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Heat Transfer Estimation of Ribbed Internal Cooling Channels for Gas Turbine Blades using CFD : A validation and comparison of different RANS turbulence modelsBroberg, Viktor, Eklöw, Georg January 2024 (has links)
Gas turbine blades operate in very high temperatures to achieve a high thermal efficiency of the engine. For this reason, the blades have to be cooled to prevent degradation or even melting. The blades can be cooled using various techniques, both by cooling the inside of the blade with cooling channels, and by protecting the outside of the blade from the hot environment. One way to cool the blades from the inside is with rib turbulated channels. Straight square channels lined with 90◦, 45◦ and V-shaped ribs in a staggered configuration are investigated in this thesis. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), among other methods, can be used to predict important parameters such as heat transfer and pressure loss for different ribbed channel geometries. In this thesis a CFD model using RANS simulations with the turbulence models Lag Elliptic Blending k − ε, Realizable k − ε two-layer and SST k − ω is established and validated against experimental data by Taslim et al [1]. This is done by comparing the Nusselt number between a pair of ribs as well as the channel friction factor for 90◦, 45◦ and V-shape ribs. Different sensitivities are also investigated to get an understanding of the uncertainties found during the CFD implementation. These include the effect of mesh resolution, inlet turbulence intensity, rounded rib edges, wall roughness and temperature used for Reynolds number calculations. The Nusselt number and friction factor predictions of the turbulence models are also compared with existing empirical correlations. The results of the investigation show that the CFD results for 90◦ ribs deviate the most from experimental results, while closer results are seen for the 45◦ and V-shape ribs. In conclusion, the Lag Elliptic Blending k−ε model generally produces results closest to experimental data, especially for 90◦ ribs, but it shows some differences in Reynolds number trends. It proves to predict heat transfer and pressure loss closer to the experiment than the other models in flows where recirculation and reattachment has a significant impact. The Lag EB model is relatively stable and mesh independent. The SST k − ω model produces results rather similar to experimental data, but is unstable and sensitive to mesh resolution. The Realizable k − ε two-layer model produces results that are slightly less consistent with experimental data, but is very stable and insensitive to mesh resolution. The Nusselt number and friction factor from the investigated empirical correlations are closer to experimental results than the turbulence models for 90◦ inline ribs.
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Numerical Investigation of Unsteady Crosswind Aerodynamics for Ground VehiclesFavre, Tristan January 2009 (has links)
<p>Ground vehicles are subjected to crosswind from various origins such as weather, topography of the ambient environment (land, forest, tunnels, high bushes...) or surrounding traffic. The trend of lowering the weight of vehicles imposes a stronger need for understanding the coupling between crosswind stability, the vehicle external shape and the dynamic properties. Means for reducing fuel consumption of ground vehicles can also conflict with the handling and dynamic characteristics of the vehicle. Streamlined design of vehicle shapes to lower the drag can be a good example of this dilemma. If care is not taken, the streamlined shape can lead to an increase in yaw moment under crosswind conditions which results in a poor handling.</p><p>The development of numerical methods provides efficient tools to investigate these complex phenomena that are difficult to reproduce experimentally. Time accurate and scale resolving methods, like Detached-Eddy Simulations (DES), are particularly of interest, since they allow a better description of unsteady flows than standard Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (RANS) models. Moreover, due to the constant increase in computational resources, this type of simulations complies more and more with industrial interests and design cycles.</p><p>In this thesis, the possibilities offered by DES to simulate unsteady crosswind aerodynamics of simple vehicle models in an industrial framework are explored. A large part of the work is devoted to the grid design, which is especially crucial for truthful results from DES. Additional concerns in simulations of unsteady crosswind aerodynamics are highlighted, especially for the resolution of the wind-gust boundary layer profiles. Finally, the transient behaviour of the aerodynamic loads and the flow structures are analyzed for several types of vehicles. The results simulated with DES are promising and the overall agreement with the experimental data available is good, which illustrates a certain reliability in the simulations. In addition, the simulations show that the force coefficients exhibit highly transient behaviour under gusty conditions.</p> / ECO2 Crosswind Stability and Unsteady Aerodynamics for Ground Vehicles
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Stability and Receptivity of Three-Dimensional Boundary LayersTempelmann, David January 2009 (has links)
