Spelling suggestions: "subject:"stream -- south africa""
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Development of provisional guidelines for the treatment of scale and resolution in assessing streamflow reduction impacts of alien plant infestations and commercial afforestation in water resources modelling studiesDzvukamanja, T. N. (Tembiwe Nunana) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Experiments conducted on afforested catchments in South Africa have shown that alien trees
can cause substantial reductions in catchment runoff (Scott et ai, 2000).
In recognition of the impact which alien trees can have on the country's water resources,
commercial afforestation was declared a stream flow reduction activity (SFRA) in terms of
the National Water Act (NW A) (No. 36 of 1998), and the Department of Water affairs and
forestry launched the Working for Water Programme (WfW) in 1995 with the recovery of
water resources lost to Invasive alien plants (lAPs) as one of the Programme's objectives.
These initiatives have intensified the need to quantify SFR; for example, for licensing
purposes to satisfy the requirements of the NWA and for predicting the effects of lAP clearing
by WfW projects. Of interest to water resources practitioners, is the impact of SFR on mean
annual runoff (MAR), on low flows and on water resource system, or reservoir, yield.
In South Africa two basic methods of streamflow reduction (SFR) estimation have been
developed for commercial afforestation and lAPs. These are
• free-standing empirical relationships in the form of the CSIR SFR CUNes, used in
conjunction with the monthly, calibration-based, Pitman model.
• component modules in the physically-based, land-use sensitive ACRU rainfall-runoff
catchment model, run at a daily time step with relatively fine subcatchment delineation.
There has been a strong need for an evaluative comparison of the impacts of SFR estimated
via these two methods. This study aimed to meet this need by using both methods to
estimate SFR for a number of commercial afforestation and lAP scenarios in three study
systems, the Berg, Sabie and Mhlatuze, representing different bioclimatic conditions in South
Africa, and running the SFR sequences from the two estimation methods through the Water
Resources Yield Model to determine the impact of the SFR on yield. The analysis
differentiated between upland and riparian SFR, and between SFR produced by different tree
Study conclusions included the following points:
• Both the ACRU and SHELL models are capable of achieving a reasonable average
seasonal correspondence of high and low flows with the observed averages, though the
actual averages produced by the two models can differ substantially. In general, ACRU simulates less SFR than SHELL, and gains in SFR after afforestation
or invasion by lAPs may be simulated by ACRU during dry periods. The selection of crop
factors for different plant species has a strong influence on the relative water use of the
species modelled in ACRU.
• The impacts on yield of SFR due to lAPS and afforestation tends to be greater than the
impact on MAR, and impacts tend to be more severe for small subcatchments than for
the total catchment. A simulated reduction in MAR can result in a simulated increase in
yield of a given assurance, if the portion of the flow sequence occurring during the critical
period is dominated by streamflow gains, and vice versa.
Research recommendations centred on improving the availability of reliable field
measurements of parameters and processes required tor the effective modelling of SFR.
Based on the results of the study, guidelines were formulated for SFR modelling, focussing
on the choice of SFR estimation method and the treatment of various parameters and
considerations which influence the outcomes of SFR modelling. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Eksperimente wat in bebosde opvanggebiede in Suid-Afrika uitgevoer is, het getoon dat
uitheemse bome aansienlike verminderings in opvanggebied-afloop kan veroorsaak (Scott et
Ter erkenning van die impak wat uitheemse bome op die land se waterbronne kan he, is
kornrnersiele bebossing verklaar as 'n stroomvloei-verminderingsaktiwiteit (SVVA) in terme
van die Nasionale Waterwet (NWW) (Nr. 36 van 1998). Die Departement van Waterwese en
Bosbou het ook die Werk-vir-Water Program (WvW) in 1995 geloods met, as een van die
doelwitte, die herwinning van waterbronne wat deur uitheemse indringerplante (UIPe)
opgebruik word. Hierdie inisiatiewe het die behoefte om SVV te kan kwantifiseer verskerp;
by voorbeeld; for liksensiermqsdoeleindes om die vereistes van die NWW te bevredig, of om
die impakte van UIP-opruiming in WvW-projekte te voorspel. Van besondere belang vir
waterbron-praktisyns is die impak van SVV op gemiddelde jaarliks afloop (GJA), op lae
vloeie en op die lewering van waterbronne, of -stelsels.
