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Contribuições para o balanceamento eletrônico de rotores. / Contributions to active unbalance comprensation of rotors.Perim, Yuri 23 August 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho se insere no contexto de redução de vibrações de rotores via mancais ativos. Essas vibrações são causadas pelo desbalanço do próprio rotor e possuem frequência igual à frequência de rotação desse rotor. O desbalanço pode ser modelado como uma força de perturbação girante, sendo que uma técnica bastante conhecida para anular o efeito dessa perturbação é o balanceamento eletrônico, também chamado de compensação síncrona de desbalanço ou de regulação sincronizada. A presente dissertação traz duas contribuições para o tema. A primeira é a simplificação do compensador síncrono através de considerações de simetria do rotor e de isotropia dos mancais, e a segunda é a obtenção do modelo exato do sistema discreto resultante da aplicação da metodologia de compensação síncrona. Tais contribuições se valem da descrição do modelo em coordenadas complexas. À transformação de coordenadas reais para coordenadas complexas deu-se o nome de complexificação. Assim sendo, a complexificação do modelo permite dividir por dois a dimensão das variáveis do sistema (estados, entradas e saídas), além de dar sentido físico à separação entre os distúrbios diretos (caso do desbalanço) e os distúrbios retrógrados. Essa complexificação reduz o tempo de identificação da matriz de influência feita no balanceamento eletrônico, e o modelo complexificado obtido através das hipóteses de simetria e isotropia permite desacoplar completamente a compensação das perturbações diretas da compensação das perturbações retrógradas. / This work is inserted in the context of active attenuation of rotor vibrations. These vibrations are caused by the rotor\'s own unbalance and have a frequency equal to the rotor\'s rotation frequency. The unbalance can be modeled as a rotating disturbance force, and a well-known technique for cancelling the effect of such a disturbance is the so-called active balancing, also known as synchronous unbalance compensation or synchronized regulation. The present dissertation brings two contributions to the theme. The first one is the simplification of the synchronous compensator through considerations of rotor symmetry and bearing isotropy, and the second one is to obtain the exact model of the discrete system resulting from the application of the synchronous compensation methodology. These contributions make use of the model described in complex coordinates. The transformation from real coordinates to complex coordinates is defined as a complexification. Thus, the complexification of the model allows the division in half of the dimension of the system variables (states, inputs and outputs), as well as giving a physical sense to the separation between forward disturbances (case of the rotor unbalance) and backward disturbances. This complexification reduces the time of identification of the influence matrix made in active balancing, and the complexified model obtained through symmetry and isotropy hypotheses allows the completely uncouple of the forward disturbances compensation from the backward disturbances compensation.
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Passage à l'échelle pour les contraintes d'ordonnancement multi-ressources / Scalable multi-dimensional resources scheduling constraintsLetort, Arnaud 28 October 2013 (has links)
La programmation par contraintes est une approche régulièrement utilisée pour résoudre des problèmes combinatoires d’origines diverses. Dans cette thèse nous nous focalisons sur les problèmes d’ordonnancement cumulatif. Un problème d’ordonnancement consiste à déterminer les dates de débuts et de fins d’un ensemble de tâches, tout en respectant certaines contraintes de capacité et de précédence. Les contraintes de capacité concernent aussi bien des contraintes cumulatives classiques où l’on restreint la somme des hauteurs des tâches intersectant un instant donné, que des contraintes cumulatives colorées où l’on restreint le nombre maximum de couleurs distinctes prises par les tâches. Un des objectifs récemment identifiés pour la programmation par contraintes est de traiter des problèmes de grandes tailles, habituellement résolus à l’aide d’algorithmes dédiés et de métaheuristiques. Par exemple, l’utilisation croissante de centres de données virtualisés laisse apparaitre des problèmes d’ordonnancement et de placement multi-dimensionnels de plusieurs milliers de tâches. