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Photothermal Single Particle Detection in Theory & ExperimentsSelmke, Markus 10 July 2013 (has links)
The dissertation presents theoretical and experimental studies on the physical origin of the signal in photothermal microscopy of single particles. This noninvasive optical far field microscopy scheme allows the imaging and detection of single absorbing nanoparticles. Based on a heat-induced pertur- bation in the refractive index in the embedding medium of the nanoscopic absorber, a corresponding probe beam modification is measured and quantified. The method is well established and has been applied since its first demonstration in 2002 to the imaging and characterization of various absorbing particle species, such as quantum dots, single molecules and nanoparticles of different shapes.
The extensive theoretical developments presented in this thesis provide the first quantitative assess- ment of the signal and at the same time enlarge its phenomenology and thereby its potential. On the basis of several approximation schemes to the Maxwell equations, which fundamentally gov- ern the interaction of light with inhomogeneities, several complementing models are devised which describe the photothermal signal both qualitatively and quantitatively. In succession an interdepen- dent and self-consistent set of theoretical descriptions is given and allows important experimental consequences to be drawn. In consequence, the photothermal signal is shown to correspond to the action of a nanoscopic (thermal) lens, represented by the spherically symmetric refractive index pro- file n(r) which accompanies the thermal expansion of the absorber’s environment. The achieved quantification allows the direct measurement of absorption cross-sections of nanoparticles. Further, a qualitatively new phenomenology of the signal is unraveled and experimentally demonstrated. The separate roles of the probing and the heating beams in photothermal microscopy is dismantled and the influence of their relative alignment shown to allow for a controlled adjustment of the effective detection volume. For the first time, both positive and negative signals are demonstrated to occur and to be the characteristic signature of the lens-like action on the probe beam. The detection of the probe beam’s modification is also shown to sensitively depend on the aperture used in the detection chan- nel, and a signal optimization is shown to be feasible. Also, a generalization of the detectable signal via the use of a quadrant photodiode is achieved. Specifically, measuring the far field beam deflec- tion the result of the beam passing the lens off-center manifests in a laterally split detection volume. Hereby, finally each classical photothermal spectroscopic techniques has been shown to possess its microscopic counterpart. Central to the understanding of this generalized and new phenomenology is a scalar wave-optical model which draws an analogy between the scattering of a massive particle wave-packet by a Coulomb potential and the deflection of a focused beam by a photonic potential connected with the thermal lens.
The significance of the findings is demonstrated by its methodological implications on photother- mal correlation spectroscopy in which the diffusion dynamics of absorbing colloidal particles can be studied. The unique split focal detection volumes are shown to allow the sensitive measurement of a deterministic velocity field. Finally, the method is supplemented by a newly introduced sta- tistical analysis method which is capable of characterizing samples containing a heterogeneous size distribution.:Contents
Bibliographic description
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Background
2.1 The current literature on the subject of the photothermal signal
2.2 Thermal conduction, and the temperature field around heated nanoparticles
2.3 The linear thermo-refractive response and the thermal lens
2.4 MAXWELL equations and approximation schemes
2.4.1 The MAXWELL equations
2.4.2 HELMHOLTZ equations
2.4.3 Paraxial HELMHOLTZ equation for the field components
2.4.4 Geometrical optics and the eikonal ansatz
2.5 Diffraction and the optical resolution limit in far field microscopy
2.5.1 Transmission scanning microscopy
2.5.2 Point spread functions and aberrations
2.5.3 Scalar diffraction approximation for weakly focused beams
2.5.4 Vectorial diffraction for highly focused electromagnetic fields
2.5.5 Theoretical description of transmission signals
2.6 Elastic scattering of light
2.6.1 Overview of optical elastic scattering theory
2.6.2 The integral equation of potential scattering and the BORN approximation
2.6.3 The generalized LORENZ-MIE theory
2.6.4 The electromagnetic fields
2.6.5 Description of the incident field: beam shape coefficients
2.6.6 Multilayered scatterers
2.6.7 POYNTING vector and field decomposition
2.6.8 Energy balance & total cross-sections
2.6.9 Optical theorem & the extinction paradox
2.6.10 Small particle scattering: the RAYLEIGH-limit
