strategies and recommendationshave been proposed within this research. Based from the facts the researcher has gathered and ispresented in this research paper, it was evident that implementation of transit-orienteddevelopment, even if its limited to just the basic concepts, will highly be beneficial in botheconomic and societal aspects and its effectively and efficiently is enough to satisfy the needs ofthe daily commuters and would result in a dramatical reduction of traffic congestions.

The role of bioenergy for achieving a fossil fuel free Stockholm by 2040

Dittrich, Linnea, Lillieroth, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Bioenergy is extracted from biomass. What counts as biomass is generally quite diverse, but broadly speaking, it is material that previously lived. Today, energy extracted from biofuels make up around 23% of Stockholm city's total energy consumption. Stockholm city has set a goal to be a fossil-free city by 2040, i.e. zero emissions from energy use. Two sectors have been identified where emissions occur and these are the transport sector and the electricity and heating sector. This thesis will only address the electricity and heating sector. This includes all energy consumption within Stockholm city municipality. When Stockholm is developing towards a fossil fuel free city, it’s interesting to look at how important bioenergy will be as an energy source in the future. This thesis has scrutinized the role of bioenergy in reaching a fossil fuel free city. Three major policies have been investigated. The carbon dioxide tax and the emission rights system have promoted the bioenergy and its deployment in a positive way. The system of electricity certificates has shown to indirectly affect the bio energy in a negative way. The key finding is that bioenergy will have a great impact in reaching the goal mainly through its contributions with negative emissions, but it is also an important substitute to fossil fuels. / Bioenergi utvinns ur biomassa eller biobränslen. Biomassa och biobränslen är ganska diffusa begrepp då definitionen varierar runt om i världen, men generellt sett är det material som tidigare levt. Idag utgör energi från biobränslen cirka 23% av Stockholms stads totala energiförbrukning. Stockholms stad har satt upp ett mål att vara en fossilfri stad år 2040, det vill säga inga utsläpp från stadens energiförbrukning. Det finns två huvudsakliga sektorer där koldioxidutsläpp förekommer, dessa är transportsektorn och eloch värmesektorn. Detta inkluderar all energiförbrukning inom Stockholms kommuns gränser, till exempel uppvärmning av hushåll och energin de fordon som körs i staden förbrukar. När Stockholm utveckling går mot att bli en fossilbränslefri stad är det intressant att se hur viktig bioenergi kommer att vara som energikälla i framtiden. Denna rapport granskar bioenergins roll i att nå klimatmålet till 2040. De huvudsakliga slutsaterna är att bioenergi kommer ha en stor och viktig roll i att nå målet och att dess största inverkan kommer vara de negativa utsläppen. Vissa lagar har främjat bioenergin medans vissa indirekt har påverkat dess utveckling negativt. Bioenergin har en ljus framtid i Stockholm.

