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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wind And Swell Wave Climate For Turkish Coast Of The Aegean And Mediterranean Sea

Derebay, Saygin Kemal 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The swell waves which are an important component of wind generated waves have significant effects on small craft and fisheries. The swell wave climate has an important role in the design and operation of fishing harbors and harbors for small craft. Despite this fact the swell wave climate is not well known for the Turkish coasts. The purpose of the present study was to identify the swell wave climate along the Aegean and Mediterranean Sea coastline of T&uuml / rkiye. For this purpose wind and swell wave data for a 72 months period is obtained from ECMWF for the analysis. And the data are analyzed for twenty one locations selected along the Turkish coast. For every location the wind and swell wave roses, significant swell wave height versus Mean period of primary swell relations, extreme probability distribution and log-linear cumulative probability distribution are presented. Also some extreme swell events in the Aegean and Mediterranean Sea occurred in the data period are presented for a better understanding of generation and propagation of swell waves. The results showed that the swell wave activity and severity is higher in the Aegean and Mediterranean Sea coastline of T&uuml / rkiye. The investigation of extreme swell events provided that the swell waves occur and diminish in a relatively short duration and the data available from ECMWF which is provided for 12 hour intervals is not sensitive to time enough for the investigation of swell wave occurrence and propagation. The significant swell wave height versus Mean period of primary swell relations and analysis on period of swell waves showed that the swell wave periods could reach up to 12 seconds in the Western and Southern shores of T&uuml / rkiye.

Wind And Swell Wave Climate For The Southern Part Of Black Sea

Berkun, Ugur 01 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The swell waves which are an important component of wind generated waves have significant effects on small craft and fisheries. The swell wave climate has an important role in the design and operation of fishing harbors and harbors for small craft. Despite this fact the swell wave climate is not well known for the Turkish coasts. The purpose of the present study was to identify the swell wave climate along the Black Sea coastline of T&uuml / rkiye. For this purpose wind and swell wave data for a 65 months period is obtained from ECMWF for the analysis. And the data are analyzed for thirteen locations selected along the Turkish coast. For every location the wind and swell wave roses, significant swell wave height versus Mean period of primary swell relations, extreme probability distribution and log-linear cumulative probability distribution are presented. Also some extreme swell events in the Black Sea occurred in the data period are presented for a better understanding of generation and propagation of swell waves. The results showed that the swell wave activity and severity is higher in the western Black Sea coastline of T&uuml / rkiye. The investigation of extreme swell events provided that the swell waves occur and diminish in a relatively short duration and the data available from ECMWF which is provided for 12 hour intervals is not sensitive to time enough for the investigation of swell wave occurrence and propagation. The significant swell wave height versus Mean period of primary swell relations and analysis on period of swell waves showed that the swell wave periods could reach up to 11 seconds in the Northern shores of T&uuml / rkiye.

Atmosphere-ocean Interactions in Swell Dominated Wave Fields

Semedo, Alvaro January 2010 (has links)
Ocean wind waves represent the atmosphere-ocean boundary, playing a central role in the air-sea exchanging processes. Heat, mass and momentum are transferred across this boundary, with waves mediating the exchange of principally the momentum between the winds and the ocean surface. During the generation process waves are called wind sea. When they leave their generation area or outrun their generating wind they are called swell. The wave field can be said to be dominated either by wind sea or swell. Depending on the wave regime the momentum and energy exchanging processes and the degree of coupling between the waves and the wind is different. During the growing process, waves act as a drag on the surface wind and the momentum flux is directed downward. When swell dominates the wave field a reverse momentum flux mechanism occurs triggered by swell waves traveling considerably faster than the surface winds. The momentum transfer is now directed from the waves to the atmosphere, and takes place because swell waves perform work on the atmosphere as part of their attenuation process. This upward momentum transfer has an impact on the lower atmosphere dynamics, and on the overall turbulence structure of the boundary layer. A detailed qualitative climatology of the global wind sea and swell fields from wave reanalysis data, is presented, revealing a very strong swell dominance of the World Ocean. The areas of larger potential impact of swell on the atmosphere, from a climatological point of view, are also studied. A model that reproduces the swell impact on the lower atmosphere dynamics, conceptually based on the energy transfer from the waves to the atmosphere, is presented – a  new parameterization for the wave-induced stress is also proposed. The model results are compared with field observations. A modeling simulation, using a coupled wave-atmosphere model system, is used to study the impact of swell in a regional climate model, by using different formulations on how to introduce the wave state effect in the modeling system. / Gränsen mellan hav och atmosfär beskrivs av vågor, dessa spelar en central roll i utbytesprocesser mellan hav och atmosfär. Värme, massa och rörelsemängd överförs vid ytan och utbytet av rörelsemängd mellan vind och havsyta styrs i stor utsträckning av vågorna. Då vågor skapas kallas de för vinddrivna vågor. När vågorna sedan lämnar området där de genererats eller rör sig fortare än den vind som genererat dem kallas de dyning. Ett vågfält kan sägas vara dominerat av antingen vinddrivna vågor eller dyningsvågor. Beroende på vilken vågregim som råder så är kopplingen mellan vågor och vind olika och därmed också utbytesprocesserna för rörelsemängd och energi. Då vågorna genereras fungerar de som en bromsande kraft för vinden och impulsutbytet är nedåtriktat. När dyning dominerar vågfältet inträffar en mekanism för omvänt impulsutbyte som sätts igång av dyningsvågor som färdas avsevärt snabbare än vinden. Rörelsemängd överförs då från vågorna till atmosfären, eftersom dyningsvågorna utför arbete på atmosfären då de dämpas. Den uppåtriktade transporten av rörelsemängd har en stor effekt på dynamiken och turbulensstrukturen i lägre delen av atmosfären. En detaljerad kvalitativ klimatologi av globala vågfält (vinddrivna och dyning) från återanalysdata presenteras och visar att dyning dominerar vågfältet på världshaven. Områden där man kan förvänta sig störst effekt av dyning på atmosfären har identifierats. En konceptuellt baserad modell som reproducerar effekten av dyning på dynamiken i lägre delen av atmosfären presenteras. Modellen styrs av överföring av energi från vågor till atmosfären. I modellen föreslås även en ny parameterisering för våginducerad kraft på havsytan. Modellresultaten är utvärderade mot fältmätningar. En regional klimatmodell, med ett kopplat våg-atmosfärssystem, har använts för att studera den långtida effekten av dyning vid klimatsimulering. Olika formuleringar för beskrivningen av vågornas effekt på atmosfären har använts, beroende på om vinddrivna vågor eller dyning dominerar vågfältet.

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