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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les lits ornés d’ivoire de Cumes : art et mémoire dans les funérailles aristocratiques romaines (Ier s. av. J.-C. - Ier s. ap. J.-C.) / Beds adorned with ivory from Cumae : art and memory in the Roman aristocratic funeral (1st century BC - 1st century AD)

Cormier, Anselme 25 June 2015 (has links)
Les lits funéraires de l’époque romaine sont issus d’une tradition ancienne dont les origines, au-delà des Grecs, remontent aux périodes historiques les plus reculées, en Égypte et au Proche-Orient. Depuis le XIXe siècle, les fouilles ont livré de nombreux vestiges chronologiquement situés pour la plupart entre le IIe s. av. et le IIe s. ap. J.-C. ; ils font écho à ceux découverts en contextes domestiques, certes moins nombreux, mais dont l’étude autorise des comparaisons intéressantes et une meilleure compréhension du sujet. La grande variété des modèles répertoriés m’a donc conduit à l’élaboration d’une typologie détaillée, incluant les formes les plus anciennes jusqu’à celles de la période romaine. Les publications consultées ont fait évoluer de manière significative notre connaissance des lits ornés de bronze et ceux rehaussés de décorations en os sculpté. En revanche, les attestations de lits en ivoire demeurent extrêmement rares, que ce soit en Italie ou dans l’ensemble du monde romain. La découverte à Cumes des restes de trois exemplaires, dont les décorations étaient sculptées en ce matériau précieux, constitue par conséquent un témoignage essentiel et de premier ordre. Les fragments étaient mélangés aux ossements des défunts et contenus dans des urnes, elles-mêmes déposées au sein d’importants mausolées. La remarquable qualité de facture et la grande finesse d’exécution, bien visibles sur certaines pièces conservées malgré la destruction engendrée par la crémation, ainsi que les thèmes iconographiques mis en scène, attestent des intentions ostentatoires des propriétaires, soucieux de montrer aux vivants leur statut social, leur richesse et leur vertu. La mise en contexte de ces trois lits et leur étude approfondie, au regard des occurrences connues, a permis pour chacun d’entre eux d’aboutir à une proposition de restitution graphique, préambule indispensable à une analyse iconographique et iconologique. Les résultats obtenus, mis en regard des mausolées dans lesquels ils furent découverts, ont conduit à une compréhension plus précise de la place prépondérante qu’occupaient ces lits dans le cérémonial des funérailles. / The funerary beds of the Roman period come from an ancient tradition, whose origins, beyond the Greeks, can be traced to the earliest historical periods, in Egypt and in the Near East. Since the 19th century, excavations have produced many vestiges, most of them dating back to between the 2nd C. BC up to the 2nd C. AD ; they echo pieces found in domestic contexts which, though less numerous, allow interesting comparisons and a better understanding of the topic. The large variety of the identified models led me to develop a detailed typology of these forms, from the most ancient ones up to those of the Roman period. The consulted publications significantly changed our knowledge of the beds adorned with bronze as well as those adorned with bone carvings. By contrast, instances of ivory beds are extremely rare, whether it be in Italy or in the whole Roman world. Thus, the discovery at Cumae of the vestiges of three ivory beds, adorned with this precious material, serves as essential and unique testimony. The fragments were mixed with the bones of the deceased and placed in urns, themselves located in important mausoleums. Their remarkable quality and meticulous workmanship, clearly visible upon some pieces, which survived the destruction caused by the cremation, as well as the iconographic staged patterns, testify to the conspicuous intentions of their owners, anxious to show their social status, their wealth and their virtues to the living. The contextualization and close study of these three beds, along with a comparison with the known examples, led for each of them to an attempt at a graphic restoration, as a prerequisite for an iconographical and iconological analysis. The achieved results, correlated with the mausoleums where they were found, led to a much more precise understanding of those beds and of the prominent position they enjoyed at the funeral ceremony.

