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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Tovatt, Tania January 2018 (has links)
Havsviksskolan tar hänsyn till omgivningen i dess placering på henriksdalstomten då den följer den befintliga statsformen och tar vid Henriksdalsalléns riktning snarare än den intilliggande motorvägen. Det höga tornet innehåller klassrum från årskurs 3 – 6 som jag har valt att placera ovanpå varandra för att kunna nyttja skolgården på bästa sätt. Tornet relaterar till Backström & Reinius punkthus och marknivåskillnaderna på tomten- byggnaden står i suterräng med entré från gatuplan och våningen ovanför. Den lägre delen sträcker sig som en “arm” ut från tornet och avskärmar skolgården från vägen. På markplan ligger förskolan, klass 1 och 2 (årskurser som jag anser ha störst behov av direkt kontakt med mark). På det övre planet ligger alla ämnessalar, personalrum samt matsal. Detta plan kontrasterar till den specifika planlösningen i tornet, ämnesalarnna och korridorens planlösning är flexibel med många generella öppna ytor – platser för eleverna att använda på det sätt som passar dem bäst. Det sågtandade takets riktning styr utformningen av de speciella rummen. Överbelysning från takfönster ger fina rum trots byggnadens djup som följer gymnastiksalens bredd,18 meter.  Gymnastiksalen har nio meter i takhöjd (7,5 meter exklusive konstruktion) och är nedgrävd en våning. Den lyser upp skolgården på kvällstid tack vare den uppglasade fasaden från makt till bjälklag, som även tillåter folk på gatunivå att blicka ner i salen. Ett så kallat ’Pratt’s fackverk’ i trä med diagonaler i stål sträcker sig från sida till sida av den 18 meter breda skolgården.  Skolbyggnadens fasad är klädd med stående furupanel ytbehandlad med järnvitriol som grånar med tiden och samspelar med det veckade taket i valsblank titanzink. / Havsviksskolan takes into account its surroundings in its location on the specified site as it complies with the existing state form and picks up the direction of the Henriksdal alley rather than the adjacent motorway. The high tower contains classrooms from grades 3 to 6 that I have chosen to place on top of each other in order to leave as much space as possible for the school. The high-rise building relates to Backström & Reinius tower blocks. The lower part of the school stretches out like an "arm" from the tower and shields the school yard from the road. At ground level I’ve placed the pre-school, class 1 and 2 (grades I consider benefit most of direct contact with the ground). The floor above holds the classrooms for various subjects, staff rooms and dining area. On the contrary to the specific rooms of the tower the lower part of the school is flexible with many general open spaces - places for students to use in the way that suits them the best. The direction of the saw-toothed roof controls the planning and design of the special rooms. Light form the sky enters the building though windows facing north in the ceiling. This provide nice spaces despite the depth of the building which follows the gymnasium's width, 18 meters. The height of the gym is nine meters (7.5 meters excluding construction). The floor of the gym is one stories down below ground. It illuminates the school yard in the evening thanks to its open façade made of glass which also allows people on the yard/street to look at the activities in the hall. The construction is a so-called 'Pratt's Fackverk' in wood with steel diagonals. The facade of the school building is pinewood panel -treated with iron vitriol, which turn grey over time and interacts with the zinc ceiling.


Zhong, Yang January 2018 (has links)
Tetrisskolan är en F-6-skola för drygt 420 elever, belägen i Henriksdal i Stockholm.Skolans titel kommer från det dess arkitektur ursprungligen är inspirerat av - pusselspel, framförallt Tetris. Valet av just Tetris var främst för att utforska segmentens former och se vad de kunde skapa för rum, både i plan och sektion. Tetris segment består alla av fyra kvadrater och därför valde jag att utgå från ett rutnät för att experimentera med planskisser samt volym.  I rutnätet användes huvudsakligen måttet 3.7 x 3.7 m, men även 1.85 x 1.85 m och 0.925 x 0.925 m för att göra planerna mer yteffektiva. Skolbyggnaden består alltså av kuber i de dimensionerna. Färgvariationen på Tetris-figurerna var också en stor inspiration, både interiört och exteriört. Jag ville skapa en färgglad och lekfull miljö för barnen. Med hjälp av pusselteman kan de också påverka barnens logiska samt analytiska tänkande positivt. Dessutom blir det också en stor kontrast till tomten som annars kan uppfattas som oattraktiv då den är belägen precis bredvid en motorväg. Dock har den också många bra kvalitéer som till exempel att det redan finns en befintlig lekplats där, bra med kollektivtrafik samt nära till vatten (Henriksdalshamnen) och omgivningen annars är väldigt trevlig. / Tetris School is a pre- and primary school for about 420 pupils, located at Henriksdal in Stockholm.The school’s architecture was inspired by puzzle games, mostly Tetris. The choice of using Tetris was to explore the shapes of the games’ segments and discover what kinds of space they could create, both in plans and sections. The segments consists of four squares, therefore I chose to use a grid to experiment with the plans and volumes.The squares used in the grid had mostly the measurements 3.7 x 3.7 m, but also 1.85 x 1.85 m and 0.925 x 0.925 m to make it more space efficient. Cubes in these three dimensions form the whole school building. Another big inspiration from the Tetris game was the color variations, which were used both in the interior and exterior, creating a playful surrounding for the pupils. Applying puzzle themes like this may affect their logical and analytical thinking positively. The pop of colors also make a big contrast to the site which can be perceived as an unattractive place because of the highway next to it. But the site also has good qualities like an already existing playground, efficient infrastructure, public transportation and water (Henriksdalshamnen) nearby. And the surrounding environment is overall very favorable.

