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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cybersäkerhet : Distansarbetets påverkan på cybersäkerhet inom företag

Håman, Philip, Kasum, Edin, Klingberg, Olof January 2022 (has links)
Digitaliseringen och den konstanta utvecklingen av teknologi i vårt samhälle har medfört många förändringar de senaste åren. I olika områden inom yrkeslivet har rutiner och system behövt uppdaterats för att hålla jämna steg med digitaliseringen. Idag är det inte ovanligt för anställda att arbeta på distans, vanligtvis från sina egna hem. Utöver detta, har Covid-19-pandemin som drabbade världen under 2020, endast utökat och påskyndat processen där företag behöver anpassa sig till denna typ av arbete. Trots att möjligheten att kunna jobba hemifrån reflekterar en modern arbetsplats såväl som ett modernt samhälle, öppnar det även upp frågan om potentiella cyberhot. På grund av detta undersöker nuvarande studie forskningsfrågan: Hur har cybersäkerhet inom företag påverkats av utökat distansarbete? Som avgränsning fokuserar studien specifikt på den finansiella sektorn. Forskningsmetoden som valts ut för studien har varit kvalitativ, i form av primär datainsamling genom semistrukturerade intervjuer som sedan analyserats med hjälp av tematisk analys. Samtliga respondenter arbetar med och har erfarenhet av cybersäkerhet samt har en koppling till finanssektorn. Vidare fokuserar dessa intervjuer på olika aspekter av hur säkerheten inom företag har påverkats av det ökade distansarbetet hemifrån. För att kunna besvara detta, ställdes en rad specifika frågor angående förändringar, kommunikation, cyberhot och utmaningar på grund av distansarbete till respondenterna. Det insamlade och analyserade resultatet visar på att majoriteten av respondenterna anser att jobba hemifrån betyder en ökad mängd förändringar i form av hantering av information, inloggningsrutiner, behörigheter, utrustning och ibland även förändring av IT-infrastrukturen i företagen. Resultaten visar även på hot och utmaningar som kan uppstå vid distansarbete. En slutsats som därmed kan dras från studien är att företagens cybersäkerhet påverkas och hanteras på olika sätt när det kommer till det ökade distansarbetet. Dessa bemöts enligt respondenterna med olika strategier, rutiner och riskminimering. För att vidare minimera cyberhoten vid arbete hemifrån i framtiden, är den generella uppfattningen i studien att företag behöver arbeta förebyggande och utbilda personal i frågan om cybersäkerhet när man inte befinner sig på ordinarie arbetsplats. Trots att respondenterna tillsammans med föregående studier anser att cyberhoten har ökat de senaste åren, håller de med varandra om svårigheten att fastställa om det är ett faktum att de har ökat på grund av just ökat distansarbete. Eftersom det inte alltid rapporteras om hoten som finns mot finanssektorn på grund av anseende- och trovärdighetsskäl, har det varit en utmaning att få tillräckliga svar i de i utförda intervjuerna. / The digitalization and constant development of technology in our society has brought many changes over the last few years. In various areas of the work field, routines and systems have been updated to keep up with the digitalization. Nowadays it is not unusual for employees to be teleworking, most commonly to work from their own homes. On top of that, the global Covid-19-pandemic that hit the world in 2020, has only increased and speeded up the process for companies to adjust to this type of work. Even though being able to work from home reflects a modern workplace as well as society, it does open the question about possible online threats. Therefore, this current study examines the question: How does the increasing teleworking trend affect cybersecurity in organizations? As a demarcation, the study specifically focuses on the financial sector. The research method selected for the study has been of qualitative nature, during which primary data was collected through semi-structured interviews which further were analyzed using thematic analysis. The respondents are all employees and have experience within cybersecurity, related to the financial sector. Furthermore, these interviews focus on different aspects of how the cybersecurity of companies has been affected by the recent increase in teleworking from home. To shed light on the matter, the respondents were asked a specific set of questions regarding changes in; communication, cyber threats and challenges all due to telework. The results gathered and analyzed do show that the majority of the respondents believe that working from home does mean an increased amount of changes in ways of handling information, login-routines, competence, equipment and sometimes even the infrastructure of their IT-systems. Additionally, the results also show threats and challenges that may occur due to increased teleworking, such as larger attack surfaces. Therefore, a conclusion that can be drawn from the study is that there are different ways in which the cybersecurity of companies can be affected by the increasing teleworking trend. According to the respondents, these challenges are met with different strategies, routines and risk minimization. To further minimize future cyberthreats when working from home, the general perception drawn from the study is that companies have to work preventively and as well as educate staff on threats and risks associated with increased teleworking. However, while the respondents and previous studies believe that threats have increased over the last couple of years, they do agree on the difficulty of determining whether it is in fact due to the increased amount of telework. Since the cyberthreats against the financial sector are not always spoken about or reported for reasons of reputation and credibility, there were also respondents who have been hersistant in providing full answers to the interviews.

