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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identification And Location Of Sunken Logs Using Sidescan Sonar Technology

Ravichandran, Aravindh Srivatsav 10 December 2005 (has links)
Identifying the location of sunken logs is a task of considerable interest in today?s world economy. The main motive of this work is to find and locate sunken cypress logs that were lost during the transit to a lumber mills. Underwater logging is possible because of the fact that many of the logs were barely affected by the decades of submersion. Cypress logs, the types of logs used in this research have a natural resistant to rotting. The other probability for the logs not being affected significantly, even staying in water for decades, is the high density of the growth rings. The quality of these sunken logs is far superior because of their high density in growth rings and they have a high economic value compared to present day logs. Sidescan sonar is proposed for the work of locating the sunken logs. Based on various research and studies, which involve several similar projects, sidescan sonar is proposed to locate and identify these sunken targets. These images that resemble a cylinder in some aspects can then be compared with a template for pattern matching. Any image size that is not matched with the acceptable size can be rejected. Using this template matching procedure, the size of the object is matched and the logs can be located and recovered. Based on various technical papers and studies involving similar projects, conclusions were drawn and future work has been suggested.

Den gömda kyrkklockan : en studie om en kyrkklockas sägen

Köhnke, Caroline January 2013 (has links)
There is a legend about a church on the island of Orust in the small village of Tegneby. The legend tells a story about a hidden church bell in the mysterious hole in the creek. “During a war long time ago, people were afraid that the King Gustav Vasa would take their church bell to use as material for cannons. So the people in Tegneby hid their beloved church bell in a hole in the creek below the church and there it remained for seven years”  (main legend) The aim of this paper was to find out if this legend still is alive in the area of Tegneby. Another aim was to understand what had caused the folk legend to appear and also if there were other places in the south west of Sweden that had corresponding legends.  There was a big difference in the knowledge of the legend between the informants that I intervjued according to age. The older informants knew about the story and also had heard more versions of the legend. The younger informants were not as enlightened about the legend of the sunken/hidden church bell. Were there similar legends in the south west of Sweden? Yes, there was as many as 397 of them, they were very much alike the main legend about Tegnebys sunken church bell. What could have caused this legend? The answer is this that there is no perfect right answer. What probably caused the legend to appear was confiscation of church bells that took place during the15-1600 hundreds in Sweden and in Denmark. People got afraid that their church bell was going to be taken from them.

Dynamique et rôle des microorganismes dans l'écosystème bois coulé en milieu profond / Dynamics and role of microorganisms in the deep-sea sunken wood ecosystem

Kalenitchenko, Dimitri 18 September 2015 (has links)
Lorsqu’un morceau de bois atteint le fond de l’océan, il provoque la mise en place d’un écosystème capable de se développer en absence de lumière. Cet écosystème est qualifié de chimiosynthétique du fait de la présence d’une faune pouvant fixer le carbone inorganique présent dans l’eau de mer. De plus, ce système attire une faune ultra-specialisée qui utilise des symbiontes bactériens pour digèrer le bois. Avant ces travaux, la plupart des études s’interressaient principalement à la macrofaune et le rôle des microorganismes libres demeurait inconnu. Nous avons pu démontrer dans cette thèse le rôle essentiel que jouent les microorganismes libres dans la mise en place de cet écosystème. Nous avons prouvé que des communautés de microorganismes se succédaient au cours de la première année de colonisation et que cette succession était influencée par le type de bois et l’environment dans lequel il se trouve. La première phase de cette succession aboutit au développement après un mois, d’une population de bactéries sulfato-réductrices produisant de l’hydrogène sulfuré et ce, même en l’absence d’organismes foreurs. Cette production d’hydrogène sulfuré est à la base (1) du développement rapide d’un biofilm chimiolithoautotrophe et (2) du recrutement d’espèces possédants des symbiontes chimiosynthétiques. Nos résultats ont permis d’aboutir à la proposition d’une succession d’étapes clés liées permettant la transformation d’un substrat térrigène en un écosysteme qui, il y a plusieurs millions d’années, aurait permis à la faune chimiosynthétique de coloniser les grands fonds. / When wood sinks to the deep-sea floor it creates a new ecosystem that does not depend directly on energy from sunlight. This ecosystem is called chemosynthetic because of the presence of a fauna associated with symbiotic bacteria that can assimilate inorganic carbon from seawater. Furthermore this system is colonized by specialized fauna that use symbiotic bacteria to digest the wood matrix. Previous studies mostly focused on these symbiotic macroorganisms and the role played by non-symbiotic microorganisms in the sunken wood ecosystem remains unknown. We demonstrate in this thesis the important role played by non symbiotic microorganisms during the sunken wood ecosystem establishment. We reveal the ecological succession of microorganisms driven by time and wood structure. The first step of this succession is characterized by a microbial population able to produce hydrogen sulfide after one month of immersion. This hydrogen sulfide production is the basis for (1) a chemolithoautotroph biofilm development on the wood surface and (2) a recruitment of species associated with chemoautotrophic bacteria. Our results suggest a succession of different phases that transform a terrigeneous substrate into an environment that may have helped, million years ago, the colonization of the deep sea by chemosynthetic species.

