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Perspektiva TV 2020 - Přežije televize, jak ji známe? / TV Perspective 2020 - Would television as we know it survive?Šafer, Kryštof January 2015 (has links)
Master's thesis titled TV Perspective 2020 - Would television as we know it survive? describes a condition in which the television exists in 2015 and looks at the ways in which it will develop in the next five years as they develop different demographic groups and their relationship to television. Television as a medium is changing. The main emphasis of examining is focused on exploring different ways of changes that television has to undergo to survive in the ever-changing media landscape and increasing competition, especially from the Internet sector. Transformation of the viewer, who is increasingly turning to other variants of monitoring content, however, who is vital for the survival of such a powerful medium like television rights, is also examined here.
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Televizní zpravodajství v Československu a posléze v České republice, s důrazem na kontinuální vysílání stanice ČT24. / TV news service in the Czechoslovakia and after in the Czech republic, with focus on ČT24 news channelPakostová, Petra January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is focused on history and current situation in TV news service in the Czechoslovakia and after 1993 also in the Czech republic. Primarily the text is focused on statutory Czech TV, the conditions in 50's when the broadcasting started and its development. Very important year in TV broadcasting was 2005, when Czech TV started-up the very new channel - the ČT24. It was created to inform about upcoming events continually, twenty four seven. As the consequence the Czech republic joined other countries with continual news broadcasting service. Development of the ČT24 is described in the thesis in detail. How is the broadcasting scheme of the channel? What personal and technology changes did it bring? How is the ratings? Who is actually preparing the broadcasting and how? Did the ČT24 managed to reach to the target market? The thesis will certainly answer all the questions. Apart from the literature there are also used the real experience from television environment.
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Oprávnění k provozování rozhlasového a televizního vysílání / Licence to operation of radio and television broadcastingKopecký, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
Authorisation to radio and television broadcasting Abstract This thesis entitled Authorisation to radio and television broadcasting deals with issue of regulation of access to medial market in the Czech Republic. This thesis is based on analyse of legislation and case law of administrative courts. Main source of broadcasting regulation is Radio and Television Broadcasting Act no. 231/2001. There are two administrative acts authorises to broadcasting and rebroadcasting. Administrative act called licence authorises to broadcasting while registration authorises to rebroadcasting. Both licences and registrations are granted by Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting. This thesis primarily deals with granting, changes and termination of this administrative acts. This thesis is divided into ten parts. Part One deals with reasons of regulation of radio and television broadcasting by state. Broadcasting is primarily regulated because of limited resources and protection of public interests and some social wide values. Part Two briefly describes legislation related to broadcasting and its evolution after 1990. Part Three focuses on legal term broadcasting and rebroadcasting according to Radio and Television Broadcasting Act. This part compares single elements of broadcasting and rebroadcasting. Part Four...
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Srovnání trhu televizní reklamy v ČR a USASchneyder-Kubaniková, Adéla January 2006 (has links)
Srovnani trhu televizni reklamy v ČR a USA. V teoretické části popis marketingového, komunikačního mixu a procesu, reklamních agentur, medii. Dále pak vyjmenovány rysy televize, výhody a nevýhody inzerce v tv, popis mediálních ukazatelů,rozdělení typů reklamy. Analytická část se skládá z analýzy makroprostředí, historie televizní reklamy,popis televizních sítí.Parametry tv z hlediska reklamy, právní úprava televizní reklam.Dále popis forem finacování, cen reklmaního prostoru, výdaje. Uvedení základních festivalů a soutěží, popis problémů digitalizace v ČR.
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Přehled a srovnání situace na poli náboženských pořadů ve veřejnoprávních televizích v České republice a ve Španělsku v roce 2010 / Overview and Comparison of Religious Programs on Public TV in Czech Republic and Spain in 2010Thompson, Anna January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis "Overview and Comparison of Religious Programs on Public TV in Czech Republic and Spain in 2010" maps and compares periodical religious programs of Česká televize and Televisión Española in 2010. It concentrates on specifics of religious TV production in both countries. The theoretical part outlines the church-media context which serves as a background for the actual research. This part consists of: demographic contrasts between both countries (comparing numbers of adherents), basic data on the history of religious broadcasting, and presents the Church documents that concern mass media. It offers an outline of media legislation which stipulates the framework to which programming must adhere. The practical section provides an overview of programs, broadcast in both countries, along with their brief characteristics and comparisons. It then proceeds to analyze their content, focusing mainly on three topics: ecumenism, proselytism and bioethics. These topics allow ascertainment of significant differences in religious TV production in both countries. The closing part critically evaluates the results obtained in the course of research, taking in consideration changes since 2010.
