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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hamiltonovská a termodynamická teorie pevných látek a tekutin / Hamiltonian and thermodynamic theory of solids and fluids

Sýkora, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The standard approach to modelling mechanics of continuum based on bal- ances of mass, momentum, angular momentum and energy is a very powerful tool. However, there is no connection between that and the Hamiltonian mechanics, that superbly describes kinematics of isolated particles. Thus, the two topics are rather isolated. Nevertheless, there is another approach to continuum mechan- ics - a one, whose reversible part is based on Hamiltonian mechanics, while the irreversible is generated by a dissipation potential. This framework, called GENERIC, is thus an interesting bridge between con- tinuous and discrete systems. In this thesis, we present the GENERIC framework applied to a continuous body, derive the governing equations and compare them to the standard theory. Both analytical and numerical solutions to a decent range of model examples are presented and analysed.

Minerální asociace, alterační reakce a transportní model pro vznik greisenů blatenského granitového masivu v Krušných horách / Mineral assemblages, alteration reactions and transport model of the greisen formation in the Horní Blatná granite pluton, Krušné hory Mts.

Heřmanská, Matylda January 2013 (has links)
English abstract Hydrothermal systems related to highly evolved granitic magmas host diverse mineralization styles and provide an important source of economic metals. This master thesis concentrates on description and interpretation of geological structure, petrographic and textural variability, alteration zoning and calculation of time-integrated fluid fluxes recorded in highly evolved granites and tin-mineralized greisens of the Horní Blatná massif in the Western Krušné hory pluton. The massif is a composite intrusion, which consists of a large number of intrusive units emplaced during two stages. The first stage is represented by sparsely porphyritic fine-grained low-lithian annite granites that can be correlated with marginal granites (G2) of the Fichtelgebirge (Smrčiny) batholith or with intermediate granites (Walfischkopf type) of the Western Krušné hory (Erzgebirge) pluton. Intrusive batches of the second stage progressively evolve from medium- to coarse-grained serial high-lithian annite and zinnwaldite granites with topaz and rare tourmaline towards aphyric fine-grained zinnwaldite (or trilithionite) granites. This suite corresponds to the EIB2 and EIB3 facies of the younger intrusive complex in the Western Krušné hory (Erzgebirge) pluton and it can be compared to the G3 Waldstein and G4 units in...
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Tepelné procesy v nerovnovážných stochastických systémech / Heat processes in non-equilibrium stochastic systems

Pešek, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the theoretical study of slow thermodynamic processes in non-equilibrium stochastic systems. Its main result is a physically and mathematically consistent construction of relevant thermodynamic quantities in the quasistatic limit for a large class of non-equilibrium models. As an application of general methods a natural non-equilibrium generalization of heat capacity is introduced and its properties are analyzed in detail, including an anomalous far-from-equilibrium behavior. The developed methods are further applied to the related problem of time-scale separation where they enable to describe the effective dynamics of both slow and fast degrees of freedom in a more precise way. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Nerovnosti a jejich aplikace

TESAŘOVÁ, Jaroslava January 2017 (has links)
This Thesis deals with mathematical inequalities, their use in mathematics and applications to thermodynamics. The main emphasis is placed on proofs of inequalities and solving examples. The following thing explains the mathematical concept such as norm or metric, needed to understand these procedures, and also some of basic concepts of thermodynamics. To understand this Thesis the knowledge of analysis and thermodynamics is required.

Studie strukturních vlastností jednovláknových DNA biofyzikálními metodami a krystalograficky / Study of structural features of single stranded DNA by biophysical techniques and crystallography

Svoboda, Jakub January 2021 (has links)
DNA is the fundamental molecule in all domains of life, its role in heredity is well established. Although the famous double helical complementary form is indispensable for replication mechanism DNA can occupy wide range of conformations. In the past studies performed in the laboratory, DNA oligomers related to single stranded bacterial Repetitive Extragenic Palindromic (REP) showed spectral behavior suggesting complex equilibria including double helical, hairpin, and tetraplex conformations. The studies presented in this thesis extended the scope of analyzed sequences and employed circular dichroism spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. We report spectral data and X-ray structures of three successfully crystalized oligonucleotides. All three structures acquire double helical architecture with two consecutive T- T mismatches in the center. To improve the convergence of the refinement process of the crystal structures we used novel dinucleotide conformational classes, NtC classes. The NtC class classification was also used to analyze geometries of selected non-canonical base pairs in all DNA crystal structures in the Protein Data Bank. We measured the fit between geometries of the dinucleotides involved in the non-canonical base pairing and the NtC classes and correlated this fit to the electron...
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Termodynamická analýza procesů ve vodíkových palivových článcích. / Thermodynamic analysis of processes in Hydrogen fuel cells.