2.7 Optical properties of gold nanoparticles & Surface plasmon resonances
2.7.1 Dielectric function of gold
2.7.2 Total cross-sections of plasmonic nanoparticles
properties of gold nanoparticles & Surface plasmon resonances
2.8 (Hot) BROWNian motion, diffusion and their statistical analysis
2.8.1 (Hot) BROWNian motion
2.8.2 Diffusion and correlation analysis
2.8.3 Methods regarding the signal statistics of diffusing tracer particles
2.9 RUTHERFORD scattering of charged particles
2.9.1 Classical RUTHERFORD scattering
2.9.2 Quantum mechanical COULOMB scattering
3 Experimental Setup
3.1 Sample preparation
3.2 Photothermal microscopy setup
4 Photothermal Imaging: Results and Discussion
4.1 MAXWELL equations: Exact treatment of the PT signal
4.1.1 Angularly resolved powers: Fractional cross-sections
4.1.2 Incident power and background normalization
4.1.3 Fractional scattering and extinction cross-sections (off-axis)
4.1.4 Fractional scattering and extinction cross-sections (on-axis)
4.1.5 Small particle approximation(on-axis)
4.1.6 General properties of transmission scans
4.1.7 The thermal lens n(r) in the MIE-scattering framework
4.1.8 The photothermal signal F in the MIE scattering framework
4.2 Geometrical optics: Photonic RUTHERFORD scattering (ray optics)
4.2.1 FERMAT’s principle for a thermal lens medium
4.2.2 Gaussian beam transformation by a thermal lens
4.2.3 Experiments using weakly focused, i.e. nearly Gaussian beams
4.3 HELMHOLTZ equation: Photonic RUTHERFORD scattering (wave optics)
4.3.1 Plane-wave scattering
4.3.2 Focused beam scattering
4.3.3 Connection to the far field
4.3.4 Photothermal Rutherford scattering microscopy
4.3.5 Photothermal half-aperture measurements
4.4 Paraxial HELMHOLTZ equation: FRESNEL diffraction by a thermal lens
4.4.1 The diffraction integral and the phase mask for a thermal lens
4.4.2 The photothermal signal expressed via the image plane field
4.4.3 Experimental demonstration of the signal inversion
4.4.4 Connection to photothermal RUTHERFORD scattering
4.5 Plane-wave extinction & scattering by a thermal lens
4.5.1 The BORN approximation for the ideal and time-dependent thermal lens
4.5.2 The eikonal approximation for the ideal thermal lens and x>>1
4.5.3 Lessons to be learned from plane-wave scattering by thermal lenses
4.6 What is a lens? And is n(r) a lens?
5 Methodological Applications of the Results
5.1 Generalized photothermal correlation spectroscopy (incl. twin-PhoCS)
5.2 Photothermal signal distribution analysis (PhoSDA)
6 Summary and Outlook
6.1 Summary of the results
6.2 Outlook
7 Appendix
7.1 Material parameters
7.2 Calculation parameters
7.3 Interactive simulation scripts (Processing)
7.4 Vectorial scattering in the BORN-approximation
7.5 Details regarding the scattering framework
7.5.1 Connection between Gmn,TE,TM of Ref.1 and gmn,TE,TM in the GLMT
7.5.2 Off-axis BSCs including aberration (single interface)
7.5.3 Details on the incidence power Pinc
7.5.4 Details on the incidence power Pinc for arbitrary beams
7.5.5 Explicit expressions for the spherical field components of Es,i and Hs,i
7.5.6 Note on the time-dependence and the corresponding sign-conventions in M
7.5.7 Recurrence relation for Pn and tn
7.5.8 Gaussian beam shape coefficients: Off-axis
7.5.9 Multilayered Scatterer
7.5.10 POYNTING-vector and energy flow fields
7.5.11 Convergence
7.5.12 Further evaluations in the GLMT framework
7.5.13 Diffraction model: Comparison of angular PT signal pattern to the GLMT
7.6 Details on geometrical optics models
7.6.1 Geometrical optics: Exact solution r(f) for |bx|<1
7.6.2 Correspondences in photonic and partile RUTHERFORD scattering
7.6.3 On the difference in the definition of optical energy
7.6.4 Ray-opticsphotothermalsignal
7.6.5 Thick lens raytracing and the equivalent lens shape for a given aberration
7.7 Thermal lens around a wire of radius R
7.8 Twin-PhoCS: Graphic illustration of the CCF integrand
Curriculum Vitae
List of Tables
List of Figures
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A method for correcting a moving heat source in analyses with coarse temporal discretizationPartzsch, Marian, Beitelschmidt, Michael, Khonsari, Michael M. 04 November 2019 (has links)
The numerical simulation of a moving heat source from a fixed point observer is often done by discretely adjusting its position over the steps of a thermal transient analysis. The efficiency of these simulations is increased when using a coarse temporal discretization whilst maintaining the quality of results. One systematic error source is the rare update of a nonconstant moving heat source with regard to its magnitude and location. In this work, we present an analysis of the error and propose a correction approach based on conserving the specified heat from a continuous motion in analyses with large time-step sizes. Deficiencies associated with the correction in special motion situations are identified by means of performance studies and the approach is extended accordingly. The advantages of applying the proposed correction are demonstrated through examples.