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Faktory ovlivňující cenu fotbalových televizních práv / Determinants of Soccer Broadcasting FeesChvojka, Petr January 2006 (has links)
Sportovní přenosová práva jsou dnes jedním z klíčových zdrojů financí profesionálního sportu, z čehož vychází potřeba identifikace faktorů, které mají vliv na jejich cenu. Analyzovat celé sportovní prostředí by nebylo z důvodu příliš širokého teoretického záběru možné. Práce se proto zabývá pouze takovými případy, které reprezentují centralizovaný prodej televizních práv v prostředí domácí fotbalové ligové soutěže.
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Televize na internetu pronikání televizního obsahu na web a je ho transformace pro internet / Television and InternetVlach, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
Postgraduate thesis focuses on web series as a derivate of television content penetrating the internet medium..
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Autenticita ve světě médií / Authenticity in the media WorldMalaníková, Hana January 2013 (has links)
The subject of my doctoral thesis is the phenomenon of the authenticity of people?s, specifically TV hosts?, public appearances in the media. The chief impetus, and the field of study itself, was my own experience of working at Czech Television for a year and a half and the necessity of placing that experience in the context of my theatre and teaching work.In the interest of preserving the most authentic possible testimony, the text is written in a narrative style with an emphasis on the subjective view of the author. In the introduction I set out the starting points from which I will explore authenticity in front of the television camera, along with the personal and social context of the phenomenon being studied. I describe the "rules of the game", i.e., the structure and concept of the text. Later I focus on the most significant contemporary views of authenticity, from the ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau to the theories of the social construction of reality of Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann. From social scientific theories, I move on to the authenticity of actors on stage and an analysis of the discipline of Acting with the Inner Partner as a specific case of authentic existence in a public situation. In the third chapter I compare the theory and practice of television broadcasting from the perspective of an actor attempting to perform authentically in the role of TV host. In conclusion, I compare my original hypotheses with the conclusions I reached on my journey from the stage to the television camera and set out their potential significance for the study of authorial acting and authorial creativity.
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Vývoj pôvodného sitcomu (teória a prax) / Development of Original Sitcom (Theory and Practice)Nemčeková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The thesis describes the process of development of an original script. Theory is offered in chapters dedicated to genre, structure, format. I put in categories different types of comic stories and comic characters. In addition the work proposes exercises, presents my personal creative texts and the final version of script is attached. Main goal of this work is to attract readers to develop a comedy script on their own.
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HBO / HBODoležalová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the position of the cable television Home Box Office in the contemporary digital world.
Work explores the history of television since its inception to the present time. The fundamental subject of investigation are the pillars of programming, that helped HBO create the unique program concept. This concept is called edgy. HBO also focuses on its own production, and edgy concept works especially for the original production, which represents a milestone in the history of HBO (but also in the history of television broadcasting) . Television production is for the first time accepted as artistic work. Thus HBO strengthens its unique position and holds it till now.
The second part of this diploma focuses on the current situation of broadcasting. The main mover of today is Internet and so-called on-demand services (video on demand - VOD). The US market offers many more options for watching audiovisual content via VoD then Europe market. Vital service is then Netflix, which represents the fastest-expanding on-demand service. Diploma thesis in the second part deals with on-demand services - the development of these services, and the limitations of the current situation. The thesis also deals with HBO position in relation to the video-on-demand. The cable television offers to its subscribers a complementary service HBO GO, and since 2015 also a stand-alone service called HBO Now, which is for the first time available for non-subscribers of cable television.
The final part is therefore devoted to the future outlook of HBO. The author sees a successful future of cable television in combination of linear broadcast, VOD service with a friendly user interface and original production, in which is necessary to keep the edgy concept and follow the pattern of previous years, in which HBO actually offered in comparison to other broadcasters truely different production.
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