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous utilisons l’idée de balayage synchronisé considérant simultanément une conjonction de contraintes cumulative et des précédences, ce qui nous permet d’accélérer la convergence au point fixe. De plus, de ces algorithmes de filtrage nous dérivons des procédures gloutonnes qui peuvent être appelées à chaque nœud de l’arbre de recherche pour tenter de trouver plus rapidement une solution au problème. Cette approche permet de traiter des problèmes impliquant plus d’un million de tâches et 64 ressources cumulatives. Ces algorithmes ont été implémentés dans les solveurs de contraintes Choco et SICStus, et évalués sur divers problèmes déplacement et d’ordonnancement. / Constraint programming is an approach often used to solve combinatorial problems in different application areas. In this thesis we focus on the cumulative scheduling problems. A scheduling problem is to determine the starting dates of a set of tasks while respecting capacity and precedence constraints. Capacity constraints affect both conventional cumulative constraints where the sum of the heights of tasks intersecting a given time point is limited, and colored cumulative constraints where the number of distinct colors assigned to the tasks intersecting a given time point is limited. A newly identified challenge for constraint programming is to deal with large problems, usually solved by dedicated algorithms and metaheuristics. For example, the increasing use of virtualized datacenters leads to multi dimensional placement problems of thousand of jobs. Scalability is achieved by using a synchronized sweep algorithm over the different cumulative and precedence constraints that allows to speed up convergence to the fix point. In addition, from these filtering algorithms we derive greedy procedures that can be called at each node of the search tree to find a solution more quickly. This approach allows to deal with scheduling problems involving more than one million jobs and 64 cumulative resources. These algorithms have been implemented within Choco and SICStussolvers and evaluated on a variety of placement and scheduling problems.
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Análise de observabilidade e identificação de medidas críticas para sistemas de medição formados por medidas convencionais e fasoriais sincronizadas / Observability analysis and identification of critical measurements for metering systems formed by conventional and synchronized phasor measurementsGuilherme Pereira Borges 04 May 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho de dissertação propõe-se uma metodologia para análise de observabilidade (restauração e identificação de ilhas) e identificação de medidas críticas para sistemas de medição formados por medidas convencionais (medidas de amplitude de tensão e de potência obtidas via sistema SCADA) e medidas fasoriais sincronizadas. A metodologia possibilita análise e restauração da observabilidade a partir da fatoração triangular da matriz jacobiana, associada a um sistema de medição possuindo medidas convencionais e fasoriais sincronizadas. Para identificar as ilhas observáveis, no caso de o sistema não ser observável como um todo, a metodologia faz uso do conceito de caminhos de fatoração, associado à matriz jacobiana fatorada. As medidas críticas são identificadas a partir da análise da estrutura da matriz H \'delta\' t, que é obtida a partir da fatoração triangular da matriz jacobiana. A metodologia proposta é simples, de execução rápida, de fácil implantação e não exige a solução de equações algébricas. Dessa forma a mesma atende aos requisitos para operação em tempo-real. Com o intuito de mostrar como a metodologia proposta funciona, são apresentados exemplos da sua aplicação em um sistema teste de 4 barras. Vale destacar que resultados de diversas simulações computacionais, utilizando os sistemas teste do IEEE (14, 30 e 57 barras), têm demonstrado a eficiência da metodologia. / This dissertation proposes a methodology for observability analysis (restoration and identification of observable islands) and identification of critical measurements for metering systems composed of both synchronized phasor and conventional measurements (power and voltage magnitude measurements). The methodology enables observability analysis and restoration via the triangular factorization of the jacobian matrix associated with metering systems formed by those two types of measurements. The identification of observable islands is carried out through the analysis of the path graphs associated with the factorization of the jacobian matrix. Critical measurements are identified via analysis of the structure of the H \'delta\' t matrix, which is obtained by the triangular factorization of the jacobian matrix. The methodology is simple, fast and easy to implement and does not require solutions of any algebraic equation. Consequently, it is useful for real-time operation. Small numerical examples, using a 4-bus test system, showing the application of the proposed methodology are presented. The IEEE 14, 30 and 57 bus systems with different measurement scenarios were used to evaluate the performance of the proposed methodology.
