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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Is local climate change adaptation [CCA] inclusive for/adapted to everybody? : A qualitative study and intersectional analysis of local CCA within Stockholm County / Är klimatanpassning anpassad för alla? : En kvalitativ studie och intersektionell analys av klimatanpassning i Stockholms län

Mattsson, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Stockholm County is currently implementing climate change adaptation, making it essential to distinguish the priorities being made. Previous research has suggested that social dimensions of climate change adaptation in cities, especially in the Global North, are largely ignored. Therefore, this thesis aims to identify how social dimension issues of current local Climate Change Adaptation [CCA] in Stockholm County is perceived by CCA-practitioners and provide an overall understanding of how current local Climate Change Adaptation [CCA] materializes in Stockholm County. Five civil servants working as environmental planners/strategists were interviewed and part of a semi-structured interview study, which was analyzed through thematic analysis and an intersectional framework. The results suggest that current local CCA prioritizes specific climate hazards (Floods and different erosion- related hazards), certain buildings (new developments), and certain evaluations (technical). In addition, heatwaves, existing built environments, and social dimension assessments were shown to be of less focus in current local CCA. The results from the intersectional franmework showed that specific identity categories are considered in certain climate hazards, specifically in heatwaves that have clear health outcomes compared to the other hazards. It also shows that gender seems to be the least explored identity category of vulnerability in current local CCA-practice. / Stockholms län genomför för närvarande klimatanpassnings-åtgärder, vilket gör det viktigt att urskilja hur det tar sig i uttryck. Tidigare forskning har signalerat att sociala dimensioner klimatanpassning av städer, särskilt i det globala Nord, i stort sett har ignorerats. Därför syftar denna uppsats till att ge en övergripande förståelse för hur klimatanpassning inom Stockholms län tar sig i uttryck och vilka sociala perspektiv bedöms relevanta verksamma tjänstemän inom klimatanpassning. Uppsatsen hade två forskningsfrågor: 1) Enligt tjänstemän som arbetar med klimatanpassning inom Stockholms län, vad prioriteras och vad prioriteras inte inom nuvarande klimatanpassnings-praxis för en klimatrisk, och varför? 2)Enligt tjänstemän som arbetar med klimatanpassning inom Stockholms län, vem anses vara sårbar inom klimatanpassning, och var inom nuvarande klimatanpassnings-praxis tas det i åtanke? Uppsatsen har förlitats sig i stort på intersektionalitet som ett analytiskt verktyg och som vägledning i en litteraturstudie. Eftersom klimatanpassning utförs inom fysisk planering av kommunen, har fem tjänstemän som arbetar som miljöplanerare eller miljö-strateger intervjuats i en semistrukturerad intervjustudie. Materialet har analyserades genom tematisk analys. Den tematiska analysen gav tre typer av teman, där en viss prioritering kunde urskiljas. Resultaten tyder på att nuvarande klimatanpassning prioriterar specifika klimatrisker (översvämningar, ras och skred), vissa byggnader (ny bebyggelse) och vissa utvärderingar (tekniska). Dessutom visade resultatet på att värmeböljor, befintliga miljöer och bedömningar av sociala dimensioner är av mindre vikt och fokus inom klimatanpassning. Den tematiska analysen gav även ett fjärde tema kallat Sårbarheter. Under detta tema, presenterades hur sårbarheter inför klimatförändringar uppfattas av de intervjuade tjänstemännen och de angivna sårbarheterna analyserades med ett befintligt intersektionellt ramverk. Resultaten från den intersektionella analysen visar att specifika identitetskategorier beaktas mer i vissa klimatrisker, till exempel vid värmeböljor som har tydliga hälsokonsekvenser jämfört med andra extrema väderhändelser. Den visar också att kön är den minst utforskade i dagens klimatanpassnings- praxis i Stockholms Län.

Susceptibility and the Stockholm Syndrome

Cabrera, Karina S 01 January 2022 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis intends to explore the relationship between three specific types of abuse and their susceptibility to developing Stockholm syndrome. Stockholm syndrome is the psychological phenomenon of a victim empathizing with their abuser. It can occur under various types of abuse, such as captivity, domestic violence with a partner, and child sexual abuse. A thorough literature review was conducted on the topic to determine which type of abuse makes a person more susceptible to developing the syndrome. It was concluded that the circumstances involved in child sexual abuse make a victim more inclined to sympathize with their abuser. By understanding the intensity of a victim's situation, clinicians can properly sculpt their treatment methods. The lack of research comparing types of abuse and their corresponding effects provides an impetus for future studies to explore this topic. A mixed-mode study is proposed as an alternative method of measuring the researcher’s hypothesis.

