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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Bruhner, Christian January 2013 (has links)
Bruhner, C. Det händer även män! En kvantitativ studie om myter och normer kring män som utsatts för sexuellt våld. Examensarbete på magisternivå i Kriminologi 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö högskola: Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle, institutionen för Kriminologi, 2013.Män som utsatts för sexuellt våld är ett fenomen som får ytterst lite uppmärksamhet inom samhällsvetenskaplig forskning. Ämnet är outforskat och har en klar brist på framförallt kvantitativ data. Syftet med denna studie var att testa de myter som normen om mäns utsatthet bygger på, huruvida de bekräftas eller inte, på ett större urval. Detta för att belysa ett existerande problem samt för att kunna urskilja variabler som påverkar attityden till normen. Myterna som testades konstruerades med tidigare forskning som underlag och mynnade ut i fyra myter; definitioner av det sexuella våldet mot män – präglas av grovt våld, hot och berusning av en manlig, homosexuell förrövare. De efterföljande konsekvenserna och sanktionerna – männen bemöts med negativa sociala sanktioner och med stark misstro, reagerar inte starkt på händelsen och anmäler inte. Synen på maskulinitet – män ska vara fysiskt och psykiskt starka, heterosexuella samt kunna värja sig och därför kan de heller inte bli våldtagna. Karakteristika om den utsatte i form av ”brist på manlighet” – en utsatt man är svag fysiskt och psykiskt, homosexuell och får oftast skylla sig själv för att ha blivit utsatt. Dessa myter testades genom en kvantitativ enkätundersökning med 160 svarande studenter. Respondenterna förkastade i stort sett alla normer, i synnerlighet offerbeskyllningen och synen på maskulinitet – de två myter som visade sig ha mest inverkan på synen till ämnet i stort. Studien visade att om man har en syn på maskulinitet som ligger nära den stereotypiska normen, är man också mer benägen att hålla med om myterna. Studien visade också att de bakgrundsvariablerna som påverkade synen på myterna mest var religiositet, invandrarbakgrund samt ålder. Äldre respondenter med invandrarbakgrund och som var aktivt troende påvisade tendenser till att bekräfta myterna i större utsträckning. Dessa resultat har i studien analyserats med hjälp av Bourdieus begreppsapparat om symboliskt kapital mellan dominerande och dominerade. / Bruhner, C. It also happens to men! A Quantitative study about myths and norms regarding the sexual violence towards men. Project for a one year master degree in Criminology 15 hp. Malmö University: Faculty of health and society, Department of Criminology, 2013.Men who suffered from sexual violence are a phenomenon which gets extremely little attention in the research of social science. It is unexplored and in an almost desperate need of data, particularly quantitative data. The aim of this study was to test the myths which lay the ground for the norms about the sexual violence against men on a grander sample to see if they are confirmed or rejected. The myths that were tested are based on previous research and resulted in four different myths; definitions of the sexual violence against men – characterized by severe violence, threats and intoxication by a male homosexual perpetrator. The subsequent consequences and sanctions – the victimized men are met with negative social sanctions and strong distrust, do not react strongly to the incident and do not report to the police. Perception of masculinity – men are supposed to be physically and psychically strong, heterosexual and have the ability to defend themselves and can therefore not be raped. Characterisations about the victim in form of a lack of masculinity – a victimized man are physically and psychically weak, homosexual and are often blamed for the rape himself. These myths were tested through a quantitative survey which 160 students replied. The respondents rejected largely all of the myths, particularly the blaming of the victim and the perception of masculinities – the two myths that showed most impact on the attitude towards the subject as a whole. The study showed that if you have a view on masculinity close to the stereotypical norm, you are also more likely to confirm the myths about the sexual violence against men. The study also showed that older individuals, actively religious people and people of other origin than Swedish tend to be more prone to confirm the myths. The results are analysed throughout Bourdieu’s concepts about symbolic capital between dominant and dominated.

