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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reforming of a Tar Model Compound Using Iron Catalysts / Reformering av en modellförening av tjära med användning av järnkatalysatorer

Pérez Guijarro, Celia January 2022 (has links)
Den internationella medvetenheten om hotet med växthusgaser har bidragit till en prioriterad utveckling av alternativa och rena tekniker baserade på förnybara i stället för fossila bränslen. Biomassaförgasning är en teknik för framställning av icke-fossil energigas från biomassa. Den har flera tillämpningsområden, vilket bland annat inkluderar kraftgenerering genom förbränning i motorer. Ett av huvudproblemen med denna teknik är produktionen av tjärföreningar under processen. Detta leder till ett behov av ett gasrenings- och uppgraderingssteg med hjälp av en katalytisk bäddreaktor, vilket ökar kostnaderna och minskar den termiska effektiviteten. Nickel är den vanligast använda katalysatorn för ångreformering, men den är tyvärr giftig. I detta projekt studeras järn, som ett alternativ till nickel. Järn är miljövänlig, giftfri och mer rikligt förekommande jämfört med nickel. Specifikt så användes ett sintrat järnpulver tillverkat av Höganäs AB, Sverige, med toluen som en modellförening för tjära. För att förstå hur oxidationen av järn och järnoxider fungerar mer i detalj under den katalytiska omvandlingen så utfördes testerna med ånga och toluen en temperatur av 750°C och ett tryck av 1 bar. I experimenten observerades att ju större mängd ånga som tillfördes till reaktorn, desto fler problem observerades under katalytiska processen. Den negativa effekten av oxidationen av järnkatalysatorn var mycket större än de fördelar som ånga normalt har på den katalytiska processen. / The international community’s awareness of the danger of greenhouse gases has contributed to prioritising the development of alternative and clean technologies, using renewable sources, over fossil fuels. Biomass gasification is a technology for the production of non-fossil synthesis gas from biomass. It has numerous applications including power generation through combustion in engines. One of the main problems with this technology is the production of tars during the process. This leads to the need to implement a gas cleaning and upgrading step using a catalytic bed reactor, which increases costs and reduces thermal efficiency. nickel is the common catalyst for steam reforming but it is toxic. Therefore, to overcome these drawbacks and to be environmentally friendly, iron, a non-toxic and more abundant catalyst, was used in this project. Specifically, sintered iron powder manufactured at Höganäs AB, Sweden, was used and toluene was taken as the model tar compound.  To understand the iron reactions in more detail, namely the behaviour of iron oxidation during re- forming, the toluene tests were carried out with steam as gasification agent at a temperature of 750°C and pressures below 1 bar. In the experiments, it was observed that the higher the amount of steam in the reactor, the more problems were observed in the catalyst. The negative effect of the oxidation of the catalyst far outweighed the benefits that steam could have on the catalysis.