Evaluation of the Grouting Methodology used in the Stockholm City Line Project

Brynjolfsson, Brynjolfur January 2014 (has links)
As part of the Stockholm City Line project a grouting design was conducted and documentedduring the planning phase, based on theoretical grounds. This comprehensive design is the first of its kind for a tunneling project in Sweden. Due to the scale of the undertaking, the general design was ordered by the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) to apply for the pregrouting operations at the City Line’s rock tunnels. During the local design however, the grouting work developed differently within each sub-project from what was prescribed by the original design. This thesis project was carried out in cooperation with Trafikverket and concerns subjects related to the general grouting design for the City Line. The emphasis is on describing the general design, its theoretical background, and further to investigate what modifications were made during the local design. It was also to discuss the reasons and justifications for the changes at each sub-project. A detailed analysis of the grouting results at chosen sub-projects of the City Line has been performed, including: Vasatunnel & Odenplan Norrmalmstunnel Norrströmstunnel Södermalmstunnel The evaluation of results featured a calculation of sealing effects for the track tunnels at the different sites, which were then compared to the inflow requirements set by the Swedish Environmental Court. Further, a section of each sub-project was analyzed with respect to both pumping time and grout consumption. In total 96 pre-grouting fans, including approximately 2900 grouting holes were analyzed for this purpose. The goal was to identify the most economical method of grouting at the City Line, which still met all the demands regarding inleakage. The performed study showed that for all sub-projects the local grouting proceedings evolved considerably, although to varying extents, from the originally designed grouting concepts. In general the designed concepts were quite conservative, and not entirely applicable for grouting at large parts in its unchanged form. However they were hugely beneficial as excellent basis for local modifications made considering site specific conditions.Performed calculations showed that the grouting works at all the sub-projects provided sealing which fulfilled the requirements set by the Environmental court. However the pumping times and material consumption were different between all of them, which provided a basis for a discussion on how economical the grouting was at each site.If documenting of grouting methods and designs is carried on in future tunneling projects, especially of similar scale as the City Line, the knowledge gained can be transferred from one project to the next. Thus consistently building up further understanding on the complexities of hard rock grouting. / I anslutning till förprojekteringen av Citybanan-projektet i Stockholm genomfördes den första dokumenterade dimensioneringen av förinjektering för ett större tunnelprojekt i Sverige baserat på teoretiska grunder. Denna dimensionering beställdes av Trafikverket för att fungera som en utgångspunkt för förinjekteringen på Citybanans bergtunnlar. I samband med detaljprojekteringen och byggfasen av de olika delprojekten inom Citybanan, utvecklades förinjekteringen emellertid olika.Detta examensarbete genomfördes i samarbete med Trafikverket och behandlar frågeställningar relaterade till det injekteringskoncept som togs fram i samband med förprojekteringen.Tyngdpunkten ligger på att beskriva den ursprungliga dimensioneringen av förinjekteringen, dess teoretiska bakgrund samt vilka ändringar som genomfördes under detaljprojektering och byggfasen inom de olika delprojekten. Vidare diskuteras orsakerna och motiveringarna till de utförda förändringarna inom varje delprojekt. Därutöver genomfördes en detaljerad analys av resultaten från injekteringen vid de utvalda delprojekten inom Citybanan. Följande delprojekt ingick i analysen: Vasatunneln och Odenplan Norrmalmstunneln Norrströmstunneln Södermalmstunneln Utvärdering av resultaten innefattade en beräkning av tätningseffekterna för spårtunnlarna vid de olika delprojekten, vilka sedan jämfördes med tätningskraven som har fastställts av Miljödomstolen. Vidare analyserades en del av varje delprojekt med avseende på både pumptid och konsumtion av injekteringsbruk. Totalt analyserades 96 injekteringsskärmar som inkluderar cirka 2900 injekteringshål. Målet var att identifiera den mest ekonomiska metoden för injektering vid Citybanan som samtidigt uppfyller alla krav på inläckage.Den utförda studien visade att inom samtliga delprojekt vidareutvecklades det ursprungliga injekteringskonceptet i olika omfattning från det ursprungliga. Generellt var det ursprungligen utformade konceptet för förinjekteringen för konservativt och inte helt tillämplig för injektering på alla delar av Citybanan i oförändrad form. Men den utgjorde en bra bas för de lokala modifieringar som gjordes med avseende på platsspecifika förhållanden.Analysen av de utförda injekteringsarbetena visade att samtliga delprojekt uppfyllde de krav på tätning som fastställdes av Miljödomstolen. Pumptider och materialförbrukning mellan de olika delprojekten var emellertid starkt varierande. Resultaten från analysen utgjorde ett underlag för en diskussion om vilka injekteringsmetodiker vid de olika delprojekten som var mest kostnadseffektiva.Genom att dokumentera och analysera den dimensionering av injektering och injekteringsmetodik, såsom genomförts i detta examensarbete, i framtida större tunnelprojekt såsom Citybanan kan den erhållna kunskapen överföras från ett projekt till nästa. På så vis kan det konsekvent byggas upp en ökad förståelse och erfarenhet kring injektering i hårt berg.

The construction of identity : An urban study of the Centrums of Rinkeby, Tensta and Husby / Konstruktion av identitet : En stadsstudie av Rinkeby, Tensta och Husby Centrum

Mekler, Sandra, Alfredo, Ambre January 2019 (has links)
The Stockholm Municipality has set inclusion at the core of its objectives for the city with its “Vision 2040: A Stockholm for Everyone” (Stockholm Stad, 2018). Acknowledging the divide between neighborhoods, the government has brought forward social sustainability as a key component to improve the fast-growing city. This research focuses on three of the most stigmatized neighborhoods of Stockholm: Rinkeby, Tensta, and Husby, where residents are predominantly of foreign background, to offer an alternative way of understanding inclusion. Specifically, this study looks into the public spaces at the center of these three neighborhoods in a comparative analysis of public life. The collaborative project presented here shows the importance of these centrums in supporting community life in the suburbs. Drawing from Setha Low’s research on public squares in Costa Rica, the following paragraphs suggest public space is not only produced by those who envision it, but also constructed by those who use it, through daily processes, behaviors, and habits. These observed patterns carry significance as they forge the character of a place, and address practices and emotions within a collective identity. The thesis puts emphasis on the dynamic nature of public space, the relationship between morphology and use, and the potential neighborhood centers have for becoming hubs of inclusion.