Внешние угрозы в сфере информационной безопасности. Исследование методов фильтрации трафика : магистерская диссертация / External threats in information security. Research of traffic filtering methods

Лощенко, В. А., Loshchenko, V. A. January 2022 (has links)
В работе рассмотрены основные виды внешних угроз в сфере информационной безопасности и проведена оценка их потенциальной опасности. Выполнено исследование принципа работы метода фильтрации трафика как способа защиты от большого количества внешних угроз безопасности. Произведён анализ и сравнение систем фильтрации трафика, составлен алгоритм работы основной части сетевого фильтра. На основании проведенного анализа был спроектирован и разработан прототип системы фильтрации трафика, удовлетворяющий всем определённым требованиям. Проведено тестирование разработанного прототипа фильтра трафика с помощью нескольких видов тестирования и дана оценка эффективности работы разработанной системы. / This paper considers the main types of external threats in the field of information security and assesses their potential danget. A study was made of the principle of operation of the traffic filtering method of as a way to protect against a large number of external security threats. An analysis and comparison of traffic filtering systems has been made, an algorithm for the operation of the main part of the network filter has been compiled. Based on the analysis, a prototype of a traffic filtering system was designed and developed that satisfies all the specific requirements. The developed prototype of the traffic filter was tested using several types of testing and the efficiency of the developed system was evaluated.

Methods for Co-Orbital Threat Assessment in Space / Metoder för Koorbital Hotbedömning i Rymden