Ecology of sunken wood community in the ocean / 海洋における沈木生物群集の生態学

Nishimoto, Atsushi 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第18107号 / 理博第3985号 / 新制||理||1575(附属図書館) / 30965 / 京都大学大学院理学研究科生物科学専攻 / (主査)教授 朝倉 彰, 講師 宮崎 勝己, 教授 疋田 努 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

Safe Haven Leveling the Playing Field by Creating a Home for the Unsheltered, Homeless, Water, and Native Plants

Mitchell, Michelle Lynn 13 January 2022 (has links)
Through natural and constructed elements, landscape architects design public landscapes to engage the public in the great outdoors. While many local governments and designers actively create landscapes to keep the unsheltered and homeless out of public spaces, keep water in storm drains, and keep native plants on the periphery of the public landscape, my project, Safe Haven, is about creating an inclusive public landscape for people, water, and native plants. Preliminary research into the history of property ownership, discrimination, economic inequality, and government programs for the unsheltered created a picture of why certain demographics struggle with housing. Case studies of homeless encampments in the Washington DC area of NOMA, Abbot's Camp in Austin, Texas, and car camping in San Diego, California, and Seattle, Washington, gave insight into the current landscape needs of unsheltered people. Studies of the watershed and plants native to the site inspired a water retention system and a seasonal pallet of plants. The design incorporates existing infrastructure, new buildings, a natural playground, wilderness camping, a Mount Vernon-inspired vegetable garden, and a sunken garden designed to retain water while showcasing native plants. Describing the design are narratives sharing the perspective of water, native plants, the unsheltered, and the homeless. Lady Landscape guides the stories and offers her views on the responsibilities of a landscape architect. / Master of Landscape Architecture / Inclusive landscapes create a vision of places where children, older adults, people with and without disabilities enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature. There are ADA regulations that ensure everyone can be accommodated within a public landscape, but those regulations don't extend to the needs of unsheltered or homeless people. Their needs to enjoy public parks and recreation areas are different from housed people. They're looking for a home, and many public spaces are built to deter them from living on public lands. My project is a landscape designed with the unsheltered and homeless as the primary client. My project is about creating room for people without homes in the landscape - offering them dignity and meeting them where they are. Researching the needs of the homeless and what is presently available helped guide my design. After choosing an appropriate site in Fairfax City, Virginia, it became apparent that water and native plants would also need a home in this project. A thorough study of the water pattern over the area informed design elements that gave water a home through a Vegetative Swale and Sunken Garden while native plants found space in garden rooms. The thesis is presented as a narrative with Lady Landscape guiding the reader through the design by introducing them to the people and natural elements the landscape offers refuge to.