<p>The stability and the receptivity of three-dimensional flat plate boundary layers is studied employing parabolised stability equations. These allow for computationally efficient parametric studies. Two different sets of equations are used. The stability of modal disturbances in the form of crossflow vortices is studied by means of the well-known classical parabolised stability equations (PSE). A new method is developed which is applicable to more general vortical-type disturbances. It is based on a modified version of the classical PSE and describes both modal and non-modal growth in three-dimensional boundary layers. This modified PSE approach is used in conjunction with a Lagrange multiplier technique to compute spatial optimal disturbances in three-dimensional boundary layers. These take the form of streamwise oriented tilted vortices initially and develop into streaks further downstream. When entering the domain where modal disturbances become unstable optimal disturbances smoothly evolve into crossflow modes. It is found that non-modal growth is of significant magnitude in three-dimensional boundary layers. Both the lift-up and the Orr mechanism are identified as the physical mechanisms behind non-modal growth. Furthermore, the modified PSE are used to determine the response of three-dimensional boundary layers to vortical free-stream disturbances. By comparing to results from direct numerical simulations it is shown that the response, including initial transient behaviour, is described very accurately. Extensive parametric studies are performed where effects of free-stream turbulence are modelled by filtering with an energy spectrum characteristic for homogeneous isotropic turbulence. It is found that a quantitative prediction of the boundary layer response to free-stream turbulence requires detailed information about the incoming turbulent flow field. Finally, the adjoint of the classical PSE is used to determine the receptivity of modal disturbances with respect to localised surface roughness. It is shown that the adjoint approach yields perfect agreement with results from Finite-Reynold-Number Theory (FRNT) if the boundary layer is assumed to be locally parallel. Receptivity is attenuated if nonlocal and non-parallel effects are accounted for. Comparisons to direct numerical simulations and extended parametric studies are presented.</p>
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Computational studies of passive vortex generators for flow controlvon Stillfried, Florian January 2009 (has links)
<p>Many flow cases in fluid dynamics face undesirable flow separation due torising static pressure on wall boundaries. This occurs e.g. due to geometry as ina highly curved turbine inlet duct or e.g. on flow control surfaces such as wingtrailing edge flaps within a certain angle of attack range. Here, flow controldevices are often used in order to enhance the flow and delay or even totallyeliminate flow separation. Flow control can e.g. be achieved by using passiveor active vortex generators (VG) that enable momentum mixing in such flows.This thesis focusses on passive VGs, represented by VG vanes that are mountedupright on the surface in wall-bounded flows. They typically have an angle ofincidence to the mean flow and, by that, generate vortex structures that in turnallow for the desired momentum mixing in order to prevent flow separation.A statistical VG model approach, developed by KTH Stockholm and FOI,the Swedish Defence Research Agency, has been evaluated computationally.Such a statistical VG model approach removes the need to build fully resolvedthree-dimensional geometries of VGs in a computational fluid dynamics mesh.Usually, the generation of these fully resolved geometries is rather costly interms of preprocessing and computations. By applying this VG model, thecosts reduce to computations without VG effects included. Nevertheless, theVG model needs to be set up in order to define the modelled VG geometry inan easy and fast preprocessing step. The presented model has shown sensitivityfor parameter variations such as the modelled VG geometry and the VG modellocation in wall-bounded zero pressure gradient and adverse pressure gradientflows on a flat plate, in a diffuser, and on an airfoil with its high-lift systemextracted. It could be proven that the VG model qualitatively describes correcttrends and tendencies for these different applications.</p>
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Noise Analysis of Computer Chassis and Secondary Sound Source Noise ReductionZheng, Haosheng, Zhang, Kaichun January 2019 (has links)
This article focuses on computer noise analysis and noise reduction processing. With the popularity of computers, people are increasingly demanding the comfort of using computers. Solving the noise problem of the computer case can make the working environment more comfortable. People working in a noisy environment for a long time can cause anxiety and the quality of work is not high. The main purpose of this paper is to analyse the characteristics of computer noise and to reduce the noise of the chassis through the secondary sound source. Through the comparison of the experimental and simulation results, the noise reduction effect of the secondary sound source on the computer case is obtained. This paper can provide a scientific reference for the manufacture of computer chassis and improvement of noise.
