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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dobijanje nanokristalnih barijum titanatnih filmova definisane strukture i svojstava za primenu u mikrotalasnim tunabilnim uređajima / Preparation of nanocrystalline barium titanate based films with defined structure and propreties for application in microwave tunable devices

Vukmirović Jelena 15 March 2019 (has links)
<p>U poslednjih nekoliko decenija, feroelektrici su prepoznati kao dobri kandidati<br />za &scaron;irok spektar primene. Barijum titanat je jedan od najče&scaron;će istraživanih<br />perovskitnih materijala usled tipičnog feroelektričnog pona&scaron;anja na sobnoj<br />temperaturi, sa histerezisnom zavisnosti između polarizacije i električnog polja.<br />Specifična svojstva BaTiO<sub>3</sub> čine ovaj materijal veoma korisnim u proizvodnji<br />kondenzatora, memorija, senzora i dr. Pored toga, paraelektrična faza BaTiO<sub>3</sub><br />ima primenu u proizvodnji mikrotalasnih tunabilnih uređaja. BaTiO<sub>3</sub> pokazuje<br />paralaketrično pona&scaron;anje iznad Kirijeve temperature (120&deg;C) i veliki je izazov<br />modifikovati materijal da bude paraelektričan na sobnoj temperaturi. Delimičnom<br />supstitucijom Ba<sup>2+</sup> ili Ti<sup>4+</sup> jona, jonima Sr<sup>2+</sup> ili Zr<sup>4+</sup>, respektivno, snižava<br />se Kirijeva temperatura i dolazi do pomeranja fazne transformacije feroelektri<br />čno/paraelektrično na niže temperature. Monolitna keramika na bazi bazi<br />BaTiO<sub>3</sub> je često istraživana kako bi se ispitale promene u strukturi i svojstvima<br />uzrokovane dodatkom dopanata, međutim ne postoji praktična primena ovih<br />materijala u mikrotalasnim tunabilnim tehnologijama. S druge strane, u trendu<br />sveop&scaron;te minijaturizacije elektronskih komponenti, tanki filmovi su prepoznati<br />kao dobri kandidati za proizvodnju tunabilnih uređaja. Jedan od ciljeva ovog<br />istraživanja bio je ispitivanje strukturnih i funkcinalnih svojstava tankih filmova na<br />bazi barijum titanata, BaTiO<sub>3</sub>, Ba<sub>1-x</sub>Sr<sub>x</sub>TiO<sub>3</sub> (x=0,1, 0,2, 0,3 i 0,4) i BaTi<sub>1-x</sub>Zr<sub>x</sub>O<sub>3</sub><br />(x=0,1 i 0,2), pripremljenih hemijskom depozicijom iz tečne faze. Metalne<br />soli BaCO<sub>3</sub>, C<sub>4</sub>H<sub>6</sub>O<sub>4</sub>Sr i ZrOCl<sub>2</sub> H<sub>2</sub>O i Ti(OCH<sub>2</sub>CH<sub>2</sub>CH<sub>2</sub>CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>4</sub> rastvorene su<br />odvojeno u kiseloj sredini i pome&scaron;ane u transparentne solove. Inkdžet &scaron;tampa<br />i spin tehnika kor&scaron;ćene su za depoziciju funkcionalnih filmova na bazi BaTiO<sub>3</sub>.<br />Nakon deponovanja, pripremljeni filmovi su termički tretirani na različitim<br />temperaturama do 1000&deg;C. U zavisnosti od koncentracije pripremljeni su filmovi<br />debljine od 100 do 700 nm,sa veličinom zrna od nekoliko desetina nanometara. Strukturna karakterizacija potvrdila je promene u strukturi BaTiO<sub>3</sub> tankih filmova<br />sa dodatkom Sr<sup>2+</sup> i Zr<sup>4+</sup>. Tetragonalna (feroelektrična) faza BaTiO<sub>3</sub> je potvrđena<br />rentgenostrukturnom analizom i Ramanovom spektroskopijom. S druge strane,<br />smanjenje tetragonalnosti je primećeno kod dopiranih uzoraka. Promene u<br />funkcionalnosti dopiranih BaTiO<sub>3</sub> filmova analizirane su na osnovu dielektričnih<br />i feroelektričnih merenja. Izvr&scaron;ene analize su potvrdile feroelektrično pona&scaron;anje<br />kod BaTiO<sub>3</sub>, dok se feroelektrični odgovor u tankim filmovima smanjuje sa<br />dopiranjem. Priprema elektroda specifičnih geometrija pogodnih za tunabilna<br />merenja različitim tehnikama depozicije bio je drugi cilj istraživanja. Tehnika spaterovanja u kombinaciji sa laserskim uklanjanjem, inkdžet &scaron;tampa i fotolitografija<br />su kori&scaron;ćene za pripremu kružnih i koplanarnih elektroda na povr&scaron;ini barijum<br />titanatnih tankih filmova. Uticaj procesnih parametara svake od pomenutih<br />metoda na dimenzionalnu preciznost pripremljenih elektroda je bio predmet istraživanja<br />u okviru teze. Odabrani laser se pokazao kao neprikladan za pripremu<br />elektroda na pripremljenim barijum titanatnim tankim filmovima. Inkdžet &scaron;tampa<br />se pokazala kao korisna u pripremi elektroda mikrometarskih fimenzija, dok je za<br />pripremu sofisticiranijih geometrija fotolitografija pokazala najbolje performanse.