Dahlman, Mathias January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates methods for assessing threats in space. Space services are crucial to both civilian and military capabilities, and a loss of such systems could have severe consequences. Space systems are exposed to various types of threats. To ensure the benefits of space-based applications, protect space assets, improve security, and maintain the space environment, it is crucial to assess threats in space. This thesis focuses on co-orbital antagonistic threats arising from satellites that are capable of performing precision manoeuvres. These satellites could either perform physical attacks or perform operations such as inspection, eavesdropping, or disruption on other satellites. Lambert's problem can be utilised for calculating orbital transfers. By solving the problem iteratively over a range of values of when the transfer is executed and the transfer time, it is possible to detect when a transfer is feasible. This can be used to assess when a satellite can pose a threat to a target. The calculations of orbital transfers are improved by the implementation of a genetic algorithm. The algorithm can solve for both direct transfers to the target and transfers using multiple impulses. Furthermore, a genetic algorithm, called NSGA-II, which can handle multiple objective functions is also analysed. The implemented methods show the potential of being employed to assess threats, especially for direct transfers where a single impulse is executed to transfer to a target. In this case, it is possible to identify threats based on the satellite's $\Delta v$ budget. However, when additional impulses are introduced it becomes more complicated. It is more difficult to estimate when an attack is more likely to commence. The implemented methods show potential, but further research is required in order to develop a robust method to assess co-orbital threats.  The conducted analysis has highlighted a few aspects that are crucial for assessing co-orbital threats. Information about the $\Delta v$ budget of the satellite that potentially could pose a threat must be available. Furthermore, space surveillance and tracking capabilities are essential to detect orbital changes, which can be vital to perform counter-operations in the event of an attack / Denna studie undersöker metoder för hotbedöming i rymden. Rymdtjänster är av avgörande betydelse för både civila och militära förmågor och förlusten av sådana system kan leda till allvarliga konsekvenser. Rymdsystem är utsatta för olika typer av hot. För att säkerställa fördelarna med rymdbaserade tillämpningar, skydda rymdresurser, förbättra säkerheten och bevara rymdmiljön är det viktigt att bedöma hot i rymden. Detta examensarbete fokuserar på hot från precisionsmanövrerande satelliter som antingen kan genomföra fysiska attacker eller utföra operationer såsom inspektion, avlyssning eller störning av en annan satellit. Lamberts problem kan användas för att beräkna banmanövrar. Genom att lösa problemet iterativt över olika värden för när manöverna utförs och flygtiden är det möjligt att fastställa när en manöver är genomförbar. Detta kan användas för att bedöma när en satellit kan utgöra ett hot mot en målsatellit. Beräkningarna av banmanövrar förbättras genom implementeringen av en genetisk algoritm. Algoritmen kan lösa både direkta manövrar till målet och manövrar med flera impulser. Dessutom analyseras en genetisk algoritm, kallad NSGA-II, som kan hantera flera målfunktioner. De implementerade metoderna visar potential för att kunna användas för hotbedömning, särskilt för direkta manövrar där en enda impuls används för att ändra banan till målet. I detta fall är det möjligt att identifiera hot baserat på satellitens $\Delta v$-budget. Däremot blir det mer komplicerat när ytterligare impulser introduceras. Det blir svårare att bedöma när en attack sannolikt inleds. De implementerade metoderna visar potential, men ytterligare forskning krävs för att utveckla en robust metod för att bedöma hot från precisionsmanövrerande satelliter. Den genomförda analysen har framhävt några aspekter som är av avgörande betydelse för att utföra en hotbedömning. Information om satellitens $\Delta v$-budget som potentiellt kan utgöra ett hot måste vara tillgänglig. Dessutom är inmätning och övervakningsförmåga av satelliter avgörande för att upptäcka banförändringar, vilket kan vara kritiskt vid genomförande av motåtgärder i händelse av en attack.

När näthatet blir ett hot mot demokratin : En kvalitativ studie om ledarskribenters upplevelser av näthat / When online hate becomes a threat to democracy : A qualitative study of editorial writers experiences of online hate

Andersson, Josefin January 2016 (has links)
Titel: When online hate becomes a threat to democracy - a qualitative study about editorial writers experiences of online hate The aim of this study has been to, through an intersectional gender perspective, identify how interviewed editorial writers at Swedish newspapers experiences, and are affected by, online hate and how the effects of online hate could have consequences for the democratic function of journalism. This has been done through qualitative interviews with eight editorial writers from different Swedish newspapers, four female and four male, two of which has another ethnic background than Swedish. The theoretical framework for the study has been intersectional gender theory, the theory of participatory culture and Sara Ahmed’s theory of the link between emotion and rhetoric. The results of the study are categorised into four different themes: ”Racist online hate”, ”Sexist online hate”, ”Emotional online hate” and ”Consequences of online hate”. The results show that female editorial writers with another ethnic background than Swedish are getting an disproportionate amount of racist and sexist online hate because of their gender and ethnicity. Further, the study shows that female editorial writers are exposed to sexism which is something that is absent in the online hate directed towards the male writers The male editorial writers tends to reduce their experiences of online hate, even though some of them are or have been exposed to aggravated libel, on the grounds that female colleagues are worse affected. The study shows that subjects that trigger online hate are integration, feminism, national security and Romany beggars. The consequences of online hate that the editorial writers identifies are very individual. The ones that are worst exposed tell stories about personal consequences such as fear of safety in public, need of protected identities and self-censorship. The ones that don’t consider themselves very affected by online hate talk more about societal consequences such as the threat of online haters tone becoming the norm on the internet, the need of  common guidelines for social media, and a threat against the freedom of speech. The conclusion of the study is that the experiences of online hate is very individual for the editorial writers, but there are clear structures that shows that women and persons with another ethnic background that Swedish are exposed to sexist and racist online hate. Some subject are triggering for online hate and there are consequences, such as self-censorship, that can be seen as threats to democracy and freedom of speech. Keywords: social media, online hate, hate speech, editorial writer, journalism, media, democracy, freedom of speech, gender, race, ethnicity, participatory culture, sexism, racism, emotional rhetoric

