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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluating On-Premise Language Models for Editorial Tasks

Valo, Anton, Andersson, Villiam January 2024 (has links)
Användandet av molnbaserade språkmodeller blir allt vanligare i takt med att de blir mer tillgängliga, och deras kapacitet att bearbeta och generera text förbättras ständigt. Men för användare och organisationer som arbetar med känslig information uppstår en utmaning, eftersom all data som behandlas av dessa modeller överförs till serveroperatören. I och med detta växer behovet av så kallade On-Premisemodeller, som kan köras lokalt på en användares eller organisations egna servrar. Därför ämnar detta projekt till att identifiera, testa och jämföra flera on-premise-språkmodeller med inriktning på textbehandling. Detta inkluderar uppgifter som att upptäcka fel i stavning, grammatik och bruk av skiljetecken, samt att analysera språkanvändning. Projektet innebar att söka efter modeller på hemsidan HuggingFace.co som hanterar både svenska och engelska och sedan implementera dem på olika AWS EC2-instanser. Efter en inledande granskning av flera modeller, identifierades två särskilt lovande alternativ, Viking och GPT-SW3, som var tillräckligt kapabla att genomföra de mer avancerade sorters tester. De utvalda modellerna genomgick en omfattande process av prompt-engineering för att optimera deras prestanda och maximera deras förmåga att demonstrera sin kompetens. Efter detta skapades standardiserade tester för grammatik, stavning och bruk av skiljetecken, samt översättning. Dessutom skapades mer avancerade tester som inkluderade omstrukturering av text, samt förenkling och anpassning av texter till en specifik persona. Resultaten av dessa tester visade att båda prövade modeller hade god förmåga att korrigera fel i stavning, grammatik, och bruk av skiljetecken i texter, samt översättning av texter. GPT-SW3 visade även god förmåga i personatesterna, medan modellen Viking inte var kapabel till att genomföra denna sorts behandling av texter. Parallellt med testandet av språkmodellerna utvecklades ett skript för att analysera hårdvarans prestanda och kostnad under exekveringen av språkmodellerna. Detta skript kördes på flera olika AWS EC2-instanser, var och en utrustad med olika typer av hårdvara. Prestationerna från de olika instanserna jämfördes, och resultaten visade att körning av modellerna på Inferentia2chip gav den bästa prestandan och den lägsta kostnaden per genererat ord, fastän denna hårdvara hade den högsta timkostnaden. Alla CPUinstanser som testades presterade betydligt sämre än GPU-instansen, men var markant billigare att hyra per timme. Detta kan vara en fördel för on-demand-applikationer där kostnadseffektivitet prioriteras. / The use of cloud-based language models is becoming increasingly common as they become more accessible, and their capabilities to process and generate text are continually improving. However, a challenge arises for users and organizations handling sensitive data because all processed data is transmitted to the server operator. As a result, there’s a growing need for so-called On-Premise models, which can be operated locally on the servers of a user or organization. This project aims to identify, test, and compare several on-premise language models, "Focusing on tasks such as detecting errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation, as well as analyzing language usage. The project involved searching for models that support both Swedish and English on the website Huggingface.co and implementing them on various AWS EC2 instances. After an initial assessment, two particularly promising models, Viking and GPT-SW3, were identified as capable enough for more detailed testing. The selected models underwent an extensive prompt-engineering process to optimize their performance and maximize their ability to demonstrate their capabilities. Following this, standardized tests for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and translation were developed. Additionally,more advanced tests were designed, including restructuring, simplifying, and adapting texts to specific personas. The results from the tests showed that both tested models had high proficiency in correcting errors regarding spelling, grammar, and punctuation, and in translating texts between Swedish and English. GPT-SW3 had high proficiency in rewriting texts to use other styles, such as using formal or simplistic language, while the Viking model had no proficiency in achieving these types of tasks. Concurrently with the model testing, a script was developed to analyze the performance and costs of the hardware during the model executions. This script was implemented on several AWS EC2 instances, each equipped with different hardware types. The performance of these instances was compared, and the results showed that running the models on the Inferentia2 chip offered the best performance and the lowest cost per generated word, despite having the highest hourly rental cost. All CPU instances tested performed significantly worse than the GPU instance but were a lot cheaper to rent per hour. This could be advantageous for on-demand applications where cost efficiency is a priority.

