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LOW-COST MISSION SUPPORT CONCEPTLam, Barbara 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 28-31, 1996 / Town and Country Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, California / This paper presents a new architecture of the end-to-end ground system to reduce overall
mission support costs. The present ground system of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
is costly to operate, maintain, deploy, reproduce, and document. In the present climate of
shrinking NASA budgets, this proposed architecture takes on added importance as it will
dramatically reduce all of the above costs. Currently, the ground support functions (i.e.,
receiver, tracking, ranging, telemetry, command, monitor and control) are distributed
among several subsystems that are housed in individual rack-mounted chassis. These
subsystems can be integrated into one portable laptop system using established
MultiChip Module (MCM) packaging technology. The large scale integration of
subsystems into a small portable system will greatly reduce operations, maintenance and
reproduction costs. Several of the subsystems can be implemented using Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) products further decreasing non-recurring engineering costs. The
inherent portability of the system will open up new ways for using the ground system at
the “point-of-use” site as opposed to maintaining several large centralized stations. This
eliminates the propagation delay of the data to the Principal Investigator (PI), enabling
the capture of data in real-time and performing multiple tasks concurrently from any
location in the world. Sample applications are to use the portable ground system in
remote areas or mobile vessels for real-time correlation of satellite data with earth-bound
instruments; thus, allowing near real-time feedback and control of scientific
instruments. This end-to-end portable ground system will undoubtedly create
opportunities for better scientific observation and data acquisition.
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A Shield against Distraction from Environmental NoiseHalin, Niklas January 2016 (has links)
Working in noisy environments can be detrimental to cognitive performance. In order to perform well people have to find a way to attenuate distraction. This thesis aimed to study the balance between distractibility and task demands in the context of office-related tasks as a means by which to better understand how people in the work environment are influenced by environmental noise. In Report 1, 2 and 3 higher focal-task difficulty was achieved by manipulating the readability of the text that participants were asked to read (i.e. either displaying the text in hard-to-read font or by masking it with static visual noise). The results of Report 1 and Report 2 showed that background speech impaired performance on proofreading and memory for written stories respectively compared to silence, but only when the focaltask difficulty was low, not when it was high. In Report 3 it was shown that background speech, road traffic noise, and aircraft noise impaired performance on text memory compared to silence, but again, only when focal-task difficulty was low. In Report 4 it was tested whether higher cognitive load on the focal task would reduce peripheral processing of a to-be-ignored background story. The results of Report 4 showed that participants in the low-load condition recalled more of the information conveyed in the to-be-ignored background story compared to participants in the high-load condition. It was also investigated whether individual differences in working memory capacity (WMC) would influence participants’ memory for written stories (Report 2) and incidental memory of the to-background story (Report 4) differently depending on task demand. The results showed that individuals scoring high on the WMC-test were less distracted by background speech in the easy-to-read font condition (Report 2), and recalled less of the information in the to-be-ignored background story in the low-cognitive load condition (Report 4) compared to individuals that scored lower on the WMC-test. These relationships were not found in the hard-to-read font condition in Report 2, or in the high-cognitive load condition in Report 4. Taken together, these results indicate that higher focal-task difficulty can shield against the detrimental effect environmental noise on performance on office-related tasks. Moreover, it shows that higher focal-task difficulty can help individuals with low-WMC to reach a level of performance that is similar to that of high-capacity individuals. / Människor som arbetar inom den byggda miljön (t.ex. kontor eller skolor) är ofta exponerade för olika typer av miljöljud (t.ex. bakgrundsprat, vägtrafiks- eller flygplansbuller) som kan ha en negativ inverkan på deras förmåga att prestera på kognitiva uppgifter (t.ex. läs- eller skrivuppgifter). För att kunna prestera behöver de som arbetar inom den byggda miljön hitta ett sätt att minska hur distraherade de blir av bakgrundsbuller när de arbetar med kontorsrelaterade uppgifter (t.ex. korrekturläsning eller minne för text). Syftet med denna avhandling