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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


TATIANE DEMARIA GROVA 12 August 2008 (has links)
[pt] A partir de esquemas freudianos elaborados em 1895, nosso percurso primeiramente intenta circunscrever a concepção de memória com a qual lida a psicanálise - noção que, segundo Jacques Lacan, sofre a incidência do registro simbólico desde seus primórdios. Em uma articulação ao que aí aparece como excedente, como o que não é encampado pelo significante, mas que surge como resto desta operação que o inscreve no aparelho psíquico, procuramos entrever o que se coloca como presença paradoxal que retorna e não se sujeita ao princípio do prazer. Para vislumbrar o que se articula neste ponto, percorremos a conceituação freudiana de pulsão de morte, os comentários de Lacan acerca de das Ding, assim com a encarnação deste resto, o objeto a. / [en] Based in three freudian similes, our path intents to circumscribe the concept of memory with which psychoanalysis deals. This notion, according to Jacques Lacan, bears the incidence of the symbolic register since it's beginnings. In an articulation with what seems an excess, with what is not embodied by the significant, but that appears as the rest of this operation that inscribes it in the psychic apparatus, we try to foresee what puts itself as a paradoxical presence that returns and does not subject itself to the principle of pleasure. To have a notion of what is being articulated, we turn to the freudian concept of death instinct, Lacan's comments about das Ding and the incarnation of this rest, the object a.

Purchasing behaviour on aesthetic items in online video games with real currency : The case of Counter Strike: Global Offensive

Rodríguez, Bruno January 2017 (has links)
Over the last decade, buying in-game content with real money has become a more common practice among players in order to unlock exclusive content in video games. Prior research has mainly focused on those functional digital items that provide an advantage to the buyer. This thesis aims to determine the underlying factors that influence video game players to purchase purely aesthetic virtual items.Prior studies on the field of video games, gaming business models and purchasing behaviour were reviewed and a theoretical framework focused on behavioural sciences, psychology and customer culture related theories was designed to interpret the results of a quantitative study. The popular FPS (First Person Shooter), Counter Strike Global Offensive was the selected game to carry out the study. A web-based questionnaire was distributed in various specialized online forums, providing a total of 1006 respondents. A linear regression was the selected method to test the formulated model. Results showed a strong influence of emotional and symbolic perceived values in the purchase intention of aesthetic virtual items, while gaming experience and enjoyment had a minor impact.

Implementacion de un algoritmo de monitoreo de salud estructural basado en objetos simbolicos y clasificación por agrupamiento

Lagos Flores, Gustavo Patricio January 2017 (has links)
Magíster en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, Mención Ingeniería Sísmica / El presente trabajo de Tesis muestra la implementación y análisis de variados métodos de aprendizaje de máquinas y minería de datos, desde la fase de extracción de características sensibles usando objetos simbólicos y clasificación mediante algoritmos de agrupamiento, para el estudio y monitoreo de la condición estructural de obras civiles, con énfasis en la detección temprana de la ocurrencia de daños estructurales. El monitoreo de salud estructural mediante algoritmos de minería de datos, reconocimiento de patrones y aprendizaje de máquinas es un campo moderno y activo en la Ingeniería Civil. El flujo general es que a partir de mediciones de aceleración en sitio y utilizando metodologías de identificación de sistemas, se extrae la información modal que representa algún modelo clásico de la dinámica estructural. En este trabajo se busca extender el tipo de información que se puede extraer desde las series de aceleración, estudiando el uso de las series de aceleración en bruto y a su vez mediante la extracción de características sensibles usando ajustes de modelos autoregresivos. La metodología global que se utiliza está basada en el agrupamiento de objetos simbólicos que representan el comportamiento estadístico de características sensibles, y se implementa tanto en series de aceleración obtenidas en laboratorio como en un edificio en operación instrumentado. En el segundo capítulo se estudian las series de aceleración en bruto como entrada para la transformación a objetos simbólicos con uso de histogramas e intervalos intercuartiles, concluyéndose que la energía de entrada es altamente determinante en los grupos obtenidos por los algoritmos de clasificación. Aún así, se puede extraer información del estado estructural si se analizan series de aceleración obtenidas desde un misma condición operacional y ambiental. En el tercer capítulo se estudia la extracción de otro tipo de característica basada en modelos autoregresivos, con las que se generan series de coeficientes de modelos AR(p) ajustados a las series de aceleración originales, encontrándose que los parámetros AR son mucho más sensibles a los cambios estructurales que la aceleración y que dicha sensibilidad puede aumentarse sin pérdida de robustez si se consideran líneas base de referencia. En el cuarto capítulo se analiza el uso de las series de coeficientes AR como entrada para la condensación a objetos simbólicos con los que realizar el agrupamiento, consiguiendo una mejora considerable en la separación de con respecto al uso de las series de aceleración en bruto.