Att lära sig resonera : Om elevers möjligheter att lära sig matematiska resonemang / Learning to Reason : On students' opportunities to learn mathematical reasoning

Sidenvall, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Students only learn what they get the opportunity to learn. This means, for example, that students do not develop their reasoning- and problem solving competence unless teaching especially focuses on developing these competencies. Despite the fact that it has for the last 20 years been pointed out the need for a reform-oriented mathematics education, research still shows that in Sweden, as well as internationally, an over-emphasis are placed on rote learning and procedures, at the cost of promoting conceptual understanding. Mathematical understanding can be separated into procedural and conceptual understanding, where conceptual understanding can be connected to a reform oriented mathematics education. By developing a reasoning competence conceptual understanding can also be developed. This thesis, which deals with students’ opportunities to learn to reason mathematically, includes three studies (with data from Swedish upper secondary school, year ten and mathematics textbooks from twelve countries). These opportunities have been studied based on a textbook analysis and by studying students' work with textbook tasks during normal classroom work. Students’ opportunities to learn to reason mathematically have also been studied by examining the relationship between students' reasoning and their beliefs. An analytical framework (Lithner, 2008) has been used to categorise and analyse reasoning used in solving tasks and required to solve tasks. Results support previous research in that teaching and mathematics textbooks are not necessarily in harmony with reform-oriented mathematics teaching. And that students indicated beliefs of insecurity, personal- and subject expectations as well as intrinsic- and extrinsic motivation connects to not using mathematical reasoning when solving non-routine tasks. Most commonly students used other strategies than mathematical reasoning when solving textbook tasks. One common way to solve tasks was to be guided, in particular by another student. The results also showed that the students primarily worked with the simpler tasks in the textbook. These simpler tasks required mathematical reasoning more rarely than the more difficult tasks. The results also showed a negative relationship between a belief of insecurity and the use of mathematical reasoning. Furthermore, the results show that the distributions of tasks that require mathematical reasoning are relatively similar in the examined textbooks across five continents. Based on the results it is argued for a teaching based on sociomathematical norms that leads to an inquiry based teaching and textbooks that are more in harmony with a reform-oriented mathematics education. / Elever kan bara lära sig de det de får möjlighet att lära sig. Detta innebär till exempel att elever inte utvecklar sin resonemangs- och problemlösningsförmåga i någon större utsträckning om inte deras undervisning fokuserar på just dessa förmågor. Forskning, nationellt och internationellt visar att det finns en överbetoning på utantillinlärning och på procedurer. Detta verkar ske på bekostnad av en konceptuell förståelse, trots att det under 20 års tid pekats på behovet av en reforminriktad matematikundervisning. Matematisk förståelse kan delas in i procedurell- och konceptuell förståelse där en konceptuell förståelse kan kopplas till en reforminriktad matematikundervisning. Genom att utveckla förmågan att resonera matematiskt utvecklas också den konceptuella förståelsen. Denna avhandling, som inbegriper tre studier (med empiri från gymnasiet år ett och matematikläroböcker från tolv länder) behandlar elevers möjlighet att lära sig att resonera matematiskt. Dessa möjligheter har studerats utifrån att undersöka vilka möjligheter läroboken ger att lära sig matematiska resonemang, dels via en läroboksanalys och dels genom att studera elevers arbete med läroboksuppgifter i klassrumsmiljö. Elevers möjligheter att lära sig att resonera matematiskt har också studerats genom att undersöka relationen mellan elevers matematiska resonemang och deras uppfattningar om matematik. Ett analytiskt ramverk (Lithner, 2008) har används för att kategorisera och analysera resonemang som använts för att lösa uppgifter och som behövs för att lösa en uppgift. Resultaten från studierna har givit stöd åt tidigare forskning vad gäller att undervisning och läroböckerna inte nödvändigtvis harmonierar med en reforminriktad matematikundervisning. Och att elever har uppfattningar om matematik som bygger på osäkerhet, förväntan på ämnet och sin egen förmåga samt motivation och att dessa uppfattningar delvis kan kopplas till att eleverna inte använder matematiska resonemang för att försöka lösa icke-rutinuppgifter. Det vanligaste sättet att lösa läroboksuppgifter var att välja andra strategier än att använda sig av matematiska resonemang. Ett vanligt sätt att lösa uppgifter var att låta sig guidas, av främst en annan elev. Eleverna arbetade framförallt med de enklare uppgifterna i läroböckerna. Bland dessa enklare uppgifter var det mer sällsynt med uppgifter som krävde matematiska resonemang för att lösas relativt de svårare uppgifterna. Resultaten visade även att det fanns en negativ relation mellan en uppfattning av osäkerhet hos elever och ett användande av matematiska resonemang. Resultaten visade vidare att fördelningen av uppgifter som krävde matematiska resonemang var relativt lika i alla undersökta läroböcker från fem världsdelar. Utifrån resultaten argumenteras för en förändrad undervisning mot en undersökande undervisning och läroböcker som är mer i harmoni med en reforminriktad matematikundervisning.

