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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Baltic Sea Environmental Co-operation : a Swedish Perspective on Agricultural Discharge Issues within HELCOM and Baltic 21 / Miljösamarbete kring Östersjön : ett svenskt perspektiv på jordbruksutsläppsfrågor inom HELCOM och Baltic 21

Karlsson, Stina January 2003 (has links)
<p>Co-operation between states is a necessity to be able to handle environmental issues in the Baltic Sea area, since these are transboundary problems. Two organisations that deal with environmental issues in this region are HELCOM and Baltic 21. The aim has been to study how the problem of pollution from diffuse land-based sources, especially agriculture, has been dealt with through these organisations, to look upon the roles of and the relationship between HELCOM and Baltic 21 and to study the possibilities and the difficulties in the practical co-operation. The study holds a Swedish perspective, as Swedish representatives with connections to the HELCOM and Baltic 21 processes have been interviewed. The analysis shows that the EU is becoming increasingly important as an actor in the Baltic Sea co-operation, which makes the future roles of HELCOM and Baltic 21 uncertain. Concerning the difficulties of the work, aspects mentioned were cultural differences, group problems and lack of resources. To improve the work some proposals made by the interviewees were to use the experiences from different projects and to increase the resources.</p>

Liv och hälsa ung i Örebro län : Hur använder rektorer resultatet?

Hellberg, Jesper, Björklund, Peter January 2009 (has links)
<p>Liv och hälsa ung är en enkätundersökning bland ungdomar i skolår 7, 9 samt år 2 på gymnasiet i Örebro län. Barn och ungdomar är en prioriterad målgrupp för Sverige och Örebro län enligt regeringens folkhälsoproposition samt Örebro läns folkhälsoplan. I skolan har rektorn det yttersta ansvaret, i denna studie valdes rektorer ut för att ge ett ledarskapsperspektiv på ett användande. Uppsatsens syfte äratt undersöka hur resultatet från Liv och hälsa ung undersökningarna används avrektorer för skolår 7-9 i Örebro län. Studien är kvalitativ där nio stycken rektorer iÖrebro län har intervjuats. Datamaterialet analyserades med hjälp utav en kvalitativinnehållsanalys. Resultatet presenteras i form av fem stycken huvudkategorier;mottagning, spridning, nytta, styrning, hinder och 11 underkategorier. I diskussionen behandlas rektorernas användning utifrån studiens teoretiska referensram. Studien visar på ett komplext och varierat användande men företrädesvis används resultatet för att ge en omvärldsbild av ungdomars hälsa och livssituation till lärare och elevhälsa. Dock används resultatet från Liv och hälsaung sällan direkt i beslutsprocessen. Författarna ser möjligheter till vidare studier för att skapa en helhetssyn på användandet av Liv och hälsa ung resultatet bland Örebro läns kommuner.</p> / <p>”Liv och hälsa ung” is a survey among adolescents in school grade 7, 9 and schoolgrade 2 in upper secondary school in Örebro County. Children and youth is aprioritized target group for Sweden and Örebro County according to the government public health plan and in the public health guiding principles for Örebro County. A principal has the outermost responsibility at school, they where selected to give a leadership perspective. The aim of this study is to investigate utilization of how the result from “Liv och hälsa ung” is used by principals for school grade 7, 9 in Örebro County. The study is qualitative where nine principals in Örebro County have been interviewed. The data was analysed with a qualitative content theory analysis. The result is presented in five main categories; Reception, Dissemination, Benefit, Management, Obstacles and 11 sub categories. Thediscussion handled the principal’s utilization on the basis of the theoreticalframework of this study. The study shows a complex and miscellaneous utilizationof the result but it is mostly used to disseminate information about the adolescent’shealth and situation in life to teachers and the student health care. Although it israrely used in the decision process. The authors see possibilities for further studiesto create a whole image on the utilization of the “Liv och hälsa ung” results inÖrebro County and its municipalities.</p>

Att som äldre möta sorg i grupp : ..."tillsammans, men ändå ensam..." / To meet grief in a group at old age : ..."together, but still alone..."

