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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Стигматизација особа оболелих од епилепсије / Stigmatizacija osoba obolelih od epilepsije / Stigmatization of people with epilepsy

Jajić Slađana 17 June 2019 (has links)
<p>Упркос значајном напретку који је остварен на пољу разумевања природе епилепсије и њеног лечења, већина људи са епилепсијом је и даље изложена стигматизацији. Спроведене студије у различитим земљама показују да стигма има снажан утицај на економски статус, социјалне интеракције и свеукупно здравље. Стигма може ометати благовремено обраћање здравственој служби и придржавање препоручене терапије, те оболели приступају алтернативним начинима лечења. Уз претходно наведено, стигма је повезана са широким спектром психосоцијалних последица, укључујући губитак самопоштовања, социјално повлачење и изолацију. Значајан проблем представља и стигма од стране здравствених радника која може негативно утицати на начин пружања услуге лечења и здравствену негу оболелих од епилепсије. Поред улоге у пружању здравствене заштите, здравствени радници су важни друштвени субјекти у одређивању понашања шире друштвене заједнице. Знање и ставови о епилепсији здравствених радника и оболелих од епилепсије су важни фактори за редукцију последица напада, потенцијално штетних поступака за самопомоћ и емоционалних последица болести. Основни циљеви овог истраживања били су анализа стигматизације особа оболелих од епилепсије, како из њиховог сопственог угла, тако и из угла здравствених радника, као и анализа знања о самој болести. Истраживање је спроведено у свим објектима Дома здравља &bdquo;Нови Сад&ldquo;, анкетирањем здравствених радника и особа са постављеном дијагнозом епилепсије. За процену знања о епилепсији, за обе групе је кориштен Упитник о познавању епилепсије, а за испитивање степена стигме и стамостигме је кориштена стандардизована Скала стигме за епилепсију, посебно прилагођена за обе испитиване групе. Резултати овог истраживања показују да више од половине здравствених радника примарне здравствене заштите има низак степен стигматизације према особама оболелим од епилепсије. Такође, наши резултати указују да постоји статистички значајна негативна корелације између степена самостигматизације и нивоа знања о епилепсији код особа оболелих од епилепсије, али и да не постоји статистички значајна корелације између степена стигматизације здравствених радника примарних здравственох установа према особама оболелим од епилепсије и нивоа знања о епилепсији. Степен стигме здравствених радника, према нашем истраживању статистички је нижи од степена самостигме испитаника оболелих од епилепсије, док је ниво знања о епилепсији здравствених радника статистички виши од нивоа знања о епилепсији испитаника оболелих од поменуте болести. На основу резултата овог рада могу се донети препоруке засноване на доказима, а које представљају реалне и оствариве циљеве смањивања стигматизације особа оболелих од епилепсије, које су свакако неопходне. Резултати овог рада указују и на неопходност имплементације образовних програма које би спроводили здравствени радници са позитивним порукама о болести, чиме би се подигао ниво знања о епилепсији, смањила постојећа стигматизација и самостигматизација оболелих од епилепсије те би се омогућило комплетно укључивање особа оболелих од епилепсије у ширу друштвену заједницу и осигурало поштовање основних људских права.</p> / <p>Uprkos značajnom napretku koji je ostvaren na polju razumevanja prirode epilepsije i njenog lečenja, većina ljudi sa epilepsijom je i dalje izložena stigmatizaciji. Sprovedene studije u različitim zemljama pokazuju da stigma ima snažan uticaj na ekonomski status, socijalne interakcije i sveukupno zdravlje. Stigma može ometati blagovremeno obraćanje zdravstvenoj službi i pridržavanje preporučene terapije, te oboleli pristupaju alternativnim načinima lečenja. Uz prethodno navedeno, stigma je povezana sa širokim spektrom psihosocijalnih posledica, uključujući gubitak samopoštovanja, socijalno povlačenje i izolaciju. Značajan problem predstavlja i stigma od strane zdravstvenih radnika koja može negativno uticati na način pružanja usluge lečenja i zdravstvenu negu obolelih od epilepsije. Pored uloge u pružanju zdravstvene zaštite, zdravstveni radnici su važni društveni subjekti u određivanju ponašanja šire društvene zajednice. Znanje i stavovi o epilepsiji zdravstvenih radnika i obolelih od epilepsije su važni faktori za redukciju posledica napada, potencijalno štetnih postupaka za samopomoć i emocionalnih posledica bolesti. Osnovni ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su analiza stigmatizacije osoba obolelih od epilepsije, kako iz njihovog sopstvenog ugla, tako i iz ugla zdravstvenih radnika, kao i analiza znanja o samoj bolesti. