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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Self-Concept Related to Sex Information, Experience, and Attitudes

Stovall, Joseph H. 05 1900 (has links)
This study investigates whether sex information, experience, or attitudes are related to self-concept. The subjects were 120 students enrolled in a university sex-education course, All students completed questionnaires measuring sex information, experience, and attitudes. The Tennessee Self-Concept Scale was given to obtain self-concept scores. Correlation coefficients and correlation ratios were computed between sex information, sexual experience, sex attitudes, self-concept, and course grades. No pattern of relationships emerges between self-concept and the other variables studied. A strong negative correlation (P < .01) was found between sex experience and sexual attitude orthodoxy. Consistent with other research, males report more sex experience (D < .01) and more liberal sex attitudes (P < .01) than females.

A Comparison Study of Individual and Group Play Therapy In Treating Kindergarten Children with Adjustment Problems

Rennie, Robyn Lynette 05 1900 (has links)
This study was designed to determine the effectiveness of individual child-centered play therapy in the elementary school in: 1) enhancing the self-concept of kindergarten children who are experiencing adjustment difficulties; 2) decreasing the overall behavioral problems of kindergarten children experiencing adjustment difficulties 3) decreasing externalizing behavior problems such as aggression and delinquency of kindergarten children experiencing adjustment difficulties; 4) decreasing the internalizing behavior problems such as withdrawal, somatic complaints, anxiety and depression of kindergarten children experiencing adjustment difficulties; 5) increasing parental perception of change in the problematic behaviors of kindergarten children experiencing adjustment difficulties; and 6) enhancing self-control in kindergarten children experiencing adjustment difficulties. A secondary objective was to compare the participants involved in individual child-centered play therapy with participants in a previous study who were involved in child-centered group play therapy on the above named dimensions. The experimental group, consisting of 14 kindergarten children experiencing adjustment difficulties, received 10-12, 30-minute individual play therapy sessions in a 12 week period in their elementary school. The comparison group, utilized from the 1999 McGuire study, consisted of 15 children with adjustment problems and received 12-14, 45-minute group play therapy sessions in 14 weeks in their elementary school. The control group, consisting of 13 children experiencing adjustment problems, received no play therapy intervention over a 12 week period. An Analysis of Covariance revealed significant findings in 1 of the 6 hypotheses and one subscale hypothesis examining the effectiveness of individual play therapy versus the wait list control group. Specifically, children with adjustment problems in the experimental group exhibited a significant reduction in total behavior problems and a significant reduction in externalizing behavior problems as measured by the Child Behavior Checklist-Parent Form (CBCL). Additionally, an Analysis of Covariance revealed significant findings in 1 of the 6 hypotheses examining the comparison of the effectiveness of individual play therapy versus the group play therapy comparison group from McGuire (1999). Individual play therapy was significantly more effective than group play therapy in helping children maintain an acceptable level of classroom behaviors as perceived by teachers on the Early Childhood Behavior Scale (ECBS).

Vliv tištěných médií a školy na sebepojetí dospívajících dívek / The influence of print media and school on adolescent girls self-concept

Zineckerová, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the influence of teenage girl magazines and school on the self-concept of adolescent girls. Theoretical part aims to bring comprehensive review of current scientific research on the topic of development of self-identity during adolescence where self-concept is created with strong emphasis on physical appearance. The thesis subsequently examine possible disorders that can arise from erroneous self-concept. The impact of printed media and especially girl magazines, on components of adolescent girl's self-concept is considered. School and educational system as another important contributor in development of self-concept is reflected in my thesis as well. Experimental aims to explore which areas of self-concept and girls behavior are influenced by girl magazines most significantly and whether educational system takes girl magazines into consideration during educational process. In order to collect necessary data the experiment was concluded with sixty respondents, which were instructed to valuate several body parts before and after the exposition to the picture from girl magazine capturing fashion ideal of woman body. Six semi structured interviews with girls were performed in order to explore girl's attitude towards mentioned magazines. Analysis of results proves...

