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Opaque Urban Planning. The Megaproject Santa Cruz Verde 2030 Seen from the Local Perspective (Tenerife, Spain)Hübscher, Marcus, Ringel, Johannes 09 May 2023 (has links)
Megaprojects, as a part of neoliberal urbanism, have become an important element of cities worldwide. In Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain, the megaproject Santa Cruz Verde 2030 represents this type of project. The ambitious plan seeks to transform the city’s oil refinery into an urban quarter. However, since its announcement in summer 2018, no critical public discussion has taken place, although the project is expected to reconfigure the city’s waterfront and its tourist model. In this context, it is particularly the stakeholders’ point of view that is neglected. We thus offer a qualitative analysis of five interviews with local stakeholders from the real estate sector, politics, urban planning and an environmental association. The analysis shows that the interviewees feel insufficiently informed by the project’s initiators. The project is interpreted as an elitist symbol of how the project’s initiators understand urban development. While some of the stakeholders want to accelerate the whole process, others call for a more integrative and participative planning approach. Moreover, the observed marketing campaign is directly linked to the upcoming elections. The interviewees observe a simple top-down planning process, which contradicts the promises of the initiators to enable civic participation and integration.
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Mujeres y cambios sociales en la provincia de Santa Cruz de Tener/fe. 1931-1975. Amas de casa, camaradas y marginadas.Hermida Martín, Yanira 31 January 2012 (has links)
El objeto de esta investigación es visibilizar la presencia femenina en las dinámicas de cambio social acaecidas en las islas occidentales del Archipiélago Canario durante la II República, la Guerra Civil y la dictadura franquista. El presente trabajo inicia el camino para cubrir un vacío en la historia reciente de nuestras islas: la presencia histórica de las mujeres durante la Segunda República y la Dictadura franquista, ya que los estudios feministas y de género sobre estas cuestiones son, en las islas, todavía muy escasos y además parciales al tratar sobre cuestiones muy diversas, de manera que el conocimiento sobre la labor de las mujeres de la provincia de Santa Cruz de Tenerife en este periodo histórico no había sido tratado de manera general.
Nuestra investigación abarca tanto la construcción socio-cultural de los diferentes modelos de feminidad existentes en Canarias en el periodo estudiado como el modo de comprender el impacto de las dinámicas políticas, sociales y económicas en la concepción social de la mujer canaria. Profundizando en algunos aspectos más específicos y determinantes en la vida cotidiana de la población femenina; aspectos como la violencia de género, la presencia de las mujeres en el ámbito laboral, la religiosidad, la educación, etc. Gracias a estos elementos analizados se pueden establecer diferentes parámetros que explican las ideas de feminidad existentes en las islas, las modificaciones que sufren y las actuaciones socio-políticas más destacadas de las mujeres isleñas en las etapas históricas estudiadas.
Algunos de los parámetros destacados en el estudio fueron: el alto índice de analfabetismo, la existencia de una rígida moral sexual frente a la supervivencia de determinadas conductas culturalmente más laxas en lo referente al sexo fuera del matrimonio, el aumento de la presión social y moral al imponerse el ultracatolicismo de la España franquista, el machismo confrontado con la emigración masiva de hombres a América Latina, la infravaloración del trabajo de las isleñas, la de la participación activa de las mujeres en las revueltas sociales en la etapa republicana, la destrucción tras el golpe de estado del 18 de julio de los logros alcanzados por las mujeres durante la República, la represión sistemática a las mujeres que cuestionaban el orden político o social impuesto por las fuerzas franquistas, etc.
Este trabajo se divide en dos grandes etapas: la II República y su impacto entre las mujeres de las islas (realizamos un análisis comparando cuatro tipologías ideales que representan cuatro maneras de entender la feminidad: mujeres modernas, obreras, católicas y falangistas) y la dictadura franquista desde el golpe militar del 36, momento en que se configura el nuevo régimen en el archipiélago. Para completar la realidad femenina del periodo histórico investigado se estudia a aquellas mujeres que quedaron al margen en su paso por la prisión provincial de Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
Para la elaboración del presente trabajo de investigación se han consultado diversos archivos y fuentes: el Archivo Histórico Provincial de Santa Cruz de Tenerife (fondo de la Sección Femenina, expedientes de reclusas de la prisión provincial, series del Gobierno Civil, expedientes del Tribunal de Represión de la Masonería y el Comunismo, etc.) / Thesis title: WOMEN AND SOCIAL CHANGE IN THE PROVINCE OF SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE.1931-1975. HOUSEWIVES, COMRADES AND MARGINALIZED.
