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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Σπουδή των λειτουργικών παραμέτρων των RF μη επικοινωνιακών διαδικασιών στα συστήματα κινητής τηλεφωνίας 3ης γενιάς με στόχο τη μεγιστοποίηση του λόγου σήματος - προς - θόρυβο

Πανουτσόπουλος, Ιωάννης Κ. 14 July 2010 (has links)
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The applications of superconductors in cellular network base stations

Du Toit, Riaan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Applications of Superconductors in Cellular Network Base Stations R. Du Toit Department of Electronic Engineering University of Stellenbosch Private Bag X1, 7602 Matieland, South Africa Thesis: MScEng (E&E) March 2008 Wireless communications have increasingly become part of our world. The growth of radio frequency (RF) wireless communications has led to an increasing demand for frequency spectrum licenses, increased system capacity and larger user bandwidths. These demands lead to frequent improvements on the physical and higher layers of wireless communication protocols. Changes in the physical layer are frequently followed by the need for replacement of dedicated hardware components. The need therefore exists for a more general and programmable physical layer. A more general and programmable radio architecture implies increased radio front-end performance without losing programmability. The contribution of this thesis is the analysis of how superconductor electronics (SCE) using Rapid Single Flux Quantum (RSFQ) logic may advance wireless radio front-ends by providing a general-purpose programmable radio architecture. Superconductor analogue to digital converters (ADCs) are employed as high performance, programmable digitization structures. Once a received signal is digitized, SCE can be used to rapidly do recursive operations such as synchronization and multi-path delay estimation. These operations are based on correlation, and for evaluation of such operations with SCE the popular CDMA multiplexing method is studied along with the WCDMA protocol used in the 3G UMTS standard. Two delta-type oversampling superconductor ADC modulator designs are presented and evaluated along with a hybrid decimation filter design, using both the benefits of SCE and room temperature electronics. A fast RSFQ correlator design is also presented and evaluated for use in a multi-path estimation structure. A rapid multi-path delay estimation architecture based on fast RSFQ circular data buffers and correlators is presented. The architecture uses the fast speeds of RSFQ logic to obtain accurate path delay estimates in a rapidly changing wireless environment. It is concluded that RSFQ-based wireless receiver components offer promising new options for data conversion, correlation and multi-path delay estimation implementations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: The Applications of Superconductors in Cellular Network Base Stations R. Du Toit Department of Electronic Engineering University of Stellenbosch Private Bag X1, 7602 Matieland, South Africa Thesis: MScEng (E&E) March 2008 Draadlose kommunikasie word al hoe meer deel van ons wêreld. Groei in radiofrekwensietipe kommunikasie het gelei tot ’n toenemende aanvraag na frekwensiespektrum lisensies, vergrote stelselkapasiteit en groter gebruikerbandwydtes. Hierdie aanvrae lei tot gereelde en spoedige verbeteringe op die fisiese en hoër lae van huidige draadlose kommunikasieprotokol. Veranderinge in die fisiese laag vereis gewoonlik dat toegewyde hardewarde komponente vervang word. Die behoefte bestaan dus vir ’n meer algemene, programmeerbare fisiese laag. Dit vereis dus ’n verbetering in die radio-ontvanger se komponente naaste aan die antenna sonder om programmeerbaarheid te verloor. Die bydrae van hierdie tesis is hoofsaaklik die analise van hoe supergeleierelektronika wat van Rapid Single Flux Quantum (RSFQ) logika gebruik maak, huidige draadlose sellulêre basisstasies se fisiese laag kan verbeter deur ’n meer algemene en programmeerbare radio-argitektuur op te lewer. Supergeleier analoog-na-syfer omsetters (ADCs) word bestudeer as moontlike programmeerbare versyferingstrukture wat steeds hoë werkverrigting lewer. Wanneer ’n ontvangde sein in digitale vorm omgesit is, kan supergeleierelektronika gebruik word om vinnig rekursiewe operasies uit te voer. Voorbeelde van sulke operasies is sinkronisasie en die waardebepaling van die vertraging van verskillende paaie wat ’n sein volg na die ontvanger. Hierdie spesifieke operasies se werking is gebaseer op korrelasie, en vir die evaluasie van sulke operasies met supergeleierelektronika is die gewilde wyeband-CDMA (WCDMA) protokol wat gebruik word in die 3G UMTS-standaard. Twee supergeleier-delta-tipe oorversyferings-ADC-moduleerderontwerpe word voorgelê en evaluasie word daarop gedoen saam met ’n hibriede desimasiefilterontwerp wat gebruik maak van beide die voordele van supergeleierelektronika en kamertemperatuurelektronika. ’n Vinnige RSFQ-korreleerder word ook voorgelê en evaluasie word daarop gedoen vir gebruik binne ’n multi-padvertraging-waardebepalerstruktuur. Hierdie struktuur wat gebaseer is op RSFQ sirkulêre buffers en korreleerders, word voorgelê. Die waardebepaler maak gebruik van die spoed van RSFQ-logika om akkurate multi-padvertragingswaardes te bepaal in ’n vinnig veranderende draadlose omgewing. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat RSFQ-gebaseerde draadlose ontvangerkomponente groot voordele in versyfering-, korreleerder- en multi-padvertragingsbepaler-toepassings bied.