JHONNY OSWALDO HUERTAS FLORES 20 July 2004 (has links)
[pt] A síntese direta de dimetil éter (DME) a partir de gás de síntese é catalisada a partir de catalisadores bifuncionais que possuem duas propriedades: uma hidrogenante que catalisa a formação de metanol a partir de gás de síntese e a outra desidratante que se encarrega da formação do dimetil éter a partir do metanol. Catalisadores bifuncionais com componente hidrogenante baseado em Cu, Zn e Al e componente desidratante baseado na zeólita H-ferrierita foram sintetizados, avaliando-se, o método de preparação, a influência do alumínio no componente hidrogenante e a razão componente desidratante versus componente hidrogenante. Dos diferentes métodos de preparação utilizados: precipitação-deposição, coprecipitação-impregnação e coprecipitação-sedimentação foram os dois últimos que apresentaram melhores resultados na conversão de gás de síntese além de apresentar a formação do precursor do catalisador de síntese de metanol. Os catalisadores foram caracterizados por: absorção atômica, análise térmica gravimétrica, adsorção de N2, difração de raios-x, redução com temperatura programada (RTP), dessorção com temperatura programada de amônia (DTPNH3), dessorção com temperatura programada de hidrogênio (DTP-H2) e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. Verificou-se que o catalisador bifuncional apresenta um entupimento no volume de poros de aproximadamente 50 por cento. Os resultados dos raios-x identificaram a formação das fases auricalcita, hidrozincita, malaquita e rosacita nos catalisadores com componente hidrogenante baseado em Cu e Zn dos catalisadores com componente hidrogenante baseado em Cu, Zn e Al, e razão atômica Cu/Zn/Al:55/30/15, se observou somente a fase hidrotalcita. A inclusão de alumínio no componente hidrogenante favoreceu a formação de partículas de CuO muito pequenas, conforme observado na microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e difração de raios-x. A análise da DTP-H2 mostrou que os catalisadores preparados por coprecipitação-impregnação apresentam áreas de cobre um pouco maiores. A DTP-NH3 identificou a presença de sítios ácidos de Lewis e de Bronsted que ainda permanecem na H-ferrierita após a preparação do catalisador bifuncional. Sítios ácidos de Bronsted diminuem em maior proporção no catalisador bifuncional quando é preparado pelo método de coprecipitação-impregnação. Os testes catalíticos mostraram não existem grandes diferenças entre os catalisadores bifuncionais preparados por ambos os métodos e que o alumínio no componente hidrogenante não melhora a atividade catalítica destes catalisadores na síntese direta de DME. Concluiu-se que a etapa limitante do processo é a hidrogenação e que esta é dominada pelo cobre e que a H-ferrierita é um excelente componente desidratante pela sua elevada acidez. / [en] The direct synthesis of dimethyl ether from syngas is catalyzed by bifunctional catalysts: the hydrogenation function that catalyzes the methanol formation and the dehydration function to produce dimethyl ether from methanol. Bifunctional catalysts with Cu, Zn and Al as hydrogenation component and Hferrierite zeolite as dehydration component had been synthesized. It was evaluated the method of preparation, the influence of aluminum present in the hydrogenation component and dehydration/hydrogenation component ratio. The coprecipitating impregnation and coprecipitating sedimentation methods were used to form the precursor of hydrogenation component. The catalysts had been characterized by atomic absorption, thermal gravimetry analysis, N2 adsorption, xrays diffraction, TPR, ammonia TPD, hydrogen TPD and transmission electronic microscopy. It was verified that the bifunctional catalyst lost 50 percent of its pore volume. The results of x-rays identified the formation of aurichalcite, hydrozincite, malachite and rosacite phases in the catalyst based on Cu and Zn. However, in the catalyst based on Cu, Zn and Al (for an atomic ratio, Cu/Zn/Al:55/30/15) only the hidrotalcite phase was found. It was observed that the aluminum introduction in the hydrogenation component favors the formation of very small particles of CuO as verified in transmission electronic microscopy and x-rays diffraction. The NH3-TPD identified the presence of Lewis and Bronsted acid sites that still remain in the H-ferrierite after the preparation of the bifunctional catalysts. Bronsted acid sites had an importante decrease in the bifunctional catalysts when it is prepared by the method of coprecipitating impregnation. The catalytic tests showed that the catalysts prepared by the coprecipitating sedimentation method, present higher conversions and DME selectivitys than the prepared by coprecipitating impregnation. The presence of Al in the hydrogenation component doesn`t improve the catalytic activity. It can be concluded that the H-ferrierite is an excellent dehydration component for its high acidity and that the methanol synthesis can be limitant in the process of direct synthesis of DME from syngas.