Detecting Server-Side Web Applications with Unrestricted File Upload Vulnerabilities

Huang, Jin 01 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Has The Song Remained The Same?: Perceptions Of Effectiveness In Family Safety Work

Marshall, Debra 01 January 2012 (has links)
National and international research on governmental privatization efforts reflects myriad successes and failures. However, little is known about the effectiveness of family safety privatization efforts in the state of Florida. In Brevard County, Florida, family safety privatization efforts have been underway for several years now, and while evaluations are taking place, they do not reflect one key piece of information—the perceptions of family safety workers. A snowball sample was obtained from former and current child safety workers and open- and closed-ended questions were administered with a total of 15 former and current family safety workers who work or worked for several different public and private family safety agencies within Brevard County, Florida. Information was obtained regarding perceptions of privatization to adequately and more efficiently do the work of public entities. The results show two primary areas of interest. The model of care which has been instituted post-privatization (CARES) has been perceived as more effective than the former state model; the strongest problematic themes that developed concerned power, control, and the perception of unfairness. These themes are explored using a backwards mapping approach and recommendations for continued growth and cohesion are explored.

Study Of Symbolic Expressions In Peking Opera'scostumes And Lyrics

Li, Yiman 01 January 2008 (has links)
This thesis represents an analysis of symbolic expressions used to convey traditional Chinese cultural values in marital relations as expressed through costumes and lyrics in Peking Opera plays and performances. Two symbols, dragon and phoenix, were selected from the costume collection. Four symbols--bird, tiger, wild goose, and dragon--were selected from compilations of lyrics. These symbols were selected because they expressed Chinese core cultural values, an imperial ideology based on Confucian thoughts, which were practiced rigidly during Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Modeling Theory is applied to argue that dragon and phoenix as visual symbols convey ideas about characters' background, marital relationship, social status shifts, and socio-culturally desirable values. Social Drama Theory is employed to analyze the lyrics to understand how ideal images of husband and wife are constructed. The archetypes of Chinese traditional culture that have influenced Chinese thought and action for centuries are discovered and discussed.

Prediction of self-compacting concrete elastic modulus using two symbolic regression techniques

Golafshani, E.M., Ashour, Ashraf 28 December 2015 (has links)
yes / This paper introduces a novel symbolic regression approach, namely biogeographical-based programming (BBP), for the prediction of elastic modulus of self-compacting concrete (SCC). The BBP model was constructed directly from a comprehensive dataset of experimental results of SCC available in the literature. For comparison purposes, another new symbolic regression model, namely artificial bee colony programming (ABCP), was also developed. Furthermore, several available formulas for predicting the elastic modulus of SCC were assessed using the collected database. The results show that the proposed BBP model provides slightly closer results to experiments than ABCP model and existing available formulas. A sensitivity analysis of BBP parameters also shows that the prediction by BBP model improves with the increase of habitat size, colony size and maximum tree depth. In addition, among all considered empirical and design code equations, Leemann and Hoffmann and ACI 318-08’s equations exhibit a reasonable performance but Persson and Felekoglu et al.’s equations are highly inaccurate for the prediction of SCC elastic modulus.

Space and society at Bam: An archaeological investigation of Iranian urban space.

Karimian, Hassan January 2003 (has links)
During the 1980s, it was frequently claimed that spatial patterns of archaeological and contemporary settlements were closely related to the social nature of the societies which had created and modelled them (Hietala 1984; Hillier & Hanson 1984). Despite a decade of alternative claims, such theories are still widely accepted although in many cases the emphasis has shifted from economic factors to symbolic or social ones. The presence of a class-based social system is one of the major characteristics of Iranian society during the Sasanian era (224-651 CE). This social system was based upon the official religion of Sasanians - Zoroastrianism - and had a major impact on most aspects of Iranian society during this period. The far-reaching impact of this social system on architectural space and urban infrastructure is clearly representative of a class-based society. The collapse of the Sasanian world, accelerated by Arab invasions (641 CE), severely reduced the dominance of Zoroastrianism within Iran, heralding a fundamental change in the social life of its people. These changes, accompanied by the acceptance of a new religion, have been the focus of several researchers over the last decades (Kennedy 2001). In contrast to Sasanian society, Early Islamic social structure was characterised as one of equality and its urban forms as ones with little differentiation as typified by Medina (Zarrinkub 1993). The aim of this dissertation is to test the above assumptions and models with reference to a single urban site - the city of Barn. Selected due to its Pre-Islamic and Islamic occupations, its excellent state of preservation allows a full testing of the above assumptions through archaeological analysis. The results of this research indicate a continuation of patterns of Sasanian space and society into the Islamic period. In addition, the space and society of Bam, documented in this research, provides an important step towards a further understanding of the social and spatial organisation of Sasanian and Early-Islamic cities, as well as providing a foundation for additional research in this field. / Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of Iran