\'Por trás do véu e da espada\': o disfarce subjacente à representação das personagens cervantinas / \'Behind the veil and the sword\': the masquerade behind the depiction of Cervantine characters

Almeida, Edwirgens Aparecida Ribeiro Lopes de 27 August 2013 (has links)
Este texto estuda as narrativas breves El celoso extremeño e Las dos doncellas, integrantes do conjunto intitulado Novelas Ejemplares, publicadas por Miguel de Cervantes, em 1613. Tendo em vista que os textos nos permitem experimentar distintas dimensões de leitura, temos, no plano explícito, a expressão desse autor conformista e ortodoxo, nas palavras de Williamson (1990) e, no plano sugestivo, um olhar irônico e crítico, sobretudo da condição e do papel da mulher, nas relações de gênero e ainda na vida em sociedade. Em outras palavras, os dois níveis sobre os quais traçamos os nossos estudos podem ser vistos, simultaneamente, isto é, no discurso explícito, estão revelados fragmentos da realidade a partir de um discurso conservador das regras prescritas, mas, por outro lado, no plano implícito, está o caráter reflexivo, crítico, às vezes, até transgressor dos costumes predominantes. Nessas narrativas estudadas, se por um lado as mulheres atuam como perfectas corderas, cumprindo as regras para uma nobre donzela ou para uma mulher casada, por outro lado, essas mesmas mulheres vencem as suas fragilidades e inseguranças no ato de tomar decisões, demonstrando certa autoridade ou deixando ver poderes ocultos femininos. Em vista do comportamento masculino, nos deparamos com homens que, por trás de toda a superioridade e privilégio ditado pela cultura vigente, revelam-se sujeitos aos desejos e domínios femininos, o que nos faz entender todo aquele controle outrora evidenciado como uma forma simbólica de poder. Tendo em conta a sutileza com que o autor trabalha artisticamente a questão, essas dimensões de leitura só são perceptíveis pela interpretação do leitor cuidadoso, tomando de empréstimo o termo cervantino, em que é capaz de identificar a dupla face de um escritor escurridizo e irónico ao invés de solemne y ejemplar. Enfim, essas controvérsias de leitura nos fazem concluir que o autor exibe, pelas páginas da ficção, uma representação da dinâmica da vida em sociedade, na qual a formação de novas personagens demonstra que a força e a vontade do ser humano predominam sobre as regras e as convenções sociais. Sendo assim, a proposta é analisar como, ao deixar entrevisto um discurso crítico e irônico, novas representações de personagens masculinas e femininas flexibilizam os mecanismos culturais que sustentam a suposta hierarquia entre os gêneros. Nessa perspectiva, entendemos que essa leitura pode revelar alguns dos mistérios escondidos como as rupturas, subversões e transgressões às convenções revelando uma sociedade secreta em que as mulheres exibem alguma autoridade num contexto de ordem, ainda, predominantemente, masculino. / This paper studies the brief narratives El celoso extremeño and Las dos doncellas, part of the collection called Novelas Ejemplares, published by Miguel de Cervantes in 1613. Considering that the texts allow us to experience different aspects of reading, we have in the explicit plan the expression of this conformist and orthodox author in the words of Williamson (1990) and in the suggestive plan we have an ironic and critical look, particularly on the womens condition and position in the gender roles and also in society life. In other words, these two levels studied can be viewed simultaneously, that is, on the explicit discourse, \'fragments of reality\' are disclosed from a conservative discourse of the prescribed rules, but on the other hand, in the implicit plan there is the reflexive, critical character which sometimes can even transgress the prevalent customs. In these studied narratives, on the one hand, women act as \'perfectas corderas\', fulfilling the rules for a noble maiden or a married woman. On the other hand, these women overcome their weaknesses and insecurities in the act of making decisions, showing certain authority or revealing female \'occult powers\'. In view of male behavior, we find men who behind the superiority and privilege dictated by the prevailing culture, reveal themselves subject to female wishes and domains making us understand all that formerly evidenced control as a \'symbolic \'form of power. Given the subtlety the author works the question with art, these reading dimensions are only perceived by the interpretation of the \'careful\' reader, borrowing the term Cervantine which is able to identify the two faces of a \'escurridizo and ironic writer instead of\' solemne y ejemplar. Anyway, these reading controversies make us conclude that the author displays a representation of the social life dynamics through the fiction pages in which the formation of new characters demonstrates that the strength and will of the human being predominate over the rules and social conventions. Therefore, the proposal is to analyze through a critical and ironic discourse how new representations of male and female characters make flexible cultural mechanisms that underpin the supposed hierarchy between genders. In this perspective, we understand that this reading can reveal some of the \'hidden mysteries\' such as disruptions, subversions and transgressions to conventions revealing a \'secret\' society in which women exhibit some authority in the context of order still predominantly male.