var att studera balansen mellan distraktion och koncentrationskrav på arbetsuppgiften som ett sätt att undersöka vilken inverkan bakgrundsbuller i arbetsmiljön har på människors förmåga att prestera på kontorsrelaterade uppgifter. I Rapport 1, 2 och 3 manipulerades koncentrationskravet på arbetsuppgiften genom att göra texten mer svårläslig (d.v.s. antingen använda ett mer svårläsligt teckensnitt eller genom att maskera texten med ett visuellt brus). Resultaten på Rapport 1 och 2 visade att bakgrundsprat försämrade prestationen på ett korrekturläsningstest och ett textminnestest jämfört med en tyst betingelse, men bara när texten var lättläslig och inte när den var svårläslig. Rapport 3 visade att bakgrundsprat, vägtrafikbuller och flygplansbuller försämrade prestationen på ett textminnestest jämfört med tystnad, men återigen, bara när texten var lättläslig och inte när den var svårläslig. I Rapport 4 undersöktes om ökad kognitiv belastning på en arbetsuppgift skulle minska hur mycket information av ett bakgrundsprat (d.v.s. en berättelse om en fiktiv kultur) som deltagarna kunde återge trots att de blivit instruerade att ignorera det som sades i bakgrunden. Resultatet visade att deltagarna i betingelsen med låg kognitiv belastning kom ihåg mer av informationen från bakgrundsberättelsen jämfört med deltagarna med hög kognitiv belastning. Denna avhandling undersökte också sambandet mellan individuella skillnader i arbetsminneskapacitet och storleken på hur distraherad individen var av bakgrundsprat (Rapport 2), samt sambandet mellan arbetsminneskapacitet och hur mycket individen mindes av det bakgrundsprat de blivit instruerade att ignorera (Rapport 4), och om dessa samband influerades olika beroende på koncentrationskravet på arbetsuppgiften. Resultatet i Rapport 2 visade att individer med hög arbetsminneskapacitet blev mindre distraherade av bakgrundspratet jämfört med individer med låg arbetsminneskapacitet på prosaminnestestet, men bara när texten var lättläslig, inte när den var svårläslig. Rapport 4 visade att i betingelsen med låg kognitiv belastning kom de med hög arbetsminneskapacitet ihåg mindre av bakgrundsberättelsen jämfört med individerna med låg arbetsminneskapacitet, men när den kognitiva belastningen var hög var det ingen skillnad i hur mycket deltagarna kom ihåg av bakgrundsberättelsen mellan individer med hög och låg arbetsminneskapacitet. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultaten att ökat koncentrationskrav på en arbetsuppgift, genom att öka svårighetsgraden (t.ex. genom att använda ett mer svårläsligt teckensnitt), kan skydda mot den negativa inverkan som bakgrundsbuller har på arbetsuppgifter som liknar de människor arbetar med på kontor. Vidare visade resultaten att ökade koncentrationskrav på arbetsuppgiften kan hjälpa individer med låg arbetsminneskapacitet att prestera i paritet med individer med hög arbetsminneskapacitet när arbetsuppgiften utförs i bakgrundsprat.
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Investigation into Air Traffic Complexity as a Driver of a Controller‘s WorkloadDjokic, Jelena 24 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis describes an investigation into Air Traffic Control (ATC) complexity as a contributory factor in changes of controllers' workload. It is considered that ATC complexity, together with equipment interface and procedural demands comprise the task demands imposed on the en-route controller to perform certain activities, which mediated by performance shaping factors create workload.
The data used to study this relationship came from ATC real-time simulations completed at EUROCONTROL CRDS in Budapest: recorded flown trajectories, communication performed by the controller (whether with other controllers or with the pilots), data entries related to flight data management, and instantaneous self-assessment ratings of workload provided by the controllers were used. The ATC complexity factors that have been consistently found to be important in the previous studies (related to aircraft density, flight attributes of each individual aircraft, aircraft conflicts and traffic disorder) and for which detailed calculation formula have been reported were selected for further analysis. Since the established set of factors resulted from multiple researches conducted in this field, it was assumed that some of these factors are correlated with one another, overlapping and possibly measuring similar concepts. Therefore, a reduction of the initial set of factors was performed by combining information contained within these factors into a smaller number of new artificial variables and by deleting statistically redundant portions of these factors prior to conducting further analysis. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which is the statistical method applied to achieve required reduction, resulted in the overall set of 6 complexity components, whose interpretations are driven by the factors that showed the strongest correlation with that component. In order to establish a link between ATC complexity and a controller's subjective workload, multiple regression analysis was performed, using the complexity components identified in the PCA as predictors of the workload ratings.
