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Simulating flow-noise for after-treatment systems / Strömningsakustisk simulering av ljuddämparsystem för tunga fordonSandström, Adam January 2020 (has links)
Modern silencers for heavy vehicle applications are designed to cancel out the sound generated by the effects of combustion and propagation of exhaust gases through the engine after-treatment system. The complex geometry within the compact silencer give rise to self generated (or flow-) noise that contribute to the total sound power radiated at the exhaust outlet. To evaluate the magnitude and spectral frequency content of this self-generated noise, accurate non-reflective boundary conditions need to be applied along with a solver optimized for low dissipation and dispersion of acoustic waves. Parametric studies have been preformed to construct and evaluate the non-reflectiveness of stretched grids in combination with the buffer-zone technique for low- to mid- frequency noise. The Proudman noise source model have been used to identify the sources of sound within the computational domain and Detached Eddy Simulations have been used with full silencer geometries. Finally, the non-reflective performance of the stretched grid and buffer-zone technique have been evaluated using the acoustic beamforming method to spatially filter out and estimate the amount of reflections present in the final simulations. Detached Eddy Simulations can with success be used to resolve flow noise in exhaust gas geometries and allow reasonable comparisons. Steady models have been included in the comparisons but can only be used to estimate the amount of production of acoustic energy, not the radiated sound pressure levels related to the suppression of sound due to flow characteristics within the silencer geometries. Finally, the rough beamforming method confirmed the function of the non-reflective boundary conditions by finding major differences in magnitude for the sound being radiated towards the measurement point in different directions. / Ljuddämpare för lastbilar och bussar är konstruerade för att dämpa det ljud som genereras i förbränningsmotorn och i avgasreningssystemet. Moderna ljuddämpare består av komplexa geometrier som avgaserna flödar igenom och som släcker ut oönskat ljud. När avgaserna, bärandes ljud ifrån förbränningsmotorn flödar i hög hastighet genom den komplexa geometrin alstras ytterligare buller, så kallat själv-genererat ljud. För att ta fram frekensspektrat och ljudtrycksnivån ifrån detta bidragande ljud kan Detached Eddy Simulations utföras. Denna metod av strömningsmekaniska beräkningar kräver dock icke-reflektiva randvilkor. Randvilkor som uppfyller kraven har konstruerats genom parameterstudier tillsammans med en numerisk lösare som med låg dissipation och dispersion beräknar de akustiska pertubationerna i fjärfältet på ett fysikaliskt korrekt sätt. Vidare har även akustiska källmetoder används för att uppskatta närfältets storlek. Magnituden hos de kvarvarande reflektionerna har sedan uppskattas med hjälp av en förenklad Beamforming metod. Detached Eddy Simulations kan på ett framgångsfullt sätt användas för att ta fram det egengenererade ljudet ifrån ljuddämpargeometrier och möjliggör därigenom rimliga jämförelser mellan olika avgasgeometrier. De akusiska källmetoderna kan med säkerhet anvädas för att uppskatta den akustiska effekten som genereras i geometrierna men kan inte användas för att ta fram de dämpande effekterna som turbulenta strukturer eller hastighetsgradienter medför. Den förenklade Beamforming metoden har även bekräftat funtionen hos de icke-reflectiva randvilkoren genom att påvisa stora skillander i den ljudnivån som radierars ifrån olika riktingar mot den punkt som anvädas för att extrahera ljuddämparens ljudtrycksnivå.