How can Swedish food retailers create incentives for sustainable consumption?

Bäckman, Daniella January 2018 (has links)
Sustainable consumption is becoming more and more important when aiming to achieve a sustainable food industry in the future. A sustainable movement requires actions from diverse actors on the market such as politicians, organizations, retailers, consumers etc. This research focuses mainly on retailers and partly consumers. Past research examines consumer behaviour when it comes to sustainable consumption and companies’ incorporation of Corporate Sustainability. This research seeks to complement prior research by investigating two major retailers in the Swedish food industry, Axfood and ICA. Through semi-structured interviews, with Sustainability Managers working at these companies, the research collects qualitative data that contributes to a better understanding of the Swedish food retailing industry and how they address sustainability issues. The research highlight current trends on today’s market and identify crucial focus areas for the future.

Kunskapens träd / The Tree of Knowledge

Sandgren Østenstad, Jofrid January 2018 (has links)
Min första tanke när vi skulle göra skola var att jag ville skapa en rolig skola med en spännande miljö, som inspirerar till nyfikenhet och lust att lära. Jag hade en ambition om att fylla skolan med roliga detaljer att upptäcka. I löpet av projektet har jag försökt föreställa mig hur byggnaden skulle upplevas av ett barn. Både på tomten och intill finns en hel del fin natur. Särskilt tyckte jag om en kulle på tomten, där jag kunde föreställa mig att man som barn skulle vilja klättra upp och leka. Jag valde därför att bygga på andra sidan av tomten. Parkeringsplatser och leveranser lade jag nära vägen, så skolgården vänder mot den lugnare sidan. Gränsen mot skogen är mindre tydlig, eftersom det är en bra plats att leka, och kan kanske fungera som en fortsättning av skolgården. et symbolska “kunskapens träd” blev en bärande ide i gestaltningen. Iden kom först i det centrala trapphuset, där en stor pelare format som ett träd bär upp en glaskupol längst upp. Jag ville gärna ha en huvudentre, eftersom det kändes som ett grepp som skulle verka samlande för skolan identitet. Trädet representerar det organiska, naturen, kunskapen och att växa. Annars försökte jag använda ganska enkla former, som cirklar och rektanglar. Cirkeln får symbolisera helhet och jämvikt medan det fyrkantiga och raka uttrycker rationalitet och tydlighet. I själva verket kan trädet beskrivas som en syntes av dessa två - det organiska kan beskrivas med geometriska former, och innehåller både raka och svängda element. Detta kommer kanske allra tydligast fram i hemvisterna, där en rad raka pelare står i kontrast till en slingrande tegelvägg. / My ambition in this project has been to make an exciting and inspiraing school, filled with interesting detail to discover. Throughout the project, I tried imagining how a child would experience the building.  There is a lot of nice nature at Mälarängen. I particularily liked a small hill on the lot. Therefore, I decided to place the building on the other side.  The symbolic "Tree of Knowledge" became a central idea in the process. Starting with the cetral staircase, where a large pillar shaped like a tree holds up a large glass cupola in the ceiling, the concept spread to the rest of the building as well. I wanted a main entry, as I fealt it would create a sense of toghetherness within the school.  The tree represents the the organic, nature, knowledge and growth. Other than that, I decided to try to stick to simple shapes like the circle and straight lines/squares. The circle symbolises wholeness and equality, while the straight lines express rationality and clarity.

Onsen At Långholmen : Swedish Bath House Inspired by Japanese Bathing Culture / Onsen på Långholmen

Holm, Petter January 2018 (has links)
The idea for my Thesis project sprung from a trip I made last June around the Northernmost of the great Japanese islands, Hokkaido. Due to unexpectedly rough weather conditions we had to cancel many of the hikes and climbs that we had planned and instead immerse our bodies and senses in the wonderful onsen culture of Japan. These bathing institutions really lured my architectural interest and especially everything surrounding the actual bathing. The connectivity between architecture and nature, the almost profanely directed rituals, and the special relationship between water, space and materiality was just some of the aspects that originated this project. To create a contemporary bathhouse in Stockholm using the teachings around the onsen and traditional Japanese architecture.