Distriktssköterskan och telefonrådgivningen: En litteraturstudie / District nursing and telephone advice: A literature study

AL-Gerty, Asra January 2018 (has links)
Introduktion: Distriktssköterskan gör bedömning, hänvisar, ger råd och stöd samt information till allmänheten vid telefonrådgivning. Telefonrådgivning är en växande del av vården och är ett komplext område inom hälso- och sjukvården, där distriktsköterskor möter många nya situationer och utmaningar. Distriktssköterskor erbjuder egenvård till allmänheten vid telefonrådgivning. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att belysa vilka faktorer som skapar möjligheter och begräsningar i distriktsköterskans arbete med telefonrådgivningen inom primärvård. Metod: En systematiskt utförd litteraturstudie med beskrivande analys, vilken baseras på åtta vetenskapliga artiklar publicerade mellan åren 2008 och 2018. Artiklarna uppsöktes i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Artiklarna bearbetades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Sjuksköterskorna tyckte att det var utmattande att göra bedömning och hantera samtal på ett lämpligt sätt. Kommunikationsförmågan bör vara högt utvecklad i de telefonbaserade mötena. Den kognitiva tröttheten orsakade att sjuksköterskan misslyckades med att lyssna på den som ringde, vilket ledde till att sjuksköterskan ställde allt för få frågor. Sjuksköterskorna upplevde att datoriserat beslutstöd var både positivt och negativt. Konklusion: Sjuksköterskorna tyckte att beslutsstödsystemet var ett komplementärt stöd och upplevdes som en värdefull informationskälla. Kommunikationsförmåga är ett mycket viktigt verktyg i telefonrådgivning. Kognitiv trötthet på grund av långa arbetspass hade negativ inverkan på sjuksköterskornas bedömning. / Introduction : The district nurse makes assessment, refers and provides advice, support and information to the public in telephone consulting. Telephone counseling is a growing part of healthcare and is a complex area of health care, where district nurses encounter many new situations and challenges. District nurses offer self-care to the public in telephone counseling. Aim: To identify which factors create opportunities and provide limitations, there is a district nurse's task in telephone counseling in primary care. Method: A systematic literature study with descriptive synthesis based on nine scientific articles published 2008-2018. The articles were searched in databases PubMed and Cinahl. The articles were processed with qualitative content analysis. Result: Nurses thought it was exhaustive to assess and handle conversations appropriately. Communication skills should be highly developed in the telephone-based meetings. The cognitive fatigue caused the nurse to fail to listen to the caller and led to the nurse asking too few questions. Nurses perceived that computerized decision support was both positive and negative. Conclusion: Nurses thought the decision support system was complementary support, it was perceived as a valuable source of information. Communication skills are a very important tool in telephone consulting. Cognitive fatigue due to long workouts had a major impact on the nurses' assessment.