Ordonnancement temps réel préemptif multiprocesseur avec prise en compte du coût du système d’exploitation / Multiprocessor preemptive real-time scheduling taking into account the operating system cost

Ndoye, Falou 03 April 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous étudions le problème d'ordonnancement temps réel multiprocesseur préemptif avec prise en compte du coût exact du système d'exploitation. Ce coût est formé de deux parties : une partie facile à déterminer, correspondant au coût de l'ordonnanceur et une partie difficile à déterminer, correspondant au coût de la préemption. Cette difficulté est due au fait qu'une préemption peut en engendrer une autre, pouvant ainsi créer un phénomène d'avalanche. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié l'ordonnancement hors ligne multiprocesseur de tâches indépendantes avec prise en compte du coût exact de la préemption et proposé une analyse d'ordonnançabilité fondée sur une heuristique d'ordonnancement multiprocesseur. Cette heuristique utilise la stratégie d'ordonnancement multiprocesseur par partitionnement. Pour prendre en compte le coût exact de la préemption sur chaque processeur nous avons utilisé la condition d'ordonnançabilité proposée par Meumeu et Sorel. Cette condition d'ordonnançabilité pour des tâches à priorités fixes, est basée sur une opération binaire d'ordonnancement qui permet de compter le nombre exact de préemption et d'ajouter leur coût dans l'analyse d'ordonnançabilité des tâches. L'heuristique proposée permet de maximiser le facteur d'utilisation restant afin de répartir équitablement les tâches sur les processeurs et de réduire leur temps de réponse. Elle produit une table d'ordonnancement hors ligne. Dans un second temps, nous avons étudié l'ordonnancement hors ligne multiprocesseur de tâches dépendantes avec prise en compte du coût exact de la préemption. Puisque la condition d'ordonnançabilité utilisée pour ordonnancer les tâches indépendantes ne s'applique qu'à des tâches à priorités fixes, elle ne permet pas de gérer les inversions de priorités que peuvent entraîner les tâches dépendantes. Nous avons donc proposé une nouvelle condition d'ordonnançabilité pour des tâches à priorités dynamiques. Elle prend en compte le coût exact de la préemption et les dépendances sans aucune perte de données. Ensuite en utilisant toujours la stratégie d'ordonnancement par partitionnement, nous avons proposé pour des tâches dépendantes une heuristique d'ordonnancement multiprocesseur qui réutilise cette nouvelle condition d'ordonnançabilité au niveau de chaque processeur. Cette heuristique d'ordonnancement prend en compte les coûts de communication inter-processeurs. Elle permet aussi de minimiser sur chaque processeur le makespan (temps total d'exécution) des tâches. Cette heuristique produit pour chaque processeur une table d'ordonnancement hors ligne contenant les dates de début et de fin de chaque tâches et de chaque commmunication inter-processeur. En supposant que nous avons une architecture multiprocesseur de type dirigée par le temps (Time-Triggered) pour laquelle tous les processeurs ont une référence de temps unique, nous avons proposé pour chacun des processeurs un ordonnanceur en ligne qui utilise la table d'ordonnancement produite lors de l'ordonnancement hors ligne. Cet ordonnanceur en ligne a l'avantage d'avoir un coût constant qui de plus est facile à déterminer de manière exacte. En effet il correspond uniquement au temps de lecture dans la table d'ordonnancement pour obtenir la tâche sélectionnée lors de l'analyse d'ordonnançabilité hors ligne, alors que dans les ordonnanceurs classiques en ligne ce coût correspond à mettre à jour la liste des tâches qui sont dans l'état prêt à l'exécution puis à sélectionner une tâche selon un algorithme, par exemple RM, DM, EDF, etc. Il varie