Allmänheten som intuitiv magkänsla : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om Region Stockholms kommunikation med allmänheten

Gäfvert, Hanna, Rinalder, Svante January 2024 (has links)
This study explores the complexities of public sector communication in Region Stockholm, focusing on the reasons for the communicative decisions made to reach the public. Through qualitative interviews with communication professionals in the organisation, the study investigates the conditions they face, how they conceptualise their audiences (the public), and how this affects their communicative decisions, as well as what the consequences are following these communicative decisions. The study utilises a theoretical framework drawn from the concepts of the Montreal School’s perspective on the communicative constitution of organisation (CCO) and strategic communication, both through the theoretical lens of actor-network theory (ANT). Furthermore, these perspectives are combined with the concept of imagined audience.  This study identifies several conditions that influence both communication professionals’ communicative choices and their conceptualisation of the public. These include organisational structure, economic resources and digital affordances. This in turn shapes a dual perception of the public; as a homogeneous majority public conceptualised in relation to the organisation, possessing attributes such as Swedish-speaking and digital literacy, as well as diverse minority publics requiring tailored communication strategies outside ordinary day-to-day communication activities. Due to limited economic and structural resources, the organisation’s communication professionals tend to prioritise known groups (the general and homogeneous public) leading to the exclusion of the less familiar publics, which can be seen as problematic from a democratic perspective. This study contributes to the understanding of public sector communication through a novel perspective, highlighting the need to understand communication professionals’ perceptions of the public and the conditions in which they operate, with an emphasis on the democratic implications of inclusion and exclusion that follow.

How does the Signalling effect of insider transactions differ on the Swedish stock market? : - An analysis of insider transactions on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, comparing selling versus buying effects in the Tech and Industrial sectors.

Sandberg, Filip, Sandelin, Filip January 2024 (has links)
Background: In financial markets, decisions to buy or sell securities are highly influenced by the aim of making a profit and avoiding losses. The signals that insider transactions send to external investors can significantly impact those decisions. The signals can differ depending on the type of transaction, within which sector, and the company's size. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether insider transactions employ a more potent influence when buying or selling stocks. A partial purpose is distinguishing between small- and mid-cap stocks and between the technology and industrial sectors on the Nasdaq Stockholm Stock Exchange. Methodology: A quantitative approach was utilised with the event Study model. Hypotheses were constructed, and statistical tests in STATA were conducted to determine if the results were significant. The insider trading that was analysed took place between 2018-2023. Thirty-one companies are in the industrial sector, and twenty-eight are in the technology sector, with 3601 insider transactions employed. Conclusion: The results showed the existence of signalling effects and the possibility of achieving abnormal returns, especially if shorting when insiders are selling, particularly technology stocks, with the most prominent returns from mid-cap firms. However, the results contradict most previous research proposing that purchase transactions yield higher abnormal returns and have a more substantial signalling effect.

Spiderwebs of Sin : An Analysis of Sex Trade Networks in Eighteenth-Century Stockholm

Roozban, Nick January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates four cases of prostitution and procuration presented in the protocols of the Stockholm bailiff records between the years 1734 and 1767. This study's suspected procurers subjected to scrutiny were Annika Ullström, Lovisa von Plat, Greta Sophia Sundberg, and Catharina Malmberg. By looking at the interactions between witnesses, informers, suspects, andthe court jury during the trial, this thesis sheds light on how sex trade networks were structured in eighteenth century Stockholm and how they can be understood as social networks. By utilizing aqualitative network analysis, the study analyses actors and their relationship ties, which together can be understood as a social network that was part of the sex trade and other criminal activities. The study adopts theoretical concepts such as the whore stigma, vulnerability, and crimes of necessity, for the purpose of understanding the social and economic landscape that actors involvedin the sex trade networks were affected by. The thesis shows that the four cases chosen for analysisare indicative of social networks that utilize various resources and strategies to create and maintainthe sex trade. In addition, the thesis reveals an asymmetrical power relation between actors in these social networks.

Thy stodh hon sin reth wiidh stocken och forswor staden och stadz marker : Brott, straff och social exkludering i det medeltida samhället. En undersökning av stadsförvisningsdomar i Stockholm stads tänkeböcker mellan 1474-1500.