Chinese Men and "Leftover Women" : How do Chinese Men Position Themselves in Relation to the Concept of Labelling Women as "Leftover"?

Uddsten, Veronica January 2016 (has links)
In recent years there has been a resurgence of gender inequality in China. Today, women are pressured to get married by the state and their social surroundings, as they told if they remain unmarried and have the "three highs"; high age, education and salary, they will become leftovers on the marriage market. Previous research on the concept of labelling women as "leftover" has 4 shown that labelling women as "leftover" can have several different negative impacts. In this thesis, both the theory of masculine hegemony and the theory of symbolic interaction have been used. The concept creates a hegemonic masculinity as it is a normative practice that promotes the subordination of women. However, as the concept is based on the notion that all Chinese men, or at least those of relevant social standing, would find the "three highs" undesirable, it is relevant to see how Chinese men in fact do position themselves in relation to the hegemonic masculinity on an individual level. In symbolic interaction, the concept of gender is created through social construction when people attach special meanings to the sex of a person, a process which is called "doing gender". Therefore symbolic interaction is used to see what special meaning Chinese men attach to women having the "three highs" and masculine hegemony to put their answers into a larger context. If it could be shown that Chinese men do not comply with the hegemonic masculinity, Chinese women would not have to feel obliged to adjust to the hegemonic masculinity and thereby making it easier for them to pursue higher education, high paying jobs and marrying at a later age. However, as this thesis is a qualitative study, and therefore a limited number of data subjects, the generalizability of the result should not be exaggerated. The interviews that were conducted for this thesis showed that the data subjects were familiar with the concept and that they considered it to be natural for there to be women China labelled as "leftover". Nevertheless, in relation to their own marital choices, the data subjects did not attach the negative meaning as set out by the hegemonic masculinity, a result which to some extent was confirmed by the data subjects’ experiences and other control questions. The result is interesting, and enforces Connell and MesserSchmidt’s theory, that even though a hegemonic masculinity is normative, not everyone has to comply with it. As the cornerstone of the concept is that Chinese men find women with the "three highs" undesirable, the result of the study shows that there is a need for the concept to be further examined and questioned. / 近年,性别不平等在中国又开始回潮。今天,中国女性在婚姻问题上受到来自社会的不小压力。如果这些女性尚未结婚而又具有?三高? ,即高龄、高学历和高薪,那她们将有可能成为婚姻上的剩女。以往研究表明,女性被打上?剩女? 的标签后,这?剩? 字会给她们带来若干负面影响。本文运用两个理论:「支配性男性气质」(hegemonic masculinity) 和「象征性互动」(symbolic interaction) 理论。「支配性男性气质」作为理论说明男性如何建立规范使妇女处于从属地位。此观念基于这样一个已有概念,即中国男性不喜欢?三高? 女性。本文主要讨论中国男人在「支配性男性气质」主导的社会里如何自我定位。根据「象征性互动」理论,性别的概念是经由社会建構创造的性意思,过程被称为「做性别」(doing gender) 。「象征性互动」理论因此被用来观察中国男性对?三高?女性存在的特殊想法。而「支配性男性气质」的理论则把他们的回答放到一个更大的范围内。如果我们能够证明中国男性并不完全赞同「支配性男性气质」的概念,那么中国女性就没有必要认为必须顺应「支配性男性气质」的一些规范,从而使这些女性更愿意接受高等教育,从事高收入工作和晚婚。需要指出的是,由于本论文是定性研究,样本数量有限,结果不一定具有普遍性。本文受访者均熟悉・剩女?这个观念,并且觉得这些・三高・女性很自然地被社会标签为?剩余?。但尽管如此,当谈及他们自己的婚姻选择时,这些受访者却并不在意「支配性男性气质」对女性标签的负面意义。此现象在一定程度上从受访者个人经历和我们附加的对照性问题上得到证实。这一结果相当有意思,根据康奈尔(Connell)和梅塞施密特(MesserSchmidt)的理论,即使「支配性男性气质」是一个常态,但其在统计学上并不一定最常见。由于已有的概念认为中国男性不喜欢?三高?女性,本研究结果显示,有必要对这一概念作进一步的探讨和分析。