Longitudinální studie vzájemného vlivu sebepojetí, sociální pozice a školní úspěšnosti žáka druhého stupně základní školy / Longitudinal study of the mutual influence of self-concept, social position, and assessment at the lower-secondary level

Papajoanu, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis covers the theme of mutual influence of assessment, self-evaluation and social position of a student in lower secondary level classes. Focus lies also on the relationship of the studied phenomena to sex of the respondents. The data from the social relationship study are analyzed thoroughly to disclose the social structure of the studied classes. The thesis is divided into two parts, a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part deals with assessment and its specifics, functions, types, forms, phases and also with self-evaluation. The topic of social group is then developed focusing on different kinds of social groups, the position and the role of the member of a group and social norms. As the third topic, the bachelor thesis concerns with a school class and its specifics, factors determining its status, the position and the role of a student in a class and also with the methods of analyzing a school class. The last topic of the theoretical part are general features of psychological development, its determiners, and life stages of psychological development with special regard to puberty. In the practical part there are presented the results of research which was realized with the students of sixth grade, respectively seventh grade classes at lower secondary...

Coping s náhlým omezením hybnosti a jeho důsledky - strategie vyrovnání mladých lidí s poraněním míchy a s roztroušenou sklerózou / Coping with sudden motility limitation and its implication - coping strategies among young people with spinal cord injury and with multiple sclerosis

Ottová, Monika January 2011 (has links)
TITLE: Coping with sudden motility limitation and its implication - coping strategies among young people with spinal cord injury and with multiple sclerosis SUMMARY: This thesis is focused on process of adjustment of motility limitation, caused by spinal cord injury or by attack of multiple sclerosis, among young people. The motoric ability limitation affects their mobility as well as their social interaction, interests, plans and especially their independence. Thus, in age of gaining emancipation from nuclear family, they become dependant on their home-folks again. The theoretical part of the thesis acquaints with spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis from biological and psychosocial point of view, thereinafter it's engaged in coping generally and coping in relation to these two groups. Furthermore it's dealt with developmental periods characterization of adolescence and young adulthood, consequences of health turnover in self-concept in social context. The empirical part is based on semi-structured interviews with six young people (3 with spinal cord injury, 3 with multiple sclerosis). The important findings gained from interviews are presented in form of casuistries. On the basis of the interviews analysis it's demonstrated problematic domains, that are affected by motility limitation, and ways of...

Parental involvement in career development: Perceptions of disadvantaged grade 9 learners

Maite, Orepa Sefepi 28 March 2008 (has links)
ABSTRACT This study aims to explore, the nature and the extent of parental involvement in the career development of young adolescents through the perceptions of disadvantaged young adolescents. The two-fold goals were to identify the role of parents and the awareness of other barriers in the career development of young adolescents. Therefore, qualitative research method of semi-structured interviews was applied to fourteen volunteers (eight boys and six girls) from a Secondary School at Mabopane Township in the North West Province. In accordance with previous trends, parental involvement was revealed by young adolescents to be an important factor and was further categorised as constructive and destructive parental involvement. Furthermore, the effects of parental involvement in the development of the young adolescents’ career self-concept and self-efficacy were revealed. Destructive parental involvement and low household incomes were identified as career barriers. Most young adolescents demonstrated a strong resilience in overcoming these barriers. The study also illustrated a dire need for attention to and funding of career programmes aimed at empowering disadvantaged parents and young adolescents. Keywords: Parents, parental involvement, career, career development, young adolescents, disadvantaged communities, career barriers, career counselling, career self-concept and self-efficacy.

Imagem corporal, autoestima e distress em doentes com câncer grastrointestinal com síndrome anorexia-caquexia / Body image, self esteem and distress in patients with gastrointestinal cancer patients with cachexia anorexia symdrome