In Suid-Afrika is twee basiese metodes vir SVV-raming ontwikkel vir komrnersiele bebossing
en UIPe, soos volg:
• losstaande empiriese verbande in die vorm van die WNNR se SVV-krommes, wat
gebruik word saam met die maandelikse, kalibrasie-gebaseerde, Pitman-model wat in die
SHELL-sagteware-omgewing ingebou is.
• Modules wat komponente vorm in die fisies-gebasserde, grondgebruik-gevoelige ACRU
reenval-atloop opvanggebiedmodel, wat op 'n daaglikse tydstap loop, met relatiewe fyn
Daar bestaan al lank 'n sterk behoefte aan 'n takserende vergelyking van die impakte van
SVV so os geraam via hierdie twee metodes. Hierdie navorsing het beoog om hierdie
behoefte te bevredig deur beide metodes in 'n aantal kornrnersiele bebossings- en UIPscenario's
in drie stelsels, die Berg, Sabie en Mhlatuze, te gebruik. Sodoende word drie
verskillende bio-klimaatstreke gedek. Die maandelikse SVV-tydreekse van die twee
ramingsmetodes was toe ingevoer in 'n waterbronstelselmodel (WRYM) om die impak van
die SVV op die lewering te bepaal. Die ontledings het tussen oewer- en nie-oewer-SVV,
asook tussen SVV wat deur verskillende boom-klasse veroorsaak is, onderskei.
Die gevolgtrekkings uit die studie het die volgende punte ingesluit: • Seide die ACRU- en SHELL-modelle is in staat om 'n redelike ooreenkoms in seisoenale
hoe en lae vloeie met waargenome gemiddeldes te verskaf, alhoewel die eintlike
gemiddeldes wat deur die twee modelle gelewer word, aansienlik kan verskil.
• Oor die algemeen simuleer ACRU laer SVV as SHELL en klein toenames in vloeie na
bebossing of indringing deur UIPe kan soms tydens droe tydperke deur ACRU
gesimuleer word. Die keuse van gewasfaktore vir verskillende planttipes het 'n groot
invloed op die relatiewe waterverbruik van die planttipes wat in ACRU gemodelleer word.
• Die impakte op lewering van SVV te wyte aan beide UIPe en bebossing neig om groter te
wees as die impak op GJA, en die impakte neig om meer ernstig te wees vir klein
subopvanggebiede as vir die totale opvanggebied. 'n Gesimuleerde vermindering in GJA
kan soms saamval met 'n gesimuleerde toename in lewering teen 'n spesifieke
betroubaarheid, as die gedeelte van die tydreeks wat gedurende die kritieke tydperk
voorkom, heelwat UIP-gebaseerde stroomvloei-toenames bevat en vice versa.
Navorsingsaanbevelings fokus op die verbetering van die beskikbaarheid van betroubare
veldwaarnemings van parameters en prosesse wat vereis word vir betroubare modellering
van SVV.
Riglyne vir SVV-modellering is geformuleer, gebaseer op die resultate van hierdie navorsing,
met 'n fokus op die keuse van SVV-ramingsmetode, die behandeling van verskeie
parameters en oorwegings wat die uitslag van SVV-modellering sou kon bemvloed.
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Incipient motion in cobble/boulder bed riversGazendam, Menno 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study sets out to describe the incipient motion process in cobble/boulder bed rivers
in terms of the unit applied power approach. This objective has been met through the
collection of data on stone movement from a total of thirteen flood events observed in
two undisturbed rivers in the Western Cape, namely the Molenaars and Berg Rivers.