</p> / <p>In past few decades, ferroelectrics are recognized as good candidates for wide<br />range of applications. Barium titanate is one of the most investigated perovskite<br />materials due to typical ferroelectric behavior at room temperature, with hysteresis<br />dependence of the polarization and electric field. Specified properties<br />of BaTiO<sub>3</sub> make this material useful in production of capacitors, memories,<br />sensors, etc. Nevertheless, paraelectric phase of BaTiO<sub>3</sub> may have application<br />in production of microwave tunable devices. Barium titanate shows paraelectric<br />behavior at temperatures above the Currie temperature (120 &deg;C) and it is great<br />challenge to make material paraelectric at room temperature. Partial substitution<br />of Ba<sup>2+</sup> or Ti<sup>4+</sup> ions, by Sr<sup>2+</sup> or Zr<sup>4+</sup>, respectively, decreases the Currie temperature<br />of barium titanate and moves phase transition ferroelectric/paraelectric<br />to lower temperatures. Bulk BaTiO<sub>3 </sub>was often investigated in order to improve<br />structure and functionality by addition of dopant, but do not have practical<br />application in microwave tunable technologies. On the other hand, with the<br />trend of overall miniaturization of electronic devices, thin films are recognized<br />as good candidates for production of tunable devices. One of the aims in this<br />research was investigation of structural and functional properties of barium<br />titanate based thin films, BaTiO<sub>3</sub>, Ba<sub>1-x</sub>SrxTiO<sub>3</sub> (x=0,1, 0,2, 0,3 i 0,4) and<br />BaTi<sub>1-x</sub>ZrxO<sub>3</sub> (x=0,1 i 0,2), prepared by chemical solution deposition. Metal<br />salts of BaCO<sub>3</sub>, C<sub>4</sub>H<sub>6</sub>O<sub>4</sub>Sr and ZrOCl<sub>2</sub> H<sub>2</sub>O and Ti(OCH<sub>2</sub>CH<sub>2</sub>CH<sub>2</sub>CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>4 </sub>were<br />separetly disolved in acetic environment and mixed in clear transparent sols.<br />Inkjet printing and spin coating were used for deposition of functional BaTiO3<br />based fims. After deposition prepared films were thermally treated at different<br />temperatures up to 1000 &deg;C. In dependence of sol concentration thickness of<br />obtained films is from 100 to 700 nm and grain size is few tens of nanometers. Structural characterization confirmed changes in structure of barium titanate thin<br />films by addition of Sr<sup><sub>2+</sub></sup> i Zr<sup>4+</sup>. Tetragonal (ferroelectric) phase of BaTiO<sub>3</sub> is<br />confirmed by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. On the other hand, decreasing<br />of tetragonality was noticed in doped samples. Changes in functionality<br />of doped BaTiO<sub>3</sub> thin films were analyzed by dielectric and ferroelectric measurements.<br />Performed analysis confirmed ferroelectric behavior of barium titanate<br />thin films, and decrease in ferroelectric answer of doped films. Investigation of<br />possibility of complex shaped electrodes preparation,suitable for tunability measurements, by different deposition techniques was the second goal of this research.<br />Sputtering technique in combination with laser removal, inkjet printing and photolithography were used for preparation of complex circular and coplanar electrodes<br />on the surface of barium titanate based thin films. Influence of processing<br />parameters for the each of mentioned technique on dimensional precision of prepared<br />electrodes was investigated. Selected laser was not appropriate for production<br />of electrodes on prepared barium titanate based thin films. Inkjet printing<br />was useful for production of electrodes in micrometer range, but for more sophisticated<br />geometries photolithography shows the best performance.</p>