Albuquerque, Karla Alexsandra de 29 May 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A imagem corporal, a autoestima, o distress e a Síndrome Anorexia-Caquexia (SAC) em doentes com câncer gastrointestinal são pouco conhecidas. Objetivos: caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico, clínico, antropométrico, bioquímico e nutricional dos doentes e analisar a prevalência e os fatores independentemente associados à acurácia e insatisfação da imagem corporal, autoestima e distress em doentes com Pré-SAC, SAC e Sem SAC. Método: Estudo transversal com 378 adultos com câncer gastrointestinal, classificados nos grupos Pré-caquexia (Pré-SAC, 53 doentes, 14%), Caquexia (SAC, 122, 32,3%) e Sem Caquexia (Sem SAC, 203, 53,7%). Foram elegíveis aqueles com escolaridade 6 anos, KPS 60%, sem quadro infeccioso e anasarca. As análises univariadas e de regressão logística identificaram os fatores associados à imagem corporal, autoestima e distress. Resultados: A maioria dos doentes foi homem (55,3%), idade média de 53 anos. Os tumores mais frequentes foram cólon/sigmóide (29,6%) e reto/ânus (29,4%) e sem metástases (65,1%). O grupo SAC teve maior prevalência de tumor de esôfago/estômago, metástases, perda de peso, desnutrição moderada a grave e sintomas mais intensos, além de menor tempo de diagnóstico, menor KPS, menor ingesta alimentar, menores níveis de hemoglobina e albumina e maior nível de proteína C-reativa. A prevalência de acurácia do tamanho corporal foi 75,8% e de insatisfação foi 78,8%. A maior parte relatou autoestima alta (81,2%) e 51,8% referiram distress. No grupo Pré-SAC/SAC, foram fatores de risco para distorcer a imagem corporal, subestimando-a, sexo masculino e presença de metástase. Idade elevada foi fator protetor para subestimar o tamanho corporal. Sexo masculino e depressão moderada/intensa foram fatores de risco para aumentar o tamanho corporal. Quanto à insatisfação corporal, tumor de cólon/sigmóide e maior tempo de diagnóstico diminuíram o desejo de aumentar o tamanho corporal. O risco de autoestima alta foi aumentado por idade mais elevada e ausência de dor e diminuído por fadiga muito incapacitante e ansiedade intensa. Distress, neste grupo, teve como fatores de risco maior intensidade de ansiedade, prejuízo no sono e de alteração da sensação de bem-estar e como fator protetor maior tempo de diagnóstico. No grupo Sem SAC, ter maior KPS protegeu e ter companheiro e depressão leve foram fatores de risco para superestimação do tamanho corporal. Na insatisfação corporal, sexo masculino diminuiu o desejo de ser mais magro e tumor de cólon/sigmóide diminuiu o desejo de ser mais gordo. Ausência de impacto da fadiga na vida diária foi fator protetor para autoestima alta. Ansiedade e dispneia intensas aumentaram o risco de distress neste grupo. Conclusão: Os doentes do Grupo SAC eram mais debilitados clinicamente, com maiores alterações nutricionais e sintomas mais intensos. Subestimação e desejo de aumentar peso, menor autoestima e ter distress estavam relacionados a características clínicas, antropométricas, nutricionais ou sintomas presentes no Grupo SAC; o inverso estava relacionado ao Grupo Sem SAC. Variáveis sociodemográficas, clínicas e sintomas foram os fatores independentemente associados à