Predictive Data-Derived Bayesian Statistic-Transport Model and Simulator of Sunken Oil Mass

Echavarria Gregory, Maria Angelica 18 August 2010 (has links)
Sunken oil is difficult to locate because remote sensing techniques cannot as yet provide views of sunken oil over large areas. Moreover, the oil may re-suspend and sink with changes in salinity, sediment load, and temperature, making deterministic fate models difficult to deploy and calibrate when even the presence of sunken oil is difficult to assess. For these reasons, together with the expense of field data collection, there is a need for a statistical technique integrating limited data collection with stochastic transport modeling. Predictive Bayesian modeling techniques have been developed and demonstrated for exploiting limited information for decision support in many other applications. These techniques brought to a multi-modal Lagrangian modeling framework, representing a near-real time approach to locating and tracking sunken oil driven by intrinsic physical properties of field data collected following a spill after oil has begun collecting on a relatively flat bay bottom. Methods include (1) development of the conceptual predictive Bayesian model and multi-modal Gaussian computational approach based on theory and literature review; (2) development of an object-oriented programming and combinatorial structure capable of managing data, integration and computation over an uncertain and highly dimensional parameter space; (3) creating a new bi-dimensional approach of the method of images to account for curved shoreline boundaries; (4) confirmation of model capability for locating sunken oil patches using available (partial) real field data and capability for temporal projections near curved boundaries using simulated field data; and (5) development of a stand-alone open-source computer application with graphical user interface capable of calibrating instantaneous oil spill scenarios, obtaining sets maps of relative probability profiles at different prediction times and user-selected geographic areas and resolution, and capable of performing post-processing tasks proper of a basic GIS-like software. The result is a predictive Bayesian multi-modal Gaussian model, SOSim (Sunken Oil Simulator) Version 1.0rc1, operational for use with limited, randomly-sampled, available subjective and numeric data on sunken oil concentrations and locations in relatively flat-bottomed bays. The SOSim model represents a new approach, coupling a Lagrangian modeling technique with predictive Bayesian capability for computing unconditional probabilities of mass as a function of space and time. The approach addresses the current need to rapidly deploy modeling capability without readily accessible information on ocean bottom currents. Contributions include (1) the development of the apparently first pollutant transport model for computing unconditional relative probabilities of pollutant location as a function of time based on limited available field data alone; (2) development of a numerical method of computing concentration profiles subject to curved, continuous or discontinuous boundary conditions; (3) development combinatorial algorithms to compute unconditional multimodal Gaussian probabilities not amenable to analytical or Markov-Chain Monte Carlo integration due to high dimensionality; and (4) the development of software modules, including a core module containing the developed Bayesian functions, a wrapping graphical user interface, a processing and operating interface, and the necessary programming components that lead to an open-source, stand-alone, executable computer application (SOSim - Sunken Oil Simulator). Extensions and refinements are recommended, including the addition of capability for accepting available information on bathymetry and maybe bottom currents as Bayesian prior information, the creation of capability of modeling continuous oil releases, and the extension to tracking of suspended oil (3-D).

Chasing Vertical: Diversity & Recognition in the field of Graphic Design.

Souza, Omari Abijah 08 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

El Periodo Precerámico en el valle de Chao

Cárdenas, Mercedes 10 April 2018 (has links)
The Preceramic Period in Chao Valley The author presents the evidence recovered from Preceramic Period sites discovered during the Survey Project at Chao Valley, with special emphasis on those situated on the dry Las Salinas pampa in order to compare these with others located in other parts of the valley. / Se presentan los datos relacionados con sitios del Periodo Precerámico descubiertos cuando se realizó el inventario y catastro de Chao, con especial énfasis en aquellos situados en la pampa árida de Las Salinas para contrastarlos con los otros existentes en los varios sectores del valle.

Who were Invited? Temporal and Functional Changes in Public Spaces as a Reflection of Shifting Leadership Strategies at Pukara during the Late Formative Period / ¿Quiénes eran los invitados? Cambios temporales y funcionales de los espacios públicos de Pukara como reflejo del cambio de las estrategias de liderazgo durante el Periodo Formativo Tardío

