Spelling suggestions: "subject:"teorier""
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Problematika překladu románu Tarase Antypovyče Chronos / The issues of translation of Taras Antypovych's novel ChronosJuráková, Karolina January 2018 (has links)
This thesis Issues of translation of the novel Chronos of Taras Antypovych focuses on the indication and analysis of various difficult lexical phenomena in the science-fiction novel of contemporary Ukrainian writer Taras Antypovych. Among the specific features of his novel we could name such as almost complete absence of facts, plenty of neologisms, a lot of self-described names, and frequent mixing of different functional styles. The first part of work deals with the characteristic and detailed analysis of the novel Chronos, the second part is both theoretical and practical one that could be considered as the central part of the work. Such phenomena as neologisms, slang and argot, language games, vulgarisms, own names, "surzhik", phraseological units, interjections, and the words derived from them are considered here as one that may appear problematic in the translation from Ukrainian into Czech. The theoretical explanation is accompanied by examples from the text of the novel which I translated into Czech and supported with comments. The main aim of the work was to clarify the translation process and to present one or more solutions to the problems indicated above. Key words: Taras Antypovych, Chronos, Ukrainian literature, translation, translation theory Read more
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Topologické a deskriptivní metody v teorii funkčních a Banachový prostorů / Topological and descriptive methods in the theory of function and Banach spacesKačena, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
The thesis consists of four research papers. The first three deal with the Choquet theory of function spaces. In Chapter 1, a theory on products and projective limits of function spaces is developed. It is shown that the product of simplicial spaces is a simplicial space. The stability of the space of maximal measures under continuous affine mappings is studied in Chapter 2. The third chapter employs results from the previous chapters to construct an example of a function space where the abstract Dirichlet problem is not solvable for any class of Baire-n functions with $n\in N$. It is shown that such an example cannot be constructed via the space of harmonic functions. In the final chapter, the recently introduced class of sequentially Right Banach spaces is being investigated. Connections to other isomorphic properties of Banach spaces are established and several characterizations are given.
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Relativistická teorie elektronového transportu v magnetických vrstvách / Relativistic Theory of Electron Transport in Magnetic LayersSýkora, Rudolf January 2012 (has links)
Title: Relativistic Theory of Electron Transport in Magnetic Layers Author: Rudolf Sýkora Department / Institute: Institude of Theoretical Physics Supervisor of the doctoral thesis: doc. RNDr. Ilja Turek, DrSc., Department of Condensed Matter Physics Abstract: We review the density-functional theory (DFT) in detail using the Levy Lieb ap- proach. The Kohn Sham scheme is discussed, starting from the simplest spinless non- relativistic case, then including spin and considering potential spin magnetism, and finally deriv- ing the full Kohn Sham Dirac relativistic scheme. The Linear Muffin-Tin Orbital (LMTO) method for electronic-structure calculation is presented, together with mentioning the necessary changes to include the spin-orbit (SO) interaction effects to an otherwise scalar-relativistic (SR) theory. Derivation of an electronic-conductance formula for a layered system is given, based on the Landauer scattering picture and using simple non-equilibrium Green functions. The formal- ism is applied to layered metallic systems of light elements Co, Ni, Cu elements, and to layered systems with a tunnelling barrier, Fe/MgO/Ag and Fe/GaAs/Ag. The effects of the SO interac- tion on the Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) ratio and/or the Tunnelling Anisotropy Magnetore- sistance (TAMR) for these systems are discussed.... Read more
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Systémy kompaktních množin v deskriptivní teorii / Collections of compact sets in descriptive set theoryVlasák, Václav January 2011 (has links)
1 Title: Collections of compact sets in descriptive set theory Author: Václav Vlasák Department: Department of Mathematical Analysis Supervisor: Doc. RNDr. Miroslav Zelený, Ph.D. Author's e-mail address: vlasakmm@volny.cz Abstract: This work consists of three articles. In Chapter 2, we dissert on the connections between complexity of a function f from a Polish space X to a Polish space Y and complexity of the set C(f) = {K ∈ K(X); f K is continuous}, where K(X) denotes the space of all compact subsets of X equipped with the Vietoris topology. We prove that if C(f) is analytic, then f is Borel; and assuming ∆1 2-Determinacy we show that f is Borel if and only if C(f) is coanalytic. Similar results for projective classes are also presented. In Chapter 3, we continue in our investigation of collection C(f) and also study its restriction on convergent sequences (C(f)). We prove that C(f) is Borel if and only if f is Borel. Similar results for projective classes are also presented. The Chapter 4 disserts on HN -sets, which form an important subclass of the class of sets of uniqueness for trigonometric series. We investigate the size of these classes which is reflected by the family of measures called polar which annihilate all the sets belonging to the given class. The main aim of this chapter is to answer in... Read more
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Konstrukce pseudoskalárních mezonových amplitud v chirální poruchové teorii za použití disperzních metod / Construction of pseudoscalar meson amplitudes in chiral perturbation theory using a dispersive approachZdráhal, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Title: Construction of pseudoscalar meson amplitudes in chiral perturbation theory using a dispersive approach Author: Martin Zdráhal Department: Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague Supervisor: RNDr. Jiří Novotný, CSc. Abstract: We have developed a method enabling a construction of two-loop 2 → 2 scatter- ing amplitudes of pseudoscalar mesons based on the dispersion and the unitarity relations. This method is illustrated on the construction of the amplitudes of all such processes in chiral perturbation theory in isospin limit taking into account strong interactions only. Then it was used for the construction of ππ scattering amplitudes and of K → 3π and η → 3π decay amplitudes including isospin breaking effects induced by different masses of the particles belonging to the same isomultiplet. These parametrizations are prepared for various phenomenological analyses of the ππ scattering lengths and of the isospin breaking effects, both of which could pro- vide us important information for the understanding of quantum chromody- namics at low energies. Finally, we have performed the phenomenological study of η → 3π decay and obtained a value of the quark mass ratio 1/R = (md − mu)/(ms − ˆm). Our conservative estimate is R = 39.6+2.5 −5.1.... Read more