The data were plotted on the original modified Liu diagram for incipient motion and it
was found that the threshold of movement for the smaller stones did not conform with the
portion of the Liu diagram which represents fully turbulent flow (i.e.
where ~ gDs tv: = 0.12 for Re. >13). It was concluded that the only reason that could
explain this deviation is the fact that the original modified Liu diagram had been derived
for uniform particle size beds while the data of the Molenaars and Berg Rivers represent
non-uniform particle size beds. This was proved through re-deriving the y-axis function
of the original modified Liu diagram to include a factor that makes provision for the
roughness of a non-uniform particle size bed. It was found that the average absolute
roughness of the non-uniform particle size beds in the Molenaars and Berg Rivers is
reasonably well approximated by a value of k=da.
Design curves (in terms of the original modified Liu diagram parameters) for intensity of
motion were also produced. Although it is not possible to read off accurate percentages of
movement values directly from these curves, it should be possible to deduce reasonably
accurate values in practical situations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie poog om die begin van beweging proses in klip/rotsbed riviere te beskryf in
terme van die eenheids aangewende drywing metode. Hierdie doel is bereik deur die
insameling van klipbewegingdata in 'n totaal van dertien vloedgebeurtenisse in twee
ongerepte riviere in die Wes-Kaap, naamlik die Molenaars en Bergriviere.
Die data was geplot op die oorspronklike aangepaste Liu diagram vir begin van beweging
en dit was gevind dat die grens van beweging vir die kleiner klippe nie ooreenstem met
die gedeelte van die Liu diagram wat volle turbulente vloei verteenwoordig nie
(waar ~ gDs tv; = 0.12 vir Re. >13). Daar was tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die
enigste rede wat die afwyking kan beskryf is die feit dat die oorspronklike aangepaste Liu
diagram afgelei was vir uniforme partikelgrootte beddens terwyl die data van die
Molenaars and Bergriviere nie-uniforme partikelgrootte beddens verteenwoordig. Dit was
bewys deur die heratleiding van die y-as funksie van die oorspronklike aangepaste Liu
diagram om 'n faktor in te sluit wat voorsiening maak vir die ruheid van 'n nie-uniforme
partikelgrootte bed. Dit was gevind dat die gemiddelde absolute ruheid van die nieuniforme
partikelgrootte beddens in die Molenaars en Bergriviere word redelik goed
benaderd met 'n waarde van k=ds4•
Ontwerpkurwes (in terme van die oorspronklike aangepaste Liu diagram parameters) vir
intensiteit van beweging was ook ontwikkel. Alhoewel dit nie moontlik is om baie
akkurate persentasies van beweging af te lees van die kurwes nie, is dit moontlik om
akkuraat genoeg waardes te verkry in praktiese situasies.
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Towards improved parameter estimation in streamflow predictions using the ACRU model.Royappen, Marilyn. January 2002 (has links)
An unresolved problem in hydrology has been to establish relationships between
catchment attributes and the flow characteristics of the stream. Such information is
commonly sought to improve streamflow predictions, often in a process of
extrapolating research results obtained from relatively few, but intensively studied
catchments, to a broader region. This study has attempted to clarify terminology
related to streamflow generation processes and mechanisms, and to investigate
relevant physiographic and climatic characteristics which critically influence the
hydrological responses of catchments. Fourteen catchments were selected for this
study. They comprised both operational and research catchments. These catchments
were selected to be representative of variations in climate, topography, vegetation
and geology occurring throughout the Republic of South Africa (RSA). The selection
of catchments was also restricted to areas less than 100 krrr', and to the higher
rainfall regions of the country, where runoff is significant and any land use changes
may lead to marked changes in evapotranspiration and streamflow. A catchment was
also selected from an arid zone in the USA, to capture the flow characteristics that
are typical of such areas. A frequently applied simulation model on RSA catchments
is the ACRU model. While physical-conceptual in structure it contains some
parameters which, while not determining total streamflow magnitudes, governs the
time distribution of the streamflows generated. Two such parameters from the ACRU
model selected were the coefficient of baseflow response (COFRU) and the
quickflow response fraction of the catchment (QFRESPj. These parameters are not
explicitly physically based, and therefore improved guidelines of initial parameter
values are required. Relationships between catchment characteristics and these two
parameters were sought to provide guidelines for effective parameterisation of these
parameters in future studies. Trends between QFRESP and COFRU, and catchment
physical and climatic attributes such as catchment area, average depth of the soil
profile, maximum basin relief, MAP and profile plant available water were identified,
and could prove useful to future users of the ACRU model and guide experimentation
in estimating initial parameter values. However, only a single significant multiple
regression model was obtained for the baseflow release fraction COFRU from a
catchment using MAP, catchment area and profile plant available water. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2002.