Perdão: uma busca interior / Forgiveness: an inner search

Garcia, Ariane Tescaro 03 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:37:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ariane Tescaro Garcia.pdf: 854265 bytes, checksum: 673512176c1a90453d740ad9631f3d8d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-03 / This study aims to understand, based on Analytical Psychology, the role of forgiveness in the psyche. Because of forgiveness be extremely tied to religion, it is fundamental to understand it, primarily, within the religious context, then, explore how it was experienced in psychic terms. With the aid of Symbolic Jungian Psychology, it is possible understand how the development of Judeo-Christian religion was understood and lived symbolically in our society and how patterns of consciousness prevailing influence not only the experience of forgiveness, but also its opposite pole, revenge. From this foundation, a sense of forgiveness was sought in the process of individuation, raising the chances that it can paralyze the process, when living in a superficial way, or make it easier, when experienced in a genuine way. Another aspect discussed was the importance of forgiveness in the analytical process. Finally, in order to illustrate the theoretical work here developed, the film Invictus, by director Clint Eastwood, was analyzed, since it discusses the polarity revenge-forgiveness in both personal and cultural aspects / O presente estudo visa compreender, à luz da Psicologia Analítica, a função do perdão na psique. Pelo fato de o perdão estar extremamente vinculado à religião, considera-se fundamental entendê-lo, primeiramente, dentro do contexto religioso, para depois, explorar o modo como foi vivenciado em termos psíquicos. Com o auxílio da Psicologia Simbólica Junguiana, foi possível apreender como o desenvolvimento da religião judaico-cristã foi compreendido e vivido simbolicamente em nossa sociedade e como os padrões de consciência vigente influenciaram na experiência não só do perdão, mas também de seu polo oposto, a vingança. A partir desse embasamento, buscou-se alcançar o sentido do perdão no processo de individuação, levantando as hipóteses de que o mesmo pode estagnar o processo, quando vivido de forma superficial, ou facilitá-lo, quando é experienciado de maneira genuína. Outro aspecto abordado foi a importância do perdão dentro do processo analítico. Por fim, com o intuito de ilustrar o trabalho teórico desenvolvido, analisa-se o filme Invictus, dirigido por Clint Eastwood, que aborda a polaridade vingança-perdão tanto no aspecto pessoal quanto cultural

O simbolismo da individuação no Castelo Interior / Individuation in the Interior Castle smbolysm