Reaktionen gesättigter Kohlenwasserstoffe in der Gasphase und an Oberflächen

Ryll, Thomas 19 February 2015 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte erstmals gezeigt werden, dass die Konvertierung von Methan zu Acetylen mit Ausbeuten von über 99 % und Selektivitäten größer als 200:1 mit dem Einsatz von „continious wave“ (cw) Mikrowellenplasmen großtechnisch möglich ist. Im Gegensatz zu vorangegangenen Arbeiten[1,3,5,6] konnte der Vorteil von cw Mikrowellenplasmen in Bezug auf Ausbeute und Selektivität herausgestellt werden. Die vielfach beschriebenen Probleme der Rußbildung[7,8] konnten mit dem Einsatz der CYRANNUS® MW Plasmareaktoren gelöst werden. Des Weiteren besteht die Möglichkeit das Produktgas als chemischen Energiespeicher von regenerativen Überschussstrom (aus Photovoltaik oder Windkraft) zu nutzen. Hierbei sei der Bezug zu „power to gas“ (PtG) zu nennen. Der gebildete Wasserstoff eröffnet weitere vielfältige Nutzungsmöglichkeiten in diesem Rahmen. Im Rahmen der Aktivierung von Kohlenstoffdioxid (aus fossilen oder regenerativen Quellen) sei die Umsetzung von Methan und Kohlenstoffdioxid zu Synthesegas (CO + H2) genannt. Diese Reaktion könnte als Grundlage für sog. „Biosynthesegas“ dienen. Eingesetzt werden hierbei Edukte aus einer Biomassevergärungsanlage (Biogasanlage = BGA). Im Rahmen des Vergärungsprozesses entsteht eine Mischung aus CH4 und CO2. Eine Weiterverarbeitung zu Biosynthesegas und anschließend zu „liquid fuels“ als Biotreibstoff; z.B. im Rahmen einer Fischer-Tropsch-Synthese erscheint äußerst vielversprechend. Unter dem Aspekt der Energiewende ist es bei Einsatz von 100 % regenerativen Strom und der Zuführung von Eduktgas, welches aus Biomasse gewonnen wurde, auf diesem Weg möglich, „grüne“ Grundchemikalien in sehr guten Ausbeuten zu synthetisieren. / In the present study it was demonstrated for the first time, that the conversion of methane to acetylene with yields of over 99 % and selectivity greater than 200:1 with the use of "continious wave" (cw) micro wave Plasmas is possible in an industrial scale. In contrast to previous works[1,3,5,6] the advantage regarding yield and selectivity could be put out by using cw microwave plasmas. The often described problems of soot formation[7,8] could be solved with the use of the CYRANNUS® MW plasma reactors. In addition, the possibility is to use the product gas as a chemical energy storage by regenerative surplus electricity (photovoltaic or wind power). This was the reference to mention "power to gas" (PtG). In this context the formed hydrogen opens more possibilities of use. In case of the activation of carbon dioxide (from fossil or renewable sources) the reaction of methane and carbon dioxide to synthesis gas (CO + H2) is mentioned here. This reaction could serve as the basis for so-called organic synthesis gas. In the fermentation process a mixture formed CH4 and CO2 is formed. A further preparation for the organic synthesis gas and then to "liquid fuels" as biofuel; for example, in the frame of a Fischer-Tropsch synthesis appears very promising. Under the aspect of the energy revolution it is possible to synthesize "green" chemicals in excellent yields when using 100 % renewable electricity and the supply of reactant gas, which was obtained from biomass.

Syngas, mixed alcohol and diesel synthesis from forest residues via gasification - an economic analysis

Koch, David 19 December 2008 (has links)
Liquid transportation fuels can be produced by gasification of carbon containing biomass to syngas( a gaseous mixture of CO and H2) with subsequent conversion of the syngas to fuels. One possible process is the so called mixed alcohols synthesis, which produces a mixture of ethanol and higher alcohols. Another possible process is the reaction of syngas to Fischer-Tropsch liquids, mainly diesel fuel. This study examines the economics of syngas, ethanol and diesel fuel production from lignocellulosic biomass (southern pine residues). The process is modeled with Aspen Plus, a process simulation software package. The process is simulated for plant sizes between 715 and 2205 dry tons/day. The feedstock moisture content is varied between 20% and 50% and the feedstock costs are varied between $30/dry ton and $80/dry ton. The influences of the examined variables on the minimum product selling price are determined. The economic effects of an integration of the mixed alcohols and the FT diesel process with a kraft mill are also evaluated.