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An assessment of instream flow requirements in the Sabie-Sand River catchmentVieira, Marco Lourenco 06 May 2015 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of requirements for the degree of Master of Science. February 2015. / This dissertation is an assessment of the compliance with and performance of the Instream Flow Requirement (IFR) system and the Building Block Methodology for the Sabie-Sand River. Firstly, a comprehensive exploration of aspects of the ecological system in the Sabie-Sand Catchment is set out and explored in an attempt to garner an understanding of the pertinent ecological components of the river, in the form of a literature review. This is done with a view to gaining insight into where potential ecological failure may occur should flows in the Sabie-Sand be inadequate for ecological maintenance. A range of abiotic and biotic factors are investigated, and the manner in which they might change in response to changing flow conditions is set out.
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An experimental study of the effect of Acacia mearnsii (black wattle trees) on streamflow in the Sand River, Eastern CapeBeyers, Gregory John January 1999 (has links)
This thesis explores the effect of Acacia mearnsii on streamflow in the Eastern Cape. There is a need for data on the localised effects of removing alien trees from the riparian zones within the Fynbos Biome. Fynbos catchments throughout the Western and Eastern Cape yield large quantities of good quality water which is an essential resource in the region. To convince local land owners to manage their riparian zones, small scale experimental results will prove invaluable to assure them of the immediate advantages for themselves and for downstream water users. Three permanent weirs were built 500 m apart to monitor the effect of removing A. mearnsii on streamflow in the Sand River, Eastern Cape. Consecutive weirs allowed for the comparison of streamflow between a cleared and uncleared section of the river without significant differences in riparian conditions, channel morphology and vegetation densities. A site survey confirmed comparable densities of A. mearnsii in both sections. A sample of trees was weighed and a relationship was found between diameter at breast height and above ground wet biomass. Between the first two weirs, 2.5 ha of riparian zone was cleared amounting to approximately 160tlha. Streamflow was monitored from the 10th of January 1996 to the 9th of September 1996. The average streamflow reduction for the duration of the experiment was 15.1 m³/ha/day or 551 mm per annum. Initially, after a period of above average rainfall, streamflow was augmented by discharge from the riparian zone but as conditions dried out, there was a net uptake of water with the highest average uptake of 23. 7m³/ha/day in June. A comparison between weather conditions and streamflow reduction indicated there is a complex relationship, with evidence of A. mearnsii exhibiting control of water loss during dry conditions. Acacia mearnsii trees in the riparian zone have been shown to cause significant streamflow reduction. Permanent weirs were found to be appropriate for this type of study. There is a need for further research on the effect of alien trees in riparian zones around South Africa as there is potential for significant increases in streamflow.
