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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Out of sight, out of mind : how proximity influenced access during computer supported collaborative authoring

Herschell, Mary Heather 23 February 2011 (has links)
In spite of the popularity of technologies that facilitate distance learning, institutions still educate students who gather together in shared physical spaces. But now even these traditional settings for learning are more collaborative and technology-rich environments. Qualitative methods in the sociolinguistic tradition allowed me to attend carefully to the vocal and non-vocal interactions of students engaged in a computer supported collaborative authoring assignment. Three research questions guided my inquiry: 1) In what ways did students negotiate roles and responsibilities?; 2) In what ways did students negotiate access to their assignment?; and 3) what was the nature of discourse in computer supported collaborative authoring? I conducted microanalysis of the communication in online discussions and face-to-face discourse throughout an entire semester of one graduate level course entitled The Psychology of Teachers and Teaching. My data revealed that the online discussion forum, physical proximity to the computer during face-to-face collaboration and instructor influence shaped the students’ roles and responsibilities as well as their entry into the assignment. I propose a model illustrating how students negotiate entry into computer supported collaborative authoring assignments and discuss its implications for teaching and learning. / text

Operationalization of collaborative blended learning scripts: a model, computational mechanisms and experiments

Pérez Sanagustín, Maria del Mar 01 July 2011 (has links)
Portable and interactive technologies are changing the nature of collaborative learning practices. Learning can now occur both in and beyond the classroom and furthermore combine formal and informal activities monitored and orchestrated across spatial locations. This rises to a new type of orchestrated learning that we term Computer Supported Collaborative Blended Learning (CSCBL) scripts. This thesis investigates the challenges associated with the design of CSCBL scripts and with the technologies responsible for their enactment. Three contributions are presented. First, a conceptual model that combines 4 factors to be considered in the design of CSCBL scripts. Second, technological solutions operationalizing the aforementioned factors are proposed and evaluated through synthetic experiences. And third, four CSCBL experiments using 4SPPIces. These experiments are analyzed into two interrelated multicase case studies, whose cross-analyzed results provide an evaluation of the model, of the operationalization solutions supporting the enactment of the involved CSCBL scripts and of the educational value of the experiences themselves. / La introducción de tecnologías interactivas y móviles está produciendo un cambio significativo en la naturaleza de las prácticas educativas. Actualmente, el aprendizaje mediante colaboración se puede dar en situaciones en que secuencias de actividades formales e informales dentro y fuera del aula se combinan e integran de forma coordinada. Esto da lugar a un nuevo tipo de actividades de colaboración orquestadas en entornos mezclados que llamaremos guiones CSCBL (de su acrónimo en inglés). Esta tesis investiga los retos relacionados con diseño de los guiones CSCBL y de la selección apropiada de la tecnología para su puesta en marcha. De este trabajo de investigación se derivan tres contribuciones principales. Primero, se propone un modelo conceptual que combina 4 factores a tener en cuenta en el diseño de guiones CSCBL. Segundo, se proponen un conjunto de soluciones tecnológicas para dar soporte computacional a los diferentes factores del modelo y dar apoyo a la puesta en marcha de guiones CSCBL. Cada una de estas soluciones se evalúa mediante experimentos sintéticos. Finalmente, esta tesis presenta tres experimentos en que se usa el modelo para proponer actividades de colaboración en entornos mezclados y aplicarlas en entornos reales. Estos experimentos han sido evaluados mediante dos estudios múltiples de casos. El análisis cruzado de los resultados de los casos englobados en cada estudio ofrece una evaluación de la utilidad del modelo y de las soluciones tecnológicas adoptadas para su puesta en marcha.

Chao : Un framework pour le développement de systèmes supportant l'orchestration d'activités sur tablettes en classe / Chao : A framework for the development of systems to support the orchestration of technology-enhanced learning activities using tablets in classrooms