Sinteza, mikrostruktura i funkcionalna karakterizacija multiferoičnih BaTiO3/NiFe2O4 višeslojnih tankih filmova / Synthesis, microstructure and functional characterization of multiferroic BaTiO3/NiFe2O4 multilayered thin films

Bajac Branimir 06 November 2017 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify;">Kroz istoriju, otkrivanje novih materijala i njihovog dizajna dovodilo je do tehnolo&scaron;kih revolucija. U pro&scaron;lom veku, novi materijali naprednih svojstava uveli su elektronske uređaje u svakodnevni život čoveka. Industrija mikročipova predstavlja ogroman deo svetskog trži&scaron;ta, i traži neprestan razvoj da bi pružila bolje proizvode potro&scaron;ačima. Početkom ovog veka, nova grupa materijala, pod nazivom multiferoici, privukla je pažnju naučno-istraživačkog dru&scaron;tva u svetu. Ovi materijali poseduju jedinstvenu karakteristiku da istovremeno ispoljavaju vi&scaron;e od jedne feroične osobine (feroelektričnost, feromagnetizam, feroelastičnost), a &scaron;to je jo&scaron; važnije, mogu da ostvare interakciju među njima. Naime, magnetizacija multiferoika se može postići primenom spolja&scaron;njeg električnog polja, a takođe se mogu i polarisati primenom spolja&scaron;njeg magnetnog polja. Ovo vrlo interesantno svojstvo otvara potencijlanu primenu u oblasti hibridne računarske memorije, senzora, aktuatora, i dr. Sredinom pro&scaron;log veka, jednofazni multiferoici su prvi privukli pažnju, ali poseldnjih godina, kompozitni multiferoici su pokazali bolje rezultate u pogledu funkcionalnih karakteristika. Trend minijaturizacije je takođe prisutan u ovoj oblasti, stoga su multiferoični tanki filmovi vrlo atraktivni u istraživačkih krugovima ne samo zbog niske potro&scaron;nje električne energije, malog utro&scaron;ka meterijala i malih dimenzija, već i zbog dobre magnetoelektrične interakcije.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Glavni cilj ove doktorske disertacije je bio određivanje optimalnog procesa sinteze/depozicije, i vr&scaron;enje strukturne i funkcionalne karakterizacije multiferoičnih vi&scaron;eslojnih tankih filmova, sačinjenih od naizmenično deponovanih feroelektričnih BaTiO<sub>3</sub> i fero/ferimagnetnih NiFe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub> slojeva (uglavnom na silicijumskim supstratima sa slojem platine). Različite strukture slojeva dizajnirane su u cilju određivanja optimalne, koja bi dala najvi&scaron;e vrednosti magnetoelektričnog efekta.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; U prvom koraku, sintetisani su stabilni solovi/rastvori prekursora, veličine čestica od nekoliko nanometara, reolo&scaron;kih karakteristika pogodnih za depoziciju tehnikama iz tečne faze. Vi&scaron;eslojni filmovi su dobijeni &quot;spin&quot; procesom nano&scaron;enja, pri čemu je termički tretman svakog sloja na 500 &deg;C bio neophodan radi potpunog otparavanja zaostalog rastvarača. Filmovi bez pukotina, ukupne debljine ispod 1 &mu;m, uniformne debljine sloja (60 nm sloj BaTiO<sub>3</sub> i 40 nm sloj NiFe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>) i ravne povr&scaron;ine mogu biti dobijeni sinterovanjem u temperaturnom opsegu od 750 do 900 &deg;C. Strukturna karakterizacija je potvrdila sistem bez prisustva sekundarnih faza, sačinjen od perovskitnog BaTiO<sub>3</sub> i spinelnog NiFe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>. Dielektrična merenja su bila u saglasnosti sa mikrostrukturnom analizom, i vrednostima dielektrične konstante tipične za nanostrukturni