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Modelling the relationship between flow and water quality in South African riversSlaughter, Andrew Robert January 2011 (has links)
The National Water Act (Act 36 of 1998) provides for an ecological Reserve as the quantity (flow) and quality of water needed to protect aquatic ecosystems. While there are methods available to quantify the ecological Reserve in terms of flow, methods of linking flow to water quality are lacking. Therefore, the research presented in this thesis investigated various modelling techniques to estimate the effect of flow on water quality. The aims of the research presented in this thesis were: Aim 1: Can the relationship between flow and water quality be accurately represented by simple statistical models? Aim 2: Can relatively simple models accurately represent the relationship between flow and water quality? Aim 3: Can the effect of diffuse sources be omitted from a water quality model and still obtain realistic simulations, and if so under what conditions? Aim 4: Can models that solely use historical monitoring data, accurately represent the relationships between flow and water quality? In Chapter 3, simple Q-C regressions of flow and water quality were investigated using Department of Water Affairs (DWA) historical monitoring data. It was found that while flow versus salinity regressions gave good regression fits in many cases, the Q-C regression approach is limited. A mechanistic/statistical model that attempted to estimate the point and diffuse signatures of nutrients in response to flow was developed in Chapter 4 using DWA historical monitoring data. The model was verified as accurate in certain case studies using observed point loading information. In Chapter 5, statistical models that link land cover information to diffuse nutrient signatures in response to flow using DWA historical data were developed. While the model estimations are uncertain due to a lack of data, they do provide an estimation of the diffuse signature within catchments where there is flow and land cover information available. Chapter 6 investigates the extension of an existing mass-balance salinity model to estimate the effect of saline irrigation return flow on in-stream salinity. The model gave accurate salinity estimates for a low order stream with little or no irrigation within its catchment, and for a permanently flowing river within a catchment used extensively for irrigation. Chapter 7 investigated a modelling method to estimate the reaction coefficients involved in nitrification using only DWA historical monitoring data. Here, the model used flow information to estimate the residence time of nutrients within the studied river reaches. While the model obtained good estimations of nitrification for the data it was applied to, very few DWA data sets were suitable for the model. Chapter 8 investigated the ability of the in-stream model QUAL2K to estimate nutrient concentrations downstream of point and diffuse inputs of nutrients. It was found that the QUAL2K model can give accurate results in cases where point sources dominate the total nutrient inputs into a river. However, the QUAL2K simulations are too uncertain in cases where there are large diffuse source inputs of nutrients as the load of the diffuse inputs is difficult to measure in the field. This research highlights the problem of data scarcity in terms of temporal resolution as well as the range of constituents measured within DWA historical monitoring data for water quality. This thesis in addition argues that the approach of applying a number of models is preferable to applying one model to investigate the research aims, as particular models would be suited to particular circumstances, and the development of new models allowed the research aims of this thesis to be explored more thoroughly. It is also argued that simpler models that simulate a few key processes that explain the variation in observed data, are more suitable for implementing Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) than large comprehensive water quality models. From this research, it is clear that simple statistical models are not adequate for modelling the relationship between flow and water quality, however, relatively simple mechanistic models that simulate a limited number of processes and water quality variables, can provide accurate representations of this relationship. Under conditions where diffuse sources are not a major factor within a catchment, models that omit diffuse sources can obtain realistic simulations of the relationship between flow and water quality. Most of the models investigated in this thesis demonstrate that accurate simulations of the relationships between flow and water quality can be obtained using solely historical monitoring data.