IC, AE e DT nos grupos. A identificação de diversos fatores de risco e protetores para acurácia e insatisfação com a imagem corporal, piora da autoestima e ocorrência de distress permite o planejamento de ações que previnam ou controlem essas variações / Introduction: Body image, self-esteem, distress and the cancer Anorexia Cachexia Syndrome (CACS) in patients with gastrointestinal cancer are not well known. Objectives: To characterize sociodemographic, clinical, anthropometric, biochemical and nutritional profile and to analyze the prevalence and the factors independently associated with accuracy and dissatisfaction of body size, self-esteem and distress in patients with pre-CACS, CACS and No CACS. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 378 adults with gastrointestinal cancer, classified in Pre-cachexia groups (Pre-CACS, 53 patients, 14%), cachexia (CACS, 122, 32.3%) and without cachexia (No CACS, 203, 53.7%). Patients with schooling 6 years, KPS 60% without infectious condition and anasarca were eligible. The univariate and logistic regression analyzes identified factors associated with body image, self-esteem and distress. Results: Most patients were men (55.3%), mean age 53 years. The most common tumors were colon/sigmoid (29.6%) and rectum/anus (29.4%), without metastasis (65.1%). The CACS group had a higher prevalence of esophageal/stomach tumor, metastases, weight loss, moderate to severe malnutrition and more severe symptoms, as well as shorter diagnosis time, lower KPS, lower food intake, lower levels of hemoglobin and albumin and higher level of C-reactive protein. The prevalence of accuracy of body size was 75.8% and dissatisfaction was 78.8%. Most reported high self-esteem (81.2%) and 51.8% reported distress. In the Pre-CACS/CACS group, risk factors to underestimated body image were male gender and metastasis. And older age was a protective factor to underestimantion their body size. To overestimation, male gender and moderate/severe depression were risk factors. As for body dissatisfaction, the Pre-CACS/CACSgroups, colon/sigmoid tumor and longer diagnostic time decreased the desire of increase body size. Older age and no pain increased the risk of high self-esteem; very disabling fatigue and severe anxiety decreased the risk of high self-esteem. Anxiety, impaired sleep and change sense of well-being were risk factors of distress. In the group No CACS, having a partner and mild depression were risk factors for overestimation of body size. Male gender decreased the desire of being slimmer and duodenum/colon/sigmoid tumor decreased the desire of being fatter. No fatigue impact in daily life was a protective factor for high self-esteem. Delayed diagnosis was a protective factor and anxiety and intense dyspnea have increased the risk of distress. Conclusion: CACS Group patients were more clinically impaired, with more nutritional changes and more severe symptoms. Sociodemographic, clinical and symptom variables were the factors independently associated with bo self-esteem and distress in the groups. The identification of various risk and protective factors for distortion and dissatisfaction with body image, low self-esteem and distress allows planning actions to prevent or control these variations