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Throughflow Study on Bleeding for Part Load Compressor OperationHedkvist, Simon January 2019 (has links)
The transition of the European energy grid to renewable energy sources is increasing the demand for back-up capacity with high flexibility. Current fossil fuel plants are continuously being forced into part load operation, where they are limited by pollution regulations that dictate their minimum environmental load, MEL. The power plants need to shut down when they no longer can comply to pollution regulations, but shutting down means that they can't act as quick back-up for the energy grid. Thus the EU project Turbo-Reflex aims to retrofit existing power plants in order to improve MEL by extending it to lower loads and, by doing so, meeting some of the back-up capacity that is needed. One method of improving MEL in a gas turbine power plants is reducing the mass flow from the compressor to the combustor. This study aims to investigate the stability and performance changes in a compressor as a function of intermediate mass extraction through bleeding lines. The study was made using a 2D throughflow model of a 15 stage axial compressor. Three different bleeding lines, positioned along the length of the compressor, were used for flow reduction. A design of experiments was made to get a structured data collection, combining different configurations of bleeding levels through the three lines, with up to 20% flow reduction. The influence of lowering the ambient temperature was also studied. Results detail the aerodynamic influence of intermediate mass extraction. The loading at the last stage increases with flow reduction, as evaluated by the diffusion factor, and stator 15 becomes the highest aerodynamically loaded position in the compressor. The increased loading is significantly dependent on the bleeding configuration, where upstream extraction is advantageous. The compressor power requirement has the same behavior, where extracting upstream has a 10% advantage. However, bleeding reduces efficiency, and in this regard it is better to use a bleed line further downstream. This combines into a trade off between these three parameters that needs to be made by the operator. Lowering the ambient temperature changes the interplay between these parameters. These research's results are part of the TURBO-REFLEX project, which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 764545.
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Hydraulic Regenerative System for a Light VehicleGuinart Trayter, Xavier, Orpella Aceret, Jordi January 2010 (has links)
<p>The thesis is based in a constructed light vehicle that must be improved by adding a hydraulic energy recovery system. This vehicle named as TrecoLiTH, participated in the Formula Electric and Hybrid competition (Formula EHI) 2009 in Italy -Rome- and won several awards.</p><p>This system consists in two hydraulic motors hub mounted which are used to store fluid at high pressure in an accumulator when braking. Through a valve the pressure will flow from the high pressure accumulator to the low pressure one, and consequently the vehicle will get extra acceleration.</p><p>This thesis consists in finishing the assembly and testing it, as the main idea was already thought and some of the necessary parts were acquired before. Firstly, a quick overview of the bike is done and the current state of it at the end of the thesis is discussed. After that, the mechanism used to actuate the system is developed and explained, with which some CAD software was used to design and make some FEA. Straight afterwards the work focused on the tests and its development. A quick discussion about what tests should be done, the preparations and also the way that some measurements were done is commented. In order to do these measurements a data acquisition device and some software to deal with it was used.</p><p>Thereupon, calculations to know if the system auto-compensates the weight added, causing more rolling resistance, and the oil frictions are done. In this part the performance and reliability of the system is discussed, as well as the feelings of the driver. Finally, improvements and possible modifications are listed with the aim of upgrade the vehicle, the system and the way of work.</p>
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Method development for investigation of real effects on flow around vanesMårtensson, Jonathan January 2010 (has links)
<p>In the development of turbo machinery components it's desirable to not spend more time than necessary when setting up aero-thermal calculations to investigate uncertainties in the design. This report aims to describe general thoughts used in the development of an ICEM-mesh script and the possible configurations in the script file which enables the user to build mesh-grids with/without clearance gap at the hub and/or shroud for different blade geometries. It also aims to illustrate the performance analysis made on the Vinci LH2 turbine, a next generation upper stage engine to the Ariane 5 rocket, in which the effect of the tip gap size on the efficiency has been studied.</p><p>The calculations made have shown good agreement with experimental data. The efficiency loss due to the mixing of fluid where leakage flow passes the tip gap, which results in growth of a strong vortex, and the fluid passing the blade tip, with almost no work extracted from it, has shown a quite linear efficiency dependence depending on the tip gap size.</p>
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Utvärdering av energibesparingspotential vid tillämpning av värmepump i diskmaskin : OBS! Sekretessbelagd tills vidare / Evaluation of energy saving potential by the applicatin of a heat pump in a dishwasherJoensen, Mortan, Nilsson, Maja January 2009 (has links)
