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Turbulence and airflow variations in complex terrain: a modelling and field measurement approach for wind turbine sitingKaturji, Marwan January 2011 (has links)
As the demand for global renewable energy grows, so does the demand for more
efficient energy conversion machines and better wind resource assessment. The
need to convert as much energy as possible with little cost remains the biggest
challenge. In the wind energy sector, the quantity of the resource “wind” is not
hard to locate, as with current ground and space based remote sensing
technologies, and climate reanalysis techniques, the mapping of average wind
speeds across the globe is achievable. The difficulty lies in identifying the
“quality” of the wind resource. “Quality” is the measure of the time variant
properties of the wind, and time scale here does not represent seasonal,
monthly, or the daily variability, but rather the changes within hours, minutes,
seconds, and sub‐second periods. Wind possesses a highly unpredictable, and
non‐universal character, which is referred to as turbulence. These
intermittencies in the wind speed create variable mechanical loads on the
structure of wind turbines leading to fatigue, and ultimately failure. Identifying
site specific qualities of the wind resource is very crucial in the design and
selection process of the wind turbine.
Physical theories explaining wind turbulence phenomena over flat terrain have
been critiqued and tested by observations, and in general, have achieved
reasonable success in explaining surface layer wind dynamics that can be
applied universally. This universality, and the extrapolation of flat terrain
theories to complex terrain applications, breaks down most of the time due to
the newly recognized spatial and temporal spectrum of interaction modes,
mechanically and thermodynamically, with the surrounding complex terrain.
In terrain as found in New Zealand, most of the wind farm development is
carried out over complex terrain, with ridge top and mountainous installations.
In this study, an experimental campaign was carried out over a coastal ridge top,
proposed for wind farming, to investigate mean and turbulent wind flow
features significant for wind turbine selection and placement across the ridge.
The steep sloped faces of the ridge, high wind speeds and its proximity to the sea
made this location ideal for a benchmark investigation site. Ultra‐sonic
anemometers, a sodar (sound detection and ranging) wind profiler, and high
resolution LES (large eddy simulation) numerical modelling were all utilized
separately and in an interconnected way to provide a comprehensive analysis of
the wind dynamics over the ridge top. The three principal components of the
investigation were: the effect of the upstream topography and the thermal
circulation associated with the proximity to the sea on the observed and
modelled wind shear vertical profile; the role that the near upwind terrain plays
in shaping the turbulence energy spectrum and influencing the predicted
spectrum, ultimately affecting isotropy in the flow field and turbulence length
scales; turbulence advection from far topography, and the role that far upwind
terrain plays in altering the wind turbulence in a measurement area or at a single
Results showed that the thermal wind circulations and upstream steep
topography could dictate the wind shear profile, and consequently have a large
impact on wind turbine height selection and placement. The sodar proved to be a
very useful tool in identifying vertical shear zones associated with effects of
steep upstream terrain, vertical mixing of horizontal momentum, and thermal
circulation from the local sea breeze.
In complex terrain, the added multi‐directional perturbations from the
underlying roughness redistribute the statistical variations (measured by
variances) in the three spatial dimensions. Isotropy, based on measured
variances, was attained for both sites on the ridge. Isotropy also held true for the
energy spectrum via Fourier analysis of the high temporal resolution data, but
not for both sites. In general, local isotropy can be attained in cases of higher
wind speeds and increased terrain relief. Measured spectral ratios did not
converge to the limit suggested by the local isotropy hypothesis. These results
identify contradictions in assessing the turbulence isotropy in both real space
(statistically through variances) and Fourier space (through power spectrum
analysis), which suggests caution in deriving or interpreting turbulence
information for wind turbine design and selection.
2D‐LES experiments showed that turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) can attain long
range memory of underlying terrain, which can then react accordingly with
upcoming terrain. Under the high wind speed scenarios, which are suitable for
wind farming, and over relatively complex terrain, the flow retained some
aspects of terrain information at least 30H (H is the terrain height) upstream and
downstream of the terrain. In general, as the turbulence field travels over new
terrain it tends to increase in intensity downstream of that feature. The newly
modified TKE field acquires geometric features from the underlying terrain;
mainly these features register as amplifications in the wave structure of the field
at wavelengths comparable to the height of the underlying terrain. The 2D‐LES
sensitivity experiments identified key areas of high mean wind speed and
turbulence in relation to terrain effects, all of which should be taken into
consideration when thinking of locating a wind farm in such areas.
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On the estimation of nitrous oxide flux from agricultural fields of Canterbury New Zealand using micro-meteorological methodsMukherjee, Sandipan January 2013 (has links)
Traditionally, agricultural nitrous oxide (N₂O) emission of New Zealand has been measured using chambers or lysimeters, and micrometeorological flux measurement experiments have been very few. Since micrometerological flux measurement systems have the advantage of measuring spatially integrated flux values for longer time periods compared to measurements made using chambers, development and verification of such a system was needed for New Zealand's agro-meteorological conditions. In this study, efficacy of such a combined flux gradient (FG) - eddy covariance (EC) micrometeorological flux measurement system is verified by continuously measuring N₂O fluxes from some control and mitigated agricultural plots of New Zealand. The control fields had natural N₂O emission, whereas, the mitigated plots were treated with chemicals to reduce N₂O emission.