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Thermal and oxidation resistant barrier on carbon fiber with Si and Si–Ti based pre-ceramic coatings for high temperature applicationShayed, Mohammad Abu, Hund, Heike, Hund, Rolf-Dieter, Cherif, Chokri 18 September 2019 (has links)
Carbon fiber (CF) must be protected from thermal oxidation for high temperature application because of its low thermo-oxidative stability above 450°C in air. CF is now increasingly being used as a reinforcing material in the construction industry. A thermal and oxidation resistant coating is necessary for CF-reinforced concrete (CFRC) composites in order to satisfy a high level of safety standard in the case of fire. New types of pre-ceramic coatings, such as Tyranno® polymer (Si–Ti based pre-ceramic) and SiO₂ sol–gel, have been deposited on CF filament yarn by means of a wet chemical continuous dip coating method. The results of surface analyses, e.g. scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and infrared spectroscopy, showed the changes in topographical properties of CF caused by the coatings. Thermogravimetric analysis proved that the high temperature (up to 800°C) oxidation stability of CF was considerably improved due to the coatings. Tensile test results indicated that the strength of CF yarn at 20°C was increased by up to 80% with the coatings. Thermo-mechanical properties were also enhanced up to 600°C. CF yarn retains its original strength and elasticity modulus, i.e. the stiffness at 700°C, with a Tyranno® polymer coating.
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Optimisation of water-cannon cleaning for deposit removal on water walls inside waste incineratorsGraube, Franziska, Grahl, Sebastian, Rostkowski, Slawomir, Beckmann, Michael 30 September 2019 (has links)
Deposits in municipal waste incinerators are very inhomogeneous in structure and constitution. They cause corrosion and reduce the efficiency, so they need to be removed frequently. Among other systems, operators use water cannons for the deposit removal. Two different removal mechanisms of water-cannon cleaning are suggested: A direct shattering of the deposit by the impact of the water jet, as well as the cracking caused by thermal stresses where droplets cool the deposits. As the contribution of each of the aforementioned mechanisms to the overall cleaning efficiency is unknown, we performed empirical investigations to determine the dominating effect. In a first experimental setup focusing on thermal stress, cold droplets were applied onto hot deposits taken from a waste incinerator. Results showed that the cleaning effect strongly depends on the deposit thickness and structure, so that the deposits could be categorised in three different groups. A second measurement campaign focused on the influence of deposit material, deposit temperature and water jet momentum. It could be shown that both deposit material and temperature have a significant effect on the cleaning efficiency, whereas an increase in water jet momentum only led to modest improvements. The combination of these two parameter studies implies that the influence of the thermal stress outweighs that of the momentum. This knowledge is applicable to the cleaning setup by increasing the temperature gradient.
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Neue Verfahren zur Effizienten Simulation Thermischer Systeme mit Translatorischen StrukturvariabilitätenPartzsch, Marian 07 September 2018 (has links)
Aktuelle technologische Herausforderungen, z.B. in der Werkzeugmaschinenentwicklung, erfordern aufgrund der steigenden Genauigkeitsanforderungen an die thermische Simulation eines zu betrachtenden Systems, dass ebenfalls die Auswirkungen relevanter, translatorischer Relativbewegungen zwischen unterschiedlichen Teilen des Systems berücksichtigt werden. Das Vorgehen, diese Bewegung in den Simulationen durch diskrete Verschiebungen zwischen den Lastschritten einer transienten Analyse umzusetzen, führt bei der Verwendung einer infinit kleinen Zeitschrittweite auf die Abbildung einer kontinuierlichen Bewegung, bringt aber gleichzeitig eine problematische Steigerung des notwendigen Rechenaufwands mit sich.