Distriktssköterskors och sjuksköterskors reflektioner av arbete med telefonrådgivning i primärvården : En intervjustudie

Åsblom, Lena January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva distriktssköterskors och sjuksköterskors reflektioner av arbete med telefonrådgivning i primärvården. Bakgrund: Telefonrådgivning utgör idag en stor del av sjuksköterskors arbete i primärvården. Det klassiska patientbesöket har till viss del ersatts av telefonrådgivning, där sjuksköterskor förväntas ha bred medicinsk-och omsorgskunskap, samt pedagogiskt kunnande. Arbete i telefonrådgivning kan vara komplicerat, utmanande och stimulerande. Metod: Studien använde en kvalitativ ansats med deskriptiv design. Nio telefonsjuksköterskor från primärvården deltog i studien, och intervjuades januari-maj 2017. Resultat: I föreliggande studie visade resultatet att telefonrådgivning upplevdes som påfrestande, kravfyllt, komplext med begränsad kontrollmöjlighet. Tidspress i arbetet, resursbrist i vården, orolig arbetsmiljö upplevdes som påfrestande omständigheter som kunde leda till stress. Telefonrådgivning beskrevs även som roligt, omväxlande, tillfredställande och utvecklande där problemlösning var ett framträdande inslag. Bra samtal med patienter, samt stöd i arbetet beskrevs som viktiga faktorer. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskorna i studien upplevde att arbetet i telefonrådgivning var komplext med höga krav och påfrestningar. Dock även ett roligt, omväxlande och tillfredställande arbete. Fortlöpande utbildning och något minskade krav kan leda till en förbättrad arbetssituation, där risken för ohälsa hos sjuksköterskorna kan minska och patientsäkerheten kan stärkas. / Aim: The aim of the study was to describe the district nurse's and nurse's reflections on work in telephonenursing in primary care. Background: Telephonenursing today represents a major part of nurses' work in primary care. The classical patient visit has in part been replaced by telephonenursing, where nurses are expected to have broad medical and social skills, as well as educational skills. Working in telephonenursing can be complicated, challenging and stimulating. Method: The study used a qualitative approach with descriptive design. Nine telephone nurses from primary care participated in the study and were interviewed January-May 2017. Result: The results in this study showed that telephonenursing was experienced as stressful, demanding and complex with limited control capabilities. Timepressure at work, resource shortage in health care and disturbed work environment felt as strenuous circumstances that could lead to stress. Telephonenursing was also described as fun, varied, satisfying, evolving and problem solving was a prominent feature. Good conversations with patients, as well as support at work were described as important factors. Conclusion: The nurses in this study experienced that work in telephonenursing was complexed with high demands and strains. However, it was also a fun, varied and satisfying work. Continuous education and slightly reduced demands can lead to an improved work situation, where the risk of impaired health for nurses can be reduced and patient safety can be strengthened.

Investigating call control using MGCP in conjuction with SIP and H.323

Jacobs, Ashley 14 March 2005 (has links)
Telephony used to mean using a telephone to call another telephone on the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), and data networks were used purely to allow computers to communicate. However, with the advent of the Internet, telephony services have been extended to run on data networks. Telephone calls within the IP network are known as Voice over IP. These calls are carried by a number of protocols, with the most popular ones currently being Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and H.323. Calls can be made from the IP network to the PSTN and vice versa through the use of a gateway. The gateway translates the packets from the IP network to circuits on the PSTN and vice versa to facilitate calls between the two networks. Gateways have evolved and are now split into two entities using the master/slave architecture. The master is an intelligent Media Gateway Controller (MGC) that handles the call control and signalling. The slave is a "dumb" Media Gateway (MG) that handles the translation of the media. The current gateway control protocols in use are Megaco/H.248, MGCP and Skinny. These protocols have proved themselves on the edge of the network. Furthermore, since they communicate with the call signalling VoIP protocols as well as the PSTN, they have to be the lingua franca between the two networks. Within the VoIP network, the numbers of call signalling protocols make it difficult to communicate with each other and to create services. This research investigates the use of Gateway Control Protocols as the lowest common denominator between the call signalling protocols SIP and H.323. More specifically, it uses MGCP to investigate service creation. It also considers the use of MGCP as a protocol translator between SIP and H.323. A service was created using MGCP to allow H.323 endpoints to send Short Message Service (SMS) messages. This service was then extended with minimal effort to SIP endpoints. This service investigated MGCP’s ability to handle call control from the H.323 and SIP endpoints. An MGC was then successfully used to perform as a protocol translator between SIP and H.323.