Mapping out the Key Security Components in Relational Databases (MK-SCoRe) : Enhancing the Security of Relational Database Technology / Kartläggning av Nyckelkomponenter för Säkerhet i Relationsdatabaser (MK-SCoRe) : Förbättring av Säkerheten i Relationsdatabasteknik

Alobaidi, Murtadha, Trabulsiah, Abdullah January 2024 (has links)
Relational database security has become an increasingly important issue for organizations worldwide in the current era of data-driven operations. The urgent need for an extensive knowledge of relational database security components in relational databases is addressed in this thesis. Database security is constantly improving, but there is still a lack of research that analyzes these important factors. Because of this gap, databases are not sufficiently secured from new cyber threats, which endangers its accessibility, confidentiality, and integrity. The problem that the thesis addresses is the lack of comprehensive research covering all key security components in relational databases which, presents a challenge for organizations seeking to comprehensively secure their database systems. The purpose of this thesis is to systematically map the key security components essential to relational databases. The goal is to assist organizations and Database professionals to secure their relational databases against diverse cyber threats. Using a qualitative and exploratory methodology, the research analyzes a wide range of literature on database security. The research offers a balanced and comprehensive perspective on the current security landscape in relational databases by integrating theoretical study with structured interviews. This method guarantees that all essential security components is fully investigated. The results of this thesis involve a detailed mapping of the key security components within relational databases, which are uniquely informed by a combination of academic research and empirical findings from structured interviews with Database security experts. This thesis analyzes these security components based on how well they address current security threats, how well they secure databases, and how well they can adapt to different organizational needs. / Säkerhet i relationsdatabaser har blivit en allt viktigare fråga för organisationer världen över i den nuvarande eran av datadriven verksamhet. I den här avhandlingen behandlas det akuta behovet av en omfattande kunskap om säkerhetskomponenter för relationsdatabaser i relationsdatabaser. Databassäkerheten förbättras ständigt, men det finns fortfarande en brist på forskning som analyserar dessa viktiga faktorer. På grund av denna brist är databaser inte tillräckligt skyddade mot nya cyberhot, vilket äventyrar deras tillgänglighet, konfidentialitet och integritet. Problemet som avhandlingen tar upp är bristen på omfattande forskning som täcker alla viktiga säkerhetskomponenter i relationsdatabaser, vilket utgör en utmaning för organisationer som vill säkra sina databassystem på ett heltäckande sätt. Syftet med denna avhandling är att systematiskt kartlägga de viktigaste säkerhetskomponenterna som är väsentliga för relationsdatabaser. Målet är att hjälpa organisationer och databasspecialister att säkra sina relationsdatabaser mot olika cyberhot. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ och explorativ metod analyseras ett brett spektrum av litteratur om databassäkerhet. Forskningen erbjuder ett balanserat och omfattande perspektiv på det nuvarande säkerhetslandskapet i relationsdatabaser genom att integrera teoretiska studier med strukturerade intervjuer. Denna metod garanterar att alla väsentliga säkerhetskomponenter undersöks fullständigt. Resultatet av denna avhandling innebär en detaljerad kartläggning av de viktigaste säkerhetskomponenterna inom relationsdatabaser, som är unikt informerade av en kombination av akademisk forskning och empiriska resultat från strukturerade intervjuer med databassäkerhetsexperter. Denna avhandling analyserar dessa säkerhetskomponenter utifrån hur väl de hanterar aktuella säkerhetshot, hur väl de säkrar databaser och hur väl de kan anpassas till olika organisatoriska behov.