Wang, Patrick 05 July 2016 (has links)
L'intérêt pour l'utilisation de tablettes en classe se traduit par le développement d'un grand nombre d'applications éducatives. Cependant, peu de travaux prennent en compte le rôle de l'enseignant dans l'orchestration, c'est-à-dire la préparation en amont et la gestion en temps réel, de ce type de situation. Et lorsque des travaux de recherche proposent de fournir des outils informatiques pour supporter les enseignants dans cette orchestration, les logiciels développés sont souvent spécifiques à un exercice et ne peuvent donc pas être réutilisés pour l’orchestration d’exercices différents. Le travail de cette thèse se place dans ce contexte et vise à fournir une librairie d’outils logiciels pouvant servir de base pour le développement de technologies d’orchestration. Pour cela, je propose (1) une modélisation de l’orchestration d’un scénario pédagogique qui explicite les actions d’orchestration d’un enseignant et sur quoi portent ces actions ; (2) des modèles d’interface utilisateur offrant la possibilité aux enseignants de réaliser ces actions d’orchestration ; (3) un framework logiciel pour tablette facile à instancier implémentant ces modèles d’interface, et dont les instanciations ont pour objectif de supporter efficacement un enseignant dans l’orchestration d’une situation donnée. / The use of tablets in classrooms is soaring. This phenomenon can be witnessed by the large amount of applications developed for educational purposes. Yet, little work has addressed the teacher’s role in the orchestration, which stands for the planning beforehand and the management at run-time, of such situations. When these works do address this issue, it often leads to the design of software applications that are too tied to a specific exercise, making these applications difficult to reuse in a different situation. This doctoral project falls within this context and attempts to build a software framework that can serve as a foundation for the development of orchestration technologies. To do so, I propose (1) a model of orchestration that make explicit the teacher’s orchestration actions and on what these actions; (2) abstract user interfaces that allow teachers to perform these orchestration actions; (3) an easy-to-instantiate software framework for tablets that implements these abstract user interfaces, and whose instantiations aim towards efficiently supporting teachers in the orchestration of a specific situation.

Novel Use of Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Everyday Teaching and Learning Practices : A Complex Picture

Salavati, Sadaf January 2013 (has links)
As of autumn 2011, all schools in Sweden have adopted and applied the latest curriculum for the compulsory school system. The following is written in concern to technology: "The school is responsible for ensuring that each pupil on completing compulsory school: [...] can use modern technology as a tool in the search for knowledge, communication, creativity and learning." (Skolverket, 2011, pp.13-14) With this said, there are no guidelines or manuals on how this is to be conducted. In a report from the Swedish Schools Inspectorate it was concluded that the investment in technology is not being used for school education. The education systems keep investing in technology in the belief that schools and teachers will sooner or later adopt and benefit from the use of mobile and ubiquitous technologies. The aim of this study is to “create an understanding of the aspects that have an impact on adopting novel use of mobile and ubiquitous technologies in everyday teaching and learning practices in compulsory schools.” The empirical foundation will be based upon three projects: Geometry Mobile (GeM); Learning Ecology with Technologies from Science for Global Outcomes (LETS GO); and Collaborative Learning Using Digital Pens and Interactive Whiteboards (Collboard). All were conducted at local compulsory schools in Växjö municipality, Sweden, in collaboration with teachers, students and fellow researchers from the CeLeKT research group at Linnaeus University. Two Thematic Analyses have been conducted: the first, an inductive analysis exploring the Students’ and Teachers’ Experience of using Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in their learning and teaching environment. The second analysis is deductive and uses themes from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology models with the aim of understanding the Perception and Acceptance of Teachers’ use of Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies. In the results from the two analyses there are clear indicators on the added value that mobile and ubiquitous technology brings to the classrooms: students are able to actively participate, collaborate and discuss in different learning settings, which enhances their understanding of the subject at hand. The challenges are mainly to be found in the lack of training and education in use of the technology as a supporting tool for teaching and learning. Further factors influencing the teachers and the students are ease of use and reliability of the technology and societal changes. The results of the analysis and the theoretical base of Technology Enhanced Learning have been illustrated with Soft Systems Methodologies Rich Picture, providing a holistic view of the problematic situation and making it possible to discuss the various parts as well as the situation as a whole. This study indicates that there are several factors influencing the adoption of the novel use of mobile and ubiquitous technologies in everyday teaching and learning within a complex situation on different levels.

Information communication technologies to enhance teaching and learning in higher education : a survey of teaching staff at Rhodes University

