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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimentelle Untersuchung der atomaren Dynamik und der magnetischen Eigenschaften in i-ZnMgY und i-ZnMgEr/Ho

Rouijaa, Mustapha 12 July 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit befaßt sich mit Untersuchungen der Schwingungsdynamik von ZnMgEr/Ho/Y quasikristallen. Neben diesen werden auch Untersuchungen der magnetischen Eigenschaften durch Neutronenstreuung an denselben Proben durchgeführt.

Design und optimale Betriebsführung doppelt gespeister Asynchrongeneratoren für die regenerative Energieerzeugung / Design and optimum operation management of twice fed asynchronous generators for the regenerative energy production

Sinelnikova, Elena 08 April 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The investigations of the clues for the optimum construction and optimum operation management, that is working point dependent regulation of the active power and reactive power, of a twice fed asynchronous generators with regard to the maximum efficiency in the fully and partial load range by his application in wind power station. The representation of an asynchronous generator by field-oriented regulation is suggested by a simplistic equivalent circuit diagram. The method of the calculation of the rated value of the rotor current components for different working conditions is shown, and the space vector modulation of these rated values with the help of a 4 quadrant converter is valued. A Scaling of the general machine design of a twice fed asynchronous generator for wind power station with following analysis with the help of Finite element method of the electromagnetic and thermal fields in the cross section of the asynchronous generator is carried out. The optimum operation management of the wind power station is investigated. / Die Untersuchungen der Anhaltspunkte für die optimale Auslegung und optimale Betriebsführung, das heißt arbeitspunktabhängige Regelung der Wirk- und Blindleistungen, eines doppelt gespeisten Asynchrongenerators bezüglich des maximalen Wirkungsgrades im Voll- und Teillastbereich bei seinem Einsatz in Windkraftanlage. Die Darstellung eines Asynchrongenerators bei Feldorientierter Regelung wird durch ein vereinfachtes Ersatzschaltbild vorgeschlagen. Die Methode zur Berechnung der Sollwerte der Rotorstromkomponenten für verschiedene Betriebszustände wird dargestellt, und die Raumzeigermodulation dieser Sollwerte mit Hilfe eines 4-Quadranten-Stromrichters bewertet. Eine Skalierung des allgemeinen Maschinenentwurfes eines doppelt gespeisten Asynchrongenerators für Windkraftanlage mit anschließender Analyse anhand Finite-Elemente-Methode der elektromagnetischen und thermischen Felder im Querschnitt des Asynchrongenerators wird durchgeführt. Die optimale Betriebsführung der Windkraftanlage wird untersucht.

Fließspannungsverhalten ultrafeinkörniger Aluminiumwerkstoffe unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Dehnrate