"Society Treats You According to What You Are" : A Qualitative Study of Consumption Patterns Emphasising Conspicuous Consumption, Entebbe, Uganda

Helgesson, Anna January 2010 (has links)
This thesis stands result of a research conducted in Entebbe Uganda, during approximately five weeks in the autumn of 2009. The aim was to understand the reasoning behind decisions taken concerning the use of economic means, after covering the consumption of necessities. The options set were either to increase the level of conspicuous consumption or enhance the level of investments or consumption of necessities. The point of departure and ontological approach is taken from a household member i.e. individual level. The analytical framework applied elaborating the empirical material collected was Bourdieu’s conceptualisation of habitus. Enhancing the understanding of habitus concepts e.g. needs, methods introduced by Lull was utilised. The primary data consisted of assembled interviews and direct observations. The secondary data consists of qualitative literature.   The results display an individual vision of vertical or transversal social movement. Identified incentives were inter alia peer pressure and competition. Conspicuous consumption is viewed as a process decreasing the distance from an individual social movement i.e. changes habitus. Methods realising a status increase of social position and status, is of symbolic items possessed through conspicuous consumption in combination with social capital, economic capital and level of knowledge.

Use of English in advertising and journalistic discourse of the Expanding circle: data from Bulgarian magazines

Bogdanova, Maya January 2010 (has links)
The combination of the socio-political changes following 1989 and the current status ofEnglish as the language of international communication promoted dynamic transformations ofthe attitude and usages of English in Bulgaria. The purpose of this study is to investigate theforms, functions and symbolic value of English in the Bulgarian advertising and journalisticdiscourse. The emphasis is on non-established words as opposed to established borrowings.Two hypotheses encapsulating the possible relation between English usages in advertising andjournalistic discourses are in the centre of investigation: Hypothesis 1 The use of the English language remains on the symbolic and visual level in theBulgarian advertising and journalistic discourses. Hypothesis 2 The symbolic value of English usage in advertising discourse is the same as thatof journalistic discourse. Prior to the analyses, the study introduces an overview of the Bulgarian linguistic situationand a summary of studies in the area of contact phenomena between English and Bulgarian.Special attention is paid to publications discussing advertising and journalistic discourse.On the base of two principles – genre and readership – six magazines have been selectedto provide the data for the study: Маниджър(Manager); Story, НашДом(Our Home),ЖенатаДнес(The Woman Today), ЖурналзаЖената(Women’s Journal), and Top GearБългария(Top Gear Bulgaria). Using a set of criteria the process of collecting data hasextracted the occurrences of English from all advertisements, section and column headings,article titles, and the featured article of each issue. English occurrences have been classifiedfirst according to their generic function and position in the textual unity, and then, accordingto symbolic value ascribed by English.The statistical data confirms that the use of English in advertising discourse is common;on average 66% of the advertisements contain English words. Cross-reference with the type offunction reveals, however, that only 17% of the English used in advertisements adds semanticvalue to the Bulgarian-English mixing. Therefore, in advertising discourse English remainsmainly a tool for adding symbolic value. As far as the journalistic discourse is concernedEnglish usages are not as frequent; nevertheless, great variations are exemplified. Suchvariation is observed in the heading data where one of the magazines contains no English inthe headings while another uses English in all but four of its headings. The findings of thestudy reject both of the hypotheses although variations are observed and have been describedin this study. The analyses demonstrate that advertising discourse uses English in order toexploit the value of English as the lingua franca of the world, while the journalistic discoursedraws on the symbolic associations of English as the language of popular culture.The results of this study provide a comparison between advertising and journalisticdiscourses. Furthermore, it offers a picture of the situation in Bulgaria twenty years after thepolitical changes and a good intermediate point in the process of spread of English, whichcontinues to modify the linguistic situation of the country.

