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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation et analyse de la sécurité dans un système de stockage pair-à-pair

Chaou, Samira 11 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Le sujet de ma thèse consiste à analyser la sécurité d'un système de stockage pair à pair. Durant la première phase j'ai commencé par me familiariser avec le système existant (que du code), par la suite j'ai analysé la résistance du système en la présence d'attaques internes (que j'ai implémenté) en utilisant la simulation (travaux publiés dans HPCS'11). Le simulateur utilisé est un simulateur propriétaire qui reprend le code initial du système et modulable. Les résultats de cette analyse (perte de données) m'ont conduit à mettre en place un mécanisme de détection pour détecter ces attaques avant qu'elles ne causent la perte des données. Ce mécanisme de détection consiste à mettre en place un système de notation à deux niveaux : niveau 1:notation des échanges entre pair, niveau 2: notation des notes accordées à chaque pair (confiance en ces notes). Le principe de ce système est basé sur l'historique des échanges et la diffusion des notes entre les pairs. Dans un premier temps un système de notation à un niveau à été modélisé, implémenté et son efficacité analysée en utilisant deux méthodes (simulation pour les résultats quantitatifs et le model-checking pour les résultats qualitatifs. Pour la partie modélisation et vérification j'ai utilisé le formalisme ABCD [1], et les compilateurs SNAKES[2] et NICO[3,4]. Les résultats ont montrés la limite de ce système de notation à un seul niveau. (Travaux publiés dans TMS'12). A noter que jusque là seulement quelques attaques ont été détectées. En parallèle de tout ça un travail de modélisation dans un contexte de génie logiciel à été fait. Modélisation de l'application (Java) en utilisant le formalisme ABCD.

The basic structure of intelligent database

Yu, Chun-I January 1989 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to study the basic theoretic structure of intelligent data base by means of logic. There are three parts of this paper. The first part introduces the concept and relational algebra in relational data base. The second part focuses on the relationship between logic and the structure of intelligent data base and compares the intelligent database application. The last part, a SQL (Structure Query Language) queries simulation program using logic programming language Prolog, demonstrates how logic applies to query languages. / Department of Computer Science

The Quest for Female Sexual Agency: An Analysis and Application of Beyoncé Knowles’s Career

Sparks, Haley Lillian 01 January 2015 (has links)
This paper is an in-depth analysis of music artist Beyoncé Knowles's career in relation to female autonomy and sexuality. It delves into the symbolic annihilation of an accurate portrayal of female sexuality in the media and how that translates to young women being misinformed about their own sexual pleasure and satisfaction. This misinformation and its effects on the sexual experiences of college-aged women are demonstrated through a series of original creative short stories.

Vad gör lärare när elever ”går bananas” i klassrummet? : Fem förstelärares metoder för att skapa ordning i klassrummet / What do teachers do when pupils “go bananas” in the classroom? : Five “förstelärares” methods to create order in the classroom

Andersson, Daniel, Jirestål, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Idag är skolan ofta föremål för debatt i massmedia. Ett vanligt förekommande ämne är den bristande ordningen i klassrummen och hur den leder till försämrade resultat. Den allmänna uppfattningen är att hårdare disciplin är lösningen.           Studiens syfte är därför att skildra hur fem förstelärare gör för att skapa ordning i sina klassrum. För att uppnå syftet utfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med utgångspunkt i en vinjett, vilken våra informanter fick ta del av. I analysen användes framför allt symbolisk interaktionism och ledarskapsteori som teoretiskt ramverk.           Resultatet visade att inga av informanterna var för metoder så som skrämsel, kvarsittning, utkastning eller andra former av bestraffningar. Samtliga informanter uppvisade ett demokratiskt ledarskap och menade istället att trygghetsskapande är den bästa metoden i skapandet av en god arbetsmiljö. Ordningsregler och tydliga ramar menar de ska skapa trygghet och förebygga eventuella beteendeproblem hos eleverna, medan samtal ska hjälpa eleverna att förstå vad de gjort, om de trots allt skulle uppträda opassande. Detta för att hindra att eleven beter sig likadant igen.           Vår förhoppning är att kunna bidra med tips och idéer till andra lärare om hur ordning kan skapas i klassrummet. / Today, school is often the subject of debate in the media. A common topic is the lack of order in the classroom and how it leads to poorer results. The general consensus is that tougher discipline is the solution.           The aim of this study is to describe how five “förstelärare” create order in their classrooms. To achieve the aim, qualitative interviews based on a vignette were conducted, which our informants were presented with. To analyze the results different theories like symbolic interactionism and leadership theory were used.           The results showed that none of the informants was positive to methods such as intimidation, detention, ejection or other forms of punishment. All informants reported a democratic leadership and instead argued for establishing of assurance as the best method, to create a good working environment. They mean that standards of conduct and clear instructions will provide assurance and prevent students’ behavior problems, while dialogs will help students to understand what they have done, so that they do not repeat their behavior.           Our hope is to give other teachers tips and ideas on how order can be created in the classroom.