In addition, some measures of controller’s activity (data entries made by the controllers related to flight data management, cumulative duration of radio calls, i.e. frequency occupancy time, and average duration of single calls) were added to the analysis to test whether information about the controller’s activity could be also useful for predicting workload, once the effect of complexity had been considered, and to verify whether the effect of complexity on workload could be mediated by the effect of complexity on the controller’s activity. The analysis revealed that both ATC complexity and the activities that the controller performs to deal with a demand imposed on him/her give a unique contribution to the prediction of workload ratings and therefore the workload of the controller is determined by both ATC complexity and controller’s activities.
In addition, it was assumed that the workload is differently impacted by individual components of complexity, and further statistical analyses were performed to test this assumption. Understanding these differences could in fact facilitate comparison of the complexity levels of a single sector under different conditions, but also comparison of complexity levels of different sectors under same conditions. Firstly the changes in the workload and activities of the controllers under different conditions were investigated using analysis of variance. Subsequently, in order to be able to map these changes on the complexity components, it was necessary also to investigate into the changes that the complexity components undergo when observed under different conditions. The results revealed different behaviour of single complexity components when mapped on the changes recorded in the activities of the controller and workload, demonstrating that changes in controller’s activities and perceived workload are driven by different complexity components in different sectors and under different operational conditions.
Shedding light on these contributors to the workload experienced by a controller can greatly facilitate the introduction of any change envisaged for the airspace under consideration. Namely, in the current structure, whenever new procedures or new working methods are subject to possible deployment, the identified complexity components could support the estimation of the impact that those changes would impose on the workload of the controller and further on decision making processes. Additionally, the complexity components are also applicable in the validation of the new concepts and new technologies to be introduced in the system when designing simulation scenarios against which new concepts would be assessed. As also demonstrated by the analysis, the comparison of different sectors, or even different sector designs within the same airspace, could be compared and contribute to the improvement of airspace design. / Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Komplexität der Flugverkehrskontrolle (Air Traffic Control, ATC) als einen wesentlichen Einflussfaktor auf die Arbeitsbelastung des Radarlotsen. Die zentrale Annahme ist dabei, dass die Komplexität der ATC zusammen mit den Anforderungen aus den betrieblichen Rahmenbedingungen (technische Systemschnittstellen und Prozeduren) den Lotsen zu bestimmten Abläufen zwingen, welche die Arbeitsbelastung signifikant beeinflussen.
Für die durchgeführten Untersuchungen standen Daten von ATC-Echtzeitsimulationen von EUROCONTROL CRDS Budapest zur Verfügung, die folgende Informationen umfassen: abgeflogene Flugtrajektorien, Kommunikationsprotokolle der Lotsen (untereinander oder zwischen Lotse und Pilot), Daten aus dem flight-data Management und Daten aus der regelmäßigen Selbstbewertung der Lotsen bezüglich ihrer aktuell gefühlten Arbeitsbelastung. Die bereits in früheren Studien identifizierten Komplexitätsvariablen (insbesondere die lokale Flugzeugdichte, spezifische Flugzeugeigenschaften, Konfliktsituationen zwischen Flugzeugen und die Verkehrslage betreffend) sowie hierzu erarbeitete mathematische Vorschriften bilden die Grundlage für die weiterführenden, detaillierten Untersuchungen. Aufgrund der Vielzahl an Komplexitätsvariablen aus diversen wissenschaftlichen Quellen war davon auszugehen, dass Korrelationen unter den Variablen vorliegen. Aus diesem Grund wurden zunächst statistisch redundante Informationen der ursprünglich vorliegenden Variablen reduziert, sodass als Ergebnis neue voneinander unabhängige Faktoren klassifiziert werden konnten.