Avaliação, impacto e rastreamento de sintomas depressivos em serviços de saúde

Costa, Liciane da Silva January 2010 (has links)
Introdução: Os sintomas depressivos são prevalentes e responsáveis por intensos prejuízos psicossociais e econômicos na atualidade. Apesar de representarem uma das maiores causas de morbidade mundial, ainda encontramos o sub-diagnóstico como padrão em serviços clínicos ambulatoriais ou de atenção básica. Tal realidade dificulta os encaminhamentos precoces e tratamentos adequados para este fim. Objetivos: Identificar a presença de sintomas depressivos em pacientes ambulatoriais clínicos de um Hospital Geral e a associação destes com usos de recursos de saúde. Descrever o perfil sócio-demográfico destes pacientes e avaliar as associações entre os escores de depressão e usos de recursos de saúde ao longo de aproximadamente um ano de seguimento (artigo 1). Avaliar se os desempenhos dos instrumentos Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI), Escala de Depressão em Hospital Geral (EDHG) e Instrumento de Qualidade de Vida Whoqol-bref, variam conforme formato de aplicação (presencial ou por telefone) (artigo 2). Métodos: Em um delineamento de coorte prospectivo e naturalístico (artigo 1) foram convidados a participar do estudo 189 pacientes clínicos do serviço de Medicina Interna do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Foram aplicados o Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI), Escala de Depressão em Hospital Geral (EDHG) e questionário de Usos de recursos de Saúde, no tempo 1 (baseline) e 14 meses depois (seguimento). Avaliamos a prevalência de sintomas depressivos em pacientes ambulatoriais clínicos e a relação destes com utilização de recursos de saúde ao longo do seguimento. O segundo artigo refere-se a um experimento não-controlado realizado na Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) Santa Cecília, em Porto Alegre. Para estes participantes (380) foram aplicados os mesmos instrumentos do estudo 1, aliado ao Whoqol-bref, em formato teste-reteste (7 dias de intervalo), em 4 grupos de aplicação (presencial e por telefone). Avaliamos, assim, se instrumentos que mensuram sintomas depressivos e qualidade de vida variam seu desempenho quando aplicados por telefone, neste serviço. Resultados: Foi encontrada associação significativa entre sintomas depressivos e uso de recursos de saúde, entre eles atendimento em saúde mental, adesão ao tratamento, tratamento atual em serviço de saúde mental e uso de psicofármacos (Artigo 1). No segundo artigo, o desempenho das escalas foi invariável nos diferentes grupos de aplicação (presencial e por telefone), quando comparados, mantendo altos valores significativos de correlação (todos acima de 0,9). Conclusão: Houve prevalência elevada de sintomas depressivos em serviço ambulatorial e associações significativas em relação aos recursos de saúde utilizados. O subdiagnóstico é, ainda, padrão nestes serviços. Assim, as escalas de rastreamento e o uso do telefone podem ser meios acessíveis e viáveis para este fim. / Introduction: Depressive symptoms are prevalent and responsible for severe economic and psychosocial damages. Despite representing a major cause of morbidity worldwide, we can found the sub-diagnostic as clinical services pattern in outpatient or primary care. This reality complicates the referrals early and appropriate treatment for this purpose. Objectives: Identify the presence of depressive symptoms in outpatients from a general hospital and their association with use of health resources. Describe the socio-demographic profile of these patients and evaluate the associations between depression scores and use of health resources over the 01 year (Article 1). Assess whether the performance o Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) Instruments, Depression Scale in General Hospital (EDHG) and Quality of Life instrument WHOQOL-Bref, vary with the application format (in person or by telephone) (Article 2). Methods: In a prospective and naturalistic cohort design (article 1) were invited 189 patients from Clinical Internal Medicine Department, Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre to participate in the study. We applied the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Scale Depression in General Hospital (EDHG) and the Uses of Health Resources Questionary at time 1 (baseline) and 14 months later (follow-up). We evaluated the prevalence of depressive symptoms in outpatients and their relationship with clinical use of health resources throughout the follow-up. The second article refers to a non-controlled experiment conducted at the Basic Health Unit (BHU) Santa Cecilia in Porto Alegre. For these participants (380) we have applied the same tools from study 1, coupled with the Whoqol-bref in format test-retest (7 days interval) in four groups of application (in person and by telephone). Thus, we evaluate if instruments that measure depressive symptoms and quality of life vary their performance when applied by telephone for this service. Results: We found a significant association between depressive symptoms and use of health resources, including mental health care, adherence to treatment, current treatment in mental health services and psychotropic use (Article 1). In the second article, the scales performance was invariant among different groups of application (in person and by telephone), maintaining high significant correlation values (all above 0.9). Conclusion: There was high prevalence of depressive symptoms in outpatients and significant associations in relation to health resources used. Sub-diagnostic is still standard in these services. Thus, the crawl scales and use of the telephone can be affordable and feasible options for this purpose. Conclusion: There was high prevalence of depressive symptoms in outpatients and significant associations in relation to health resources used. Sub-diagnostic is still standard in these services. Thus, the crawl scales and use of the telephone can be affordable and feasible options for this purpose.