Hockauf, Matthias 04 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Aufgrund ihrer herausragenden Eigenschaften haben ultrafeinkörnige Werkstoffe, die aus konventionellen normalkörnigen Halbzeugen über eine extrem große Kaltverformung hergestellt wurden, in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten zunehmend an Bedeutung erlangt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Fließspannungsverhalten eines Reinaluminiumwerkstoffes (EN AW-1070 – Al99,7) und einer ausscheidungshärtbaren Aluminiumlegierung (EN AW-6060 – AlMgSi) mit Korngrößen von bis zu 660 nm und 310 nm in einem weiten Bereich von Dehnungen und Dehnraten analysiert und mit den zzt. existierenden Modellvorstellungen zu den mikrostrukturellen Abläufen in Verbindung gebracht. Um die Voraussetzung zur Herstellung von ultrafeinkörnigen Werkstoffen zu schaffen, wurden mehrere Werkzeugprototypen für die ECAP-Umformung im Labormaßstab entwickelt und erprobt. Die Untersuchungen zum Fließspannungsverhalten erfolgten anhand von Zug- und Druckversuchen über insgesamt sieben Dekaden der Dehnrate bis in den Bereich der hochdynamischen Belastung von 10^3 s^-1. Die Tests zeigen, dass das Fließspannungsverhalten ultrafeinkörniger Aluminiumwerkstoffe vollständig mithilfe der thermisch aktivierbaren Mechanismen erklärbar ist, wobei Ausscheidungen eine wichtige Rolle spielen. / Because of their exceptional properties ultrafine-grained materials, processed from conventional polycrystalline materials by severe plastic deformation, have gained increasing scientific and industrial interest during the last two decades. Based on the concept of work-hardening for f.c.c. metals the commercially pure aluminium AA1070 (Al99,7 – soft annealed) and the aluminium alloy AA6060 (AlMgSi – peak aged) were investigated. ECAP was used to introduce very high strains and an ultrafine-grained microstructure with grain sizes down to 660 nm and 310 nm. Subsequently compression and tensile tests were performed in a wide range of strain rates over seven decades up to the range of impact loading of 10^3 s^-1. The results indicate that strain path and the corresponding dislocation structure is important for the post-ECAP yielding and the following hardening response. Furthermore the precipitates of the AA6060 clearly constrain the interactions of dislocations in work-hardening stage III – causing lower strain rate sensitivity. If compared to the AA1070 they avoid hardening in stage V where an additional rate and temperature depending effect contributes – caused by the interaction of deformation induced vacancies and dislocations. The results indicate that the strain-hardening behavior can be described by thermal activated mechanisms.

Entwicklung eines wissensbasierten modularen Verfahrens zur Beurteilung der thermischen Verkrümmung von Industriedampfturbinengehäusen

Heße, Christian 05 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Thermische Gehäuseverkrümmungen spielen bei der Dimensionierung von radialen Spielen in Industriedampfturbinen eine große Rolle. Die zuverlässige Vorausberechnung der Gehäuseverkrümmung ist wichtig, um einerseits möglichst kleine Spiele und damit hohe innere Wirkungsgrade erzielen zu können und andererseits Schäden in Folge von Spielüberbrückungen auszuschließen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Gehäuseverkrümmung mit analytischen Methoden und mit Hilfe von 3D-FE-Analysen untersucht. Eine neue semi-analytische Berechnungsmethode auf Basis eines Stufenkörpermodells wurde entwickelt. Damit lassen sich komplexe Geometrien und unterschiedliche thermische Randbedingungen berücksichtigen. Der Einfluss von Rotationsasymmetrien auf die Verkrümmung wurde mit Hilfe einer FE-Parameterstudie untersucht und in Form von Einflussfaktoren in das Modell integriert. Im Vergleich zu vereinfachten FE-Modellen und zu gemessenen Verkrümmungen an realen Turbinengehäusen zeigt das semi-analytische Modell eine gute Übereinstimmung. Weiterhin wurde das Verkrümmungsverhalten von Industriedampfturbinengehäusen mit Hilfe von 3D-FE-Analysen untersucht. Durch Abgleich von gemessenen und simulierten Temperaturen und Verformungen konnten Erkenntnisse zum Modellaufbau gesammelt werden. Da die thermischen Randbedingungen bei der Simulation von Gehäuseverkrümmungen von größter Bedeutung sind und Defizite beim Wissensstand zum Wärmeübergang erkannt wurden, sind umfangreiche Messungen des Wärmeübergangskoeffizienten durchgeführt worden. Damit wurde ein Beitrag geleistet, FE-Analysen zukünftig auch bei Dimensionierungs- und Auslegungsfragen einsetzen zu können.

