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The efficacy of a local action transcutaneous flurbiprofen patch, in the treatment of lateral epicondylitisOehley, Darryl Bruce Somerset January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Chiropractic)- Dept. of Chiropractic, Durban Institute of Technology, 2002 xii, 90 leaves / The purpose of this study was to determine the relative efficacy of topical flurbiprofen in the form of a local action transcutaneous patch (LAT), in the treatment of lateral epicondylitis.
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The efficacy of dry needling in patients suffering from lateral epicondylitisHaswell, Garrick David January 2002 (has links)
A dissertation proposal presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master's Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Technikon Natal, 2002. / Lateral epicondylitis is a relatively common disorder affecting approximately one third of the nearly thirty-two million tennis players worldwide. It usually presents as a chronic disorder that follows a remitting relapsing course, and as such represents a challenge to manage. At present the scientific literature does not favour any particular treatment modality and as such well designed placebo studies are required to assess the efficacy of the various modalities of treatment, with a long term view of establishing an effective treatment protocol to manage lateral epicondylitis. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of dry needling the posterior distal muscles of the upper extremity as a treatment for lateral epicondylitis. Sixty patients were included in the study. They all under went a case history, physical examination and an elbow regional examination. They were then randomly allocated into the experimental or control groups. The thirty patients in the experimental group received dry needling while the thirty included in the control group received placebo or 'sham' needling. All participants in the study received three treatments over a nine-day period with subjective and objective measurements being taken before the 1st. 2nd, and 3rd treatments, with a 4th being taken after the third treatment. Examination of the statistical data revealed that a significant improvement in the experimental group versus the control group in terms of both subjective / M
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Informovanost hráček tenisu ze světové elitní skupiny v otázce dopingu / Doping - Awareness of female tennis players from the world elite group regarding the question of dopingHrdinová, Eva January 2010 (has links)
Title: Doping - Awareness of female tennis players from the world elite group regarding the question of doping. Thesis objective: The objective of this thesis is to gather and evaluate information acquired using questionnaire surveys about the knowledge of top female tennis players from the world elite group related to the issue of doping, and the selection of information and materials for subsequent analysis. Methods: To achieve the objectives of the thesis, the author applied the questionnaire and document analysis sociological research method. Results: After evaluating the results of the questionnaire survey, a significantly insufficient awareness was discovered for one third of the respondents. The remaining two thirds show average knowledge in the monitored area. Key words: doping, anti-doping policy, prohibited list, doping control, tennis. 4
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Výživa pro potřeby výkonnostních tenistů / Nutrition for performance tennis playersKoukol, Michal January 2017 (has links)
Title: Nutrition for performance tennis players Objective: The aim of this master's thesis is to explain the importance of training diet, particularly a diet for performance tennis players. Analyze the nutritional habits of performance player and suggest an appropriate diet. Methods: Master's thesis has character of a case study. Research in this work is based on the descriptive analysis. Data is being collected by semi-structured interviews and continuous diet. Obtained data are qualitative and quantitative. Results: The player had a negative energy balance. The energy deficit was caused by insufficient intake of complex carbohydrates and high-quality proteins. Player consumes too much saturated fatty acids. In the diet was a small amount of the mono and poly unsaturated fatty acids. In any days was not taken the recommended amount of fiber. Drinking regime was respected by player properly, but player had not chosen the right types of fluids. Keywords: nutrition, tennis, performance
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Technical performance on ATP top level, future level and Swedish youth national level male tennis tournaments : Notational analysis of point characteristics in three different tournaments on three different performance levelsHallgren, Frej January 2016 (has links)
Aim and research questions To investigate technical performance in three different tennis competitions (ATP Masters AM, Falu Future, FF & Swedish youth national championships, YNC) by collecting data of point characteristics. Are there any differences or similarities between the competitions analyzed concerning type of shots or shot combinations used, from which hitting zone on the tennis court the shots or shot combinations are hit and the placement of the different shots when scoring points? Are there any differences or similarities between the competitions analyzed concerning number of valid shots over the net in a rally? Are there any differences or similarities between the competitions analyzed concerning number of errors (forced and unforced) and winning shots committed in matches? Method The sample consisted of a total of 24 matches with 40 different players from three different tournaments which were analyzed using notational analysis software (Dartfish, version 8, Switzerland). Total number of points analyzed were 3154 (AM, n = 968, FF, n = 1068, YNC, n = 1118). Data were compiled in Excel (2013) and descriptive analyses were performed in IBM SPSS Statistics 24. Statistical analyses looking for overall significant differences between the groups were made using Chi square cross tab test. Due to the number of statistical tests that were performed for each domain in the post hoc test, an adjusted significance level of p < 0.001 was used to reduce the risk of Type 1 error. Results Significant differences were observed between groups for serve placement, shot used after hitting a serve, type of 2nd last and last shot used, hitting zone and placement by the point winner on last shots. Rallies of longer duration were significantly more frequent in the AM & FF groups compared to the YNC group. Concerning serve outcome, serve return, return placement, shot after serve placement, shot combinations, length on 2nd last and last shot, unforced, forced errors and winners no statistical differences were observed between groups. Conclusion This study indicates that higher demands are placed on placement accuracy in the ATP masters and Falu Future tournaments, specifically for the serve, but also for groundstrokes compared to the Swedish youth national championships tournament. This knowledge can be used to identify technical skills and physiological abilities that are important to practise in order to improve performance in tennis on different levels.