RAUK: Automatic Schedulability Analysis of RTIC Applications Using Symbolic Execution

Håkansson, Mark January 2022 (has links)
In this thesis, the proof-of-concept tool RAUK for automatically analyzing RTIC applications for schedulability using symbolic execution is presented. The RTIC framework provides a declarative executable model for building embedded applications, which behavior is based on established formal methods and policies. Because of this, RTIC applications are amenable for both worst-case execution time (WCET) and scheduling analysis techniques. Internally, RAUK utilizes the symbolic execution tool KLEE to generate test vectors covering all feasible execution paths in all user tasks in the RTIC application. Since KLEE also checks for possible program errors e.g. arithmetic or array indexing errors, it can be used via RAUK to verify the robustness of the application in terms of program errors. The test vectors are replayed on the target hardware to record a WCET estimation for all user tasks. These WCET measurements are used to derive a worst-case response time (WCRT) for each user task, which in turn is used to determine if the system is schedulable using formal scheduling analysis techniques. The evaluation of this tool shows a good correlation between the results from RAUK and manual measurements of the same tasks, which showcases the viability of this approach. However, the current implementation can add some substantial overhead to the measurements, and sometimes certain types of paths in the application can be completely absent from the analysis. The work in this thesis is based on previous research in this field for WCET estimation using KLEE on an older iteration of the RTIC framework. Our contributions include a focus on an RTIC 1.0 pre-release, a seamless integration with the Rust ecosystem, minimal changes required to the application itself, as well as an included automatic schedulability analyzer. Currently, RAUK can verify simple RTIC applications for both program errors and schedulability with minimal changes to the application source code. The groundwork is laid out for further improvements that are required to function on larger and more complex applications. Solutions for known problems and future work are discussed in Chapters 6, 7 respectively.

The Football Wife: Developing a Courtesy Identity

Simonetto, Deana January 2017 (has links)
Virtually the entire body of scholarly literature on professional sport focuses on athletes themselves, rarely directly considering the impact of sport on the significant others in their lives or the role these significant others play in the career path and decision-making processes of athletes. In recent years, a limited, but growing, body of scholarly literature on athlete’s wives and sport marriages has begun to emerge with respect to American sports. However, little work has been done on the role and experiences of football spouses in the Canadian context. This dissertation focuses on football spouses in the Canadian Football League (CFL). I use an ethnographic approach relying on in-depth interview with football spouses from the CFL to explore how they experience their partners’ football careers, with a focus on their identity construction. I also used participant observation (at training camp and football related events) to gather data and collected and analyzed secondary documents (newspaper articles, blogs, tweets). Working from an interactionist perspective, I offer the empirically grounded concept of a “courtesy identity” to explain how these women confront the challenges of being known through their intimate relationships. I argue that these women are active agents who negotiate how much they are willing to transform themselves to meet the demands of football life. The “football wife” identity is always emerging and changing in response to the messages women receive about being a football wife during their interactions with others (both insiders and outsiders in the social world of the CFL) and as they encounter new situations. I demonstrate this argument by exploring: (a) how these women develop the football wife identity by focusing on their day-to-day private lives; (b) how the spousal subculture helps these women to negotiate the challenges of being a football wife while at the same time creating challenges of its own; and, (c) how football spouses negotiate their husbands’ celebrity status by examining how these women manage their presentation of the football wife identity in public. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

La révolution et son medium dans la pensée de Slavoj Žižek : redéfinir le symbolique au travers du Réel