Avaliação, impacto e rastreamento de sintomas depressivos em serviços de saúde

Costa, Liciane da Silva January 2010 (has links)
Introdução: Os sintomas depressivos são prevalentes e responsáveis por intensos prejuízos psicossociais e econômicos na atualidade. Apesar de representarem uma das maiores causas de morbidade mundial, ainda encontramos o sub-diagnóstico como padrão em serviços clínicos ambulatoriais ou de atenção básica. Tal realidade dificulta os encaminhamentos precoces e tratamentos adequados para este fim. Objetivos: Identificar a presença de sintomas depressivos em pacientes ambulatoriais clínicos de um Hospital Geral e a associação destes com usos de recursos de saúde. Descrever o perfil sócio-demográfico destes pacientes e avaliar as associações entre os escores de depressão e usos de recursos de saúde ao longo de aproximadamente um ano de seguimento (artigo 1). Avaliar se os desempenhos dos instrumentos Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI), Escala de Depressão em Hospital Geral (EDHG) e Instrumento de Qualidade de Vida Whoqol-bref, variam conforme formato de aplicação (presencial ou por telefone) (artigo 2). Métodos: Em um delineamento de coorte prospectivo e naturalístico (artigo 1) foram convidados a participar do estudo 189 pacientes clínicos do serviço de Medicina Interna do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Foram aplicados o Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI), Escala de Depressão em Hospital Geral (EDHG) e questionário de Usos de recursos de Saúde, no tempo 1 (baseline) e 14 meses depois (seguimento). Avaliamos a prevalência de sintomas depressivos em pacientes ambulatoriais clínicos e a relação destes com utilização de recursos de saúde ao longo do seguimento. O segundo artigo refere-se a um experimento não-controlado realizado na Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) Santa Cecília, em Porto Alegre. Para estes participantes (380) foram aplicados os mesmos instrumentos do estudo 1, aliado ao Whoqol-bref, em formato teste-reteste (7 dias de intervalo), em 4 grupos de aplicação (presencial e por telefone). Avaliamos, assim, se instrumentos que mensuram sintomas depressivos e qualidade de vida variam seu desempenho quando aplicados por telefone, neste serviço. Resultados: Foi encontrada associação significativa entre sintomas depressivos e uso de recursos de saúde, entre eles atendimento em saúde mental, adesão ao tratamento, tratamento atual em serviço de saúde mental e uso de psicofármacos (Artigo 1). No segundo artigo, o desempenho das escalas foi invariável nos diferentes grupos de aplicação (presencial e por telefone), quando comparados, mantendo altos valores significativos de correlação (todos acima de 0,9). Conclusão: Houve prevalência elevada de sintomas depressivos em serviço ambulatorial e associações significativas em relação aos recursos de saúde utilizados. O subdiagnóstico é, ainda, padrão nestes serviços. Assim, as escalas de rastreamento e o uso do telefone podem ser meios acessíveis e viáveis para este fim. / Introduction: Depressive symptoms are prevalent and responsible for severe economic and psychosocial damages. Despite representing a major cause of morbidity worldwide, we can found the sub-diagnostic as clinical services pattern in outpatient or primary care. This reality complicates the referrals early and appropriate treatment for this purpose. Objectives: Identify the presence of depressive symptoms in outpatients from a general hospital and their association with use of health resources. Describe the socio-demographic profile of these patients and evaluate the associations between depression scores and use of health resources over the 01 year (Article 1). Assess whether the performance o Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) Instruments, Depression Scale in General Hospital (EDHG) and Quality of Life instrument WHOQOL-Bref, vary with the application format (in person or by telephone) (Article 2). Methods: In a prospective and naturalistic cohort design (article 1) were invited 189 patients from Clinical Internal Medicine Department, Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre to participate in the study. We applied the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Scale Depression in General Hospital (EDHG) and the Uses of Health Resources Questionary at time 1 (baseline) and 14 months later (follow-up). We evaluated the prevalence of depressive symptoms in outpatients and their relationship with clinical use of health resources throughout the follow-up. The second article refers to a non-controlled experiment conducted at the Basic Health Unit (BHU) Santa Cecilia in Porto Alegre. For these participants (380) we have applied the same tools from study 1, coupled with the Whoqol-bref in format test-retest (7 days interval) in four groups of application (in person and by telephone). Thus, we evaluate if instruments that measure depressive symptoms and quality of life vary their performance when applied by telephone for this service. Results: We found a significant association between depressive symptoms and use of health resources, including mental health care, adherence to treatment, current treatment in mental health services and psychotropic use (Article 1). In the second article, the scales performance was invariant among different groups of application (in person and by telephone), maintaining high significant correlation values (all above 0.9). Conclusion: There was high prevalence of depressive symptoms in outpatients and significant associations in relation to health resources used. Sub-diagnostic is still standard in these services. Thus, the crawl scales and use of the telephone can be affordable and feasible options for this purpose. Conclusion: There was high prevalence of depressive symptoms in outpatients and significant associations in relation to health resources used. Sub-diagnostic is still standard in these services. Thus, the crawl scales and use of the telephone can be affordable and feasible options for this purpose.