Catalytic Properties of Nitrogen- and Oxygen-Modified Earth-Abundant Materials

Denny, Steven Robert January 2021 (has links)
The replacement or loading-reduction of precious metal catalysts with low-cost, earth-abundant materials is an important step for the development of next-generation industrial chemical processes. By decreasing the potential cost of an electrolyzer device or enabling new pathways of upgrading biomass-derived oxygenates (BDOs), the nitrides and oxides of earth-abundant transition metals may be strategically utilized for the modular use of renewable power or the transition of conventional chemical feedstocks to renewable sources. This thesis uses a combination of electrochemical and surface science techniques to study the catalytic properties of nitrogen- and oxygen-modified earth-abundant materials for the electrolysis of water, and the surface reactions of three BDOs: ethanol, glycerol, and tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol (THFA). The development of stable, active, and low-cost electrocatalysts with reduced platinum group metal (PGM) loading for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) is an important step towards the grid-level implementation of electrolyzers. In this thesis, the electrochemical stability of tungsten nitride (WN) and niobium nitride (NbN) was characterized over broad pH-potential regimes, from which pseudo-Pourbaix diagrams were developed. In addition, unmodified and platinum-modified WN and NbN thin films were assessed for HER, where monolayer (ML) Pt-modification led to Pt-like HER activity in acid electrolyte. The selective bond scission of oxygen-rich and functionally complex biomass-derived oxygenates offers a unique opportunity to convert renewable biomass, as opposed to fossil fuels, into important industrial feedstocks. The fundamental surface reactions of three BDOs, either lignin-derived or biofuel-derived, was studied in this thesis. Ethanol reforming was studied on unmodified and Pt-modified Mo2N thin film surfaces for the production of synthesis gas, or syngas, a CO and H₂ gas feedstock for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Mo₂N, and the Mo₂C carbide analogue, have exhibited strong oxophilicity for the reaction of simple and complex alcohols that results in unselective C-O bond scission. Pt-modification was used to selectively conserve the C-O bond for CO production, and cleave the C-H and C-C bonds for H2 generation. Pt-modification shifted the reaction pathway from undesired decomposition on Mo₂N to reforming, while inhibiting undesired pathways such as ethylene or methane production. The hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) of glycerol, the primary manufacturing byproduct of biodiesel, to propylene was studied on WOx-modified Pt(111) surfaces. Two WOx active sites were observed for the deoxygenation of glycerol: Brønsted acid WOx sites for dehydration and oxygen vacancy sites for hydrodeoxygenation (HDO). While the undesired dehydration of glycerol to acrolein was most active on surfaces with thick WOx coverages, propylene production via the HDO pathway was more facile at intermediate coverages. Lastly, the ring-opening of THFA, a promising biomass-derived platform oxygenate, was studied on WOx/Pt(111) surfaces. The desired ring-opened product, 1,5-PeD, was also used as a probe molecule to study binding and desorption on WOx/Pt(111) surfaces. This work indicates that WOx-modification weakens the interaction between the ring-opened intermediate and the surface, to an extent that facilitates the hydrogenation of the 1,5-PeD-like intermediate and the desorption of gas-phase 1,5-PeD.