Publikum Nynäshamn: Social-ecological Architecture in Public Municipal Space

Ranara, Jeff January 2019 (has links)
Publikum Nynäshamn docks directly to the west façade of the existing 9 story municipal building with seven floors of open activity space. These surround a full-height atrium across which a two-floor living plant green wall provides the monumental living presence of nature and its ecosystem services in an office environment.  Plants also grace the other side of this two story wall, providing a living backdrop for the heart of the building - the raised three floor high assembly hall. A lunchroom with balconies above the assembly hall provides city views and a roof garden for municipal staff. The two floor high lobby beneath the assembly hall provides a new internal city street between Banana Square and Floravägen – a former back alleyway.  A ground-level colonnade walkway with benches surrounds the new and old buildings, inviting citizens into the building spaces. Public space and circulation is further enhanced with a new passageway opening up the former dead-end southwest corner of Banana Square where the old municipal building met Folkets hus (People’s House). A generous stair complex in this new sunny southern square provides spontaneous seating and meeting spaces as well as additional outdoor access to the two floor café, art gallery, and the largest green roof – one of three accessible green roofs that enhance social and ecological values.  Pedestrian movement can continue through this new passageway directly down to Svandammen (swan pond), and in the opposite direction, directly up to Banana square from the commuter rail station.   The café and two-floor meeting room spaces provide evening and weekend public social spaces for the city residents, complementing existing bars and restaurants in the adjoining Folkets Hus.   Reduced use of energy is encouraged with progressively rising central spaces allowing for the possibility of natural stack ventilation, thermal mass energy storage in concrete (HD/F) slabs, and generous natural daylight through the glazed curtain wall climate shell surrounding the building.  Abstracted winged structures crown the top of the building and grace the building entrances, inspired by the sightings of sea eagles reported in this coastal area, and provides both a signum for the building (instead of a more traditional municipal building tower) and extended surface for rainwater collection that can be used for watering indoor green plant walls and the roof garden vegetation.  The deeper soil of the intensive green roofs not only provides more uptake and retention of rainwater (and thus reduced peak flow rates favorable for stormwater management) but also allows planting of larger, woody plants and bushes, and even small trees, which in turn, among other social and ecological benefits, add natural habitat to a predominantly impervious-surfaced downtown urban area.

Varvet : A concert venue on Södermalm

Bernerstedt, Ingrid January 2019 (has links)
This project proposes a new building for a concert venue on Södermalm in Stockholm. An area especially affected by the current trend that venues for experiencing contemporary music live are being shut down and driven away from the inner city, due to everything from complaining neighbours to making room for more profitable businesses. The idea for the project sprung out of the sudden closing of the venue Debaser Medis, whose facilities was removed when the building it was situated in was to undergo major renovations. The purpose with Varvet was to create a new venue in a freestanding building, independent from other businesses, and giving contemporary music a more articulated place in the city. The project also includes the re-purposing of an adjacent existing building to facilitate a cafe and bar as well as functions supporting the daily business of the venue such as offices, practice rooms and a small workshop.

Public Art and Residual Urban Spaces : The Case for Informal Public Art in Stockholm / Offentlig konst och det överblivna stadsrummet : En diskussion om informell offentlig konst i Stockholm

Cavendish, Maia January 2019 (has links)
While Stockholm has made significant investments in formal public art throughout the inner city and suburbs, the city has a lack of informal public art. Defined as a feature or work produced by a person who considers themselves to be an artist or craftsperson, located in a place accessible to and used by the public, public art can be either formal or informal. Informal public art generally has no formal process, with flexibility on the temporal nature of the work, materials and subject. This allows the artwork to inhabit spaces which are overlooked or underinvested in by formal public art commissioning bodies, and not have to follow formal public art requirements which are part of the broken “public art machine”. (Phillips, 1988). Much of Stockholm’s urban environment is considered beautiful, has heritage value and/ or is protected. But Stockholm also hosts many spaces in between – spaces that hold the city together, including infrastructure, bridges, alleys, and the places under and between them. These spaces can be labelled as a city’s residual spaces (Villagomez, 2010), and are where informal public art can be utilised to make these spaces into places. This study outlines the importance of and background to public art in the context of Stockholm. A survey of Stockholm’s residents, visitors and potential future visitors established how they feel about public art in the city, as well as in residual urban spaces, and to what extent it assists with establishing a place connection. This was accompanied by onsite interventions and observational analysis which challenged the way residual urban spaces are being used in Stockholm, and developed a case for how informal public art can be incorporated in the city’s residual urban spaces.

Relationen mellan nivån av våldsbrottslighet och personer i rörelse på Hötorget. En kvantitativ studie

Mellado, Elizabeth January 2017 (has links)
I denna kvantitativa studie så granskas relationen mellan rörligheten och våldsbrottsligheten på Hötorget, som är ett torg beläget i det centrala Stockholm. Genom att utföra univariata och bivariata analyser på sekundärdata från polisen och Storstockholms lokaltrafik, så undersöktes det under vilka tidpunkter på dygnet som det rör sig flest människor i området och det begås flest brott. Resultatet av dessa analyser var att det fanns ett tydligt samband mellan de två variablerna samt att vid variationer i en variabel så noterades variationer i den andra. När det rör sig färre människor i området så inträffar det fler våldsbrott och detta mönstret har noterats gälla både under vardagar och helger. / In this quantitative study, the relationship between the level of mobility and the amount of violent crimes in Hötorget is studied. Through univariate and bivariate analyses of secondary data, the times in which the crimes were committed along with the amount of people moving in the area were studied. It was revealed that there was indeed a correlation between the two variables and that changes in one variable also led to changes in the other. Lastly, the results showed that the amount of violent crimes reached its peak when there were few people moving in the neighborhood and this occurred both during the weekdays and the weekend.

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