Klarich, Elizabeth A. 10 April 2018 (has links)
In the Lake Titicaca Basin, the sunken court complex has long been considered the archetypal public space. It is generally assumed that courts served as the major setting for ritual performance during the Formative period and possibly during the subsequent Middle Horizon; however, sunken courts are only one of several types of public architecture in use during these time periods. A diachronic study of public spaces within the ceremonial district at Pukara, specifically focused on the Qalasaya complex and central pampa areas, is directed at addressing the relationship between ritual architecture and early leadership during the Late Formative period (500 BC-AD400). Based on excavation data from the investigations of Alfred Kidder II in 1939, the Plan COPESCO excavations of the Qalasaya in the 1970s, and recent excavations on the central pampa in 2001, it is possible to develop a framework for characterizing temporal and functional changes in Pukara’s public spaces. Changes in the location, layout, and use of these spaces by both hosts and intended audiences are used as indicators of a shift from inclusive to exclusive leadership strategies at Pukara during the Late Formative period. / En la cuenca del lago Titicaca, el Complejo Patio Hundido ha sido considerado por largo tiempo como el arquetipo del espacio público. Por lo general, se asume que los patios sirvieron como el escenario principal para la escenificación ritual durante el Periodo Formativo y, posiblemente, durante el subsiguiente Horizonte Medio. Sin embargo, los patios hundidos son solo uno de los muchos tipos de arquitectura pública en uso durante estos periodos. Un estudio diacrónico de los espacios públicos dentro del área ceremonial del sitio de Pukara, centrado específicamente en las áreas del complejo Qalasaya y la "pampa" central, aborda la relación entre la arquitectura ritual y el liderazgo temprano durante el Periodo Formativo Tardío (500 a.C.-400 d.C.). Sobre la base de los datos de excavaciones como resultado de las investigaciones de Alfred Kidder II en 1939, las excavaciones del Plan COPESCO en el Qalasaya en la década de los setenta y excavaciones recientes en la pampa central en 2001 se plantea la posibilidad de desarrollar un marco para caracterizar los cambios temporales y funcionales en los espacios públicos de Pukara. Los cambios en la ubicación, trazado y uso de estos espacios tanto por los anfitriones como por las audiencias proyectadas son utilizados como indicadores de un cambio en las estrategias de liderazgo, las que pasan de tener un carácter inclusivo a uno de tipo excluyente en Pukara durante el Periodo Formativo Tardío.

Archaeological Research at Sechín Bajo Site, Casma / Investigaciones arqueológicas en el sitio de Sechín Bajo, Casma

Fuchs, Peter R., Patzschke, Renate, Schmitz, Claudia, Yenque, Germán, Briceño, Jesús 10 April 2018 (has links)
Archaeological research performed at the Sechín Bajo site have yielded new data related to the origins of Andean civilization. Archaeological excavation and geophysical methods carried out to date have revealed a long history of the construction of monumental architecture that lasted about 2000 years. Three buildings have been studied so far, the oldest of which is associated with a circular sunken court; the other two reveal modifications and changes in architectural design. The "Second Building" is characterized by graffiti on an outside wall; the graffitti has a design motif reminescent of a complex mythological being that corresponds to the early Formative period. This is the first time this motif has been found in an architectural context. These new data from the principal nucleus of monumental sites in the Sechín River Valley provide the opportunity to discuss the rise of construction activities related to monumentality in the valley and to other sites of the Archaic and Formative periods in the Andes. / Los trabajos de investigación realizados por los autores en el sitio de Sechín Bajo han proporcionado nuevos datos relacionados con los orígenes de la civilización en los Andes centrales. Las prospecciones con métodos geofísicos y excavaciones arqueológicas realizadas hasta la fecha han puesto al descubierto evidencias arquitectónicas de carácter monumental, y una larga historia constructiva de, aproximadamente, 2000 años. De los tres edificios definidos hasta el momento, el más antiguo está asociado a una plaza circular hundida, mientras que los otros dos presentan remodelaciones y cambios en sus diseños arquitectónicos. El denominado Segundo Edificio presenta grafitis en uno de sus muros exteriores, y destaca un motivo que representa a un ser mitológico complejo correspondiente al Periodo Formativo Temprano, registrado por primera vez en un contexto arquitectónico. Estos nuevos datos documentados en el núcleo principal de los grandes complejos de la cuenca del río Sechín brindan la oportunidad para discutir sobre los inicios de las actividades constructivas de carácter monumental en el valle de Sechín y su relación con otros sitios de los periodos Arcaico Tardío y Formativo del área andina.

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