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Vibration reduction over junctions in buildings / Vibrations förändringar över knutpunkter i byggnaderForsberg, Alexander, Wali, Aras January 2021 (has links)
Structure borne sound can travel multiple paths from one office to another and choosing to sound insulate a specific building element can be difficult since all the building elements are connected together and form a coupled system. The current approach by engineers when investigating transmission paths between spaces in a building is using a computer model and assuming that the junctions are firmly clamped or free. Standardized measuring methods includes a large amount of measuring points on each side of a junction and excitation over large areas. This study intends to investigate if it is possible to gain valuable information with a small amount of measuring points in a field measurement by comparing the data with an analytical model and a finite element model. The field measurement consisted of excitation from an impulse hammer from two excitation points and three accelerometers placed on each side of the junctions and on both sides of the separating wall. The measurement took place in a office building, with no information about the structure other than length, width and thickness of the elements.The reduction over the junctions varied with frequency and no general conclusion could be made about the transmission paths. The results showed high vibration reduction over the junction in low frequencies which then decreased in higher frequencies. Measurement results in low frequencies coincided with the analytical model, that vibration reduction is high over a junction for lighter separating walls in low frequencies and decrease quickly as frequency increases. Different results over each junction was obtained depending on excitation point, which indicates that there is flanking transmission along with the fact that it is a complex coupled system. / Strukturburet ljud kan färdas flera olika vägar från ett kontor till ett annat och att ljudisolera en specifik vägg kan vara svårt då alla byggnadselement är ihopkopplade och skapar ett kopplat system. Den nuvarande metoden ingenjörer använder för att undersöka transmissionsvägar mellan rum är att skapa modeller i datorprogram där antaganden att byggnadselementen är fast inspända eller fritt upplagda är gjorda. Standardiserade mätmetoder använder sig av en stor mängd mätpunkter på båda sidor om knutpunkterna och excitationer över stora ytor. Den här studien avser att undersöka möjligheten att erhålla värdefull information med ett fåtal mätpunkter i en fältmätning genom att jämföra den samlade mätdatan med en analytisk modell och en FEM modell. Fältmätningen består av excitation med en impulshammare i två excitationspunkter och tre accelerometrar på vardera sida om knutpunkterna och båda sidor om skiljeväggen. Mätningen utfördes i en kontorsbyggnad, utan någon information om strukturen förutom längd, bredd och tjocklek på byggnadselementen.Reduktionen över knutpunkterna varierade i frekvens och inga generella slutsatser kunde göras angående transmissionsvägar. Resultaten visade hög reduktion i vibrationsskillnad över knutpunkterna i låga frekvenser vilket minskade med ökad frekvens. Mätningsresultaten stämde överens med den analytiska modellen i låga frekvenser, med avseende på att reduktionen över knutpunkter med lätt skiljevägg är hög i låga frekvenser och avtar med ökad frekvens. Resultaten över knutpunkterna var beroende på val av excitationspunkt vilket indikerar att mätresultaten innehåller flankerande transmissioner och att det är ett komplext kopplat system.
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Acoustic properties of a 5G Telecom Equipment Shroud Design for Noise suppression / Huvdesign för ljudämpning till 5G TeleutrustningAndersson, David January 2021 (has links)
As technology moves forward it has a tendency to consume more and more power that needs to be cooled by bigger and louder fans, this is especially true for the new generation of 5G radio equipment. This Master thesis is a collaboration with Ericsson and attempts to construct a shroud for containing a number of 5G radio units whilst attenuating the fan noise of the units as effectively as possible. In this project are air ducts used and at the ends silencers are created utilizing the Cremer impedance; the optimal wall impedance for damping an acoustic mode of a propagating wave. To predict the result, a simplified model in an acoustic FEM program was also explored and compared to the sound level of the constructed shroud. The finished shroud successfully reduces the noise of the radio units by 13 dB(A) while causing an increase in temperature of between 2.8°C to 5.9°C. This result was deemed to be a success and the Cremer impedance approach of reducing noise is therefore advised for future development. / Allt eftersom tekniken går framåt tenderar den att också förbruka mer och mer energi som i sin tur måste kylas av kraftigare och mer högljudda fläktar, detta fenomen är särskilt påtagligt när det kommer till den senaste generationens radioutrustning för 5G. Detta examensarbete är ett samarbete mellan KTH och Ericsson med avsikt att skapa en kåpa som är designad för att innesluta ett bestämt antal 5G radiomoduler. Denna kåpa ska i så stor utsträckning som möjligt dämpa det fläktinducerade bullret. I det här projektet nyttjas kanaler med ljuddämpare vid ändarna som dämpar ljudet med hjälp av Cremerimpedans, dvs: den väggimpedans som optimalt dämpar en akustisk mod. För att kunna förutspå resultatet skapades en förenklad akustisk modell i ett FEM program. Resultatet från denna modell jämförs sedan med ljudeffektnivån från slutmätningen av den färdiga kåpan. Resultatet från slutmätningen visar att kåpan lyckas sänka radioenheternas totala ljudeffektnivå med 13 dB(A) samtidigt som en temperaturökning på mellan 2.8°C och 5.9°C erhålls. Det här resultatet bedöms vara en framgång, vilket leder till slutsatsen att ljuddämpning med användning av Cremerimpedans rekommenderas för vidare arbete.