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The role of contextual information in expert anticipationMurphy, Colm Padraig January 2017 (has links)
While it is well established that expert performers can pick up and utilise postural cues to anticipate more effectively than less-skilled counterparts, the role of contextual information in expert anticipation has received relatively little research attention. The aims of this thesis were to highlight the importance of contextual information in anticipation, identify specific sources of contextual information that impact anticipation, and examine how this information is used. In five studies, skilled and less-skilled tennis players were presented with videos or animations of the same open play rallies. The animations omitted postural information, constraining participants to anticipate based on contextual information alone. First, participants anticipated more accurately than chance in both display conditions. Skilled participants were more accurate than less-skilled participants, with the difference being greater in the video condition. Second, gaze data and retrospective verbal reports were collected when viewing the animations. Skilled participants displayed different gaze behaviour and more thoroughly evaluated the presented information than less-skilled participants. Third, animations were manipulated to depict or omit potential sources of contextual information. The preceding shot sequence was shown to be a useful source of contextual information, particularly for skilled participants. Additionally, player positioning could be used to anticipate highly accurately in absence of any other information. Finally, the option generation strategies underpinning expert anticipation were examined. Participants generated fewer options when postural cues were available compared with when constrained to the use of contextual information alone. Moreover, skilled participants generated more task-relevant and fewer task-irrelevant options than less-skilled participants. Collectively, these findings increase understanding of the role of contextual information in expert anticipation and further highlight the complex nature of perceptual-cognitive expertise.
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Contribuição das informações auditiva e visual para a percepção da rotação da bola e para o desempenho de mesatenistas experientes / Contribution of auditory and visual informations to the perception of the rotation of the ball and to the performance in experient table tennis playersDaniel Peterossi Rodrigues Santos 19 February 2018 (has links)
O tênis de mesa é um dos esportes de raquete mais rápidos do mundo, exigindo muito pouco tempo para planejar e executar seus movimentos. Neste sentido, detectar a quantidade de rotação da bola, velocidade e direção torna-se fundamental para produzir respostas motoras eficientes. Entretanto, existem algumas questões que ainda não foram exploradas como o quanto a disponibilidade das informações auditiva e visual interfere na acurácia da percepção da rotação da bola e no tempo necessário para perceber estas rotações. O propósito do presente estudo foi analisar a influência da informação auditiva e visual na percepção da rotação da bola e no desempenho no tênis de mesa. Os atletas profissionais foram submetidos a dois estudos: o primeiro destinado a verificar a contribuição da informação auditiva e visual na percepção da rotação da bola e no tempo necessário para essa percepção. O segundo, proposto para avaliar a influência da informação auditiva no desempenho da tarefa de contra-ataque no tênis de mesa. Participaram do estudo 22 mesatenistas de alto rendimento de ambos os sexos (21 homens e 1 mulher) com média de idade de 22,55 ± 6,15. O teste de percepção de rotação (estudo 1) analisou o número de acertos e o tempo de reação por meio de uma rotina desenvolvida no software Matlab (Apêndice D). Os atletas visualizavam a tela de um computador e respondiam em um teclado o mais rápido possível. Os atletas analisaram um movimento de forehand nas intensidades de rotação: muita rotação (bola girando a aproximadamente 140 r/s); média (bola girando a aproximadamente 105 r/s); pouca rotação (bola girando a aproximadamente 84 r/s); batida chapada (bola girando a aproximadamente 70 r/s), nas seguintes condições: a) informação auditiva; b) informação visual; c) informação auditiva e visual. Os atletas analisaram 20 bolas para cada condição sendo cinco de cada tipo de efeito. Para o teste de desempenho (estudo 2) o atleta teve que responder adequadamente com o movimento de contra-ataque de forehand em um alvo previamente marcado na mesa. Foram golpeadas 80 bolas nas mesmas intensidades de rotação mencionadas acima. Os atletas foram avaliados em duas condições: com informação auditiva e sem informação auditiva. Os resultados do estudo 1 revelaram que mesatenistas foram capazes de perceber a magnitude de rotação da bola nas três condições. O percentual de acertos foi de 77,5%, 91,14% e 96,36% para as condições