Photothermal Single Particle Detection in Theory & Experiments

Selmke, Markus 28 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The dissertation presents theoretical and experimental studies on the physical origin of the signal in photothermal microscopy of single particles. This noninvasive optical far field microscopy scheme allows the imaging and detection of single absorbing nanoparticles. Based on a heat-induced pertur- bation in the refractive index in the embedding medium of the nanoscopic absorber, a corresponding probe beam modification is measured and quantified. The method is well established and has been applied since its first demonstration in 2002 to the imaging and characterization of various absorbing particle species, such as quantum dots, single molecules and nanoparticles of different shapes. The extensive theoretical developments presented in this thesis provide the first quantitative assess- ment of the signal and at the same time enlarge its phenomenology and thereby its potential. On the basis of several approximation schemes to the Maxwell equations, which fundamentally gov- ern the interaction of light with inhomogeneities, several complementing models are devised which describe the photothermal signal both qualitatively and quantitatively. In succession an interdepen- dent and self-consistent set of theoretical descriptions is given and allows important experimental consequences to be drawn. In consequence, the photothermal signal is shown to correspond to the action of a nanoscopic (thermal) lens, represented by the spherically symmetric refractive index pro- file n(r) which accompanies the thermal expansion of the absorber’s environment. The achieved quantification allows the direct measurement of absorption cross-sections of nanoparticles. Further, a qualitatively new phenomenology of the signal is unraveled and experimentally demonstrated. The separate roles of the probing and the heating beams in photothermal microscopy is dismantled and the influence of their relative alignment shown to allow for a controlled adjustment of the effective detection volume. For the first time, both positive and negative signals are demonstrated to occur and to be the characteristic signature of the lens-like action on the probe beam. The detection of the probe beam’s modification is also shown to sensitively depend on the aperture used in the detection chan- nel, and a signal optimization is shown to be feasible. Also, a generalization of the detectable signal via the use of a quadrant photodiode is achieved. Specifically, measuring the far field beam deflec- tion the result of the beam passing the lens off-center manifests in a laterally split detection volume. Hereby, finally each classical photothermal spectroscopic techniques has been shown to possess its microscopic counterpart. Central to the understanding of this generalized and new phenomenology is a scalar wave-optical model which draws an analogy between the scattering of a massive particle wave-packet by a Coulomb potential and the deflection of a focused beam by a photonic potential connected with the thermal lens. The significance of the findings is demonstrated by its methodological implications on photother- mal correlation spectroscopy in which the diffusion dynamics of absorbing colloidal particles can be studied. The unique split focal detection volumes are shown to allow the sensitive measurement of a deterministic velocity field. Finally, the method is supplemented by a newly introduced sta- tistical analysis method which is capable of characterizing samples containing a heterogeneous size distribution.

Unstetige Galerkin-Diskretisierung niedriger Ordnung in einem atmosphärischen Multiskalenmodell / Low-order discontinuous Galerkin discretization in an atmospheric multi-scale model