sistem, niske vrednosti dielektričnih gubitaka i male provodljivosti. Uticaj međuslojne polarizacije, koja nalikuje Debajeovoj relaksaciji, izražena kroz povećanje dielektrične konstante uspod 100 kHz, bio je jači u nižoj frekventnoj regiji na povi&scaron;enim temperaturama usled termičke aktivacije nosilaca naelektrisanja u feritnoj fazi. Samo čist BaTiO<sub>3</sub> film je pokazao slab feroelektrični histerezis nepotpune saturacije, malo vi&scaron;e polarizacije filma sinterovanog na 900 &deg;C usled ogrubljivanja strukture. Meuđuslojni efekti su takođe primećeni kod feroelektričnih merenja na sobnoj temperaturi, sa izraženijim prisustvom kada se primeni jače električno polje. Na osnovu dielektričnih i feroelektričnih merenja, zaključeno je da film sa debljim titanatnim i tanjim feritnim slojevima ima najverovatnije najbolji dizajn slojeva. Magnetne histerezisne petlje su snimljene na sobnoj temperaturi za čiste NiFe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub> filmove i vi&scaron;eslojne filmove. Analizom vi&scaron;eslojnih filmova različitog dizajna slojeva, pretpostavljeno je da zatezanje nastalo mehaničkom interakcijom između titanatnih i feritnih slojeva jeste prisutno, i da raste sa povećanjem broja kontaktnih povr&scaron;ina, stoga film sa tanjim titanatnim i feritnim slojevima verovatno predstavlja najbolji izbor sa aspekta megnetnih osobina.</p> / <p>Through history, discovery of new materials and material design have led to technological revolutions. In the last century, new materials with advanced properties have introduced electronic devices in our everyday lives. Microchip industry represents one huge part of world market, and needs constant development to provide better products to consumers. In the beginning of this century, a novel group of materials, called multiferroics, have attracted close attention of research society around the world. These materials have a unique property to express more than one ferroic property simultaneously (feroelectricity, ferromagneticity, ferroelasticity), and more important, to achieve coupling between them. Namely, magnetization of multieferroic may be changed with application of external electric field, and they can be polarized with application of the external magnetic field. This is a very interesting property that opens the potential applications in fields of hybrid computer memory, sensors, actuators, etc. In the middle of last century, single phase multiferroics were the first to trigger interest in this special property, but in recent years, composite multiferroics have shown more promising results in terms of functional properties. The trend of miniaturization is also present in this field, so multiferroic thin films are very attractive for research not only because of low power and material consumption or small size, but also because of strong magnetoelectric coupling.<br />The main goal of this thesis was to determine optimal synthesis/deposition process, and perform structural and functional characterization of multiferroic multilayer thin films, composed of ferroelectric BaTiO3 and ferro/ferrimagnetic NiFe2O4 layers in alternating order (mostly on platinum coated silicon substrates). Different layer structures were designed in order to find optimal one which could show the strongest magnetoelectric effect.<br />In the first step, stable precursor sols/solutions were synthesized, with particle size of a few nanometes, and rheological properties suitable for solution deposition. The multilayered thin films were obtained by spin coating and thermal treatment of each layer on 500 &deg;C was necessary in order to completely evaporate traces of residual solvents. Crack free films with overall thickness below 1 &mu;m, uniform single layer thickness (60 nm of BaTiO3 layer and 40 nm of NiFe2O4) and flat surface can be obtained by sintering in temperature range from 750 to 900 &deg;C. Structural characterization confirmed