Ruston, Yvone de Rezende 29 November 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:37:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Yvone de Rezende Ruston.pdf: 516477 bytes, checksum: 8cba57c8f8d715b9a446428d620083fd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-29 / The objective of this work is to offer an analogy between Teresa de Avila s book Interior Castle and the Analytic Psychology s individuation process. The symbolic method of Analytic Psychology presents itself as a resource that allows the recovery of the language and symbolism of religious experience, permitting the understanding of the individuation process, and the assimilation of personal stories in those aspects that challenge rational understanding. During research, we selected some symbolic images from Interior Castle that are analog to the individuation process. The symbolism of Interior Castle reveals itself on a journey in search of the main dwelling, the Center, and in relation to the secondary dwellings. During the journey, the symbolism of the serpents and demons represents existence conflicts. The symbolic triad: worm-cocoon-butterfly offers an analogy to understand the psychic transformation. The image of the spiritual marriage symbolizes the joining of the individual and God, and reflects the integration of the conscious and unconscious mind, a psychic dynamic proper to human development. The union with Christ as a symbol of Self is a powerful analogy to the impasses of life and can nurture the human psych with symbolism able to promote the individuation process / Essa pesquisa tem como objetivo estabelecer uma analogia entre a obra Castelo Interior de Teresa de Ávila e o processo de individuação da Psicologia Analítica. O método simbólico da Psicologia Analítica se apresenta como um recurso que permite o resgate da linguagem e do simbolismo da experiência religiosa, propiciando a compreensão do processo de individuação e da apropriação das histórias pessoais naqueles aspectos que desafiam a compreensão racional. Durante a pesquisa foram selecionadas imagens simbólicas do Castelo Interior que possibilitaram uma analogia com o processo de individuação. O simbolismo do Castelo Interior se revela numa jornada, em busca da morada principal, o Centro, e o faz numa relação com as moradas periféricas. Durante a jornada, o simbolismo das serpentes e demônios representa os conflitos da existência. A tríade simbólica do verme-casulo-borboleta oferece uma analogia para a compreensão da transformação psíquica. A imagem do matrimônio espiritual simboliza a união do indivíduo com Deus, e reflete a integração do consciente e inconsciente, dinâmica psíquica própria do desenvolvimento. A união com Cristo como símbolo do Self revela uma fonte poderosa de analogias frente aos impasses da vida e pode nutrir o psiquismo humano com um simbolismo capaz de promover o processo de individuação


Carvalho, Ana Paula Ribeiro de 01 March 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T11:07:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ANA PAULA RIBEIRO DE CARVALHO.pdf: 862129 bytes, checksum: 9893bcd7e62e6c3151909aae8a5d437f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-01 / This work aims to study the contemporary work, The hedgehog elegance , by Muriel Barbery, of renewing composition model, whose overall objective is to verify the compositional model of a specific mode of reception in this work, being that the reader is the subject to the reading process through a deductive and bibliographic study. The predominant theory to establish these modes of reception and your senses from the reader was the theory of reception, by Wolfgang Iser (1996). In Chapter 1, it was presented a brief history of the origin of the novel. Then, complementary theories were used, as the one of Norman Friedman (1967) and Ligia Leite (2002) that analyzed the narrative focus in the novel. In Chapter 2, it was commented on: contemporary critical currents; the narrative point of view, from Jean Pouillon (1974); the subject-reader and immersion of the senses, by Rita Costa (2003) and Mikhail Bakhtin (1992); the techniques of stream of consciousness, especially of the inner monologue, by Robert Humphrey (1954), and the adoption of the diary, by Philippe Lejeune (2008). In Chapter 3, there was a study of the symbols in the work, as it moves something common to the symbolic. The authors Jean Chevalier e Alain Geerbrant Chevalier (2009) served as a support for this chapter, besides Carl Jung (1954). The hedgehog elegance , so, is a renowned work of high value that reflects the new novel composition for the world literature. / Este trabalho visa ao estudo da obra contemporânea, A elegância do ouriço, de Muriel Barbery, de modelo de composição renovador, cujo objetivo geral é verificar o modelo compositivo ensejador de um modo específico de recepção nesta obra, tendo o leitor como sujeito do processo de leitura, por meio de um estudo dedutivo e bibliográfico. A teoria predominante para se estabelecer esses modos de recepção e seus sentidos a partir do leitor foi a teoria da recepção, de Wolfgang Iser (1996). No capítulo 1, apresentou-se um breve histórico sobre a origem do romance. Em seguida, fez-se uso de teorias complementares, como a de Norman Friedman (1967) e Ligia Leite (2002), que analisaram o foco narrativo no romance. No capítulo 2, comentou-se sobre: as correntes críticas contemporâneas; o ponto de vista narrativo, a partir de Jean Pouillon (1974); o sujeito-leitor e a imersão de sentidos, por Rita Costa (2003) e Mikhail Bakhtin (1992); as técnicas do fluxo da consciência, em especial do monólogo interior, por Robert Humphrey (1954), e a adoção do diário, por Philippe Lejeune (2008). No capítulo 3, fez-se um estudo sobre os símbolos na obra, em que se transita algo comum para o simbólico. Os autores Jean Chevalier e Alain Geerbrant (2009) serviram como suporte para a desenvoltura desse capítulo, além de Carl Jung (1954). A elegância do ouriço, assim, é uma obra renomada de alto valor que traduz a nova composição romanesca para a literatura universal.