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Strömingsbild i spillvatteninstallation : En studie på spridningsfenomen av spillvatten till golvbrunn / Flow-image in wastewater-installation : A study on the distribution-phenomenon of wastewater to floordrainEdström, Sandra, Stachowicz, Jessie January 2020 (has links)
Ett avloppssystems syfte är att avleda spillvatten med säkerhet för användaren, det är därför viktigt att den hydrauliska prestandan i systemet är garanterad för den avsedda tillämpningen. Spillvatteninstallationer i Sverige ska därför utföras korrekt enligt lagkraven i Plan- och bygglagen samt funktionskraven i Boverkets byggregler. Idag används riktlinjerna i svensk byggnorm SBN 80 och den svenska standarden SS-EN 12056-2 för dimensionering, dock har det observerats fekalier i duschens golvbrunn även fast att dessa riktlinjer har följts. Projektets frågeställning är därför: Varför hamnar fekalier i duschens golvbrunn? Projektet inleds med en litteraturstudie om den teoretiska bakgrunden av strömningsmekanik i cirkulära halvfyllda rör och befintliga studier på den hydrauliska prestandan i avloppssystem. För att besvara frågeställningen används en experimentell metod. Experimenten behandlar en undersökning av strömningsbild och bakspolning på två olika installationer som är dimensionerade enligt SBN 80. Det empiriska resultatet visade tydligt att positionen av förminskningen till anslutningsledning från duschbrunn har en stor betydelse för risken av bakspolning. Slutsatsen blev att en position i överkant på den liggande stamledningen ger en definitiv lösning för att stoppa bakspolningen helt. / The purpose of a sewer system is to divert wastewater with safety for the user, therefore it is important that the hydraulic capacity of the system is guaranteed for the intended application. Wastewater installations in Sweden must therefore be installed correctly in accordance with the statutory requirements of the Planning and Building Act and the functional requirements of Boverket's building rules. Today, the guidelines in Swedish building standard SBN 80 and the Swedish standard SS-EN 12056-2 are used for constructing the installations, however, fecal have been observed in the shower well even though the guidelines have been followed. The project's question is therefore: Why does fecal appear in the shower well? The project begins with a literature study on the theoretical background of flow mechanics in circular semi-filled pipes and existing studies on the hydraulic capacity of the drainage system. An experimental method is used to answer the issue of the study. The experiments deal with a study of the flow pattern and the backflow on two different installations that are dimensioned according to SBN 80. The empirical result clearly showed that the position of the reduction to the shower well connection pipe is of great importance for the risk of backflow. The conclusion was that a position at the top of the horizontal pipe provides a definitive solution to stop the backflow completely.