de informação auditiva, visual e combinadas, respectivamente. Quanto ao tempo de reação, os resultados revelaram que na condição somente informação auditiva (2,32 ± 0,41 s) os atletas demoraram mais tempo para responder do que em relação a condição somente informação visual (2,07 ± 0,36 s), já na condição informação auditiva e visual (1,85 ± 0,35 s) os atletas se mostraram mais rápidos ainda concordando com as informações número de acertos obtidas neste estudo. Para o estudo 2 os resultados revelaram que quando os atletas contra-atacaram na condição informação auditiva, o número de acertos foi de 37,69 ± 5,43 enquanto, quando a audição dos atletas foi privada a média de acertos foi 33,15 ± 6,84. Os resultados apontaram que mesatenistas foram capazes de utilizar as informações auditiva e visual para perceber a magnitude da rotação da bola no golpe forehand, porém, no estudo 1 quando as informações foram combinadas o número de acertos aumentou 5,22% e o tempo de reação diminuiu 0,22 s. No estudo 2 Quando a informação auditiva foi privada houve uma diminuição na média do número de acertos de 4,54. / Table tennis is one of the fastest racket sports in the world, requiring very little time to plan and execute your moves. In this sense, detecting a quantity of ball spin, velocity and direction becomes fundamental to produce efficient motor responses. However, there are some questions that have not yet been explored for example how much the availability of auditory and visual information interferes with the accuracy of the perception of the rotation of the ball and the time needed to perceive these rotations. The purpose of the present study is to analyze the influence of auditory and visual information on the perception of ball rotation and performance in table tennis. The volunteers were submitted to two studies: the first one to verify the contribution of the auditory and visual information in the perception of the rotation of the ball and in the time necessary for this perception. The second, proposed to evaluate the influence of auditory information on the performance of the counter-attack task in table tennis. Twenty-two high-level table tennis players men and women (21 men and 1 woman) with a mean age of 22.55 ± 6.15 participated in the study. The rotation perception test (study 1) analyzed the number of hits and the reaction time through a routine developed in Matlab software. The athletes visualized the screen of a computer and answered in a keyboard as soon as possible. The athletes analyzed a forehand movement in the rotation intensities: fast spin (spinning ball foward at 140 r/s); medium spin (105 r/s); slow spin (84 r/s); flat hit (70 r/s), under the following conditions: a) auditory information; b) visual information; c) auditory and visual information. The athletes analyzed 20 balls for each condition, five of each type of rotation. For the performance test (study 2) the athlete had to respond adequately with the forehand counterattack movement on a previously marked target at the table. 80 balls were struck at the same intensities of rotation mentioned above. The athletes were evaluated in two conditions: with auditory information and without auditory information. The results of the study 1 revealed that table tennis players were able to perceive the magnitude of rotation of the ball in the three conditions. The percentage of correct answers was 77.5%, 91.14% and 96.36% for auditory, visual and combined information conditions, respectively. Regarding the reaction time, the results revealed that in the condition only auditory information (2.32 ± 0.41 s) the athletes took more time to respond, since in the condition only visual information (2.07 ± 0.36 s) delayed a little less and in the condition auditory and visual information (1.85 ± 0.35 s) the athletes showed themselves to be faster still agreeing with the information number of hits obtained in this study. For the study 2 the results revealed that when the athletes counterattacked in the auditory information condition, the number of hits was 37.69 ± 5.43, whereas when the hearing of the athletes was private the average hit was 33.15 ± 6.84. The results indicated that table tennis players were able to use auditory and visual information to realize the magnitude of the ball rotation in the forehand blow, however, in study 1 when the informations were combined the number of right answered increased 5.22% and the reaction time decreased by 0.22 s. In study 2 When the auditory information was depriving, there was a decrease in the average number of hits 4.54.
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The effects of utilizing a preshot routine and deep breathing on reducing performance anxiety and improving serving performance among youth tennis playersFisher, Brandyn H. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--West Virginia University, 2007. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains v, 77 p. : ill. (some col.). Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references.