Tentando chegar lá: as experiências sociais de jovens em um cursinho popular de São Paulo / Trying to get there: the social experiences of underprivileged students in their attempts to reach Higher Education in Sao Paulo

Eduardo Vilar Bonaldi 15 January 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa visa reconstituir as dinâmicas de acesso ao Ensino Superior de jovens de frações relativamente privilegiadas das camadas populares, ingressantes em um cursinho popular localizado na zona norte da cidade de São Paulo. Em primeiro lugar, o estudo busca delinear e compreender a gênese social tanto das aspirações de ingresso no Ensino Superior quanto das dificuldades e barreiras subjetivamente experienciadas por esses jovens ao longo de suas tentativas de acesso ao sistema universitário. Além de evidenciar quais condicionamentos e modulações específicas dos processos de socialização e de escolarização, a que esses jovens foram submetidos, podem enraizar trajetórias bem sucedidas de acesso ao nível universitário, o estudo busca, igualmente, demonstrar como as diferentes redes de relações em que esses jovens encontram-se inseridos podem se refletir em diferentes estilizações de seus modos de experimentação da condição juvenil. Por fim, a natureza eminentemente política da iniciativa também conduziu o estudo à investigação dos modos como afinidades ou dissonâncias entre as origens e trajetórias dos professores e alunos do cursinho estruturam as dinâmicas interacionais a partir das quais pode ocorrer a transmissão das visões políticas de mundo e dos destinos universitários e ocupacionais que esses professores buscam projetar sobre seus alunos. / This work aims to reconstruct the educational and social trajectories of underprivileged students in their attempts to access Higher Education by attending a free-tuition prep course, located in the north of the city of Sao Paulo. First, the study seeks to delineate and understand the social genesis of both the aspirations towards Higher Education and the difficulties and barriers subjectively experienced by these students. Besides evidencing the specific conditions that might pave the way of these students towards what they acknowledge as successful paths, the study also seeks to demonstrate how the different peer groups in which they are engaged can be reflected in their different ways of experiencing their transitions to adulthood. Finally, the thick political atmosphere that characterizes the initiative has also conducted the study to investigate how affinities or dissonance between the origins and trajectories of the students, on one side, and the teacher of this prep course, on the other structure the interactional dynamics from which the transmission of political dispositions, as well as the inclinations towards determined career paths (in both the university system and the job market), can be observed.

Intenção do Texto: O Diabo e a Guerra Santa no Imaginário dos Pentecostais: Espiritismo em confronto / VERÍSSIMO, Jean F. D. Intention of texts. The Devil and the Holy War in the pentecostal imaginary. Spiritism in confrontation. Goiânia: Universidade Católica de Goiás, 2005.