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Numerical computations of the unsteady flow in a radial turbineHellström, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
Non-pulsatile and pulsatile flow in bent pipes and radial turbine has been assessed with numerical simulations. The flow field in a single bent pipe has been computed with different turbulence modelling approaches. A comparison with measured data shows that Implicit Large Eddy Simulation (ILES) gives the best agreement in terms of mean flow quantities. All computations with the different turbulence models qualitatively capture the so called Dean vortices. The Dean vortices are a pair of counter-rotating vortices that are created in the bend, due to inertial effects in combination with a radial pressure gradient. The pulsatile flow in a double bent pipe has also been considered. In the first bend, the Dean vortices are formed and in the second bend a swirling motion is created, which will together with the Dean vortices create a complex flow field downstream of the second bend. The strength of these structures will vary with the amplitude of the axial flow. For pulsatile flow, a phase shift between the velocity and the pressure occurs and the phase shift is not constant during the pulse depending on the balance between the different terms in the Navier- Stokes equations. The performance of a radial turbocharger turbine working under both non-pulsatile and pulsatile flow conditions has also been investigated by using ILES. To assess the effect of pulsatile inflow conditions on the turbine performance, three different cases have been considered with different frequencies and amplitude of the mass flow pulse and different rotational speeds of the turbine wheel. The results show that the turbine cannot be treated as being quasi-stationary; for example, the shaft power varies with varying frequency of the pulses for the same amplitude of mass flow. The pulsatile flow also implies that the incidence angle of the flow into the turbine wheel varies during the pulse. For the worst case, the relative incidence angle varies from approximately −80° to +60°. A phase shift between the pressure and the mass flow at the inlet and the shaft torque also occurs. This phase shift increases with increasing frequency, which affects the accuracy of the results from 1-D models based on turbine maps measured under non-pulsatile conditions. For a turbocharger working under internal combustion engine conditions, the flow into the turbine is pulsatile and there are also unsteady secondary flow components, depending on the geometry of the exhaust manifold situated upstream of the turbine. Therefore, the effects of different perturbations at the inflow conditions on the turbine performance have been assessed. For the different cases both turbulent fluctuations and different secondary flow structures are added to the inlet velocity. The results show that a non-disturbed inlet flow gives the best performance, while an inflow condition with a certain large scale eddy in combination with turbulence has the largest negative effect on the shaft power output. / QC 20101111
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Predicting and optimising acoustical and vibrational performance of open porous foamsLind, Eleonora January 2008 (has links)
This thesis concerns the modelling of acoustical and vibrational properties of open cell porous foams in multi-layered structures, especially multi-layered panels. The object is to enable optimisation of the microscopic geometry of the foam with respect to macroscopic quantities such as sound pressure level, surface velocity, total mass or cost. The developed method is based on numerical solutions to Biot's equations were scaling laws has been used to connect the microscopic geometry of the foam to macroscopic properties such as density, flow resistivity and characteristic length. Efforts have also been made to establish a scaling law for tortuosity that allows for adaptation to different strut shapes. / QC 20101117
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Modelling of turbulent gas-particle flowStrömgren, Tobias January 2008 (has links)
An Eulerian-Eulerian model for dilute gas-particle turbulent flows is developed for engineering applications. The aim is to understand the effect of particles on turbulent flows. The model is implemented in a finite element code which is used to perform numerical simulations. The feedback from the particles on the turbulence and the mean flow of the gas in a vertical channel flow is studied. In particular, the influence of the particle response time and particle volume fraction on the preferential concentration of the particles near the walls, caused by the turbophoretic effect is explored. The study shows that the particle feedback decreases the accumulation of particles on the walls. It is also found that even a low particle volume fraction can have a significant impact on the turbulence and the mean flow of the gas. A model for the particle fluctuating velocity in turbulent gas-particle flow is derived using a set of stochastic differential equations. Particle-particle collisions were taken into account. The model shows that the particle fluctuating velocity increases with increasing particle-particle collisions and that increasing particle response times decrease the fluctuating velocity. / QC 20101124
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Investigating Aerodynamic Challenges for Rotorcraft Airfoil in the Martian AthmosphereGiacomini, Enrico January 2024 (has links)