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u svim objektima Doma zdravlja &bdquo;Novi Sad&ldquo;, anketiranjem zdravstvenih radnika i osoba sa postavljenom dijagnozom epilepsije. Za procenu znanja o epilepsiji, za obe grupe je korišten Upitnik o poznavanju epilepsije, a za ispitivanje stepena stigme i stamostigme je korištena standardizovana Skala stigme za epilepsiju, posebno prilagođena za obe ispitivane grupe. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da više od polovine zdravstvenih radnika primarne zdravstvene zaštite ima nizak stepen stigmatizacije prema osobama obolelim od epilepsije. Takođe, naši rezultati ukazuju da postoji statistički značajna negativna korelacije između stepena samostigmatizacije i nivoa znanja o epilepsiji kod osoba obolelih od epilepsije, ali i da ne postoji statistički značajna korelacije između stepena stigmatizacije zdravstvenih radnika primarnih zdravstvenoh ustanova prema osobama obolelim od epilepsije i nivoa znanja o epilepsiji. Stepen stigme zdravstvenih radnika, prema našem istraživanju statistički je niži od stepena samostigme ispitanika obolelih od epilepsije, dok je nivo znanja o epilepsiji zdravstvenih radnika statistički viši od nivoa znanja o epilepsiji ispitanika obolelih od pomenute bolesti. Na osnovu rezultata ovog rada mogu se doneti preporuke zasnovane na dokazima, a koje predstavljaju realne i ostvarive ciljeve smanjivanja stigmatizacije osoba obolelih od epilepsije, koje su svakako neophodne. Rezultati ovog rada ukazuju i na neophodnost implementacije obrazovnih programa koje bi sprovodili zdravstveni radnici sa pozitivnim porukama o bolesti, čime bi se podigao nivo znanja o epilepsiji, smanjila postojeća stigmatizacija i samostigmatizacija obolelih od epilepsije te bi se omogućilo kompletno uključivanje osoba obolelih od epilepsije u širu društvenu zajednicu i osiguralo poštovanje osnovnih ljudskih prava.</p> / <p>Despite the significant progress made in understanding the nature of epilepsy and its treatment, most people with epilepsy remain exposed to stigmatization. Studies conducted in different countries shows that stigma has a strong impact on economic status, social interactions and overall health. Stigma can interfere with timely addressing the health service and adhering to the recommended therapy, and patients approach alternative treatments. In addition to the above, the stigma is associated with a wide range of psychosocial consequences, including loss of self-esteem, social retreat and isolation. A significant problem is the stigma of health workers, which can negatively affect the way in which the treatment service and the care of epilepsy sufferers are provided. In addition to the role in providing health care, health workers are important social factor in determining the behavior of the wider community. Knowledge and attitudes about the epilepsy of health workers and epilepsy sufferers are important factors in reducing the consequences of epilepsy attacks, potentially harmful self-help and emotional impacts. The main objectives of this study were the analysis of the stigmatization of epilepsy patients both from their own perspective and from the perspective of health professionals, as well as analysis of knowledge about the disease itself. The research was carried out in all facilities &quot;Dom zdravlja Novi Sad&quot; in the form of a cross section study, interviewing health workers and persons with diagnosed epilepsy. For the assessment of epilepsy knowledge, the Epilepsy Questionnaire was used for both groups, and a standardized Scala stigma of epilepsy was used to test the degree of stigma and self stigma, specifically designed for both examined groups. The results of this study show that more than half of health care workers in primary health care have low stigmatization rates for people with epilepsy. Also, our results indicate that there are statistically significant negative correlations between the degree of self stigma and knowledge about epilepsy, in epilepsy patients, but also that there are no statistically significant correlations between the degree of stigmatization of health workers in primary health care institutions against people with epilepsy and knowledge about epilepsy. The degree of stigma of health workers, according to our research, is statistically lower than the degree of self stigma of respondents suffering from epilepsy, while the level of knowledge about the epilepsy of health workers is statistically higher than the level of knowledge about the epilepsy of respondents with epilepsy. Based on the results of this paper, recommendations based on evidence can be made, which represent real and achievable goals of reducing stigmatization of people with epilepsy, which are certainly necessary. The results of this paper also point to the necessity to implement educational programs that would be carried out by healthcare workers with positive messages about the disease, which would increase the knowledge about epilepsy, reduce the existing stigmatization and self stigma of people with epilepsy, and enable complete inclusion of persons suffering from epilepsy in the wider social community and ensure respect for basic human rights.</p>