Orgis, Thomas January 2013 (has links)
Die Dynamik der Atmosphäre der Erde umfasst einen Bereich von mikrophysikalischer Turbulenz über konvektive Prozesse und Wolkenbildung bis zu planetaren Wellenmustern. Für Wettervorhersage und zur Betrachtung des Klimas über Jahrzehnte und Jahrhunderte ist diese Gegenstand der Modellierung mit numerischen Verfahren. Mit voranschreitender Entwicklung der Rechentechnik sind Neuentwicklungen der dynamischen Kerne von Klimamodellen, die mit der feiner werdenden Auflösung auch entsprechende Prozesse auflösen können, notwendig. Der dynamische Kern eines Modells besteht in der Umsetzung (Diskretisierung) der grundlegenden dynamischen Gleichungen für die Entwicklung von Masse, Energie und Impuls, so dass sie mit Computern numerisch gelöst werden können. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Eignung eines unstetigen Galerkin-Verfahrens niedriger Ordnung für atmosphärische Anwendungen. Diese Eignung für Gleichungen mit Wirkungen von externen Kräften wie Erdanziehungskraft und Corioliskraft ist aus der Theorie nicht selbstverständlich. Es werden nötige Anpassungen beschrieben, die das Verfahren stabilisieren, ohne sogenannte „slope limiter” einzusetzen. Für das unmodifizierte Verfahren wird belegt, dass es nicht geeignet ist, atmosphärische Gleichgewichte stabil darzustellen. Das entwickelte stabilisierte Modell reproduziert eine Reihe von Standard-Testfällen der atmosphärischen Dynamik mit Euler- und Flachwassergleichungen in einem weiten Bereich von räumlichen und zeitlichen Skalen. Die Lösung der thermischen Windgleichung entlang der mit den Isobaren identischen charakteristischen Kurven liefert atmosphärische Gleichgewichtszustände mit durch vorgegebenem Grundstrom einstellbarer Neigung zu(barotropen und baroklinen)Instabilitäten, die für die Entwicklung von Zyklonen wesentlich sind. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Arbeiten sind diese Zustände direkt im z-System(Höhe in Metern)definiert und müssen nicht aus Druckkoordinaten übertragen werden.Mit diesen Zuständen, sowohl als Referenzzustand, von dem lediglich die Abweichungen numerisch betrachtet werden, und insbesondere auch als Startzustand, der einer kleinen Störung unterliegt, werden verschiedene Studien der Simulation von barotroper und barokliner Instabilität durchgeführt. Hervorzuheben ist dabei die durch die Formulierung von Grundströmen mit einstellbarer Baroklinität ermöglichte simulationsgestützte Studie des Grades der baroklinen Instabilität verschiedener Wellenlängen in Abhängigkeit von statischer Stabilität und vertikalem Windgradient als Entsprechung zu Stabilitätskarten aus theoretischen Betrachtungen in der Literatur. / The dynamics of the Earth’s atmosphere encompass a range from microphysical turbulence over convective processes and cloud formation up to planetary wave patterns. For weather forecasting and the investigation of climate over decades and centuries, these are subject to modelling with numerical methods. With progressing development of computer technology, re-development of the dynamical cores of climate models is in order to properly handle processes covered by the increasing resolution. The dynamical core of a model consists of the adaptation(discretization)of the basic equations for the dynamics of mass, energy and momentum for solving them numerically employing computers. The presented work investigates the applicability of a low-order Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method for atmospheric applications. With equations that include external forces like gravitation and the Coriolis force, that is not given by theory. Necessary changes for stabilizing the method without resorting to slope limiters are presented. For the unmodified method, the basic inability to properly keep atmospheric balances is demonstrated. The developed stabilized model reproduces a set of standard test cases in a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. The solution of the termal wind equation along its characteristics curves, those being identical to the isobars, produces balanced atmospheric states with tunable (barotropic and baroclinic) instability via a prescribed zonal wind field. The constructed instability directly relates to the generation of cyclones. In contrast to earlier works, these balanced states are directly given in the z system (height in meters), without need for elaborate conversion from pressure coordinates. With these constructed states, both as reference state, the deviations from which being considered numerically, and as especially as initial condition subject to a small perturbation, several studies of barotropic and baroclinic instability are conducted via simulations. Particularily, the construction of steady states with configurable zonal flows of certain baroclinity facilitates a simulation-based study of baroclinic instability of differing wavelengths, depending on static stability and vertical wind gradient, in correspondence with stability maps from theoretical considerations in the literature.

Mechanical milling of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals and their Reinforcement in Aluminum matrix composites