that secondary phase free system with microstructure on nanometer scale was obtained, composed of perovskite BaTiO3 and spinel NiFe2O4. Dielectric measurements were in agreement with microstructural characterization, showing the values of dielectric constant typical for nanostructured system, low values of dielectric losses and low conductivity. The influence of interfacial polarization, resembling Debye behavior, expressed as a rise of dielectric constant below 100 kHz, was stronger in lower frequency range on higher temperatures due to thermal activation of mobile charge carriers in ferrite phase. Only the pure BaTiO3 films showed weak unsaturated ferroelectric hysteresis loops, with slightly higher polarization of films sintered on 900 &deg;C due to coarsening of the structure. The interface effects were also detected in ferroelectric measurements on room temperatures, showing increased presence when higher field is applied. Regarding dielectric and ferroelectric characterization, it was concluded that the multilayered films with thick titanate and thin ferrite layers may probably have the most promising layer design. Magnetic hysteresis loops were recorded on room temperatures for the pure NiFe2O4 and multilayers films. By analysis of different layer design of multilayers, it was assumed that mechanical straining between the ferrite and titanate layers may be present, and increases with the number of contact surfaces, thus the films with thinner titanate and ferrite layers may probably have the best layer design from aspect of magnetic properties.</p>

Dobijanje i karakterizacija 2D i 3D funkcionalnih materijala iz klase halkogenida dopiranih srebrom / Preparation and characterisation of 2D and 3D functional materials from the group of chalcogenides doped with silver

Čajko Kristina 13 July 2018 (has links)
<p>Predmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije su bila halkogenidna stakla iz sistema Ag<sub>x</sub>(As<sub>40</sub>S<sub>30</sub>Se<sub>30</sub>)<sub>100&ndash;x</sub> (x = 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 15 at. % Ag) &ndash; 3D forma i tanki filmovi preparirani iz prethodno sintetisanih stakala (x &le; 5 at. % Ag) &ndash; 2D forma.<br />Utvrđena je oblasti amorfnosti u faznom dijagramu po odabranom preseku.&nbsp; Ispitivan je uticaj procentualnog udela srebra&nbsp; na&nbsp; fizičke&nbsp; karakteristike sintetisanih stakala i prepariranih tankih filmova koje su&nbsp; od&nbsp; značaja&nbsp; za&nbsp; primenu&nbsp; ovakvih&nbsp; materijala.<br />Izvr&scaron;ena je karakterizacija električnih,&nbsp; optičkih, strukturnih&nbsp; i&nbsp; termičkih&nbsp; osobina&nbsp; na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; kojih&nbsp; su izvedeni&nbsp; zaključci&nbsp; o&nbsp; uticaju&nbsp; i&nbsp; modifikaciji&nbsp; strukture As<sub>40</sub>S<sub>30</sub>Se<sub>30 </sub>halkogenidne matrice usled inkorporacije atoma srebra. Strukturna analiza ispitivanih sastava je potvrdila homogenost uzoraka sa manjom koncentracijom srebra (x &le; 5 at. %&nbsp; Ag), dok je&nbsp; kod uzoraka sa većim procentualnim udelom ovog metala (x = 10, 13, 15 at. % Ag) pokazano da postoji fazna separacija. Kod sastava sa x = 13 i 15 at. % Ag potvrđena&nbsp; je&nbsp; prisutnost kristalnih centara AgAsSe<sub>2.</sub> Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih DSC tehnikom, pokazano je da pri zagrevanju balk uzoraka dolazi do delimične kristalizacije koja se odvija zapreminski sa dvodimenzionalnim&nbsp; i&nbsp; trodimenzionalnim rastomkristalnih centara. Optička i spektralna ispitivanja su pokazala&nbsp; da uvođenje&nbsp; Ag&nbsp; u&nbsp; matricu&nbsp; stakla As<sub>40</sub>S<sub>30</sub>Se<sub>30</sub>&nbsp; dovodi&nbsp; do&nbsp; smanjenja&nbsp; &scaron;irine&nbsp; optički zabranjene zone i kod 3D i 2D uzoraka, kao i da svi sastavi ispoljavaju normalan oblik disperzije indeksa prelamanja. Takođe, rezultati Raman&nbsp; spektroskopije su ukazali&nbsp; na&nbsp; činjenicu&nbsp; da&nbsp; inkorporacija&nbsp; srebra&nbsp; u strukturnu&nbsp; mrežu&nbsp; ispitivanih&nbsp; stakala&nbsp; utiče&nbsp; na formiranje Ag&ndash;(S,Se)&ndash;As veza, odnosno uzrokuje formiranje novih strukturnih jedinica koje bi mogle uticati na provodljivost ovih sastava.