Veríssimo, Jean Fabrício Dias 20 December 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T13:48:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jean Fabricio Dias Verissimo.pdf: 431633 bytes, checksum: 5cf3db545669d610f9dd82a778191b0b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-12-20 / This research is proposed to investigate the imaginary of pentecostals. To achive this goal, it is limited to interpret some papers (and it's intentions) of the intellectual spokesmen of pentecostal churchs . These are considered archetypes papers and it makes possible the increasing in the number of the faithfuls. To prove this idea, we make a study of the holy war and of the devil, in a historic perspective, where these archetypes are transmitted from generation to generation. Inside the pentecostal imaginary, the rival symbolic offers are related to the devil, second the intention of these papers. We propose to study one of these rival symbolic offers, the Spiritism. For this, we did a study covering the brazilian kardecism and the relation with Kardec's theories. In the end we ex pose the Spiritism inside pentecostal imaginary. This attitude (to devil the rival symbolic offers) has as main goal to make possible the hegemony between pentecostals churchs inside religious subject. / Esta pesquisa se propõe a investigar o imaginário dos pentecostais. Para tanto, limitou-se a interpretar alguns textos (intenção dos mesmos) dos porta-vozes intelectuais das Igrejas Pentecostais. Esses são considerados textos arquétipos, isso possibilita o crescimento dos pentecostais. Para justificar essa afirmação, é feito um estudo da guerra santa e do Diabo, numa perspectiva histórica, em que os mesmos foram passados de geração para geração, e estão presentes no inconsciente coletivo. No imaginário dos pentecostais, as ofertas simbólicas concorrentes são relacionadas com o Diabo, segundo a intenção dos textos estudados. Aqui é proposto estudar uma dessas ofertas simbólicas concorrentes, o Espiritismo. Para tanto, foi feito um estudo do kardecismo no Brasil e a relação desse com as obras de Kardec, e por fim é exposto o espiritismo no imaginário pentecostal. O espiritismo é uma das representações do Diabo no imaginário pentecostal. Essa atitude (demonizar as ofertas simbólicas concorrentes) teria como objetivo possibilitar a hegemonia dos pentecostais no campo religioso.

Illusio in lesson observation : making policy work by playing the game

Pleasance, Sasha January 2018 (has links)
Lesson observation is an established part of teachers' professional lives within a rational policy discourse which problematises teaching. The problematisation of teaching in official documentation and pronouncements has shaped understanding and experience of teachers' professional work. By approaching this study from a constructionist perspective, and employing the What's the Problem Represented to be? (WPR) approach developed by Bacchi (2009) to examine policy-as-discourse, it is possible interrogate the role of policy in making problems, and their solutions, in very specific ways. The innovative combining of the work of Bacchi with Bourdieu's sociological lens, in particular his concept of illusio, has enabled this research to examine the investment teachers make in the practice of lesson observation and to offer an interpretative rendering of 'how it is possible for "what is said" to be "sayable"' (Foucault 1991:59, cited in Bacchi and Goodwin, 2016:36 original emphasis). The contribution to knowledge within this empirical study is in the articulation of a vocabulary of motives used by participants to make meaning of why they play the game of lesson observation and, through this, an analysis of how policy work is done in a further education (FE) context. This research finds that by playing the game, teachers and observers are, in effect, making the policy work, which in turn produces the forms of objects which have been constructed through the representation of teaching as a 'problem' in official policy; 'outstanding teacher'; 'best practice'; 'effective teaching'; 'learning outcomes'. The reification of these objects within teachers' professional lives has created taken-for- granted realities which enable the binary of professional development and performance management to make sense. Furthermore, the research reveals how, in making the policy work, teachers are in fact doing the work of policy by enacting the objective entities constituted by evidence-based 'best practice' in their teaching. Interpretation of the empirical data contributes new knowledge by proposing that teaching has become represented as a 'problem' of learning within official policy discourse and that this has created a world where learning is a duty for both teachers and learners. The thesis concludes with the recommendation put forward by participants for a democratic and collaborative system of peer review to replace the current system of lesson observation. However, this recommendation is still within the parameters of rational policy narrative in its presupposition that teachers need to improve. The thesis, therefore, recommends debate about what 'development' might mean in the context of FE.