FERNANDA DA SILVA PIMENTEL 02 May 2023 (has links)
[pt] Na tentativa de reduzir os efeitos das emissões de dióxido de carbono, há uma necessidade por maior utilização de fontes de energia renováveis, tal como energia proveniente de biomassa. Para geração de energia a partir da biomassa, destaca-se o processo de gaseificação, por meio do qual é possível gerar um combustível nobre. Objetivou-se simular no software Matlab (marca registrada) a gaseificação da biomassa usando técnicas de inteligência artificial que são as Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNA). Particularmente, objetivou-se desenvolver modelos abrangentes de RNA com dez variáveis de entrada (carbono, hidrogênio, oxigênio, nitrogênio, material volátil, teor de umidade, cinzas, razão de equivalência, temperatura e razão vapor/biomassa), aplicáveis a uma diversidade de biomassa, com diversos tipos e concentrações de agentes de gaseificação em diferentes tipos de gaseificadores, capazes de predizer a composição do gás de síntese (CO2, CO, CH4 e H2). Para treinamento, teste e validação dos modelos, foram preparados bancos de dados robustos, a partir de informações coletadas em estudos anteriores disponíveis na literatura e do tratamento dos dados obtidos dos artigos. Foram avaliadas 33 topologias das redes neurais para eleger a melhor delas de acordo com quatro critérios referente a robustez do treinamento e do teste. A rede considerada como tendo a melhor topologia possui 10 neurônios na camada de entrada; 2 camadas intermediárias, com funções de ativação logsig e 10 neurônios em cada camada intermediária; função de ativação purelin na camada final; 4 neurônios na camada final; e algoritmo de treinamento trainbr. Tal rede possui um bom desempenho, com valores de R2 de treinamento e de teste maiores que 0,88 e 0,70, respectivamente, para cada uma das quatro saídas. Para avaliação do modelo, uma validação foi executada, cujo desempenho não foi muito adequado, mas foi possível identificar com uma métrica quantitativa simples as regiões mais confiáveis onde há uma maior densidade de dados no treinamento. / [en] In an attempt to reduce the effects of carbon dioxide emissions, there is a need for greater use of renewable energy sources, such as energy from biomass. In order to generate energy from biomass, the gasification process, by means of which it is possible to generate a noble fuel, can be highlighted. This work aimed to simulate the biomass gasification using artificial intelligence techniques, namely Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), using Matlab (trademark) software. Particularly, the objective was the development of ANN models with ten inputs (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, volatile matter, moisture content, ash, equivalence ratio, temperature and steam/biomass ratio), applicable to a broad variety of biomass, with different types and concentrations of gasification agents in different types of gasifiers, capable of predicting the syngas composition (CO2, CO, CH4 and H2). Robust databases were built for training, testing and validation of the models, based on information collected in previous studies available in the literature and on the treatment of data obtained from the papers. Thirty-three neural network topologies were evaluated in order to choose the best one according to four criteria regarding training and test robustness. The network considered to have the best topology has 10 neurons in the input layer; 2 hidden layers, with logsig activation functions and 10 neurons in each hidden layer; the activation function is purelin in the output layer; 4 neurons in the output layer; and the training algorithm is trainbr. Such network has a good performance, with R2 values greater than 0.88 and 0.70 for training and test, respectively, for each of the four outputs. To evaluate the model, a validation was carried out, whose performance was not very appropriate, but it was possible to identify through a simple quantitative metric the more reliable regions where there is a greater density of training data.

Analysis of Alternative Fuels in Automotive Powertrains

Gunnarsson, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
<p>The awareness of the effect emissions have on the environment and climate has risen in the last decades. This has caused strict regulations of greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gases cause global warming which may have devastating environmental effects. Most of the fuels commercially available today are fossil fuels. There are two major effects of using fuels with fossil origin; the source will eventually drain and the usage results in an increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Fuels that are created from a renewable feedstock are often referred to as alternative fuels and under ideal conditions they are greenhouse gas neutral, meaning that the same amount of greenhouse gases is released during combustion as the source of the fuel have absorbed during its growth period. This evaluation method is known as a well-to-wheel analysis which besides emissions also evaluates energy efficiencies during both the production and the combustion phases.</p><p>By evaluating results of well-to-wheel analyses along with fuel properties and engine concept characteristics, this report presents which driving scenario that is suitable for different powertrain configurations. For example, vehicles operating in high populated areas, as cities, have a driving scenario that includes low velocities and multiple stops while vehicles in low populated areas often travel long distances in higher speeds. This implies that different powertrains are suitable in different regions. By matching favorable properties of a certain powertrain to the properties important to the actual driving scenario this report evolves a fuel infrastructure that is suitable in Sweden.</p>