Andersson, Peter January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Kulturkrockare eller Kommunikationskompetent? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om interkulturell kommunikation / Clash of culture or communication experts? : A qualitative study on intercultural communications

Eriksson, Lisa January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the implications and challenges of intercultural communication. An in-depth study was performed of the perspectives from people who work within an international organization. How they experience cultural differences and how they handle them, in particular when it comes to communication. Also, their perceptions of communicative competence were explored. The study was carried out at Svalorna India Bangladesh, at the Swedish office in Lund. Svalorna’s staff was interviewed on their experiences of intercultural communication. Both employees at the Swedish office and employees on location in India and Bangladesh were interviewed. The method used in the study was qualitative interviews where the interviewees could expand their answers fully as the interview developed. The main theory used was Geert Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, presented in the thesis and considered in the study. It was concluded that being aware of cultural differences and having knowledge of other cultures but also your own is important for understanding the so-called non-verbal communication in an intercultural situation. There are also differences in to what extent a certain culture uses non-verbal communication. Both India and Bangladesh, according to the interviewees, are high context cultures whereas Sweden has a low context culture. All the interviewees had similar experiences when it comes to intercultural communication. A cultural difference in the perception of time is an example of when verbal communication can be inadequate, if one is not aware of cultural differences. Both India and Bangladesh use polychronic time whereas in Sweden monochromic time is used. This is indeed confirmed by all interviewees. Many of Hofstede’s cultural dimension theories are found to be coherent with the results of this study, for example the Individualism.

Att som äldre möta sorg i grupp : ..."tillsammans, men ändå ensam..." / To meet grief in a group at old age : ..."together, but still alone..."

Andersson, Peter January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Using the Internet in Education - Strengths and Weaknesses : A Qualitative Study of Teachers' Opinions on the Use of the Internet in Planning and Instruction

Brändström, Camilla January 2011 (has links)
The Internet plays a significant role in the lives of young people today. Previous research points to advantages as well as disadvantages of the use of the Internet in a formal educational context. The aim of the current study was to investigate the influence of the use of the Internet on planning and instruction. Five upper secondary school teachers were interviewed face-to-face. Five recurrent themes were identified in the interview data: general opinions on and experience of the Internet, attitudes to teaching and learning, opinions on the use of the Internet as a planning and teaching resource, effects of the use of the Internet on students and teachers, and drawbacks of the use of the Internet in the school. It was found that the teachers think that the Internet is a valuable source of information and an important additional teaching tool. The Internet can e.g. motivate the students, make teaching more fun, and allows variation in teaching. Four major drawbacks of the use of the Internet were reported by the teachers, viz. students' cheating, unreliable information, technical problems, and students' extracurricular activities during lessons.

Challenges facing the profession of advertising in the digital age : An empirical study of Swedish advertising professionals

Takemura, Aiko January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates how Swedish advertising professionals experience their work in the digital age. Findings from semi-structured qualitative interviews conducted with 15 people are organized using the concept of “media logic” re-interpreted by Mark Deuze, which covers four aspects of media work: institution, technology, organization and culture. The institution feature covers three developments occurring at the industry level, which are concentration, fragmentation and convergence. How these trends determine the way advertising professionals work is the main topic of this section. The findings show that especially due to extensive pressures from shifts of globalization and digitalization in recent years, an ongoing power struggle is taking place in all three institutional trends. The second feature is technology, in which the focus is to understand how technology shapes the way professionals interact with consumers. Interviewees were well aware of the increasing need to construct an interactive and participatory environment for brands and consumers. However, one should not be naïve and celebrate the powerful role of the consumers, nor assume that all advertising agencies are fully capable of harnessing digital technology. Organization is the third feature, where attention is paid to how professionals organize their projects and work styles. In advertising agencies, a major transformation was evident in the creative department where technologists who understand digital are becoming crucial assets next to art directors and copywriters. The last feature is culture, which examines how professionals perceive the cultures of production that influence the final advertising product. Many referred to positive aspects such as a flat and non- hierarchical culture promoting better collaboration. On the other hand, some interviewees indicated the misrepresentation of gender and ethnicity as problematic. These four features function to critically assess the challenges that lay ahead for Swedish advertising professionals in the digital age. / <p>Article manuscript 7,5 hp par of degree:<em> The rising need of technologists in the core creative team of advertising agencies</em></p>

