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Modernizace páteřní sítě poskytovatele internetu GS-NET / Internet Service Provider GS-NET Backbone ModernizationTeplý, Jaroslav January 2010 (has links)
Wi-Fi, internet, IEEE 802.11, RouterOS, Mikrotik, 10GHz
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Biologicky inspirovaní roboti - brouk / Bio-inspired robots - hexapodVymazal, Aleš January 2020 (has links)
Hexapod, ROS, Gazebo, Simulation, C++, Python, Node, Service, Publisher, Subscriber, Topic, URDF, SDF, AX-12+, USB2Dynamixel, CM-530, King Spider, Robotis, Navigation
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Expanze vybrané firmy na nový trh / Expansion of the Selected Company into a New MarketBartošová, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
Expanze, Nový trh, Rozvoj trhu, Situační analýza, Marketingový mix, Internetový marketing
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Vliv druhu vlastnictví bytové jednotky na obvyklou cenu v Třinci / The Influence of the Type of Ownership of a Dwelling Unit on the Usual Price in TrinecKarch, Václav January 2017 (has links)
A real property, an apartment, an accommodation unit, an ownership, cooperative housing, supply, demand, a price, a worth, a current price, a valuation using price provision, method of a direct comparison, yield method, real estate market
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Manipulační zařízení pro kontejnery / Container handling equipmentKomárek, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with handling equipment for handling containers 20 "and 40". Design of suspension frame with one telescopic beam is elaborated. In this work an analysis of the load on the device and the design calculation of the structure is elaborated. The suspension frame design with sliding, tilting and rotary positioning is designed to provide hydraulic elements. In the diploma thesis, the strength calculation of the selected construction node is processed and the necessary drawing documentation is created.
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Proposal for an international Marketing Strategy for a Selected Company / Proposal for an international Marketing Strategy for a Selected CompanyVeselý, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The master’s thesis analyses a selected company operating in the tourism industry. The company has customers from more than five countries and specialises in offering hotel services in the Giant Mountains, especially for Czech, Polish and German clients. The result of this thesis is an international marketing strategy that is in line with current trends in the hotel industry. The secondary objective is to segment current and potential customers by using Google Analytics when preparing international marketing strategy.
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Vibroakustická analýza spalovacího motoru / Vibroacoustic Analysis of the Combustion EngineŠpačková, Jana January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is focused on vibration and noise diagnostics of a combustion engine. In the range of the current knowledge there is an analysis of measuring devices, units of measure, possibilities of frequency analysis and a combustion engine from the point of view of vibrations and noise. Part of this work is creating a technical experiment where there were measured both vibrations and noise of two combustion engines. From the data it was done a frequency analysis. Conclusion of the analysis is an evaluation of frequencies which occurred on given engines.
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Diskrepance mezi ideálním a skutečným partnerem ve vybraných fyzických charakteristikách u žen: navazující studie / The discrepancy between ideal and actual romantic partners among heterosexual men and women based on physical characteristics: follow-up studyJanková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Mate preferences play an important role in an actual mate choice. However, preferred and actual characteristics of mates could differ in some extent. There is discrepancy between ideal partner preferences and actual mate choice. This study is following study conducted in 2013 which was focused on mate preferences and actual mate discrepancy in physical characteristics. The main aime of this study is to investigate, a) how can mate preferences differ over time, b) whether are mate preferences influenced by actual partner, c) whether has discrepancy between preferred and actual partner influence on dyadic?? adjustment and d) whether has discrepancy influence on relationship stability. The final sample of this study consisted of 113 heterosexual women in the age of 18 - 43 (mean age = 29,28, SD = 5,744). Respondents completed an online survey which consisted of sociodemographical informations, informations about experience with long-term partners, revise dyadic adjustment scale (R-DAS) and standardized stimuli of physical characteristics of ideal and actual partner (if respondents were in relationship). Results have showed that partner preferences changed over the first test (2013). In the case of influence of actual partner on the ideal partner preferences was showen significant result only in the...
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Podnikatelský plán pro založení malého podniku / The Business Plan for Establishing of Small CompanyGregarová, Jana January 2018 (has links)
Business plan, franchise, Zverokruh, SLEPT, SWOT
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Stanovení derivátů polycyklických aromatických uhlovodíků v životním prostředí / Determination of derivatives of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the environmentŠubrt, Michal January 2013 (has links)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, derivates of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, chromatography
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