Mostert, Markus 24 November 2009 (has links)
Only an Afrikaans abstract is available. Die astronomiese ontwikkeling van informasie kommunikasie tegnologie (IKT) hou verreikende gevolge in vir elke lewensfeer in die twintigste eeu. Spesifiek op die terrein van produksie en oordrag van kennis, twee kernfunksies van hoer onderwys, hou IKT nie net ‘n bedreiging in vir die tradisionele wyse waarop hierdie kernfunksies vervul word nie, maar bied ook moontlik die uitdagings van toegang, koste, buigsaamheid en kwaliteit waarmee universiteite gekonfronteer word. Waar die toepassing van tegnologie in afstandsonderrig reeds help om bogenoemde uitdagings aan te spreek, is dieselfde resultate meer ontwykend in tradisionele residensiële universiteite soos Rhodes Universiteit. Verder is universiteite meer geneë om IKT in navorsing en administratiewe prosesse te gebruik, as in onderrig en leer. Hierdie opstel fokus dus op die behoeftes en verwagtings van onderrigpersoneel aan Rhodes Universiteit om IKT te gebruik om die onderig-en-leerproses te verryk. Die rasionaal vir die gebruik van IKT fokus op die veranderende omgewing waarin hoër onderwys fungeer, die veranderende konsepte van kennis en kennisproduksie, en die oënskynlike potensiaal van IKT om onderwys te verbeter. Daarteenoor word die wyse waarop IKT gebruik word bespreek teen die agtergrond van voorvereistes vir suksesvolle integrasie en praktiese toepassings van tegnologie in onderrig en leer. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Curriculum Studies / Unrestricted

Modélisation outillée d'une stratégie contextualisée d'observation dans le cadre d'un environnement d'apprentissage / Models and tools for a contextualized observation strategy in a TEL environment

Ouali, Mohand Akli 01 February 2016 (has links)
Toute situation d’apprentissage est conçue dans le but de répondre à des objectifs pédagogiques spécifiques. Les enseignants-concepteurs évaluent la corrélation entre cesobjectifs et le déroulement réel de la situation d’apprentissage en pratiquant une activité d’observation. Pour être efficace, cette activité a besoin d’être organisée. Le but de ce travail de recherche est de fournir des outils et des méthodes afin d’améliorer cette activité. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous avons proposé le concept de Stratégie d’Observation. Le but est d’apporter aux acteurs d’un système d’apprentissage, et particulièrement à l’enseignant-concepteur, un ensemble d’outils pour 1/ définir des stratégies d’observation et 2/ calculer et restituer les résultats à l’aide d’une interface de visualisation ergonomique et intuitive. Ces deux outils séparés, mais communiquant, sont conçus pour être utilisés avant, pendant et/ou après les sessions d’apprentissage. Le premier outil permet aux enseignants-concepteurs de spécifier la manière dont ils veulent organiser l’observation en utilisant un langage proche de leur langage pédagogique habituel. Ceci en manipulant des indicateurs prédéfinis et des moyens de perception mis à leur disposition, etc. Un tel langage permet de s’abstraire de l’environnement d’apprentissage et de ses éléments qui pourraient restreindre le potentiel de réutilisation des stratégies définies (traces, données brutes, moyens d’observation, etc.). Le destinataire des résultats de l’observation peut utiliser le deuxième outil pour visualiser les indicateurs dans un format adéquat et correspondant à la stratégie spécifiée. / Every learning situation is designed according to specific instructional objectives. Instructional designers evaluate the correlation between the objectives and the real progress of the learning session by practicing an observation activity. In order to be efficient, the observation must be organized. Our goal in this work aims to provide tools and methods to support the observation activity. That is why we propose the concept of Observing Strategy. Our research aims to provide the actors of a learning system (especially the instructional designers), with a homogeneous set of tools for 1/ defining observation strategies and 2/ calculating and displaying observation results with an ergonomic and intuitive visualization interface. These two tools are designed to be used before, during and/or after the learning sessions. The underlying idea is to propose two separated, but communicating, tools allowing the formalization of observation strategies independent from the chosen TEL system. With the first tool, instructional designers can specify the organization of the observation by using a language and semantics close to their pedagogical practices, handling pre-defined indicators, and available visualization tools etc. Such observation strategy language will not deal with TEL-systems-dependent elements that could restrict the potential reuse of strategies (tracks/raw data, observed data, observing means, etc.).The receiver of the observation results can use the second tool to visualize the results of the indicators’ calculation with the right format and according to the chosen strategy specification.