Hälsofrämjande insatser på boenden för ensamkommande flyktingbarn : En studie på personalens uppfattningar om hälsofrämjande insatser på boenden

Escobar, Nadia January 2015 (has links)
Sverige är bland de länder som tar emot flest flyktingar, utav dessa utgör en del ensamkommande barn som vanligtvis varit med om hemska upplevelser och lider av olika hälsoproblem som tar sig både psykiska eller fysiska uttryck. Det är således viktigt att personal som arbetar med denna målgrupp kan förse dem med stöd och kunskap. Studien har undersökt personalens uppfattningar om arbetet på boenden med ensamkommande flyktingbarn är ur ett hälsofrämjande perspektiv. Teorierna KASAM med dess tre delkomponenter: meningsfullhet, begriplighet samt hanterbarhet och socialt stöd ligger som grund. I studien har en kvalitativ ansats tillämpats där fem personal på två boenden blivit intervjuade med en semistrukturerad metod. Resultatet visade att personalens synsätt på hälsofrämjande var olika för alla i personalen men grunderna densamma. Ett hälsofrämjande arbete genomfördes på boendena där personal arbetade med bland annat informationspridning, fysisk aktivitet och delaktighet. Underlättande faktorer på boendet var kommunikationen och det sociala samspelet med ungdomarna samt sina medarbetare. Kommunikationen var även ett hinder eftersom att språkbarriäerna kom emellan eller att tolk inte översatte korrekt. Slutsatserna i studien är att personalens synsätt på hälsofrämjande är lika i grunden, personalens arbetssätt är hälsofrämjande och det finns både underlättande samt försvårande faktorer i det hälsofrämjande arbetet. / Sweden is among the countries that is receiving the most refugees, a part of these are unaccompanied children who usually been through terrible experiences and are suffering from various health problems that is displayed both mentally and physically. It is therefore important that staff working with this target group can provide them with the support and knowledge. This study examined the staff´s perceptions of their work, with unaccompanied refugee children, as being conducted from a from a health promotion perspective. The theories SOC, which has three subcomponents: meaningfulness, comprehensibility and manageability and social support are the foundation. The study has applied a qualitative approach where five staff’s on two accommodation were interviewed using a semi-structured approach. The results showed that the approach of a health promotion perspective was different for all the staff however the basics where the same. Health promotion were conducted on both accommodations where the staff worked among other things with the dissemination of information, physical activity and with participation. Facilitators at the accommodation was communication and social interaction with the young people and the workers. Communication was also a major obstacle since the language barrier came between or the interpreter did not translate correctly. The conclusions of the study is that the staff's approach to health promotion is equal fundamentally, the staff's approach are health promoting and there are both facilitating and aggravating factors in the health promotion work.

Dentists' perceptions of their professional roles in the context of referral decisions in Primary Dental Care in England

Allen, Zoe Elizabeth January 2018 (has links)
Background: Within Primary Dental Care (PDC), there is variation in dentists’ views about who should be treated in general dental practices and who should be referred to community dental services (CDSs), creating confusion about where patients can access dental care. Aims: This research aimed to explore the meanings which general dental practitioners (GDPs) and community dentists in England ascribe to their roles. It focused on why they make, accept or decline patient referrals within PDC. Methods: I conducted a configurative systematic review of literature about referrals within PDC in the UK. Data were synthesised using Critical Interpretive Synthesis. I interviewed ten GDPs and twelve community dentists working in England, covering topics informed by the systematic review. Transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis. Findings: Synthesising the literature showed that referral decisions were influenced by non-clinical factors including policies, financial contracts and dentists’ perceptions and values. Authors rarely reported directly from the perspective of primary care dentists. The interview study findings showed that the business of dentistry defined GDPs’ roles. Obscure rules and complex care systems underpinned community dentists’ roles. Participants depicted vulnerable people within ‘no man’s land’, situated between GDPs and community dentists. Vulnerable people included frail, older people, anxious and socially excluded adults, and children with high levels of disease. I identified three typologies of dentists. ‘Entrepreneurs’ felt no allegiance to the NHS and no obligation to treat vulnerable patients. ‘Altruistic carers’ cared for complex, deserving patients, rather than vulnerable patients. ‘Pragmatic carers’ accommodated some vulnerable patients but felt constrained from doing so by structural barriers. Conclusions: This study adds to our understanding of why dentists make, accept or decline referrals within PDC in England. It suggests that failure to resolve structural barriers or to consider dentists’ values will hinder attempts to reduce inequalities in access to PDC in England.