Effects of relationship context and social factors on women's solo masturbaton and vibrator use

Sherrow, Ashley Reneé 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Little existing research has examined women’s solo masturbation and vibrator usage in a way that highlights the importance of both sexual agency and the sexual/romantic relationship context. This research evaluates if and how social factors, partnership status and the relationship context, and sexual self-concept impact a woman’s behaviors and attitudes toward masturbation and vibrator use. Using cross-sectional survey data from adult women (N=112), descriptive and bivariate analyses were used to explore a variety of factors. Single and partnered women did not differ significantly on a majority of measures, suggesting that partnership status may play an insignificant role in predicting women’s solo sex attitudes and behaviors. Regarding the relationship context, partner communication and positivity toward masturbation and vibrator use significantly varied together. Finally, greater sexual openness and sexual entitlement were associated with higher masturbation frequency. Results from this study suggest that masturbation and vibrator use are common among adult women, and women are capable of sexual agency in relation to masturbation and vibrator use, whether they are in established partnerships or not.

The role of social support, parent-child relationship quality and self-concept on adolescent depression, achievement, and social satisfaction among children who experience the death of a family member

Nguyen, Hong T. 01 January 2013 (has links)
Experiencing the death of a family member at a young age is a confusing time for many children. Some clinicians have reported that parental death is the most stressful life event for children, and some studies have traced adults' mental health difficulties to unresolved childhood grief (Balk, 1983; Krahnstoever, 2006). Despite the hardships endured after a family member's death, some children manage to endure the pain of loss better than others because they are resilient due to a variety of protective factors (Masten, 2003; Bonanno, 2004). The present study examined the relationships between childhood grief, potential protective factors (social support, physical and academic self-concept, parent-child relationship quality) and adolescent outcomes (depression, social satisfaction, and academic achievement). Longitudinal data from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Study of Early Child Care (SECC) was utilized in the present study. The sample consisted of 1,364 children, including 261 children who experienced the death of at least one family member in third or fifth grade. There were twelve moderation analyses that were used to examine buffering effects in the present study. Findings in the present study did not support the hypotheses that the psychosocial factors examined could be protective factors between experiencing the death of a family member and the adolescent outcomes examined. Results also revealed a significant main effect of social support, parent-child relationship quality, and physical and academic self-concept whereby those with higher levels of these psychosocial factors tend to have lower levels of depression. Having higher physical and academic self-concept was found to be positively associated with academic achievement. Contrary to what might be expected, a main effect of having higher levels of social support, parent-child relationship quality, physical self-concept, and academic self-concept were associated with lower levels of social satisfaction. Although the hypotheses were not supported in the present study, it is still important that the topic was examined and findings from the present study can guide future research in further exploring possible protective factors for children who experienced the death of a family member.

Psychological Contagion within the Supervisor-Subordinate Dyad: An Experience Sampling Investigation of Mood and Job Attitude Contagion at Work

Sestak, Nathan J. 12 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.

The Relation of Sport Involvement and Gender to Fitness, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Concept in Middle School Students

Clevinger, Kristina J. 05 1900 (has links)
In the current study, the relation of the frequency of sport participation and gender to CRF, muscular strength and flexibility, body composition, physical activity self-efficacy, and physical self-concept in a sample of 629 sixth graders were examined. Because both physical activity and sport participation have been related to similar outcomes, activity through physical education was controlled by including only 6th graders who were part of a required school class. MANCOVA analyses demonstrated that sport involvement was significantly related to improvements in physical fitness (i.e., CRF and muscular strength), physical activity self-efficacy, and physical self-concept (CRF and muscular strength). The interaction between sport involvement and gender was not significant, suggesting these relationships existed equally for the boys and girls.