Wann ist Lernen mit digitalen Medien (wirklich) selbstgesteuert? Ansätze zur Ermöglichung und Förderung von Selbststeuerung in technologieunterstützten Lernprozessen

Dyrna, Jonathan, Riedel, Jana, Schulze-Achatz, Sylvia 26 April 2019 (has links)
In der heutigen von zunehmender Digitalisierung, Dynamisierung und Flexibilisierung geprägten Wissensgesellschaft gilt lebenslanges Lernen als unverzichtbar. Folglich ist insbesondere die Erwachsenenbildung gefordert, Selbststeuerung in Lernprozessen zu ermöglichen, um dadurch die erforderlichen Kompetenzen für lebenslanges Lernen zu fördern (Arnold, Gomez Tutor, & Kammerer, 2003). Dabei wird technologieunterstütztes Lernen oftmals als idealtypische Form zur Realisierung von Selbststeuerung im Lernprozess angesehen (Euler, 2004; Pieschl, Stahl, & Bromme, 2008) und mitunter sogar mit selbstgesteuertem Lernen gleichgesetzt (BMBF, 2016; Nacke & Neumann, 2002; Schoell & Passens, 1999), ohne dass eine hinreichend wissenschaftlich fundierte Begründung des vermeintlich offensichtlichen Zusammenhangs zwischen technologieunterstütztem Lernen und Selbststeuerung angeführt wird. [Aus der Einleitung.]

Supporting Lecturers in Properly Using Digital Learning Environments: The stARS Approach

Kubica, Tommy 04 February 2022 (has links)
In recent years, the adoption of digital learning environments has been proven as a suitable complement to traditional lectures, allowing to involve students more actively. However, current approaches lack at supporting both lecturers' individual teaching scenarios and collaborative activities. Thus, this thesis introduces an adaptable collaborative learning environment that enables lecturers to model and execute customized teaching scenarios. In addition to expressive means of adaptation, it includes collaborative functions which support group and peer interactions. The approach was implemented in a role-based prototype called scenario-tailored Audience Response System (stARS), demonstrating its applicability through seven well-known teaching scenarios. Furthermore, a thorough evaluation based on various user studies and lecture experiments confirmed the ability to support lecturers' individual teaching scenarios and integrate advanced collaborative activities into digital learning environments.

Enhancing Learning Outcomes with Pure Question-Based Learning : A Study on the Effectiveness of the Method in a Primary School Environment

Andraszek, Dominik January 2023 (has links)
In light of technological progress, companies, and public entities must remain aware of the significant opportunities presented by new technologies in terms of accelerating and optimizing knowledge acquisition. This research paper investigates the impact of pure question-based learning (pQBL) on academic performance in a primary school environment. The pQBL method involves learning only through interactive questions. Students receive formative feedback after each answer. The study aims to assess the effectiveness of pQBL in improving knowledge acquisition and retention among students and evaluate students' perceptions of the method. The study was conducted at Botlhale Cambridge International School in Gaborone, Botswana. The research employed a quasi-experimental design, with two classes receiving the pQBL treatment while a control group received traditional instruction. Pretests and posttests were administered to evaluate students' knowledge levels before and after the intervention, and the data were analyzed using the difference-in-difference (DiD) method and a regression model. The findings revealed that pQBL positively impacted academic performance in the subject of properties of substances in the two test group classes, resulting in improved knowledge retention compared to the control group. The results were statistically significant at a 10% level for both classes (P = 0.062 and 0.064, respectively). The survey conducted in the final stage of the study revealed that students responded favorably to the pQBL method. 73% of the students believed that the course helped them understand the course material, while approximately 50% found the course to be of moderate difficulty. Students appreciated the interactive nature of the course, finding it enjoyable and beneficial for those who required additional time to finish the course. However, some students pointed out that certain course parts could have been improved. The study results suggest that pQBL can be a promising strategy for enhancing academic performance and promoting active learning among primary school students in science classes. By capitalizing on the interactive nature of questions and providing timely feedback, pQBL can create an engaging and effective learning environment. However, more research needs to be conducted to assess the method's efficiency in different learning settings and subjects. / I takt med teknologiska framsteg behöver företag och offentliga aktörer vara medvetna om att nya teknologier ger stora möjligheter att förvärva kunskap snabbare och mer effektivt. Denna forskningsstudie undersöker effekterna av rent frågebaserat lärande (pQBL) på akademisk prestation i en grundskolemiljö. pQBL-metoden innebär inlärning endast genom interaktiva frågor. Eleverna får formativ återkoppling efter varje svar. Studien syftar till att bedöma effektiviteten av pQBL för att förbättra kunskapsförvärv bland elever, samt utvärdera elevernas uppfattning och åsikter om metoden. Studien genomfördes vid Botlhale Cambridge International School i Gaborone, Botswana. Forskningen använder en kvasi-experimentell design, där två klasser fick pQBL-behandlingen, medan en kontrollgrupp fick traditionell undervisning. För- och eftertester genomfördes för att utvärdera elevernas kunskapsnivåer före och efter ingripandet, och datan analyserades med hjälp av difference-in-difference-metoden (DiD) och en regressionsmodell. Resultaten visade att pQBL hade en positiv effekt på akademisk prestation i ämnet ämnets egenskaper i de två testgruppklasserna, vilket ledde till förbättrad kunskapsbehållning jämfört med kontrollgruppen. Resultaten var statistiskt signifikanta på en 10% nivå för båda klasserna (P = 0.062 och 0.064, respektive). Enkäten som genomfördes i den sista fasen av studien visade att studenterna reagerade positivt på pQBL-metoden. 73% av eleverna ansåg att kursen hjälpte dem att förstå kursmaterialet, medan cirka 50% av eleverna tyckte att kursen var av måttlig svårighet. Eleverna uppskattade kursens interaktiva natur och fann den rolig och givande för dem som behövde extra tid för att slutföra kursen. Dock påpekade vissa elever att vissa delar av kursen kunde ha förbättrats. Sammanfattningsvis antyder studieresultaten att pQBL kan vara en lovande strategi för att förbättra akademisk prestation och främja aktivt lärande bland grundskoleelever i naturvetenskapsklasser. Genom att dra nytta av frågornas interaktiva natur och ge tidig återkoppling kan pQBL skapa en engagerande och effektiv inlärningsmiljö. Mer forskning behöver dock genomföras för att bedöma metodens effektivitet i olika inlärningsmiljöer och ämnen.