Ali, Fahad 11 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, the effect of mechanical deformation on structure, thermal stability and hardness of a single-phase spray-deposited quasicrystalline alloy with composition Al62.5Cu25Fe12.5 has been investigated in detail. The purpose of the investigation was to study the effect of mechanical milling at different milling speeds (which approximately scale with the milling intensity) on mechanically-induced phase transformations during milling and on the phase evolution during subsequent heating. The results of the milling experiments indicate that, irrespective of the milling speeds used, mechanical milling of Al62.5Cu25Fe12.5 quasicrystals leads to the formation of a disordered CsCl-type ß phase with grain size of about 10 – 20 nm. The analysis of the kinetics of the QC–to–ß phase transformation reveals that the milling intensity has a considerable effect on the characteristics of the transformation. The increase of the milling speed considerably shortens the incubation time needed to start the QC–to–ß phase transformation. Also, the overall transformation is much faster for milling at high speeds. The QC–to–ß phase transformation starts when the grain size of the quasicrystals is reduced to about 10 nm irrespective of the milling speed used and clearly indicates that a critical grain size of the quasicrystals for initiating the transformation exists. On the other hand, no critical value of lattice strain was found for the QC–to–ß transformation. This indicates that the phase transformation is controlled by the local length scale (i.e. the grain size) and by the corresponding grain boundaries rather than by the energy stored in the lattice. Energetic considerations obtained through a simple model based on the mass and velocity of the milling balls reveal that the energy needed for the QC–to–ß transformation increases with increasing the milling speed, that is, the energetic efficiency of the process decreases with increasing the milling intensity. This indicates that part the extra energy supplied during milling at high intensities is not used to induce the phase transformation but it is dissipated by heat. During heating, the milled powder displays a multi-step thermal behavior characterized by the grain growth of the disordered ß phase at low temperatures, followed, at higher temperatures, by its transformation into the original icosahedral quasicrystalline phase. The transformation is gradual and the quasicrystals and the disordered ß phase coexist over a temperature interval of more than 250 K. The phase transformations occurring during milling and subsequent annealing have a remarkable effect on the hardness, which can be tuned within a wide range of values (7–9.6 GPa) as a function of the volume fraction of the different phases. This suggests that a composite material with optimized mechanical properties can be produced by an appropriate thermo-mechanical treatment. The quasicrystals milled at a very low speed show a transition between Hall-Petch to inverse Hall-Petch behavior at a grain size of about 40 nm, which represents the critical value for grain size softening of the present Al62.5Cu25Fe12.5 quasicrystals. This behavior may be attributed to the complexity of the quasicrystalline structure and to its peculiar deformation mechanism at room temperature (i.e. shear banding), where meta-dislocation-assisted deformation is almost absent. In order to analyze the effectiveness of the Al62.5Cu25Fe12.5 quasicrystals as reinforcing agent in metal matrix composites, Al-based composites were synthesized by hot extrusion of elemental Al blended with different amounts of Al62.5Cu25Fe12.5 quasicrystalline particles. The work was focused on two specific aspects: evaluation of the mechanical properties through room temperature compression tests and modeling of the resulting properties. The addition of the quasicrystalline reinforcement is very effective for improving the room temperature mechanical properties of pure Al. The compressive strength increases from 155 MPa for pure Al to 330 and 407 MPa for the composites with 20 and 40 vol.% of reinforcement, respectively, reaching an ultimate strain of 55 % and 20 % before fracture occurs. These results indicate that the addition of the QC reinforcement leads to composite materials with compressive strengths exceeding that of pure Al by a factor of 2 – 2.5, while retaining appreciable plastic deformation. The mechanical properties of the composites have been modeled by taking into account the combined effect of load bearing, dislocation strengthening and matrix ligament size effects. The calculations are in very good agreement with the experimental results and reveal that the reduction of the matrix ligament size, which results in a similar strengthening effect as that observed for grain refinement, is the main strengthening mechanism in the current composites. Finally, the interfacial reaction between the Al matrix and the QC reinforcement has been used to further enhance the strength of the composites through the formation of a new microstructure consisting of the Al matrix reinforced with Al7Cu2Fe w-phase particles. The optimization of the structure-property relationship was done through the systematic variation of the processing temperature during consolidation. The mechanical behavior of these transformation-strengthened composites is remarkably improved compared to the parent material. The yield strength of the composites significantly increases as the Al + QC -> ω transformation progresses from 195 MPa for the sample reinforced only with QC particles to 400 MPa for the material where the Al + QC -> ω reaction is complete. These results clearly demonstrate that powder metallurgy, i.e. powder synthesis by ball milling followed by consolidation into bulk specimens, is an attractive processing route for the production of novel and innovative lightweight composites characterized by high strength combined with considerable plastic deformation. In addition, these findings indicate that the mechanical behavior of Al-based composites reinforced with Al62.5Cu25Fe12.5 quasicrystalline particles can be tuned within a wide range of strength and plasticity depending on the volume fraction of the reinforcement as well as on the extent of the interfacial reaction between Al matrix and QC reinforcing particles.