donc avec le nombre de tâches prêtes à s'exécuter qui change d'une invocation à l'autre de l'ordonnanceur. C'est ce coût qui est utilisé dans les analyses d'ordonnançabilités évoquées ci-dessus. Un autre avantage est qu'il n'est pas nécessaire de synchroniser l'accès aux mémoires de données partagées par plusieurs tâches, car cette synchronisation a été déjà effectuée lors de l'analyse d'ordonnançabilité hors ligne. / In this thesis we studied the problem of multiprocessor preemptive real-time scheduling taking into account the exact cost of the operating system (OS). This cost is composed of two parts: a part easy to determine, corresponding to the scheduler cost and another part difficult to determine, corresponding to the preemption cost. This difficulty is due to the fact that a preemption can involve another one, being able to so create an avalanche phenomenon. First, we studied the off-line multiprocessor real-time scheduling of independent tasks taking into account the exact preemption cost. We proposed a schedulability analysis based on a multiprocessor scheduling heuristic. This heuristic uses the partitioned multiprocessor scheduling approach. In order to take into account the exact preemption cost on every processor we use the schedulability condition proposed by Meumeu and Sorel. This schedulability condition for fixed priorities tasks, is based on a binary scheduling operation which counts the exact number of preemptions and add their cost in the schedulability analysis. The proposed heuristic maximizes the remaining utilization factor to fairly distribute the tasks on processors and to reduce their response time. It produces an off-line scheduling table. Secondly, we studied the off-line multiprocessor real-time scheduling of dependent tasks taking into account the exact preemption cost. Because the schedulability condition used for scheduling independent tasks can be applied only to fixed priorities tasks, it does not allow to manage priorities inversions that are involved by dependent tasks. We proposed a new schedulability condition for dependent tasks which enables fixed and dynamic priorities. This schedulability condition takes into account the exact preemption cost and dependences between tasks without any loss of data. Always with the partitioned scheduling approach, we proposed for dependent tasks a multiprocessor scheduling heuristic which reuses, on every processor, the schedulability condition proposed previously. In addition, this scheduling heuristic takes into account the interprocessors communication costs. It also minimizes on every processor the makespan (total execution time of the tasks on all the processors). This heuristic produces for every processor an off-line scheduling table. Supposing that we have a time-triggered multiprocessor architecture such that all the processors have a unique time reference, we proposed for every processor an on-line scheduler which uses the scheduling table produced during the off-line schedulability analysis. This on-line scheduler has the advantage to have a constant cost that is easy to determine exactly.Indeed, this cost corresponds only to the time necessary to read in the scheduling table the task selected for execution. In the on-line classical scheduler, this cost corresponds to the time necessary to update the list of ready tasks in order to select a task, according to a given scheduling algorithm, for example RM, DM, EDF, etc. In this case, the cost for selecting a task varies with the number of ready tasks which changes from an invocation of the scheduler to another one. Another advantage of the proposed on-line scheduler is that it is not necessary to synchronize the access to the data shared by several tasks, because this synchronization was already done during the off-line schedulability analysis.