Violência doméstica: recursos e adversidades de crianças e famílias pós ações do Conselho Tutelar / Domestic violence: childrens and families resources and adversities after the Child Protection Agencys actions

Milani, Rute Grossi 29 September 2006 (has links)
A violência doméstica tem sido considerada uma condição de risco psicossocial ao desenvolvimento infantil. Em nosso meio, é obrigatória a notificação dessa forma de violência ao Conselho Tutelar. Objetivou-se avaliar as variáveis pessoais de crianças que, há três anos, foram identificadas como estando em risco psicossocial, associado à violência doméstica, o que implicou em medidas legais junto ao Conselho Tutelar. Propô-se analisar os elementos de proteção a tal situação de risco, integrando as informações relativas às crianças com as do ambiente familiar, enquanto recursos e adversidades. Foram avaliadas 40 crianças, de ambos os sexos, de oito a 12 anos incompletos, que residiam com pelo menos um dos pais biológicos, divididas em dois grupos. G1: 20 crianças (grupo com história de risco psicossocial associado à violência doméstica), que receberam medidas do Conselho Tutelar há três anos; G2: 20 crianças (grupo de comparação), sem história de risco psicossocial relatada. Para a seleção dos participantes, foi aplicado às crianças o Teste das Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven e, com os pais, realizou-se, individualmente, uma entrevista semi-estruturada visando a investigar aspectos do cuidado com a criança e história prévia de atendimento pelo Conselho Tutelar. Para a coleta de dados junto às crianças, foram aplicadas a Escala de Stress Infantil, a Escala Infantil Piers-Harris de Autoconceito e o Teste de Desempenho Escolar. Os responsáveis responderam à Escala Comportamental Infantil de Rutter, ao Inventário de Recursos no Ambiente Familiar, à Escala de Eventos Adversos e ao Critério de Classificação Socioeconômica. Procedeu-se às análises de comparação dos grupos, através do teste paramétrico t de student ou do teste não-paramétrico U de Mann-Whitney, Teste Exato de Fisher e/ou Teste do Qui-quadrado (X2), e a integração dos dados, pelos testes de correlação univariada e análise de regressão logística, considerando um p < 0,05. Observaram-se diferenças significativas entre os grupos tanto para as variáveis das crianças como para as do ambiente familiar. Com relação às variáveis pessoais das crianças, as do G1 foram referidas pelas mães como apresentando maior dificuldade de comportamento e maior necessidade de cuidados especializados do que as do G2. As crianças do G1 se autoperceberam com um autoconceito mais negativo na área comportamento e apresentaram mais dificuldade no desempenho escolar na área de escrita. Quanto às características do ambiente familiar, observaram-se diferenças significativas quanto à ocorrência de adversidades, particularmente, a adversidade parental. Com relação aos recursos do ambiente familiar, observaram-se, para ambos os grupos, recursos semelhantes, entretanto, as correlações entre recursos do ambiente familiar e variáveis da criança sugeriram um melhor aproveitamento destes recursos pelas crianças sem história de risco psicossocial relatada. Concluiu-se que as crianças e as famílias se encontram em condições de vulnerabilidade, o que pode estar dificultando, para as crianças, a realização das tarefas evolutivas próprias da idade escolar. A atuação do Conselho Tutelar teve um caráter pontual, como um disparador de ações da rede de serviço de apoio. Contudo os dados evidenciam a necessidade de dar continuidade às medidas de saúde mental, preventivas e de seguimento, para as crianças e famílias. / Domestic violence has been regarded as a condition of psychosocial risk to the childs development. In our midst, it is mandatory to notify the Child Protection Agency of this type of violence. The present work aimed to assess the personal variables of children who, three years ago, were identified as being in psychosocial risk, associated with domestic violence, which implicated in legal actions with the Child Protection Agency. The elements of protection associated with such risk situation were analyzed, integrating the information related to the children with the variables from the familiar environment, when resources and adversities. 40 children were assessed, girls and boys, at the age of eight to twelve. They were divided in two groups: G1, with 20 children (group with a history of psychosocial risk associated with familiar violence) who received measures from the Child Protection Agency three years ago; and G2, with 20 children (control group) without a related history of psychosocial risk. In order to select the participants, The Raven Colored Progressive Matrices Test was administered to the children, and a semi-structured interview was carried out with the parents, individually, so as to investigate aspects of the care with the children and the precious history of assistance by the Child Protection Agency. To collect data from the children, the Child Stress Scale, Piers-Harris Children Self-Concept Scale and School Achievement Test were administered. The parents answered to Rutter Childrens Behavior Scale, the Familiar Environment Resources Inventory, the Adverse Events Scale, and the Criterion of Social-economic Classification. The analyses of comparison between the groups were performed, using the parametric test of t of student or the non-parametric test U of Mann-Whitney, Fishers Exact Test and/or Chi-square Test (X 2), and the data integration, through univariated correlation tests and the logistic regression analysis, considering a p < 0,05. Significant differences were observed between the groups for both the childrens and the familiar environment´s variables. As for the childrens personal variables, the ones from G1 were referred by the mothers as presenting greater difficulty with behavior than the ones in G2. The children in G1 perceive themselves with a more negative self-concept in behavior and presented more difficulty in school achievement in writing. As for the familiar environments characteristics, significant differences were observed as for the occurrence of adversities, particularly the parental one. Regarding the familiar environments resources, for both groups, similar resources were observed; however, the correlations between the familiar environments resources and the childrens variables suggested a better use of these resources by the children without a related history of psychosocial risk. It was concluded that the children and the families are found to be in a condition of vulnerability, which may be making it more difficult for the children to perform the developing tasks which are proper of school age. The action of the Child Protection Agency had an important character, as a trigger to the actions from the support net; however, the data show a need for the continuity of the mental health measures, which are preventive and follow-up, for the children and families.

Qualidade de vida de crianças com transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade / Quality of life of children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