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A proteção de retaguarda para linhas de transmissão aplicando medição fasorial sincronizada / The backup protection for transmission lines applying synchronized phasor measurementAlex Vilarindo Menezes 13 September 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para a proteção de retaguarda de um Sistema Elétrico de Potência (SEP) de grande área, através de um Sistema de Medição Fasorial Sincronizado (SMFS). A metodologia é baseada no contínuo monitoramento e na proteção de um SEP de grande área voltada para linhas de transmissão. Pelo algoritmo de proteção de retaguarda implementado, fundamentado na filosofia de proteção diferencial que se baseia na detecção da inversão do fluxo de potência, detecta-se a linha de transmissão faltosa mediante os dados de tensão e corrente remotamente adquiridos pelo SMFS. As simulações sobre o SEP compreenderam todas as possibilidades de curtos-circuitos monofásicos, bifásicos e trifásicos, sem e com o envolvimento da terra, variando-se o ângulo de incidência e resistência da falta dentro de uma faixa de valores encontrada em situações reais. Os resultados encontrados na pesquisa mostram a eficiência da metodologia proposta, alcançando as prescrições primárias de um sistema de proteção (velocidade, confiabilidade, seletividade e sensibilidade). Neste contexto, concluiu-se que é factível a aplicação da metodologia proposta na proteção de retaguarda de um SEP caracterizado por uma grande área de cobertura, vindo a atender aos propósitos de um sistema de proteção digital, desde que esteja disponível uma confiável e veloz infraestrutura de comunicação para o tráfego dos dados necessários. / The present work aims to develop a methodology for large area Electric Power System (EPS) backup protection, through a Synchronized Phasor Measurement System (SPMS). The methodology is based on continuous monitoring and on the large area EPS protection focused on transmission lines. Through backup protection algorithm implemented, grounded on the differential protection philosophy, which is based on power flow inversion detection, detects the faulty transmission line through the remotely acquired voltage and current data by SPMS. The simulations in SEP discussed all the possibilities of single phase, two phase and three phase short-circuits, with and without the involvement of the ground, varying the fault incidence angle and resistance within a range of values commonly presented in real situation. The results found in this research show the efficiency of the proposed methodology, achieving the protection system primary requirements (speed, reliability, selectivity and sensitivity). In this context, it is concluded that it is feasible the proposed methodology application on the EPS backup protection characterized by a large coverage area, fulfilling the purposes of a digital protection system, since be available a reliable and fast communication infrastructure for the needed data traffic.
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Sistema de medição fasorial sincronizada aplicado à proteção de retaguarda de grandes áreas / Synchronized phasor measurement system applied to wide area protection of transmission systemsAline Flávia Nonato da Costa 29 October 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para a proteção de retaguarda de linhas de transmissão de grandes áreas, utilizando dados de um Sistema de Medição Fasorial Sincronizada. O estudo se justifica devido à contínua expansão dos Sistemas de Transmissão, tais como os que fazem parte do Sistema Interligado Nacional. Vale esclarecer que esta expansão pode vir a dificultar a operação e controle do mesmo, o que faz com que seja necessário, um sistema de proteção cada vez mais confiável, que diminua o impacto de eventos danosos de grande porte, e que atenda aos requisitos de um sistema de proteção de grandes áreas. Neste contexto, o modelo do sistema elétrico de potência em análise foi implementado computacionalmente a partir do RSCAD, ambiente computacional e interface gráfica do RTDS® (Real Time Digital Simulator). Como principal passo, o algoritmo desenvolvido verifica a variação da potência ativa em todos os barramentos monitorados do sistema de transmissão e, de acordo com tal variação, associada ao estado dos dois extremos da linha, detecta e aponta a localização de uma situação de falta. Pelos resultados obtidos, a metodologia se mostrou eficiente na detecção e localização da falta em linhas de transmissão para sistemas de grandes áreas. Toda a metodologia desenvolvida, considerações adotadas e os promissores resultados observados serão reportados neste documento. / This work aims to present the development of a methodology for wide area transmission line backup protection, using Synchronized Phasor Measurement Systems. This study is justified due to continuous expansion of Transmission Systems, such as those which are part of the National Interconnected System. It is worth clarifying that this expansion might difficult system operation and control, which makes necessary to have an increasingly reliable protection system, that minimizes the impact of large dangerous events, and, at the same time, supplies the requirements of a wide area protection system. Within this context, the electrical system model under analysis was implemented through RSCAD, which is a RTDS® (Real Time Digital Simulator) computing environment and graphical interface. As main step, the developed algorithm verifies the active power variation in all monitored buses of the transmission system and then, according to such variation, associated with the communication of the variation state of both line sides, detects and indicates the localization of a faulting condition. According to the results obtained, the methodology has shown its efficiency in transmission line faults detection and localization for wide areas of electrical power systems. The entire developed methodology, considerations adopted and promising outcomes will be reported along this document.