Investigating cybersecurity response strategies : Measures to responding to successful spear phishing attacks

Alaaraj, Aiham, Yassin, Ali January 2024 (has links)
Spear phishing attacks pose an ongoing threat to organizational cybersecurity, requiring effective response measures. This study examines measures that can be implemented by Swedish organizations to respond to successful spear phishing attacks, focusing on technical solutions and cybersecurity frameworks. Through 14 semi-structured interviews with incident response teams and cybersecurity professionals, insights were gathered on the effectiveness of these measures as well as the challenges that may be faced in complying with them. The results indicate the presence of two primary response measures: technical solutions used during and after the successful attack. In addition, cybersecurity frameworks play a critical role in guiding organizations in countering successful spear phishing attacks. While the results provide valuable insight, their effectiveness varies depending on the challenges the organization may face in complying with measures. This study underscores the importance of comprehensive and effective measures to respond to successful spear phishing attacks and improve organizational resilience to evolving cyber threats.

Glaset är hotfullt : Trettio år av hotbilder i svenska nyhetsmedier / The glass is threatful : 30 years of "threat reporting" in Swedish news media

Fällman, Liz, Ekman Isholt, Mikael January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to study how the discourse on risk, threat and national security has developed over time within the context of Swedish print news media. The articles we look at are from 1992-2023, and originate from four of Sweden’s largest national newspapers (Dagens Nyheter, Aftonbladet, Expressen, Svenska Dagbladet). By mapping out when and where something or someone is described as a “threat to national security”, and by whom, we want to analyze how the perceived threats against Sweden as a nation has changed and been communicated over time. Other than the foundational theory package that is media logic, our theoretical framework includes Ulrich Beck’s concept of risk and risk society, Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman’s propaganda model and the theory of securitization as laid out by the Copenhagen school. Earlier works we have built upon include (among many others) Bakir & Kitzinger’s extensive research on mediated risk, as well as Westberg’s interesting analysis of Sweden’s COVID-19 strategy and its elements of public shaming. Our study is a quantitative content analysis of a body of 301 articles, with occasional qualitative dives into specific parts of the material to give further context. The media archive and search engine Retriever was used to find every article from the four papers within the chosen timespan containing the phrases “hot mot rikets säkerhet”. (threat to national security) and “hot mot Sveriges säkerhet” (threat to Sweden’s security). The contents of the articles were encoded into several categories pertaining to our four questions, and graphed out to see patterns of frequency over time. We found a clear and dramatic increase in “threat reporting” from all four newspapers starting in 2017, peaking in 2019 and continuing at a higher level than before. A whole two-thirds of the 301 articles were published in or after 2017. The 2019 peak largely centers on the case of several imams accused of being security threats, which Expressen wrote the most about using the phrases in question. Expressen generally appears the most (103 articles), and Aftonbladet the least (40). Islamism was most commonly pointed out as a threat overall, followed by terrorism and extraparliamentary political action. In almost half of the articles, the Swedish Security Service (SÄPO) was the source designating something or someone as a threat. The most common countermeasure after investigation was deportation of the (foreign) threat in question, consistent with there being more articles that point to an individual as the threat (121) rather than another state actor (68).