The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the presence of women in the dynamics of social change that occurred in the western islands of the Canary Archipelago during the Second Republic, the Civil War and the Francoist dictatorship. We studied the presence of women in the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife between 1931 and 1975.
There are two main stages: in the first place the Second Republic, and its impact among women in the islands (performing an analysis comparing four ideal types representing four understandings of femininity, modem women, working c1ass, Catholics and Falangists) and in the second place the Francoist dictatorship since the military coup of 36, at which time the new regime is set in the archipelago (studying women's participation in various associations, standing out one called Sección Femenina). To complete the feminine reality of the studied historical period, we investigated women who were marginalized (government opponents, prostitutes, etc.) on their way through the provincial prison of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Special attention is paid to the socioeconomic asymmetries existing in the Canary Islands population of the first half of the twentieth century, to understand the reality of multiple and variable inequalities faced by the island women in this historical period, characterized by profound social conflicts and major changes within the sphere of politics, economics and socio-culture. It also discusses the presence of women at different social classes, the development of patriarchy within a chieftainship system and increasingly repressive (especially after the military uprising of 1936) and, therefore, the inequality and violence of a kind on another, exercising their power of repression and domination over all the women. For the preparation of this research have been consulted various sources in the Provincial Historic Archive of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (collection of the "Sección Femenina", records of inmates in the provincial prison, series of civil government, court records for the Repression of Freemasonry and Communism, etc..) municipal and parish archives, insular press, and so on.
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The Significance of Giant Flank Collapses on Magma Ascent in the NE Rift Zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands: A Structural Modelling and Diffusion Approach / Betydelsen av gigantiska flankkollapser för magmauppstigningen utmed nordöstra sprickzonen på Kanarieön Teneriffa: analog modellering och diffusionsanalysÅnäs, Kristoffer January 2021 (has links)
On the volcanic ocean island Tenerife in the Canary archipelago, several giant flank collapses haveoccurred over the last one million years. The link between the lateral collapses and the resultingvolcanism in the rift zones is not fully understood and was investigated within the framework of thisproject. A field survey along the north eastern rift zone on Tenerife was performed, where dyke intrusionstructural data was collected to analyse the exact distribution of dykes in the area. To determine themagma ascent rate, diffusion analysis of major elements in olivine crystals was conducted incollaboration with ETH Zürich. Additionally, analogue gelatine model experiments were performed toimprove the understanding of the processes that reconfigure linear rift zones to triaxial or multiaxial riftzones. Injections of fluid into the gelatine ridges produced fractures which mainly were linear andfollowed the along strike direction. Position A’ in the centre of the unstable section, produced the mostdiverse injection patterns and had a roughly 30 % higher acceleration compared to position A, positionedat the border of the unstable section. From the results of the diffusion modelling of Mg in olivinephenocrysts an ascent rate of the magma was calculated to an average ascent velocity of 10.4–14.0 km/h.This is extremely fast and suggests that the Orotava collapse is strongly connected to the formation ofankaramite dykes in the area as a result of sudden decrease in the lithostatic pressure. / På vulkanön Teneriffa i den kanariska övärlden har flera jättelika skred skett. Kopplingen mellan dessaskred och vulkanismen i sprickzonerna på ön har undersökts inom ramen för detta arbete. Enfältundersökning genomfördes längs den nordöstra sprickzonen på Teneriffa, där data ommagmagångarnas orientering och läge insamlades. För att bestämma hur snabbt magman steg till ytan,genomfördes diffusionsanalys av Mg i olivinkristaller från ankaramitgångar i samarbete med ETH iZürich. Utöver det utfördes även experiment med analoga gelatinmodeller för att förbättra förståelsenför de processer som förändrar linjära riftzoner till treaxliga eller fleraxliga riftzoner. Injiceringen avvätskan i gelatinmodellerna producerade sprickor som i huvudsak var linjära och följde strykriktningenpå riftzonen. Position A’, i mitten av den instabila sektorn i modellen gav högst variation avinjiceringarna och hade omkring 30 % högre acceleration jämfört med position A placerad i kanten avden instabila sektorn. Baserat på resultatet av diffusionsmodelleringen kunde en uppstigningshastighetför magman beräknas till en medelhastighet på 10,4–14,0 km/h. Detta är extremt snabbt och visar attkollapsen av Orotava är starkt kopplad till bildningen av ankaramitgångar i området som ett resultat aven plötslig minskning av det litostatiska trycket.