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Sistema de medição fasorial sincronizada aplicado à proteção de retaguarda de grandes áreas / Synchronized phasor measurement system applied to wide area protection of transmission systemsCosta, Aline Flávia Nonato da 29 October 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para a proteção de retaguarda de linhas de transmissão de grandes áreas, utilizando dados de um Sistema de Medição Fasorial Sincronizada. O estudo se justifica devido à contínua expansão dos Sistemas de Transmissão, tais como os que fazem parte do Sistema Interligado Nacional. Vale esclarecer que esta expansão pode vir a dificultar a operação e controle do mesmo, o que faz com que seja necessário, um sistema de proteção cada vez mais confiável, que diminua o impacto de eventos danosos de grande porte, e que atenda aos requisitos de um sistema de proteção de grandes áreas. Neste contexto, o modelo do sistema elétrico de potência em análise foi implementado computacionalmente a partir do RSCAD, ambiente computacional e interface gráfica do RTDS® (Real Time Digital Simulator). Como principal passo, o algoritmo desenvolvido verifica a variação da potência ativa em todos os barramentos monitorados do sistema de transmissão e, de acordo com tal variação, associada ao estado dos dois extremos da linha, detecta e aponta a localização de uma situação de falta. Pelos resultados obtidos, a metodologia se mostrou eficiente na detecção e localização da falta em linhas de transmissão para sistemas de grandes áreas. Toda a metodologia desenvolvida, considerações adotadas e os promissores resultados observados serão reportados neste documento. / This work aims to present the development of a methodology for wide area transmission line backup protection, using Synchronized Phasor Measurement Systems. This study is justified due to continuous expansion of Transmission Systems, such as those which are part of the National Interconnected System. It is worth clarifying that this expansion might difficult system operation and control, which makes necessary to have an increasingly reliable protection system, that minimizes the impact of large dangerous events, and, at the same time, supplies the requirements of a wide area protection system. Within this context, the electrical system model under analysis was implemented through RSCAD, which is a RTDS® (Real Time Digital Simulator) computing environment and graphical interface. As main step, the developed algorithm verifies the active power variation in all monitored buses of the transmission system and then, according to such variation, associated with the communication of the variation state of both line sides, detects and indicates the localization of a faulting condition. According to the results obtained, the methodology has shown its efficiency in transmission line faults detection and localization for wide areas of electrical power systems. The entire developed methodology, considerations adopted and promising outcomes will be reported along this document.
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Instant, Easy, Free Cloud Computing With Google and Microsoft 365Anderson, Joanna M., Doucette, Wendy 06 April 2017 (has links)
Getting into the cloud is easier than you think, and its advantages are immediate. Would you like a backup of all your files you can access from anywhere? How about keeping all your files in sync and editing and sharing them with a group, from wherever you all are? We will discuss the advantages of the Google and Microsoft cloud suites, and why both are better than Dropbox or other standalone storage services. If you and your patrons are interested in a synchronized mailbox and calendar with free access to documents, spreadsheets, forms, presentation software and more, we’ll show you how to get started, increase your productivity and streamline your life.