Internet-based electronic payment systems

Kortekaas, Birgit Friederike 01 January 2002 (has links)
As today, the traditional payment systems of cash, cheques and credit cards are being supplemented by electronic cheques, electronic credit card-based systems, and token-based systems, online security is of utmost importance and one of the biggest criteria used for evaluating electronic payment systems. Electronic payment systems must guarantee the essential security requirements: confidentiality, privacy, integrity, availability. authentication, non-repudiation as well as anonymity and trust. This paper compares the various payment systems (both traditional and electronic) available today mainly according to their security aspects. Secure processing can be accomplished including access controls and detection techniques, such as, encrypted communication channels, user and/or message authentication, symmetric and asymmetric encryption, digital certificates and firewalls. These effective security measures, which are outlined in detail in this paper, will protect the information and payment systems against security risks that currently threaten the Internet / Computing / M.Sc. (Information Systems)

Planning for success: constructing a first responder planning methodology for homeland security

Jankowski, Thaddeus K., Sr. 03 1900 (has links)
CHDS State/Local / Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The planning methodologies used today by most U.S. fire departments are excellent for traditional missions, but wholly inadequate for the threats posed by terrorism. Planning in the fire service and the rest of the first responder community historically has relied on a one-dimensional approach that uses a scenario-based planning (SBP) methodology. This thesis argues that the fire service and others in the first responder community will be able to contribute to homeland security missions much more effectively, and efficiently, by switching to specially adapted versions of capabilities-based planning. This thesis proposes a new integrated planning methodology that combines the planning strengths of scenariobased planning, threat-based planning, and capabilities-based planning. The new method identifies capabilities that could be used to manage and mitigate the consequences of the different types of contingencies within the various response spectrums. It allows an organization to perform analysis and efficiency studies to evaluate the different spectrums of contingencies against existing capabilities and create a menu of capabilities necessary for the first responder to respond to all its missions, including immediate threats and terrorism, in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. / Battalion Chief, Fire Department City of New York

"Gotong royong" : la coopération sécuritaire américano-indonésienne depuis 2001. Analyse d'un partenariat stratégique en devenir par le prisme de la sécurité maritime. / ‘Gotong Royong’ : U.S. – Indonesia security cooperation since 2001 Analysis of an in building strategic partnership through the prism of maritime security

Sciascia, Alban 19 November 2012 (has links)
Au cours de cette étude, nous avons cherché à déterminer l’implication de Washington dans la sécurité de l’Indonésie. Nous nous sommes demandé comment les États-Unis pouvaient revenir dans le jeu politico-sécuritaire indonésien par le biais d’une cause devenue commune, la sécurité maritime. Après avoir examiné l’historique de la relation de l’Indonésie avec l’élément maritime et l’émergence de menaces liées au domaine maritime, nous avons conclu que la sécurisation du domaine maritime apparaît alors comme un leitmotiv sécuritaire commun pour Washington et Jakarta. Confrontée aux errements de la coopération régionale et aux difficultés relatives à sa géographie et à son déficit capacitaire, la sécurisation du domaine maritime indonésien passe donc par l’implication d’un acteur extérieur. En réussissant à convaincre leurs homologues de Jakarta de la nécessité de sécuriser le domaine maritime, les hommes et femmes du Ministère de la Défense, du Département d’État et des administrations américaines ont permis à Washington de revenir dans le jeu sécuritaire indonésien par le biais d’une coopération devenue essentielle pour les deux partenaires. / In this study, we tried to determine the exact level of involvement of Washington in Indonesia’s security. We wondered how United States could go back in Indonesian political and security games through a common cause, maritime security.. After considering indonesian maritime history and the rise of threats to maritime domain, we concluded that the securitisation of maritime realm appears as a security leitmotiv for both Washington and Jakarta. Facing with the vagaries of regional cooperation and with difficulties related to the archipelagic geography of the country and the lack of capacity, securising indonesian maritime domain requires the involvement of an external actor. By succeeding in persuading their counterparts in Jakarta of the necessity of securing the maritime domain, men and women of the U.S. Department of Defense, State Department and other agencies have allowed Washington to be back into Indonesia’s security game through an all-out cooperation.

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