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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Opatření proti legalizaci výnosů z trestné činnosti v oblasti bankovnictví a úvěrových institucí / Measures against the legalisation of proceeds of crime committed within banking industry and loan institutions

Konovalova, Anna January 2017 (has links)
For a better understanding of relevant issues, in the introduction of the thesis contains a brief historical excursus to that topic, and there are explained the general features of the process of legalization of proceeds from crime, including putting illustrative examples from the area of the criminal law, as well as in the area of financial law. As examples have been selected major bank cases which were related to AML/CFT, but also had much wider impact. The diploma thesis deals with measures against the legalization of proceeds from crime in area of banking and credit institutions and focuses primarily on the measures arising from major law Act no. 253/2008 Coll., on certain measures against the legalization of proceeds from crime and terrorist financing. Consequently, the thesis deals partly with law of the European Communities, which was reflected into national legislation by the Act no. 253/2008 Coll. Following this, the diploma thesis also mentions other sources that have been adopted not only at national level but also in the context of international law. In addition the diploma thesis also identified some selected authorities which are involved in AML/CFT, where attention is aimed to the Financial Analytical Unit, which holds a key position in this specific field. Money laundering is a...

Definice terorismu v mezinárodním právu / The definition of terrorism in international law

Sváková, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
The definition of terrorism in international law The subject of this graduation thesis is to explore problem of defining terrorism in international law. Although it is very broad topic, the thesis has attempted to explore most of the questions this issue has offered. First of all, it examines reasones why define terrorism in international law. Further this study provides information about perception of the term terrorism in the past depending on the political and social conditions and about how the terrorist attacks influenced the effort to find the definition of terrorism. The thesis pays big attention to regional treaty in which terrorism is defined and uses it as a comparison basis for finding the elements of the definition, since regional international treaty law has achieved the biggest success in this area. However, in the last two decades successes have achieved on universal level, especially by the adoption of the International Convention for the Suppression of Financing of Terrorism, which is the first universal agreement binding defines terrorism. This study also introduces the latest development of efforts to create a Comprehensive Convention on the Suppression of International Terrorism, which is, unfortunately, no more than small. Given the decades-long efforts to define terrorism, the...

Terorismus a globální občanská společnost / Terrorism and global civil society

Werner, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis presents an alternative to the traditional representation of terrorism in the field of international relations. Terrorism is interpreted through the Fukuyamian-Hegelian prism of thymos, which allows it to be integrated into the framework of an anormatively defined global civil society. On a strategic-tactical level contemporary terrorism is identified with guerilla. On these foundations new primary and secondary categories for terrorism analysis are laid out, and possibilities of optimizing its strategies and tactics are suggested. The attention is then focused on the overlaps of such alternative conception on states - which so gain new possibilities in counter-strategies, adoption of methods or silent cooperation - and the non-governmental organizations. Both the analytical and political applications of the proposed approach are demonstrated in the two appendices to the thesis.

Malé státy v mezinárodních vztazích a otázky mezinárodní bezpečnosti / Small states in international relations and international security issues

Žáková, Alice January 2012 (has links)
With the collapse of the bipolar system and increasing number and importance of small states, the emphasis is not placed only on the great powers anymore. In the globalizing world states have to face new threats and adapt its security and foreign policy tools. The aim of the thesis is to find out which steps two small countries - Czech Republic and Norway, undertake to ensure their safety and minimize their threats. The first chapter analyzes foreign policies of the selected countries, and decides whether they are really small states. After defining the major threats as terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, an analysis of counter-terrorism actions based on the official counter-terrorism strategies of the UN, the OSCE, the NATO, and the EU follows. From this analysis the thesis then concludes that Czech Republic and Norway are small, but not weak states and they may contribute to minimizing global threats.

Terorismus z pohledu veřejné politiky / Terrorism from the perspective of public policy

Batko, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Area of interest regarding this master thesis is the fight against terrorism at European Union level. The work then aims to analyze how effective the EU institutions in the fight against terrorism, Europol, Eurojust and the CTC, are. The first part focuses on the issue of terrorism itself, by the help of comparative analysis and data analysis the possible root causes of terrorism and issues regarding radicalization are discussed. The second part is devoted to the actual effectiveness of the main EU institutions in the fight against terrorism and consequently to the security threat associated with the issue of foreign fighters that became a priority agenda within the EU counterterrorism. These sections has also been prepared on the basis of empirical research since semi-standardized interviews with experts in this field were conducted. It was investigated, that the EU institutions in the fight against terrorism have several weaknesses, and there are several limits in their fight against terrorism. Conversely, in the context of foreign fighters the EU has managed to adopt several concrete and directed measures.