Enforcing Customization in e-Learning Systems: an ontology and product line-based approach

Ezzat Labib Awad, Ahmed 06 November 2017 (has links)
In the era of e-Learning, educational materials are considered a crucial point for all the stakeholders. On the one hand, instructors aim at creating learning materials that meet the needs and expectations of learners easily and effec-tively; On the other hand, learners want to acquire knowledge in a way that suits their characteristics and preferences. Consequently, the provision and customization of educational materials to meet the needs of learners is a constant challenge and is currently synonymous with technological devel-opment. Promoting the personalization of learning materials, especially dur-ing their development, will help to produce customized learning materials for specific learners' needs. The main objective of this thesis is to reinforce and strengthen Reuse, Cus-tomization and Ease of Production issues in e-Learning materials during the development process. The thesis deals with the design of a framework based on ontologies and product lines to develop customized Learning Objects (LOs). With this framework, the development of learning materials has the following advantages: (i) large-scale production, (ii) faster development time, (iii) greater (re) use of resources. The proposed framework is the main contribution of this thesis, and is char-acterized by the combination of three models: the Content Model, which addresses important points related to the structure of learning materials, their granularity and levels of aggregation; the Customization Model, which con-siders specific learner characteristics and preferences to customize the learn-ing materials; and the LO Product Line (LOPL) model, which handles the subject of variability and creates matter-them in an easy and flexible way. With these models, instructors can not only develop learning materials, but also reuse and customize them during development. An additional contribution is the Customization Model, which is based on the Learning Style Model (LSM) concept. Based on the study of seven of them, a Global Learning Style Model Ontology (GLSMO) has been con-structed to help instructors with information on the apprentice's characteris-tics and to recommend appropriate LOs for customization. The results of our work have been reflected in the design of an authoring tool for learning materials called LOAT. They have described their require-ments, the elements of their architecture, and some details of their user inter-face. As an example of its use, it includes a case study that shows how its use in the development of some learning components. / En la era del e¿Learning, los materiales educativos se consideran un punto crucial para todos los participantes. Por un lado, los instructores tienen como objetivo crear materiales de aprendizaje que satisfagan las necesidades y ex-pectativas de los alumnos de manera fácil y efectiva; por otro lado, los alumnos quieren adquirir conocimientos de una manera que se adapte a sus características y preferencias. En consecuencia, la provisión y personaliza-ción de materiales educativos para satisfacer las necesidades de los estudian-tes es un desafío constante y es actualmente sinónimo de desarrollo tecnoló-gico. El fomento de la personalización de los materiales de aprendizaje, es-pecialmente durante su desarrollo, ayudará a producir materiales de aprendi-zaje específicos para las necesidades específicas de los alumnos. El objetivo fundamental de esta tesis es reforzar y fortalecer los temas de Reutilización, Personalización y Facilidad de Producción en materiales de e-Learning durante el proceso de desarrollo. La tesis se ocupa del diseño de un marco basado en ontologías y líneas de productos para desarrollar objetos de aprendizaje personalizados. Con este marco, el desarrollo de materiales de aprendizaje tiene las siguientes ventajas: (i) producción a gran escala, (ii) tiempo de desarrollo más rápido, (iii) mayor (re)uso de recursos. El marco propuesto es la principal aportación de esta tesis, y se caracteriza por la combinación de tres modelos: el Modelo de Contenido, que aborda