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P-T-t-d evolution paths within the Gander Zone, NE NewfoundlandKing, Tanya Rachel January 1997 (has links)
The Gander Lake Subzone of northeast Newfoundland preserves a complex tectonothermal evolution resulting from continental collision of Gondwana and Laurentia following closure of the Iapetus ocean. Field, petrographic, geothermobarometric studies and isotopic age data define five northeastsouthwest trending domains, each with a characteristic P-T-t-d evolutionary path, which reveal elements of the overall tectonothermal evolution in this sector of the Appalachians. Domain I preserves deformed low grade metasediments and east vergent flat-lying 02 folds formed at c. 470 Ma. Domain 2 preserves focusing of later progressive deformation (D3wEST) into a steep, predominantly sinistral high strain zone characterised by andalusite ~ kyanite ~ sillimanite indicative of a clockwise metamorphic path (peak conditions c. 650°C, 5.5 kbar). In domain 3, deformed metasediments (D2-D3EAsT) display an eastward increase in structural complexity and metamorphic grade to a peak of c. 600°C. Domain 4 displays progressive amphibolite facies deformation (D3EAsT) characterised by prograde andalusite ~ sillimanite-bearing (c. 425 Ma) migmatites with peak conditions of c. 700°C, 4.5 kbar. Retrograde 04 deformation and metamorphism is concentrated in steep narrow high strain zones. S4WES~amphibolite to greenschist facies shear fabrics (predominantly dextral) overprint prograde fabrics (S3WEST)within domain 2 and are cross-cut by the c. 427 Ma Middle Brook Granite, Locally in domains 3 and 4 prograde (D3EAsT) fabrics are overprinted by amphibolite to upper greenschist facies S4EAST fabrics which also form the dominant fabric in c. 417 Ma syntectonic granites. D5-06 retrogressive deformation is pervasive in a c. 2 km wide mylonitic zone adjacent to the Dover Fault. D5 dextral greenschist-facies ductile structures are cut by the c. 385 Ma Newport Granite which in tum is cut by 06 sub-greenschist facies brittle dextral faults. In combination, the domains preserve A) low grade deformation (Ordovician?) associated with easterly thrusting of the Dunnage Zone over the Gander Zone, B) Silurian rIletamorphism and deformation progressively partitioned into high strain zones and, C) Devonian retrograde ductile-brittle shearing and brittle faulting local to the Dover Fault. The spatial and temporal coincidence of transpressive deformation, moderate to high grade metamorphism and voluminous granite magmatism in the east portion of the Gander Zone is taken to relate to sinistrally oblique collision between two major crustal blocks during the Silurian. Devonian reactivation juxtaposed part of the high grade Gander Zone against the low grade Avalon block across the brittle-ductile Dover Fault.
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The Late Proterozoic to Palaeozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Long Range Mountains in Southwestern NewfoundlandBrem, Arjan Gerben January 2007 (has links)
Ever since the first plate-tectonic model for the Appalachians was proposed, the Laurentian margin has been interpreted as having experienced a collision-related dynamo-thermal event during the Middle Ordovician Taconic orogeny. In the western Newfoundland Appalachians, evidence for this collision is well-preserved in the Dashwoods subzone. Nevertheless, rocks of the neighbouring Corner Brook Lake block (CBLB), which is located in the heart of the Laurentian realm, did not show evidence for such an event. Instead, it was affected by Early Silurian Salinic deformation and associated peak metamorphism. Even though this difference in Early Palaeozoic tectonic history between the Dashwoods and the CBLB is widely known, it has not been satisfactorily explained.
To better understand the Early Palaeozoic history of the region, in particular to test and better explain the lack of a Taconic dynamo-thermal event in the CBLB, field mapping, microscopic work, and U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronological studies were undertaken in the western and northern part of the Dashwoods subzone, and in the southern part of the CBLB. In addition, the kinematic history of the Baie Verte-Brompton Line - Cabot Fault Zone (BCZ), the tectonic zone that separates the two unique tectonic fragments, was studied.
The western and northern parts of the Dashwoods subzone contain variably foliated igneous units of Middle Ordovician age (ca. 460 Ma) that are associated with the regionally voluminous Notre Dame continental arc. A ca. 455 Ma conjugate set of late syn-tectonic pegmatite dykes in the BCZ demonstrates a dextral sense of shear along the BCZ (DBCZ-1) during the Late Ordovician to earliest Silurian, and constrains the minimum age of the main phase of ductile deformation in the Dashwoods subzone.
The fault-bounded CBLB has been affected by a single west-vergent deformational event, constrained between ca. 434 and ca. 427 Ma. More importantly, no evidence – neither petrographic nor geochronological – is present that would indicate that the CBLB was affected by a significant Taconic dynamo-thermal event. Hence, the CBLB and Dashwoods could not have been juxtaposed until after the late Early Silurian. Furthermore, the basement to the CBLB is devoid of any Grenville (sensu lato; ca. 1.0-1.3 Ga) U-Pb ages, which is in sharp contrast with crystalline basement elsewhere in the region, such as the Long Range Inlier. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that the CBLB represents the para-autochthonous leading edge of the Laurentian craton in the Newfoundland Appalachians, as commonly accepted. The CBLB is interpreted as a suspect terrane that has moved over 500 km parallel to the strike of the orogen. Docking to the external Humber Zone is likely to have occurred during the Early Silurian. Final juxtaposition with the Dashwoods took place after the late Early Silurian (post-Salinic) as a result of protracted dextral movement along the BCZ (DBCZ-2 and DBCZ-5).
