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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Professionella ex inom missbruksvården : En kvalitativ studie om vägen från drogmissbruk och kriminalitet till en karriär inom behandling / Professional Exes in the addicton field : A qualitative study about individuals who left drug abuse and criminality and make career in treatment

Salvén, Magdalena, Einarsson, Sara January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how "Professional Exes", individuals that have exited a drug abuse and a criminal career and further are educated to work in the addiction field, transformed their identity and which factors that were significant in the process. The result of this study are based on semi-structured interviews with five Professional Exes and shows which specific factors in the process that contributed to the transformation and what kind of difficulties and barriers that existed during the process. The study suggests that, among other things, identification with others exes and the 12 Step Program are significant factors in the process. Furthermore, the study suggests that a difficulty in the transformation is that residues from the previous identity such as a poor self-esteem occurred in some situations.

Sprachlicher Austausch als Inszenierung sozialer Macht. / Stufen der Reflexion in der modernen Sprachtheorie aus der Perspektive von Pierre Bourdieu. / Linguistic exchanges and social power. / Steps in the reflection within modern linguistic theory from the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu.

Massock, Georges Claude Edmond 17 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Socialt arbete med ensamkommande flyktingbarn : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialarbetare upplever det tvärkulturella arbetet med ensamkommande flyktingbarn

Bilici, Seyma January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how some social workers in Sweden describe the social work with unaccompanied children. Emphasis was on the role of culture in social work with the unaccompanied children. I wanted to examine how the social workers describe their view on social work with unaccompanied. I also wanted to examine how the social workers describe their view at their own and the unaccompanied children’s cultural backgrounds influence on the social work with the unaccompanied. The study is based on qualitative interviews with four social workers. The empirical material was analysed based on the theories ethnocentrism and symbolic interactionism. The results of the study shows that both the social workers and the unaccompanied children’s cultural background effects social work. The social workers cultural background has a particular effect on the meetings with the unaccompanied children. The social workers capacity to fully understand the unaccompanied clients is limited for cultural factors.

Confucian or Communist, post-Mao or postmodern? : exploring the narrative identity resources of Shanghai’s Post-80s generation

Sabet, Denise 16 September 2010 (has links)
It is 30 years after Post-Mao reforms, 20 years after Tiananmen Square demonstrations, and the next generation of “comrades” are emerging in China. They are called the Balinghou or “Post- 80s” generation, referring to the cohort born between 1980 and 1989. This study addresses an empirical gap by exploring the narrative resources Shanghai’s Post-80s young adults call on to construct their identities, given the historical situation in which they live. This exploration is achieved through qualitative empirical data by employing a combination of narrative analysis and ethnography. Data analysis uncovers narrative resources clustered around three common themes: generational identity, structural resources, and personal lives. Further refection reveals that the extent to which identity is narratively expressed can be culturally constrained. Although the Balinghou encounter unique external factors such as the One Child Policy and rapid economic growth and reform in China, their narrative identity resources are more related to their perceptions of life stages than unprecedented historical circumstance. Keywords: narrative, identity, life course, symbolic interactionism, China, Shanghai, Balinghou, Post-80s generation

Simboliniu vykdymu grindžiamo mutacinio testavimo įrankio kūrimas ir tyrimas / Mutation testing based in symbolic execution tool development and research

Milašius, Tomas 01 September 2011 (has links)
Šiame dokumente aprašytas darbas susideda iš trijų pagrindinių dalių. Pirmojoje (analizės) dalyje yra apžvelgiamos programinės įrangos kokybės užtikrinimo veiklos – konkrečiai testavimo procesas. Didžiausias dėmesys yra skiriamas automatizuotam testų generavimui. Antrojoje (projektinėje) dalyje aprašomas simboliniu vykdymu grindžiamas mutacinis testų generavimo metodas. Taip pat detalizuojamas jo realizavimas kuriamoje sistemoje – aprašomi statiniai ir dinaminiai vaizdai. Trečiojoje dalyje (tyrimo ir eksperimentinėje) yra analizuojamas sukurtas metodas, vertinamos įvairiausios jo charakteristikos, metrikos ir realizuojami patobulinimai. Šie sistemos priežiūros darbai leido sumažinti ciklomatinį metodų sudėtingumą ir pagreitinti realizuoto testų generavimo metodo veikimą. Aprašytas metodas pasižymi tuo, jog jo pagalba galima sugeneruoti testus aptinkančius programinio kodo mutacijas, o testų generavimui yra naudojamas simbolinis vykdymas, o ne atsitiktinių skaičių generatorius. / This work consists of three major parts. The first (analytical) part is the review of software quality assurance activities - specifically the testing process. The main focus is on automated test generation. The second (design) part describes the mutation testing based on symbolic execution test generation method. It also specifies the implementation details of the systems under development - described in the static and dynamic perspectives. The third part (research and experimental) is devoted for analysis of developed method. Here wide range of characteristics and metrics are analyzed. Also, some improvements are implemented. This helped to reduce system’s methods cyclomatic complexity and greatly increased speeds at witch tests generation are performed. The method described is characterized by the fact that it can help generate tests that detect mutations in the software code and symbolic execution is used for test generation, rather than a random number generator.