A Journey of Racial Neutrality : the symbolic meaning of the Mississippi in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

ZHANG, HENG January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Segmentation and Symbolic Representation of Brain Vascular Network : Application to ArterioVenous Malformations / Segmentation et Représentation Symbolique du Réseau Vasculaire Cérébral : Application à Artérioveineuse Malformations

Li, Fan 01 June 2016 (has links)
Le traitement et l’analyse d’images angiographiques rotationnelles 3D (3DRA) de haute résolution spatiale pour l’aide à la planification d’interventions en neuroradiologie interventionnelle est un domaine de recherche récent et en plein essor. Les neuroradiologues ont besoin d’outils interactifs pour la planification des procédures d’embolisation et l’optimisation du guidage de microcathéters durant les interventions endovasculaires. L’exploitation des données d’imagerie pour l’aide au diagnostic et la thérapeutique requiert le développement d’algorithmes robustes et de méthodes efficaces. Ces méthodes permettent d’intégrer les informations contenues dans ces images pour en extraire des descripteurs anatomiques utiles durant les phases pre et per-opératoires.Cette thèse est dédiée au développement d’une chaine de traitement complète comprenant la segmentation, la reconstruction tridimensionnelle (3D) et la représentation symbolique de vaisseaux cérébraux à partir d’images 3DRA, pour faciliter la planification d’interventions d’embolisation pour le traitement de Malformations ArtérioVeineuses cérébrales (MAVs).La première partie du travail est consacrée à l’étude des différentes approches utilisées en segmentation des vaisseaux. Deux méthodes de segmentation sont ensuite proposées. Tout d’abord, une méthode de segmentation 2D coupe par coupe est développée ainsi qu’un technique robuste de suivi de vaisseaux permettant de détecter les bifurcations et de poursuivre le tracking de plusieurs branches du même vaisseau. Un maillage basé sur la triangulation Contrainte de Delaunay permet ensuite la reconstruction et la visualisation 3D des vaisseaux ainsi obtenus. Une méthode de segmentation 3D automatisée des images 3DRA est ensuite développée, elle présente l’avantage d’être plus rapide et de traiter le volume d’images entier en 3D. Cette méthode est basée sur la croissance de régions. Le processus 3D démarre à partir d’une coupe initiale pré-segmentée en utilisant la reconstruction géodésique et sur laquelle les germes sont placés de manière automatique. Finalement, une représentation du réseau vasculaire sur laquelle on distingue clairement les trois entités que sont les artères, les veines drainantes et le nidus est obtenue.La deuxième partie de la thèse est consacrée à la représentation symbolique des vaisseaux. L'étude hiérarchique du squelette permet de donner une description graphique du réseau vasculaire cérébral. A partir de cette description graphique, les vaisseaux et leurs branches sont labellisés et un ou plusieurs vaisseaux peuvent être isolés du reste du réseau pour une analyse visuelle plus précise, ce qui n’est pas possible avec les reconstructions 3D du constructeur. De plus, cette représentation améliore la détermination des chemins optimaux pour l’embolisation de la MAV et réduit la complexité due à l’enchevêtrement des vaisseaux malformés.La chaine de traitement complète ainsi développée aboutit à une description 3D précise des vaisseaux. Elle permet une meilleure compréhension structurelle du réseau vasculaire cérébral et offre aux neuroradiologues la possibilité d’extraire des descripteurs anatomiques, et géométriques (taille, diamètre…) des vaisseaux. Enfin, une étape de vérification des