Analysis of Alternative Fuels in Automotive Powertrains

Gunnarsson, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
The awareness of the effect emissions have on the environment and climate has risen in the last decades. This has caused strict regulations of greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gases cause global warming which may have devastating environmental effects. Most of the fuels commercially available today are fossil fuels. There are two major effects of using fuels with fossil origin; the source will eventually drain and the usage results in an increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Fuels that are created from a renewable feedstock are often referred to as alternative fuels and under ideal conditions they are greenhouse gas neutral, meaning that the same amount of greenhouse gases is released during combustion as the source of the fuel have absorbed during its growth period. This evaluation method is known as a well-to-wheel analysis which besides emissions also evaluates energy efficiencies during both the production and the combustion phases. By evaluating results of well-to-wheel analyses along with fuel properties and engine concept characteristics, this report presents which driving scenario that is suitable for different powertrain configurations. For example, vehicles operating in high populated areas, as cities, have a driving scenario that includes low velocities and multiple stops while vehicles in low populated areas often travel long distances in higher speeds. This implies that different powertrains are suitable in different regions. By matching favorable properties of a certain powertrain to the properties important to the actual driving scenario this report evolves a fuel infrastructure that is suitable in Sweden.

Análise técnico econômica do processo de gaseificação de resíduo sólido urbano para a geração de energia elétrica

Jimenez, Ana Carolina Medina January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Reynaldo Palacios Bereche / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Energia, 2016. / No Brasil o setor de saneamento ainda apresenta um déficit significativo no tratamento de resíduos e esgotos. Segundo Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Limpeza Pública e Resíduos Especiais, no ano 2014 foram coletados no Brasil uma quantidade de 195.233 t/dia de resíduos, representando uma geração per capita de 1,062 kg/habitante/dia. Deste total, apenas 58,4% tem destinação adequada, sendo depositado em aterros sanitários, estes números tornam a gestão dos resíduos um problema nacional. Dentre as rotas tecnológicas para o aproveitamento a gaseificação de resíduos, que possibilita a produção de um gás combustível ou gás de síntese, se apresenta como uma tecnologia com múltiplas vantagens. Entretanto, a avaliação do seu potencial energético e econômico é dificultado pela experiência operacional limitada e dados disponíveis incompletos. Assim, a presente proposta teve como objetivo realizar um estudo da geração de energia elétrica a partir de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU) aplicado à cidade de Santo André, Brasil utilizando três tecnologias que desenvolveram o processo de gaseificação de resíduos e que vem operado comercialmente há alguns anos, e que apresentam informação que esta disponível ao público. Estas tecnologias são TPS Termiska Processer AB, Carbogas e Energos. Foram avaliados aspectos específicos de cada tecnologia como: tipo de reator e caraterísticas do combustível, para determinar a linha de produção de CDR (combustível derivado de resíduos) aplicada para cada tecnologia. Assim como os sistemas de limpeza do gás de síntese. A avaliação energética das tecnologias foi realizada utilizando como sistemas de aproveitamento energético, para a produção de energia elétrica, motores de combustão interna e ciclo Rankine simples. A tecnologia que apresentou melhores resultados na análise energética foi a tecnologia Carbogas, atingindo eficiências de 30 % com a configuração usando motores de combustão interna e 25,5 % com a configuração usando ciclo Rankine simples. Foi desenvolvida uma análise econômica baseada na informação disponível, os resultados mostraram que a tecnologia Carbogas obteve custos de produção do MWh menores. Deste modo, os valores atingidos foram de 222,9 (R$/MWh) com a configuração usando motores de combustão interna e 244,7 (R$/MWh) com a configuração usando ciclo Rankine simples. / The sanitation sector in Brazil has a significant deficit in the treatment of waste and sewage. According to Brazilian Association of public cleaning and special waste companies, in 2014 were collected 195.233 t/day of waste in Brazil, representing a per capita generation of 1,062 kg/habit/day. Only 58,4 % of this total has proper disposal, being deposited in landfills, these figures make the waste management a national problem. Among the technological routes for the use of MSW, gasification of waste to produce electricity, presentan interesting technology with numerous advantages. However, evaluation of his energy and economic potential is hampered by the limited operational experience and incomplete available data. Thus, this proposal aims to conduct a study of electricity generation frommunicipal solid waste (MSW) in Santo André, Brasil using three technologies which presented waste gasification process and have operated commercially for a few years, and some data are available. These technologies are TPS Termiska Processer AB, Carbogas and Energos. Were evaluated specific aspects of each technology as: type of reactor and fuel characteristics, to determine the RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) production line applied for each technology. As synthesis gas cleaning system. Energy analysis was performed using as energy recovery systems, for the production of electricity, an internal combustion engine and the simple Rankine cycle. Who present better results in energy analysis was Carbogas technology, achieving efficiencies of 30 % with setting using internal combustion engines and 25,5 % with setting using simple Rankine cycle. An economic analysis was developed based on the information available, results showed that Carbogas technology got smaller MWh production cost. Thus, achieved values were 222.9 (R$/MWh) with setting using internal combustion engines and 244.7 (R$/MWh) with setting using simple Rankine cycle.