Die Anwendung einer langen Zeitschrittweite bei gleichzeitiger Konservierung der Ergebnisgenauigkeit stellt nun einen Ansatz dar, die Effizienz solcher Analysen über den eingesparten Aufwand der nicht auszuwertenden Lastschritte zu steigern. In dieser Arbeit wurden durch eine gezielte Partitionierung der aus einer Ortsdiskretisierung resultierenden Systemmatrizen zunächst vier qualitativ unterscheidbare Fehlerquellen identifiziert, welche die Verwendung einer groben Zeitdiskretisierung potentiell nach sich ziehen kann. Konkret gehören dazu die Leistungsfähigkeit des zur transienten Auswertung verwendeten Integrationsverfahrens, die diskrete Umsetzung der Bewegung sowie die seltene Aktualisierung der beiden Arten von Kontaktlasten. Für die einzelnen Fehler werden die möglichen Auswirkungen jeweils allgemein quantifiziert. Für zwei, dabei als relevant identifizierte Fehlerquellen werden mit der BD- und der RUMHI-Korrektur zugehörige Verfahren entwickelt, mit denen die Ergebnisgenauigkeit trotz grober Zeitdiskretisierung aufwandsarm bewahrt werden kann. Dass ein strukturvariables, thermisches Problem durch die kombinierte dieser Korrekturverfahren deutlich effizienter berechnet werden kann, wird in der Arbeit abschließend an zwei stellvertretenden Problemen beispielhaft gezeigt.
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Thermal and thermal-mechanical simulation for the prediction of fatigue processes in packages for power semiconductor devicesPoller, Tilo 03 September 2014 (has links)
The knowledge about the reliability of power electronics is necessary for the design of converters. Especially for offshore applications it is essential
to know, which fatigue processes happen and how the lifetime can be estimated. Numerical simulation is an important tool for the development
of power electronic systems. This thesis analyse the thermal and thermal-mechanical behaviour of packages for power semiconductor devices with the help of simulations. One topic is the evaluation of different thermal models.
The main focus is on the description of the thermal cross-coupling between the devices and the influence to the lifetime estimation. The power module is a well established package for power semiconductor devices. It will be explained how the heating period of power cycles influences the failure mode of this package type. Additionally, it will evaluated how SiC devices and DAB substrates influence the power cycling capability. The press-pack is in focus for high power applications as the package short-circuits during an electrical failure without external auxiliary systems. However, the knowledge about
the power cycling behaviour is currently limited. With the help of simulations this behaviour will be analysed and possible weak points will be also
In the end of the work it will be discussed, how the lifetime can be estimated with help of FEM simulations. / Für die Entwicklung von Umrichtern ist die Kenntnis über die Zuverlässigkeit der Leistungselektronik ein wichtiges Kernthema. Insbesondere für Offshore-Anwendungen ist das Wissen über die stattfindenden Ermüdungsprozesse und die Abschätzung der zu erwartenden Lebensdauer der Bauteile essentiell. Hierfür hat sich die Simulation als ein wichtiges Werkzeug für die Entwicklung und Lebensdauerbewertung von leistungselektronischen Anlagen etabliert. In der folgenden Arbeit wird das thermische und das thermisch-mechanische Verhalten der Leistungselektronik mittels Simulationen untersucht.
Hierzu wird ein Vergleich zwischen verschiedenen thermischen Modellen für Leistungsbauelemente durchgeführt. Schwerpunkt ist die Beschreibung der thermischen Kopplung zwischen den Chips und deren Einfluss auf die Lebensdauerabschätzung. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist das Leistungsmodul, welches sich als ein Standardgehäuse etabliert hat. Dazu wird erklärt, wie die Variation der Einschaltzeit im aktiven Lastwechseltest den
Fehlermodus dieses Gehäusetyps beeinflusst. Weiterhin wird untersucht, wie SiC als Leistungshalbleiter und DAB als Substrat die Zuverlässigkeit beein-
flusst. Der Press-Pack ist für Hochleistungsapplikationen von hohem Interesse, da dieses Gehäuse im elektrischen Fehlerfall ohne äußere Unterstützung
kurzschliesst. Jedoch ist das Wissen über diese Gehäusetechnologie unter aktiven Lastwechselbedingungen sehr limitiert. Mit Hilfe von Simulationen
wird dieses Verhalten untersucht und mögliche Schwachpunkte abgeleitet.