Relação entre valor percebido, reputação, confiança e custos de troca como determinantes da retenção de clientes no contexto de serviços de telefonia móvel

Nespolo, Daniele 27 November 2014 (has links)
Manter e ampliar relacionamentos com clientes, na área de serviços, é estimular a retenção de clientes e, consequentemente, fazer com que as empresas passem a ser vistas de forma diferenciada pelo mercado. Entretanto, as empresas prestadoras de serviços devem compreender o processo que envolve os clientes nos encontros de serviços, investigando os construtos que implicam na captação e na retenção dos mesmos, para que sejam desenvolvidas estratégias adequadas. Sendo assim, esta pesquisa propôs a replicação e testagem de um Modelo Teórico, considerando os construtos Valor Percebido, Reputação do Provedor de Serviços, Confiança e Custos de Troca como determinantes da Retenção de Clientes. Desenvolveu-se, então, a construção teórica acerca da Retenção de Clientes e dos demais construtos contemplados nesta pesquisa, com a intenção de compreender e analisar a atuação dos mesmos no relacionamento entre clientes e prestadores de serviços, bem como suas relações com as estratégias competitivas das empresas. Dando sequência ao estudo, foi realizada a pesquisa quantitativa, por meio da aplicação de uma survey. Para a análise dos dados, foram utilizadas estatísticas multivariadas, incluindo a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais, para que fossem testadas e analisadas as hipóteses levantadas pelo estudo aqui proposto. Os resultados evidenciaram que: o valor percebido pelos clientes influencia positivamente a reputação do provedor de serviços; o valor percebido pelos clientes não influencia positivamente os custos de troca; a reputação do provedor de serviços influencia positivamente a confiança do cliente no provedor de serviços; a reputação do provedor de serviços não influencia positivamente os custos de troca; a confiança depositada pelo cliente em relação ao provedor de serviços influencia positivamente a retenção de clientes; os custos de troca não influenciam positivamente a retenção de clientes; e a reputação do provedor de serviços influencia positivamente a retenção de clientes. / Submitted by Ana Guimarães Pereira (agpereir@ucs.br) on 2015-04-01T17:00:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Daniele Nespolo.pdf: 1700635 bytes, checksum: f523232449b286777b973826707eb6dd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-01T17:00:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Daniele Nespolo.pdf: 1700635 bytes, checksum: f523232449b286777b973826707eb6dd (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES. / Maintaining and expanding relationships with customers in the service area, is to encourage customer retention and thus cause the corporation to be viewed differently by the market. However, the service providers must understand the process involving customers in service encounters, investigating the constructs involving the capture and retention of the same, so that appropriate strategies can be developed. Thus, this research has proposed replication and testing a theoretical model, considering the constructs Perceived Value, Reputation of Service Provider, Reliability and Cost of Exchange as determinants of Customer Retention. Developed the theoretical construction about Customer Retention and others constructs included in this study, with the intent to understand and analyze the performance of the same in the relationship between clients and service providers, as well as its relations with the competitive strategies of firms. Giving sequence to the study, was realized a quantitative research by the application of a survey. For data analysis, multivariate statistics, including Structural Equation Modeling, to be tested and analyzed the hypotheses proposed by the study presented here. The results showed that: perceived value positively influences the reputation of the service provider; perceived value by customers not positively influences switching costs; the reputation of the service provider positively influences customer trust in the provider; the reputation of the service provider not positively influences the switching costs; the trust placed by the customer in relation to the provider positively influences customer retention; the switching costs not positively influences customer retention; and the reputation of the service provider positively influences customer retention.

Efeitos de intervenÃÃes por telefone na adesÃo ao recebimento do laudo colpocitolÃgico / Telephone intervention effects on adherence to receive the Pap smear result