résultats par un expert neuroradiologue a permis la validation clinique des résultats de segmentation et de reconstruction 3D. L’intégration des algorithmes développés dans une interface graphique intuitive et facile d’utilisation devra être faite pour permettre l’exploitation de nos résultats en routine clinique / The processing and analysis of 3D Rotational Angiographic images (3DRA) of high spatial resolution to facilitate intervention planning in interventional neuroradiology is a new and booming research area. Neuroradiologists need interactive tools for the planning of embolization procedures and the optimization of the guidance of micro-catheters during endovascular interventions. The exploitation of imaging data to help in diagnosis and treatment requires the development of robust algorithms and efficient methods. These methods allow integrating information included in these images in order to extract useful anatomical descriptors during preoperative and peroperative phases.This thesis is dedicated to the development of a complete processing pipeline including segmentation, three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction and symbolic representation of cerebral vessels from 3DRA images, aiming to facilitate the embolization intervention planning for the treatment of cerebral ArterioVenous Malformations (AVMs).The first part of the work is devoted to the study of the different approaches used for the segmentation of vessels. Two segmentation methods are then proposed. First, a 2D slice-by-slice segmentation method is developed, followed by a robust vessel tracking process that enables detecting bifurcations and further following several branches of the same vessel. A mesh based on the Constrained Delaunay triangulation allows then the 3D reconstruction and visualization of the obtained vessels. An automated 3D segmentation method of 3DRA images is then developed, which presents the advantage of being faster and processing the whole 3D volume of images. This method is region growing based. The 3D process starts from an initial pre-segmented slice using the geodesic reconstruction, where the seeds are automatically placed. Finally, a representation of the vasculature is obtained, in which these three entities are clearly visible: the feeding arteries, the draining veins and the nidus.The second part of the thesis is devoted to the symbolic representation of the vessels. The hierarchical study of the skeleton allows giving a graphic description of the cerebral vascular network. From this graphic description, the vessels and their branches are labeled and one or more vessels can be isolated from the rest of network for a more accurate visual analysis, which is not possible with the original 3D reconstructions. Moreover, this improves the determination of the optimal paths for the AVM embolization and reduces the complexity due to the entanglement of the malformed vessels.The complete processing pipeline thus developed leads to a precise 3D description of the vessels. It allows a better understanding of the cerebral vascular network structure and provides the possibility to neuroradiologists of extracting anatomical and geometric descriptors (size, diameter...) of the vessels. Finally, a verification step of the results by a neuroradiology expert enabled clinical validation of the 3D segmentation and reconstruction results. The integration of the developed algorithms in a user-friendly graphical interface should be achieved to allow the exploitation of our results in clinical routine

Tecendo Tradição: Artesanato e Mercado Simbólico em uma Comunidade Rural do Pampa Gaúcho / Weaving Tradition: Crafts and Symbolic Market in Community Rural the Pampa Gaúcho