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Writing to Exist: Transformation and Translation into ExileUnknown Date (has links)
Silenced for almost half a century, testimonies of those who lost the Spanish Civil
War are now surfacing and being published. The origin of this dissertation was the
chance discovery that Martín Herrera de Mendoza, a Spanish Civil War exile living in the
United States, was truly a Catalonian anarchist named Antonio Vidal Arabí. This double
identity was a cover for the political activist dedicated to the fight for change in the
anarchist workers’ union CNT (National Confederation of Workers) and the FAI
(Federation of Iberian Anarchists). He founded the FAI chapter in Santa Cruz de Tenerife
and planned a failed assassination attempt on General Franco’s life in an effort to avoid
the military takeover in 1936.
This dissertation is the reconstruction of Antonio Vidal Arabí’s life narrative. It is
based on the texts written during his seventeen-month stay as a refugee in Great Britain.
Copies of his writings were left in a suitcase with a fellow anarchist who he instructed to
have sent to his family upon his death. In 1989, “The English Suitcase” was delivered to his children in Barcelona. Based on his own account, this study follows his service as an
intelligence agent for the Spanish Republic during the War. When it was over, he
attempted to evacuate his family from France, to save them from the threat of the Nazi
invasion and reunite with them in England or America.
The analysis of the letters he wrote to his wife and children in France documents
how he hid from Franco’s spies using his dual identity. In his letters, always signed as
Martín Herrera de Mendoza, he invents a persona in order to help his family. The present
study narrates his transformation into the persona he created and the events that brought
about his translation into his “other.” Antonio Vidal Arabí’s bilinguism and biculturality
is underlined as the main factors in his change into Martín Herrera de Mendoza. His was
a voyage into exile documented by his own words; a story of survival and reinvention. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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La provincia de Santa Cruz de Tenerife entre dos dictaduras (1923-1945). Hambre y orden.Aguiar García, Carlos David 31 January 2012 (has links)
La presente Tesis doctoral se divide en tres bloques bien diferenciados: en el primero se trazan las líneas maestras de la realidad social, económica y política imperante en la provincia de Santa Cruz de Tenerife durante la primera mitad del siglo XX. En el segundo, se aborda el desarrollo de las instituciones políticas (municipales, insulares, provinciales y nacionales) a lo largo del periodo tomando como hilo conductor la supervivencia del clientelismo y el caciquismo sobre el que se asienta el sistema. En el tercero, se estudian todas las manifestaciones de oposición surgidas contra un régimen que margina y oprime a gran parte de la población, tanto en el campo como en la ciudad, aglutinando a todas las orientaciones políticas catalogadas bajo el, tan amplio como confuso, concepto de "izquierdas". Dentro de él tiene una relevancia especial el análisis y caracterización de la resistencia y represión surgida tras la sublevación militar del 18 de julio de 1936. / Title of Thesis: THE PROVINCE OF SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE BETWEEN TWO DICTATORSHIPS (1923-1945). HUNGER AND ORDER.
The doctoral thesis is divided into three blocks. In the first are traced the main points of the social, economic and political conditions in the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife in the first half of the twentieth century. In the second section, is raised the development of political institutions (municipal, insular, provincial and national) during the examined period, taking as a common theme the survival of patronage system and chieftainship. In the third section, I study the opposition emerged against a regime that marginalizes the great majority of the population, both in the country and in the city, uniting all the political directions laid under the concept of the left-wing.
The analysis of the repression emerged after the military uprising of July the 18th, 1936, has special relevance. The traditionally dominant class in the province (large landowners and merchants, enriched with the export of bananas) through its network of clientele, dominated all political structures in the province, since the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera. They kept political control during the Second Republic, holding back social reforms in areas where power was lost, and got involved in the coup of July the 18th, 1936, being restored back into the institutions that govern public life.
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Možnosti využití textilních materiálů v předmětu Praktické činnosti na 1. stupni ZŠ / Possibilities of Textile Materials in Practical Activities Subject in Primary SchoolDOLANOVÁ, Klára January 2015 (has links)
The thesis topic is "Possibilities of Textile Materials in Practical Activities Subject in Primary School". The theoretical part is focused on the historical origin and evolution of textiles, summary of textile techniques, sorting and its use mainly with pupils in the primary school. It also deals with project based learning and conceptions, objects and competences of a pupil in the primary school in technical education in czech system of Framework Educational Programme for Elementary Education. In the practical part there are designed textile techniques that are processed into the original teaching projects. The functionality of the project was detected by using questionnaires for teachers of primary school. Some of the projects were realized in teaching in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of the primary school.
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