Simbolinės hierarchijos konstarvimas 2011 europos krepšinio čempionato diskurse / Construction of symbolic hierarchy of 2011 european basketball championship in a discursive way

Agamalijev, Malik 31 August 2012 (has links)
Magistro darbe nagrinėjami lietuvių ir užsienio sociologų, kultūrologų bei kitų mokslininkų darbai. Sportas pristatomos, kaip ryškus sociokultūrinis fenomenas, kuris turi įtakos tiek atskiram žmogui, tiek visuomenei ar valstybei. Globalūs sporto renginiai formuoja žmonių požiūrį tiek į sportą, tiek ir į gyvenimą, todėl pasirinkta tema yra aktuali ir įdomi. 2011 metais įvykęs Europos krepšinio čempionatas buvo vienas svarbiausių įvykių per Lietuvos sporto istoriją. Taip pat jis buvo svarbus valstybei politiškai ir ekonomiškai. / To start with, scientific works of Lithuanians and foreign sociologists, culturologists and other scientists are analyzed in the master’s work. The sport is represented as important phenomena which can have an impact for each person or for the whole society or country. Global sports events forms attitude for the life and for the whole sports as well, for this reason, this theme is topical and interesting. European basketball championship of 2011 was one of the most important sport events in Lithuanians sport history. Not to mention the fact, that it was substantial for the country politically and economically.

Il Sacro bosco d'amore : communication through desire

Althoff, Julie. January 1999 (has links)
Il Sacro Bosco in Bomarzo is an experience in Lessons on Love. The statues are a constant repetition of the paradox of Eros. The exoteric meaning of the statues will be given through the- narratives that influenced them. Then, the esoteric meaning behind the narratives and the statues will be given with the help of Ficino's Commentary on Plato's Symposium on Love. Because the garden exists in the space of desire, it is able to speak to us today. This thesis is a walk through the garden. It is only through the experience of the garden that architectural meaning is conveyed. The garden is a journey that will heal the body and the soul through the spirit. Il Sacro Bosco leads to a better understanding of the self and, in the Renaissance, its connection to the One.

Automatic Detection of Abnormal Behavior in Computing Systems

Roberts, James Frank 01 January 2013 (has links)
I present RAACD, a software suite that detects misbehaving computers in large computing systems and presents information about those machines to the system administrator. I build this system using preexisting anomaly detection techniques. I evaluate my methods using simple synthesized data, real data containing coerced abnormal behavior, and real data containing naturally occurring abnormal behavior. I find that the system adequately detects abnormal behavior and significantly reduces the amount of uninteresting computer health data presented to a system administrator.

Explaining Public Opinion towards a Federal Educational Reform: The Impact of Accountability, Symbolism, Group Interest, and Authoritarianism on Support for the No Child Left Behind Law

Holland, Jonathon 01 January 2014 (has links)
This study focuses on public opinion of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). The act is a federal reform act, therefore politicians will pay attention to voters’ opinions of the law when considering if they should pass future legislation like it. Data were collected from a sample population of United States citizens by the Princeton Survey Research Associates International. People’s educational views, political views, group interests, and authoritarian views were all used to measure which groups have a positive attitude toward NCLB. Logistic regression was used to test several models to predict which groups have the strongest opinion of the law. The results indicate people’s views toward standardized testing, Republicans, and parents are the groups most likely to have a positive view of the law, followed closely by people with authoritarian attitudes.

Contributions à l'algorithmique détendue et à la résolution des systèmes polynomiaux

Lebreton, Romain 11 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse est en majeure partie dédiée au calcul rapide de remontée p-adique par des algorithmes détendus. Dans une première partie, nous présentons le cadre général des algorithmes détendus et de leur application au calcul de p-adiques récursifs. Pour appliquer ce cadre à la remontée p-adique de divers systèmes d'équations, il reste à transformer ces équations implicites en équations récursives. Ainsi, la seconde partie traite des systèmes d'équations linéaires, éventuellement différentiels. La remontée de résolutions de systèmes polynomiaux se trouve en troisième partie. Dans tous les cas, les nouveaux algorithmes détendus sont comparés, en théorie comme en pratique, aux algorithmes existants. En quatrième partie, nous étudions l'algèbre de décomposition universelle d'un polynôme. Nous développons un algorithme rapide pour calculer une représentation adéquate de cette algèbre et l'utilisons pour manipuler efficacement les éléments de l'algèbre. Finalement, nous montrons en annexe que la recherche d'invariants fondamentaux d'algèbres d'invariants sous un groupe fini peut se faire directement modulo p, facilitant ainsi leur calcul.

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