<p>För ett genomsnittligt småhus i Sverige idag går ca 5000 kWh till hushållsel. Av dessa 5000 kWh går 7% till att driva diskmaskiner. Effektiviseringen av diskmaskiner har framförallt strävat efter en låg vatten- och energianvändning, en kort processtid samt en effektiv rening av disken.</p><p>Det finns dock gränser för hur effektiva diskmaskinerna kan göras med traditionell teknik. Därför har producenter under de senaste åren börjat se sig om efter mindre traditionella metoder som till exempel bruket av en värmepump för att få ned energiförbrukningen.</p><p>Syftet med det här examensarbetet har varit att ta fram systemlösningar för värmepump i diskmaskin samt att utvärdera energibesparingspotentialen i denna tillämpning.</p><p>Målet har varit att ta fram och beskriva de möjliga systemlösningar som uppstår vid en idégenerering. Att välja ut två lösningar för närmare undersökning, att bestämma en lämplig kompressoreffekt samt att beräkna energibesparingen dessa lösningar ger.</p><p>En litteraturstudie har gjorts av teknik och tillämpningar inom området, som till exempel värmeväxlaranvändning i diskmaskiner samt användandet av värmepumpar i andra vitvaror. Denna litteraturstudie följdes upp av en idégenerering, som tar hänsyn till möjliga värmekällor och –sänkor. Idégenereringen gav upphov till två systemlösningar som modellerades i MATLABs Simulink för att en lämplig kompressoreffekt och storleken på energibesparingen skulle bestämmas.</p><p>De två utvalda lösningarna ifrån idégenereringen var utomhusluftlösningen, där värme hämtas från uteluften och energilagerlösningen, där värme hämtas ur ett energilager. I båda lösningarna överförs värmen till det kalla ingående vattnet.</p><p>Energiåtgången för utomhusluftlösningen var beroende av köldmediets förångningstemperatur och modellering av lösningen visade att energiåtgången var 0,25 kWh vid en förångningstemperatur på -10°C, och 0,18 kWh vid 5°C. Vid modellering av energilagerlösningen påvisades en energiåtgång på 0,23 kWh. Slutsatsen som drogs var att kompressorn vid energilagerlösningen skall leverera en effekt på 240 W till köldmediet.</p> / <p>For an average detached house in Sweden today about 5000 kWh are used for household electricity. Of these 5000 kWh 7% are used to run dishwashers. The streamlining of dishwashers has above all strived for a lower water and energy use, a short process time along with a more efficient cleaning of the dishes.</p><p>There are however limits for how efficient the dishwashers can be made with traditional technology and acceptable costs. Therefore producers have, during recent years, started looking for less traditional methods, for example the use of a heat pump to reduce the energy use.</p><p>The purpose of this examination work has been to find system solutions for an application of a heat pump in a dishwasher and to evaluate the possible energy saving for each solution.</p><p>The goal has been to find and describe possible system solutions, which came up during the idea generation. To choose some of these for a closer investigation, to decide a fitting mechanical power for the compressor and to calculate the energy saving these solutions give rise to.</p><p>The method has consisted of a literature study, an idea generation, which takes the heat sources and sinks in consideration and a modelling in MATLAB’s Simulink of the selected solutions from the idea generation, which has been used to fit a mechanical power for the compressor.</p><p>The result of the idea generation was two solutions, an outdoor air solution, which collects heat from the outdoor air and gives it to the cold water which enters the machine and a energy storage solution, which collect heat from a heat stock to give to the cold entering water. A modelling of these show an energy usage of 0,24 respectively 0,17 kWh for the outdoor air solution, with a heat source temperature at 10 °C respectively 5°C and a energy usage of 0,22 kWh for the energy storage solution for one round.</p><p>The conclusion that was drawn was that the compressor of the energy storage solution should deliver a mechanical power of 240 W to the refrigerant.</p>
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Finite volume simulation of fast transients in a pipe systemMarkendahl, Anders January 2009 (has links)
<p>The MUSCL-Hancock finite volume method with different slope limiters has been analyzed in the context of a fast transient flow problem. A derivation and analysis of the axial forces inside a pipe system due to a flow transient is also performed. </p><p>The following slope limiters were implemented and compared: MC, van Leer, van Albada, Minmod and Superbee. The comparison was based on the method's ability to calculate the forces due to a flow transient inside a pipe system.</p><p>The tests and comparisons in this thesis show that the MC, van Leer, van Albada and Minmod limiters behave very much the same for the flow transient problem. If one would rank these four limiters with respect to the numerical error, the order would be the one presented above, the MC limiter being the most accurate. The error the four limiters produce is mainly of diffusive nature and it is just the magnitude of the diffusion that seems to differ between the methods. One should also note that the workload rank of the four limiters is the same as the order presented above. The MC limiter being the least efficient of the four and the Minmod limiter the most efficient.</p><p>In most of the tests performed the Superbee limiter display a rather negative unpredictable behavior. For some relatively simple cases this particular approach shows big difficulties maintaining the dynamical properties of the force. However, the upside of the Superbee limiter is its remarkable ability to maintain the maximum value of the forces present in the pipe system, preventing underestimation of the maximum magnitude of the force.</p>
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