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Estimation of suspended sediment yield flowing into Inanda Dam using genetic programmingJaiyeola, Adesoji Tunbosun January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Engineering , Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2016. / Reservoirs are designed to specific volume called the dead storage to be able to withstand the quantity of particles in the rivers flowing into it during its design period called its economic life. Therefore, accurate calculation of the quantities of sediment being transported is of great significance in environment engineering, hydroelectric equipment longevity, river aesthetics, pollution and channel navigability. In this study different input combination of monthly upstream suspended sediment concentration and upstream flow dataset for Inanda Dam for 15 years was used to develop a model for each month of the year. The predictive abilities of each of the developed model to predict the quantity of suspended sediment flowing into Inanda Dam were also compared with those of the corresponding developed Sediment Rating Curves using two evaluation criteria - Determination of Coefficient (R2) and Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE). The results from this study show that a genetic programming approach can be used to accurately predict the relationship between the streamflow and the suspended sediment load flowing into Inanda Dam. The twelve developed monthly genetic programming (GP) models produced a significantly low difference when the observed suspended sediment load was compared with the predicted suspended sediment load. The average R2 values and RMS error for the twelve developed models were 0.9996 and 0.3566 respectively during the validation phase. The Genetic Programming models were also able to replicate extreme hydrological events like predicting low and high suspended sediment load flowing into the dam. Moreover, the study also produced accurate sediment rating curve models with low RMSE values of between 0.3971 and 11.8852 and high R2 values of between 0.9833 and 0.9962. This shows that sediment rating curves can be used to predict historical missing data of the quantity of suspended sediment flowing into Inanda Dam using existing streamflow datasets. The results from this study further show that the predictions from the Genetic Programming models are better than the predictions from the Sediment Raring Curve models, especially in predicting large quantities of suspended sediment load during high streamflow such as during flood events. This proves that Genetic Programming technique is a better predictive tool than Sediment Raring Curve technique. In conclusion, the results from this study are very promising and support the use of Genetic Programming in predicting the nonlinear and complex relationship between suspended sediment load and streamflow at the inlet of Inanda Dam in KwaZulu-Natal. This will help planners and managers of the dam to understand the system better in terms of its problems and to find alternative ways to address them.
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Vulnerability of selected native and invasive woody species to streamflow variability in Western Cape fynbos riparian ecotonesCrous, Casparus Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScConsEcol (Conservation Ecology and Entomology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Riparian ecosystems of the Mediterranean south-western Cape region are projected to experience
significant decreases in streamflow due to climate change and increased demands for water associated
with human demographic trends and increasing living standards. Aggravating this problem are woody
invasive alien plants, such as Acacia mearnsii, whose impacts, including those on catchment water
yields, have justified extensive eradication programmes such as Working for Water (WfW). WfW has
been highly successful in managing invasive alien species in some areas, while at the same time
enhancing the quality of life of poor South Africans. Unfortunately, the managers of these eradication
initiatives often experience a lack of information on the species- and site-specific ecological properties
that may aid in prioritising sites more prone to invasion, essentially inhibiting accurate management
output. Knowledge, such as that associated with the possible future distribution of invasive species in
a changing environment, may help to optimise eradication initiatives. I therefore determined whether
woody plants portray different physiological (vulnerability to cavitation) and wood anatomical traits
(wood density, vessel resistance to implosion, vessel lumen and wall diameters) across three