Embodied ideas and divided selves: revisiting Laing via Bakhtin

Burkitt, Ian, Sullivan, Paul W. January 2009 (has links)
In this article, we apply Mikhail Bakhtin's model of a 'divided self' to R.D. Laing's eponymous work on the lived experience of divided selves in 'psychosis'. Both of these authors offer intriguing insights into the fracturing of self through its social relationships (including the 'micro-dialogues' staged for oneself) but from uniquely different perspectives. Bakhtin (1984) uses Dostoevsky's novels as his material for a theory of self, centrally concerned with moments of split identity, crisis, and personal transformation, while Laing relies on his patient's accounts of 'psychosis'. We will outline how two key Bakhtinian divisions of the self (spirit/soul and authoritative/internally persuasive discourse) help to make sense of Laing's descriptions of his patient's experiences and micro-dialogues. Conversely, when refracted through Laing's phenomenology Bakhtin's account of the self becomes richer and somewhat darkened in terms of a double-edged ontology, which describes a maximally open self but one that is consumed by ideas, unable to manage their contradictions. The implications of this for managing the dilemmas of self-identity will be drawn out.

An Investigation of the Relationship Between Seventh, Tenth, and Twelfth Graders' Participation in School Choir and Their Perceived Levels of Self-Concept and Social Support

Murdock, Mervin Charles 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between seventh, tenth, and twelfth graders' participation in school choir and their perceived levels of self-concept and social support. The problems of the study were to determine (1) if there were significant differences in perceived self-concept and social support levels of choir members and non-music students, and (2) if there were significant changes in self-concept and social support of choir members from grades seven to ten to twelve. A secondary concern was school activity involvement, to guard against attributing significant differences of self-concept and social support to choir participation alone.

Testing a dual process model in understanding the development of binge eating behaviors among Chinese adolescent boys and girls in Hong Kong. / Dual process model

January 2001 (has links)
Tang Wai-yee. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 51-61). / Abstracts in English and Chinese.

Teacher attitudes towards the implementation of the learning area technology

Pudi, Thabo Israel 30 June 2002 (has links)
Educational Studies / D. Ed.(Psychology of Education)Educational Studies

Doeloriëntering en selfkonsep in spansport met besondere verwysing na skolerugby / Goal orientation and self-concept in teamsport with special reference to school rugby

Strydom, Lukas Albertus 10 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing het die verband tussen vroee adolessenterugbyspelers se doelorientering en selfkonsep, empiries en in die literatuur, ondersoek. Die literatuurondersoek het getoon dat doelorientering oar twee komponente beskik, naamlik taakbetrokkenheid en egobetrokkenheid. Taakbetrokke sportdeelnemers fokus op vaardigheidsontwikkeling en gebruik hulle eie prestasies as maatstaf vir sukses. Hulle beleef sukses wanneer 'n taak bemeester is, leer plaasvind, of daar 'n verbetering in die uitvoering van die taak is. Sukses word toegeskryf aan die mate van inspanning gelewer. Egobetrokke sportdeelnemers fokus op die wenmotief, gebruik normatiewe vergelyking as maatstaf vir prestasie, en beleef sukses wanneer hulle eie prestasies gunstig met die van ander kan vergelyk. Sukses word aan aangebore talent toegeskryf. Die empiriese ondersoek het bevind dat taakbetrokkenheid positief verband hou met die globale, persoonlike, en sosiale self. Egobetrokkenheid hou negatief verband met die fisieke self, en positief verband met kompetisie-angs. / The research investigated, in the literature and empirically, the possible relation between the goal orientation of male adolescent rugby players and their self-concept. The literature study indicated that goal orientation has two components, namely task involvement and ego involvement. In task-involved sport participation, skills development is emphasized, evaluation of achievement is self-referenced, and success experienced when learning takes place, a task is mastered, or when there is improvement in the execution of tasks. Success is attributed to effort. In ego-involved sport participation objective outcomes are emphasized (i.e. winning), evaluation of achievement is norm-based, and success experienced when own achievements are favourably compared to those of other sport participants. Success is attributed to natural ability. The empirical study indicated a positive relation between task-involved sport participation and the global, personal, and social self. A negative relation between ego-involved sport participation and the physical self, and a positive relation between ego involvement and competition-anxiety was found. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Spesialisering in Voorligting)

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