Die hierfür verwendete Hauptkomponentenanalyse (Principal Component Analysis - PCA) führte zu sechs statistisch signifikanten Komplexitätsfaktoren, die anhand der höchsten Korrelation zur zugeordneten Komponente interpretiert wurden. Um die Verbindung zwischen der ATC Komplexität und der subjektiv empfundenen Arbeitsbelastung herzustellen, wurde eine multiple Regressionsanalyse zwischen den Komplexitätsfaktoren und den abgeleiteten Arbeitsbelastungszuständen durchgeführt. Zusätzlich lagen für die Analyse der Arbeitsbelastung auch Daten über die Arbeitsaufgaben des Lotsen vor (bspw. Dateneinträge des Lotsen, Gesamtlänge der Funkanweisungen, durchschnittliche Länge der Funkanweisungen), um zu untersuchen, inwieweit sich aus den aktuell durchgeführten Arbeitsaufgaben bei gegebener Verkehrsnachfrage eine verlässliche Vorhersage über die Arbeitsbelastung ableiten lässt. Die Analyse zur Vorhersage der Arbeitsbelastung konnte zeigen, dass sowohl die ATC Komplexität als auch die aktuellen Arbeitsaufgaben einen individuellen und signifikanten Einfluss haben.
Weiterhin wurde unterstellt, dass die spezifischen Komplexitätsfaktoren einen unterschiedlichen Effekt auf die Arbeitsbelastung ausüben. Die Überprüfung dieser Annahme war ebenfalls Bestandteil der umfangreichen statistischen Untersuchungen. Tatsächlich könnte ein fundamentales Verständnis der Komplexitätsgrade den Vergleich einzelner Luftraumsektoren unter verschiedenen operativen Randbedingungen, als auch den Vergleich unterschiedlicher Luftraumsektoren mit vergleichbaren operativen Randbedingungen wesentlich erleichtern. Zuerst wurden die Veränderungen der Arbeitsbelastung und -die Tätigkeiten der Lotsen unter Verwendung einer Varianzanalyse untersucht. Um eine valide Zuordnung zu den Komplexitätsfaktoren sicherzustellen, war es ebenfalls notwendig, die Veränderungen dieser Faktoren und Tätigkeiten unter wechselnden Randbedingungen zu analysieren. Die Analysen zeigen hierbei unterschiedliche Resultate bezüglich der jeweiligen Komplexitätsfaktoren. So beeinflussen die verschiedenen Komplexitätsfaktoren die Handlungsabläufe der Lotsen und die wahrgenommene Arbeitsbelastung, jedoch in Abhängigkeit von den ausgewählten Sektoren und den betrieblichen Randbedingungen.
Unter Berücksichtigung dieser erarbeiteten Abhängigkeiten der Arbeitsbelastung des Lotsen können nun die Auswirkungen von Veränderungen im Luftraum zuverlässig bestimmt werden. Gerade in Bezug auf Veränderungen der gegenwärtigen Luftraumstruktur oder die Einführung neuer Prozeduren oder Arbeitsabläufe können die entwickelten Komplexitätsfaktoren bereits frühzeitig Aufschluss darüber geben, welche Konsequenzen solche Veränderungen auf die Arbeitsbelastung der Lotsen nach sich ziehen können und Entscheidungsprozesse unterstützen. Weiterhin sind die entwickelten Komplexitätsfaktoren als Grundlage für die Validierung neuer Konzepte und Technologien, gegebenenfalls unter Verwendung von entwickelten Simulationsszenarien, nutzbar. Darüber hinaus können die Komplexitätsfaktoren für die Gegenüberstellung von verschiedenen Luftraumsektoren genutzt werden und zur Abwägung bzw. Optimierung von Entwürfen eines Luftraumdesigns dienen.
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Predictability of the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities on Visual-Motor TasksTaylor, Nancy Jane Earls 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not individual scores derived by the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities can be used as predictors of performance on visual motor tasks of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children and the Frostig Developmental Test of Visual Perception for a child who has learning problems.