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Arrêt cardiaque réfractaire aux traitements pharmacologiques : quelle solution proposer pour améliorer la circulation systémique et cérébrale. / Cardiac arrest refractory to pharmacological treatments : what solution to improve systemic and cerebral circulation ?Voicu, Sebastian 20 September 2017 (has links)
La thèse « Arrêt cardiaque réfractaire aux traitements pharmacologiques: quelle solution proposer pour améliorer la circulation systémique et cérébrale? » a montré que l'amélioration de la fonction circulatoire peut être obtenue à plusieurs étapes de la prise en charge de l'arrêt cardiaque. La première étude du travail, sous la forme d'une étude expérimentale à double randomisation, a montré que l'assistance circulatoire type extracorporeal life support ECLS apporte un bénéfice sur la mortalité dans la prise en charge de l'arrêt cardiaque réfractaire chez le cochon, et que l'adrénaline administrée en intraveineux lors de la résuscitation prolongée n'améliore pas la survie des animaux. La deuxième étude a montré que la canulation pour l'ECLS peut être réalisée rapidement par voie percutanée à l'aide d'un repérage échographique et en utilisant des guides rigides en salle de cathétérisme cardiaque chez les patients en arrêt cardiaque réfractaire, permettant l'initiation de l'ECLS dans des centres dotés de salle de cathétérisme sans chirurgie cardiovasculaire. La troisième étude a retrouvé que l'état de choc et le pH artériel<7,11 sont des critères pronostiques identifiant les patients qui, après un arrêt cardiaque, présentent une reprise d'une circulation spontanée mais sont à risque de décéder d'insuffisance circulatoire réfractaire au traitement par catécholamines. La quatrième étude à montré que la stabilisation de la fonction circulatoire par l'ECLS peut être suivie par une meilleure récupération de la fonction ventriculaire gauche en modulant la postcharge, par un dispositif pulsatile diminuant le débit de l'ECLS lors de la systole cardiaque. Enfin, l'optimisation de la circulation cérébrale nécessite en plus de l'optimisation de la circulation systémique, le contrôle de l'interaction entre la pression en gaz carbonique et le débit sanguin cérébral qui est amélioré par une normalisation de la pression en gaz carbonique en stratégie pH-stat. Cette stratégie mesure la pression en gaz carbonique à la température réelle du patient au lieu de la température de référence 37° comme dans la stratégie alpha-stat. L’ensemble de ces résultats, pouvant être appliqués à différentes étapes de la prise en charge d'un patient présentant un arrêt cardiaque, pourraient permettre l'amélioration du pronostic des patients. / The doctoral dissertation « Cardiac arrest refractory to pharmacological treatments : what solution to propose to improve systemic and cerebral circulation ? » showed that circulatory function improvement can be achieved at several stages of the management of cardiac arrest patients. The first study of the dissertation, a double randomization experimental study, showed that extracorporeal life support - ECLS type circulatory assistance improves mortality in refractory cardiac arrest in pigs, and intravenous administration of epinephrine during prolonged resuscitation does not improve survival.The second study showed that cannulation for ECLS can be performed rapidly by the percutaneous technique using echography guidance and stiff wires in the catheterization laboratory in refractory cardiac arrest patients allowing for ECLS initiation in centres with catheterization laboratories but without cardiovascular surgery.The third study found that circulatory shock and arterial pH<7.11 are prognostic criteria identifying patients who, after a cardiac arrest, have return of spontaneous circulation but are at risk of death from circulatory failure refractory to catecholamine treatment.The fourth study showed that hemodynamic stabilization by ECLS can be followed by a better recovery of the left ventricular function by modulating afterload using a pulsatile device lowering ECLS output during systole.Finally, optimization of the cerebral circulation requires besides optimization of the systemic circulation, the control of the interaction between carbon dioxyde partial pressure and cerebral circulatory output, which is improved by normalizing carbon dioxyde partial pressure in pH-stat strategy. This strategy measures partial pressure of carbon dioxyde at the real temperature of the patients instead of the theoretical 37° reference temperature as in alpha-stat strategy.All these results can be applied at different stages of the management of cardiac arrest patients and may improve their prognosis.