Over the past decade, there has been a considerable increase in space exploration efforts, driving the need for new methods to examine planets and other celestial bodies. The current trend involves designing spacecraft capable of surveying surfaces from elevated positions, with drones proving to be more suited for the task. . The focus of space missions has primarily been on exploring Mars, as evidenced by the pioneering flight of the Ingenuity helicopter in 2021. The Martian environment poses significant aerodynamic challenges due to its thin atmosphere and low pressure, complicating drone flight. The generation of lift is problematic owing to the scant atmosphere and the restricted dimensions required for space missions, resulting in low-chord Reynolds number flows. Despite the reduction in skin friction drag due to lower viscosity, the decrease in airfoil efficiency is significantly compromised, with only a partial counterbalance by the reduced gravitational pull. Two main challenges must be addressed: low chord-based Reynolds number flows and Martian dust. The former results in the formation of Laminar Separation Bubbles (LSB), severely impairing the aerodynamic efficiency of the airfoil. Concurrently, the accumulation of dust particles on the airfoil’s surface significantly affects its performance, altering its geometry and surface roughness. Thus, it is crucial to accurately determine the presence and location of both separation bubbles and particle deposition to predict performance degradation. \\This thesis presents a comprehensive survey on drones for planetary exploration and an analysis conducted on a cambered plate with 6$\%$ camber and 1$\%$ thickness, ideal for the types of flows considered. The studies are carried out for Reynolds number flows, namely 20,000 and 50,000, to observe the effects of rotor and airfoil dimensions. The computational study is performed using ANSYS Fluent, utilising a two-dimensional CFD model with a C-type mesh and the gamma-Re ($\gamma-Re_{\theta}$) transition model, which aids in capturing the behaviour of these flow regimes. Additionally, for the dust study, two phases are created: a primary phase, the atmosphere, and a secondary phase, the dust particles. The volume fraction of particles is assumed to be small enough to imply that the primary phase influences the secondary, but not vice versa (one-way coupling). To assess particle adhesion, a deposition model has been developed to check for the deposition of dust particles, working in conjunction with the Discrete Phase Modelling (DPM), which simulates the trajectory of particles within the control volume. The deposition model comprises a particle transport model, which accounts for the forces acting on the particles, and a particle-wall interaction model, which determines the particles' rebound or adhesion. The results are presented and discussed at the end of the thesis, along with a brief discussion of future studies focusing on alternative assumptions for dust modelling.
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Instability in Shear-thinning Fluids Past a Circular Cylinderlashgari, Iman January 2011 (has links)
The instability mechanism of the shear-thinning and shear-thickening fluids pasta circular cylinder is studied using linear theory. The shear-dependent viscosityis modeled by the Carreau-law where the rheological parameters, the power-index and the material time constant are chosen in the range 0.4 < n < 1.75 and0.1 < λ < 100. A second order finite-difference code is used for the simulationof cylinder flow in which the Immersed Boundary Technique is implemented torepresent the cylinder surface on a Cartesian mesh. The critical Reynolds num-ber for the onset of instability is reported for a range of rheological parameters.Structural sensitivity analysis based on the idea of ”wavemaker” is performedto identify the core of the instability. Perturbation kinetic energy budget is alsoconsidered to examine the physical mechanism of the instability. The charac-teristics of base-flow: drag coefficient, size of recirculation bubble and viscositydistribution are presented to provide useful knowledge about shear-thinning ef-fect in flow past a cylinder.
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Prediction of surge in centrifugal compressors using steady-state CFDMalmsten, Jakob January 2024 (has links)
The centrifugal compressor is a central part of the turbocharger on a truck. It compresses the air which allows for a larger intake of gas into the cylinders. This raises the amount of oxygen available for combustion which increases the efficiency of the engine. However, the operating range of a compressor is limited. If the mass flow through the compressor gets too low, it can start to surge. The surging phenomenon for centrifugal compressors is characterized by axial oscillations in the mass flow which can cause a backflow of air through the compressor. This can result in structural damage on the compressor. It is therefore important to understand under which conditions surge occurs. When it comes to the development and design of compressors, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a valuable tool. It enables us to simulate the performance of compressors without the costly process of building a prototype and testing it. Even simpler steady-state simulations can give valuable insight on the performance. However, since surge is a dynamic phenomenon, it is not readily accessible through one of these steady-state simulations, where the sought solution is a flow field constant in time. The aim of this thesis is to capture the surge phenomenon in a steady-state simulation and develop a method for predicting when the compressor surges. This is done by looking at oscillations in the solver for the total pressure at a cross-sectional plane upstream of the compressor wheel. We find that the amplitude of these oscillations increases when the compressor is approaching surge. From this we define a surge criterion and fit the model parameters to an experimentally determined surge line. We then predict the location of the surge line for the same compressor, now equipped with a ported shroud (a geometry feature with the intention of mitigating surge). With this ported shroud, we expect the compressor’s operating range to be widened, which is also what the model predicts. However, this prediction needs to be compared with real data in order to see if the method accurately captures the location of the surge line.
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