En givande undervisning i problemlösning för andraspråkselever : En studie i årskurs 3 vid en mångkulturell skola i södra Stockholm / A rewarding teaching of problem solving for second language pupils : A study in year 3 at a multicultural school in southern Stockholm

Laayab, Chayma January 2010 (has links)
<p>Thanks to I have got to explore different teaching ways around the problem solving in a year 3, in a multicultural school which is located south of Stockholm, I have been able to answer my question at issue in my degree work. My question at issue on this investigation and the purpose with my degree work was to explore different teaching ways that promotes pupils with another mother tongue than Swedish, to develop reading comprehension and to get a better understanding of mathematical concepts in problem solving tasks. On this investigation have I chosen to teach these pupils to explore, reach and gain a deeper understanding of what teaching about problem solving promotes these pupils. I have when it concerns choice of method and material collections assumed from a qualitative investigation and gathered the material with help from participation notices and interviews. </p><p>I have in my investigation reached the conclusion that those pupils with another mother tongue than Swedish developed reading comprehension and got a better understanding of mathematical concepts in problem solving tasks by being taught in a creative and varied teaching. A creative and varied teaching as I taught those pupils in contained:</p><ul><li>the pupils had to work with living-related problem tasks</li><li>the pupils had to work in pairs to resolve problem solving</li><li>the pupils had to work in larger groups to resolve problem solving</li><li>the pupils had to work in a creative way, by writing and drawing pictures and do their own mathematical fairy tale in problem solving</li><li>the pupils had to work with manipulatives to resolve problem solving in half classes.</li></ul> / <p>Tack vare att jag fick undersöka olika undervisningssätt runt problemlösning i en årskurs 3, i en mångkulturell skola som ligger söder om Stockholm, har jag kunnat besvara min frågeställning i mitt examensarbete. Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka vilken undervisning som gynnar elever med annat modersmål än svenska att utveckla läsförståelsen och få en ökad förståelse för matematiska begrepp i problemlösningsuppgifter. I undersökningen har jag valt att själv undervisa eleverna för att kunna undersöka, komma fram till och få en djupare förståelse om vilken undervisning runt problemlösning som gynnar dessa elever. När det gäller mitt val av metod och materialinsamling har jag valt att utgå från en kvalitativ undersökning, där jag har använt mig av deltagande observationer och intervjuer. </p><p>Jag har i min undersökning kommit fram till att dessa elever med annat modersmål än svenska utvecklade läsförståelsen och fick en ökad förståelse för matematiska begrepp i problemlösningsuppgifter genom att undervisas i en kreativ och varierad undervisning. En kreativ och varierad undervisning som jag undervisade eleverna i bestod av:</p><ul><li>att eleverna fick arbeta med elevnära problemuppgifter</li><li>eleverna fick arbeta med att lösa problemlösning i par</li><li>eleverna fick arbeta med att lösa problemlösning i större grupper</li><li>eleverna fick arbeta kreativt, genom att skriva och rita bilder och egna räknehändelser i problemlösning</li><li>eleverna fick arbeta med laborativt medel för att kunna lösa problemuppgifter i halvklasser.</li></ul>

Mindreading, Language and Simulation

DeChant, Ryan C 01 August 2010 (has links)
Mindreading is the capacity to attribute psychological states to others and to use those attributions to explain, predict, and understand others’ behaviors. In the past thirty years, mindreading has become the topic of substantial interdisciplinary research and theorizing, with philosophers, psychologists and, more recently, neuroscientists, all contributing to the debate about the nature of the neuropsychological mechanisms that constitute the capacity for mindreading. In this thesis I push this debate forward by using recent results from developmental psychology as the basis for critiques of two prominent views of mindreading. First, I argue that the developmental studies provide evidence of infant mindreading and therefore expose a flaw in José Bermúdez’s view that certain forms of mindreading require language possession. Second, I argue that the evidence of infant mindreading can also be used to undermine Alvin Goldman’s version of Simulation Theory.