Ana Izabel Oliveira Nicolau 27 February 2015 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Estudo desenvolvido com o objetivo de testar os efeitos das intervenÃÃes comportamentais e educativas por telefone no comparecimento das mulheres à consulta de retorno para receber o resultado do exame colpocitolÃgico. Este à um estudo experimental randomizado controlado, realizado a partir de trÃs grupos: educativo (intervenÃÃo educativa via telefone), comportamental (lembrete telefÃnico) e comparaÃÃo (usual â cartÃo de marcaÃÃo). Os dados foram coletados de janeiro a agosto de 2014, no Centro de Desenvolvimento Familiar (CEDEFAM), situado no bairro Planalto Pici, Fortaleza, CearÃ. A amostra totalizou 510 mulheres, conforme os seguintes critÃrios de inclusÃo: ter iniciado atividade sexual, realizar o exame de prevenÃÃo do cÃncer do colo uterino no perÃodo da coleta de dados e possuir telefone mÃvel ou fixo. O instrumento aplicado referente ao inquÃrito CAP (Conhecimento, Atitude e PrÃtica) havia sido validado anteriormente em outro estudo experimental. Para padronizar a intervenÃÃo educativa elaborou-se um roteiro segundo os preceitos da entrevista motivacional. Os dados foram analisados com o auxÃlio do programa estatÃstico Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), versÃo 20.0. As informaÃÃes referentes ao conhecimento deixaram evidente que, embora, 96,9% jà tivessem ouvido falar sobre a prevenÃÃo do cÃncer do colo uterino, somente 33,7% demonstraram conhecimento adequado. Na avaliaÃÃo da atitude 40,8% foram classificadas com atitude adequada, enquanto a prÃtica revelou 72,2% de adequabilidade. Das 510 mulheres estudadas, 429 (84,1%) retornaram para buscar o resultado do exame, o que totalizou uma taxa geral de nÃo retorno de 15,9%. Entre as 429 participantes, 64,1% compareceram na data aprazada e os grupos educativo e comportamental foram os mais assÃduos. As mulheres que receberam uma dessas duas intervenÃÃes apresentaram 7,3% de nÃo retorno e 6,2 (IC 95%: 3,7-10,5) vezes mais chances de comparecer ao serviÃo em relaÃÃo ao grupo comparaÃÃo. A anÃlise individual das intervenÃÃes provou que ambas sÃo eficazes, jà que a comportamental aumentou a chance da mulher comparecer ao serviÃo em 7,1 vezes (IC 95%: 3,6-14,2) e a educativa, em 5, 5 (IC 95%: 2,9-10,4). As taxas de nÃo retorno foram, respectivamente, 6,5% e 8,2%, contra 33,1% no grupo comparaÃÃo. Portanto, as intervenÃÃes comportamentais e educativas por telefone configuram estratÃgias de base populacional eficazes para o retorno e, assim, o sucesso no rastreamento e seguimento das lesÃes precursoras do cÃncer cÃrvico-uterino. / Study developed to test the effects of behavioral and educational interventions by phone in women on receiving the results of Pap test. It is, therefore, a randomized controlled experimental study conducted on three groups: education (educational intervention by telephone), behavioral (telephone reminder) and comparison (usual â reminder chart). Data were collected from January to August 2014 in the Family Development Center (CEDEFAM), located in the Planalto Pici neighborhood, Fortaleza, CearÃ. The sample included 510 women, according to the following inclusion criteria: already having initiation of sexual activity, take the examination for the prevention of cervical cancer in the data collection period