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Choquetova teorie a Dirichletova úloha / Choquet Theory and Dirichlet ProblemOmasta, Eduard January 2016 (has links)
In our dissertation we deal with the space H(K) of harmonic functions on a compact space in classical and abstract potential theory. Initially, we prove several equivalent characteristics of this space in classical potential theory. The internal characterization, which describes H(K) as a subspace of those continuous functions on a compact space K which are finely harmonic on the fine interior of K, is then used as the definition of H(K) in abstract potential theory. Further we concentrate on the solution of the Dirichlet problem for open and compact sets mainly with regards to its relation to subclasses of Baire class one functions. The results, proved at first in classical potential theory, are later generalized to abstract potential theory. With a use of more elemen- tary tools we initially prove these results in harmonic spaces with the axiom of dominance and, subsequently, using stronger tools we generalize them to harmonic spaces with the axiom of polarity. We engage also in a more abstract problem of approximation by differen- ces of lower semicontinuous functions in a more general context of binormal topological spaces.
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Výpočetní složitost v teorii grafů / Computational Complexity in Graph TheoryJelínková, Eva January 2016 (has links)
Title: Computational Complexity in Graph Theory Author: Eva Jelínková Department: Department of Applied Mathematics Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Jan Kratochvíl, CSc., Department of Applied Mathematics Abstract: We address problems from graph theory, especially from the computational complexity point of view. In the first part of the thesis we address the computational complexity of problems related to Seidel's switch- ing of graphs. We prove that the problem to decide if a given graph can be switched to contain at most a given number of edges is NP-complete, even for graphs with bounded density. We thus partially answer a question of Matoušek and Wagner [Discrete Comput. Geom. 52, no. 1, 2014]. We also describe infinitely many graphs H such that it is NP-complete to decide if a given graph is switching-equivalent to a graph that does not contain H as an induced subgraph. We thus close an open problem of Kratochvíl, Nešetřil and Zýka [Annals of Discrete Math. 51, 1992]. In the second part of the thesis we address the topic of matchings under preferences. We focus on the housing market problem, in particular, on the model with duplicate houses. We present a 2-approximation algorithm for the maximum number of satisfied agents when the preference lists of agents are trichotomic. On the other hand, we... Read more
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Pseudo-Goldstoneovy bosony v teoriích velkého sjednocení částicových interakcí / Pseudo-Goldstone bosons in grand unified theoriesJarkovská, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The minimal renormalizable SO(10) Higgs model with the unified gauge sym- metry broken down by the adjoint representation 45S is known to suffer from tachyonic instabilities along all potentially realistic symmetry breaking chains. Few years ago, this issue has been identified as a mere relic of the tree-level cal- culations and the radiative corrections to the masses of the pair of the "most dangerous" pseudo-Goldstone scalars transforming as (8, 1, 0) and (1, 3, 0) with respect to the SU(3)c × SU(2)L × U(1)Y Standard model gauge group were com- puted. Remarkably enough, it turns out that in the minimal potentially realistic renormalizable realization of the model - consisting of 45S ⊕ 126S scalar and 45G gauge fields - there is third pseudo-Goldstone scalar, a full singlet with respect to the Standard model gauge group that, until recently, happened to escape the community's attention. In this thesis we computed the one-loop corrections to its mass employing two different methods within the effective potential approach. In both cases we reduced the complexity of our calculations by decomposition into the Standard model irreducible representations. In the end, we cross-checked the resulting formulae in four distinct symmetry breaking limits in which the pseudo- Goldstone mass was degenerated with those of... Read more
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Analýza vybraných investičních strategií při obchodování na burze cenných papírů / The Analysis of Selected Stock Market Investment StrategiesKÁCHOVÁ, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis was aimed at analysing the investment strategies on the American stock market. The main aim was to evaluate the market efficiency, to analyse various strategies and to select the most appropriate one according to the assessed form of the market efficiency. Firstly, the weak-form efficiency was validated by correlation and runs tests. Subsequently, the methods of technical and fundamental analysis were applied. The final part is focused on creating the investment portfolio, which is also considered the most suitable strategy.
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Principy procesního řízení a jejich uplatnění v MSP / The principles of the process management and their applications in SMEs.LÁNOVÁ, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The main goal of this diploma thesis is analysed of the process management and its principles in the selected company. The theoretical part is divided into few chapters where basic parts like the process, process management, monitoring, busines process improvement and others are described. The practical part includes study of process control implementation in particular company. During the analysis process management are applied analysis, observations and interviews with employees and with leadership.
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