Through The Archipelago

Kotvan, Michal January 2018 (has links)
Stockholm archipelago has over the centuries been fairly unknown and anonymous place for many. Unless you were involved in fishing or trade you did not know much about this sea landscape. Besides its commercial value it had also a military significance for a long period. During Gustav Vasa’s reign Vaxholm was decided to consolidate in order to protect the entrance to Stockholm by sea. Up until mid 20th century it was occupied mainly by fishermen and farmers. It was a place where people lived, studied and worked because of its natural riches. In the early 1900s more and more land was bought by rich Stockholmers for recreation purposes. A new typology has appeared on the islands, great summer villas. Even artists and writers were drawn to this place, including August Strindberg, Bruno Liljefors and Gustaf Fröding. After WW II, the population in archipelago rapidly declined. It was mainly due to compulsory education. People were forced to seek places to settle on mainland where higher education facilities were located. It also offered a wider range of jobs. The islands were slowly transformed from agricultural land into recreational resorts for the rich. Nowadays, it is very popular summer holiday destination among Stockholmers and many others which is represented by 50 000 summer cottages that are spread out on many of the islands. It is becoming a luxury holiday destination with popular water sports and fast loud boats disturbing the natural habitat of archipelago. thesis The aim of this project is to better understand complex nature of Stockholm’s Archipelago, its inner working and relation between natural habitat and people. Through series of sensitive micro-interventions I would like to tell a story of archipelago, provide a “path“ to follow and explore this beautiful biotope. However, this should be achieved in meaningful and practical way. These small (temporary) structures range from a bench with a beautiful view of the sea, tree house library, public WC, floating sauna to a small desalination plant for residents as well as tourists. The objective is to provide a sustainable future experience of the Stockholm archipelago as well as education and information regarding preservation and protection of the environment.


Morfeldt, Camilla January 2018 (has links)
An investigation how a structural system can become flexible to fit different lifestyles.

Analyzing and Design of a Mosque in a Multicultural Society With Cultural Approach : Analyzing and Design of a Mosque in a Multicultural Society With Cultural Approach

Javaheri, Mahya January 2018 (has links)
This project attempted to detennine cultural factors in architecture and include these factors in architectural form and function. This work also aimed to determine the influence of certain contexts on architectural design specific to a certain region with a unique culture. This research focused on new identity, prestige, contexts and demands of contemporary Islamic architecture rather than design of novel, complex and eccentric forms in this new area. The present study conjured a sense of balance in the complexity, confusion and imbalance of new fonns. Some contemporary architects solely emphasize the past Islamic designs and ignore new contexts. On the contrary, others only focus on new contexts and neglect the past. Neither one is true. New designs should be based on the available space and context with regard to past fonns. In other words, the past heritage of architecture can influence the contemporary architecture if the new space and context can be fitted to the past. If not, new context is entirely unique and specific to the new space. Nevertheless, the preliminary principles of Islamic architecture should be preserved. The present project made some efforts to detennine the influence of different cultural and multicultural contexts on Islamic architectural designs (e.g. mosque). It sought to include other cultures in Islamic architecture. However, future studies are needed to clarify this issue.

Scaling down flagship projects : Exploring the reverberations of large-scale projects in Stockholm / Nedskalning av flaggskeppsprojekt : Utforskning av storskaliga projekts efterdyningar i Stockholm

Vlachaki- Stamatopoulou, Eleni- Konstantina January 2020 (has links)
Drawing from the ever-evolving processes that reproduce and re-define our everyday life in our living environment, this study explores the reverberations of flagship projects in the wider urban landscape. The power structures that formulate spatial production are discussed. Flagships are viewed as tangible representations of governmental and public authorities’ strategies. In-depth understanding of the consequences that stem from such implementations evidence the power dynamics in urban development processes. Stockholm’s vision for 2040 envisages the reinforcement of democratically sustainable development. This study delves into the socio-spatial earmarks that emerge from leading urban development projects in the wider urban landscape and more specifically in the adjoining to the project areas. To do so, this research looks into the urban development of the districts adjoining two large-scale projects, the Hammarby Sjöstad and the Royal Seaport.

Manifestation of Urban Segregation in the Urban Form / Manifestation av urban segregering i urban form

Ramasamy Venkatesamoorthy, Divya January 2019 (has links)
Segregation in urban areas is a universal phenomenon. A combination of factors include but are not limited to: city form, planning policies, policies relating to the settlement of immigrants, economic policies, building of infrastructure and chronological events in the growth of a city. Through this thesis work, I would like to examine how urban form is different in areas of the city where racial/ economic segregation is prevalent in Stockholm city. The hypothesis which I would like to examine through study is : The development and maintenance of urban form(which stands to denote all elements relating to the urban area: roads, pavements, lighting fixtures, buildings, public services etc) is influenced by segregation in the city, and it reflects and in turn reinforces the prevalent segregation.

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