Vargas, Daiane Loreto de 22 July 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aims to address the issue of crafts and symbolic market, with a view to marketing gauchescos products in the rural community of Vila Progresso artisans in Caçapava do Sul / RS, which initially developed to work with traditional techniques of wool crafts, practiced by generations and transmitted through women. This knowledge in practice produce symbolic pieces of the gaucho way of life of the past, reinvented this Traditionalist Gaucho Movement (MTG) and various contemporary cultural elements, such as the appreciation of the authentic and rustic. From this context, the theoretical study of the thematic guide mentioned the problem of research that sought to investigate: the symbolic mercado of gauchescos products in Vila Progresso in Caçapava do Sul / RS was turning the wool crafts in the community? In this sense, these changes have occurred and have the same consequences for the community of artisans? As a goal, we try to understand the relationships that are established between craft and symbolic gauchescos market products in the affected community, as well as the possible changes that may have occurred because of this relationship and its implications for the community. This research is part of a qualitative methodology, set up as a case study, with exploratory, descriptive and reflective perspective, where the main theoretical and methodological foundations are based on Bourdieu authors (2007) Canclini (1983), and Oliven (2006). As a result of research, it is observed that there were several changes in the daily lives of artisans with the expansion of demand for symbolic products of the gaucho tradition, encouraged by traditionalism, at an early date, and the appreciation of local cultures due to a cultural hybridity experienced by contemporary society. The community of artisans began to diversify crafts to be sold in the local stalls, covering a wide variety of agricultural products in wool, leather and wood, with a view to meet the needs of a consumer who has appreciation for rustic or cultivate invented traditions as a result of this fact the craftsmen grew and achieved economic stability with the expansion of this market. Thus, diversification has brought a number of new elements for the productive and commercial aspects of the craftsmen on site, where craftsmen are building new business strategies and expand trade relations, but without losing the authorship of the production process of woolen / O presente estudo visa uma aproximação da temática artesanato e mercado simbólico, tendo em vista a comercialização dos produtos gauchescos na comunidade rural de artesãos da Vila Progresso em Caçapava do Sul/RS, a qual desenvolveu-se inicialmente trabalhando com técnicas tradicionais do artesanato em lã, praticadas por várias gerações e transmitidas através das mulheres. Esses saberes produzem na prática peças simbólicas do modo de vida do gaúcho do passado, reinventado no presente pelo Movimento Tradicionalista Gaúcho (MTG) e por vários elementos culturais contemporâneos, como o apreço pelo autentico e pelo rústico. A partir desse contexto o estudo teórico das temáticas citadas norteiam a problemática de pesquisa, a qual procurou investigar: se o artesanato na Vila Progresso em Caçapava do Sul/RS foi transformando-se em função do mercado simbólico dos produtos gauchescos? Em que sentido ocorreram estas transformações e quais foram as consequências das mesmas para a comunidade de artesãos? Como objetivo geral, procurou-se compreender as relações que se estabelecem entre artesanato e o mercado simbólico dos produtos gauchescos na comunidade citada, bem como, as possíveis mudanças que possam ter ocorrido em função dessa relação e as implicações das mesmas para a comunidade. Essa pesquisa parte de uma metodologia qualitativa, configurase como um estudo de caso, com perspectiva exploratória, descritiva e reflexiva, onde as principais bases teórico-metodológicas estão embasadas nos autores Bourdieu (2007) Canclini (1983), e Oliven (2006). Como resultado da pesquisa, observa-se que houveram várias mudanças no cotidiano dos artesãos com a ampliação da demanda por produtos simbólicos da tradição gaúcha, incentivada pelo tradicionalismo, em um momento inicial, e pela valorização das culturas locais em função de um hibridismo cultural vivenciado pela sociedade contemporânea. A comunidade de artesões passou a diversificar os artigos artesanais a serem comercializados nas tendas do local, abrangendo uma ampla variedade de produtos rústicos em lã, couro e madeira, tendo em vista, suprir as necessidades de um consumidor que tem apreço pelo rústico ou que cultiva as tradições inventadas, como consequência de tal fato os artífices cresceram e conseguiram estabilidade econômica com a expansão desse mercado. Sendo assim, a diversificação trouxe uma série de elementos novos para os aspectos produtivos e comerciais dos artesãos no local, onde os artesãos estão construindo novas estratégias comerciais e ampliando as relações comerciais, mas sem perder a autoria do processo de produção das peças em lã.