Am Ende der Arbeit werden Möglichkeiten untersucht, wie Mithilfe von FEM Simulationen die Lebensdauer von Leistungsmodulen evaluiert werden kann.
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Transiente Methoden der Infrarot-Thermografie zur zerstörungsfreien Fehleranalytik in der mikroelektronischen Aufbau- und VerbindungstechnikMay, Daniel 10 March 2015 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurde eine neue fehleranalytische Methode zur industriellen Anwendung an neuen Technologien der Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik entwickelt. Das Verfahren basiert auf der Wechselwirkung von thermischen Wellen und Defekten.
Die Besonderheit ist dabei die Zerstörungsfreiheit, die Geschwindigkeit, das Auflösungsvermögen und die durch neueste IR-Detektoren erreichte Temperaturempfindlichkeit.
Es wurden grundlegende Studien bezüglich Auflösung und parasitären Effekten bei der Anwendung unter industriellen Randbedingungen durchgeführt. Dabei wurde eine systematische Vorgehensweise bezüglich der Komplexität gewählt.
Dies ermöglicht nun u.a. eine Vorhersage der zu erwartenden Prüfdauer zur Auflösung vergrabener Defekte, der Begrenzung der maximalen Anregungsimpulsbreite (bei gegebener Defekttiefe) und die quantitative Ermittlung des Einflusses einer Lackschicht.
Methodisch kamen grundsätzlich Simulationen und vergleichende Experimente zum Einsatz. Es wurden spezielle Proben zur Isolierung und Klärung parasitärer Effekte verwendet. Letztlich konnte das Messsystem erfolgreich an industriellen Problemstellung demonstriert werden.
Das entwickelte Messsystem zeichnet sich durch hohe Flexibilität aus. Verschiedene problemangepasste Anregungsquellen (interne und externe Anregung durch zahlreiche physikalische Effekte) kommen zum Einsatz.
Das Messsystem besteht aus vier Hauptmodulen, der Differenzbild-Methode, der Impulsthermografie, und zwei Varianten der LockIn-Thermografie.
Zusammen ist das System in der Lage, Voids, Delaminationen und Risse in verschiedenen Bereichen auch der modernen AVT sicher zu erkennen.
Es werden dabei Temperaturauflösugnen bis zu 5 mK und laterale Auflösungen bis 17 µm erreicht.
Diese Arbeit legt einen Grundstein für die Anwendung der thermischen Fehleranalytik in der Industrie, indem hier die Grenzen der IR-Messtechnik aufgezeigt und charakterisiert werden. / In this work a new failure analytical method for the industrial application of new technologies in electronic packaging has been developed.
The developed method is based on the interaction of the thermal waves and defects.
The special fature is non-destructive, speed, resolution and high temperature sensitivity due to latest IR-detectors.
It fundamental studies regarding resolution and parasitic effects in the application were carried out cinsidering industrial conditions. Here, a systematic approach regarding the complexity has been selected.
This now enables a prediction of the expected test period for detecting buried defects, limits for excitation pulse width (for a given defect depth) and the quantitative determination of the influence of parasitic paints.
Methodically always simulations and comparative experiments were used. Simple samples for the isolation and purification of parasitic effects has been used. Finally, the measurement system has been successfully demonstrated on an industrial applications.
The developed measurement system is characterized by high flexibility. Different problem-adapted excitation sources (internal and external excitation by numerous physical effects) are used.
The measurement system currently consists of four main modules, the difference image method, the pulse thermography, and two variants of LockIn-thermography. Together, the system is capable of detecting voids, delaminations and cracks in various fields of electronic packageing.
It will reach temperature resolutions up to 5 mK and lateral resolutions down to 17 µm.
This work stes a foundation for the application of thermal failure analysis for industry by showing and charcterization the limits of IR imaging.