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Modeling of impact dynamics of tennis ball with a flat surfaceJafri, Syed M. 29 August 2005 (has links)
A two-mass model with a spring and a damper in the vertical direction, accounting for vertical translational motion and a torsional spring and a damper connecting the rotational motion of two masses is used to simulate the dynamics of a tennis ball as it comes into contact with a flat surface. The model is supposed to behave as a rigid body in the horizontal direction. The model is used to predict contact of the ball with the ground and applies from start of contact to end of contact. The springs and dampers for both the vertical and the rotational direction are linear. Differential equations of motion for the two-mass system are formulated in a plane. Two scenarios of contact are considered: Slip and no-slip. In the slip case, Coulomb??s law relates the tangential contact force acting on the outer mass with the normal contact force, whereas in the no-slip case, a kinematic constraint relates the horizontal coordinate of the center of mass of the system with the rotational coordinate of the outer mass. Incorporating these constraints in the differential equations of motion and applying initial conditions, the equations are solved for kinematics and kinetics of these two different scenarios by application of the methods for the solutions of second-order linear differential equations. Experimental data for incidence and rebound kinematics of the tennis ball with incidence zero spin, topspin and backspin is available. The incidence angles in the data range from 17 degrees up to 70 degrees. Simulations using the developed equations are performed and for some specific ratios of inner and outer mass and mass moments of inertia, along with the spring-damper coefficients, theoretical predictions for the kinematics of rebound agree well with the experimental data. In many cases of incidence, the simulations predict transition from sliding to rolling during the contact, which is in accordance with the results obtained from available experimental measurements conducted on tennis balls. Thus the two-mass model provides a satisfactory approximation of the tennis ball dynamics during contact.
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Spelanalys av professionell herr- och damtennis : en studie av spelstrategier på hardcourt, sett ur servarens perspektivHjelm, Micaela, Hallgren, Frej January 2009 (has links)
<h2>Syfte och frågeställningar</h2><p>Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga vanligt förekommande spelstrategiers effektivitet hos manliga och kvinnliga tennisspelare under Grand Slam turneringarna Australien Open och US Open 2009 sett ur servarens perspektiv. Detta för att möjliggöra en generell jämförelse inom och mellan herr- och damspelare samt mellan olika spelares specifika spelstrategier.</p><ul><li>Hur ser fördelningen och effektiviteten ut av serveplaceringen i respektive serveruta?</li><li>Inom vilket slagintervall samt i vilken zon i banan avgörs huvuddelen av poängen samt i vilken zon är effektiviteten högst?</li><li>Hur ser slagkombinationseffektiviteten och slagkombinationsförekomsten ut ur servarens perspektiv? </li></ul><h2>Metod</h2><p>En utförlig litteratursökning efter tidigare forskning genomfördes med hjälp av databaserna PubMed, SportDiscus och Google Scholar. Därefter analyserades totalt 15 DVD-matcher från Grand Slam turneringarna (2757 poäng, Herr = 1714 p, Dam = 1043 p) US Open (2009) och Australien Open (2009). Totalt medverkade 18 ATP och WTA- spelare (9 herrar, 9 damer) med en världsranking på topp 30 eller bättre. Denna analys genomfördes i videoanalysprogram (Interplay Sport Analyser 2.1, Norge). Sex olika parametrar användes.</p><h2>Resultat</h2><p>Herrarna servar mindre mot mitten av serverutan (område B) och har högre vinstprocent i sina servegame jämfört med damerna. Huvuddelen av poängen avgörs inom slagintervallet 1-3 slag och i zon 1 (slag som utförs bakom baslinjen) i både herr- och damtennisen. Effektiviteten är högst i zon 3 (slag som utförs mellan servelinjen och nätet) för båda könen. Herrspelarna använder forehand klart mer än backhand som andraslag och har även 10 % signifikant högre effektivitet (p<0,05) med forehand som andraslag. Damspelarna använder forehand lika mycket som backhand som andraslag och har även 6 %, men ej signifikant, högre effektivitet (p<0,2) med forehand som andraslag. Resultaten visar även att specifika spelare har vissa slagkombinationer med hög slagkombinationseffektivitet och hög slagkombinationsförekomst.</p><h2>Slutsats</h2><p>Denna studie visar att spelanalyser av detta slag är ett effektivt redskap för att mäta och kartlägga strategiska mönster hos både herr- och damspelare på elitnivå. Genom kartläggning av specifika spelare går det även att urskilja de mest effektiva och mest förekommande spelstrategierna. Denna kunskap kan användas för att lägga upp effektiva strategier i match.</p>
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