Mendonça, Bruno Ramos 08 March 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This dissertation presents a reconstruction of John Venn s (1834-1923) logical theory in Symbolic Logic (1881; 1894). In his work, Venn presents an algebra of logic, and faces a number of philosophical problems underlying this symbolic logic. Firstly, Venn needs to consider the relation between symbolic logic and traditional logic, i.e., Syllogistic. Secondly, Venn needs to consider the relation between symbolic logic and Mathematics. In treating these issues, Venn will have to reflect upon a number of philosophical notions concerning the nature of symbolic knowledge. The objective of this dissertation is to present Venn s treatment to the concept of symbolic knowledge. Throughout the research, it is shown that according to Venn s point of view the algebra of logic is a formal generalization of Syllogistic. Such formal generalization is possible due to the ecthetic function algebraic symbols perform in logical representation. Furthermore, according to Venn, the logic represented by his algebraic symbolism can be precisely differentiated from Mathematics. Such differencing is possible due to the reflection upon the different modes in which algebraic symbolism performs the subrogative function of symbolic knowledge. This dissertation achieves twofold results. On the one hand, it achieves a historiographically important result, for it permits the determination of the locus of Venn s work among the efforts of logical symbolization in the Nineteenth century. On the other, it achieves a philosophical result insofar it permits, through the analysis of a historical case, to clarify key-notions of symbolic knowledge. Venn is more recognized for the creation of Venn diagrams than for his work in the algebra of logic, however, Venn doesn t elaborate much any systematic reflection upon the nature of graphic knowledge. Nevertheless, the research of Venn s work in the algebra of logic provides results concerning the nature of Venn diagrams, which are here presented as a secondary issue. / Esta dissertação apresenta uma reconstrução da teoria lógica de John Venn (1834- 1923) em Symbolic Logic (1881; 1894). Em sua obra, Venn apresenta uma álgebra da lógica, e enfrenta uma série de problemas filosóficos subjacentes a essa lógica simbólica. Em primeiro lugar, Venn precisa considerar a relação entre a lógica simbólica e a lógica tradicional, i.e., a silogística. Em segundo lugar, Venn precisa considerar a relação entre a lógica simbólica e a matemática. No tratamento dessas questões, Venn precisará refletir sobre uma série de noções filosóficas acerca da natureza do conhecimento simbólico. O objetivo dessa dissertação é apresentar o tratamento oferecido por Venn ao conceito de conhecimento simbólico. No desenvolvimento da pesquisa, verifica-se que, na opinião de Venn, sua álgebra da lógica é uma generalização formal da silogística. Tal processo de generalização formal é possível graças à função ectética que os símbolos algébricos cumprem na representação lógica. Além disso, verifica-se que, de acordo com Venn, a lógica representada pelo seu simbolismo algébrico pode ser precisamente diferenciada da matemática. Tal diferenciação é possível graças à reflexão sobre os diferentes modos em que o simbolismo algébrico cumpre a função subrogativa do conhecimento simbólico. Essa dissertação alcança, por fim, um duplo resultado. Por um lado, obtém-se um resultado de valor historiográfico, pois permite determinar o lugar do trabalho de Venn entre os esforços de simbolização da lógica do século XIX. Além disso, alcança também um resultado filosófico na medida em que permite, através de análise de um caso histórico, clarificar noções-chave do conhecimento simbólico. Venn é mais conhecido pela criação dos diagramas de Venn do que por seu trabalho em álgebra da lógica, contudo Venn pouco oferece em termos de reflexão sistemática sobre o tema filosófico da natureza do conhecimento gráfico. Apesar disso, o estudo do trabalho de Venn em álgebra da lógica oferece resultados sobre a natureza dos diagramas de Venn, resultados esses que são aqui apresentados como produto secundário da investigação.

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