Kunskap,frågor och svar om egenvårdsråd gällande kost till patienter med kolorektal cancersjukdom : En intervjustudie med sjuksköterskor på kirurgisk vårdavdelning

Lindqvist, Anna, Viksell, Mikaela January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Aktuell forskning lyfter kostens betydelse för tillfrisknande vid kolorektal cancersjukdom och föreslår kostbehandling som ett kompletterande behandlingsalternativ. Trots detta finns osäkerhet hos både patienter och sjuksköterskor om egenvårdsråd gällande kost vid utskrivning från kirurgisk vårdavdelning. Syfte: Syftet var att, från ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv, beskriva vilka egenvårdsråd om kost patienter som behandlas för kolorektal cancersjukdom efterfrågar och får inför utskrivning från kirurgisk vårdavdelning. Ett annat syfte var att beskriva vilken kunskap sjuksköterskor har för att ge egenvårdsråd om kost. Metodbeskrivning: En deskriptiv kvalitativ intervjustudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer med sjuksköterskor (n=11) på kirurgisk vårdavdelning genomfördes. Konventionell innehållsanalys användes vid dataanalys. Huvudresultat: En vanligt förekommande fråga från patienter med kolorektal cancersjukdom var om något i kosten bör uteslutas relaterat till diagnos. Patienterna rekommenderades att återgå till normal kosthållning och uppmanades att anpassa intaget efter tarmfunktion. Sjuksköterskornas rekommendationer baserades ofta på vilka frågor patienterna själva ställde. Gällande sjuksköterskors kunskap om egenvårdsråd om kost beskriver sjuksköterskorna ett ökat kunskapsbehov. Sjuksköterskorna hänvisade till andra professioner vid kostrådgivning samt en avsaknad av rutin för kostrådgivning framkom. Slutsats: Vaga och generella egenvårdsråd om kost till patienter med kolorektal cancersjukdom har identifierats. Sjuksköterskor tenderar att lämna över ansvar om kostråd till andra professioner och rutinerna för hur egenvårdsråd om kost skall ges är oklara, vilket bidrar till att en evidensbaserad kirurgisk omvårdnad inte uppnås. Ett angeläget behov finns således för rutinutveckling och förbättrad kunskap i ämnet hos sjuksköterskor, för att säkerställa att patienter får ta del av viktig information för tillfrisknande och att förutsättningar för en god egenvård skapas. / Background: The importance of a nutritional diet in the recovery of patients with colorectal cancer disease is acknowledged in current research, with nutritional therapies recommended as a complementary treatment option. Despite this, it has been recognized that many nurses and patients experiencing uncertainty regarding evidence based dietary advice at the point of discharge from the surgical departments. Aim: Firstly, it sets out to describe, from a nurse perspective, what dietary advice patients with colorectal cancer asks for and receives at the point of discharge from the surgical care department. Secondly it aims to describe what knowledge nurses possess in providing dietary advice. Method: A descriptive qualitative interview study was conducted, involving semi-structured interviews with nurses within a surgical care department (n=11). Conventional content analysis was used in data analysis. Results: A common question from patients was if something should be excluded in their diet following their diagnosis. Patients were advised to return to their normal diets and were encouraged to adjust their food intake in accordance with their intestinal function. Recommendations given by nurses were often led by the questions asked by the patients themselves. The nurses described a need for increased knowledge and education to sufficiently advice patients in the effective dietary self-management following discharge. Nurses referred to other professions in dietary advice and a lack of routine for dietary advice emerged. Conclusion: Discharge dietary self-management advise for patients with colorectal cancer disease has been identified as vague and impersonal. It has been suggested that nurses are prone to delegate the responsibility for dietary advices to other professions. This is further complicated by no current clear guidance on what constitutes effective dietary self-management, thus hindering evidence-based practice. Subsequently, there is an urgent need for further developed protocols and improved knowledge among nurses to ensure optimal dietary self-management for patients with a view to increase effective recovery and general wellbeing.

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