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Thermische Ausdehnung und Langzeit-Längenrelaxation der Systeme NbTi und NbTi-D im TieftemperaturbereichKöckert, Christoph 05 December 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Numerical Investigations of Shallow Geothermal Applications Interacting with the Subsurface EnvironmentMeng, Boyan 08 March 2023 (has links)
Bei oberflächennahen geothermischen Anwendungen kommt es zu Temperaturveränderungen im Untergrund, um Wärme zu gewinnen oder zu speichern. Die dadurch verursachten thermischen Auswirkungen können die thermischen, hydraulischen und chemischen Bedingungen des Untergrunds verändern und sich auf die Systemleistung auswirken. Die Situation wird noch komplizierter, wenn die Grundwasserleiter unterschiedlich gesättigt sind und eine Verunreinigung des Untergrunds vorliegt. In dieser Arbeit werden vollständig gekoppelte Wärme- und Stofftransportmodelle angewandt, um die Wechselwirkung zwischen oberflächennahen geothermischen Anwendungen und der unterirdischen Umgebung besser zu charakterisieren. Es werden drei verschiedene Szenarien untersucht. Zunächst werden die thermischen Auswirkungen und die Nachhaltigkeit einer intensiven oberflächennahen geothermischen Nutzung in einem Wohngebiet über einen Zeitraum von 24 Jahren bewertet. Überwachungsdaten des Standorts werden in das Modell integriert, und die Bedeutung standortspezifscher Kenntnisse für die Planung wird hervorgehoben. Zweitens wird der gekoppelte Feuchtigkeits- und Wärmetransport eines Erdwärmespeichersystems (BTES) untersucht. Es wird eine Sensitivitätsanalyse durchgeführt und die Wärmeentzugsefzienz zwischen verschiedenen Szenarien verglichen. Bei Austrocknung oder starker Gasphasenkonvektion werden signifkante Änderungen im Wärmetransportverhalten erwartet. Drittens wird ein nichtisothermes Drei-Komponenten-Zweiphasenströmungsmodell abgeleitet und mit der Finite-Elemente-Methode implementiert. Die Validierung des numerischen Modells bestätigt seine Fähigkeit, die gekoppelte Strömung sowie den Wärme- und Stofftransport in einem ungespannten Grundwasserleiter zu simulieren, der einem BTES-Betrieb ausgesetzt ist. Insbesondere wird das Potenzial für die thermisch verstärkte Verflüchtigung von Trichlorethylen (TCE) in wässriger Phase bewertet. Da durch die Wärmezufuhr eine Auftriebsströmung induziert wird, nimmt die Verringerung der Schadstoffmasse erheblich zu und erreicht nach fünf Jahren mehr als 70 %. Die in dieser Arbeit gewonnenen Erkenntnisse können durch die Verbesserung ihrer ökologischen und ökonomischen Leistungen zu einer breiteren Akzeptanz von Technologien der flachen Geothermie beitragen. / Shallow geothermal applications induce temperature changes in the subsurface for heat extraction or storage purposes. Their induced thermal impacts may alter the thermal, hydraulic, and chemical conditions of the subsurface and feedback on the system performance. The situation is further complicated in variably saturated aquifers and when subsurface contamination exists. In this work, fully coupled heat and mass transport models are applied to improve the characterization of interaction between shallow geothermal applications and the subsurface environment. Three different scenarios are investigated. First, the thermal impact and sustainability of intensive shallow geothermal exploitation in a residential area is evaluated over a 24-year period. Monitoring data from the site is integrated into the model and the importance of site-specifc knowledge for planning is highlighted. Second, the coupled moisture and heat transfer of a soil borehole thermal energy storage (BTES) system is explored. A sensitivity analysis is performed and the heat extraction efciency is compared among various scenarios. Signifcant changes in the heat transport behavior are expected when drying out or strong gas phase convection occurs. Third, a non-isothermal three-component two-phase flow model is derived and implemented with the fnite element method. Validation of the numerical model confrms its ability to simulate the coupled flow, heat and mass transport in an unconfned aquifer subject to BTES operation. In particular, the potential for thermally-enhanced volatilization of aqueousphase trichloroethylene (TCE) is assessed. As buoyant flow is induced due to heat injection, reduction of the contaminant mass grows considerably, reaching more than 70% after fve years. The fndings obtained from this thesis can contribute to a wider adoption of shallow geothermal technologies through the enhancement of their environmental and economical services.