Bilhar, Juliana Cristina Fernandes de Araujo 17 March 2011 (has links)
O transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade (TDAH) é uma condição neurobiológica que atinge de 3 a 7% da população pediátrica Possui como característica um padrão persistente de desatenção, hiperatividade e/ou impulsividade, mais frequente e grave do que aquele tipicamente observado em indivíduos em nível equivalente de desenvolvimento. O TDAH está associado a prejuízos em vários contextos, incluindo o desempenho acadêmico, comportamento escolar, as relações entre colegas e o funcionamento familiar, influenciando diretamente na qualidade de vida de seus portadores. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade de vida de crianças com TDAH do tipo combinado, utilizando a escala PedsQLTM. Foram avaliadas crianças com idade de oito a doze anos, comparando com um grupo sem o transtorno e relacionando com a percepção de seus pais e/ou cuidadores. No total 88 crianças participaram do estudo, em todos os casos os respectivos pais e/ou cuidadores também responderam ao questionário de qualidade de vida. Destas 45 pertenciam ao grupo de estudo e 43 ao grupo controle. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos nas variáveis: sexo, renda familiar, estado civil dos pais, escolaridade do pai e escolaridade da mãe, demonstrando semelhança em ambos os grupos. Os resultados indicaram que no Autorrelato Infantil o grupo com TDAH apresentou pontuação inferior ao grupo controle em todos os domínios avaliados. A diferença foi significante nos domínios aspecto social (p = 0,010), atividade escolar (p < 0,001), saúde psicossocial (p < 0,001) e qualidade de vida total (p = 0,002). Os domínios capacidade física e aspecto emocional não apresentaram diferença estatística entre os grupos, p = 0,841; p = 0,070, respectivamente. Segundo a percepção dos pais e/ou cuidadores, o grupo com TDAH apresentou pontuação inferior em todos os domínios. Neste caso ocorreu diferença significante em todos os domínios capacidade física (p < 0,001), aspecto emocional (p < 0,001), aspecto social (p < 0,001), atividade escolar (p < 0,001), saúde psicossocial (p < 0,001) e qualidade de vida total (p < 0,001). A relação entre o autorrelato infantil e o relato dos pais indicou que há maior concordância entre o grupo com o TDAH, exceto em atividade escolar. Este dado sugere que tanto a criança com o transtorno quanto o pai tem a percepção quanto à limitação funcional que a doença proporciona. Os pacientes com TDAH apresentaram prejuízo em múltiplos domínios de qualidade de vida, principalmente os relacionados com fatores psicossociais, indicando que as questões comportamentais, sociais e escolares possuem grande interferência no bem-estar destas crianças. A realização de estudos que verifiquem a qualidade de vida em crianças com TDAH na população brasileira é necessária, podendo gerar meios de intervenção mais adequados visando proporcionar e mensurar o alcance destes no bem-estar destas crianças / The Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological condition that affects 3-7% of the pediatric population. Has a characteristically persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity and / or impulsivity, more frequent and severe than that typically observed in individuals at an equivalent level of development. ADHD is associated with losses in several contexts, including academic performance, school behavior, peer relationships and family functioning, directly influencing the quality of life of sufferers. This study aimed to evaluate the quality of life of children with ADHD combined subtype, using the scale PedsQLTM. We evaluated children aged eight to twelve years, compared with a group without the disorder and relating to the perception of their parents or caregivers. In total 88 children participated in the study, in all cases their parents or caregivers answered the quality of life. Of these 45 were study group and 43 in the control group. There was no statistical difference between groups in gender, family income, parents\' marital status, father\'s and mother\'s education, showing similarity in both groups. The results indicated that the self-reported, the group with ADHD had scores lower than the control group in all domains assessed. The difference was significant for the social aspect (p = 0,010), school activity (p <0,001), psychosocial health (p <0,001) and overall quality of life (p = 0,002). The physical functioning domain and emotional aspect did not differ significantly between groups, p = 0,841, p = 0,070, respectively. In the perceptions of parents / carers, the children with ADHD had lower scores in all domains. In this case there was a significant difference in all domains - physical functioning (p <0,001), emotional (p <0,001), social functioning (p <0,001), school activity (p <0,001), psychosocial health (p <0,001) and overall quality of life (p <0,001). The relationship between self-reported child and parents report indicated that there is greater agreement among the group with ADHD, except in school activity. This suggests that the child with the disorder and their father has the perception of functional limitation that the disease brings. Patients with ADHD showed impairment in multiple domains of quality of life, especially those related to psychosocial factors, indicating that the behavioral issues, social and school have great interference in the wellbeing of these children. It is important to undertake studies to verify the quality of life in children with ADHD in our population, which can generate the most appropriate means of intervention aiming to provide and measure the scope of the wellbeing of these children

Desigualdades relacionadas à autopercepção da saúde bucal entre idosos do município de São Paulo entre 2000 e 2010 / Inequalities in self-perceived oral health of elderly in the city of São Paulo between 2000 and 2010