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派翠網路的基本架構 / Fundamental Structures in Petri Nets廖扶西, Jose Marcelino Arrozal Nicdao Unknown Date (has links)
The thesis contributes to the theoretical study of Petri net theory. We conduct boundedness and liveness structural analysis of Synchronized Choice nets (SNC) based on fundamental structures in Petri nets and identified as first-order structures. By studying these structures, the study proposes two ways of preserving good properties: addition of second-order structures or other asymmetric structures. Liveness of these new SNC nets is studied based on the concept of siphons and traps. We prove that SNC nets thus formed are structurally bounded and live. The thesis extends this class of nets to those with pure TP and PT first-order structures and explores its structural and marking conditions. Based on this, we introduce a new class of Synchronized Choice nets called Expanded Synchronized Choice nets.
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Development Of Algorithms For Power System State Estimation Incorporating Synchronized Phasor MeasurementsKumar, V Seshadri Sravan 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The ability to implement Wide Area Monitoring and Control in power systems is developing into a need in order to prevent wide scale cascading outages. Monitoring of events in the power system provides a great deal of insight into the behaviour of the system. The research work presented in this thesis focussed on two tools that aid in monitoring: State Estimation and Synchronised Phasors provided by Phasor Measurement Units (PMU).
State Estimation is essentially an on-line data processing scheme used to estimate the best possible state (i.e. voltage phasors) from a monitored set of measurements (active and reactive powers/voltage phasor measurements). The ever growing complexity and developments in the state of art calls for robust state estimators that converge accurately and rapidly. Newton’s method forms the basis for most of the solution approaches. For real-time application in modern power systems, the existing Newton-based state estimation algorithms are too fragile numerically. It is known that Newton’s algorithm may fail to converge if the initial nominal point is far from the optimal point. Sometimes Newton’s algorithm can converge to a local minima. Also Newton’s step can fail to be a descent direction if the gain matrix is nearly singular or ill-conditioned.
This thesis proposes a new and more robust method that is based on linear programming and trust region techniques. The proposed formulation is suitable for Upper Bound Linear Programming. The formulation is first introduced and its convergence characteristics with the use of Upper Bound Linear Programming is studied. In the subsequent part, the solution to the same formulation is obtained using trust region algorithms. Proposed algorithms have been tested and compared with well known methods. The trust region method-based state estimator is found to be more reliable. This enhanced reliability justifies the additional time and computational effort required for its execution.
One of the key elements in the synchrophasor based wide area monitoring is the Phasor Measurement Unit. Synchronized, real time, voltage phasor angle, phasor measurements over a distributed power network presents an excellent opportunity for major improvements in power system control and protection. Two of the most significant applications include state estimation and instability prediction.
In recent years, there has been a significant research activity on the problem of finding the suitable number of PMUs and their optimal locations. For State Estimation, such procedures, which basically ensure observability based on network topology, are sufficient. However for instability prediction, it is very essential that the PMUs are located such that important/vulnerable buses are also directly monitored.
In this thesis a method for optimal placement of PMUs, considering the vulnerable buses is developed. This method serves two purposes viz., identifying optimal locations for PMU (planning stage), and identifying the set PMUs to be closely monitored for instability prediction. The major issue is to identify the key buses when the angular and voltage stability prediction is taken into account. Integer Linear Programming technique with equality and inequality constraints is used to find out the optimal placement set. Further, various aspects of including the Phasor Measurements in state estimation algorithms are addressed.
Studies are carried out on various sample test systems, an IEEE 30-bus system and real life Indian southern grid equivalents of 24-bus system, 72-bus system and 205-bus system.
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