Tentando chegar lá: as experiências sociais de jovens em um cursinho popular de São Paulo / Trying to get there: the social experiences of underprivileged students in their attempts to reach Higher Education in Sao Paulo

Bonaldi, Eduardo Vilar 15 January 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa visa reconstituir as dinâmicas de acesso ao Ensino Superior de jovens de frações relativamente privilegiadas das camadas populares, ingressantes em um cursinho popular localizado na zona norte da cidade de São Paulo. Em primeiro lugar, o estudo busca delinear e compreender a gênese social tanto das aspirações de ingresso no Ensino Superior quanto das dificuldades e barreiras subjetivamente experienciadas por esses jovens ao longo de suas tentativas de acesso ao sistema universitário. Além de evidenciar quais condicionamentos e modulações específicas dos processos de socialização e de escolarização, a que esses jovens foram submetidos, podem enraizar trajetórias bem sucedidas de acesso ao nível universitário, o estudo busca, igualmente, demonstrar como as diferentes redes de relações em que esses jovens encontram-se inseridos podem se refletir em diferentes estilizações de seus modos de experimentação da condição juvenil. Por fim, a natureza eminentemente política da iniciativa também conduziu o estudo à investigação dos modos como afinidades ou dissonâncias entre as origens e trajetórias dos professores e alunos do cursinho estruturam as dinâmicas interacionais a partir das quais pode ocorrer a transmissão das visões políticas de mundo e dos destinos universitários e ocupacionais que esses professores buscam projetar sobre seus alunos. / This work aims to reconstruct the educational and social trajectories of underprivileged students in their attempts to access Higher Education by attending a free-tuition prep course, located in the north of the city of Sao Paulo. First, the study seeks to delineate and understand the social genesis of both the aspirations towards Higher Education and the difficulties and barriers subjectively experienced by these students. Besides evidencing the specific conditions that might pave the way of these students towards what they acknowledge as successful paths, the study also seeks to demonstrate how the different peer groups in which they are engaged can be reflected in their different ways of experiencing their transitions to adulthood. Finally, the thick political atmosphere that characterizes the initiative has also conducted the study to investigate how affinities or dissonance between the origins and trajectories of the students, on one side, and the teacher of this prep course, on the other structure the interactional dynamics from which the transmission of political dispositions, as well as the inclinations towards determined career paths (in both the university system and the job market), can be observed.

A comunicação em ambientes digitais de aprendizagem: apropriações, interações e práticas desenvolvidas no Moodle para a educação a distância

Reichert, Julie 16 April 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T18:25:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 16 / Banco Santander / Banespa / A educação a distância (EAD) traz renovadas questões para o debate acerca dos processos de ensino-aprendizagem e da interação entre professores e estudantes. Em um mundo cada vez mais mediado pelas tecnologias, refletir sobre um novo modus operandis dos canais midiáticos colocados a serviço de uma comunicação para a educação parece ser função da academia como modo de ela mesma repensar suas práticas, ao menos no que tratar da EAD. Diante disso, parte-se para uma pesquisa que tem por objetivo analisar os processos de comunicação em um ambiente digital de aprendizagem que se estabelecem entre docente-discentes em disciplinas de cursos de Graduação ofertadas na modalidade não presencial. O caso estudado é o da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), que utiliza o programa Moodle como plataforma para desenvolver esse formato de ensino. Para se chegar aos modos de uso e apropriação desse ambiente, recorreu-se à observação de três turmas, seguida por um método que se denominou abordagem da experiência de / Distance Education brings renewed issues into the debate about the education-learning processes and the interaction between teachers and students. In a world more and more mediated by technologies, reflecting about a new one modus operandis of the mediatic channels put in service for an educational communication seems to be the academy’s task as way for it to rethink its own practices, at least as far as Distance Education is concerned. Therefore, a research is done with the objective of analyzing the communication processes in a digital learning environment and that are established between teachers and students in Undergraduate Programs Courses offered in a non-presencial modality. The case studied is the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), which utilizes the Moodle program as its platform to develop this education format. In order to get to the point of using and appropriating this environment, three classes were observed, followed by a method which was called an approach of use and appropria

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