En givande undervisning i problemlösning för andraspråkselever : En studie i årskurs 3 vid en mångkulturell skola i södra Stockholm / A rewarding teaching of problem solving for second language pupils : A study in year 3 at a multicultural school in southern Stockholm

Laayab, Chayma January 2010 (has links)
Thanks to I have got to explore different teaching ways around the problem solving in a year 3, in a multicultural school which is located south of Stockholm, I have been able to answer my question at issue in my degree work. My question at issue on this investigation and the purpose with my degree work was to explore different teaching ways that promotes pupils with another mother tongue than Swedish, to develop reading comprehension and to get a better understanding of mathematical concepts in problem solving tasks. On this investigation have I chosen to teach these pupils to explore, reach and gain a deeper understanding of what teaching about problem solving promotes these pupils. I have when it concerns choice of method and material collections assumed from a qualitative investigation and gathered the material with help from participation notices and interviews.  I have in my investigation reached the conclusion that those pupils with another mother tongue than Swedish developed reading comprehension and got a better understanding of mathematical concepts in problem solving tasks by being taught in a creative and varied teaching. A creative and varied teaching as I taught those pupils in contained: the pupils had to work with living-related problem tasks the pupils had to work in pairs to resolve problem solving the pupils had to work in larger groups to resolve problem solving the pupils had to work in a creative way, by writing and drawing pictures and do their own mathematical fairy tale in problem solving the pupils had to work with manipulatives to resolve problem solving in half classes. / Tack vare att jag fick undersöka olika undervisningssätt runt problemlösning i en årskurs 3, i en mångkulturell skola som ligger söder om Stockholm, har jag kunnat besvara min frågeställning i mitt examensarbete. Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka vilken undervisning som gynnar elever med annat modersmål än svenska att utveckla läsförståelsen och få en ökad förståelse för matematiska begrepp i problemlösningsuppgifter. I undersökningen har jag valt att själv undervisa eleverna för att kunna undersöka, komma fram till och få en djupare förståelse om vilken undervisning runt problemlösning som gynnar dessa elever. När det gäller mitt val av metod och materialinsamling har jag valt att utgå från en kvalitativ undersökning, där jag har använt mig av deltagande observationer och intervjuer.  Jag har i min undersökning kommit fram till att dessa elever med annat modersmål än svenska utvecklade läsförståelsen och fick en ökad förståelse för matematiska begrepp i problemlösningsuppgifter genom att undervisas i en kreativ och varierad undervisning. En kreativ och varierad undervisning som jag undervisade eleverna i bestod av: att eleverna fick arbeta med elevnära problemuppgifter eleverna fick arbeta med att lösa problemlösning i par eleverna fick arbeta med att lösa problemlösning i större grupper eleverna fick arbeta kreativt, genom att skriva och rita bilder och egna räknehändelser i problemlösning eleverna fick arbeta med laborativt medel för att kunna lösa problemuppgifter i halvklasser.

Realisierung einer Schedulingumgebung für gemischt-parallele Anwendungen und Optimierung von layer-basierten Schedulingalgorithmen / Development of a scheduling support environment for mixed parallel applications and optimization of layer-based scheduling algorithms