In this combined FG-EC method, the turbulent eddy diffusivities were estimated using the Monin-Obukhov (M-O) similarity theory based parameterization (where diffusion velocity `dhp' was used) and a thermal approach (where eddy diffusivity `kht' was used) from the EC measurements. These transfer coefficients (kht and dhp) along with the measured N₂O concentration differences were then fitted to the traditional FG equation to compute final flux values. As the primary objective of this study, measured fluxes from two different seasons and from two approaches were compared for consistency and then verified against published results. Under this wider objective of verification of the FG-EC micrometeorological method of N₂O flux estimation, this research thesis addresses three key issues: (i) assessment of error propagation in the measured flux through the eddy diffusivity - to understand the random error dynamics of the system and to estimate precision of the overall method, (ii) quantification and separation of N₂O source area emission rates from adjacent plots - to identify the contribution of an individual plot to the measured flux when multi-plot fluxes were measured from sources with different biogenic characters, and (iii) quantification of the effect of animal grazing and mitigation on the measured flux and actual emission rate of N₂O - to assess robustness of the FG-EC micrometeorological system. As a fourth objective of this study, (iv) new scaling properties of a turbulence surface layer model of a convective atmosphere is investigated as an alternative to the standard M-O similarity theory, as significant questioning of the M-O theory has been reported in some recent publications.
Results from the verification experiment showed that the daily measured flux values obtained from this combined micrometeorlogical system for control plots varied between 0-191.9 and 0-491.8 gN₂O-N.ha⁻¹.day⁻¹ for autumn and spring experiments, respectively, for the parameterization method. Similarly, the daily mean flux values were found to be 10.9 ± 0.98 and 11.7 ± 0.57 gN₂O-N.ha⁻¹.day⁻¹ for the autumn and spring seasons, respectively. All these values were found to be of the same order of previously reported values in the literature and found to verifying that this FG-EC system works well under a range of meteorological conditions within a defined error range. Therefore, when the propagated random error was computed in the final flux value using kht and dhp, the mean relative error in kht was found to be higher than the mean relative error in dhp, irrespective of stability. From a Monte-Carlo type simulation of the random error, it was found that the maximum error can be up to 80% for kht irrespective of stability, and 49% and 35% for dhp respectively for stable (1/L ≥ 0, where L is Obukhov length) and unstable (1/L < 0) atmosphere. Errors in the concentration differences were estimated based on the minimum resolvable estimates from the gas analyzer and the associated random errors were found to be 6% and 8% for unstable and stable conditions. Finally, the total mean random error in the N2Oflux values was found to be approximately of the order of 9% and 12% for the parameterization method for unstable and stable conditions, respectively, and 16.5% for the thermal method, irrespective of stability.
Objective (ii) of this research was addressed by developing a `footprint fraction' based inverse footprint method. Results of the footprint analysis method were assessed, first, by comparing footprint fractions obtained from both an analytical footprint model and a `forward' simulation of a backward Lagrangian stochastic (bLs) model; and second, by comparing the source area emission rates of a control plot obtained from the footprint analysis method and from the `backward' simulation of the bLs model. It was observed that the analytical footprint fractions were realistic as they compared well with the values obtain from the bLs model. The actual emission rates were found to be on average 2.1% higher than the measured flux values for the control plots. On average 4.3% of the measured fluxes were found to be contributed by source areas outside of the field domain. Again, the proposed footprint method of emission rate estimation was found to work well under a wider range of atmospheric stability, as the inverse footprint model and bLs model based emission rates were found to correlate well (0.70 and 0.61 for autumn and spring, respectively) with a 99% statistical significance.
Similarly when the effect of grazing on the N₂O fluxes was considered, a 90% enhancement in the flux values was observed after grazing, followed by a decreasing trend in fluxes. However, contrary to existing knowledge of mitigation of N₂O flux by an inhibitor, this study found no statistically significant effect of mitigation in the pastoral emission of N₂O. Error accumulation, lesser soil N₂O production potential and/or inefficiency of the FG-EC method was conjectured to be reason/s for such discrepancy and some alternative convective boundary layer turbulence scaling was tested. Separate field measurement data, including the vertical profile measurements of the convective boundary layer and sonic anemometer measurements within the surface layer were used for this purpose. The spectral analysis of the vertical wind component, temperature and heat flux revealed that this new model of the convective boundary layer, which explains atmospheric boundary layer turbulence in terms of some nonlocal parameters, is more suitable than the traditional Monin-Obukhov similarity theory based model of atmospheric turbulence where the atmospheric flow properties are local. Therefore, it can be concluded that this new model of turbulence might provide the framework for a newer model of flux estimation in future.
Overall, the FG-EC model of N₂O flux estimation method seems to work well within a certain error range. However, more field applications of this FG-EC method are needed for different agro-meteorological conditions of New Zealand before this method is accepted as a standard method of flux estimation, particularly, inefficiency in detecting the effect of mitigation should be tested. Development of an alternative flux gradient model which includes nonlocal atmospheric surface parameters might also be considered as a future research objective.
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