Current tectonic models for the Newfoundland Appalachians mainly focus on well-documented Early Palaeozoic orthogonal convergence of various terranes with the Laurentian margin, but large-scale orogen-parallel movements have rarely been considered. The possibility of large-scale strike-slip tectonics documented here, in addition to the convergent motions, may have significant implications for the tectonic interpretation of the Early Palaeozoic evolution of the Newfoundland Appalachians.
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The Late Proterozoic to Palaeozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Long Range Mountains in Southwestern NewfoundlandBrem, Arjan Gerben January 2007 (has links)
Ever since the first plate-tectonic model for the Appalachians was proposed, the Laurentian margin has been interpreted as having experienced a collision-related dynamo-thermal event during the Middle Ordovician Taconic orogeny. In the western Newfoundland Appalachians, evidence for this collision is well-preserved in the Dashwoods subzone. Nevertheless, rocks of the neighbouring Corner Brook Lake block (CBLB), which is located in the heart of the Laurentian realm, did not show evidence for such an event. Instead, it was affected by Early Silurian Salinic deformation and associated peak metamorphism. Even though this difference in Early Palaeozoic tectonic history between the Dashwoods and the CBLB is widely known, it has not been satisfactorily explained.
To better understand the Early Palaeozoic history of the region, in particular to test and better explain the lack of a Taconic dynamo-thermal event in the CBLB, field mapping, microscopic work, and U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronological studies were undertaken in the western and northern part of the Dashwoods subzone, and in the southern part of the CBLB. In addition, the kinematic history of the Baie Verte-Brompton Line - Cabot Fault Zone (BCZ), the tectonic zone that separates the two unique tectonic fragments, was studied.
The western and northern parts of the Dashwoods subzone contain variably foliated igneous units of Middle Ordovician age (ca. 460 Ma) that are associated with the regionally voluminous Notre Dame continental arc. A ca. 455 Ma conjugate set of late syn-tectonic pegmatite dykes in the BCZ demonstrates a dextral sense of shear along the BCZ (DBCZ-1) during the Late Ordovician to earliest Silurian, and constrains the minimum age of the main phase of ductile deformation in the Dashwoods subzone.
The fault-bounded CBLB has been affected by a single west-vergent deformational event, constrained between ca. 434 and ca. 427 Ma. More importantly, no evidence – neither petrographic nor geochronological – is present that would indicate that the CBLB was affected by a significant Taconic dynamo-thermal event. Hence, the CBLB and Dashwoods could not have been juxtaposed until after the late Early Silurian. Furthermore, the basement to the CBLB is devoid of any Grenville (sensu lato; ca. 1.0-1.3 Ga) U-Pb ages, which is in sharp contrast with crystalline basement elsewhere in the region, such as the Long Range Inlier. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that the CBLB represents the para-autochthonous leading edge of the Laurentian craton in the Newfoundland Appalachians, as commonly accepted. The CBLB is interpreted as a suspect terrane that has moved over 500 km parallel to the strike of the orogen. Docking to the external Humber Zone is likely to have occurred during the Early Silurian. Final juxtaposition with the Dashwoods took place after the late Early Silurian (post-Salinic) as a result of protracted dextral movement along the BCZ (DBCZ-2 and DBCZ-5).
Current tectonic models for the Newfoundland Appalachians mainly focus on well-documented Early Palaeozoic orthogonal convergence of various terranes with the Laurentian margin, but large-scale orogen-parallel movements have rarely been considered. The possibility of large-scale strike-slip tectonics documented here, in addition to the convergent motions, may have significant implications for the tectonic interpretation of the Early Palaeozoic evolution of the Newfoundland Appalachians.
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Structure and regeneration of old-growth stands in the engelmann spruce - subalpine fir zoneKlinka, Karel January 1998 (has links)
Old-growth stands are important for management,
conservation, wildlife, recreation, and maintaining biological
diversity in forested landscapes. However, we are lacking
the information needed to adequately identify and
characterize old-growth stands. This is especially true for
high elevation, interior forests. The characterization of stand
structure and regeneration pattern will help in the
development of site-specific guidelines for identifying old growth
stands and restoring some of the old-growth
characteristics in managed stands.
This pamphlet presents a synopsis of a study investigating
stand structure and regeneration of old-growth stands in the
Moist Cold Engelmann Spruce - Subalpine Fir (ESSFmc)
Subzone near Smithers, B.C. The three stands selected for
the study were located on zonal sites, each in different
watersheds, and the stands were established after fire. The
criteria used for selection were: i) absence of lodgepole
pine, ii) presence of advanced regeneration, and iii) abundant
snags and coarse woody debris. These stands were presumed
to represent the old-growth stage of stand development or
the final (climax) stage of secondary succession.
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