Bergendorff, Oscar January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Marknadens talan : En eventstudie om marknadens reaktion när företag byter VD

Birgersson, Jonna, Nguyen, Silvia January 2015 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this work is to investigate how the market reacts to a change of CEO and if the impact on the share price is different when a company changes founder-CEO compared to a non founder-CEO. We chose to write about this type of phenomenon mainly because we see that CEOs today are replaced more frequently than before. Theory: The efficient market hypothesis, the agent theory and corporate governance. Method: The study is based on a quantitative deductive research approach. The companies investigated were Swedish companies listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and they have been examined using an event study and two hypothesis tests. Results: The result consists of 20 observations from 20 companies. The cumulated average abnormal return is presented for all days of the event window. The results of the hypothesis tests are also presented. Analysis: The first hypothesis test shows that the announcement of the change of CEO has an impact on the share price. The second hypothesis test shows that there is a difference regarding the impact between the announcement of change of a founder-CEO and a non founder-CEO. The event study shows that the impact of the change of a founder-CEO is positive and the impact of the change of a non founder-CEO is negative. Conclusion: The result of the study shows that the announcement of a change of CEO has a significant impact on the share price and the announcement of the change of a founder-CEO affect the stock price different from the change of a non founder-CEO. / Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka marknadens reaktion när ett företag byter VD samt om marknaden reagerar olika mellan ett byte av grundar-VD och icke grundar-VD. Vi valde att skriva om just denna typ av fenomen då vi upplever att VD:ar idag byts ut oftare jämfört med tidigare. Teori: Den effektiva marknadshypotesen, agentteorin och corporate governance. Metod: Den metod undersökningen har utgått från är en kvantitativ metod med deduktiv ansats. Svenska börsföretag har undersökts med hjälp av ett hypotestest och en eventstudie. Empiri: Empirin består av 20 observationer från 20 företag. Den ackumulerade genomsnittliga abnormala avkastningen presenteras för alla dagar i händelsefönstret. Även empirin från hypotestesten presenteras. Analys: Hypotestestet visar att tillkännagivande av VD-byte har en påverkan på aktiekursen. Det andra hypotestestet som utförts visar att det finns en skillnad i påverkan mellan tillkännagivande av VD-byte för grundar-VD och icke grundarVD. Eventstudien visar att påverkan av grundar-VD är positiv medan påverkan av icke grundar-VD är negativ. Slutsats: Empirin av undersökningen visar att tillkännagivande av VD-byte har en signifikant påverkan på aktiekursen samt att tillkännagivande för byte av en grundar-VD påverkar aktiekursen annorlunda jämfört med tillkännagivande av byte av en icke grundar-VD.

Från kombifeminism till rörelse : Kvinnlig serbisk organisering i förändring

Obrenovic Johansson, Sanja January 2017 (has links)
This study is about seven women’s organizations in Belgrade, Serbia and their relations to domestic and international donors during the period 2003-2006. My main research questions focus on their choices of either domestic or international cooperation partners. How and why did the women organize themselves? What factors were essential when selecting donors? In what ways were the organizations influenced by donors? Through interviews, with organization representatives’ concepts such as gift and reciprocity, power and dependency, trust and mistrust and collective identity emerged.  These concepts were used as points of departure for developing deeper understanding of women organizations’ choice of cooperation partners. The women organizations’ basically had two alternatives for cooperation: cooperation with foreign donors which offered funds, organizational development and social networks. Alternately, cooperation with local donors, which offered the equivalent except for the organizational development. Cooperation with the foreign donor has resulted in more professional attitudes to the work that have been desired by other international donors. A result is that they can compete with other women’s organizations’ for international funding. Cooperation with local donors has led to fewer resources but more independent working practices. For these women organizations’ independence was important so they choose partners who, they felt more respected this allowing them to write articles or discuss gender in the media with little external influence. Regardless of the chosen donor the reciprocity is embedded in the relation between the donor and the receiver of aid, which in various ways is beneficial for both parties.