Kunis, Raphael 25 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Eine Herausforderung der Parallelverarbeitung ist das Erreichen von Skalierbarkeit großer paralleler Anwendungen für verschiedene parallele Systeme. Das zentrale Problem ist, dass die Ausführung einer Anwendung auf einem parallelen System sehr gut sein kann, die Portierung auf ein anderes System in der Regel jedoch zu schlechten Ergebnissen führt. Durch die Verwendung des Programmiermodells der parallelen Tasks mit Abhängigkeiten kann die Skalierbarkeit für viele parallele Algorithmen deutlich verbessert werden. Die Programmierung mit parallelen Tasks führt zu Task-Graphen mit Abhängigkeiten zur Darstellung einer parallelen Anwendung, die auch als gemischt-parallele Anwendung bezeichnet wird. Die Grundlage für eine effiziente Abarbeitung einer gemischt-parallelen Anwendung bildet ein geeigneter Schedule, der eine effiziente Abbildung der parallelen Tasks auf die Prozessoren des parallelen Systems vorgibt. Für die Berechnung eines Schedules werden Schedulingalgorithmen eingesetzt. Ein zentrales Problem bei der Bestimmung eines Schedules für gemischt-parallele Anwendungen besteht darin, dass das Scheduling bereits für Single-Prozessor-Tasks mit Abhängigkeiten und ein paralleles System mit zwei Prozessoren NP-hart ist. Daher existieren lediglich Approximationsalgorithmen und Heuristiken um einen Schedule zu berechnen. Eine Möglichkeit zur Berechnung eines Schedules sind layerbasierte Schedulingalgorithmen. Diese Schedulingalgorithmen bilden zuerst Layer unabhängiger paralleler Tasks und berechnen den Schedule für jeden Layer separat. Eine Schwachstelle dieser Schedulingalgorithmen ist das Zusammenfügen der einzelnen Schedules zum globalen Schedule. Der vorgestellte Algorithmus Move-blocks bietet eine elegante Möglichkeit das Zusammenfügen zu verbessern. Dies geschieht durch eine Verschmelzung der Schedules aufeinander folgender Layer. Obwohl eine Vielzahl an Schedulingalgorithmen für gemischt-parallele Anwendungen existiert, gibt es bislang keine umfassende Unterstützung des Schedulings durch Programmierwerkzeuge. Im Besonderen gibt es keine Schedulingumgebung, die eine Vielzahl an Schedulingalgorithmen in sich vereint. Die Vorstellung der flexiblen, komponentenbasierten und erweiterbaren Schedulingumgebung SEParAT ist der zweite Fokus dieser Dissertation. SEParAT unterstützt verschiedene Nutzungsszenarien, die weit über das reine Scheduling hinausgehen, z.B. den Vergleich von Schedulingalgorithmen und die Erweiterung und Realisierung neuer Schedulingalgorithmen. Neben der Vorstellung der Nutzungsszenarien werden sowohl die interne Verarbeitung eines Schedulingdurchgangs als auch die komponentenbasierte Softwarearchitektur detailliert vorgestellt.

Farní analýza / Parish Analysis

ERDINGEROVÁ, Eva January 2007 (has links)
Diploma project is focused on a parish as a representant of the church in a local area where it is trying to reach four well known goals of the church - liturgia, martyria, diakonia, koinonia. The Parish analysis is a method which can help parishes to fullfill these important missions. The first part of the diploma project is dedicated to the theory which is trying to provide a complex view on the parish itself. The second part is about the parish's tasks like its local roles streaming from the church and its ability to fullfil them. Third part is focused on the parish analysis as a method of parish renewal process. It describes its main characteristics, how the process is working and describes some recommendations how to apply the parish analysis based upon some examples from abroad. In the last part of diploma project, the author is trying to help parishes in the application of the parish analysis by the preparation of a questionary for the investigation phase of the current status of a parish. This part describes questionary's preparation procedure, pilot investigation and a preparation of a new questionary based upon the evalution of the previous one. The diploma project goal is to motivate a parish to the selfreflection and encourage it to start real steps heading to the parish's renewal and development.