Ana Elisa Ribeiro 19 February 2018 (has links)
Estudos realizados no Brasil e no mundo relataram desigualdades sociais relacionadas à saúde bucal de idosos, porém ainda faltam esclarecimentos sobre as medidas subjetivas da saúde bucal desta população e a relação com as condições socioeconômicas. Este estudo tem o objetivo de avaliar a desigualdade social relacionada à autopercepção de saúde bucal entre idosos no município de São Paulo entre 2000 e 2010. Foram utilizados dados do estudo Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento (SABE), cuja amostra foi representativa de idosos residentes no município em 2000, 2006 e 2010. A variável de interesse foi o impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida, obtida por meio do Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI), categorizada em autopercepção de saúde bucal (ASB) boa (impacto positivo) e ruim (impacto negativo). O nível educacional foi a variável socioeconômica utilizada. Foram utilizados modelos de regressão de Poisson ajustados por dados sociodemográficos, acesso a serviços de saúde, saúde geral e bucal. Para a análise da desigualdade social utilizou-se as medidas complexas Slope Index of Inequality (SII) e Relative Index of Inequality (RII), assim como equiplots. A prevalência de ASB boa foi 46,02 por cento, 54,51 por cento e 54,36 por cento, em 2000, 2006 e 2010, respectivamente. Fatores sociodemográficos, percepção de saúde geral, depressão, número de dentes presentes, uso e necessidade de prótese estiveram associados a autopercepção de saúde bucal ruim nos anos analisados. Em 2010, oito anos ou mais de escolaridade (RP:0,74;IC 0,63;0,87), autopercepção ruim da saúde geral (RP:1,33; IC 1,17;1,50) e não ter necessidade de prótese (RP:0,71; IC 0,62;0,82) foram alguns fatores associados a ASB ruim. Nota-se a presença de desigualdade social absoluta e relativa relacionada a ASB boa em 2006 e 2010, principalmente entre idosos dentados (2010 - SII:33,90;IC18,80;48,99 e RII:2,03;IC 1,47;2,82) e de 60 a 69 anos. A desigualdade social relacionada a autopercepção de saúde bucal aumentou entre os idosos no período avaliado, portanto, são necessárias ações destinadas à esta população para eliminar as iniquidades. / Studies conducted in Brazil and in the world have reported social inequalities in oral health among the elderly, but the role of socieconomic conditions on the subjective measures of oral health in this population is still not clear. This study aims to assess social inequalities on self-perceived oral health across among the elderly from São Paulo between 2000 and 2010. Datarom the Saúde, Bem estar e Envelhecimento (SABE) study were used, which sought to evaluate elderly people living in the city of São Paulo in 2000, 2006 and 2010. The variable of interest was the impact of oral health on the quality of life obtained by means of the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI), categorized as good (positive impact) and poor (negative impact) oral health self-perception (OHSP). Education level was the socioeconomic variable used. Poisson regression models, adjusted by sociodemographic, access to health services, general health and oral health, were fitted. For the analysis of social inequality complex measures were used: Slope Index of Inequality (SII) and Relative Index of Inequality (RII), as well as equiplots. The prevalence of good OHSP was 46.02 per cent, 54.51 per cent and 54.36 per cent, in 2000, 2006 and 2010, respectively. Socio-demographic factors, general health perception, depression, number of teeth present, use and need for prosthesis were associated with poor OHSP in the analyzed years. In 2010, eight years or more of schooling (PR: 0.74; CI: 0.63, 0.87), poor self-perceived health (PR: 1.33, CI: 1.17, 1.50) and have no need for a prosthesis (PR: 0.71; CI 0.62, 0.82) were associated with poor OHSP. Absolute and relative social inequality related to good OHSP was observed in 2006 and 2010, especially among dentate elderly (2010 - SII: 33.90; CI: 18.80, 48.99 and RII: 2.03; CI: 1.47, 2.82) and in those aged from 60 to 69 years. Social inequality related to self-perception of oral health increased among the elderly in the period evaluated, therefore, actions aimed at this population are necessary to diminish inequities.

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