A Case Study Of Gypsy/roma Identity In Edirne

Ceyhan, Selin 01 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is to argue about a Gypsy/Roma community&amp / #8217 / s identity construction from the point of view of classical literature on ethnicity, class and gender dimensions in the symbolic identity construction in the case of Turkey. In this regard, it is important to examine whether this community benefits from citizenship rights. For this purpose, Edirne is chosen as a sample of Turkey because majority of Gypsy/Roma population lives in and this border city into which migrations took place from Bulgaria and Greece. Also for practical reasons of building a communication network, Edirne is selected as a case. A qualitative study, using in-depth interviews with a total of 36 married persons of Gypsy/Roma community referring 18 household in-depth-interviews have been conducted from 2003 winter to summer. Besides, in-depth-interviews with 13 non-Gypsies have been conducted. All interviews were recorded, transcribed and the transcribed texts were used for discourse analysis. During the interviews socio-economic profile, marriage, practices of cultural habits, neighbourhood partnership, political identity, religious rituals and perceiving own identity were inquired. There are three major conclusions of this thesis. The first finding is related to Gypsy/Roma community&amp / #8217 / s socio-economic status. Gypsy/Roma community has problems accessing social benefits of education, health and the labour market in addition to having negative living conditions. The arguments of &amp / #8216 / &amp / #8216 / underclass&amp / #8217 / &amp / #8217 / and &amp / #8216 / &amp / #8216 / urban marginalization&amp / #8217 / &amp / #8217 / coincide with these results. Not only occupation, but also race, ethnicity and gender are linked together with Gypsy/Roma status as &amp / #8216 / inferior&amp / #8217 / citizens. Secondly, Gypsy/Roma community is a closed community in their relations with non-Gypsies with regard to marriage and social network. The third finding is associated with Gypsy/Roma community&amp / #8217 / s perceptions of their identity, which shows variations within community. In this regard, Roma is taken to be the &amp / #8216 / &amp / #8216 / other&amp / #8217 / &amp / #8217 / of not only the non-Gypsies but also Gypsy identity is accepted as the &amp / #8216 / &amp / #8216 / other&amp / #8217 / &amp / #8217 / even of Roma.

Social Distinction And Symbolic Boundaries In A Globalized Context: Leisure Spaces In Istanbul

Lortoglu, Ceren 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This study focuses on the conditions and processes that strengthen social distinctions and symbolic boundaries in society. In order to fully grasp the conditions of these processes, it is not sufficient to simply study them as they are carried out on a daily basis. Therefore in this study firstly a general overview of the matter evaluated in the context of globalization. Although a variety of means are at work in constructing social distinctions and symbolic boundaries, in this study three of them have been taken up: leisure, consumption and space. In order to reveal the relationship between them and social distinctions, it examines two different leisure spaces: Laila and Kaktus.

National standards/local implementation: case studies of differing perceptions of national education standards in Papua New Guinea

Tapo, Michael Francis January 2004 (has links)
This research investigated teachers'perceptions, understandings and implementation of education standards in elementary and primary schools in Papua New Guinea. The main research question and two sub-questions were designed to explore teachers' perceptions and understanding of national standards. This exploration engaged teachers in identifying factors which they believed influenced their professional work. This study also explored stakeholders' perceptions of teachers' interpretations of national education standards. This study adopted social constructivist epistemology, symbolic interactionism, and ethnographic case study methodology. This provided the basis for its theoretical framework to purposefully understand human interactions within their culture and context. Social constructivism accommodates situated learning, a conceptual framework which was adapted to interrogate understanding and implementation of national education standards. A variety of research methods were used to elicit teachers' and stakeholders' perceptions and experiences of their professional world. These methods included in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, documentary analysis, field notes and observations. Most of the focus group discussions engaged participants to "tell their stories", thus storytelling became an avenue for eliciting teachers' and stakeholders'perceptions. Workshops conducted for teachers became another important strategy for data collection. Two schools, one rural and one urban, became case studies to understand national education standards as an external phenomenon. A total of 595 participants were involved in this study including teachers and pupils, parents and community members, school board members, members of curriculum committees, and policy makers. The study found numerous contextual factors influenced teachers' understandings, interpretation and implementation of standards at the school level. Foremost, teachers' own knowledge of formal education standards was deficient thus influencing their commitment to and enthusiasm in their professional work. Teachers' content knowledge and pedagogical skills influenced their ability to translate content standards into clear benchmarks for pupils' learning. The absence of effective monitoring systems of teachers' performance contributed to pupils' superficial assessment reports and of uncoordinated mastery of subject content and performance skills. The absence of effective school leadership affected teachers' commitment, attitudes and professionalism. This generated a culture of isolationism acute in both schools. Teachers were performing to hierarchically externally imposed requirements, and in the process, overlooked essential knowledge and skills that were needed to improve quality of students' learning. The national education standards are an inherited policy from the colonial administration. This study found that successful implementation of education standards is highly dependent on the social and cultural expectations of Papua New Guinea's rapidly changing society. At the local level, education standards are highly influenced by teachers' professionalism, provincial education boards and community expectations. This is compounded by the mismatch of priorities and policies between the national and provincial education divisions. Such a practice impacts negatively on the successful implementation of educational reform agendas. The study implies that a reconsideration of national education standards is necessary. This process will involve a rethinking of teacher education programmes, dismantling previous assumptions of national standards and local implementation, and accommodating challenges presented by economic, political, social and cultural change in Papua New Guinea.