&nbsp; Merenja električnih karakteristika 3D uzoraka izvr&scaron;ena su u jednosmernom i naizmeničnom režimu i pokazano je da&nbsp; koncentracija&nbsp; srebra&nbsp; ima&nbsp; značajan&nbsp; uticaj&nbsp; na električne&nbsp; osobine.&nbsp; Utvrđeni&nbsp; su&nbsp; različiti&nbsp; mehanizmi odgovorni za transport&nbsp; nosilaca naelektrisanja zavisno od&nbsp; koncentracije dopanta.&nbsp; Kompleksni impedansni spektri svih sastava&nbsp; su&nbsp; ukazali&nbsp; na prisustvo temperaturske zavisnosti procesa relaksacije, na ne idealan Debye&ndash;vski tip relaksacije, kao i negativni temperaturski koeficijent otpornosti koji je karakterističan za poluprovodnike.</p> / <p>The subject of this dissertation are chalcogenide&nbsp; glasses from the system Agx(As<sub>40</sub>S<sub>30</sub>Se<sub>30</sub>)<sub>100&ndash;x</sub> (x = 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 15 at. % Ag) &ndash; 3D form and thin films prepared from previously synthesised&nbsp; glasses (x &le; 5 at. % Ag) &ndash; 2D form. The amorphous&nbsp; area in the phase diagram was determined by the&nbsp; selected&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; tie&ndash; line. The influence of the silver&nbsp; percentage on the physical characteristics of the&nbsp; synthesized glasses and prepared thin films was&nbsp; investigated due to the importance of such materials&nbsp; for the application. Characterization of electrical, optical, structural and thermal properties has been performed, based on which conclusions on theinfluence and structure modification of the As<sub>40</sub>S<sub>30</sub>Se<sub>30</sub>&nbsp; chalcogenide&nbsp; matrix due to the&nbsp; incorporation of silver atoms have been derived. Structural analysis of the investigated samples confirmed the homogeneity of samples with a lower silver concentration (x&nbsp; &le;&nbsp; 5&nbsp; at.%&nbsp; Ag),&nbsp; while&nbsp; in samples with a higher percentage content of&nbsp; this metal (x = 10, 13, 15 at.% Ag) it was shown that&nbsp; there was a phase separation. The presence of crystal&nbsp; centers AgAsSe<sub>2</sub> was confirmed in the samples with x = 13 and 15 at. % Ag. Based on the results obtained with the DSC technique, it has been shown that by heating the samples, partial crystallization takes place voluminously, with two&ndash;dimensional and three&ndash;dimensional growth of crystalline centers.&nbsp; Opticaland spectral investigations have shown that the introduction of Ag into the glass matrix As<sub>40</sub>S<sub>30</sub>Se<sub>30</sub> leads to a reduction in the optical band gap in both 3D and 2D samples, and that all compositions exhibit a normal dispersion of index of&nbsp; refraction. Also, the Raman spectroscopy results pointed to the fact that the incorporation of silver into the structural network of the investigated samples influences the formation of&nbsp; Ag&ndash;(S,Se)&ndash;As structures that is, causes the formation of new structural units that could affect the conductivity of these compositions. Measurements of the electrical characteristics of the 3D samples were performed in&nbsp; DC and AC regime and it was shown that silver concentration has a significant effect on electrical properties. Different mechanisms that are responsible for the transport of charge carriers depending on dopant concentration were determined. The complex&nbsp; impedance spectra of all compositions indicated the presence of the temperature dependence of the relaxation process, the non&ndash;Debye relaxation and the negative temperature coefficient of resistance which is characteristic of the semiconductors.</p>

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