Pavelka, Michal January 2015 (has links)
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics, which serves as a framework for formulating evolution equations of macroscopic and mesoscopic systems, is briefly reviewed and further developed in this work. For example, the relation between the General Equation for the Nonequilibrium Reversible- Irreversible Coupling (GENERIC) and (ir)reversibility is elucidated, and Onsager-Casimir reciprocal relations are shown to be an implication of GENERIC. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics is then applied to describe fuel cells and related devices, and theoretical conclusions are compared to experimental data. Moreover, a generalization of standard exergy analysis is developed bringing a new method for revealing a map of useful work losses in electricity producing devices. This method requires a non-equilibrium thermodynamic model, and so the general theory of non- equilibrium thermodynamics and optimization of real power generating devices stand side by side.

Termodynamické modelování Sedláčkovy turbíny / Thermodynamic modeling of rolling fluid turbine

Kincl, Ondřej January 2020 (has links)
in English Ondřej Kincl 21 May 2020 Rolling turbine is a small hydraulic turbine invented by Doc. Ing. Miroslav Sedláček CSc. in 1998. This turbine is bladeless, exhibits various interesting behaviour and operates on the basis of a yet unknown hydraulic principle. This thesis attempts to find an explanation using incompressible Navier- Stokes equations. We will introduce the concept of drag inversion - the idea that fluid force in rolling turbines is a positive feedback to the motion itself. This is explained in a simplified model using analytical methods. These results are then verified in a numerical simulation.

Aplikace přímého chlazení pro klimatizaci budov / Application of refrigerant cooling for air conditioning of buildings

Vlček, Petr January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the problem of refrigerant cooling needs for air conditioning systems of buildings. Summary focuses on the theoretical basics and the physical nature of refrigeration and air conditioning technology. The consequences of split unite on microclimate in the room was experimentally tested and simultaneously investigated happenings associated to its activity. The aim is to unify the theoretical and experimentally obtained facts and apply them in the designing of air conditioning units. Design of air conditioning systems builds on my bachelor thesis, "Hot-air heating of gym", which subject was the ventilation system of gym.

Termodynamická analýza článků s pevnými oxidy / Thermodynamic analysis of solid oxide cells

Vágner, Petr January 2019 (has links)
Thermodynamic analysis of solid oxide cells Petr Vágner The thesis deals with continuum thermodynamic modeling and analysis of phe- nomena in solid oxide electrochemical cells. A general description of the evo- lution of charged mixtures using partial mass densities, momentum density, entropy density, electric induction, magnetic field, polarization, and magnetiza- tion based on the GENERIC framework is formulated. The formulation is used to recover the Landau-Lifshitz magnetization relaxation model, the Single Re- laxation Time model for dielectrics, and the generalized Poisson-Nernst-Planck model. The latter model is consequently linked to the second part, where a novel double layer model of an yttria-stabilized zirconia interface is formulated within non-equilibrium thermodynamics. The model is solved for numerically in the time domain, and cyclic voltammetry of the system is analyzed. The last part of the thesis demonstrates the limits of Exergy Analysis on a simple solid oxide hydrogen fuel cell model with non-isothermal boundary. It is demon- strated that the minimization of entropy production does not necessarily lead to the maximization of the electric power for certain optimization scenarios. The thesis consists of a compilation of published and unpublished results of the author.
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Termodynamická analýza procesů v polymerní elektrolytické membráně palivového článku / Termodynamická analýza procesů v polymerní elektrolytické membráně palivového článku

Pavelka, Michal January 2012 (has links)
Thermodynamic analysis of processes in electrolytic fuel cell membrane Michal Pavelka April 12, 2012 Abstract Hydrogen fuel cells1 may become a key technology of 21st century, and it is important to be able to describe their behavior, therefore. In this work we focus on hydrogen fuel cells with a polymer-electrolyte membrane. For the membrane we adopt an existing model2 . We for- mulate the model in the framework of the mixture theory which we develop similarly as has been done in the classical textbook of Mazur and de Groot3 . However, refining the concept of potential energy of a material point, we introduce new terms called internal potential ener- gies which enable us to describe macroscopic consequences of internal forces between water and polymer in the membrane and to describe the influence of gradient of surface tension of water in the membrane. We solve the model in 1D approximation. Consequently, we calculate the influence processes in the membrane have on efficiency of the fuel cell. 1 see for example Larminie, J. and A. Dicks. Fuel Cell Systems Explained. 2nd edition. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2003. ISBN 0-470-84857-X. 2 Weber, A. Z. and J. Newman. Transport in Polymer-Electrolyte Membranes I, II, III. J. Electrochem. Soc., 150 (7), A1008-A1015, 2003; 151 (2), A1311-A1325, 2004.; 151 (2), A1326-A1339,...
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