An investigation into the interaction between multiple intelligences and the performance of learners’ in open-ended digital learning tasks

Kafanabo, Eugenia Joseph 16 July 2008 (has links)
In this study, I investigated the interactions between multiple intelligences and performance of learners in open-ended digital learning tasks, and to suggest possible approaches to the teaching and learning process using computers in Tanzania. With the current introduction of computers in the education system in Tanzania, the qualities of instruction and learner participation in learning computer application skills and achievement have not necessarily shown improvement (Nelson, Post,&Bickel, 2003; Tilya, 2003). It is imperative for computer teachers to know the pedagogical strategies that can help them use the current technology effectively. Researchers in instructional design have suggested instructional methods that incorporate methods that encourage the use of learner-centered instruction, incorporating activity oriented methods, and problem solving that are designed around real-world problems (Huba&Freed, 2000). Learners will be able use their knowledge effectively, reveal their uniqueness as learners, and learn computer application skills in a social setting (Gardner, 1983; Wiggins, 1993, 1998; Teele, 2000; Huba&Freed, 2000). The theory of multiple intelligences by Howard Gardner (1983) was used as the theoretical framework for this study. The theory postulates that that everybody has at least eight intelligences which reflect different ways of interacting with the world. In an effort to achieve quality learning, learning must be based on multiple approaches with a series of activities which are authentic in nature and have to be completed by the learners. The study was conducted in Tanzania using a qualitative research design. Four secondary schools were selected and 40 learners doing computer studies course participated in the study. Four intelligences from the theory of multiple intelligences were assessed: logic-mathematical, verbal-linguistic, visual-spatial and interpersonal intelligences. Assessment was done using performance assessment procedures. The findings indicated that there are distinctive intelligence profiles apart from the four intelligences that were investigated in this study. Despite the intelligence profiles of the learners, didactical issues that will enhance ICT adoption in the education environment are important. These include the use of authentic tasks, performance assessment to acknowledge learners unique performance abilities across several intelligences and teachers familiarization in the use of performance assessment procedures. / Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted

Faktore wat die dissiplinering van kleuters tydens die egskeidingsproses beїnvloed (Afrikaans)

Van Schalkwyk, Ilana 05 November 2007 (has links)
This research study focused on the factors that influence the disciplining of pre-school children during the divorce process. Divorce is an escalating phenomenon and more pre-school children are being exposed to divorce. A pre-school child’s development limits his abstract thinking processes which keep him to fully comprehending concepts like divorce. The verbal capacity of pre-school children is still limited and therefore they are not always able to communicate what they experience and observe. They are also not always able to express their emotions. The pre-school child communicates through behaviour and play. Divorce is not only the legal termination of the marriage for adults, but in fact entails more responsibilities, challenges, losses and adaptations. More pressure is placed on the parents and they tend to be emotional overwhelmed, physical exhausted and emotionally drained. This causes that the parents to not see their way open to care for and especially discipline their pre-school child. Discipline in general is left aside and is not followed through consistently. The purpose of this study is of ‘n explorative nature. It aims to explore the factors that have an impact on the disciplining of the pre-school child, prior to, during and after the divorce process. A quantitative research approach has been followed with this study and a questionnaire has been used for gathering information. A non-probability sampling method was used and the respondents were selected through a purposive sample. The respondents were selected from the Pretoria East region. The organisations that assisted the researcher in selecting the respondents were the Counselling centre of the Dutch Reformed Church of Moreletapark and the Child Trauma Clinic. For this study 19 respondents were selected. The questionnaires was given out by hand and collected by hand. The children of the respondents who participated in the study were all pre-school children when going through the divorce. It has been concluded from this study that the factors impacting the discipline of pre-school children during the divorce process, is of an emotional nature. A factor that played an important role in the disciplining of pre-school children is the guilt feelings that the respondents experienced for exposing their children to a divorce. Physical tiredness, emotional exhaustion, conflict between parents during and after the divorce and the number of times that one of the parents leaved the house, are factors that according to the respondents, influenced the disciplining of their pre-school children. / Dissertation (MSD (Play Therapy))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work and Criminology / MSD / unrestricted

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