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Learned Helplessness in Rats: The Effects of Electroconvulsive Shock in an Animal Model of DepressionThrasher, Ronald Keith 08 1900 (has links)
The response deficit following exposure to inescapable shock has been termed "learned helplessness." This experiment was designed (a) to determine whether learned helplessness following an inescapable footshock induction procedure extends to 48 hours, and (b) to test the hypothesis that electroconvulsive shock (ECS) reverses learned helplessness in rats.
Subjects were tested for helplessness in a bar-press shock-escape task. Results indicated that helplessness was not present 48 hours after exposure to inescapable shock. A slight indication of helplessness was observed in the first 10 trials of the 60-trial task. In addition, ECS was shown to enhance performance in the test task; however, this facilitation effect was seen only in control animals that were not previously exposed to inescapable footshock.
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Prestation genom motivation : En beskrivande studie om arbetsmotivation på två tillverkningsföretag / Performance through motivation : A descriptive study about work motivation at two manufacturing companiesAndersson, Andreas, Ferracane, Valentina, Tärnblom, Elin January 2016 (has links)
Frågeställning Hur ser ledares syn på motivation ut? Hur arbetar ledare med att motivera medarbetare i produktionen? Varför arbetar ledare med att motivera medarbetare i produktionen? Vilka faktorer upplever medarbetare i produktionen som främst motiverande? Syfte Syftet med studien är att ur ett ledarskaps- och medarbetarperspektiv beskriva arbetsmotivation i tillverkningsföretag. Metod Studiens datainsamling genomfördes med flermetodsforskning - kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod - i en multipel fallstudie på två tillverkningsföretag. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med totalt fem respondenter i ledarposition och slutna enkäter delades ut till medarbetarna i produktionen på respektive företag. Resultaten från intervjuerna analyserades tematiskt efter kodning och på enkätsvaren tillämpades univariat analys där variabler enskilt analyserats. Slutsats Studien påvisar att ledarna i tillverkningsbranschen antingen ser motivation som en inre drivkraft eller att den kommer ur arbetsglädje. Ledarna använder ett flertal metoder för att skapa arbetsmotivation för medarbetarna i produktionen. Bland dem är det endast arbetsrotation som tillämpas i syfte att motverka den negativa effekten av monotonitet i arbetsuppgifterna. Resurser används till arbetsmotivation i syfte att öka medarbetarnas produktivitet, prestation, måluppfyllelse och i slutändan för att säkerställa företagets framtid.Studien visar att de enligt medarbetarna främst motivationshöjande faktorerna är att få se resultatet av ett väl utfört arbete, att få ett erkännande för utförd arbetsuppgift, möjligheten att få utvecklas personligen på arbetet och att ha intressanta och lagom utmanande arbetsuppgifter. / Research questions What is the leaders view on motivation? How do leaders work to motivate manufacturing employees? Why do leaders work to motivate manufacturing employees? Which factors do manufacturing employees perceive to be most motivating? Purpose The purpose of the study is to describe work motivation in manufacturing companies from a leadership and employee perspective. Method The study applies a mixed methods research - qualitative and quantitative method - in a multiple case study at two manufacturing companies. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a total of five respondents in leadership positions, and closed questionnaires were distributed to manufacturing employees in their respective companies. The interview results were analyzed thematically after coding, and the questionnaire results were analyzed with univariate analysis where variables were analyzed individually. Conclusion The study shows that leaders in the manufacturing industry either see motivation as an inner drive or that it comes from job satisfaction. Leaders use a variety of methods to create work motivation for manufacturing employees. Among them only job rotation is used to counteract the negative effects of monotonous work. Resources are put into work motivation in order to increase the employees’ productivity, performance, effectiveness and ultimately to ensure the future of the company.The study also shows that according to manufacturing employees the most motivating factors are to see the results of a job well done, recognition for one’s work, the opportunity of personal growth and to have interesting and challenging enough tasks.