Nyckeltal och dess betydelse för aktievolatilitet / Key Ratios and Their Effect on Stock Volatility

Olsson, Eric, Ternerot, Casper January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Relationen mellan avkastning och risk har länge varit debatterad. Den klassiska modellen Capital Asset Pricing Model, CAPM, är en av standardmodellerna inom finans. CAPM har dock brister och kompenserar inte investerare för den företagsspecifika risken som tas. Senare forskning har visat på att det är den företagsspecifika risken som utgör den största delen av total aktierisk och har fortsatt att öka under de tre senaste decennierna. Detta medför att det finns ett intresse att undersöka och analysera sambandet mellan den interna risken som företag har och den aktievolatilitet som återfinns på marknaden. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och analysera sambandet mellan företags interna risk i form av nyckeltal och aktievolatilitet på svenska noterade bolag på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm under perioden 2007 till 2018. Studien kommer att specifikt undersöka sambandet mellan två typer av risk; finansiell risk och operationell risk. Metod: För att uppnå syftet med studien har en deduktiv ansats och en kvantitativ metod tillämpats för att undersöka och analysera två dataset bestående av aktievolatilitet och nyckeltal baserad på data från kvartalsrapporter. Studien har använt en obalanserad paneldata av kort karaktär. Resultat: Studiens resultat tyder på att omkring hälften av aktievolatilitet kan förklaras av den interna risken. Intressant är att resultaten även indikerar att investerare värderar den finansiella och operationella risken som lika värdefulla vid bedömningen av den interna risken. Författarnas slutsats blir att den företagsspecifika risken har en relativt stor påverkan på aktievolatilitet och att det är värt i framtiden att diskutera hur investerare adekvat ska kompenseras för den faktiskt tagna risken. / Background: A long debated area within financial theory is the relationship between risk and return. The classic Capital Asset Pricing Model, CAPM, has long been the preferred model within finance. CAPM is however not without its flaws and do not compensate the investors for the idiosyncratic risk that is taken. Recent research has suggested that it is the idiosyncratic risk that is the main driver of the total risk in stock volatility, and that the impact of this risk have continued to increase over the last three decades. Considering this, it is of interest to examine and analyze the relationship between the internal risk of companies and the stock volatility reflected on the market. Aim: The aim of this study is to examine and analyze the effect the internal risk, in the form of key ratios, has on stock volatility on Swedish public companies listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm during the time period of 2007 to 2018. The study will especially focus on two types of internal risk; financial risk and operational risk. Methodology: This study has used a deductive approach and a quantitative methodology to fulfill the aim of the study. The study has used an unbalanced panel data of short character to examine and analyze the datasets consisting of stock volatility and data retrieved from quarterly reports. Results: The results indicate that approximately half of the stock volatility can be attributed to the internal risk. The results further indicate that investors value the financial and operational risk equally when assessing the internal risk in the company. The authors conclusion from the study is that the idiosyncratic risk has a relatively large effect on stock volatility and that a future discussion, about the compensation investors receive is adequate to the actual risk that is taken, is needed.

Betryckta människor : Hur Ivar Lo-Johansson beskriver könssjukdomarna i Kungsgatan och hur detta mottas i pressen hösten 1935

Rydén, Ernst January 2019 (has links)
I denna uppsats har jag undersökt hur den svenska arbetarförfattaren Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901–1990) beskriver könssjukdomar i romanen Kungsgatan (1935). Lo-Johansson smittades själv av gonorré i början av 1930-talet och kände därför som författare att han hade ett syfte att göra detta ämne lite mindre tabu. Han skulle dock inte berätta om sin sjukdom för någon under denna tid. En stor del av uppsatsen kommer ägnas åt hur romanen mottogs i den samtida pressen. Jag har försökt bevisa – tvärtemot vad som flera litteraturvetare och även författaren själv gjort tidigare – att romanen inte kan klassas som en skandalroman som fick uteslutande negativ kritik på grund av dess två huvudteman prostitution och könssjukdomar.  Den vanligaste åsikten bland litteraturkritiker var att romanen generellt kraftigt borde kortats ner innan utgivning. / In this paper, I have analyzed how the Swedish proletarian writer Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901–1990) describes venereal diseases in his novel Kungsgatan (1935). Lo-Johansson contracted gonorrhea during the early 1930s, and because of this, he felt he had a social purpose as an author to make this subject a little less taboo. He would not, however, reveal his case for anybody during this period. A significant part of this paper will be dedicated to the initial critical reception of Kungsgatan. I have tried to prove – in contrast to previous scholars, even the author himself – that the novel in the beginning wasn’t regarded as scandalous by most literary critics, nor it wasn't criticized because of its main themes: prostitution and venereal diseases. Rather, the most common opinion by critics was that the novel in general should have been shortened down heavily before publication.

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