and have a mobile phone or landline. The KAP survey instrument applied has been validated in a previous experimental study. In order to standardize the educational intervention, a guide based by motivational interviewing was formulated. Data were analyzed with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 20.0. Information about the knowledge showed that, although 96,9% had heard about the prevention of cervical cancer, only 33,7% demonstrated adequate knowledge. In assessing the attitude, 40,8% were classified as appropriate and 72,2% had an adequate practice. Of the 510 women studied, 429 (84,1%) returned to check the test results, which amounted to a general rate of no return of 15,9%. Among the 429 participants, 64, 1% attended at the due date, and the educational and behavioral groups was the most frequent. Women who received one of the two interventions showed 7,3% of no return and 6,2 (CI 95%: 3,7-10,5) times more likely to attend the service compared to the comparison group. Individual analysis of interventions proved that both are effective, because the behavioral increased the chance of women attending the service at 7,1 (CI 95%: 3,6-14,2) times and the educational at 5,5 (CI 95%: 2,9-10,4). Non-return rates were, respectively, 6,5% and 8,2%, compared to 33,1% in the comparison group. Therefore, behavioral and educational interventions by phone can be configured as effective population-based strategies for the return, being thus successful in the screening and follow up of cervical cancer precursor lesions.

"Polidez lingüistica nas conversações de telemarketing" / Linguistic Politeness on Telemarketing Conversation

Renira Appa de Moraes Cirelli 20 October 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga a polidez lingüística nas negociações de telemarketing. Visa a demonstrar como se dá este funcionamento e pretende contribuir para a melhor compreensão do processo de polidez em ambientes muitas vezes hostis e sempre inesperados, como é o caso do telemarketing ativo. O corpus é composto pela transcrição de ligações telefônicas dos departamentos de telemarketing do BankBoston e SOS Computadores. No discurso informativo e de interesse comercial, característico do telemarketing, a polidez facilita a interação, quanto mais interesse comercial houver no contexto, mais importante se tornará usar de polidez. Já que a unilateralidade da situação não permite a abordagem face a face, a entonação da voz e outros índices serão fundamentais para demonstrar cortesia ou polidez. / This research aims to investigate linguistic politeness during telemarketing conversations and negotiations. The central concern is to demonstrate how this process works and contributes to a better understanding of linguistic politeness in hostile and unexpected environment - such is the case of active telemarketing approaches. The used corpus is composed by conversations among BankBoston Telemarketing Department and its juridical clients, as well as SOS Computadores and its prospect clients. Politeness helps commercial interaction, especially when the situation doesn’t allow face-to-face interaction. Voice intonation and other language resources will be fundamental to better promote the idea of linguistic politeness during telemarketing conversation.

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