NANDRAD 1.4 building simulation model

Paepcke, Anne 01 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
NANDRAD is a dynamic building energy simulation program. It calulates heating/cooling requirements and electric power consumption with respect to realistic climatic conditions and dynamic room usage. The model includes one-dimensional spatially resolved heat transport through multi-layered walls and thermal storage of solid components (room furniture/building walls). Consequently, massive constructions forms in the European area are very well represented. Further, NANDRAD calculates geometrical long radiation heat exchange inside the room. Heating systems may be modeled with a high level of geometrical detail, i.e. surface heating systems as part of the wall constructions and radiant heaters inside the room. NANDRAD can be applied for passive building simulation, energy optimization and thermal comfort analysis with respect to a very detailed building representation. In this terms, the model supports the simulation of a large number of zones and walls without need for subgrouping or other model reduction strategies.

A Self-Consistent Model for Thermal Oxidation of Silicon at Low Oxide Thickness

Gerlach, Gerald, Maser, Karl 11 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Thermal oxidation of silicon belongs to the most decisive steps in microelectronic fabrication because it allows creating electrically insulating areas which enclose electrically conductive devices and device areas, respectively. Deal and Grove developed the first model (DG-model) for the thermal oxidation of silicon describing the oxide thickness versus oxidation time relationship with very good agreement for oxide thicknesses of more than 23 nm. Their approach named as general relationship is the basis of many similar investigations. However, measurement results show that the DG-model does not apply to very thin oxides in the range of a few nm. Additionally, it is inherently not self-consistent. The aim of this paper is to develop a self-consistent model that is based on the continuity equation instead of Fick’s law as the DG-model is. As literature data show, the relationship between silicon oxide thickness and oxidation time is governed—down to oxide thicknesses of just a few nm—by a power-of-time law. Given by the time-independent surface concentration of oxidants at the oxide surface, Fickian diffusion seems to be neglectable for oxidant migration. The oxidant flux has been revealed to be carried by non-Fickian flux processes depending on sites being able to lodge dopants (oxidants), the so-called DOCC-sites, as well as on the dopant jump rate.

Wärmeabgabe teilbeheizter Fußböden

Kremonke, André 13 June 2000 (has links)
Mit Hilfe von experimentellen Untersuchungen wird nachgewiesen, daß sich die nutzerseitig abgegebene Wärmestromdichte des außenwandnahen Fußbodenbereiches nicht allein über die Differenz zwischen der Heizflächen- und Raumtemperatur beschreiben läßt. Die Ableitung verallgemeinerbarer Berechnungsansätze ist Schwerpunkt der Arbeit. Die experimentellen Untersuchungen erfolgen in einem Modellraum in Originalgröße. Meßtechnisch erfaßt werden die Oberflächentemperaturen, die Lufttemperaturverteilung, die Luftgeschwindigkeitsverteilung und die örtliche Gesamtwärmestromdichte der beheizten Fußbodenbereiche. Der konvektive Wärmeübergang wird maßgeblich von der über dem Fußboden umgelenkten Falluftströmung an der Außenwand beeinflußt. Zur Berechnung der örtlichen Maximalgeschwindigkeiten wird ein einfacher Berechnungsansatz entwickelt. Mit Hilfe numerischer Untersuchungen erfolgt ein Vergleich verschiedener Heizsysteme hinsichtlich der Empfindungstemperaturverteilung.

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