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Výuka jaderné chemie a chemie f-prvků na středních školách / Nuclear Chemistry and Chemistry of f-Elements in Chemistry Curriculum at Secondary SchoolsDistler, Petr January 2014 (has links)
This master's degree thesis, called Nuclear Chemistry and Chemistry of f-Elements in Chemistry Curriculum at Secondary Schools, conducts a research of the most commonly used high school textbooks. Within the textbook research, topics such as atomic nucleus composition, radioactivity, and f-elements were studied in order to evaluate to what extent contemporary textbooks meet to the curriculum requirements. Based on the textbook research, the new teaching texts, materials, and teaching tasks including the uncovered themes were created. Selected teaching tasks were evaluated by high school teachers. Within this pool, the teachers also answered questions concerning teaching topics of radioactivity and chemistry of f-elements at high schools. The same tasks were solved and evaluated by high school students as well. The results of both teacher and student surveys were used for the final modification of the tasks.
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Analýza standardních situací ve futsalu FIFA / Analysis of standard situations in futsal FIFAHovorka, Miroslav January 2014 (has links)
Title: Analysis of standard situations in futsal FIFA Objectives: The main goal of this work is to observe solutions of standard situations by teams from the top futsal league. Another goal is to determine the effect of solving these situations onto the amount of goals scored and overall success. Methods: In this thesis were used methods of comparison, analysis and hypothesis testing. The method of comparison was used to compare the observed data with previous results of the bachelor thesis, which were also tested after that. The method of analysis was applied to the analysis of individual situations and standard solutions were then generalized by comparison with similar situations. Results: It was found that the standard conditions affect the game and their successful solutions cause a lot of goals for a team. Most goals are scored from direct free kicks and corner kicks. Most signals, game combinations, the teams practiced at corner kicks and sidekicks at the opponents half. Keywords: small form of football, game performance, game combination, solution of game tasks
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O uso de tarefas comunicativas e pré-comunicativas no ensino de língua inglesa em uma faculdade particular /Capobianco, Eduardo Augusto Lazaro. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Solange Aranha / Banca: Ana Mariza Benedetti / Banca: Rita de Cássia Barbirato / Resumo: A presente pesquisa, qualitativa e de base etnográfica, tem como objetivo geral analisar como se dá a interação dos aprendizes em pares ou grupos maiores em um processo de ensino/aprendizagem de língua inglesa por meio de aulas que se pautam pelo uso de tarefas comunicativas e pré-comunicativas em uma faculdade particular do noroeste paulista. Também será investigada, neste trabalho, a melhora da proficiência na língua-alvo dos aprendizes após o processo. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados diários de pesquisa do professor pesquisador, gravações em áudio e vídeo da sala de aula, gravações apenas em áudio das interações dos alunos trabalhando em pares ou grupos maiores, questionários aplicados aos discentes e um teste de proficiência que foi aplicado no início e final do ano letivo de 2007, ano em que se deu a coleta de dados para esta pesquisa. O arcabouço teórico se fundamenta em estudos sobre tarefas de autores como Prabhu (1987), Nunan (1992) Candlin (1987), Barbirato (1999, 2005) entre outros. A análise panorâmica dos resultados demonstrou que o trabalho em que coexistiram tarefas comunicativas e pré-comunicativas pôde ser alternativa para o ensino/aprendizagem de língua inglesa no contexto investigado, onde havia limitação linguístico-comunicativa prévia na língua-alvo detectada na maioria dos participantes. Também foi possível averiguar que o trabalho com tarefas possibilitou esforço colaborativo entre os aprendizes, momentos de explicitação da forma, léxico ou pronúncia da língua-alvo, geradas a partir da própria interação proposta pela tarefa e imediatamente inseridos na negociação da mesma. Também foi percebido, a partir dos dados, que houve considerável melhora da proficiência auditiva, lexical e gramatical dos alunos na língua-alvo após o trabalho do ano letivo de 2007, ano em que foram inseridas as tarefas investigadas... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This qualitative and ethnographic research aims at analyzing how is the interaction of the learners working in pairs or bigger groups happens in a process of English teaching/learning process through classes based on the use of communicative and pré-communicative tasks in a private college situated in the northeast of the state of São Paulo. We also investigate, in this research, the improvement of the learners' proficiency in the target language after the process. In order to collect the data we used audio-visual records of the classroom, audio records of learners working in pairs or bigger groups, questionnaires applied to the learners and a proficiency test applied to the students in the beginning and in the end of the year of 2007, period when the data were collected. The theoretical framework is based on the studies about tasks of Prabhu (1987), Nunan (1992), Candlin (1987), Barbirato (1999, 2005) among others. The panoramic analysis of the results demonstrated that the co-existence of communicative and pre-communicative tasks could be an alternative to the English language teaching/learning in the studied context, where there was prior linguisticcommunicative limitation of the research participants. It was also possible to check that the task work promoted collaborative effort among the learners, form, lexical and pronunciation explanation moments, created by the task interaction and immediately included in the negotiation of the task. We could also realize, by the data, that there was a considerable improvement of the listening, lexical and grammatical proficiency in the learners after the work in the year of 2007, when the tasks and other activities that were analyzed in this research were included. / Mestre
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Os Processos de visualização e de representação dos signos matemáticos no contexto didático-pedagógico /Insuela Garcia, Luciane Maia January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Rosana G. Sguerra Miskulin / Banca: Hermes Renato Hildebrand / Banca: Miriam Godoy Penteado / Resumo: O avanço rápido da tecnologia no contexto educacional possibilita uma nova dimensão aos processos de visualização e de representação dos conceitos matemáticos, o qual proporciona novas maneiras de aprender e ensinar Matemática. Assim, esta pesquisa aborda as inter-relações entre os processos de visualização e de representação e suas possíveis influências na constituição do conhecimento matemático, na perspectiva da Semiótica de Peirce, que define Semiótica como a ciência dos signos. Um signo pode ser qualquer coisa que está ou que ocupa o lugar de uma outra coisa ou objeto. Para esse autor, qualquer fenômeno pode ser compreendido como um signo. Os fenômenos podem ser reais ou não e são traduzidos pelo o que aparece na mente dos sujeitos. Um dos motivos que faz com que a Semiótica possa ser usada como aporte teórico no campo da Matemática consiste no fato de que a Matemática utiliza diversas representações, tais como representação algébrica, representação geométrica, e representação gráfica para descrever e analisar determinados fenômenos no processo de constituição do conhecimento matemático. Com essas perspectivas, a presente pesquisa objetiva investigar, analisar e identificar as inter-relações entre as visualizações mentais e gráficas dos signos matemáticos no contexto didático-pedagógico, propiciando reflexões a respeito das estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem e suas potencialidades pedagógicas na constituição do conhecimento matemático. Assim sendo, nessa busca e investigação e na expectativa de propiciar aos educadores uma possível reflexão sobre os métodos e teorias do ensino-aprendizagem em Matemática, abordaremos a seguinte questão de investigação: os processos de visualização e de representação podem influenciar na constituição do conhecimento no contexto didático-pedagógico da Matemática? Delinear possíveis respostas a esta questão investigativa significa . / Abstract: The rapid advancement of technology in the educational context allows a new dimension to the process of visualization and representation of mathematical concepts, which provides new ways to learn and teach mathematics. Thus, this research addresses the inter-relationships between the processes of view and representation and their possible influences on the formation of mathematical knowledge, in view of the Semiotics of Peirce, which defines Semiotics as the science of signs. A sign can be anything that is or who occupies the place of another thing or object. To this author, any phenomenon can be understood as a sign. The phenomena may be real or not and are translated by what appears in the mind of the subject. One of the reasons that make the Semiotics can be used as theoretical contribution in the field of mathematics is the fact that Mathematics uses various representations, such as algebraic representation, geometric representation, and graphic to describe and analyze certain phenomena in the process of formation of mathematical knowledge. With these perspectives, this research aims to investigate, analyze and identify the inter-relationship between mental and graphical views of the signs in teaching math-teaching, providing thoughts about the strategies of teaching-learning and its potential teaching in the constitution of knowledge mathematician. Therefore, in this search and investigation and the expectation of educators provide a possible reflection on the methods and theories of teaching-learning in mathematics, we research the following question: How the process of visualization and representation can influence the formation of knowledge in the context of the teaching-learning mathematics? To scratch possible answers to this investigative question means to understand the inter-relationships between the visualization and the representation of mathematical concepts and their possible influences in the process of the formation of the .. / Mestre
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