puntos importantes relacionados con la estructura de los materiales de aprendizaje, su granularidad y niveles de agregación, el Modelo de Persona-lización, que considera las características y preferencias específicas del alumno para personalizar los materiales de aprendizaje, y el modelo de Línea de productos LO (LOPL), que maneja el tema de la variabilidad y crea ma-teriales de manera fácil y flexible. Con estos modelos, los instructores no sólo pueden desarrollar materiales de aprendizaje, sino también reutilizarlos y personalizarlos durante el desarrollo. Una contribución adicional es el modelo de personalización, que se basa en el concepto de modelo de estilo de aprendizaje. A partir del estudio de siete de ellos, se ha construido una Ontología de Modelo de Estilo de Aprendiza-je Global para ayudar a los instructores con información sobre las caracterís-ticas del aprendiz y recomendarlos apropiados para personalización. Los resultados de nuestro trabajo se han plasmado en el diseño de una he-rramienta de autor de materiales de aprendizaje llamada LOAT. Se han des-crito sus requisitos, los elementos de su arquitectura, y algunos detalles de su interfaz de usuario. Como ejemplo de su uso, se incluye un caso de estudio que muestra cómo su empleo en el desarrollo de algunos componentes de aprendizaje. / En l'era de l'e¿Learning, els materials educatius es consideren un punt crucial per a tots els participants. D'una banda, els instructors tenen com a objectiu crear materials d'aprenentatge que satisfacen les necessitats i expectatives dels alumnes de manera fàcil i efectiva; d'altra banda, els alumnes volen ad-quirir coneixements d'una manera que s'adapte a les seues característiques i preferències. En conseqüència, la provisio' i personalitzacio' de materials edu-catius per a satisfer les necessitats dels estudiants és un desafiament constant i és actualment sinònim de desenvolupament tecnològic. El foment de la personalitzacio' dels materials d'aprenentatge, especialment durant el seu desenvolupament, ajudarà a produir materials d'aprenentatge específics per a les necessitats concretes dels alumnes. L'objectiu fonamental d'aquesta tesi és reforçar i enfortir els temes de Reutilització, Personalització i Facilitat de Producció en materials d'e-Learning durant el procés de desenvolupament. La tesi s'ocupa del disseny d'un marc basat en ontologies i línia de productes per a desenvolupar objec-tes d'aprenentatge personalitzats. Amb aquest marc, el desenvolupament de materials d'aprenentatge té els següents avantatges: (i) produccio' a gran esca-la, (ii) temps de desenvolupament mes ràpid, (iii) major (re)ús de recursos. El marc proposat és la principal aportacio' d'aquesta tesi, i es caracteritza per la combinacio' de tres models: el Model de Contingut, que aborda punts im-portants relacionats amb l'estructura dels materials d'aprenentatge, la se-ua granularitat i nivells d'agregació, el Model de Línia de Producte, que ges-tiona el tema de la variabilitat i crea materials d'aprenentatge de manera fàcil i flexible. Amb aquests models, els instructors no solament poden desenvolu-par materials d'aprenentatge, sinó que també poden reutilitzar-los i personalit-zar-los durant el desenvolupament. Una contribucio' addicional és el Model de Personalitzacio', que es basa en el concepte de model d'estil d'aprenentatge. A partir de l'estudi de set d'ells, s'ha construït una Ontologia de Model d'Estil d'Aprenentatge Global per a ajudar als instructors amb informacio' sobre les característiques de l'aprenent i recomanar els apropiats per a personalitzacio'. Els resultats del nostre treball s'han plasmat en el disseny d'una eina d'autor de materials d'aprenentatge anomenada LOAT. S'han descrit els seus requi-sits, els elements de la seua arquitectura, i alguns detalls de la seua interfície d'usuari. Com a exemple del seu ús, s'inclou un cas d'estudi que mostra com és el desenvolupament d'alguns components d'aprenentatge. / Ezzat Labib Awad, A. (2017). Enforcing Customization in e-Learning Systems: an ontology and product line-based approach [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90515

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