prominent riparian zones in the south-western Cape that each differ in streamflow quantity – to gain a
mechanistic understanding of how woody species, especially invasive species, adapt their hydraulic
strategy across this proxy for water availability. Using factorial ANOVA’s, to distinguish any
differences in plant physiological and wood anatomical responses to water availability within and
between species, showed Acacia mearnsii having consistently higher drought-tolerance (lower P50
values and denser wood) compared to native species under reduced water availability. These results
supported the significant variation in drought-tolerance strategies that exist within and between
taxonomically different species across different environments. Water availability thus has a strong
selective effect on functional traits of species; however, minimum water potentials were more useful
in describing in situ hydrological conditions than streamflow. Additionally, a non-causal relationship
between wood anatomical traits and drought-induced cavitation was observed. Therefore, using only
wood anatomical measurements to assess drought-tolerance of species might not be accurate across all
species. This mechanistic approach to assess the invasive potential of species under projected drier
conditions has great practical value. It can be used to improve species selection for restoration
initiatives, and is of great value for future use in prioritizing eradication programmes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Rivieroewer ekosisteme in die Mediterreense Suidwes-Kaap streek kan groot afnames in stroomvloei
verwag, wat meestal toegeskryf kan word aan klimaatsverandering en die verhoogde aanvraag na
water geassosieerd met stygende populasiegrootte. Uitheemse indringerplante soos Acacia mearnsii
vererger hierdie probleem. Laasgenoemde spesies plaas groot druk op opvanggebiede se water
opbrengs, en vorm grootliks die rede waarom uitroeiing programme soos Werk vir Water (WfW)
gestig is. WfW het al groot suksesse behaal in die bestuur van uitheemse indringerplante, en
terselfdertyd die lewenskwaliteit van arm Suid-Afrikaners verhoog. Ongelukkig sukkel hierdie
indringer uitroeiing inisiatiewe telkens met ongenoegsame bewyse wat kan help om leiding te verskaf
by die prioritisering van areas meer geneig tot indringing. Die gevolg is dat onvoldoende bestuurs
besluite gemaak kan word. Gevolglik sal kennis geassosieerd met die moontlike toekomstige
verspreiding van hierdie indringerplant in ʼn veranderlike omgewing help om uitroeiing programme
meer akkuraat te stel en gevolglik waardevol wees t.o.v. prioritisering van kwesbare areas. Die doel
van hierdie studie was om die kwesbaarheid van sleutel inheemse houtagtige rivier spesies en veral die
dreigende indringerplant Acacia mearnsii, te bestudeer in terme van verlaagde stroomvloei soos
voorspel vir die Wes-Kaap fynbos ekosisteem. Deur te bepaal of houtagtige plante verskillende
fisiologiese (kwesbaarheid teen xileem blokkasie) en anatomiese (hout digtheid, vat
weerstandbiedendheid teen inmekaarkolking, vat holte en wand deursnee) hidrologiese eienskappe
tentoonstel gemeet tussen drie prominente rivieroewer sones in die suidwes Kaap wat variëer in
stroomvloei kwantiteit, verskaf ʼn meganistiese begrip van hoe spesies, veral die indringerplante, hul
hidrologiese strategieë ten opsigte van droogtes kan aanpas. Faktoriële ANOVAS’s tussen spesies en
liggings het getoon dat beide plant fisiologiese en hout anatomiese data beduidend variëer tussen
taksonomies verskillende spesies. Veral Acacia mearnsii het deurgaans laer P50 waardes asook hoër
houtdigtheid getoon, ‘n teken van hierdie spesies se verhoogde droogte toleransie in vergelyking met
die inheemse spesies. Wat beduidend is is dat spesies-spesifieke lewensstrategieë ten opsigte van
droogte toleransie in hierdie rivieroewer sones voorkom. Resultate het bevestig dat water
beskikbaarheid ʼn groot rol speel in die seleksie van funksionele karaktereienskappe in plante, maar,
dat minimum water potensiaal meer akkuraat was om in situ hidrologiese toestande te beskryf as wat
stroomvloei kon. Die verhouding tussen plant fisiologiese en hout anatomiese karaktereienskappe was
indirek as gevolg van spesies-spesifieke lewensstrategieë. Gevolglik sal die allenige gebruik van hout
anatomiese eienskappe om droogte toleransie in plante te assesseer onakkuraat wees omdat daar ʼn
swak verhouding tussen hout anatomie en droogte-geïnduseerde xileem blokkasie bestaan. ʼn
Meganistiese benadering om die indringing potensiaal van spesies onder voorspelde droër kondisies te
assesseer, asook om spesies seleksie vir restourasie doeleindes op te skerp, is prakties uitvoerbaar, en
van groot waarde vir toekomstige gebruik in uitroeiing en restourasie inisiatiewe.