Připraveni na nejhorší: boj proti terorismu v zemích Visegrádu / Prepared for the Worst: Counter-terrorism in the Visegrad

Stehlík, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The study investigates the development of counter-terrorism in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia between 1989 and 2017, with a focus on developments of the Criminal Code and changes in the institutional framework. A description of counter-terrorism developments is constructed for each country. Subsequently, general hypotheses about counter-terrorism development derived from existing literature are tested using causal-process tracing tools, resulting in preliminary conclusions about the causes of the identified developments. The results indicate that changes in the Criminal Code were primarily driven by external pressure from international organisations, whereas institutional changes tended to result from country-specific processes, threat perception and inspiration from abroad. Keywords: Counter-terrorism, terrorism, Visegrad, Central Eastern Europe, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia

Spojené státy a strategický trojúhelník Čína-Indie-Pákistán / The United States and the strategic triangle of China-India-Pakistan

Hrabcová, Klára January 2019 (has links)
This thesis called "The United States and the strategic triangle of China-India-Pakistan" examines how the states balance mutual threats. It also focuses on the aspect of U.S.-Pakistani relationship which is a key factor for the further development of the relations in the region. Strategic triangle relations can be defined by Sino-Pakistani alliance, Sino-Indian differences and Indian-Pakistani rivalry. The work is based on a realist concept of the balance of power theory with further focus on the Stephen M. Walt's concept of balance of threat. Based on the theoretical framework, the main threats of the triangle states and the ways they balance these threats are analysed. The growing economic and military power of China and India has resulted in intense balancing, with China using an alliance with Pakistan and strengthening its economic strategies, and with India strengthening the ties with the U.S. and other countries in the region. This ignites a significant security dilemma between China and India, further leading to a potential conflict. The paper further argues that the relationship between the U.S. and Pakistan is key for maintaining regional balance. Therefore, to maintain the strong ties with Pakistan, a setting of long-term U.S. strategy in Pakistan is crucial for increasing the...

Izraelská zpravodajská evoluce po selhání Yom Kippur a druhé libanonské války / Israel's Intelligence Evolution after the failures of Yom Kippur and Second Lebanese War

Veljkovic, Marko January 2019 (has links)
security of nation. What is intelligence's role in the case of Israel? How has it evolved during s that Israel has learned from its mistakes in the past "has actually picked up that up call", and has made its intelligence the most powerful and reliable weapon in their V posledních několika desetiletích byla inteligence srdcem boje proti terorismu a bezpečnosti národa. Jaká je úloha zpravodajských služeb v případě Izraele? Jak se vyvíjel během své existence? Jaké byly zaměřující se události, selhání, která způsobila tento vývoj ve inteli Jaká je úloha inteligence v boji proti terorismu? Většina studií ignoruje zásadní roli, kterou inteligence přináší do arény, nebo se zaměřuje pouze na její nejkontroverznější aspekty. Tento článek tvrdí, že se Izrael poučil ze svých chyb v minulosti "skutečně vzal toto budící volání" a učinil ze své inteligence nejsilnější a nejspolehlivější zbraň ve svém arzenálu v národní bezpečnosti. Prozkoumá a důležité role, které musí každé odvětví zpravodajství přinést ke stolu blémy mají jednotlivé pobočky a jak mohou zabránit problémům? Tato práce bude zdůrazňovat klady a efektivitu izraelského modelu boje proti terorismu jako dosud nejúčinnějšího a nejúspěšnějšího s ohledem na liberální demokracii. o dvojsečný meč, který nemůže být nahrazen žádnou jinou formou sběru inteligence.

Současný terorismus v Etiopii: původ a motivace / Contemporary Terrorism in Ethiopia: its Origin and Motivation

Nováček, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
Résumé of the master thesis: Contemporary Terrorism in Ethiopia: its Origins and Motivation. Pavel Nováček This paper focuses on the factor of terrorism in Ethiopia. There is suspicion, repeatedly declared by the Ethiopian government, that there are groups operating on its territory, that are using terrorism as a method of combat. Some of those groups are suspected to be affiliated to the global jihadist network that is active in the neighbouring Somalia. Ethiopia takes an active part in the US-led war on terror, and is the most important ally of the US in the region. This has resulted in a flow of humanitarian aid to Ethiopia, and the US is also providing military training, building their counter-terrorism capacities and providing Ethiopia with analytical support and other military aid. However, there is suspicion that Ethiopia is abusing its participation in the war on terrorism in order to oppress the legitimate opposition, by describing some of the rebel groups as terrorist, and even as affiliated to the global jihadist network in Somalia. This is despite the possibility that these ethnic based groups might be legitimately fighting to gain the right of self- determination, something that is granted to all people living in Ethiopia by the constitution. The government however, systematically attacks the...

NATO v boji proti terorismu a formování kolektivní identity / NATO in the fight against terrorism and the formation of collective identity

Štulcová, Iveta January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis "NATO in the fight against terrorism and the formation of collective identity" deals with the impact of the threat of international terrorism on collective identity of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The September 11th terrorist attacks on the US soil constitute a milestone in the history of NATO. The article 5 of Washington treaty was invocated for the first time. The main argument of the thesis states that, despite disagreements among allies about the role of the Alliance in the fight against terrorism after the September 11th , NATO was capable of reinforcing its collective identity and reformulating its purpose. The main goal of the thesis is to define a relationship between the perception of the threat of terrorism within NATO and collective identity of NATO, on the basis of arguments of social constructivism and with constructivist methodology. Discourse analysis of key NATO documents confirms the impact of September 11th on the transformation of strategic consideration of the Alliance, which has led to initiation of several efforts to fight terrorism. Outcomes of discourse analysis of United States, United Kingdom, France, Czech Republic and Poland reveal that terrorism has reinforced collective identity among NATO member states and has become a new threat for Alliance...

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