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Thermische und chemische Realalterung von DieseloxidationskatalysatorenBahr, Mario 22 November 2022 (has links)
In dieser Dissertation werden Methoden entwickelt, die die Beschreibung der Katalysatoralterung verbessern. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf der Realalterung in Pkws und Lkws. Die ständig wechselnden Bedingungen im realen Einsatz stellen dabei eine besondere Herausforderung dar. Es wird ein physikalisches Modell entwickelt, das das Wachstum der Edelmetall-Kristallite im Washcoat beschreibt. Anhand der Kristallitgröße wird die katalytische Restaktivität des Katalysators bestimmt. Das Modell kann die Konvertierungsleistung der wesentlichen gasförmigen Schadstoffe CO, HC und sogar NOx berechnen. Es arbeitet vollumfänglich unter stationären thermischen Bedingungen einer Ofenalterung. Weitere Tests könnten es auch zur Anwendung für thermische Realalterung zulassen. Als weitere Methode wird eine empirische Korrelation entwickelt, die die Temperaturbelastung der Katalysatoren kategorisiert und diese damit hinsichtlich ihrer thermischen Realalterung zueinander einordnet. Die thermische Realalterung wird an Diesel-Oxidations-Katalysatoren (DOC) untersucht, die aus einer Edelmetall-Legierung aus Platin und Palladium bestehen. Hinsichtlich der chemischen Realalterung wird eine Diesel-AGN auf ihre Empfindlichkeit gegenüber Ablagerungen und Deaktivierung durch ungerafften Betrieb mit reinem Biodiesel untersucht. Der Biodiesel drängt sich hier in den Fokus, da in diesem, im Vergleich zu fossilem Diesel, deutlich mehr Vergiftungselemente enthalten sein können. / The combustion engine is a very important drive system. An exhaust-aftertreatment system (ATS) is widely mandatory for exhaust-gas purifcation, but the contained catalysts suffer from deactivation by aging effects. To handle the catalyst aging, its description is very significant. This PhD thesis develops two methods to improve the description of thermal real-world aging.
The diesel-oxidation-catalyst (DOC) executes crucial conversion-reactions with platinum and palladium as precious metals. They are spread as small particles across the washcoat. Thermal catalyst aging is driven by temperature stress, duration and exhaust-gas atmosphere. It is irreversible and usually the dominating aging-type. Main path of the thermal aging is the precious-metal sintering, at which small precious-metal particles agglomerate to bigger ones. As result the access of the exhaust-gas to the catalyst detoriates, what leads to a deactivation. Chemical catalyst aging originates from negative effect of catalyst poisons and exhibits a very individual behaviour.
The developed physical crystallite-size model calculates in its 'base version' the conversion of a catalyst after oven-aging. Input is an arbitrary oven-aging scenario to calculate the resulting crystallite-size and finally to conclude to the catalytic activity. This is possible for every species, thus CO, HC and even NO. Thereby, thermal oven-aging is described by a physical parameter. Furthermore, it is to mention, that the correlation between crystallite size and conversion is explicit for all species. The model is developed at an Pt/Pd-DOC and therefore it is expected, that general catalysts, with and without precious-metal alloys, can be described. The crystallite-size provides also the advantage, that it is independent from chemical aging. So a closed look on thermal aging is possible. The 'base version' of the model can be used in research and development as well for post-mortem analysis.
The enhancement of the physical crystallite-size model could allow the description of thermal real-world aging. Input is an inconstant temperature-run for the calculation of the resulting crystallite-size to conclude again to the remaining catalytic activity. A confirmation is not possible with the available data, also the potential of the enhancement cannot be proved. But if the confirmation could get achived, for completely arbitrary thermal real-world aging scenarios the calculation of the conversion for every species would be possible. The field of application would be research and development, on-board operation as well as post-mortem analysis.
The developed empirical correlation for real-world aging uses as input inconstant temperatureruns of several DOCs. They are treated by a combination and ranking system. Finally the method outputs a ranking, which represents the remaining catalytic activity. Thereby, the result for the DOCs is qualitative and relative to each other. The available seven real-world aged Pt/Pd-DOCs can get sorted completely correct by the method. The field of application is research and development, on-board operation as well as post-mortem analysis.
The chemical real-world aging gets investigated by three ATS, which are driven with DIN EN 14214 biodiesel. Phosphorus and calcium indicate a B100 influence for accumulation. B100 operation clearly causes catalytic deactivation. The activity of the samples at the DOC-outlet correlates with the P+Ca accumulation. But this is not valid for the samples at the DOC-inlet.
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