Beauchemin, Louis-Claude 05 1900 (has links)
Žižek consacre une portion de sa pensée à la notion de révolution. Celle-ci concerne la façon de concevoir ce qu’est une révolution et le moyen de l’engager, l’un étant intimement lié à l’autre. Au cœur de cette réflexion, Žižek traite de l’interrogation nécessaire à tout projet révolutionnaire, à savoir comment faire pour provoquer une révolution. S’il soutient d’emblée que l’activité du sujet laquelle produit l’action révolutionnaire est constamment récupérée par la structure symbolique de son assujettissement, il formule néanmoins un moyen qui concerne la façon de penser l’activité du sujet laquelle permet à ce dernier de briser cette impasse. L’objectif de Žižek à cet égard est de réfléchir un moyen d’outrepasser la performativité du sujet face au symbolique, ce qu’il fait au travers du concept d’Acte qu’il qualifie de révolutionnaire. Ce mémoire vise à éclaircir la place que prend l’Acte comme medium d’instigation à la révolution, c’est-à-dire le moyen que Slavoj Žižek soutient comme étant ce qui permettrait aux révolutionnaires de court-circuiter l’impotence de leur activité lorsqu’elle se limite au symbolique. Dans un premier temps, afin de mettre en contraste la valeur d’un Acte, nous dresserons le portrait de l’action, soit de l’activité du sujet sous le langage. De la sorte, nous mettrons en évidence comment l’activité courante du sujet est considérée impotente en vue de tout projet qui a pour objet la provocation d’une révolution. Dans un second temps, nous présenterons ce que Žižek entend par "Acte". Nous verrons alors comment un Acte est ce qui outrepasse la récupération symbolique relative à l’action du sujet sous le langage en s’appuyant sur le Réel et comment alors en un tel dépassement se tient le potentiel de l’instigation d’une révolution. Nous conclurons en soutenant que bien qu’un Acte à la manière dont Žižek l’entend lui permette de soutenir le moyen d’instiguer une révolution, cela ne règle pas le cas de l’engagement du révolutionnaire envers son propre Acte, à savoir la relation que cultive le révolutionnaire avec son propre projet. / Žižek devotes a portion of his theory to the notion of revolution. It concerns the way to concieve what is a revolution and the medium to provoke it, one intimately bound to the other. At the heart of this reasonning, Žižek deals with a problem that is central to every revolutionnary project, that being understanding what it means to provoque a revolution. If he initially argues that the subject’s activity which produce revolutionnary actions is irrevocably recuperated by the symbolic structure which sustains them as subject, he nonehteless formulates a way to think differently the subject’s activity which would result in overcoming of the impass. With that, Žižek’s objectif is to think a way to surpass the subject’s symbolic performativity which he does through the concept of the Act that he qualifies as revolutionnary. This mémoire intend to unriddle the place that takes the Act as a medium of revolution, meaning the medium through which Žižek uphold as what could let revolutionnaries short-circut the impotence of their own symbolic activity. To begin with, in the spirit of contrasting the value of the Act, we will portray the action as the activity of the subject of language. This way, we will underscore how the social activity of the subject is considered impotent towards achieving any kind of revolutionnary project. Then, we will explore what Act means for Žižek. We will then see how an Act is what surpasses symbolic recuperation relative to the subject of language’s action by leaning on the Real and how is thus created the mean for a potential revolution. We will conclude by arguing that even though an Act as understood by Žižek lets him uphold a way to produce a revolution, this does not adress the way the revolutionnary subject is engaged towards his own Act, that being his relationship with his own project.

Towards algorithmic theory construction in physics

Möller, Hampus January 2023 (has links)
This master thesis explores the challenge of algorithmic hypothesis generation and its connection to potential inductive biases. In the scientific method, hypotheses are formulated and tested against data for validity. The process of hypothesis generation is, however, not explicitly formulated. A structured approach to hypothesis generation would allow for a near algorithmic process that could scale far beyond the current capabilities of science. The thesis explored the concepts of entropy, symmetry and minimum description length for use as inductive biases. Two algorithms were implemented and evaluated: one for symmetry finding and one for symbolic regression. The theoretical results show a strong connection between entropy and minimum description length with a weaker connection to symmetry. Both implementations indicate potential paths exist to partial or full automation of the hypothesis generation process. In general, there do not seem to exist fundamental issues in automating the process besides the challenge of its implementation. Thus, the thesis demonstrates a clear path forward towards partial or complete automation of the scientific method for physical research.

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