Implementa??o de um modelo computacional para estudo do processo Fischer-Tropsch em reator de leito de lama

Bezerra, Marcio Barbalho Dantas 30 September 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:01:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcioBDB_DISSERT.pdf: 1427541 bytes, checksum: 4ea4ab1aa3dd7faa960c62967facffc8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-09-30 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / This work aims at the implementation and adaptation of a computational model for the study of the Fischer-Tropsch reaction in a slurry bed reactor from synthesis gas (CO+H2) for the selective production of hydrocarbons (CnHm), with emphasis on evaluation of the influence of operating conditions on the distribution of products formed during the reaction.The present model takes into account effects of rigorous phase equilibrium in a reactive flash drum, a detailed kinetic model able of predicting the formation of each chemical species of the reaction system, as well as control loops of the process variables for pressure and level of slurry phase. As a result, a system of Differential Algebraic Equations was solved using the computational code DASSL (Petzold, 1982). The consistent initialization for the problem was based on phase equilibrium formed by the existing components in the reactor. In addition, the index of the system was reduced to 1 by the introduction of control laws that govern the output of the reactor products. The results were compared qualitatively with experimental data collected in the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis plant installed at Laborat?rio de Processamento de G?s - CTG?S-ER-Natal/RN / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a implementa??o e adapta??o de um modelo computacional de equil?brio de fases visando o estudo do processo Fischer- Tropsch em reator leito de lama a partir de g?s de s?ntese (CO + H2) para a produ??o seletiva de hidrocarbonetos (CnHm), com ?nfase na avalia??o da influ?ncia das condi??es operacionais sobre a distribui??o dos produtos formados durante a rea??o. O modelo em quest?o leva em conta efeitos do equil?brio de fases de modo rigoroso num tambor flash reativo, uma cin?tica detalhada que prev? a forma??o de cada componente do sistema reacional, bem como malhas de controle do processo para as vari?veis press?o e n?vel da fase lama. O sistema de equa??es obtido ? do tipo Alg?brico Diferencial, e foi resolvido utilizando-se o c?digo computacional DASSL (Petzold, 1982). A inicializa??o consistente do sistema de equa??es foi feita com base na condi??o de equil?brio de fases inicial formado pelos componentes j? existentes no reator, sendo o ?ndice do sistema reduzido a 1 pela introdu??o das leis de controle que regem a sa?da de produtos do reator. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados qualitativamente com os dados experimentais coletados na planta de s?ntese de Fischer- Tropsch instalada no Laborat?rio de Processamento de G?s do CTG?S-ER em Natal/RN

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