How is leadership understood and enacted within the field of early childhood education and care

Hard, Louise January 2006 (has links)
The field of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) traditionally encompasses care and education for children aged from birth to eight years. In this study, the focus is specifically on the field that provides services for children in prior to school settings, that being the birth to five sector. This sector is highly feminised and has emerged over the last century from philanthropic roots. Despite considerable work into leadership in other areas, until recent times, attention to aspects of leadership has been limited within the ECEC field and much of the research undertaken has focused heavily on centre-based leadership. This study investigated how personnel, from a range of services, understand and enact leadership. In terms of data analysis it draws heavily on symbolic interactionism as a methodological tool and engages standpoint feminist theory to inform the analytical process. Data were gathered from semi-structured interviews with twenty-six participants who also identified artefacts, which they considered influenced and supported their understandings of leadership. In addition, two focus groups were conducted to explore themes emerging from early analysis of the data. Findings indicate two categories, which emerge as relevant to how leadership is understood and enacted by participants. The first of these is the concept of interpreted professional identity, which reflects participants' interpretations of who they are as early childhood professionals informed by their own views and the views of others. How individuals interpret their sense of self (manifest in their professional identity) is influential in the secondary category, which is interpreted leadership capacity. This category reflects participants' leadership activity or inactivity. The analysis reflects a complex interplay between how participants interpret their professional sense of self (interpreted professional identity) and their capacity and willingness to enact leadership (interpreted leadership capacity). Individuals in the formation of their professional identity interpret factors, both internal to the ECEC field and external (through social expectations). The culture of the ECEC field (internal factors) includes competing elements such as a discourse of niceness juxtaposed against examples of horizontal violence. Factors external to the field suggest there are lingering social associations between heroic male images and leadership, which make women as leaders problematic. Within a highly feminised field such as ECEC, this study brings new perspectives to understandings of leadership and its enactment.

Orbit complexity and computable Markov partitions

Kenny, Robert January 2008 (has links)
Markov partitions provide a 'good' mechanism of symbolic dynamics for uniformly hyperbolic systems, forming the classical foundation for the thermodynamic formalism in this setting, and remaining useful in the modern theory. Usually, however, one takes Bowen's 1970's general construction for granted, or restricts to cases with simpler geometry (as on surfaces) or more algebraic structure. This thesis examines several questions on the algorithmic content of (topological) Markov partitions, starting with the pointwise, entropy-like, topological conjugacy invariant known as orbit complexity. The relation between orbit complexity de nitions of Brudno and Galatolo is examined in general compact spaces, and used in Theorem 2.0.9 to bound the decrease in some of these quantities under semiconjugacy. A corollary, and a pointwise analogue of facts about metric entropy, is that any Markov partition produces symbolic dynamics matching the original orbit complexity at each point. A Lebesgue-typical value for orbit complexity near a hyperbolic attractor is also established (with some use of Brin-Katok local entropy), and is technically distinct from typicality statements discussed by Galatolo, Bonanno and their co-authors. Both our results are proved adapting classical arguments of Bowen for entropy. Chapters 3 and onwards consider the axiomatisation and computable construction of Markov partitions. We propose a framework of 'abstract local product structures'

Isotone fuzzy Galois connections and their applications in formal concept analysis

Konecny, Jan. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--State University of New York at Binghamton, Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science, Department of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references.

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