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Investigating channel change in relation to landuse change in the Klein Berg River, Tulbagh.Esau, Mandy Anita January 2005 (has links)
The Klein Berg River catchment is intensely cultivated with orchards, vineyards and wheat, while also ensuring a water supply to the main urban center, Tulbagh, and the two conservation areas (Waterval and Groot Winterhoek). The primary objective of this thesis is to determine channel change over a long and short time period, and to relate these changes to landuse change within the catchment. <br />
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Assessing stability of a selected reach within the catchment was done on a short term basis with the use of erosion pins and cross<br />
profiles, while aerial photographs of over 55 years (acquired during 1942, 1967, 1987 and 1997) which were analysed using Geographic Informations Systems. Rainfall and discharge data, which were available for a period of 49-years were statistically analysed and used to determine trends. Vegetation characteristics were assessed by means of transects within the study reach. The results over the short time period (18 months) indicate noticeable channel change in the form of erosion and deposition within the channel. Bank material composition and riparian invasive alien vegetation play an important role in bank stability. Sand was the dominant grain size of the bank material, and fluvial entrainment occurred during periods of high flow. Woody alien trees prevent the growth of protective ground vegetation, and thus the soil is prone to erosion. Undercutting was also observed with the invasive woody trees, resulting in treefall. Debris dams were also common in the channel and depending on their position in the channel, either cause or prevent bank erosion. Landuse change over the 55-year period illustrated its effects on channel stability. Shrublands within the catchment has been replaced with invasive alien vegetation along the riparian zone, while shrublands along the Obiekwa Mountains, were replaced with cultivated lands. The patterns (shape and size) of lateral and point bars within the study area changed significantly within the 55-year period, which indicates a change in the discharge and sediment dynamics within the catchment. The change in sediment dynamics may be due to agricultural activities and urbanization. The increased trend in rainfall, especially during the winter season within the catchment is also an important catchment control. The study has revealed the integrated nature of variables within the catchment. It is thus recommended that a holistic and integrated approach at a catchment scale is required in the assessment of channel change of a river.
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Investigating channel change in relation to landuse change in the Klein Berg River, Tulbagh.Esau, Mandy Anita January 2005 (has links)
The Klein Berg River catchment is intensely cultivated with orchards, vineyards and wheat, while also ensuring a water supply to the main urban center, Tulbagh, and the two conservation areas (Waterval and Groot Winterhoek). The primary objective of this thesis is to determine channel change over a long and short time period, and to relate these changes to landuse change within the catchment. <br />
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Assessing stability of a selected reach within the catchment was done on a short term basis with the use of erosion pins and cross<br />
profiles, while aerial photographs of over 55 years (acquired during 1942, 1967, 1987 and 1997) which were analysed using Geographic Informations Systems. Rainfall and discharge data, which were available for a period of 49-years were statistically analysed and used to determine trends. Vegetation characteristics were assessed by means of transects within the study reach. The results over the short time period (18 months) indicate noticeable channel change in the form of erosion and deposition within the channel. Bank material composition and riparian invasive alien vegetation play an important role in bank stability. Sand was the dominant grain size of the bank material, and fluvial entrainment occurred during periods of high flow. Woody alien trees prevent the growth of protective ground vegetation, and thus the soil is prone to erosion. Undercutting was also observed with the invasive woody trees, resulting in treefall. Debris dams were also common in the channel and depending on their position in the channel, either cause or prevent bank erosion. Landuse change over the 55-year period illustrated its effects on channel stability. Shrublands within the catchment has been replaced with invasive alien vegetation along the riparian zone, while shrublands along the Obiekwa Mountains, were replaced with cultivated lands. The patterns (shape and size) of lateral and point bars within the study area changed significantly within the 55-year period, which indicates a change in the discharge and sediment dynamics within the catchment. The change in sediment dynamics may be due to agricultural activities and urbanization. The increased trend in rainfall, especially during the winter season within the catchment is also an important catchment control. The study has revealed the integrated nature of variables within the catchment. It is thus recommended that a holistic and integrated approach at a catchment scale is required in the assessment of channel change of a river.
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